Description: The Bernstein heir tracks down the former Champion of Muay Thai, for educational purposes. Shitkicking ensues.
The Island of Japan is a wonderous little island. Its climate and terrain make it so very appropriate for training regimens such as the one our lovely Muay Thai Warrior undergoes. Sagat has travelled the world to train and he has often stopped here in the mountains of Japan. It's peace and quiet and its serenity make it ideal for the former Emperor of Muay Thai. Currently he's next to a waterfall, with numerous boulders near by. The big man must be taking a break, as it appears the rocks have been beaten heavily. Craters along its sides that look to have been formed by pounding fists and feet can be seen. Maybe it's just time for a meal? That's entirely possible.
The presence of a fighter like Sagat is a thing that seldom goes entirely unnoticed. Even here in the more remote areas of Japan, glimpses are gained, theories formed, murmured rumour started. It's when whispers reach the right ears that they truly become interesting, such as when the Tiger's training grounds are located by a low-flying, rather sleekly advanced black helicopter. The whirring rotors provide a nice momentary interruption to the peace and quiet, at least until they fade a short time later. Of course, the chopper merely sets down in the first clearing, its passenger disembarking, and hiking the distance back to where the signs of Sagat's training, and perhaps the warrior himself, were noticed. Heavy military boots climb the rocky trail back towards the waterfall where Sagat rests, the youth otherwise dressed all in black. Sleeveless shirt, loose military fatigue pants. Similarly dark gloves cover his hands, the young Bernstein stepping calmly forward, his eyes trailing over the signs of the recently passed maelstrom, before landing on Sagat. There's no mistaking the man, up close, "Looks like you've been busy." Adelheid observes calmly, "I hope you've not exhausted all your energy. My name is Adel, I've been looking for you. Your style interests me." Rather businesslike and frank, but then, something tells him the former Muay Thai Emperor might be that sort of fellow.
The Helicoptor does not go unnoticed, however it's given very little of Sagat's attention. The type of coptor could make it one of Vega's crafts. Sagat simple expects that his 'Boss' is just checking up on him. Sagat hasn't been in Thailand for some time and Vega wants to make sure his Number Two man is still out and about and fighting for his interests. When Adelheid hikes up to where Sagat is and addresses him, that attention is drawn towards the young Bernstein. The Tiger raises an eyebrow and grunts, "So you come all this way because my form of Muay Thai interests you?" His voice is a tad bit gravelly, as if the man has not spoken in some time. Sagat turns his massive form around and places his hands upon his hips, "Was that your helicoptor? I would be more impressed if you hiked here from a city."
Ah, yes. Everyone has their keepers, don't they? Adelheid's grudging acceptance of R's agenda might earn the boy some sympathy, or at least empathy... were either man the particularly forthcoming type, "No.." Adel answers simply, pausing a moment before his rich tenor explains in equally measured tones, "I know all I wish to know of Muay Thai in general, I am here because you are not its general practitioner." A wry sort of smile creeps over the young Bernstein's face, "And if I already knew where to find you, that would have been a far more interesting way to travel here. Though to be perfectly frank, I'm not concerned with impressing you. You can think what you like, all I ask is the chance to see what you can do. Personally." It's not the challenge of an arrogant youth, though Adel certainly has his haughtiness... there doesn't seem to be an expectation of superiority involved, merely a slightly irreverent respect.
The big man wipes some beads of sweat from his weathered forehead. He then shakes his head at what the youth tells him, "There are numerous VHS and DVDs with my past matches available for you to rent or buy. Normal people tend to look at those to see what I can do." He narrows his eye, "You know of me, so you know I am a very strong warrior. If you mean to see my skills and techniques in person, you could wind up getting yourself hurt, boy."
"There are." Adelheid admits, "But none of those can tell me what I wish to know. I am well aware of what 'normal people' would tend to do." There's a vague, dismissive chuckle with that, as if he doesn't think much of it, either, "I am well aware of your strength, or I would not have come in the first place. I am willing to take the risk." The young Bernstein replies, unhesitating, and even stepping further up the path, to be on level ground with the Tiger.
