Description: The final chapter of the Strongest! Games Saga, Yellow Lightning faces off against Solid Dan for ULTIMATE SUPREMECY over his Dojo Sign. Will Dan be overwhelmed by the Ninjas overly powerful second form? Or will his Ultimate Attack be enough to destroy her? Watch the exciting conclusion on the next PandaBall LiX!
O.. Oh snap. Just.. Oh man. One could taste it in the air, one could feel it in their bones. Today, somehow, someway, something was about to go -down-. Hopefully a certain Dan Hibiki has that kind of intuition because a certain little troublemaker doesn't even leave any sign of warning, none at all. It's 6 in the evening, so the sun is still out, and indeed it's a nice day to be getting into chaos.
Enter Li Xiangfei or for now Yellow Lightning, a ninja dressed in neon yellow with her covered hair up in buns tightened by red beads. There's a light putt, and then a louder roar of a scooter, the ninja taking a sharp turn into Dans quarters and then toward a conveniently placed ramp which is just a wooden board on a cinderblock that was placed there earlier.
Vroom.. vrooooom.. VROOOOOOOOOOM! The scooter flies off the ramp and through the hopefully already open door, "HWAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" tied to the back of course is Dans dojo sign, and it looks like it's been more or less unhurt, but it's pretty dusty. There's no doubt at all it's the real deal! Peering from the eyeslit, the young woman grins broadly, foot set on the floor, "Dan Hibiki!" she then cries, "I heard you've been looking for me; well I'm here!"
Dan Hibiki, the man with the wild eyebrows and a fighting heart to match stands in his opened Dojo, with his arms crossed. A feeling had gripped him earlier as he walked a tiny puppy down the courtyard earlier in the day. A feeling of vengeance. His sign. The thing he'd been longing for all this time, the thing that would surely bolster his roster in ways never before imagined, was still missing.
And it was time to get it back. Dan himself is dressed in very dark blue clothing, a vague military style swathes across his entire frame. Definitely infiltration gear. An honest to goodness sneaking suit. Around his head is a dark black headband, with it's tails flapping in the breeze caused by Xiangfei's entrance.
Next to him, A cardboard box. On that Box? 'TO STRONGEST! HEADQUARTERS'
Solid Dan was ready for action, but it looks like action's come to him.
....... Holy crap! Xiangfeis eyes widen in shock toward Dans ensamble, her jaw dropping a bit and nearly knocks the scooter over. Wow, she knew it had been some time, but was he seriously about to head down to their HQ, which was currently just a ramen shop?
.. Did he even know -which- shop it was? It's secret! "... Y.. You were going to mail yourself.. Wh.. Y.. Are you completely bonkers??" the chinese girl cries, kicking down the kickstand as she gets to her feet, "Anyway, that's Yellow Lightning of the Tseg Norts clan! As you can see, I've arrived with your sign, however, you aren't going to get it without a fight, without a," she leaps into the air knees tucked in as she performs a most awesome of flips, and drops into a Spider-Man style crouch, "Fight for your LIFE. If you recall correctly, our demands were that you open up a Sushi bar in this dojo, and I see that hasn't been done.. So I've decided to take more drastic measures; defeat me Dan, and you get the sign.. But lose, and you open the Sushi bar! Woooaaaataaaaah!"
Dan's eyes narrow to thin slits, as his lips twist into a maniacal grin, "Li Xiangfei of the Chuck Norris Clan, your fighting style will never be able to defeat me as long as you have my most prized posession. You're about to learn the reason they call my style 'Saikyo', and when you try to sit down, you'll realize that your ass bruises were never worth sushi, and never will be again. It's time we finished this!"
As he finishes talking he rolls to the side, right into the Cardboard Box, across the TATAMI Mats. Sliding into a row of similar boxes. It's like some sort of STEALTH TACTIC. What's he doing? Who knows.
It's on like Donkey Kong.
COMBATSYS: Dan has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Dan 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Dan focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Dan 0/-------/-------|
[OOC] Xiangfei says, "How many boxes are there sir!!"
[OOC] Dan says, "There are 5!"
[OOC] Xiangfei says, "Ok, if I roll a 2 I get the right one!"
[OOC] ROLL: Xiangfei rolls 1d5: 3
[OOC] Dan says, "Solid Dan wins again!"
"You messed it up -completely- on purpose!" Xiangfei immedietly yells back, and closes her eyes, hand clenched into a fist, "How dare you come up in here with a complete lack of respect! Fret not though, I will kick some common sense into your face! And falser words, they have never been spoken when you speak of sush---" her eyes snap open again as she POINTS at.. uh.. Nothing?
