Description: Bison takes a trip to the Kyokugenryuu Dojo to see if they're really full of losers... but the question isn't really answered. (Draw Match)
Down the streets of Southtown walks a figure becoming more and more familiar these days, a large ex-boxer wearing the blue jersey he was known for. What some might not know is how he makes his money. Those that do probably either want to kick his ass or stay the hell out of his way. For the most part, though, people either don't recognize him or make snide comments as he passes. There are a few who are able to look past the atrocities he committed in the ring, staring a bit as the world champion walks past. Mike Bison's destination is a bit vague, but eventually he comes to a dojo claiming to be run by the masters of Kyokugen Karate. He goes through the door after a few moments of making sure it's the right place, and looks around, trying to see if anyone who looks to be in charge is around. No point in this if it's only students.
In point of fact, it isn't 'only students', for today, leading the students, is the Master of this House--Takuma Sakazaki. Easily recognized by the picture up by the entrance that proclaims Takuma as the Master of Kyokugenryuu, the nature of his mastery is clear in the way he leads the students--sure and strong, his movements in leading the students through a kata sure and swift. But... there's someone here? Takuma raises a hand, calling for a pause, and turns to face the boxer.
"Can I help you?" he asks, crisply, the question drilled into him by Ryo and Yuri and Robert... he's not used to speaking quite so politely, but his more brusque manner scared students away. The boxer looks... big. And well, he's a boxer. He's probably not here to learn how to karate.
Oh, well there we go. The picture isn't missed by Bison, and as he sees the very man who can rightfully claim to be the master of the martial art the look on his face turns into something resembling a smirk. "Probly not." The manner of his voice is nothing short of contemptuous. "Heard this place was filled with losers, came to see for myself." He's not saying whether he believes what he heard, but still... doesn't look like he's come in to make any friends. He eyes the students for a moment, "No potential at all." He then looks at Takuma, "Why do you bother teaching people like them? They're never gonna do anything worthwhile. Unless..." He crosses his arms with the smirk still on his face, "You only have as much potential as they do."
Takuma's grin turns slightly brittle, his eyes furrowing a little. "You heard.. let me see... that this dojo was filled with 'losers'?" The students--the smarter ones at least--are already clearing the floor, filing off to the sides... grabbing the younger ones. That Bison would say such a thing can only mean one more thing. There's about to be a fight.
"Well, unless I miss my guess, the fact that you're approximately three hundred pounds of beef means you think you can beat me." And Takuma's grin shifts, wickedly.
"You are, of course, welcome to try. But don't think I'm going to make it easy on you. Though I suppose," he pauses, "I'll avoid hitting you in the head. Doesn't seem like there's much left to damage. But you won't know anything about my potential, or your lack of it, until you bring it."
Bison laughs a little, "What's this? I try to come in and check this place out and, this is the respect I'm shown? I thought all these Japanese martial arts were supposed to be about politeness and stuff. Psh, what a load." He cracks his neck to the side, "I guess if this is how you're gonna treat me I'll just have to teach you a lesson." Of course, everything Takuma said is completely fine under the conditions, but why not make a spectacle and play stupid. ...then again, who has to play? He walks into the middle of the floor, where the students have already began clearing, and pulls his boxing gloves on. "Don't say I didn't warn you when you end up on the ground with missing teeth, though. I ain't pullin no punches here, not after I've been insulted."
Takuma had his back to Bison, as he walked to his 'starting spot'... but he turns and he grins, again, wickedly and fiercely.
"Respect? Young buck, respect is earned in this house, not given, and you don't earn respect by coming in and insulting my students and myself. If you beat me--then I might -consider- respecting you." And with that, Takuma settles into his karate stance, hands clenched into fists, arms in close to his body, feet settled and weight evenly distributed.
COMBATSYS: Takuma has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Takuma 0/-------/-------|
Mike laughs, "Might consider respecting me if I kick your ass? Not bad talk, old man, but lets see if you can back it up." Nevermind he's only 10 years older than Bison himself. Bison's own style is... very aggressive, something that could probably be taken advantage of. Not so much the bob and weave of a traditional boxer, but a confident stance that lets him whip his fists forward with little to no warning. "Let's see what you've got, old man. Hit me." He steps forward with that stupid smirk on his face.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 M.Bison
'Hit me'? It's rare for someone to just say 'hit me' to Takuma. But he can hardly refuse such a request, either. He notes the boxer's lack of bob and weave--and figures that the man thinks that he can simply tough out or take anything that Takuma throws. It's a very interesting pose for a boxer... and one that Takuma is glad to see. So he takes off, quickly, taking one, two, three steps, dashing forward to close the distance with his boxer opponent... and as he closes, he drops low, firing out a fist right for Bison's stomach.
"HYAH!" he cries, a low, perfect kiai, breath exhaled just as he strikes.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison Toughs Out Takuma's Medium Punch!
