Description: Rematch of the ages. Dan gets some revenge against the Duck King as they both knock eachother out. Panty warning.
Take one part Duck Pond and one part weekend and what do you get? A shindig that is going to blow off the roof of the premier nightclub of Southtown. Or at least that is what tonight is being promoted as. After an amazing duel in the United States on speeding cars there shall be a rematch between two of the mightiest fighters in this day and age. Too bad most hardcore fighting fans don't agree. The group of people gathered around the dancefloor tonight at least agree. Then again they always seem to be here nightly so they are probably just excited to see the club's owner take it to the limit this evening.
Things aren't that flashy this evening. Sure, Buddy Lee is spinning records and the like, but there is no flashy entrance by the club owner and no announcements over the loud speaker. There doesn't need to be. The patrons are already focused on the floor where Duck King and his opponent will soon occupy. Handing off P-chan to one of his guards, Duck hops up onto the dance floor and kicks his feet up while balancing on a hand to showboat in front of his fans before swing back around to end up on his feet. "Let's get it on!"
COMBATSYS: Duck has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Duck 0/-------/-------|
Dan steps into the 'arena' so to speak, and smiles broadly to his supporters. The Rematch was some time in planning, and execution but it couldn't come at a better time.
"Fans of Saikyo, I come before you to win this fight, and to better myself. By the time I'm done. We'll have nothing but Saikyo winning left and right. All leading up to a glorious victory against my nemesis soon. Let's get it on like Donkey Kong. ROCK THIS PLACE LIKE A HURRICANE."
COMBATSYS: Dan has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dan 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Duck
The club owner grins and adjusts his shades while clapping his hands together then looking up to Buddy Lee. "All right Lee, let's get this party started!" he shouts out to his main man. The tune changes as some BT starts up over the speakers. At first there is just a subtle shifting of his feet, but soon the whole body of Duck is moving in tune with the music, fluid motions that get the people cheering as he starts to work over the crowd. "Time to begin!"
And with that loud decree the breakdance warrior pushes off his feet and dives into a forward roll that launches him right at the master of Saikyo. "This is my house so get ready to bust a move Hibiki!" he yells out and he comes out of that roll to come sliding across the floor with legs extended in an attempt to take the legs out from under Dan.
COMBATSYS: Dan endures Duck's Dancing Dive.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Duck
Dan grins as he sees Duck's sweep come out. He puts up his finger and says, "Not a chance you're winning again, Duck King. It's time you got Saikyowned like everyone else who's come up against the Dan Man in a challenge."
As he's speaking his body compacts, bringing his center of gravity as low to the ground as it can go. Sure, he gets hit by Duck's wild legs, but their forward momentum gets stopped dead, leaving Dan quite dutifully on his feet.
So it's counter attack time. This close to the wild owner of the Duck Pond? Dan takes a chance, and throws his hands out to grab at Duck's shoulders. A successful grab, hypothetically speaking, results in a classic throw, pulling Dan onto his back, and propelling duck through the air from a swift kick in the ass. An unsuccessful grab? Well. That hypothetically results in Dan looking like a complete moron.
Either way, S'all goode.
COMBATSYS: Duck blocks Dan's Seoi Nage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Duck
Perhaps it is time to stop trying to use this move right off the bat. Too many people seem to be able to stop the forward momentum that the Duck King brings forth with his his slide. Of course given that this happens alot he is rather used to having to improvise when caught. There is mild success with that grab, but not enough for Dan's liking. Duck himself gets a bit grabby with his hands to latch onto the Saikyo master's gi and just keep rolling forward and taking the other fighter with him. Of course Duck tries to get his legs up under to thrust into Dan's gut when on his back and release while pushing off to send the pink fighter into the crowd. "Uwaaaaaah!"
COMBATSYS: Dan blocks Duck's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Duck
So, now with Duck and Dan both grappling each other for superority, it starts to look kind of like they're hugging and rolling around on the ground together. Dan realizes this almost immediately after his hands slap at Duck's hands, and pretty soon the pair is separated.
Dan gets back to his feet, and thumbs his nose for a second before saying, "I see you've been practicing, DUCK KING. But look, that last time you won? A fluke of nature. The cars were going to fast. I couldn't think. Now I'm back and better than ever. You should give up... right now!"