Blinks once, blinks twice, and spying the series of boxes, she quickly makes her way over to them, "Er.. Hmmmn.. Hmm..." brown eyes look from one to the other, and finally she just picks one out of random, the third box, stomping down on it hard, "GOT YOU!!" as it flattens into mere nothingness. Then the question mark forms over her head, the ninja in yellow perplexed, "... Or.. Maybe not?"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dan 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Xiangfei
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dan 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Xiangfei
The cardboard box to the left of Xiangfei explodes in a burst of chi energy, floating outward at different angles. As the small display subsides like fireworks, the cyan flames make an odd backdrop for Dan to begin his assault on. The stylized Yellow, Red, Yellow, Red sunset pattern dipping below crashing Cyan waves of fighting spirit, all as Dan lines up his attack and launches it.
Snaking his foot back with great speed he picks up the cardboard box behind him and tosses it over his back towards Yellow Lightning, "HYAHHHHHHHHH! TACTICS! That's what separates you from me! TACTICS! HOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH! SAIKYO GO!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei slows Large Thrown Object from Dan with Large Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Xiangfei
"WHAT??" Xiangfeis eyes widen in true shock as the box next to her explodes, explodes with some sort of.. Awesome power! She leaps back a bit, seeming to be trembling before the Tactical Espionage Dans might; how could she have been so easily outwitted? On the other hand, her reaction is pretty quick, snaking her foot toward the -other- box by her, "Is that so? HAH?" and she kicks the box forward, knocking the thrown box clear out of the path of doom! She drops into a snake-like pose, hidden mouth grinning smugly as she waggles her eyebrows, "Oh, I have tactics.. Tactic's that you can't even COMPREHEN-"
The boxed knocked out of the path bounces off the ceiling and smashes the chinese girl right over the head, she clasping the top of her head as she hops from foot to foot in obvious pain, "Ow ow ow ow.."
The master of Hibiki house puts his hands on his hips and laughs, "Getting hit on the head with boxes? That's a rookie mistake. You've got rookie eyes. The eyes of someone who is not only a rookie, but a straight up fool. You've done my work for me by coming here, and now it's time to end this little charade!"
Solid Dan tucks his body into a roll, gaining momentum as he wheels towards Xiangfei on a mission to get his sign back.
As he nears her body, his roll stops and his hands reach out to touch someone, her specifically, with a heaving attempt that only the Scots could dare dream about for tossing their cabers.
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Xiangfei with Quick Throw.
- Power hit! -
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei grumbles at Dan, giving him a glare that's easily defined as the glare of death! Or it's mexican equivilent, El Diablo esto Glaro. "Grrr.. Who's a rookie," she mutters under her breath, then speaks up louder, "Hah, if you're a master, then how come you don't realize I'm simply just setting a handicap! Haha, now that we're even, I can beging to fight for REAL!" she'll start with shifting from Dan, and clumsily slips on her own taped feet into Dans grasp- The end result an embarassing heave ho right onto the map, "Aaurgh!!" she tumbles along the ground, wincing as she holds her side, "O.. Ok, now we're evenly matched, ow ow.." and she dashes toward Dan, sweeping low at first and then a burst of smoke blows behind her as she rockets diagonally upward. However during that travel, she aims to smash her shoulder into Dans chest and bring him up with her, "HaaAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Dan with Tenpou Zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Xiangfei
The man in the bandana is propelled upward by Xiangfei's forceful might, flying in a parabolic arc for a moment until his eyes dart around quickly and he grips onto one of the florescent light housings that hang from the ceiling.
His muscles ripple beneath his makeshift sneaking suit as he grins down at the girl and says, "YOU KNOW HOW I KNOW WHO YOU REALLY ARE? DO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW?!?? You've got a huge noggin. Disguising yourself is like trying to make a great dane into a chihuahua. It's not going to work, and now you'll understand why stealing from Hibiki Dojo is a bad idea."
Letting the light go, he brings an angled kick down towards the Ninja-girl. It's the Hibiki style Tenma Kujinkyaku! Oh man. Now all Dan needs is to say "Shosh" or "Tim Duncan" and his path down the darkside will be complete.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Dan's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Xiangfei
Woah hey now! Now hold one just ONE MINUTE! Why does Dan have to go and make things personal? His very words make a vein buldge from her forehead, her eyebrow twitching and eyes widening in obvious fury as Dan takes the cheapest of cheap shots to drive her into a rage. The effects, they're not immediet but the sign of impending doom clouds the skies, "Wh. Y.. W. WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY FOREHEAD??" a light wind whisps about the chinese fighter, and her hand first snaps outward, and then chops to the side, redirecting the kick in it entirety off to the side, otherwise for a moment she doesn't even budge! "Y.. you.. This is -your- fault, you know, if you had been serving Sushi as you promised, this wouldn't have happened in the first place, NOW I AM MAD!"