The Mountain of a Man lets out a sigh and nods his head, "Very well." He intones in that deep gravelly voice. He, too, steps forward. As he does so his hands move to tighten the wrappings along the man's forearms. After a few short strides he stops and looks at Adelheid, "I do hope you know of what you are doing. And I do hope you are warmed up, because I am." The Tiger's eye narrows a bit as he glances over the military-attire clad youth.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Sagat has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sagat
Adelheid flexes both black-gloved fist, the leather stretching taught as the young Bernstein draws a deep breath, and offers Sagat a singular nod, "I suppose we'll find out, won't we." Adel offers almost nonchalantly, and seeing as they've both professed readiness... he makes a play to turn around the Tiger's perceptions of this fight just a hair, booted feet carrying him forward rather suddenly, the young Bernstein seeking to almost literally scale the mountainous Thai, leaping in on Sagat and seeking a clench with his palm, which clasps for the much larger fighter's face. Should that grip be found, the midair momentum is reversed, and with a sharp shove, an explosion of shearing, silvery wind chi erupts from Adelheid's hand, point-blank into Sagat's face, with enough force to blast even the mighty rightful Emperor back a pace or three.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Sagat with Scorpion Deathlock.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Sagat
Nice little Scorpion Sting that Sagat gets to weather. First the youth scales the big man, then he blasts him in the face. Not a very nice way of saying 'How Do you Do?' That's for sure! The big man does, indeed, stagger backwards a pace or three. He mutters to himself and raises an arm to rub at his forehead for only a moment. That moment passes and the Tiger's motions are much different. Adelheid will find The Tiger going on the offensive. His powerful legs sending him forward to close the gap the blast formed between the two. The big man's impressive striking range comes into play when he reaches forward as he approaches Adelheid. He hopes to latch onto the youth, drag him closer to him then shove his powerful knees into the youth's midsection and torso. Sagat's own way of saying 'Howdy!'.
COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Adelheid with Tiger Rage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Sagat
Landing lightly out of the successful initiative is little defense against the quick retaliation, and Adelheid is grabbed before he can dart away from the mighty Thai's grasp, the slamming knees crushing the air from his lungs with repeated, hammering blows. It's definitely painful, and could indeed cause the serious injury he was warned about earlier, but in this case the young Bernstein proves to have his own resilience, gritting his teeth and gasping in a sharp breath as he staggers free of the Tiger's rage, defiantly launching himself full-on in at Sagat once more. This time one hand seeks the former Emperor's neck, the other making a play to dig quite harshly into the muscles of his chest. If secured, well, Adelheid's forward momentum doubles, and redoubles, the blonde launching himself, and the massive Thai, right off the ground into a hurtling, forward flight. A flight that Adel doesn't intend to end until he's crushed Sagat's back soundly against the rock face of the cliff behind him.
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Adelheid's God Press.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Sagat
This puts Sagat in quite the predicament. He has half a mind to see what this boy can do to him, if he can lift him up and cause a lot of harm. In fact he's just about ready to let the boy perform his move. The young Bernstein will get a grip around the big guy's neck and get a good grip on the muscles of his massive chest. Sagat will begin to move backwards as the youth pushes on him, but it ends there. Sagat raises his arms and breaks the hold the youth has on him. Sagat will swiftly step to the side, raise a leg and attempt to twist his bidy at the waist. The raised leg threatens to slam into the youth's side and crush anything there that gets in his massive leg's way.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid fails to interrupt Light Kick from Sagat with Reppukyaku EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Sagat
It's like trying to move a mountain, after all. Nonetheless, Adelheid does his best to improvise on a bad situation, twisting about to bring his foot around for Sagat even as the Tiger's leg crashes in at him... but Sagat's blow lands before Adel had anticipated, and before he can complete his maneuver, so all he really accomplishes is providing a sturdy target for that kick, and staggering to the side, one hand dropping to clutch at his ribs, momentarily, "Good..." he pants, either quite winded from that hit, or talking more to himself than anything. Maybe a bit of both.
The big man doesn't give Adelheid much time after his crushing knee strike, "I am not here to impress you." The Tiger utters harshly as he rushes for the youth once more. A quick stride or two is taken to advance on the youth's position. The steps are merely made to put the Muay Thai Tiger in a better position for his next strike. After the second step his foot is planted and his other leg is raised. A quick and powerful roundhouse kick is delivered. It is the pride and joy of any Muay Thai warrior, the Roundhouse Kick. It is flawlessly delivered and aimed for the youth's head.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid blocks Sagat's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0 Sagat
"You do, nonetheless." Adelheid answers evenly, apparently regaining his voice, despite the impact of the Tiger's blows. The swinging roundhouse is intercepted by a lithe, but surprisingly sturdy arm, Sagat's strength still bruising, and enough to slide Adelheid's anchored boots along the rocky ground, but the guard is effective, and the punishing hit is deflected, "Suppose this means I need to try harder!" the young Bernstein observes of his situation, attempting to use Sagat's proximity against him rather brutally, leaping up to snap a palm for the Muay Thai mountain's face, and neck. This time, the launching force is substantially greater, and this time Adelheid puts that much more into the gravity-defying forward flight that's meant to plaster the Tiger painfully against the rockwall, for real this time! If all goes according to plan, that impact is hardly the end of the counterattack, as gouts of silver-grey chi rip from Adelheid's hands, tearing the area around the two fighters with a brilliantly luminescent gale of shearing edges, though the self-contained hurricane would only ravage the mighty Tiger.