To punctuate his statement, he sends a quick fist out towards the Mohawked Might, the shoulders of his gi making a flapflapflap sound from the speed of the attack.
Dan Hibiki, master of fists!
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Duck with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Duck
Tumbling about and keeping things on the down low is the way to fight if you ask Duck. His style sort of depends on keeping his opponents off their feet so when Dan finally manages to get back up fully it throws off Duck's rhythm somewhat. "You know me, man. I can't give up when a good fight is to be had." he says with a grin and starts to hold his fists up getting ready for fisticuffs. Maybe there is some truth about Dan being distracted by the cars because he is moving a bit faster than the Duck King remembers and he finds the fist slamming into him and causing him to stagger back a few steps before getting his footing back. This time it is his turn to lunge forward as if throwing a punch at first, but then he ducks low to catch himself on his hands and twist about his body and swing his legs about to deliver two quick kicks to Dan.
COMBATSYS: Dan blocks Duck's Breakdance Spinkick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Duck
Dan's eyebrow raises as he see's Duck's punch starting to come for him, before shaking his head, and throwing both of his hands up, to intercept. When the punch becomes not a punch at all, Dan is confused for a split-second, but thankfully his hands are still ready and moving. He slaps the kicks away from his body with a self satisfied smug smirk, simply saying, "They call me IRON DAN!"
After that round of aliteration ends Dan brings his left hand back and snaps it forward quickly, this close to Duck, sending out a Cyan Colored glob of chi.
COMBATSYS: Duck dodges Dan's Gadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Duck
Pushing off his hands the mohawked fighter flips back to land on his feet. And just in time to be staring down the deadly Gadouken. His brows raise and it is probably good he has the glasses on because Dan would see the big 'Oh shit!' look on Duck's face as he drops down onto his ass to avoid the ball that singes the top of his mohawk. " messed with the hair." he says sounding somewhat shocked. Leaping up off the ground Duck slings a foot forward at the midsection of Dan this time while crying out with his voice raised. "You mess with the hawk, prepare to get rocked!"
COMBATSYS: Dan dodges Duck's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Duck
Saikyo Sensei Dan hibiki tucks into a roll, just as Duck's foot is about to collide with him. Rolling his body backwards, he brings his fist up and calls out, "Namen Ja nezzo~~" Before getting back to his feet and putting his hands on his belt, "Look, Duck. You're a nice guy. But mohawks are out of style anyways. You need to rock the bangs and the tail, then you'll be as good a fighter as I am. Here, here's a picture for reference."
Dan reaches into his Gi, and pulls out one of his 8x10s. Flinging it at Duck with an aim that is true. Oh that grinning guy. That thumbs up.
Saikyo Style is the GQ of the fighting world.
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Duck with Premium Sign.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Duck
Thunk. That picture hits Duck right in the forehead and then slides down to be caught in his hands. "I still have one of these from the last fight." he comments and he frowns a bit at being hit by such a thing. He reaches to shove the picture down his pants and rubs it around against his groin nice and good while grinning evilly. "Oooooh yeah. That's what I think about your look." he tells his opponent before pulling the picture back out and tossing it right back at Dan. Now it is time to relax and get back into the grove, take time to listen to the music and get with the flow. Oh yeah......
COMBATSYS: Duck focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Duck
"Alright that's just.... man... now you can dis my hair and my look all you want, but agh. Why'd you have to rub it against your...... That's just not right."
Dan's ire is firmly raised by this action, and he leaps into battle, "DANNNNNNNNNNNN DANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN KICK!"
A series of three aerial roundhouses propels him through the air, the first kicking the photograph into the crowd. Maybe someone wants to sell Dan's photo, or Duck's groinsweat on eBay? Who knows.. WHO CARES?!? The point is that the second and third roundhouse are aimed to give Duck a WORLD OF PAIN.
You know, if they hit, at least.
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Duck with Dankuu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Duck
Well, that did the trick. Dan finally seems to be getting serious, but this could be something very bad for the King of Ducks. He hunkers down looking ready for the incoming strike and just as he starts to lean back to avoid the first kick he seems to misjudge the speed of the other fighter and it slams into his head knocking him back and leaving him open to be rocked by the other two kicks. He lands in the crowd somewhere and the fans are silent for a few moments as they wonder if the fight is over.