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 M.Bison
Fwump! The fist smashes right into Bison's stomach, seemingly fully exposed. A quirk of the eyebrow is given, and the boxer says simply, "That's it? I'm disappointed, really. Here, let me show you how it's done." A cruel look comes over Bison's face, and within moments he's twisting around, rotating his body much quicker than one might expect and doing a full 360 with his fist spinning and finally flying towards Takuma's face. "Turn punch... FIIINAL!" Because advance warning of what you're doing won't help them dodge. Nope, not at all.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison successfully hits Takuma with Turn Punch Final.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 M.Bison
"GWUH!" is Takuma's response, as the punch takes him right in the chest, throwing him the length of the hall... but almost immediately, he gets up, and his grin is not diminished in the least. He brushes at his chest, then turns his grin back on Bison.
"That's it? That's not very final, kid!" And then... Takuma's off again, closing in on Bison... and then firing off a powerful series of straight punches, both hands blurring and snapping out at Bison's torso, fourteen punches enhanced with golden chi blazing out, the last punch in the combination a step-in right uppercut aimed right for Bison's chin.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Takuma's Zanretsu Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 M.Bison
M.Bison watches the man go backwards and get back up. "Pretty final for a turn punch." He grins and moves forward. Ah, here he comes again. And... lots of punches coming his way. Somewhere in the back of Bison's mind he's remembering his training, and he lifts his gloves to check the punches, taking the hits in the gloves and arms when possible. That doesn't mean he gets them all, but the uppercut is at least stopped just in time. The damn chi doesn't help him, though. Even if he blocks that energy burns at him. Hmm... uppercuts are usually hard to recover from, aren't they? Right after blocking with his left hand he reaches out and swings a right hook at Takuma's side, hoping to get a nice bodyshot in.
COMBATSYS: Takuma counters Hook Punch from M.Bison with Mouko Burai Gan.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 M.Bison
Normally, yes they are. But Takuma is far more than just a karate practitioner. Takuma's right hand retracts faster than Bison can imagine and not only is that right hook blocked, it's stopped--cold--by Takuma's upraised forearm. Now, he doesn't -usually- perform the Mouko Burai Gan like this, goofy-handed, but it works more than well enough; in a single, flowing instant, he's dropped his left leg back, pushed forward, and thrust his left fist forward into a lunging punch that strikes square against Bison's chest.
It is now Bison's turn to fly backwards for a not insignificant distance. He slams into the wall, and then slumps to the floor before getting up. "Damn..." He pats his chest with his gloved hand for a moment, and then grins, "That's what I'm talkin' about. The hell was wrong with you, holdin back 'gainst me? Gotta have a deathwish to do somethin' like that." A little grin comes across his face, "Ok, time to get serious!" He slams his fists together and begins really pumping himself up, muscles rippling a little. "Bring it on!"
COMBATSYS: M.Bison gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 M.Bison
Takuma won't admit it, but that Turn Punch was pretty badass. Nothin' h can't handle, but he knows the boxer's 'for real' now.. and if he -was- holding back before, he won't be now that's for sure.
"Heh... come on then, if you want to get serious!" He lowers his stance, crossing his arms in front of him, his voice ringing out in a low, but rising "Haaaaa~" as he, too, 'pumps' himself up... but more visibly, as golden energy rises up in a column around him.
COMBATSYS: Takuma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Takuma 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 M.Bison
M.Bison looks rather confused. Didn't he just tell him to bring it on? Where's the rushing in and attacking foolishly? ...damn. He stretches a little, getting out of his posture and watches him for a few moments. "The hell's wrong with you? Thought I just told you to bring it on?" He smirks, and crosses his arms. "Guess you don't know what that means." Or he knew exactly what Bison was planning, one of the two! "Lemmie guess, you're too afraid to try an' hit someone like me, after what happened the last time, huh?" Or was it the time before that...
COMBATSYS: M.Bison focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Takuma 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 M.Bison
Takuma raises a finger and shakes it at Bison, looking admonishing. "Now, now, kid. Don't be so impatient. You want me to 'bring it'... and I will, but a man has to prepare first... and now I'm ready!"
So saying, suddenly he lunges forward, practically flying above the floor--as he closes with Bison he twists his hips, throwing a flying, horizontal roundhouse kick at Bison with his left leg--and immediately following up with a reverse roundhouse from his right, a quick one-two combo--except with his feet, not his fists.
