Description: A scene in which the dangers of road rage are demonstrated. Remember kids, pay attention when driving or you too could be savagely beaten by a large angry man, or get blown up. Also, Bison manages to rather impress Kain.
Another day, another dollar. Or another few hundred thousand, as the case may be. And maybe a couple dead bodies to go along with it. All in a day's work for Kain R. Heinlein. Although, to be truthful, today has actually been pretty slow. Still, there's always business to take care of. And Kain is rarely late for a business appointment. Having a good car helps with that. Having almost complete disrespect for traffic laws does also. Now, Kain won't just plow through red lights (usually), as he's not suicidal. But speed limits, things like that? Those are for people who aren't above the law. And people who don't have sports cars that cost more than some people's houses.
Cars like the black one that Kain is currently behind the wheel of, which comes around a corner at rather dangerous speed. Oh, look, a parking space. Slowing down only as much as absolutely necessary, Kain pulls to the side, then swerves into the parking space in one smooth motion. Not /quite/ smooth enough, though, as his bumper bounces with a fair bit of force off of the rear bumper of the car in front of him. No real damage done, but it looks like the bumpers themselves got scratched up a bit. Ah well. It's not like Kain cares about the owner of the other car, and he can easily pay for his own repairs.
Mike Bison had known that he was going to have to get a car for moving around Southtown sooner or later. Honestly, all that walking was good for him, but really inefficient. Not that he minded being inefficient, but if he didn't get his job done he'd have to answer to Vega, and that's just not something that you want to do, now is it? But, his job was already completed for the day, and so he had parked his shiny new car in a spot he figured would be nice and safe. Hell, he could have got a better car, or a cheaper one, but this was nice and sporty, and actually managed to fit is size quite comfortably.
And so, after the day of grunting around and wasting time in the town, Bison returns to his car, just in time to see Kain R. Heinlein smash into his bumper. What the hell! What kind of crazy idiot... and /HIS/ car, too. "Son of a bitch! My car!" Bison walks over with a rather pissed look on his face, and stops next to Kain's door, "What the hell are you doing, learn to drive, blondie!"
Kain pays little heed to Bison, shutting off his car, removing his keys, exiting the vehicle, and then activating the anti-theft system with a little chirp from his keychain. He then slips the keys into his pocket, and finally deigns to notice Bison's presence. "It's a scratch. And hardly something to be bothered about. Expensive cars are just toys, anyway. Amusing to play with but, ultimately, of little real value. Being trapped by your material possessions is a sign of weakness."
Judging by the brief sneer with which Kain regards Bison, he also doesn't see much about the boxer worthy of recognition, in addition to the blatant flaw that he feels has just been displayed. "Now, I have things that are actually important to deal with. Why don't you go run along and do whatever it is you do. Or maybe you'd prefer to get the police involved?" Kain smirks at Bison. He's done a fair bit of investigating of the criminal and mercenary underworld. He knows quite a bit about organizations like R, NESTS, the Ikari Warriors, the Shank Squad... And yes, even Shadaloo. And even if he didn't, well... Bison doesn't really give off the impression of being someone who likes dealing with law enforcement agents.
Bison scoffs, "Police? I don't need any damn cops to resolve a situation." A smirk just plays across his face, and he reaches down and puts on one of his boxing gloves. No, he doesn't go towards Kain... instead, he goes around and inspects the bumper of his car... and then moves around to the front of Kains. He then proceeds to lifts his fist and simply destroy the hood and engine of the car, slamming his fist down right on top and rending the metal with sheer brute force as if it were nothing at all. He then takes off the glove, though he holds it, and crosses his arms, looking at Kain. "Don't worry, just a fuckin scratch, and it's nothing but a material possession, right?" Ass.
Kain eyes the destroyed car calmly, glancing down at the pool of engine oil starting to leak out from underneath the vehicle. "Yes, I'm sure you imagine you're quite clever." He seems oddly unperturbed both at the damage to his car, and the fact that Bison did it with his freaking /fist/. "However, as I said, it's only a toy, and I can easily acquire more. There is, however, a matter of respect to be dealt with."
Kain waves his hand toward his car, and a brief flash of purple appears at his fingertips. A moment later there's an explosion of purple flame from under the damaged hood of the car, shooting up in a gout of dark fire. It doesn't actually /harm/ Bison, but it might be rather disconcerting. "I'm in a good mood, so we'll make your test as such... Prove yourself to be strong, and I won't destroy your precious car. Prove yourself to be weak and, well... You'll find that there are things much more important than material possessions."
