Neo League 201 - #216: Alma vs Guy

Description: Ninjas, so prone to flipping out, must be allowed to eat in peace. Alma Towazu's failure to understand this results in a duel in Denny's chock full of dramatic pauses and big explosions. Ninja Versus Monk ends, of course, in a win for Ninja, but also the following insight for Alma: when a ninja ends a fight, it stays ended. (Winner: Guy)

All living things need nourishment. Despite numerous petitions, ninja have so far failed to modify their classification from 'living creatures' to 'badass butt-kicking elementals'. As such, needed a place to feed, many discerning ninja choose their local Denny's. Open 24 hours, so that even after a midnight stealth mission to steal vital documents, they can pop in and order a stack of pancakes and dig in.
However, pancakes are not what's on Guy's mind tonight. Sitting on the table before Guy is a large plate, fried chicken salad piled on top of it. The ninja's face is impassive in his corner booth, as his fork raises and lowers time and time again, carefully consuming his vaguely healthy meal at a steady pace. One might wonder if he's enjoying his meal or not, so solemn is he, but so far the friendly waitress hasn't mustered up the courage to swing by and ask whether or not Guy is enjoying his meal. In the Bushin ninja's little, the silence is only broken by the steady, rhythmic crunching of lettuce and crispy fried chicken. As it should be.

"Here you are, sir... my pleasure."
There are plenty of deep voices in the world. More than a few of those deep voices are used by soft-spoken people. And surely many of those soft-spoken people speak with polite and courteous tones. But there is only one voice that radiates real goodwill, that conveys that soft-spoken politeness with the warmth of a genuinely friendly person. A voice that could turn a cliche into something original, sheerly with the heart he'd subconsciously put into the line.
"Thank you, Towazu-san!" says the beaming, chubby Japanese man, taking the glossy photograph and grinning widely from it to the youth it portays. "My daughter will be so happy. She tells me she's your biggest fan, you know. And the team is all so impressed that you're actually deferring payment for the right to this TV spot, sir. Quite an incredible young man, they all say..."
"You are all too kind," Alma says mildly, his soft-eyed smile only growing. "I'm just concerned about the eating habits of the children at Asahigakouen Elementary. I tutor there sometimes, and the concept of beauty they acquire... so young, and they either don't care at all or worry so much..." The handsome young man looks concerned. Because, well... he is.
Oh, Alma.
After a minute or two, the filming begins. For a little while, it goes rather well. Alma seems equally natural on camera as he is in person. In fact, he grows a little. His mildness begins to look more mysterious than anything else, his words projected and eloquent and his posture and movements perfect and always appropriate. But then...
"The average cup of coffee-- oh..."
Ting. Ting, ting, ting.
It's odd, how the room went all silent just then.
"I'm very sorry," Alma murmurs, as both he and the Neo League cameraman lean down to get the dropped spoon. "How clumsy of me..."
~ Why did I feel that sudden chill? It made my hand slip... A premonition...? ~

For one brief, stunning moment, two sounds clash and reverbrate throughout the universe, in a magnificent cascade of dissonant sound. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Ting, ting, ting.
Immediately afterward, Guy stops chewing, and very deliberately swallows. Slowly he turns his head until he's looking directly at the person responsible for this: one young looking man sitting across from another man, with a camera. Recognition slowly dawns - not many people achieve great success in the Neo League, and yet by some strange chance, Alma Towazu is sitting right there. And he just dropped his spoon.
Almost imperceptibly, the corners of Guy's mouth twitch downward. His frown deepens, becoming more noticeable. If the waitress wasn't going to come by before, she certainly won't now, as Guy fair radiates a supreme sense of being pissed off.
Despite this, it is still with smooth, precise motions that the ninja picks up his fork, holds it just so for a moment, and then sends it screaming up and across the room, where it impacts the ceiling, deflects downward, and embeds itself right in the center of Alma's table.

It quivers.

At his booth, Guy smoothly slides out of it and walks up to Alma's table. "League fight. Now."