COMBATSYS: Sagat fails to interrupt Gigantic Pressure from Adelheid with Tiger Uppercut.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Sagat
Now it's Sagat's turn to fail an anticipation of his opponent's attack. As Adelheid comes in for his blow, Sagat's legs tighten a bit and prepare to spring their trap. His fist clenches and Sagat's about to go, but Adelheid proves to be a step ahead of the Muay Thai Legend. Sagat is caught in Adelheid's attack and finds himself slammed hard and barraged by the power of the younger Bernstein. Now, The tiger is on his back and muttering to himself as he is slow to get up...
A deep, centering breath is drawn and released as the blasting waves of chi dissipate around the young Bernstein, the moments he needs to regain his composure after the powerful technique easily gained by the time Sagat spends beginning the process of dragging himself back to his feet. Adel doesn't give the Tiger time to fully regain his breath, however, infringing on that breathing room in a flash, his right fist swinging around with a quick twist of his upper body, carrying a snapping uppercut in in-line with the rising Sagat's nose. Unrelenting, furious. These are the things which the Muay Thai legend's legacy expouses, as far as Adelheid knows. When in Rome.....
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Adelheid's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Sagat
The unrelenting nature of Adelheid's attack is expected. Most fighters who tend to get Sagat down, try to capitalize on their fortune. Sagat has learned to deny them the opportunity to further their gains against him. As Sagat raises, he moves at an angle and raises an arm as well. Sagat blocks the incoming shot and pushes himself away from his opponent to give him a moment to gather and compose himself after the blow he just endured.
COMBATSYS: Sagat gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Sagat
Getting a fighter like Sagat to the dirt, and keeping them there are rather different things, indeed. Adelheid holds his ground as Sagat pushes back, taking the moment to simply flank the Tiger, dark eyes intent on his dangerous opponent. He doesn't press the attack again, not this moment, using Sagat's respite to claim one of his own, and wait for an opportunity to present itself, rather than presenting one himself... after all, the Muay Thai legend's defenses are proving quite formidable, and all-out offense isn't going to win him any medals, here.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0 Sagat
The big man's eye narrows as he watches and observes his youthful opponent. No words are exchanged, just concentration and fighting. Sagat likes this guy. He gets tired of hsi opponents chatting it up with him as they exchange blows. It is a sign of a lack of concentration and a lack of focus. Adelheid seems to have both. Sagat utters under his breath, "Good for you..." Before he launches forward. His massive legs propel him forward at impressive speed quite suddenly. It's meant to catch the younger Bernstein offguard. Further more, Sagat launches into the air and shouts, "TIGER-" His legs are tucked up under him and one of his legs are thrust forward, knee first, "-CRUSH!" A flying knee strike meant to catch Adelheid's defenses undeployed.
COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Adelheid with Tiger Crush.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Sagat
Focus and concentration are more or less a matter of survival, for Adelheid. Rugal's fatherly compassion only goes so far. Not very far at all, really. Adelheid's defenses may be ready, but Sagat's speed is still impressive, and the flying knee clips off the side of Adel's skull as the quick youth weaves aside, the motion somewhat more violent than he'd planned... but it's better than taking the Tiger's strike cleanly in the face. Swinging about, Adelheid launches his return volley at the landing Sagat. He doesn't launch back into the fray immediately, but rather swings one booted foot around, the ground along the path of his boot blasting outwards with an invisible, arcing shockwave of air. A shockwave that becomes far more visible as the young Bernstein swings his foot up in front of him, launching a surging lance of silvery chi along the ground, nearly waist-high even on Sagat. The wave blasts across the ground quickly, seeking to envelope the Tiger before he can fully regain his footing.
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Adelheid's Reppukyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Sagat
The mighty Thai warrior raises both arms in front of him and braces his body for the incoming Reppukyaku. The wave of energy slams into his sturdy defenses and the Tiger is pushed back slightly. His powerful legs push forward, pushing him against the wave of energy. He then throws both of his arms to his side and the engery is dealt with and deflected. A split second after this has happened, Sagat is back on the move and rushing towards Adelheid. He hopes ot close the distance and swing a jabbing punch towards the youth's head. It will be followed up by a charging forearm strike and elbow strike.
COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Adelheid with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1 Sagat
Resilience like this is a rare commodity... and something that Adelheid's quite familiar with. Seldom does it end well for him, either, but it doesn't stop him from giving it his all. However much that hurts. His head reels with the three-for of impacts, the young Bernstein launched backwards with impressive force. Sliding to the dirt, Adel nonetheless forces himself to correct the momentum, rolling back to a crouch, "Not over... yet." He murmurs to himself, wiping a trail of blood from his mouth with the back of his glove as he rises. And smiles, slightly. Not the most reaffirming gesture, given the bleeding, but hey. With a sudden, perhaps final burst of energy and alacrity, Adelheid makes a play to make /sure/ the Tiger remembers this fight, all but blurring from his position as his feet leave the ground, alarming force carried behind his lithe form as he crashes forward, in at Sagat. And well, we know how that could go, should he loft the mighty Tiger and bring him along on the rocketing crash-course.
COMBATSYS: Sagat fails to interrupt God Press EX from Adelheid with Tiger Uppercut.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/------=|=======\===----\1 Sagat
The mighty Thai is raised up into the air... again. How is this possible? At least, that's the thought that should be going through the airborne Tiger's mind. However thinking of such things isn't really a priority right now as he careens through the air. When Sagat slams hard against the ground, one can be sure he will remember this fight. He will remember it due to the fact he can't pull off his Tiger Uppercut successfully. That means he will push himself even harder and train even harder after this match has completed. Sagat, once on the ground, will be slow to rise. His single eye cutting so that he's got view of the younger Bernstein.
Pushing oneself is really what this is all about, for Adelheid... and if he can put enough pressure on Sagat to keep the hits at bay another moment, well... that certainly counts, in his book. The young Bernstein once more flanks the rising Sagat, though he doesn't test the mountainous Thai's defenses, this time. Instead, he steels himself, eyes narrowing on Sagat, preparing, his gloves fists clenched before him. The blood leaking from his mouth and nose is ignored, now, all attention on the former Emperor of Muay Thai.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/------=|=======\===----\1 Sagat
Sagat gets up and remains in a defensive posture for a moment. He's... debating on something. The gears in his head can almost be seen as he stares at the youth with analytical gaze. The Thai Mountain gives a nod and springs forward. His pace has not slowed, his speed has not really diminished. The Legend is still in fighting form, that or he's pushing himself to the limit. Of course that's something any opponent of Sagat's can expect. He will push himself past the breaking point. He rushes Adelheid, "TIGER-" He shouts as his massive legs bend and spring him forward. A Tiger Crush is performed. He'll land and perform a number of punches and then Tiger Uppercut, "-GENOCIDE!" He will land and perform a faster, stronger and higher ascending Tiger Uppercut to finish off the combination of moves.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid interrupts Tiger Genocide from Sagat with Reppukyaku.
[ \\\\ <
Sagat 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Adelheid can no longer fight.
[ \\\\ <
Sagat 0/-------/-----==|
The breaking point is certainly a place that Adel is fast approaching, with the force of the hits he's taken... but going out without a fight is not part of his character, and even as he's set to reeling from the opening knee, despite his attempts to move with the blow, and subsequently pummeled back... he's fighting to regain some measure of control, even if the moments of coherent control of his limbs are fleeting under this assault. As Sagat rises into the first uppercut, the Muay Thai legend's fist cleaving up the young Bernstein's chest and sending him skyward, Adelheid twists sharply, snapping his right leg around in a midair sweep that rather profoundly reverses the Tiger's momentum, a gout of silver wind blasting forth, and washing over the former Emperor point blank, bathing him in the tearing winds, and ending the assault before it can do more damage. Nonetheless, Adelheid drops out of the counterattack quite ungracefully, landing in a heap, sprawled forward on one bent elbow with a light groan.
Adelheid is not the only one to land in a heap. The Muay Thai legend has been felled it seems. The energy that Adelheid bathes the Tiger in seems to have been enough to wind the warrior and take him out of this fight. He slams into the ground with a lack of grace. Perhaps it was the suddenness of the counter-strike? Perhaps Sagat was not expecting someone to even attempt anything more than defense against his most powerful of attacks? In anycase, Sagat is on the ground, beaten and bloodied. Far from what he expected from this encounter.
While winning or losing wasn't the important part of this particular endeavor, Adelheid is certainly pleased by the fight's outcome. It represents something, after all, as the mountainous Thai is nearly the powerhouse that the elder Bernstein has proven himself to be, in the younger blonde's eyes. Pushing himself up into something of a crouch, and then dropping back to sit on the ground, Adelheid takes a moment to regain his breath, though his head isn't exactly showing signs that it will stop spinning anytime soon. A hand presses to the side of his skull, and the youth offers simply, "Thank you... for honouring my request. Recordings.... are definitely no substitute."
Log created by Adelheid, and last modified on 17:57:36 06/28/2006.