Neo League 226 - #232: Saishu vs Sagat

Description: So, you think you know what 'epic' means, right? You don't know what epic means. Read this fight, if for no other reason than to be able to say at the end, 'What just HAPPENED?' Undoubtedly, the shortest high-ratio fight ever fought. Un-freaking-believable. (Winner: Saishu)

Spring has come!
Well, not exactly, but for the first time in a while Southtown has been blessed with a genuine good day, and when the Neo League officials told Saishu that it was time for another league fight, he said, "Out of my face, I'm watching my soaps!" At which point they reminded him that he had requested as many league fights as could be arranged, to which he replied, "Oh, right! Ha ha!" Still, he refused to leave the city, and so today... his opponent must come to him. This fight is on Saishu's turf. Or at least...'s Saishu's turf now.
Because nobody wants to mess with the late-middle aged man in the one-piece swimsuit and the floaty ring with bunnies drawn on it. Fortunately, by one-piece we mean it's one of those old-school swimsuits that looks like a combined shorts and tank-top ensemble, currently with horizontal strips in dark green and blue. It's not exactly fetching, but what could possibly be fetching on Saishu Kusanagi? All the same, the startlingly muscular veteran of a thousand streetfights manages to strike quite a dashing pose on the boardwalk, gazing out to sea as he scratches his sharp pointed beard thoughtfully, dark eyes clear and warm but inscrutible beneath bushy eyebrows. His grin is genuine, but mysteriously preoccupied.
He has many memories of days on the beach.
The people passing by give him a wide berth, if for no other reason than that floatation ring he's wearing has kind of a wide radius.
But they do cast curious glances to the cameramen setting up in a ring near the boardwalk, preparing for an event that, by the look of him, Saishu seems to either ignoring or unaware of.

Saishu's opponent doesn't need to go far, nor does he care that he has to go to him/her. His opponent simply wants to get involved in another league fight. It has been some time since his last one. Saishu's opponent turns out to be none other than Sagat, the Muay Thai Legends himself. The Mighty Thai man is wearing his typical outfit, his boxing shorts and wrappings around his arms and legs. He's got an opened leather trenchcoat hanging from off his shoulders as he walks in the direction of the designated area. The weathered old vet has prepared himself and tightens his forearm wrappings as he walks.

Saishu turns, grin growing slightly, at Sagat's approach. Which is a bit funny, since while Sagat is a very noticable fellow, Saishu was facing the opposite direction. There's a disarming twinkle in the much shorter Japanese man's eye as he approaches the scarred and eyepatch'd man, idly reaching up to scratch at one armpit before crossing his arms and regarding the tall Thai kickboxer with a grin. It's a warm grin, at least. Definitely good-humored. It's not a mean grin. Definitely good-natured. But calling it a /friendly/ grin would be a bit of a stretch...
It's been a while since Saishu trained in Thailand. A long while.
He doesn't say anything. Saishu likes to bait younger fighters, but he and Sagat are of similar ages. He simply regards the other fighter and nods, inclining his head slightly to show his respect -- not something the Kusanagi patriarch often overtly shows -- and just keeps grinning that grin, with those warm yet oddly analytic eyes. The announcer is probably saying something, but who cares? Except for that last word that everyone's waiting for--
Saishu uncrosses his arms and steps back in one spry and surprisingly fluid movement, but he doesn't move at all besides that. He just watches Sagat for now. And... grins.

COMBATSYS: Saishu has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Saishu           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Sagat has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Saishu           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Sagat

COMBATSYS: Saishu focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Saishu           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Sagat

The partitioned area is reached by the larger Thai man and he sheds his trenchcoat. The leather garment drops to the ground behind Sagat as he steps into it. He raise shis arms up over his head to stretch out his shoulders and back for a moment before he lowers them so that they are in front of him. His fists are raised in front of him in a defensive posture. He gives Saishu a nod of respect in turn, but his face lacks the grin that Saishu has. The word 'Fight' rings out across the area and Sagat goes into Fight mode. The Mighty Thai man rushes forward at the start of the fight and attempts to test his newest opponent. A pair of stabbing knee strikes reach out for Saishu before a powerful and quick roundhouse kick swings up towards Saishu's shoulder and head.

COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Saishu with Medium Kick.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Saishu           0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0            Sagat

Already, things are moving very quickly. Such is the way of a battle between experts in their style.
And Sagat isn't the only thing moving quickly. Those knee strikes and kicks are blurs to the common man's eyes, and they strike solidly, but while the roundhouse kick breaks through Saishu's guard attempt and sends the older man rolling, he turns the roll into a momentum-gathering maneuver, and as he's rising he's already attacking. Surging to his feet even as he's diving across the ground, the Kusanagi elder closes in and immediately lashes out with a enormous close-ranged gout of flame, twists on his heel, and lunges into Sagat's chest to unleash a second blast of the Kusanagi fire.
All this, including Sagat's kicks, doesn't even take two seconds.

COMBATSYS: Saishu successfully hits Sagat with Homura Gasane.
- Power hit! -

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0            Sagat

Battle of two titans perhaps? Two very different titans perhaps! The Mighty Thai Titan spins around on his heel after his roundhouse kick. He returns to his fighting stance and keeps his guard up as he watches the Kusanagi elder. Of course watching him only lasts a couple of moments, as Saishu is on top of the Muay Thai legend quickly. The bursts of fire catch The Thai Tiger in the chest and heave him up into the air and away from Saishu. He lands hard on his back and slides. He's quick to hop back up to his feet though. Once there, a hand is raised to his chest. He breathes heavily... trying to recover from the blasts, "Interesting." He intones before rushing his opponent again. He keeps running, getting closer and closer to his opponent. He attempts to get right up ontop of Saishu and grapple him. If he's successful in grasping Saishu, he will drive his knees into his chest and midsection.