That's Alma's sound of surprise as he hears, no, feels the fork screaming through the air as a possible attack. He's not surprised by the attack; that wouldn't surprise him. It's that he felt no violent intent. And even now, he feels no fighting spirit. There's no aura... not even a normal one agitated... how can that be...?
Almost as smoothly as Guy -- because no one, not even a fighting bishounen model, is as smooth as a ninja -- Alma rises to his feet, turns, and gazes into the shorter, sneaker-wearing man's eyes.
There's a moment of silence as the two men's eyes meet. Oh, hell, there's just silence in general, everyone's stunned and the cameraman is like cowering under the table. Then, just for a moment, Alma's eyes flicker...
~ No... is he... can he disguise it? Then he's...! ~
"I don't know who you are," the tall youth says quietly, one blond bang slipping down as he speaks to frame his intent hazel eyes, "or why you want a fight with me..."
~ I never use violence to solve a problem. But a League Fight... ~
And then, the young man, who seemed the essence of calm reason just a moment ago, suddenly lashes forward in a blur and aims a snap kick at Guy's abdomen, jabbing out with his right fist with the same moment in an attempt to close in an finish with a fierce shove that will send the ninja back -- and right in the direction of the door heading outside. Good call, Alma, but do you really think you can forcibly eject a ninja?
"...but I accept! UOORYAH!"
The cameraman films like crazy.

COMBATSYS: Alma has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Alma             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Guy has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Alma             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Guy

COMBATSYS: Guy blocks Alma's Light Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Alma             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Guy

The short answer? No. No Alma can not.
The ninja's forearms blur as he responds to each attack, slapping the kick away with one palm while interposing the back of his other hand in the path of Alma's punch. The shove is dealt with in a similarly easy fashion - Guy meets Alma's hands head-on, grabbing each of them at the same time, being driven back only slightly before he finds his balance and holds his ground. The Bushin practitioner pauses there for a moment, awaiting anything further, before releasing Alma's hands and stepping back.
Though his face is still a mask of irate displeasure, perhaps Alma can sense the true emotion swirling beneath the surface - a strange combination of pleasure and discontent. Regardless, it is of little consequence, as after just moments, Guy begins to move.
Still with that same speed, he reaches forward for the corner of Alma's shirt, the area right at the shoulder. One hand for the fabric, and one to grasp the body itself, directly under the shoulder at the intersection of arm and torso. Stepping in, Guy will perhaps more effectively accomplish what Alma just attempted - specifically, moving his opponent toward the door. Unlike a shove, however, the throw resulting here ought to send Alma flying with more than adequate force.

COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Guy's Seoi Nage.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Alma             0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0              Guy

Alma tries to evade, really he does, but Guy? Guy is freakin' fast. Seeing that his kicks are easily defended against, the tall would-be bishounen tries to skip back, sweeping his arms out widely to force the ensuing chaos in the other direction; people are beginning to flee the restaurant. Then Guy tries to eject /Alma/ -- but that doesn't work either, because Alma is backpadelling. Just... not quite fast enough.
Guy doesn't get a grip on Alma. He does get his shirt.
Alma tears away, literally, and as he staggers back he simply sweeps out his hand, and wordlessly unleashes a quick short wave of pure white soulfire at the ninja's face. He doesn't look zen right now, though.
He looks zen PISSED OFF.
"That was my /shirt/," rumbles the now bare-chested youth ominously, the sculpted model's face almost ninja-like in its inscrutibility -- for zen discipline is not so different from ninja discipline -- even as his blaze with rising righteous fury.

