Neo League 226 - #242: Alma vs Xiangfei

Description: Once again, these two star-crossed not-quite-lovers meet for epic battle on an epic stage, and once again-- wait a tick! Yes, folks, this time neither jeering old men nor scandelous outfits can stop Alma Towazu from making his sixth time the charm, and achieving his first win against Xiangfei *ever*!! Still, truth be told... when a man who fights with the power of love is victorious, everyone's a winner. (Winner: Alma)

Take that and multiply it by a million, and you have the foundations for Shanghai, the famously enormous and busy city of the famously enormous and busy nation of China. Yes, welcome to the Middle Kingdom! Communist policies there may be, but here in the narrow and dusty alleys of Shanghai's market districts people are living life as they have for centuries. There have been wars and famine and destruction, but Shanghai has perservered. Its spirit of commercial enterprise appears to be eternal. For after all, what could possibly stamp out such seething chaos as this?
Bicycles race by each other, their occupants ringing bells with apparent abandon as they weave past pedestrians and streetside stalls selling all manner of food and crafts to residents and tourists alike. Brring-brring! Better get out of the way, gwai lo, for the people here are all very intent on their business. If nothing else, that appears to be the one thing all these Shanghai market folk have in common: this sense of intense purpose. Perhaps it's the only way to keep from being swamped and swept away.
Still, no one can live that way all the time. Let's go deeper into the district, farther from the thick throngs of that busy, fancy marketplace. Here the residents laze about; old men and women stand by their few stalls with sublime patience as a few adults ride by calmly on their bicycles. It's a refreshing pace, especially after experiencing the chaos of the marketplace -- and no doubt that's what these people have been doing all their lives. They don't make a lot of sales here, of course, but every once in a while, they get one or two customers...
...but even then, those customers don't usually have cameramen following them.
What little of the Chinese language Alma Towazu managed to pick up on the way here, he's sure he mispronounces terribly, but even the Shanghai natives would be impressed at the prices he's been getting. Perhaps it's the fact that he seems to only buy things from the stalls where the occupants look to be in the most difficulty. He always offers to pay full price, and sometimes, they accept -- but most of the time, they find they just can't. The young man is too gracious, too gentle. It's an attitude that isn't able to survive long in lives such as theirs. Yet they see him walk through the crowd, mild-faced and ever so careful, somehow not look as big as he actually is, and people /still/ unconsciously make way for him... maybe a guy like that seems deserving of a bargain. Somehow, Alma offers more and ends up paying less. It really does seem appropriate.
Though then again... maybe it's just because those women at the dress shop were making eyes at him.

Smiling gently but with obvious pleasure, Alma sets his stuffed shopping bag down by one of the cameramen and walks to the center of this more quiet alley, the tall youth glancing around himself apparently idly. While still not wide enough for an automobile, this place is wider than most, so there's little chance of any of the surrounding property being damaged. Taking a deep breath of the cool afternoon air, Alma's eyes sparkle with readiness. He's been mentally preparing all day. He's not going to lose this time. He's going to /win/. His fighting spirit compels him to give his all -- and achieve victory!
And then he can show her what he bought her.
~ ...I hope she didn't get lost. ~

Don't let Xiangfei know of course, that the women are checking out Alma. Nothing good could come from it. But then again, Xiangfei could just be totally biased toward her chinese 'sisters', and give them the super-benefit-of-the-doubt, because that's really just how the girl is. So in love with the chinese culture.
It almost makes one wonder why she's so intent on coming across as some sort of gangster. Curious, that. But that aside, it's a no-brainer to assume that the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey is completely psyched to be having another fight in China, the last time was against the always strong Sakura, and now this time? She'd face her masochist fiance' once more. And as usual, once more she's going to crush his hopes of ever being able to take down the kung-fu waitress. And that's all good with her! She hadn't done nearly as much shopping, having actually spent her time hanging at the food courts and stuffing her face with tan, white, and/or red things and being extremely happy about it. But soon, the call of battle fills the air!

The model doesn't have to wait very long for Xiangfei of course, because while he's lost in his own world, mulling over whatever, she's running at top speed and seriously turning some heads. And not because she was eating a days supply of food in mere minutes.
"Daaaarliiiiiiiing!" the chinese girl cries, and by the time he turns around, if he -even- turns around, she's dropping from above, looking to crash right into him- She's wearing a black skullcap on her head, and about her small frame, a red kimono with white flowerprints all about the cloth. However oddly enough she's wearing black shoes with it instead of sandles. Clearly today she is not fashion friendly.