Oh, pretty purple dark flames. Wait, what? Bison narrows his eyes, "Oh hell no, you and your damn glowy shit. Just has to figure it'd be some pansy ass cheating twit like you who'd run in and hit my freakin car. Just fuckin figures." He crosses his arms and smirks, "I've had to mess with a lot of you damn jerks lately, so don't think that stinkin light show is gonna impress me, it just means you're too damn weak to fight without it, unlike me." He grins, "Besides, all the time you spend messin with that stuff is all the more time you aren't learnin how to fight for real." Oh yes, Bison knows that if he can use energy of some kind he must be a fighter. That or a magician, but he's not taking chances. "And as for respect... The hell you talkin' to /me/ about respect for, boy, you hit my damn car! You got what's comin to ya, and now you got even more talking to me like that. So you know what I say?" He pulls on his boxing gloves, and then slams his fists together, "I say BRING IT ON!"
COMBATSYS: M.Bison has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
M.Bison 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: M.Bison gathers his will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
M.Bison 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Kain has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kain 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 M.Bison
Kain slips his left hand into his pocket, shaking his head for a moment. "One usually need only respect one's betters. And even if they don't deserve it, it's usually in one's best interest to fake it." He begins to walk slowly toward Bison, raising his right hand to adjust the collar of his shirt. He certainly doesn't /look/ ready to fight. "As for whether or not I'm a fighter... Well, it /would/ be rather foolish to rely soly on flashier manifestations of chi. A weak body makes a strong mind useless. And, unless you're rather more skilled than your friend Sagat, I think I may have some surprise for you."
Of course, just saying something like that might be a bit of a surprise, since Kain has given no indication that he knows anything at all about Shadaloo up until now. And Kain isn't above taking advantage of a surprise like that. Even if Bison isn't thrown off, though, Kain still lashes out with a rather nasty kick. His right foot swings almost straight up, going high enough to hit Bison in the chest, and with enough force to actually lift the man off the ground if it should strike cleanly. Then, of course, there is the matter of the rather large trail of fire following Kain's foot, just itching to explode all around Bison's upper body.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison Toughs Out Kain's Schwarze Lanze!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Kain 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 M.Bison
Bison scoffs, "Sagat? That twit sits around with friggin candles, you think he's anything compared to me?" Talk big, man who was recently beat down by that very man, talk big. "Please." And here Kain comes, coming towards him with a leg and foot covered with that purple fire of his, or as Bison calls it 'glowy shit'. And yes, you'd think it would lift him up and throw him around, with just how perfectly he's struck, but instead, Bison just doesn't look impressed, making only a slight 'omph' sound and standing there. "Like I said, too much glowy shit, not enough fucking training." He psyches himself up, and then whips around in a 360, spinning one full turn while pulling his fist back all the way, and leaning forward as he comes around, fist aiming right for Kain's nose, "Turn punch... FINAL!"
COMBATSYS: Kain blocks M.Bison's Turn Punch Final.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Kain 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 M.Bison
A quick calculation. Kain was just going to attempt to deflect Bison's punch with one arm... But he's quite good at seeing the flow of energy through people. Among other things, this gives him a fair ability to guess at people's strength. And it seems that, at least physically, Bison is a bit stronger than Kain was giving him credit for. And so he brings out both arms, crossing them to take the blow. It almost forces him back a step... But not quite. "Like I said... You'd be surprised just how much physical training I've had. However, you underestimate... 'glowy shit'... at your peril. Like so."
Kain violently uncrosses his arms in an attempt to knock Bison's arms away. It's not really necessary for him to create an opening, though. His next attack doesn't really require much more than simply being close to Bison. There are a few flickers of purple flame from various spots around Kain's body, his clothing begins to flutter, despite the lack of a breeze, and then everything within a foot or two of Kain is suddenly enveloped in a raging purple bonfire, centered on Heinlein himself.
COMBATSYS: Kain successfully hits M.Bison with Schwarze Kreuz.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Kain 0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1 M.Bison
Who cares if his powerful punch was shoved aside as if it was nothing... Bison has plenty of time, especially when he can just stand there and take the puny hits of Kain and his glowing stuff like they're nothing. Except this time... well, lets just say it's best to try moving away from the raging inferno, rather than taking it on directly. "Yeargh!" It burns, burns, burns, the Kain of fire, the Kain of fire. Bison is lit up like a Christmas tree from the flames, and is thrown violently backward as he's engulfed, landing on his back and looking... not very good after all that. "Son of a bitch..." He slowly, very slowly, picks himself up, and looks towards Kain. "...Gonna have to learn you a lesson. So you're good at your magic or whatever the hell it is, but I'm also good at what I do." He grins a cruel grin and rushes forward, intent on just smashing the hell out of the man with a single, extremely powerful punch, "GIGATON BLOW!"
