Description: Sagat steps into the Hibiki Dojo. Dan steps into HIS FACE
Hibiki Dojo, Well more specifically Hibiki 'SAIKYO' Dojo. A place that used to be advertised in the papers, and a place that currently seems pretty much empty of life. Pretty much is the qualifying word there, because in the center of the Dojo, a man dressed in a vibrant pink gi practices breaking wooden planks with his hand.
Practice is going alright, those planks are snapping in half like nobody's business, although it's quite clear that the man who purchased them was a bit confused about what kind of wood to get for this excercise. The fact that he's snapping balsa wood like twigs isn't very impressive, or intimidating.
Ah well, Dan. Maybe next time you'll get it right.
The door opens up to the dojo and a man quietly enters. This particular man has never really stepped foot in here, nor has he had the desire to until now. He's known of Hibiki dojo, he's just never bothered to come watch the Martial Art that was taught here in person. That has changed though. Hibiki is a name from Sagat's past and lately Sagat has been on a journey of self reflection. He stands near the entrence, merely watching for now.
As Dan snaps the last plank of balsa with a mighty, "Y'SHAAAAA!" he turns to look towards the door, raising his hand and smiling as if about to greet a new potential student.
"Welcome t--," his voice is choked instantly by the visage of the man who's entered his dojo, and his smile quickly fades into a stern frown, turning his face into a mask of Segalesque fury, "!"
The hand that waves clenches into a fist, "I....what are you doing here? What do you want? Did you come here so what you started can finally be finished??"
The Mighty Thai Warrior strides deeper into the dojo. As Dan begins to spout words out of anger, Sagat merely looks about the room. He's looking at the decor, the size of the building and probably any paintings or furniture that may be here. After a couple of steps Sagat will stop. He will then look forward and look at Dan, "What did I start?" He asks the younger man.
The man in pink stares at Sagat incredulously. What did he start? How can he not know? Those are the words that race through Dan's mind, clearly readable from the expression on his face, "Don't give me that line of crap, Sagat! I know who you are, have you forgotten the Hibiki name? You murdered my father!"
The young Saikyo sensei's fist clenches further, the fingernails digging into his palm as his body violently shakes, "And you've already forgotten? You don't even have any respect for the dead? Give me one good reason not to break your bald ugly skull open right now!"
The Mighty Tiger stares quietly towards Dan. His brow furrows a bit as the younger man talks to him and mentions his father. Sagat nods his head, "I remember Go Hibiki. I know who you are. I am aware of what I did. However-" He pauses and narrows his eye, "Your father died in the ring. Fighting like a true warrior." He crosses his arms over his massive chest, "As for a good reason not to break my bald ugly skull open..." He gives a rather arrogant snort, "Lacking the capability would be reason enough to do such a thing." He then frowns, "I did not come here to upset you."
Dan lowers his fist, and continues to shake, staring at Sagat, "You think I can't do it. Hmph. Well, it wouldn't be enough to just finish you off anyways. Like you say, dying outside of the ring, isn't good enough, even for you. No one would notice, and I can't carry on the legacy from a jail-cell. But you're not here to upset me? That's a laugh. What brings the once proud god of muay-thai to the Hibiki Dojo, if not to settle the score?"
Dan's eyes lock to Sagats, with his neck inclined upwards to account for the Tiger's height, "After all, you don't have business here, so why are you here, level with me."
"Curiosity." He answers his question with that simple word. The Mighty Tiger looks about the room, "Curiosity on how the son of Go has been living up to his illustrious father's name." His head turns and he looks back towards Dan. His eye narrows, "I am not here to settle a score, as I have none to settle. Not with you."
Dan crosses his arms, finally beginning to stop shaking, "Well, feel free to look around. But it's not the dojo or the dojo's awards that are a measure of a man's success, but their goals and how they finish them. And you'd better think about what you're saying, because you may think you don't have a score to settle, but we're going to meet in the ring. When that happens, you'll learn just how much the Hibiki name has evolved. Even though you only have one eye, it will produce nine times the tears I've shed over your actions. Mark my words, Sagat."
The Mighty Thai warrior looks at Dan and frowns a bit, "Meet in the ring?" He asks curiously, "Excellent." He turns his head slightly, "It has been some time since I met a Hibiki in the ring. I would be quite curious to see the son of Go in action." He turns to look back at Dan, "Though I hear you haven't trained in Muay Thai as your father did. Why is that?"
Dan blinks and says, "Because, it wasn't good enough. I saw where you got that scar from. I trained under the man who trained the man who gave you that scar, I may have even trained along side him. Ansatsuken is a fine style, but it wasn't good enough either. I've developed my own way to fight, every part of it is crafted just for you."
A vicious toothy grin forms on the Thai man's visage as he looks towards Dan, "You've trained in a number of styles in an effort to send me into obscurity?" He chuckles lightly at the thought of that, "And now I am very curious as to what you are capable of." The Thai man steps backwards a step and shrugs his shoulders, "So when will you be... ready to challenge me?" He smirks.
Dan blinks and looks around the dojo for a second before saying, "What. Right now? I'm always ready to fight you, Sagat. If I lose, I lose. I'll just keep coming back until you're beaten. My father should've won that match, until I set that right, you're the first priority on my list."
Dan takes a step back and slides into stance, "So if you came here looking for a fight. I'm not going to disappoint you. After all, I've been working all my life for this moment."
The Thai warrior shakes his head, "Quite the contrary. I didn't come here for a fight. However, you've intrigued me. You've also fed my ego a little bit. It is not everyday someone tells me they've spent their life concocting a style tailored to defeating my own." He smiles that toothy smile again, "I'm a patient person and I am willing to wait, however..." He chuckles, "How often do we meet? When will be your next chance Dan Hibiki?"
Dan still in his stance frowns a bit and then falls back to a normal standing position, "I'm free very regularly, The Hibiki name doesn't draw many students, since father's death, and because of that, this Dojo doesn't have much teaching to do."
Dan strokes his chin, "I'd like to say Thursday or Friday would be a pretty good night to draw a crowd. After all, who cares about the challenge anyways, if there's nobody around to see it. What about you, Sagat. You're not too chicken to have a crowd around to watch me make you eat that eyepatch.. are you?"
The big man raises his head and laughs loudly. his deep laughter resonates around the dojo. His arms cross behind his back, "Whenever." He grunts, "I've spent decades of my life proving myself infront of a crowd. Your father and I were fighting in front of a crowd, if you recall." He smirks, "I lack the vanity to care about losing in front of a crowd." He turns around a bit, "Good thing you lack the same vanity."
The master of Saikyo Ryuu smirks and says, "Of course not. I fight to win, and rebuild the Hibiki name. I can't do that if nobody's paying attention. Losing. Hah. It won't happen. I know for a fact that Saikyo Ryuu can take anything Muay Thai can dish out, and then some."
The proud sensei motions around, "Once you're taken care of, this place will be full of students. You're the key to my success, and the vengance that I get from it is just the icing on the cake. Killing two birds with one stone is the goal here. So, I'll see you on Friday night. The match of the millenium is going to happen, and I'm going to win. For Dad."
"Indeed." Says the Muay Thai God as he moves towards the door, "Very well. I hope you do a lot more training between now and then." He looks over his shoulder and looks at the proud sensei, "I am sure it will be ... an interesting bout, to be sure." The big guy moves to the door, "Until then." He says as he departs.
Log created by Dan, and last modified on 16:25:30 09/08/2006.