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Xiangfei         0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Alma has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Alma             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0         Xiangfei

Yes, Alma does appear to be lost in his own world, deep in contemplation. With a deep breath to settle his spirit, basking in the warmth of the day and the quiet activity of the people around him, the young fighting-model turns once again to his philosophy for inspiration.
~ I must consider what's really important to me. I know that within my heart is the fear that once I beat her, she'll give up on our... relationship... and pay less attention to me. I can forgive myself for this insecurity, even though it costs me. But deep down, what's important to me is that I match my spirit against the overwhelming spirit of Li Xiangfei and create something beautiful that others can enjoy. From that, true passion flows. And honestly, what's more important: that purity of existence, or some affectionate pouncing and being called 'Darling'? ~
For a moment, the tall blond gazes thoughtfully into the distance.
Then, inexplicably, he sighs heavily, and lets his head fall into his hand.
~ ...okay, okay, maybe, but /still/... ~
It is then that Alma is ambushed, sixth sense belatedly flaring up only in time for him to turn and manage to catch the incredible flying Xiangfei. He staggers, mainly from surprise, but manages to maintain a gentle supportive hold -- and a moment later a warm smile spreads itself across his young features, hazel eyes shining happily through his blond bangs. Awwww, Alma. He's so /happy/.
"Xiangfei," he replies, low tones soft as he gently sets her down before him, still grinning in that mild way of his. "I'm glad you made it." It takes him a bit, but he manages to let his grin recede, now looking slightly more serious. "Now that I've fought together with you, I feel fully prepared to take you on myself. This time, I won't lose." He seems to have a hard time maintaining a straight face standing so close to Xiangfei, though, so he takes this opportunity to take a step back, with nice (and mostly unconscious) dramatic flair. "You tell me destiny ordains your victory -- but my passion will defy destiny." Seeing the cameramen signal them in his peripheral vision, Alma allows a slight and highly bishounen smile, for you can't pull off something like 'my passion will defy destiny' without a bishounen expression, and shifts his stance slightly. Growing more poised, seeming to grow taller, limbs relaxing, eyes glinting in the light... and then igniting with rising fighting spirit. "So..."
*brring-brring* A bicycle rides by lazily... and then someone, somewhere, hits the Chun-Li theme from Street Fighter 2.
"Show me what you've got, Xiangfei!"

COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Alma             0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0         Xiangfei

Wheeee!! While Alma may look happy, of course Xiangfei looks happy as well- There may not be a fesitval or something today, but she's definatly dressed to party! Well.. Sort of. You must be crazy to fight in a kimono! But once the chinese girl is set down, she takes a couple of steps back, and sets a hand on her hip, the other to her hand to yawn as Alma makes his speech. Ah, to defy destiny, Alma is so CUTE when he's passionate, so nieve! "Oh darling," Xiang replies with a shrug, "Of course you're going to lose. But that shouldn't stop you from trying your hardest. You're an important puzzle piece to my becoming the Strongest Woman in the world. But more importantly,"
Xiangs cheeks start to redden then, and she swallows hard, undoing the belt to her kimono, and then slowly draws the clothing itself open, ".. I uh, never got to thank you for your help, since I got smashed, so.. um.." The kimono slides off her shoulders, and underneath it she wears a white, button-up frilly blouse, the sleeves rolled up to better show her forearm guards. About her waist a black belt that seems to hold up a relativly short and pleated plaid skirt, and sports black tights on her legs. Kimono then tossed aside as well as her skullcap, slightly frazzled hair tossing lightly in the breeze, "You had better appreciate this!" she cries flusteredly, already gearing up to get angry with Almas response. She will preemptivly kick his butt!!

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Alma             0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0         Xiangfei

[OOC] Alma says, "................."

Also, one of the passing bikes suddenly goes colliding into a stack of metal coops holding chickens. AWESOME.

[OOC] Alma then busts out laughing.

[OOC] Alma says, "My day has been made."

