Description: Fighting an exhibiton match (for the sake of free food!) Sie Kensou and Edmund Honda square off in the Village Mall... And the mighty sumo learns why you never fight Kensou over food.
Poor, poor Restraurant Koo. Despite the cleverness of it's name ('shoku' ...get it?), the business has hit a dry spell as of late. People simply haven't had the time to enjoy a beef shoulder tenderloin tataki, or a garlic-roasted artichoke with kewpie mayo dip. And the beef tongue hadn't been ordered in...well, let's just say that there wasn't any in stock 'waiting' to be brought out. Chef Kiyoshi and the rest of the staff had put all their hopes on one last gambit. Find two fighters renowned for their appetites, have them fight to raise awareness of the restaurant...and then give them all the food they want in the hopes they'll get a few good quotes to put on their list of reviews. Foolish? Maybe. Desperate? Perhaps. At least, if it didn't work, they wouldn't have to worry about the leftovers spoiling once their two choices cleaned them out.
It's for this event that a large, makeshift ring has been constructed in the parking lot, a rented wrestling mat, complete with ropes to signify the edges has been constructed, with the restraunt's name decorating the skirt around the bottom. Multiple waitresses act as guides, leading people to seats and providing them with a beverage of choice. Minors, no sake for you. Speakers hang from metal stands, broadcasting out the commentary of the fight as spoken by Chef Kiyoshi and the lovely head waitress, Manami. With the growing crowd gathering, it seems like so far, the plan might be a success!
One of the chosen fighters, Edmund Honda, is already prepared, wearing his custom-made robe and signing autographs for fans. Young boys are encouraged to learn the art of sumo, and young girls....are encouraged to follow their dream. It's not that he doesn't think women should sumo, in fact he's a huge supporter of the women's sumo league. It's just awkward for him to think of any girls picturing him as a role model.
Meanwhile... Kensou is thinking aaaaall about the food. Oh, he's got fans too, and that's leading to autographs and having his picture taken with people, but he's got his mind on the bottom line, right now, and that line is /all the food he wants/. Of course, this leads to him being as cheerful and affable as one could hope for, when dealing with the fans, because it's not like he wants to ruin the deal, you know?
The Chinese teen is wearing his usual fighting garb, since this was pre-planned and all, and it's not long before the fans are dealt with and he's had to give the runaround to a few guys trying to get Athena's email address off of him, and it's getting to be about the time when the exhibition match is supposed to start! At his side of the ring, Kensou vaults easily over the ropes to land in the wrestling ring, working one shoulder a little! Yeah! He's not scared of anybody, even if they are like TEN TIMES HIS SIZE.
Ten times his size? Not likely! ...five times, perhaps, but ten? That would be a daytime talk show guest, not a sumo champion! E. Honda also climbs into the ring, though with a bit more effort than Kensou puts into it. If he was young and doing gymnastics like that...well, he'd be a rather pathetic sumo, wouldn't he? But the man is also in good humor, not only because of the food, but...well, good food, good drink, and good-looking waitresses all add up to a good reason to fight! Let's just hope Kensou doesn't go for attacks that would ruin Honda's appetite.
Once the announcers broadcast out their greeting, what the fight is for (as if anybody had a doubt), and the names of the fighters, Honda points out a hand towards Kensou, one sausage-like finger aimed at the boy. "Well, boy, let's do our best, hm? We'll find out how well you do against the might of sumo!" The wrestler grins the whole time, and then shoulders off the robe, tossing it behind him to some lucky fan. It'll make a good tent or blanket for a king-size bed. The sumo wrestler stomps one foot on the mat, and then the other, hands braced on his knees, and then raises up a hand and does the classic 'come on' beckon to Kensou. First move is yours, it seems!
COMBATSYS: E.Honda has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
E.Honda 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kensou has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
E.Honda 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
D... Damn, that is one big dude. Kensou might not really like being called 'boy', but what's he gonna do about it, huh? Instead, he grins and laughs sheepishly in return at the older fighter's greeting, scratching the back of his head with one hand. "Yeah, well... I'll show you the strength of Chinese kenpo!" he declares. And boy, he hopes Honda doesn't get too hungry during the fight... He might try to eat Kensou!
But now is not the time for such worries. Since he's being beckoned onwards, Kensou dispenses with the usual 'formality' of getting into his stance, and instead... Suddenly dashes forward, straight at the sumo! "An' y'know what they say," the psychic teen says, half to himself. "The bigger they are...!" Closing in on Honda, Kensou suddenly springs /off/ the mat, twisting in the air to launch his right foot at the other fighter's face... But that foot is alight with blue-tinged white energy, a streak of light following the arc of his sobat-style kick! "Hyaaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits E.Honda with Ryuu Sougeki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
E.Honda 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Blue-tinged white energy? Does EVERYBODY have the ability to make parts of their body glow except Honda?! What the hell are they feeding the kids these days?! Plutonium? The kick is nothing to Honda, but that energy... owfu- GEEZUS. That stung something awful! The sumo wrestler flinches backward, bringing a hand up to his cheek, Honda grins at Kensou even as he leans back against the ropes, and then suddenly bounces forward. "Not bad! Took me by surprise, but..." The sumo wrestler reaches out to grab hold of the chinese boy by the collar, step foward to drag him off his feet, and then pinwheel his arm around to slam the boy onto the mat. "You only get one chance to surprise me!"
