The good old Saturday Night Fights are back on -- and while Mary doesn't particulary like Geese, she has her own reasons to participate in those. Though now it seems like it's Geese's fancy to send his fighters all across the world to wage various fights, under different sort of circumstances. Whatever suits him, Mary'll probably have to play along with it for the time being.
It's a little crowded place for a fight, and despite the even, the recorder team hasn't really taken any measure to take care of the crowd around them. It's going to feel like a real street brawl, and hopefully for them, it won't be too hard to catch on film.
One hand up in the air, Mary fans her face a little -- they are in Egypt, after all, and it's quite dry and hot. Not unbearably so as it may be in a more humid place of the world, but it's still fairly unpleasant. The fight hasn't even begun and thanks to the heat, she's already sweating a little. Maybe it would have been better if she would have dressed up with shorts instead of her usual pair of jeans, but she'll have to deal with it for now.
Megumi on the other hand has gone with her own usual shorts, arriving a bit after Mary has. When one has to actually shift through the crowd to get to the match, it'll take a few minutes...time she spends exchanging quick words with parts of the crowd, finding a kid to hand out one of her wristbands to, and all the usual 'crowd play' she does.
But she eventually makes it through and spots Mary. "Rematch, it looks like? I'm up for it when you are. Gonna turn my streak around today..."
COMBATSYS: Megumi has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Megumi 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: BlueMary has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
BlueMary 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Megumi
On the other hand, Blue Mary isn't all that much into crowd play. While they must understand English, she doesn't really know the language those people are talking, at least, for the most part. Though it's no different from Japan, she's still a foreigner there and here she is as well.
"Sounds like it," Blue Mary says, a faint smile spreading on her cheeks. She glances about a bit, at the people making their way through and walking in between them, obviously curious as to what may be going on but life still goes on, right? Still, they prove to be quite a nuissance for the time being.
"Hopefully the crowd will clear up a little once we get started," Mary says with a nod of her head. Time to get going. And this time she intents to win -- or at least, she'll do her best for it. Mary lets out a shout as she rushes toward Megumi, hoping that this'll be enough to warn the people around to get out of her way as she rushes over Megumi and attempts to give her a firm punch to her midsection, while her other hand reaches out for her right wrist.
COMBATSYS: Megumi dodges BlueMary's Combo Throw.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
BlueMary 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Megumi
Megumi lets Mary say her piece, waiting, and then running to meet Mary once the match has started. "Dunno, they might want to watch." Then when Mary punches at her, Megumi does a high forward flip to go over Mary and land on a fairly lengthy window-sill. High up, but probably nothing Mary can't duplicate on her own. Megumi's hands come together, creating a sparkling red energy ball that floats in place, then a light push sends it flying down at Mary.
COMBATSYS: Megumi successfully hits BlueMary with Crimson Comet.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
BlueMary 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Megumi
At kids these day, they fight using their energy projectiles. Tss. And the crowd of course rushes away... Why, oh why couldn't there have been someone out there who'd just stand in the way and act as a human shield? That's not very nice, certainly, but it certainly wouldn't bother Mary in the least if someone had taken the hit for her.
The red blast of energy sends her back into one of those stands, causing lots of fruits to fly over and of course, an angry merchant yelling and swearing in arabic, probably. Though it's not like Mary got any time to deal with that, "Sorry about that," She says with a groan as she gets back to her feet. Though she doesn't really have the time to deal with that. Mary merely tries to get back to Megumi, leaping up in the air over a window-still as well, regaining her focus so she doesn't charge in and get smacked by another one of those chi ball.
COMBATSYS: BlueMary focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
BlueMary 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Megumi
Megumi winces as Mary crashes into the fruit display, but doesn't linger on it too long; surely the SNF crew is going to cover these kind of incidental damages since they picked this place out. But as Mary jumps up, Megumi leaps to meet her, trying to get to where Mary plans to land. Too much distance to cover to beat her there, but Megumi hopes to be there very shortly after Mary's arrival...
And swing a midsection punch at Mary in retaliation for earlier, though Megumi's fist is wrapped in a red glow, one that will burst outward if she connects.
COMBATSYS: BlueMary interrupts Crimson Blast from Megumi with Vertical Arrow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
BlueMary 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Megumi
Mary,s a tough girl -- she can take quite a beating, that's not a problem. Unfortunately, the new place Megumi picked to fight isn't really the best place for Mary. So, all the blonde woman has to do is make sure they fight elsewhere, right? Somewhere that'll give them some more balance!
Good thing she just happens to have two tickets for a trip down back into the market. Mary lifts her right arm up to block the incoming punch to her midsection. Slightly knelt, she rises up and she spins around, lifting her left foot high up in the air to kick Megumi right under her chin and knock her off her feet. Though that's not all, right in midair, to prevent Megumi the chance to actually get a nice landing, she wraps her leg around Megumi's neck and she shifts a bit in the air, twisting her about so she can redirect her body toward the ground and... The two fall down from the window-still right back into the market! Smack... Well thanks to Megumi's body, Mary had a little something to soften her fall, right? Still... After that, she gets off her and back to her feet.
It's not just being kicked that hurts. Being driven down to the ground also really adds some pain, as Megumi cries out even as her hands hit the ground first to at least break some of her 'fall'. Megumi rolls away from Mary once released, but quickly lunges for an arm, trying to grab it and raise the hand. If she gets it, Megumi will turn the hand sideways so Mary's fingers are all in a straight row, and then bend them back toward Mary's face. An unusual Aikido hold, but potentially painful to the arm...
