Description: Dan starts on a world quest of conquering to train for his inevitable battle with Sagat, and decides that to know his enemy he must know himelf. Searching for Brazilian fighter Sean Matsuda, the intrepid Dan Hibiki gets lost and finds the hidden Ikari Base. Then some fighting happens.
The Joker's bomb a dud?!? Commissioner Gordon in a dress? The Dynamic Dano about to die at the hands of an ingenious trap?!?! It's time for this week's thrilling conclusion to: BAT DAN!
Right then. Dan stares at his map for a moment before staring back at Leona, "So what do you say, I've gotta find this kid, and see him in action, but I still need a good punching bag before I show him the ropes. Just so I don't go rusty. You don't really look like you've got a lot going on, it'll only keep you away from the commissary for at most a half hour. Let's do this! Let's do it and let's do it right."
The hands of the sensei fold the map up into a neat compact square before he shoves it into his gi and puts his hands on his hips, "A test to see if you're worthy of giving the great DAN HIBIKI directions! Do you accept my challenge?"
Perhaps he took too many hits since he has last fought the Ikari to remember. Leona arches a brow at his request and it is hard to judge if she is actually considering the challenge or not. Eventually she gives a slight nod of her head. "Very well. I shall not try to disable you too much." It isn't so much her being cocky as her just talking in her usual somewhat monotone voice as she reaches to pull off the dogtags from around her neck. She turns around and starts walking away while using the tags to tie up her large mass of blue hair into a loose ponytail to keep it out of her eyes. Meanwhile the men that were following her in drills have stopped to sit and watch their commander in action it would seem as they are already heckling Dan. After a deep breath the Ikari woman turns around and falls into her fighting stance. "Let us begin."
COMBATSYS: Leona has started a fight here.
Dan smiles at the words that come out of Leona's mouth, especially the prospect of disabling him, "Heyyyy now, don't be so sure of yourself. This is the Dan world tour of training, you don't have any idea how many people I've beaten with my fists since I started this tour. If anyone's disabling anything, it's going to be my righteous strategy that disables your whole rhythm."
With that the fighter slides into his bastard stance, grinning broadly not just at Leona but at the gathering crowd. For a few moments it doesn't seem like he's going to do anything, but he puts his fist forward and shouts, "C'MON! DO IT, LEONA!!!!!!!!!!!"
COMBATSYS: Dan has joined the fight here.
COMBATSYS: Dan takes no action.
Patiently the woman waits for Dan to do something, her gaze focused on the other fighter and her stance tensed as if ready to spring into action at any moment. Of course that moment just happens to be when Dan decides to let her take the first strike. Her offer to let him make the first hit is shunted and so she decides to instead accept his offer. Quickly Leona rushes forward, her body moving gracefully as she strides forward then jumps upwards to sling a leg outwards and plant her combat boot's heal right into his chest to knock him back.
COMBATSYS: Dan endures Leona's Light Kick!
As the boot comes forward, Dan extends his pecs, pulling his shoulders back, and meeting the boot with the left side of his Gi. A slight wince comes on his face for a second, as the sound of papers crumple underneath the mighty Ikari Woman's boot. That wince is replaced by a grin, and a thumbs-up from Dan's right hand, while his waist begins twisting to the right.
It's his left leg coming out in a roundhouse that's the actual important thing to look at, though. Its slow start builds up momentum and power, while wind whips the leg of his gi and his foot tries to find purchase on the side of Leona's torso, "Y'SHAA!"
COMBATSYS: Leona blocks Dan's Heavy Kick.
The foot that bounces off Dan's pecs quickly slams back down on the ground to give Leona a steady stance for proper defense against any counter strike offered by the other fighter. She hunches down as that kick comes around to slam into her and it hits her torso, but she seems to be built rather solidly and she doesn't even seem rattled by the strike. She smirks just slightly andshe reaches out with a gloved hand to grab Dan right by the ponytail while they are in close quarters. What is attempted is yanking the Saikyo master right up off the ground by his own hair and use the momentum of her swinging him around to spike him head first onto the ground as if he was a pink football. Something that will cause the Ikari men watching to go into a ruckus if successful.