COMBATSYS: E.Honda successfully hits Kensou with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
E.Honda 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Kensou
Recoiling off of the impact of the kick, Kensou twists in the air as he drops towards the ground, landing easily on his fight. "That's right!" the Psycho Soldier says with a triumphant laugh, sounding quite pleased with himself! "That's the power of me, the great Sie Kensou... Uh oh." Now he just sounds worried, as Honda comes bouncing off the ropes at him. That's not... Good. He tries to slip back out of the way, but he underestimates the sumo wrestler's reach, and instead he gets grabbed, and pinwheeled right into the mat, with a loud: "OOF!!" That kinda stung! But Kensou isn't about to give up, no way; he pushes up off the ground, holding himself up on one hand, and swings out one leg while still suspended like that, at the back of the big man's knee. "Ha--!!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits E.Honda with Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
E.Honda 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
The kick connects, and the sumo wrestler is dropped to a crouch, one knee /almost/ touching the mat. But, the sumo wrestler simply grunts past the pain and smiles at Kensou. "You have skills, it seems! But, it helps to have the power to back them up!" The sumo wrestler steps forward, and reaches out as if to grab hold of Kensou's leg again. Instead, however, the hand opens up to strike at him, followed immediately by another strike from the other hand. The sumo wrestler continues stepping forward, his hands blurring as they continue flying forward in a flurry towards the younger fighter, a "Hyahyahya!" accompanying each one.
COMBATSYS: E.Honda successfully hits Kensou with Hundred Hand Slap.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
E.Honda 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Kensou
Getting to his footing again, Kensou is faced with the rather unfortunate realisation that /he didn't knock Honda down/, and that makes him grimace in comical, horrified surprise. "Geez, you've got pretty good balance," the youth admits, and then there's those hands coming towards him. A bit frantically, he tries to get his arms in the way of the strikes, but the sumo wrestler just goes right through his guard, pummelling him with those 'hundred hands', finally blasting him back and into the ropes. "But if y' wanna see /power/..." He raises his hands in front of his face, palms opem, crossed at the wrists. Quickly, he collects energy, compacting it together, letting out a slow breath, and then... His hands sweep out. "CHOUKYUUDAN!!" the Psycho Soldier cries, and a crackling sphere of blue-tinged white Psycho Power forms in the air in front of him, hurtling across the ring at Honda!
COMBATSYS: E.Honda slows Choukyuu Dan from Kensou with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
E.Honda 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Kensou
"Pft. Kids and their energy." Honda sees the surge in power, and immediately steps back and reaches behind him for whatever's the most convenient. Fortunately, that happens to of the ring poles? Well, whatever it is, the sumo's strength manages to snap off the top half of the pole, leaving the upper ropes dangling down on the ground, and it's heaved to meet the blast of energy. "Well, maybe THIS wi-, cr-" Yeah, no cursing in front of the fans, Honda. The wooden beam seems able to soak up some of the energy before exploding, and what's left impacts the sumo wrestler and dazes him for a second. "Tch...doesn't feel at all like one of Ryu's fireballs...that really is a neat trick you have there." The sumo wrestler takes a wobbly step forward, and then reassumes his sumo fighting stance. "Now c' me that's not all you've got!"
Whoa nelly, that's not right at all! Kensou's eyes widen at Honda's unusual choice of defense, but at least it wasn't completely successful, and he didn't get a faceful of ring post, right? Right. "Hey, it's more than just a trick... It's the fruit of years of hard practice and training!" Hmph, tricks! Like he were some sort of stage magician or something! But rather than going on the offensive again, Kensou actually crouches a bit himself, resting his hands on his knees as he watches Honda. Plus, it's a good chance to catch his breath!
COMBATSYS: Kensou gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
E.Honda 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Kensou
Composing? How's Kensou expect to compete with the fighters like Ryu or Ken or Chun-Li or...those other guys who throw fire around like it's a toy? Irresponsible kids, the lot of them. Hopefully, Kensou won't grow up to be like them. "All right, seems your teacher trained you well! But now, let me show you what my teachers showed me, hm?" Honda grins before he suddenly charges...but not towards Kensou. The fighter instead moves diagonal, heading towards two of the ropes that are still standing to the side. Impacting, the sumo wrestler leans into them, crouching ever so slightly, and then suddenly seems to be flung forward, taking the shape of a sumo torpedo as he flies directly towards Kensou. INCOMING!
COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges E.Honda's Super Zutsuki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
E.Honda 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Kensou
He's... He just... What? "HOLY CRAP!!!" exclaims Kensou as he sees Honda /flying right at him/. Fortunately, he has enough warning to get /over/ his shock at the remarkable sight, and his response is to leap, well, up. And /over/ the sumo wrestler, briefly putting a foot on the flying man's broad back to push off of him, landing on his feet on the other side and skidding along the mat on his heels! C'mon, keep it together, Kensou! Turning towards Honda again, he rushes directly towards his opponent, trying to grab him by the head before he can completely recover from the /sumo torpedo/; if successful, Kensou will then /run up the ropes/ of the wrestling ring, pushing off the top rope into a wide arc, trying to bring Honda down onto the mat under his own weight. Or, you know... That's how he sees it going in his head! "Yaa-!"
COMBATSYS: E.Honda fails to interrupt Strong Throw from Kensou with Rebound Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
E.Honda 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0 Kensou
The second part of Honda's training? Don't let up! Which is why, when the sumo wrestler manages to land gracefully (?!) on the mat, he's already turning around to continue the attack. ...unfortunately, he's underestimated the power of a hungry teenager, it seems! The sumo wrestler reaches for where he expects the younger man to find blank air in front of him. "Huh?" And where'd this arm around his head come from? "Oh." The young man manages to keep the sumo wrestler off-balance, and sure enough Honda topples over like a ... well, something big that topples. Right onto the mat, in fact. Anybody else, and it'd probably be the end of the match...but the sumo wrestler manages to slowly work himself up to one knee and grins at Kensou. "Good job..." Now...will he get a chance to stand up before it continues?
Such an incredible feat, to topple the mighty sumo wrestler! Kensou sure is earning that 'all he can eat' deal, isn't he? Though it's a wonder the entire ring didn't collapse when Honda landed! Kensou hits the ground a split-second after his opponent, rolling over his shoulder to end up in a low crouch himself, kind of amazed that worked. He /is/ going to let Honda get to his feet, it would seem, since the Chinese youth keeps his distance, crouching a little in his stance, as energy begins to visibly whirl around him, motes of blue-white light like a tornado of fireflies. "Haaaaa...!" Looks like he's getting ready to do something big, Honda!
COMBATSYS: Kensou gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
E.Honda 1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1 Kensou
Never let it be said that Honda is afraid of people charged with energy! In fact, the sumo wrestler seems willing to take whatever it is Kensou plans on giving him! With VIGOR! It's why the sumo wrestler raises an eyebrow (That's right...the Sumo Eyebrow!) before...charging forward? That's right, the sumo wrestler is moving forward like a freight train, arms extended to impact into Kensou, and bearhug him. Should that work, it's simply a matter of crushing the younger man against the older man's chest with those huge arms. Let's see him focus on his attack after THAT!
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks E.Honda's Saba Ori.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
E.Honda 1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1 Kensou
Bearhugged, and nowhere to go! Kensou can't get out of the way without breaking his concentration and ruining all of his efforts, leaving him with little choice but to stand there and, uh, get hugged. But he gets his arms in the way of the worst of it at least, keeping Honda's grip loose enough that he can manage to slip free, dropping downwards with much less hurty than the sumo probably intended! Crouching there, he then thrusts out his right hand, palm open, intent on tapping it against Honda's jelly-belly, his left hand bracing against his upper right arm, and then...!
COMBATSYS: E.Honda fails to interrupt Senki Hakkei from Kensou with Orochi Kudaki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: E.Honda can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/---====|
...And then, for a brief moment, Kensou's eyes gleam with a blue light, before the air around Honda erupts in a sphere of Psycho Power! It's like being enveloped in pure white light, except that it hurts a lot, attacking from every direction... The sphere is large enough to completely obscure the sumo wrestler, and most of Kensou's arm, an enormous amount of Psycho Power being unleashed, the mat beneath the two fighters visibly rippling out from the Senki Hakkei. It only lasts for a few moments - though it likely seems much longer to the man trapped inside - before Kensou finally loses control of the sphere and it /explodes/, the force sending Honda /straight up/, and Kensou rebounding into the ropes, arms and legs akimbo.
Well, sunuvagun. It seems Honda's rather skilled at underestimating the youth of today. And yet, it's strange. Even as the burst of energy surrounds him, and even as he feels consciousness starting to fade...the only thought that goes through his mind? It isn't about food. "Pretty good control...for a kid." Lord knows it's probably better than Ryu could do back at his age. The sumo wrestler's words probably aren't heard any anybody, but it means that even when the large man is sent skyward and impacts on the mat, causing the beams to moan and the turnbuckles to almost collapse inward, the man still has a smile on his face. Kensou will just have to get started on the food without him.
Whoa, what happened there? Kensou wasn't expecting things to go quite how they did... He totally expected Honda to do /something/ to him there, but the big guy's down! Hanging against the ropes, the Psycho Soldier watches the sumo wrestler, shaking his head slowly as it seems the other fighter isn't going to get back up, and he gets his feet back underneath him, taking his weight off the ropes. Well, he won the exhibition match, and he's going to get the first crack at the food?! "Whew... That guy's pretty tough!" he says, slipping out of the ring and into the crowd, while Honda gets checked on to make sure he isn't really hurt. And now, the restaurant owner's regret will begin.
COMBATSYS: Kensou has ended the fight here.
Log created by Kensou, and last modified on 20:29:46 04/05/2006.