COMBATSYS: M.Bison successfully hits Kain with Gigaton Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Kain 1/----===/=======|-------\-------\0 M.Bison
Kain is a good fighter, but even he is forced to obey when Physics decides to lay down the law. He once again tries to block Bison's punch, but this time it doesn't really do much good. The boxer's fist just slams Kain's arms right back against his chest, continuing on to lift him up off the ground and send him flying backwards, to eventually crash down onto his back a fair distance out into the street.
To his credit, Kain only coughs once or twice as he gets up, and the trickly of blood running down from the corner of his mouth isn't that large. He's definitely quite mussed up, however. "Raw physical strength is a useful tool, yes. But if you don't know how to use your power properly, you'll never /really/ be strong." And then, well... Bison has provided the distance, so Kain is going to take advantage of it. Whipping his arms out toward Bison, the blond man sends a pair of purple fireballs streaking out. They spiral around one another as they zoom on toward the boxer.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison slows Schwarze Flame from Kain with Large Thrown Object.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Kain 1/--=====/=======|===----\-------\0 M.Bison
Bison slowly straightens out after that punch, luckily having hit, because it's quite hard to cover yourself after making such a hard attack. He crosses his arms and smirks at Kain as he's thrown back, feeling like quite the big man for doing it. ...of course, his confidence isn't something he should have too much of at this point, because it appears Kain has a whole lot of fight left in him. "Say that to me when you weren't just thrown on your frreakin ass, alright?" He throws back his head and lets out a hearty laugh... which makes him almost get blasted by the flames without a chance to even defend himself. ...As it is, he sees it coming out of the corner of his eye, and rushes forward to pick up and throw a motorcycle at the flames. ...just, one of them keeps coming. Oops. It slams into him, and how he's the one on his ass after being thrown into the air and slammed on his back by the force of it, blood beginning to soak through his jersey as he slowly picks himself up. "...shit."
While Bison is busy picking himself up off the ground, Kain is starting to advance on the boxer. He runs several steps forward, getting to the spot where the flaming wreckage of the motorcycle finally skidded to a halt, and then he suddenly leaps into the air. The height he acheives is pretty impressive, as is the distance. Bison is still a fair ways away, but it looks like Kain is easily going to clear the distance.
And clear it he does. As he's coming down, Kain's right becomes engulfed in flames once, and it's aimed right for Bison's head. The plan is to slam down onto the boxer, then Kain can flip off and land gracefully back on his feet. The question, of course, is if it will go quite that smoothly.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Kain's Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Kain 1/--=====/=======|=====--\-------\0 M.Bison
Time for the boxer to do something at least somewhat smart, which is lift an arm and take the kick there, rather than the head. The foot connects, and Bison grinds back in the pavement, stopping after only a few feet. ...of course his arm gets nice and burned thanks to the chi that enveloped Kain's leg. "...son of a." He looks at Kain, and is beginning to think he's out matched. Which means if he can't win... at least hurt him. "Hope you don't fancy your face, cause I'm gonna break that nose of yours." He grins, and then moves quickly forward with a simple jab punch to the face, but... his jabs are rather quick.
COMBATSYS: Kain blocks M.Bison's Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Kain 1/--=====/=======|=====--\-------\0 M.Bison
On the other hand, Kain is also rather quick. He lashes out with his left arm, deflecting the punch from Bison. There's still enough force there to sting his arm, but it's much better than getting his nose broken. "As a matter of fact, I would rather prefer my face staying in one piece. Now, about your car..."
As he's speaking, Kain twists around in an attempt to use the hand that just deflected Bison's punch to grab him by the arm. His other hand reaches out to snare Bison by the shirt, making judicious use of leverage and Bison's own momentum in an attempt to lift him up off the ground... and slam him right down on top of Bison's own car. All the while with purple flames licking out from Kain's hands, eager to scorch Bison's skin.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison interrupts Quick Throw from Kain with Ultimate Wild Smash.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Kain 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|===----\-------\0 M.Bison
Ok, that's it. Now he's freakin pissed. He gets slammed on his car, oh yes, and that is the last straw. You see, he's strong, and while Kain's holding onto him, he simply rolls and slams Kain on the car as well, and then climbs on top of him and simply begins beating the royal hell out of him with many, many quick hard punches to his stomach, chest, and of course, face. After he's done, he climbs off so as to avoid immediate retaliatory strikes, namely in the form of Kain going human torch and frying him again. "You go and mess up my car, I'm gonna fuckin mess up your face, you hear me, pretty boy?"
Kain eventually rolls off of the wreckage of the car, falling off on the side opposite from Bison. Any hope that he might be down for the count is gone, however, when he stands back up, using one hand on the car to steady himself. He's bleeding quite a bit from the head now, and one eye is shut, with blood over it. The other eye, however, is definitely open, and has a somewhat unsettling glint to it. A blue glow actually begins to surround Kain for a moment... But then he shakes his head and it vanishes. "No... There's no need for that." Talking to himself, apparently. "You're nothing but a vicious animal. Dangerous, but with no real brains or direction of your own. There's no need to waste more time and energy on you. This is over."