COMBATSYS: Guy overcomes Sacred Wave from Alma with Large Thrown Object.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Alma             0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0              Guy

It's unfortunate about Alma's shirt - however, it is still simply a shirt. Guy doesn't give clothing much importance, beyond utility. He certainly doesn't seem concerned when he drops the scrap of cloth from his clenched hand. upon hearing of Alma's outrage, his frown deepens ever so slightly, as if his young opponent just said the wrong thing.
However, Alma's attack is worthy of much more consideration - it's fast, and while Guy doesn't show undue distress over it, it does prompt more serious action.
And on that note, it's probably a a good thing that people are starting to clear out, because minor property damage is imminent.
Reaching across his body with one hand, Guy's grasp comes upon a table. He yanks it toward him, grunting with the effort of moving so much mass so quickly, and then gets his other hand up under it, tilting it forward. In what has amounted to barely any time at all, the ninja has created a crude shield for himself, and he wastes no time with it. Its edge has barely hit the ground before he's charging forward, letting it crash into Alma's psychic blast and then heaving it forward further with all of his strength, sending it awkwardly twisting through the air at Towazu with a shout. "HYAAAH!"

COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Guy's Large Thrown Object.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Alma             0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0              Guy

It's not the shirt, man. It's the /respect/. You can throw a fork at a man. You can throw a table at a man. But why you gotta tear his shirt up?
With his fighting spirit blazing, Alma's not going to waste time being surprised by this, well, surprising ninja technique. He throws himself forward immediately and rolls under the thrown table -- it crashes disastreously on the other side of the Denny's -- and gracefully untucks right into a fierce punch, rising from his roll to immediately lash out with a right hook that transitions into a powerful low kick, before he finally twists into a second strike: a gutpunch that aims to take the wind out of the ninja. Um, theoretically, at least.
"Hoouu! Haaa!"
At least the kid's getting into it.
And it's not like he needs to mind having his shirt off in front of the camera.

COMBATSYS: Guy interrupts Strong Punch from Alma with Medium Throw.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Alma             0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0              Guy

Theoretically speaking, Alma's shirt wouldn't have ripped if he hadn't tried to evade Guy's throw. It's not as though the rippage was at all intentional. Why, one would almost think that Alma /wants/ to end up bare-chested in a fight. Although of course we all know that could never be the case. Ever.
Getting back to the fight, Guy has precious few moments between when he throws the table and when Alma rushes him again to formulate a plan. Ducking his head to the side of Alma's initial punch, Guy sees a forthcoming moment of opportunity and begins a more careful watch of the model's movements. Letting the kick slam into him, Guy staggers only slightly, still biding his time. And there! When Alma punches at him, the ninja crouches down to a frighteningly low level, twisting around at the same moment so that the punch flies harmlessly over his shoulder. Harmlessly for Guy, that is, because he wastes no time in grasping Alma's arm and using it as a lever to toss the psychic clear up and over and into the door, which with any luck is flimsy enough to just break so that the fight can continue in a location with less property to offhandedly damage. Either way, Guy takes a few careful, measured paces afterward, closing in at a speed which should allow Alma plenty of time to recover himself.

[OOC] Takuma says, "But not to re-cover himself..."

[OOC] Guy XD

Well, that went poorly.
Theoretically speaking, Guy's player shouldn't talk about the ripping off of shirts. Why, it's almost as though he's trying to pin something at Alma so that nobody notices the strange and deviant things he does with alternate personas. But of course, that's couldn't be the case. Oh my no.
Meanwhile, Alma himself has no time to be defensive -- he has to defend himself. Fortunately, Guy gives him enough time to pick some of the larger splinters out of his chest and arms as he rises from the wreckage of the shattered door -- ow, ow -- and then, growling, he pounces. It's not a growl of rage. It's sort of an animal growl, but only in the sense that it's very, very... basic. Simple. Pure, really. It's just an expression of his willingness to fight.
It is accompanied, as he lunges, by another, more potent expression of his willingness to fight: a plume of white flame that surges forth from his right hand as Alma attempts to strike Guy with a lance of sheer psychic energy, a blast of searing-hot battle fury.
The cameraman, in the meantime, scuttles out from the shattered doorframe and inches his way along the side of the building, keeping his eye out for any other flying objects, like say Alma again.