Dan looks behind him where his spun out foot still hangs in the air as Leona moves in to grab his awesome hair-do. His eyes widen for a split-second, before he pulls his right knee up quickly, sending himself towards the ground. In this same moment, his left leg comes back away from Leona, and his fist goes up in the air, "Too! Slow! Y'shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
His counter attack is launched, his right fist shooting out with such force that it kind of seems like the angle his wrist is at is going to hurt the hell out of poor old Saikyo man Dan.
Ah well, such is the fate of the strongest style.
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Leona with Kyuukyoku Tenchi Gadou Zuki.
There is a slight growl that the woman emits when she misses her swipe, the blow sailing high as Dan's counter seems to perhaps shake her up a bit more than his kick did when it connected. Boots shuffle some across the ground as she takes a few quick steps back away from the other fighter though she brings one up again to come across the Saikyo fighter's face when she swings her leg upwards and she arches her back to flip backwards with it to land a few feet away in a crouch before straightening and preparing for him to come at her again.
COMBATSYS: Dan interrupts Heavy Kick from Leona with Kouryuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Leona
Dan shakes his fist violently after the punch connects, making a slightly pained noise, before he looks to the crowd of Ikaris and gives them a secret thumbs-up as Leona begins her new assault against him.
As the foot comes towards him, Dan's body contracts downwards like a spring, before launching upward in a spinning uppercut. His thumbs-up continues the entire way up, giving all the Ikaris gathered a sign that everything is 'A-OK!'
The Ikari don't seem to be too happy about the thumbs up. Nor are they really excited about Leona's performance at the moment either. In fact they seem pretty shocked that she seems to be on the losing end of this one. She still lands in that crouch, but looking much worse for wear than she should probably be at this point and time. She remains crouched while reaching up as if she runs a hand through her hair, her hand plucking an earring from her left ear before standing up and nodding to Dan. "You've gotten better since last time." she admits then she lightly tosses the earring at Dan. "Here, a prize for doing well." Let's just see how well he remembers her tactics.
COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Dan with Earring Bakudan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Dan 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Leona
Dan looks at the earring and starts to chuckle, before something flashes in his brain, and he tries to get in gear. Unfortunately, it's way too late as he's caught in the throes of agony by an earring explosion. His feet lift up and he finds himself on his back, staring at the canopied sky above.
"Hrhrnnnnnnnn..." is his only legible sound.
Ineffectually he flicks a pebble at Leona with his toe, while trying to regain his feet.
COMBATSYS: Leona dodges Dan's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Dan 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Leona
Thankfully it did seem like he forgot that little trick and it gives Leona the time to recover some and clear the cobwebs. Looks like she is at least fast enough to still notice that small pebble coming her way and she tils to the side some to avoid it as it bounces off a tree and lands on the ground. Taking a deep breath the Ikari woman stalks forward again. Her hands thrusting out touching palms at Dan when she nears at first creating an orb of energy that doesn't quite reach him, but then with a bit of a smirk Leona bends her fingers and the ball distorts causing it to spike forward in an attempt to impale the Saikyo fighter.
COMBATSYS: Dan dodges Leona's Baltic Launcher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Dan 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Leona
The Saikyo fighter, tilting his head up to watch Leona cme towards him, kicks both his feet down quickly, and tucks his body up into a ball of Pink and manliness. At the end of his roll, his fist comes out and moves upwards and his voice carries all the pride of an olympic gold medalist in it, "Y'SHAAAAAAAAAA YOU SEE THAT? Too! Slow! Maybe they should start calling you Le-slow-na! Y'SHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Getting to his feet, he continues the heckling, pulling the sharpie out of the right side of his gi, and pulling an 8x10 picture out of the right.
He scrawls a quick message on it and flings it towards the Ikari.