To Alma's credit, his last coherent thought as Xiangfei begins to disrobe is a considerate one.
~ I should tell her that's not what I mean by 'Show me what you've got'... ~
And then his brain catches up with the rest of him, realizes what's going on, and if Alma's appearance is any indication, basically shuts down. Fortunately, bishounen have the ability to not look awkward no matter how off-balance they are, and as Alma is particularly undemonstrative he pulls the whole thing off rather well: a slight parting of the lips, an appreciative widening of the eyes. Somehow, his feathered hair starts to rise slightly on the sides, too, as though a very small shockwave just went through his head. His eyes remain clear and focused-looking... but that doesn't stop him from looking as though somebody just walloped him over the head with a big mallet.
~ Xiangfei is taking off her clothes in front of me. On camera. ~
"Oh, I do," is the next thing he says, more hastily than usual. But with conviction.
~ And I get a free recording... ~
Well, even Alma knows when his thoughts have gone too far. With a loud huff, he takes another deep breath, and it seems to genuinely clear his head. Even then, though, he just acquires a rather silly-looking half-grin. "Don't hold back," he manages. Yeah, in a skirt like that. Don't get too hopeful, Alma. Still, when he meets her eyes and after a few seconds pass, he genuinely seems to have recovered; he seems relaxed again, ready to apply himself. Perhaps his passion can defy schoolgirl outfits, too.
Well, what it can /definitely/ do is get him moving. One more bicycle rides by, and Alma lunges quickly, darting in with startling swiftness to open with a blur of jabs. His aura begins to manifest as a halo around his fists, a harmless effect but a sign that he's ready to get into the rhythm of the fight... and the alleyway is graced by the scent of spring rain.

[OOC] Xiangfei chokes and laughs. XD

[OOC] Alma XD

COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Xiangfei with Spring Shower.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Alma             0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0         Xiangfei

Well, it's no secret that when it comes to shame, Xiangfei has very little of it. Of course, it also depends on the circumstances; she didn't see anything wrong with stripping down into more clothing! That and she was more focused on what his reaction would be, which wasn't nearly as bad as she had expected.
.. Well then! Her palms raised up and in front of her, she seems to having something in store for those jabs, but her plan doesn't quite fall through there. The hits connect and cause her to stagger back a little with crossed eyes, cheeks still bright and cherry. On the other hand, that is a -really- nice smell! "Ooof.." Xiangfei then stumbles forward, attempting to throw and arm over the young mans shoulder..

COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Xiangfei's Esaka.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Alma             0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0         Xiangfei

She raises her free hand to her mouth to cough twice... But then suddenly she releases her hold, twirling around not once, but twice, to smash her fists into Almas gut, and then his chest, in a -really- weird spinning clothesline, "WaaAATAAH!"

Alma doesn't know what Xiangfei had in store, but he can't afford to start thinking conscious thoughts right now, not while he's on the ball. Or at least, so he seems to be until he lets Xiangfei stumble into him, wrap an arm around his shoulder, and cough. Alma appears mildly startled.
But his psychic senses are in full gear now, and when she quickly spins he's able to fade back enough to parry those two strikes and absorb the force cleanly. In fact, he absorbs it clean right into his next attack, for he is a pure-hearted warrior of virtue and will not be distracted from his passionate assault by fetching young Chinese women in schoolgirl outfits falling on him. Twisting his body, he reverses into a quick but fierce back kick, aiming to hit Xiangfei in the midsection and knock her back and away. Or at least out of falling-into range.

Also, though nobody knows where that theme music is coming from, someone should tell whoever's playing that xylophone-marimba thing that it makes for a pretty catchy tune.

[OOC] Xiangfei XD

[OOC] Alma is /still/ getting down to that theme song.

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei interrupts Light Kick from Alma with Ryokuchi Kou'en.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Alma             1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0         Xiangfei

Xiangfei's deceptive attack.. Has been nulled! Those darn psychics never play by the rules of drunken kung-fu! But then again... She likes to bend the rules a little herself! The chinese fighter snickers as Alma defends himself, and boasts, "Oh, I'll get you next time!"
When his kick comes though, she's more than ready- In fact, Alma may have a strong case of deja vu when she catches his leg right at her side and then twirls around- Not to throw him but slam him flat on his back, "Hah!" still on her feet she then raises one fist in the air, the other tugging down on her skirt as she raises her knee and then slams her foot down hard against the handsome mans gut. "HYAAAH!"