Xiangfei crosses her arms and grips her yellow top, then with a loud *Ri-i-i-i-p* it tears off of her upper torse, revealing beneath it a black wifebeater shirt with the yellow text across the chest that reads 'HATE U'. Arms thrown to her sides, her golden aura of chi starts burning bright, golden pillar swirling around her small frame, "NOW SEE MY TRUE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORM!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Xiangfei
As Hibiki-Sensei lands and turns to see Xiangfei go Xyber-Huge in the grip of anger, his eyebrows raise considerably.
His arms cross and his eyes narrow again before he screams, "NO ONE EVER PROMISED SUSHI EVER, YOU GUYS STILL OWE ME LUNCH!"
And then, just like the man he ripped off the diagonal kick off of, his sneaking suit creaks as he pounds his bare foot on the tatami mat, making the remaining cardboard boxes bounce an inch to the air.
The power up cry starts low in his throat, and then fills the room...
"Kore Ga..."
"Kore Ga SAIKYO!"
COMBATSYS: Dan gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Dan 1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei notices for the first time that Dan can scream like a Pro. It's actually suprisingly difficult for her to keep up, because she's loud but.. She's not -that- loud. It's impressive! But Xiangfei is much too busy emitting her completely dominating rage upon the hapless dojo owner.
"LIAR!" Yellow Lightning yells back, though a slightly puzzled expression shows on her face now, eyebrow raised in turn, "Impressive, so you have power of your own.. But it won't save you from MY RAGE!" she turns her back then to Dan, roaring even louder for power, her shirt flapping and on the back in yellow text: '2 BADD'. The glow only gets more intense as she leans backward, "AaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!" ENGAGE THE RAGE.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Dan 1/-------/=======|=======\======-\1 Xiangfei
Dan's face contorts in more rage, and his screaming continues,
Oh man, he's vibrating.
COMBATSYS: Dan gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Dan 1/--=====/=======|=======\======-\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei feels a sudden backwind.. It's a powerful backwind and it makes her stumble forward a bit- What the CRAP was Dan doing? Twisting around to look back to her opponent, eyes wide in disbelief. Where was this power coming from??
All the faux ninja knew was she wasn't going to be outdone, and the sudden burst of power from her raises temperature in the dojo and knocks her scooter right the heck over, "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA---!!!" Deep breath, "--AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Dan 1/--=====/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Dan pounds his foot on the ground again and makes like he's going to yell again, "Y'S...yeah, you know what? SHUT UP ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Snapping his hip backwards, he leaps to the wall and pushes off of it, twisting his legs in the air in a triple roundhouse kick of might. Dan Dan Kick, the perfect combination of form and function, headed straight for the screaming Xiangfei. Will it work? Can it work? He's pretty confident it will.
After all, Xiangfei is screaming like a moron. God, seriously. C'mon. Stop yelling already.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei interrupts Dankuu Kyaku from Dan with Tenpou Zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Dan 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Xiangfei is trembling with power, and it's quickly overtaking her. Her body won't be able to hold on much longer, and Dan is looking like a pretty good targer! He flies in, looking to unleash some serious kicking pain, and then.. Then! The golden aura, it still burns, it makes her eyes sting, and the cloud of smoke bursts behind her once more, but this time her shoulder doesn't extend, her foot lashes up smashing into Dans leg, and she twirls around, opposite heel slamming with stunning power into his ribs, "TENPOU!" and then one more spin, with one more kick right at the side of his head that's gotta hurt, "KYAKU!!!"
Whew! And she drops to the ground, hiddenly grinning maniacly, as she cracks her knuckles, ".. no u."
Dan is sent flying into that very same wall he pushed off of, cratering it ever so slightly, as he slides down its surface and groans fiercely. For a moment, he sits there his arms looking as if they're broken, and his legs looking like they're hurt something fierce.
But then he shakily stands, and points to Xiangfei with a smile, "Your defenses are good, but you forgot one thing...."
The man of the hour breaks into a run, heading straight for Xiangfei, and putting his arm out in an attempt to clothesline the Hip Hop Honey.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei endures Dan's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Dan 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
"My greatest defense, is my offense," Xiangfei replies, shoulders buckling with her amused chuckle, her gaze piercing, powerful.. Her gaze just screams, 'GET OUT MY HOUSE'. However Dan is right, Saikyo is unpredictable, she would have thought for sure something very nasty would follow but what's this.. A mere clothesline!