COMBATSYS: Takuma successfully hits M.Bison with Hien Shippu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Takuma 1/----===/=======|=======\=====--\1 M.Bison
Kick! What the hell, kicking isn't allowed in bo- oh, right. Smack! The first kick propels him back, and the second one simply smashes him into the floor. Now he's beginning to look worse for the wear. "Sonofa..." He picks himself up, bleeding from the corner of his mouth. "What the hell." Bison presses his wrist to his mouth, then looks at it, "The hell! You made me bleed! Now you're gonna get it!" He glares, and then begins running at Takuma with what appears to be a straight up charge, but then instead of simply slamming into him he reaches out and grabs for him, trying to pick him up and then smash him down on the floor, head first.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison successfully hits Takuma with Head Bomber.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Takuma 1/=======/=======|=======\======-\1 M.Bison
Apparently, Takuma's defenses just aren't up to snuff today because Bison practically puts Takuma's head through the floor, once again earning a grunt of pain from the older man. But he rebounds yet again, still just laughing--despite the blood streaming from the cut opened on his forehead. It doesn't really blind him much.
"You've definitely got some raw strength there, kiddo... but it isn't all about strength!" Once again, Takuma concentrates his power, after pulling back from the hole in the floor, that golden energy wreathing him once more...
COMBATSYS: Takuma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Takuma 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\======-\1 M.Bison
M.Bison frowns largely as the large man begins collecting his energy. "...the hell." He growls, and shoots him a nasty look as the golden energy forms up. "Fuckin cheater! You're gonna do it, I swear to god you are! Freakin that gold stuff, gonna throw it at me, aren't you! Freakin cheaters! I'm sick of you all and your damn glowy shit!" And how annoyed is he? Annoyed enough to be a horrible rotten bastard, and drag the students into it. "If you're gonna cheat, I'm gonna cheat right back... an' I cheat better!" He reaches for the youngest female available, and grabs her around the waist, lifts her over his shoulder, and then throws her at Takuma.
COMBATSYS: Takuma blocks M.Bison's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Takuma 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\=======\1 M.Bison
And Bison thinks -Takuma- is cheating? Takuma moves swiftly, catching the kid out of the air... and oh man, was that not cool or what? It's one thing to hit Takuma, to abuse him... but to try to use one of his students as a weapon, as a distraction... Takuma sets the girl down and smiles, faintly. "I might as well, if you're going to try to abuse my students!" And he pulls his right hand back, then throws it forward, releasing a red-gold, dense ball of chi at Bison.
"Ko'OU KEN!"
COMBATSYS: M.Bison interrupts Ko'ou Ken from Takuma with Gigaton Blow.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\ < > ////////////// ]
Takuma 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 M.Bison
"FUCK YOU! Screw you and your damn glowing shit! I'm so sick of it! Sick of all your damn cheating!" Looks like he's got himself real worked up, there. "Gonna make you pay for that! I knew it, I told you, I knew it!" He rushes forward, letting out a feral scream, "RRAAAAAGH!" The blast of red-gold energy slams into him, and slows him down for a moment... but it just doesn't look like it's going to be enough. Here comes Mike Bison, pissed off and screaming. "Gonna take you out! GIGATON PUNCH!" He pulls his arm back, and then slams it into Takuma with all the ferocity he can manage, stumbling forward a bit as he tries to stop too quickly.
Takuma is still in mid-motion when the boxer just bursts right through the attack--and the punch takes him right in the chest. No no-selling this one; Takuma slams against the wall, and nearly puts a hole in it. But he still lands on his feet, if only for a moment, his face drawn into just as strong a snarl as Bison's.
"Beat me or not but you will never have my respect--you have no courage and you have no honor!" With that, Takuma pulls his hands in towards his stomach, summoning the last of his energy... which is still pretty impressive, all considered, as he throws his arms out wide, firing off not one, not two, but three flaring walls of that 'glowy shit' that Bison hates so much. Possibly just to spite the bastard, before he drops to one knee.
COMBATSYS: Takuma can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
M.Bison 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: M.Bison fails to interrupt Triple Haohshokoken from Takuma with Ultimate Wild Smash.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison can no longer fight.
"BRWAAAAAH!" Nothing comes from Bison but a loud scream of fury as he dashes madly into the oncoming blasts of energy. "I'M GONNA BEAT THE HELL OUT OF YOU!" Smack, blam, zot! The energy hits him and... well, he isn't running through it this time! "Yeeeaaaaargh!" That's just too much glowy shit for him to just ignore, and it envelops him and throws him backwards, slamming him into the far wall and leaving him there making strange sizzling noises as gray smoke raises up from him. Stick a fork in him, he's done.
Slowly, Takuma rises. Very slowly. Each one of those hits that Bison put on him were solid hits and dammit, he's getting too old for this. But he -does- rise--knowing that, even if Bison gets back up immediately, he's not going to be in any shape to fight.
"If he wakes up, just let him go. If he doesn't, drag him outside." Takuma spits out some blood and mucus, and rubs his chest... half-expecting to have just a damned dent in his chest the shape of a boxing glove.
"I don't want him in here. And I need to get some rest for like a week."
Log created by Takuma, and last modified on 21:45:31 03/19/2006.