"Ha ha!" cackles the old Chinese man, leaning back in his chair and taking a deep draught of his cold tea before speaking again. "That'll teach the foreign devil to mess with a Chinese girl!"
"Now now, Foon," replies the old Chinese woman sitting next to him, "don't judge by appearances. That young man is quite nice. You know, when he bought one of my silk scarves, he said my work was some of the best he'd ever seen, and I think he really meant it. He just has the clearest eyes..."
"Pfah, you're too old to fall in love," snorts the old man, before suddenly bursting into cackles again. "Ha, look at that! He tried to look up her skirt while he was rolling to his feet!"
"What nonsense! He's been averting his eyes!"
"Oh yeah? Why's he look all ashamed of himself, then, eh? Ha ha ha!"
Alma gets to his feet quickly despite the fierce blow to his gut, jaw only clenched against the pain for a moment before he relaxes and recovers. "Hmph!" Far from a grunt of dismissal or disdain, this is a quiet kiai; on some level a recognition that she's won this round, as he has to take a moment to gather his spirit again. But gather it he does, for his eyes shine with purpose -- and the joy of the fight.
In a flash of light he's lunging again, right hand blazing with white soulfire, the halo of energy criscrossed with constantly moving traces of pink and purple. Undaunted, the young fighter keeps up his offensive, and unleashes a close-range blast of pure Psycho Power. It's an uncomfortable feeling as always, having that stuff near you, as it seems to confuse you as to what's you and what's everything else... but at the same time, it's a warm feeling. There's a feeling of odd tranquility as it aims to pierce your soul. Is Alma in a good mood?

[OOC] Xiangfei dies.

[OOC] Alma XD

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei endures Alma's Self Expression!

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Alma             1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0         Xiangfei

Yay, random spectators! Were Xiangfei paying attention, she'd be quite pleased by the arguing of the loving couple, but her mind more or less is on the battle ahead; a battle with Alma is never a simple one, and lately he's been getting stronger!
One thing that Xiangfei doesn't fear, though, is Psycho power. She's been having to deal with Kensous crap for a pretty long time, and so the brave heroine eyes the pretty sparkling fire, and seems to just drop her guard completely letting Almas hand meet it's mark. It's exceptionally soft mark.
Dead silence. The xylophone stops playing. Someone drops a porcelain plate that shatters on the ground.
And there stands Li Xiangfei, her eyes looking down to Almas hand, and then to the youth with what starts as a serious expression, and then and annnnngry one! The veins buldge on her forehead and her eyebrow twitches, a big, nasty smile forced on her lips, "... Eh heh heh.." and then suddenly BOOM! "DAAARLIIIIIING!" a huge cloud of smoke bursts behind her and she snaps her foot up at Almas chin, should it connect, hefting him into the air! and then she rises up, spinning out and kicking a second and a final time, "aAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!"
And then the music is back! The crowd is cheering once more, as she uses the Tensho Kyaku!

[OOC] Alma says, "I really can't bring myself to defend against this."

COMBATSYS: Alma endures Xiangfei's Tenpou Zan.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Alma             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|===----\-------\0         Xiangfei

[OOC] Xiangfei says, "Oh damn."

.. Though the cheering also could be due to the flashing of blue panties from her wildly flapping skirt, but Xiang would like to think her tights are way too black for anyone below to even notice.. SHUT UP.


See, /normally/ people either evade the attack, guard against the attack, or get hit by the blast, right? But in all those cases, they end up moving somehow. Which is why Alma just continues his lunge, you see. He has to maintain his momentum, right?
Well... way to maintain, Alma.
Alma's mild expression looks slightly blank as he looks up into Xiangfei's eyes.
"...Oh... sorry," he murmurs, sounding a bit lost. And only /then/ does that hit-by-the-mallet thing happen to him again. His eyes widen slightly, his lips part, and his hair does that funny lifty thing... and then... well. Perhaps he might've redeemed himself here somehow. I mean, he's Alma, he's a soothing person. He could've, you know, said something. Instead of doing what he does. Which is, basically:
So he pretty much deserves what he gets. Except for the panty flash. Maybe he doesn't deserve that. But he deserves everything else.
Yet he rolls to his feet in a burst of energy despite the fierce battering he gets, and with a roar of fury he draws back his fist, all aglimmer with Psycho Power -- in fact, moreso than usual, even at his strongest. What is this new power? When he rears his head back to unleash his deep defiant battlecry, a wave of invisible energy crashing around him as he draws upon pure passion, his eyes seem to be set in an /especially/ bishounen way. An almost... ANIMAL way. And when he lunges forward, actually spiralling once in midair before he shoots to the ground and punches hard, unleashing an enormous geyser of surging white-gold spiritual flame, everything about him speaks of the hunting tiger leaping upon his prey.
Has Alma unleashed the beast within?
...Maybe, but that old Chinese guy seems to find it really hilarious.

COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Xiangfei with Full Confession.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Alma             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1         Xiangfei

The kicks were like a hose, and out of that hose spewed fury! Li Xiangfeis kicks are most certainly nothing to scoff at! Well at least in this current state, for it's pretty rare that the chinese fighter manages that level of power. She has to be pretty darn cheesed off!
Which she was. Slamming onto the ground, gripping the end of her skirt once more, she jumps to her feet, and meets the battlecry with a big glare, and the geyser of psychopower is now up against the wall that is the HHH! She holds out her arms, her eyes widening as -she- cries for power now, "hoOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" She doesn't budge for a moment, but then her body is forced to give in, the psychic assault this time around simply too much for the girl and she drops to one knee as she finally slides back.
"Nnhh.. Ungggh.." she groans, tears starting to stream down her cheeks- Not to be confused for weeping, in fact she's switched from angry back to her 'lets fight!' mode, there's that determination to unleash some more pain on our hapless model!
"Nnghaah!" she sprints forward, fingertips curled a bit as she strikes at Alma with her palm, followed up by a diagonal chop, "HAH!"

COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Xiangfei's Quick Punch.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Alma             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1         Xiangfei

At this point, maybe calling anything about this fight 'surreal' would be absurd. I mean, we've got people with psychic powers and scantily clad kung fu girls and a sort of extended flirtation that occurs over the course of /battles/, for goodness sakes. But even with all that in mind, there's something about the way that Alma moves that stirs the soul of a watcher. He just... fades back. He flows. It's hard to tell whether or not his feet actually moved. And all the while he's got that really /intent/ look in his eyes. Not predatory, per se, but with something of that element. If pure passion is the source of all true emotion as Alma believes, than this primal intensity must be the source of all instinct. It's not heated. Heated is too simple. It is rather a sort of cool flame that burns within his eyes. It probably makes Xiangfei feel as though he's checking her out -- except his gaze never strays from her eyes.
And then he smiles, a sudden and shocking stab of warmth, a tongue of red fire amongst the blue. It's not smug, because Alma simply can't look smug with that ever good-natured expression. But it's... well... very bishounen.
"What's wrong, Xiangfei?" he murmurs, his low voice carrying easily to her. "I thought destiny was on your side." Again, he doesn't /actually/ sound smug. Just cool. But in a way, that just makes it a... special kind of taunt. "But if you're too exhausted to fight... feel free to give in to me." should be said that Alma probably isn't... fully conscious of what he's saying. Ahem. All that true passion, you know. It can go to the head.

COMBATSYS: Alma gains composure.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Alma             0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1         Xiangfei

Xiangfei erks, her eyes widening a little as she whiffs her strike. Well that certainly isn't good, but to every negative there is -some- positive, and Xiangfei's just going to stick with that one for now.
However, she does shoot Alma an annoyed look, light huffing passing her lips as she wipes off her cheeks and holds out her palms again, "That is -so- totally not why I'm mad at you, and you know it!" Xiangfei snaps back, however despite her annoyance she does manage to give a grin finally, and she darts forward once more, her fist pulled back, "And besides, Alma Towazu," whoosh! Xiang races forward and then leaps to try and smash her fist into the boys chest, which is then followed up by a kick to his hip, knee tucked in to the thrust kick, "Do I -ever- die? You know better than that! HAH!"

COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Xiangfei's Strong Punch.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Alma             0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1         Xiangfei

The way he moves... it really is like some kind of animal. No, better than animal. It's not pure instinct. By the look in his eyes, he knows /exactly/ what he's doing. And whether true or not, it's the look in his eyes that seems to have a lot more impact than his actualy evasion. A murmur spreads through the audience.
"Goodness gracious," is what the old woman has to say. She's fanning herself.
"Pfah," snorts the old man. "It's probably because he uses Chinese kung fu."
"Oh, Foon, really now."
"Hah! Alright, alright." Only a short pause. "You have to admit, though, those kids must have some crazy nights! Ha ha ha! Look at their eyes! They probably do it like tigers!"
Perhaps it's a good thing Alma's too focused on the fight to hear what's being said; at least, a good thing for him, because it allows him to smoothly keep up his offensive, incorporating his own dodge into his attack. He sweeps in like silk, twisting to avoid the punch and then moving in and gently catching her kick... by grasping her thigh. Er, Alma. It'd... it'd be okay if you didn't still have that calm little smile on your face...
Well, Xiangfei better not get too surprised by all this, because if she does she might not notice how he's slipped his other foot behind hers -- because he's going to try and suddenly lean forward and forcefully pitch her to the ground on her back.

COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Xiangfei with Quick Throw.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Alma             0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1         Xiangfei

[OOC] Alma says, "Man, I thought you were gonna interrupt that one. XD"

[OOC] Xiangfei wanted to see if she'd get lucky.

[OOC] Hotaru says, "If you wanna get lucky, just... ask Alma out. XD"

[OOC] Alma says, "I wholeheartedly agree! >:|"

[OOC] Hotaru says, "Or Bao."

[OOC] Alma says, "I--"

[OOC] Alma says, "..."

You know, uh.. It's probably good that Xiangfei isn't paying attention to that couple either, because there is some HEAVY stuff being said there, man.. Like.. No joke! But yes, she's got big problems of her own right now, and the heavens are not being very kind to her! Whem her thigh is caught; she actually doesn't freak out, she expects to be Ryokuchi'd the CRAP out of her, "Aaah!" she yelps, she tries to break free in the most perplexing way possible, instead she crashes onto her back, going swirly eyed for amoment, and to make matters even worse, there's no way she can avoid another flash as the skirt flips up to her waist.
She doesn't take forever to get her wits again though, her eyes immedietly snap open wide from the uncomfortable draft, "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" she wails, her cheeks red again as she jerks the flap back down, "You didn't look! You better have not looked!" she wails, flailing her feet wildly, and quickly, at Almas shins.

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Alma with Light Kick.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Alma             1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1         Xiangfei

[OOC] Alma says, "And as usual, Alma's awesome is canceled... by a panty flash. XD"

[OOC] Xiangfei ahahaa

Yeah, seriously. One wonders if Foon and Saishu are long-lost cousins.
Meanwhile, Alma is continuing to be his slick self and has sent Xiangfei sprawling, with very... blue... results. Very blue. Very... er, Alma. Alma! You alright there, man? The poor boy's got that mallet-stunned expression /again/, so much so that it's overwhelmed his all-encompassing aura of bishounen. And that's a fatal error if there ever was one. Xiangfei's flailing tight-clad legs knock Alma's feet out from under him, and with a quiet 'Whuff!' of surprise he goes sprawling himself. He manages to roll to his feet again after a few moments of severe dizziness, but the sound of that old Chinese guy laughing himself out of his chair really isn't helping him feel any less embarrassed. For the first time this fight, Alma's blushing too. As usual, it doesn't really affect his expression, but the rosy tinge to his coppery skin is very noticable.
"I'm sorry!" he exclaims quietly as he struggles to his feet. "It was an accident! Xiangfei, please calm down!" Though his remarks are definitely exclamations, that usual soothing touch to his voice has returned, and it seems as though Alma's actually going to lean down and help her up, despite being in the middle of a fight -- but something, some thought, seems to distract him instead.
~ This /whole thing/ is being /recorded/... ~
See, conscious thoughts only get in the way. After that freeze-frame moment, Alma can only shake his head rapidly for a quick second to try and clear it, and blink a couple times. The guy still looks a bit overwhelmed about the whole thing, though.