COMBATSYS: BlueMary blocks Megumi's Fast Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
BlueMary 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Megumi
It hurts, but not overtly. Her joints have gained some great flexibility thanks to her commando sambo. She grunts a little and narrows her eyes a bit though as she tries to pull away from Megumi, and the best way she knows to do that is by giving her a good knee-shot to her midsection. If it connects, the pain should be enough to give her an easy time to free herself from her grasp. If not, well with some luck, it'll distract her enough for her to let go of her.
COMBATSYS: Megumi dodges BlueMary's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
BlueMary 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Megumi
Megumi doesn't hold onto Mary for long, realizing she's not having much effect. Thus, she swings Mary's hand downward while letting go, and cartwheels backward out of the path of Mary's knee. "Least you're not goin' for the head a lot like most people do. Appreciate it," Megumi remarks as she springs backward against a building wall, then kicks off from it to launch at Mary, body twirling as she goes.
One energy-wrapped fist extended, Megumi spins through the air, aiming for one of Mary's thighs in an effort to work on the limb that just attacked her.
COMBATSYS: BlueMary fails to interrupt Spiral Knuckle from Megumi with Head Buster.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
BlueMary 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Megumi
Unfortunately for Blue Mary, despite her best effort to try and turn the situation in her favor, she fails to do so and she ends up getting smacked. She loses her levrage a bit in an attempt to get a hold of Megumi and she grunts a bit as Megumi's energy fist hits her thigh and causes her to stumble a little, "Yeah, well I do what I can, eh," She simply comments.
Megumi cartwheels off to the side as Mary stumbles, and...stays where she is. "That's good. I like it when it goes like this, y'know? Friendly match instead of some rip-your-face-off fight." Maybe it's the heat, maybe it's something else, but for now Megumi stays where she is, watching and waiting...
COMBATSYS: Megumi focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
BlueMary 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Megumi
Well time to go on with the match, enough chit-chat. Mary nods and she narrows her eyes a little. Time for her to get the initiative, so she rushes over Megumi and she attempts to do just the same trick she did to her, get a hold of her hand and twist it about in her back painfully so.
COMBATSYS: Megumi blocks BlueMary's Fast Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
BlueMary 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Megumi
Megumi is surprised by that, enough that Mary gets the hold going...but Megumi quickly breaks it by thrusting her free hand at Mary's wrist to dislodge it. Then she tries something a little fancy by trying to grab that same arm and hopefully drag Mary over toward a market stall. She might shake it up a little, but Megumi's plan it to jump, kick off that stall, and wrap her legs around Mary's arm in a takedown, into armbar.
COMBATSYS: BlueMary fails to counter Medium Throw from Megumi with Reverse Facelock.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
BlueMary 1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1 Megumi
Time to turn things to her advantage. Alas though, looks like she doesn't really have much control on the situation and despite her best efforts to reverse thing, Megumi ends up dragging her off toward one of the market stall, only to be taken down into an armbar. Arg, the pain.
Megumi keeps things down on the ground for now, in lieu of more fancy terrain-work. With Mary held down in an arm-bar, Megumi goes with it, continuing to bend the limb back in a submission hold. She's not sure if Mary will actually give into it, but she can at least try to keep working the limb and make it less useful...
COMBATSYS: BlueMary blocks Megumi's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
BlueMary 1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1 Megumi
Megumi's plan works for the most part. Though at the very least, Mary manages to get into a little better position and she manages to free herself from all of this. Though it won't have been without its share of damage and odds are that Mary will probably try to avoid using that arm now. She groans a little and she forces herself back to her feet, staggering a little and glaring down at Megumi. Things aren't looking good for her, but despite all her bad luck with grapples, she attempts another one, get a hold of Megumi's arm so she can haul her off on her back and throw her off into the crowd.
COMBATSYS: Megumi counters Strong Throw from BlueMary with Tornado Slam.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
BlueMary 1/---====/=======|=------\-------\0 Megumi
Megumi lets Mary get away when she sees the hold start to fail, scrambling away to get to her feet. When Mary attempts a hold, Megumi catches the encroaching limb, and begins to spin, sweeping Mary up. And Megumi continues to spin, spin, spin...then leap up into the air and toss Mary down toward the stall she just kicked off of. This is liable to damage it quite a bit, but she's not too worried; the crew will either cover the cost, or she can handle it out of likely winnings. As for Megumi, she lands in a crouch after tossing Mary down.
Painful. Things aren't very looking up for Blue Mary this time, and it looks like they're even worse off than the last time she fought Megumi. Such is life, can't do much about it, no? Blue Mary grunts a little and she forces herself back up to her feet, a little weakly. She glances over to Megumi and she rushes toward her, leaping off and attempting to slide to the ground and kick her ankle with her hard sturdy boot as she slides on the ground.
COMBATSYS: Megumi counters Straight Slicer from BlueMary with Flood Reversal.
[ \\\ < > /////////////////// ]
BlueMary 1/-======/=======|===----\-------\0 Megumi
Megumi rises as Mary moves in and kicks, catching the ankle and leaping up, and past Mary while still holding her limb. She lets go in mid-air, instead grabbing at Mary's head, flipping past...and using the momentum to toss Mary off toward part of the crowd.
Off into the crowd. Though the crowd doesn't quite offer much of a way to soften her landing. She crashes through the crowd and just falls into it, more or less. Looks like this is the end of the line for her. She grunts a little and tries to stand up but she just can't find the strength to do so, "Huh, I'm beat..." She says as she merely lies in the little pile of egyptian people who happens to have been there and got smacked by her. Oh well, they're more comfortable than the ground, that's for sure.
COMBATSYS: BlueMary takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Megumi 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: BlueMary can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Megumi 0/-------/----===|
Log created by Megumi, and last modified on 14:01:08 07/23/2006.