And with that, despite his injuries, Kain suddenly vaults over Bison's increasingly damaged car. Nothing particularly fancy here, just a glowing blue backhanded fist to Bison's face. Kain /could/ leave a good portion of this whole block as a smoking crater, but such displays are better saved for those whom he believes have earned that kind of effort from him.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison interrupts Jab Punch from Kain with Turn Punch.
[ \\\\\ < > ////// ]
Kain 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|===----\-------\0 M.Bison
In what is either a calculated move, or the stupidest thing he's ever done, when Kain gets back up, Mike Bison turns his back. "You gotta be kidding me. This is over when /I/ say it is. You can't just dismiss me so easily, even if you think you can." He smirks, and then waits for it... He's pretty screwed if Kain throws more fireballs at him, but... he doesn't. Not this time, it seems. In fact, it looks like he's going to try and hit him with his hand, which is exactly what Bison was hoping for. "TURN PUNCH!" At the last seemingly possible moment, Bison whips around and throws a hard punch, not at Kain himself, but at his hand and arm. What happens when two fists collide? The bigger, stronger fist wins, and that's exactly what happen. His punch forces Kain's hand back with painful ease, causing probably no small amount of pain to the elbow and shoulder as it would have to jerk back against the force of a strong punch from a champion boxer. After that, Bison looks at Kain and smirks. He just smirks.
If Kain /wasn't/ in as good shape as he is, that impact might well have shattered some bones. As it is, it's just /extremely/ painful, and leaves Kain's right arm in little condition to be used for further fighting. In fact, the blond man is looking generally pretty worn down. One might just think that he's about to fall over and collapse. But that's the thing about having incredible control over the flow of chi. That flow exists inside the body as well as outside, and it can be used to push the human body to surprising lengths.
So, rather than collapsing to the ground while Bison smirks at him, Kain smirks back. While raising his left hand, palm pointing out toward Bison. A palm from which another purple fireball explodes out toward Bison, at close range.
COMBATSYS: Kain successfully hits M.Bison with Schwarze Flame.
[ \\\\\ < > ]
Kain 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\0 M.Bison
Damn glowy shit! That's it, he's not standing around for this one! He jumps out of the way... or tries to, and fails miserably. Smash! The flaming energy slams into him, and throws him to the ground. ...again. He's really feeling not too good right now. He lets out a groan, and slowly picks himself up, shaking his head and rubbing his temples. His vision is blurry as hell, and he's really feeling the burns all over himself. "Gonna make you pay for that one, boy..." His speech is quieter, and much slower than it normally would be... But, in one last burst of energy, he runs forward at Kain, and tries something he hasn't yet, grabbing onto him, and slamming his head into the ground. …of course he's going down with, one way or another.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\ <
Kain 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|
COMBATSYS: Kain dodges M.Bison's Head Bomber.
[ \\\\\ <
Kain 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|
Kain may be in pretty good shape, but he's still mobile enough to express his displeasure with the idea of Bison managing to grab him. He does so by quickly stepping to the side, letting the boxer go sprawling past him. There's no need for him to turn around to see what happens, though. He was already able to see the energy draining from Bison as he hit his limit.
All in all, this was rather more trouble than Kain was expecting. Perhaps Grant's opinions on the value of raw, unbridled physical might need to be given some more credit. Because that's pretty much all Bison has, but it still proved to be rather effective. Any mistakes, and Kain would probably be in some severe trouble right now. "I must admit, you've proven to be more impressive than I expected. Pity about your car, I suppose... But perhaps you can take solace in the fact that I won't be doing any /further/ damage to it. Your master seems to have found himself quite a useful tool." And with that final comment, Kain begins to walk off. His car is a loss, he'd rather not be around here when Bison manages to gather his strength back up, and although he's walking off fairly easily, he is going to need to get himself some medical attention...
COMBATSYS: Kain has ended the fight here.
"Freakin..." That's all Bison has to say after he hits the pavement. He's on the brink of passing out, but not quite... He hears what Kain has to say, and at least smiles just a bit. At least he's taking him seriously, now. That's something to note. He'll have to ask around about who the guy who throws the flamey blue fireballs is. ...He also grins as he figures he probably did better than Sagat did. Good, he'll have to pay that guy a little visit and shove it in his face. Yes, Vega does have a good tool in him, a good tool indeed... and with that last though, Bison passes out.
Log created by Kain, and last modified on 09:58:13 04/12/2007.