[OOC] Guy XD

[OOC] Alma XD

COMBATSYS: Guy dodges Alma's Self Expression.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Alma             0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0              Guy

Wary for a sudden counter-attack from his opponent, Guy is not disappointed in the least. He's expecting Alma to be ready for him, to charge forward and immediately go on the attack. It's a matter of the young man's spirit, his willingness to fight. He may be capable of staying back and being cautious, but given the way he's acting, Guy would be surprised if he managed to recompose himself so quickly.
Therefore, when that burst of psychic flame comes shooting out of Alma's hand, Guy has already removed himself from its path. Just barely through the door, he leaps straight upward, and kicks off of the top of the frame, flipping forward well above Alma and landing in a crouch as lightly as a feather a moderate distance away.
Standing slowly, Guy turns about and crosses his arms across his chest. He stares at Alma for a moment. The Metro City street-fighter's face gives no indication of his thoughts, but for those with suitable psychic inclinations, it would be revealed that his mood hasn't changed from what it was a few moments ago. He's at once pleased and put-off, a strange mix considering the circumstances.

COMBATSYS: Guy gains composure.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Alma             0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0              Guy

Mmn. A ninja's ambivalence.
Alma turns on his heel in a half crouch, looking slightly surprised -- his teeth are grit, anyway -- but his body relaxes when he sees that Guy isn't pressing the attack. He only straightens a little, and he remains in a ready posture, but his body relaxes all the same. He's good at that. Zen trick.
He takes a deep quiet breath, his eyes flashing as he feels his power surge through his veins and subconsciously traces the rhythm of the fight. It's an interlude, now. He's lost his momentum, and it's time to settle for new ground...
A gentle breeze passes through the semi-ruined Denny's, ruffling the hair of the two combatants, and probably doing a lot more for Alma.
Inexplicably, a little uprooted bush rolls by.

COMBATSYS: Alma gains composure.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Alma             0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0              Guy

Oh, the Denny's is fine. It's just barely broken up, honestly. What, a door and a table? The place probably accumulates more damage on Karaoke Night, and Alma and Guy both are probably have more than enough money from fighting to pay for repairs.
Alma, now. Alma might be in a little bit more trouble, as the inexplicable bush seems to act as a signal to the silently waiting ninja.
Less than a handful of scattered bits of stone and debris kick up from behind Guy's sneaker as he goes from 0 to Fast in no time flat. In one moment, he's standing there, and in the next he's dashing forward directly at Alma, so fast that one would think him completely off-guard. One would be right, until he reaches a respectable distance and jumps, twisting around so that one leg is held away from the psychic pretty boy. In one long, fluid, powerful motion, Guy brings the heel swinging all the way around his body to crash forcefully down toward toward Alma's shoulder.

COMBATSYS: Alma interrupts Hayagake from Guy with Divine Intervention EX.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Alma             1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0              Guy

You know, thinking about it...
...ninjas and monks aren't built too different.
Maybe Alma can only go from 0 to Almost As Fast. And maybe Guy can leave the ground and begin his aerial assault before Alma's even drawn his hand back all the way. And maybe Guy's even better at the inscrutible expressions, although admittedly Alma's look a lot nicer, or at least less constipated. But no one does holy soul power blasts like a monk-type, and perhaps it is because of this that the two attacks hit at exactly the same time.
Alma collapses to one knee with the force of Guy's kick, though he's not so much overwhelmed as he is going with the momentum of the strike -- but his blast against his midair opponent should at least be enough to send the ninja back aways.
The youth's eyes remain clear, his eyes steady, his body poised in its half-crouch.

Not everybody can be a model, and not everybody wants to. Guy is more than happy with the way he looks, thank you very much, although said look generally doesn't show it. Tragically, this fierce frown is no protection whatsoever against a blast of psychic energy. It impacts the ninja squarely, knocking him away with a good deal of force through the air. He recovers swiftly, rotating so that he's fully upside, down, and then pushes off of the ground with his hands, smoothly backflipping onto his feet, sneakers skidding only slightly on the pavement from his momentum.
And though it seems that Guy could rush right back in, putting a constant pressure on Alma, he instead hangs back again, this time more intent on examining his opponent, giving him more consideration after that last strike. It feels vaguely familiar, although the ninja can't quick place where from. It is quite the mystery.