COMBATSYS: Alma focuses on his next action.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Alma             1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1         Xiangfei

Xiangfei looks pretty miserable.. Well, miserable may be overdramatizing a bit, but dangit it's things like this that only feul the hatred of skirts. Burn them, burn them all! She's seriously about to flip the heck out, but.. By a complete miracle, Almas words reach the chinese fighter, she trembling lightly- The apology seems genuine enough and that stupid grin isn't there so perhaps she can forgive him?
Xiangfei nibbles her lower lip, draws her fist back, and then when her hand opens, "Rakansen!" a gleam of silver light streaks with great speed toward Almas head. If Almas eyes can follow it, it of course is a 500 yen coin! Better give that back when you're done!

COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Xiangfei's Thrown Object.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Alma             1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1         Xiangfei

Alma begins to lean in slightly as Xiangfei nibbles her lip, looking hesitant. Boy, is he starting to feel like a jerk. It's the same mistake every time. He just wants to let himself go, and /usually/ it works just fine, usually his passion puts him on the right path, but it seems inevitable that somebody ends up feeling bad, sometimes... is it just that no one else understands what it means to fight with true passion? But it's different for poor Xiangfei, she got... 'dressed up'... for his sake. It shouldn't be inhibiting her ability to fight! That's all wrong! Now simply unable to stop himself, Alma begins to reach out to her--
He doesn't even have time to blink at the flash of silver.
By the time the audience has had time to blink, the young man's hand is clutched right in front of his face. He seems to have paused there, a moment of silence passing. And then he extends his hand out a bit, opens it-- and reveals the coin.
There's a smattering of applause at his unreal reflexes, and Alma looks down to Xiangfei, and grins sheepishly, blond bangs falling gently over and around his kind eyes. Written all over his face is 'I didn't mean to show off, or anything'. And then, voice low: "Miss, you dropped your coin."
And he flicks it... into the air. And lashes out with a light backhanded blow underneath Xiangfei's chin. A knockout blow or an attempt to knock her back to her feet?

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei interrupts Quick Punch from Alma with Chou Pai-Long.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Alma             1/=======/=======|

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei can no longer fight.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Alma             1/=======/=======|

[OOC] Alma says, "...oh snap."

[OOC] Xiangfei says, ".. Wow. I uh, will probably never do that again! :D"

[OOC] Xiangfei lies.

[OOC] Alma laughs. XD XD

But what's a battle without a bit of LiX TriX (tm)? What's a fight without an Oh Snap!! Moment? Really, it is a bit out of character for Xiangfei to be getting so flustered about her clothing, but she doesn't want to come off as some sort of tramp; she can tease Alma on her own time! But she's just so embarassed that even with Alma tossing the coin back, she seeks to end everything NOW. And by everything, she means everything. The coin twirls in the air and Almas backhand SMACK!s right into her forehead since she's crouched immedietly! "Thank you,"
All the chips go on the table then, and she's lucky, for the moment she's still standing! She gets her miracle! Her palm slams into Almas gut, followed by a double palm strike and then tugging her skirt once more, high kicks Alma in the chin, "Here's your reward!!" Her opposite hand reaches out, and her coin falls into her palm all cool-like! But Xiangfei's no fool, she's actually not sure this time if her technique was enough to demolish Alma!
On the other hand, she doesn't have anything left in her much to her -own- suprise. She groans weakly, falling onto her rear and slouches a bit, needing a moment to get herself back togeather. The judges are no fools though, they know she is down for the count!

~ The sky... it's full of stars. ~
Alma staggers back several paces as the high kick impacts directly against his chin, actually blinding him from the sheer blunt trauma, his brain too numbed to process visual data. Now the difference between Alma's kind of relaxed body and what a /truly/ loose body is becomes apparent; his arms go limp and his feet slip as his knees fail to lock fully. As Xiangfei begins to fall backwards, so too does Alma, at about the same rate. His head thrown back, the young man gazes blankly into air -- only halfway through keeling over does he see Xiangfei falling.
It's obvious he can no longer fight. He doesn't have the power to stand anymore. It's a simple fact of his own physical limits. But something beyond and above that fact cries out to his muddled psyche...
~ Xiangfei... she's falling. ~
One slipping foot scuffs the ground, and seems to catch on something.
~ Oh... Xiangfei... don't fall... that might hurt... ~
Lowering his head, somehow reversing his momentum, Alma manages to push off with that limp leg, and throw himself forward at the collapsing girl. If he were really using his head, he'd probably be able to tell that she's just going to fall on her keister and that'll be that. But all Alma can see is that she's falling.
And all he knows is that he's got to stop it.
~ Xiangfei... I'll catch you! ~
He reaches out.