"Nnnnngraaaah! No way!" comes a loud cry from Duck as he pops back up and starts sifting his way back to the dance floor. He jumps up onto it and comes rushing straight for the Saikyo fighter to knock him down and give paybacks.
COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Dan with Neo Break Storm EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Dan 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0 Duck
WHAM. Down onto the floor Dan goes and Duck is quick to hop back onto his feet looking around at the crowd and pointing to the downed fighter. They go wild as he starts hopping about on a foot to where he is a few feet away from Dan and he waves his hands about as the crowd shouts 'W O R M' loudly. And off he goes, undulating across the dance floor before the last one propels him upwards and he flips about to land on Dan back first then roll off and onto his feet with the crowd going crazy.
Dan suddenly, and without warning finds himself staring up at the ceiling. "Arouuu?" And then the crowd starts talking, Just as he's about to sit up he's got more than an eyefull of Duck, and he cries out, "AGGGGH!"
As Duck rolls off of him, he gets to his feet with a wince, "Sheesh, Duck. Goin' all out are you? Pfft..."
The Saikyo fighter snaps his foot up in the air towards Duck in retaliation. Trying to kick the man in head, or the Mohawk. Whichever one works, you know?
COMBATSYS: Duck dodges Dan's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Dan 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0 Duck
There seems to be a preference to the mohawk. That poor thing is getting pretty battered tonight it would seem, but it hurts alot less when hit so he will make that sacrafice even if he isn't happy about it. "I told you to lay off the hair, yo!" He mumbles when coming out of his backrwards roll and back to his feet. He rubs his chin lightly and his brows furrow as he eyes his opponent for a moment, and then the perpetual lightbulb appears over his head and he grins. "All right, I know what to do." he says and he turns about and gives a thumbs up to the crowd. "It's that time!" And with that declaration Dan finds himself being assaulted with various items thrown by the fans. Anything from rubber ducks to beanbag P-chans to....panties? Wow, someone really must be a Dan fan.
COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Dan with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Dan 1/-======/=======|=======\-------\1 Duck
Dan ducks and weaves, and dodges, trying to get out of the way of all forms of objects. It begins to be a slippery slope, however as he's nailed in the face by a pair of 'spicy' pants, before getting clocked in the bean bags by a bean bag.
In a short amount of time, Dan is suffocating under a pile of Duck King memorabilia.
The pile is quiet for a moment. Too quiet. But then, with the cry of 'SAIKYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' muffled by a pair of bikini briefs that have wrapped around the Sensei's face, He bursts through all the objects, clutching a rubber duck by the throat, and tossing it at Duck, "Y'SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Duck with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Dan 1/=======/=======|=======\=------\1 Duck
It seems like this plan somewhat backfired. He realizes this right as the rubber ducky makes a squeaking noise and pings right off Duck's noggin. He shakes his head about to clear the cobwebs inhales deeply while thrusting a hand forward and pointing towards the Saikyo master. "It's ooooooooooon!" What? It has already been on Duck. Perhaps he is really that annoyed that he forgets he probably said that exact phrase earlier. Charging forward he leaps off his feet and he twirls about in midair becoming a whirlwind of kicks and flailing arms as he barrels into Dan and catches himself on the dancefloor with his hands to keep twirling and throwing kick after kick at Dan before pushing off and attempting to drive his heels right under his chin with a mighty blow.
COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Dan with Break Spiral EX.
[ \\\ < > //////////////// ]
Dan 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=------\-------\0 Duck
Dan goes Sailing through the air into a, very normal for him these days, parabolic arc. Before he misses the sweet spot of distance, and hoping to at least do something damaging before he lands away from that fluffy pile of memorabilia which he already misses, lets loose another cry of.
Before landing on the other side of the fighting area, slightly twitching and looking quite hurt.
COMBATSYS: Dan has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Dan 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=------\-------\0 Duck
COMBATSYS: Duck dodges Dan's Gadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Dan 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=------\-------\0 Duck
Way too much spinning going on at this point and Duck is staggering by the time he gets to his feet. And he staggers right away from the blast much to his luck because right now it is taking a moment to get his shit straight. He eventually gets his footing and he looks about and then thrusts his arms in the air while grinning. "All too easy for a man of my caliber!" he cries and thre crowd starts to go wild. It looks like someone isn't paying attention to the fact that Dan seems to be still moving a bit more than your normal unconcious man.