COMBATSYS: Guy focuses on his next action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Alma             1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0              Guy

Pause. Clash. Pause. This fight is hot with dramatic tension, and it looks like Alma isn't going to try and get in the way of that. On the contrary, given the nature of his fighting style /and/ the nature of his spiritual abilities...
Grunting again, Alma shifts his stance slightly, clenches and unclenches his fists and moves his arms, breathing deeply as a feeling of pressure begins to emanate from him, the air itself seeming to tighten even as Alma appears rather relaxed still. The space around him seems to acquire an odd rosy gold tint as a halo of white blue-tinged light begins to form around the youth, coils of energy beginning to rise off his bared coppery forearms...
His gleaming eyes remain trained on Guy's, watching, waiting.

COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Alma             1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0              Guy

Once again, Guy finds himself spurred to action by his opponent's lack of offensive activity. Something is certainly going on...something familiar to the ninja. He can feel the energy building, as well as seeing it. It makes the hair on the back of his neck stand up. It's certainly an impressive display, visually as well as otherwise. Note the sizable difference between being impressive and being intimidating.
Dashing forward again with the same impressive speed as before, coming at Alma straight-on with no frills or fancy leaps or anything to detract from the focus, the purity of his strike, Guy slows ever so slightly in preperation for the attack itself. Twisting his body so that he's coming in at Alma sideways, elbow extended and braced with his other arm, Guy slides in over the last foot or so. He quickly straightens, following that elbow up with a flurry of smaller jabs that target different points on Alma's body, their path leading up to the face. At this point, the ninja draws his fist back, and then snaps it directly forward right at the psychic's chin.

COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Alma with Medium Punch.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Alma             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=====--\-------\0              Guy

Powering up is all well and good, Alma, but not when your opponent is... a ninja. You're, like, just asking for a stealth kill.
But of course, this is Guy we're talking about, and his form of 'stealth kill' is, as we all know, usually something along the lines of a headbutt to the face. In this case, it's a rushing elbow and a series of punches, but it's basically the same deal. Alma half-parries the elbow strike, is sent staggering by the jabs--
--and in a roar of fury, crashes through the finishing uppercut, tilting his head slightly to help overcome the strike and maintain his momentum, drawing his right hand back one more time, power and fighting spirit surging as he lashes out once...
There's sort of a *tsching*, and the screen freezes for a moment. Uh oh.

COMBATSYS: Guy endures Alma's Absolution.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Alma             0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1              Guy

And out comes an enormous spike of pure white soulfire, crackling with Psycho Power energy and emitting sparks of light, resonating weirdly as it aims to shatter Guy's body-mind unity and pierce his inscrutible expression. Can Alma do it? Can his ultimate attack break the composure of a ninja this powerful?
Maybe not.
But he /can/ hit him with a big fireball.
[ 7 Hit Super Combo ]

Slightly overextended after his final punch against Alma, Guy can feel something big coming. All of that energy has to go somewhere, and naturally he's going to be its target. He can see it coming clearly. He knows he's probably fast enough to get out of the way. However, the Metro City ninja does just about the stupidest thing you could do in this situation. He stands there and waits for it.

And then he's enveloped by Psycho Power, lost from sight as it totally engulfs him. You would expect your average person to go flying backward from a blast like that, to get absolutely owned. Except Guy's still standing there, right in Alma's face.
The ninja's mind has been assaulted here, but Guy's beat the crap out of an immeasurable number of punks and thugs and wanna-be badasses. Frequently, he's come to the point where he's barely even aware of what he's doing, operating on a level that's not quite awake, but not quite concious, either. When Guy's mind is attacked in such a fashion, while it's still recovering, his body is moving. It's moving forward, and it's moving very, very fast.
Leading with a lightning-fast flurry of punches about the torso, Guy follows up with several kicks, attacking a myriad of different points on Alma's body, before kicking straight up and flipping backward, looking to nail the model in the chin with the tip of his foot as he moves away. And then, coming down in a crouch facing his opponent, the sneaker ninja powers forward, leaping through the air at an unbelievably low angle, sending the ball of his foot blazing directly toward Alma's gut, just to finish the manuever off.

COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Alma with Bushin Gourai Kyaku.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Alma             1/----===/=======|=------\-------\0              Guy

Alma is a very relaxed guy overall. That zen stuff isn't a joke. He's very good with going with the flow, and he only appears startled from time to time because he's so mild-mannered. His passion for life requires genuine emotional investment, and while that gives him a unique and perhaps very cool take on zen detachment... even that rarely approaches genuine hesitation. In an ambush, Alma would be most likely be the first to act.
Still. Still. Still, the only thought he's capable of is:
~ Impossible. ~
Plenty of people survive that attack. Heck, a handful have avoided it, and one does so regularly. But nobody, /nobody/, has ever run right through it unblinkingly, operating on unconscious alone. But that's not it, that's not what really, really gets him. The fact is, he realizes, as the pain overtakes him, is that...
...Alma... has been...
The combo leaves the youth crumpling slowly into a beaten heap. I mean, that was pretty extreme. Slumping to his knees, the young bishounen coughs heavily, doubling over--
--and then he's punching Guy.
In a blur, he's before his enemy. Fading light blue images trailing behind him, Alma unleashes a series of quick jabs in an attempt to penetrate his opponent's guard. And though his body is clearly seriously battered, there's something about his eyes.
Something about his eyes that says...

...he's not finished yet.

COMBATSYS: Guy interrupts Spring Shower from Alma with Jab Punch.
- Power hit! -

[                          \\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Alma             0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0              Guy

[OOC] Guy says, "Ahahaha!"

[OOC] Guy says, "That was a Tough-Out interrupt, too! XD"

[OOC] Alma says, "You... you bastard. ;_;"

[OOC] Guy not damaged in the slightest!

[OOC] Alma says, "Wait, actually, that's awesome."

[OOC] Alma says, "Guy's just like, *SMACK*. :|"

[OOC] Alma says, "'Sit down.'"

[OOC] Guy is trying so hard not to burst out laughing right now.

As it turns out? Guy thinks otherwise. However, 'thinks' may be too strong of a word, here, as his eyes are still slightly glossy, an indication that somebody is home, but they're busy in the shower, so to speak. Still in the act of rising, after having landed from his mighty leaping kick, Guy abruptly reaches back and then smacks Alma right on top of the head before any of model's little punches can actually land hard enough to deal any real harm, sending the young man face down into the ground.
It's at about this time that Guy manages to fully come back to his senses. His face once more becomes a mask, secreting his emotion away. Once again, the ninja is all business. He looks down at Alma, and then takes a single step back, his posture making one thing clear. While Alma may still have some life left in him after that, this fight is over.

Well, that...
...that was actually pretty sweet, to be honest. At least, from the cameraman's perspective. Alma was totally getting ready to unleash a blurring series of punches, and-- he didn't even get started. There's a definitely audible *splunk* as the young fighting model faceplants directly into a clump of dirt.
For a moment, he's still. Then, laboriously... he raises his head.
"...Why...?" is all he can manage, before, well...
Uh, yeah.

COMBATSYS: Alma takes no action.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Guy              0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Alma can no longer fight.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Guy              0/-------/-----==|

It's the simplest of questions, but here's another one. Will Guy even choose to answer it? Turning his back on Alma, he folds his arms and takes another step away, then halts. He looks back over his shoulder at Alma for a moment, perfectly still, clearly contemplating.
And then he turns and begins walking away in a suitably dramatic fashion. His voice is clear and strong when he calls out, "Because your misuse of a spoon offended me." Enigmatic, but that's all Alma's going to get.

COMBATSYS: Guy has ended the fight here.

"For what it's worth, Towazu-san," says the cameraman to the unconscious shirtless young fighter, "I think this has made a pretty entertaining infomercial."

Log created by Alma, and last modified on 18:38:02 03/06/2006.