"In that case..." It slams true, right across her neckline, but she uses the extended up like a gymasts pole, flipping upon impact and vaults up into the air, "Can you THINK FAST?" feet lash out as she decends in an attempt to catch Dan about his neck....
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Dan with Esaka.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Dan 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
And once she manages to get hold, "HAH!" she twirls... Twirls and twirls and twirls and twirls, Dan helpless to her spinning assault, arms crossed across her chest as she cackles maniacly! And then after what seems like forever, she twists her momentum, flinging him away as she drops onto her side, "For -real-!"
Dan lands, surprisingly on his feet, continuuing to spin for quite a while. With his eyes going crazy, both of his hands come to the sides of his forehead and he slaps his temples with audible sounds.
As he lines Xiangfei up in his sights, he sees three of her, before squinting and crossing his eyes, "HAH... Gotcha this time!"
He breaks into a run, and then leaps into the air. As he comes down from this giant leap...his left palm moves forward and launches some of that pent-up Saikyo aggression.
There's that fireball. Do it Dan!"
[OOC] Dan says, "Minus that last ""
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Xiangfei with Gadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Dan 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
All the Xiangfeis are grinning in amusement as well, they reaching to hook their fingers into their mouth but... Er.. Yeah, she's still wearing the mask. As such, she just kind of looks silly, and then is slammed by some Saikyo magic! But that's impossible! How.. She heard his fireball didn't travel that far! "Ooof!" she collapses onto the ground, swirly-eyed, and then quickly sits up, "OW! That was a good shot, but I'm far from beaten Dan! Don't you want your sign back??" taking a moment to get to her feet, she then leaps upward, spinning around fully to try and once more pop him right in the head with a classic kung-fu kick! The Green Ranger would be very jealous of its execution, "KYAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Dan fails to interrupt Light Kick from Xiangfei with Kouryuken.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Dan 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Dan snickers to himself with great gusto, as Xiangfei's foot comes towards him. His body curls down into a tight corkscrew of Saikyo Energy. A very tight corkscrew that no one should ever attempt at home. There's just one problem with this. It brings his face right into Xiangfei's foot, and sends him realing backwards, "AGH! MY EYE! YOU KICKED MY EYE! WHAT THE HELL?"
Poor Dan :|
Xiangfei can see it right now, Tommy is seriously green with envy.. As well he SHOULD BE! Xiangfei isn't in her best condition right now, but wow is she totally kicking some serious butt; this is what the fight is all about. This fight has -meaning-! Two fighters going toe to toe every way!
Well sort of, Dan has to go and spoil her good mood yet -again- with his mouth, "... w.. w.. WHAT???" Her face turns bright red in embarassment, the girl quickly shaking her head, "Lie! Liar!! You lying LIAR LIAR! I WASH MY FEET!" And seriously Dan, you don't say that to a girl. Both enraged and -extremely- humiliated, she winds up her fist, and then just throws her weight into one magnificent blow, a forward punch of incredible strenght zooming for his chin, "YOU DUMMY!!"
COMBATSYS: Dan interrupts Strong Punch from Xiangfei with Chouhatsu Densetsu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Xiangfei 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|
COMBATSYS: Dan can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Xiangfei 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|
Dan rolls under Xiangfei's fist, and pops up behind her with a bright glare in his face before he says, "Li Xiangfei, Your style is the worst in the world. You smell badly. Small children are frightened by your humongous forehead. Tax collectors don't even bother you because they know your tax forms will be smudged by filthy Chocolate fingerprints. You think this fight is about the sign? You're an idiot."
With a quick hand-chop towards the sign that this battle is all about, Dan breaks it in two, mightily, "This is how much your fight is worth to me. Get out of my Dojo. Don't ever expect Sushi. When we meet again, your head will roll with the might of Saikyo. I'm bored of this match. Get the hell out of my Dojo!"
"...................................." Xiangfei stares at Dan for a -good- long time. Like. It's a good long stare. Dan has the uncanny ability to perform feats that have never been seen by the likes of man before, and his words, they just stun her. They stun her but GOOD.
"............................" Her face still red, her lips move as if to say something, but her eyes, they become large, shiny and doe'ey. "Y... You... YOU!!" she finally yells, pulling off her mask and revealing her painted face, a giant devils face in red.. But it smears as tears streak down her cheeks. She throws her mask at Dans face, "YOU JERK!!" and she runs over to her scooter, bawling.
She starts the engine, bawling.
And then finally, she just putt putt VROOMS out of the dojo, crying 'wee wee wee' all the way home.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has ended the fight here.
Log created by Xiangfei, and last modified on 10:33:09 05/02/2006.