COMBATSYS: Saishu interrupts Tiger Rage from Sagat with Oniyaki.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Saishu           1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1            Sagat

And here the true power of Saishu's mastery of his style and unique emphasis on lunging techniques reveals itself. When Sagat rushes him, Saishu begins to rush as well, in his odd and ungainly fashion. And when Saishu lunges and attempts to grab the older man--
Saishu's right fist explodes into a comet of Kusanagi fire as the bearded warrior lunges into Sagat's grab pre-emptively and then leaps straight up, buoyed by the heat from his flaming uppercut and his own fighting spirit. The searing Kusanagi flame traces a trail up Sagat's chest and powerfully snaps the Muay Thai fighter's head back as Saishu leaps high, twirls once smoothly, and then lands on his feet every yards back. Fortunately, this uppercut didn't leave another scar, because that would suck. But it /was/ pretty fierce.
Saishu continues grinning, regarding Sagat with his dark, analytic eyes.

The end result of Sagat's devestating combination of strikes here leaves more to be desired. Saishu should be on the ground, in the fetal position and curled up. At least... he should be if he were a lesser fighter. Saishu shows his skill and experience by getting in the way of Sagat's plans and causing some more pain against Sagat while he unleashes his salvo. The Muay Thai Tiger flies backwards again and surprisingly lands on his feet. He takes a moment to recover. A grimace forms on the big guy's face as he looks towards his opponent. The Thai man runs forward and leaps into the air. He flies towards Saishu and lashes out with a vicious flying snapkick towards Saishu's noggin.

COMBATSYS: Saishu endures Sagat's Light Kick.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Saishu           1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1            Sagat

Saishu's grin doesn't falter for an instant.
Even -- and this is impressive -- the instant where Sagat totally kicks him in the head. WHAPOW. Saishu just /takes it/. His neck muscles clench, his teeth grit, and the kick sets his body vibrating for a moment, but his head does not move. The asphalt beneath his feet actually cracks from the sheer transferred force, but Saishu himself does not move. Thus, given the conservation of momentum, it is assumed that Sagat will have to bounce off slightly.
At least, that's what Saishu is waiting for.
Because if that happens, Saishu will leap up, grinning hugely, try to grab at Sagat's huge neck with his right hand, and hold him fiercely for an instant--

COMBATSYS: Sagat endures Saishu's Koto Moon Infinity.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Saishu           0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2            Sagat

--and unleash such a powerful wave of heat that spontaneous combustion is triggered, resulting in a terrifyingly powerful explosion that tears Sagat out of Saishu's own grip. Sagat's body is by all appearances ignited for a few seconds before he hits the ground -- whether on his feet or on his back -- but Saishu appears to be alright, if the way he gracefully flips once before landing on his feet is any indication.
Or if that /grin/ is any indication.

The Mighty Thai is caught by Saishu after taking one of his powerful kicks. He just took it! Like a man! No one usually does that and comes out of it grinning! Let alone blowing Sagat to kingdom come! Sagat strikes the ground hard, right on his back. His body seems to sizzle and crack for a moment before he gets up slowly. His teeth are clenched tightly and his eye squints a bit as he works himself through the pain. The pain he is feeling is only matched by the rather intense rage that has formed within the Thai Tiger. He starts to run at Saishu, pushing what's left of his energy into his legs, "TIGER-" He sputters out loudly as he leaps into the air. A knee is thrust out in front of him as he careens through the air to slam into Saishu. If he hits or not, he will push himself and summon all his energy to intiaite a combination of punches and strikes, "-GENOCIDE!" shouts the Thai as he launches into a finale of two Tiger Uppercuts.

COMBATSYS: Sagat can no longer fight.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Saishu           0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Saishu endures Sagat's Tiger Genocide.

[                         \\\\\  <
Saishu           0/-------/-======|

Saishu Kusanagi... IS CRAZY.
By the time Sagat simply runs out of steam and keels over... well. Saishu is... well. The asphalt in the street behind him is simply ruined beyond all recognition. It's cracked and shattered from all the sheer force of Saishu's feet digging into it and channeling the force of all of Sagat's immensely powerful strikes. The Kusanagi elder's body has been battered beyond all conception, and...
...and he's still standing.
He grins, glassily, for a few moments.
And then...

COMBATSYS: Saishu takes no action.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Saishu           0/-------/-======|

COMBATSYS: Saishu has reached second wind!

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Saishu           0/-------/-======|

...he laughs.
"Ha ha!" He winks down at Sagat. "Pretty good, kickboxer!"
Oh Saishu. You crazy fool.

COMBATSYS: Saishu has ended the fight here.

Sagat lands and then tumbles to his knees. He stands there on his knees and looks towards Saishu, "How?" He asks before falling backwards, unable to summon the strength to remain upright. He grumbles as he lays there, "Pretty good?" He mutters to himself. Of all the things to describe the experience.

You think Sagat is stunned? Look at the crowd. Look at the /cameramen/. This fight lasted like... like ten to fifteen seconds. When guys this bullheaded fight each other this aggressively, it's the only thing that can happen. And they're going to have to repave the damn streets.
Saishu Kusanagi, apparently okay, walks over to the side of the street and retrieves his bunny floatation ring.
"Ha ha!" he cackles, glancing over his shoulder at Sagat. "Don't take it too hard! Enjoy the beach while you can!"
And then the happy-go-lucky old man is gone, leaving nothing but damaged property and a whole lot of bewildered people in his wake. As usual.

Log created by Saishu, and last modified on 16:20:16 03/28/2006.