COMBATSYS: Duck gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Dan 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|-------\-------\0 Duck
Dan pushes himself up on his hands, and looks forward to Duck, frowning, "Hah. You think it's that damn easy to put me down for the count? Who do you think I am. I AM SAIIIIIKYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Getting up, and laboredly breaking into a run, Dan becomes a bullet train right for Duck King. He remembers the last time he was in this position, Ready to take Duck down, and then getting stopped by ... a beer bottle of all things.
Well, there's no beer near or near beer here, so Dan takes his chance as he gets close to Duck, corking himself down tightly into a ball of compressed Danness, before unleashing two of the most violent uppercuts the world has ever seen.
When will this endless Saikyo violence stop?
COMBATSYS: Duck blocks Dan's Kouryuu Rekka.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Duck
"Eh?" Good thing Dan is rather loud and doesn't believe in cheapshotting his opponent. His shouting quickly gets Duck's attention and he turns about to find the Dan-train coming right at him at full speed. Still feeling a bit dizzy there isn't much he can do other than to throw up his arms and wince some at the pain of those fists glancing off his forearms. "Well one could hope. I still got more tricks up my sleeve so don't count me out yet." and with that he tries to grab Dan by the gi and then push off his feet to go airborne with an attempt to pull Dan off his feet and spin him about to slam him hard on the dance floor with Duck on top of him.
COMBATSYS: Dan blocks Duck's Jumping Slam.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Duck
Dan reaches down to Duck's hand, and grips it tightly as the two spin around and dance for a little bit, on the floor. As Duck pushes off the ground, Dan pulls the hand off his Gi and smiles brigtly. Letting the King do his thing while snapping his foot out towards the airborne Duck with a quick 'whoosh' sound.
Yeah, Dan doesn't look like he's in great shape right, now, But hey. He's still got fight in him, and if Duck wants to dance. Dan doesn't mind at all.
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Duck with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Duck
Foot meets gut and there is a sharp gasp of air let out from Duck as he doesn't make such a glamorous landing on the ground in a heap as he puffs a bit for breath. At this point he is starting to look pretty bad off himself and he is real slow when getting up. He staggers some once he is to his feet and he takes a deep breath to try to focus and calm himself before staggering forward a bit on instinct towards the other fighter. The crowd is pretty rabid at this point as well and they grow louder when Duck somehow manages to find the strength to jump high up and come downwards towards Dan like some sort of spinning top meant to drive him to the ground.
COMBATSYS: Dan interrupts Flying Spin from Duck with Kouryuken.
[ \\\\ < > //// ]
Dan 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Duck
As Duck jumps into the air, Dan frowns a little bit, and holds his chest for a second, before he puts his finger up and wags it softly, "Uh-uh. No. Veto'd Denied."
His body twists down once more, just as the spinning Duck is about to knock into his hair, before untwisting like a viper-strike with his fist consisting of the fangs.
Man, Dan. Take a breather why don't you?
Once again Duck is airborn and flying towards the dance floor where he lands with a nice thump flat on his back and his legs in the air. He looks pretty damn out of it, but the music is still playing so there will always be a little bit of life in him. And as that beat plays Duck manages to find the will to move, a rather sluggish pushing up onto his hands and he then hand stands before falling towards dan with feet extended to scissor his leg around Dan's neck and then spin about to slam him head first on the floor. The music soon fades and as it does the silent crowd can hear one thing. The sound of a snoring Duck as he rests on the dancefloor with a grin plastered on his face.
COMBATSYS: Duck can no longer fight.
[ \\\\ <
Dan 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Dan with Dancing Calibre.
[ <
Dan 1/--=====/=======|
Dan's head is brought into the dancefloor, with a terrible crash. Blood begins to trickle down his forehead and his smile begins to beam for a moment.
He stares out at the crowd with a manic look of pain and joy at the same time, and then. Then what happens?!?
COMBATSYS: Dan takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Dan can no longer fight.
[OOC] Duck says, "Booya!"
The loser falls adamn sleep! WHAT A NUT! DOUBLE KO!
Log created by Duck, and last modified on 09:29:24 06/19/2006.