COMBATSYS: Alma takes no action.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Alma             1/=======/=======|

And catches her.
Holding her gently, he sways once... and rights himself.
Though clearly battered, the youth's gaze clears up quickly once Xiangfei is in his arms, and only a moment passes before, looking rather self-conscious about the whole deal -- though maybe that has something to do with the applause, too -- he gently helps her sit down, kneeling as he does so.
"You alright, Xiangfei?" he murmurs. There's something niggling at him, some important thought, but he can't figure out what it is right now. He just has to make sure she's okay.
Man, why are those people cheering, anyway?

COMBATSYS: Alma has ended the fight here.

[OOC] Alma says, "Health: 0%"

[OOC] Xiangfei facefaults!!

Xiangfei groans lightly, as if she were waking up from some sort of deep sleep or something. She was a bit frazzled, and perhaps more concerned that she couldn't push herself to keep going rather then just crashing. So when her eyes refocus, she's extremely shocked to find Alma by her side, holding her like some sort of knight in shining armor. She rubs at her eyes and smiles weakly to the blonde, though her gaze averts to the side, blushing once more, ".. Y.. Yeah, I'm ok.." she replies, hand raised to her burning cheeks, "Well.. It seems you've finally beaten me. .. I knew it'd happen eventually, just not today."

Alma smiles, albeit still a bit dazedly, at her confirmation.
"I'm glad," he says, and by the look of him, he's telling the truth.
Only then does he blink... and refocus.
~ I've beaten Xiangfei. In an official match. ~
For a moment, he just looks at her, the petite powerful woman in his arms with her gaze averted and reddened cheeks and uncharacteristically alluring outfit. He just looks, and he is, in his mild way, completely inscrutible for that moment. He seems to be reflecting.
Then, cheeks reddening slightly in what looks like genuine bashfulness, Alma grins. "Well, I did!" he proclaims with unusual enthusiasm, although in his usual soft-spoken tone. "To be honest, it was fighting by your side that really did it for me. That was the best way for me to really understand how your fighting style works. I figured I could learn about you by opposing you, but you know, I think I learned more by cooperating with you." Leave it to Alma to add a moral to the story. But then, strangely enough, he falters now, in the midst of where he probably should be preaching a sermon. He looks... well, he looks as awkward as a young bishounen can be.
"I think we work well together," he offers, hesitantly.
The announcer is saying something, but -- not that Alma has noticed -- it appears the cameras are zooming in on the two fighters. Not that they can pick up what the two are saying, but hey, this might be good television.
"It doesn't prove anything, though," Alma manages. Now he really sounds a bit unlike himself. He sounds almost... slightly... desperate. "I've got to... I mean, I've got to beat you at least as many times as you've beaten me, right? Before I... fully redeem my honor... heh..."
He gazes at her, looking oddly lost.
~ Where am I supposed to go from here...? ~

Xiangfei pauses a moment, her gaze shifting back to the model. Suddenly it's like all is forgiven, and her weak smile gets just a little brighter as she nods her head, "We do make a good team, that's why I asked your help in the first place but," she laughs, "I didn't think that would work -against- me, that's bonkers." But even still she learns a bit of something from the moral, but it's the proverbs that gets her heart thumping. <3
Taking in a light breath, she gets crosses her legs, and raises a hand to cup Almas cheek. He's so -cute- when he looks lost! "Is that so? I still don't understand how your mind works completely.. But, perhaps we can discuss it over a chinese lunch?" and her smile brightens even more, "Winner buys!"

Really, all it takes is her touch.
When her hand rests against his cheek, Alma blinks, and all of his confusion seems to fade in an instant. He gazes into her smiling eyes -- and can't help but smile himself. "Fair enough," he agrees, voice warm and hazel eyes sparkling with inner mirth. He rises, extending his hand as he does to help Xiangfei to her feet. "I'll... explain while we eat."
And then, on an strange but insistent impulse, Alma hears himself say:
"After all, 'One must not fast for fear of choking'."
Perhaps there's something to be said for psychic intuitions.

[OOC] Alma XD

[OOC] Xiangfei XD XD XD

Xiangfei <3

Log created by Alma, and last modified on 03:33:19 04/04/2006.