'To my dearest, and nearest friend.... Le-slow-na.'
COMBATSYS: Leona blocks Dan's Premium Sign.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Dan 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Leona
The Ikari's hands snap back and the energy is discharged quickly, her expression unchanging as Dan seems to try to annoy her with his taunts. Instead she keeps her ground and a hand snatches the picture out of the air when it is tossed at her. "I believe I still have one from our last fight." she replies and tosses the picture to one of her men that is nearby. Instead of continuing her assault for now she remains where she is in her stance preparing for Dan's next attack.
COMBATSYS: Leona gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Dan 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Leona
Dan grins and says, "Well, now you have two." He then notices Leona not coming at him and quirks a bushy eyebrow up before he says, "Tired already? Eh, well, it's not done yet!"
Breaking into a short dash, Dan leaps into the air, and brings his knee out, "DAN," which leads to a spinning roundhouse from his right leg, "DAN," and then a third left legged righthouse comes out of nowhere, "KYAKUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!"
COMBATSYS: Leona blocks Dan's Dankuu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Dan 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Leona
There is no response from Leona when the question is posed and instead she just makes a 'come at me' motion with her hand. And Dan seems all ready to oblige as he comes flying in. She crouches down some and she attempts to pin Dan's leg between an arm and side. "No, I was waiting." she finally responds and then brings her hand forward in a quick slashing motion that will not only cut cloth if it connects, but also bring a nice gash across Dan's frontside if she connects the way she wants it to. Seems like keeping him in close quarters is to her advantage so that leg is going to be in a vice like grip if she really does get ahold of it.
COMBATSYS: Dan fails to interrupt Grand Sabre from Leona with Hisshou Burai Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Leona
As Dan is about to land, he puts his hand out to try and clock Leona in the head, mustering up a 'HISSHOU' that would make the world tremble. Unfortunately he never quite manages to get the rest of his little speech about victory fists out. Leona's violent assault leaves him cringing and rocking in pain. Not only does his body hurt, but also his pride, as his undefatigable assault is quickly fatigued.
Nice job, Saikyo Sensei.
The other Ikari around seem to be getting more lively now as things slightly start to swing back into Leona's favor. She flicks her wrist to cause droplets of blood to fly off her fingertips and she then grabs onto the torn gi while keeping her arm around his leg. She grunts slightly from soreness and lifts up Dan into the air while he is still slightly off balance and then swings him around in an attempt to let go of him and send him flying into a rather thick tree base.
COMBATSYS: Dan endures Leona's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Dan 1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1 Leona
Dan, upon seeing the oncoming tree that is so nicely about to meet his body and cause plenty of physical harm to it, slings his arms and leg forward, gripping horizontally around the base of the tree.
As he hangs there on the tree, his top arm pulls away from the bark and gives a thumbs-up to Leona...
"You.....are worthy."
COMBATSYS: Dan takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Leona 1/------=/=======|
COMBATSYS: Dan can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Leona 1/------=/=======|
Well, it was more effective than she thought. The Ikari around her and Dan start cheering again as the fight concludes and Leona casually removes teh dogtags to replace them around her neck. "You never change." she says while moving over to speak with one of her soldiers briefly. takes a map from him that is folded up and she nods in thanks to him before moving back over to the fallen Saikyo fighter. "Here are the directions to Brazil." she tells him while rolling him on his back. She tucks it into his gi and gives it a rather rough pat before standing back up. "We have more training to do. good luck." And with that done she motions for the other Ikari to follow and their drills begin anew.
COMBATSYS: Leona has ended the fight here.
The saikyo warrior picks up his big brown duffle bag and gives Leona a weak and pained salute before saying, "The next time we meet, My life's dream will be accomplished."
With that phrase, Dan Hibiki wanders off in the general direction of Brazil, limping on his leg and frowning as soon as he gets out of Ikari eyeshot.
Dan World Tour, South America, COMPLETE!!!
Log created by Dan, and last modified on 16:32:08 09/08/2006.