Description: Mr. Big pays Kurow a visit.
The sun sets over a the tranquil outer gardens of prestigious Justice High. There are still quite a few students milling about the verdant clearings, most of which are wrapping up their easels or other artistic pursuits before heading home. Still much studying left to do well into the night after all! One student stands out among the rest, Kurow Kirishima.
The enigmatic ninja continues his flute practice, seemingly unperturbed by the rapidly approaching twilight. Kurow's homework was already done, in fact all of his assignments were completed six months in advance, and almost all of the material was already committed to his memory. Being an obsessive boy genius with an eidetic memory has its advantages after all. For him now, there is only the flute and its slow enchanting song. The classical melody pierces the still air and for a few precious moments Kurow feels a wonderous calm. Music was perhaps the only pursuit that dulled Kurow's violent and sadistic fits completely.
Unfortunately, all things must come to an end. And Kurow's finely tuned senses come on full alert. The unmistakeable signature of a fighter's chi, and approaching his home territory! How recalcitrant. This rarely heralded a peaceful confrontation. Kurow slowly lowers the flute from his lips and turns in the direction of the stranger's approach.
"Is that him?" He asks suddenly, his tone dropping in pitch as his eyes settle on the young man holding a flute. Removing his arms from the girls' grasps gently as the pair nods emphatically in answer to his question, Mr. Big produces two business cards from his luxurious fur-lined overcoat and hands one to each, causing their eyes to light up in surprise. "Thank you ladies," he says with a warm smile. "Leave Mr. Kurow and I to our business now, and don't hesitate to call me if you need anything, anything at all," he finishes with a wolfish smile. The girls nod and run off, chattering to each other and holding the cards up to the light as the leave.
Chuckling to himself once more, Mr. Big watches the girls leave with appreciation before turning back to the flutist standing still quite a distance away. Fingering something peeking from his coat sleeves softly with each hand as he begins to stride towards the boy, the Southsynd gangster's mouth twists into a wry smirk as he approaches speaking distance. "Kurow, is it?" he asks, his voice dripping with his usual arrogant confidence as he begins to stroke his closely cropped goatee thoughtfully. "I have some questions for you, kid."
Kurow's mouth curls into a feral sneer and he sets his instrument down neatly. The ninja boy snorts softly and waves a hand about in a vaguely feminine manner as he addresses the notorious Syndicate official. "I would ask how you know my name...but I suppose your Syndicate agents are still among the best in the world, Mr. Big." Kurow's eyes lock directly onto the bald man's face. "You may ask your questions Mr. Big, perhaps I shall answer them for you--but regardless..."
There is some light rustling about the flora surrounding this clearing, and the shadowy forms of several ninja start to reveal themselves. The assassins hunker down in tactical positions all around the Syndicate Boss, each ready to pounce at the signal. "You might find it more difficult than you expected to leave here with your newfound knowledge!" The boy indulges the much larger man with a confident smirk of his own. "Perhaps Syndicate intel is not as good as I thought, surely they would have warned you about how dangerous it would be entering my sanctum?"
His eyes flickering around him as the ninja appear, Mr. Big keeps a close eyes on the shadowy beings, though none of his apprehension is noticeable from behind the dark lenses of his glasses. His smirk fading slightly and falling into a sneer as his eyes appear to still be locked on the boy in front of him. "Oh, I know more than you think Kirishima," he assures the young man. "For instance, I know that you're going to tell me how to find this boss of yours. Then, I'll be going on my way, whether your friends like it or not," he adds with a motion to the ninjas surrounding him, his eyes gaze still locked on the kid.
His mouth turning up into a predatory grin once more, Mr. Big chuckles darkly and raises hands towards his face, tilting his head down as if he were inspecting his palms. "Oh, one more thing..." he says as he looks at his hands. "This DID tell me about your... sanctum..." His gaze flickers to Kurow as his head suddenly shoots up dramatically, the world seeming to blur into slow motion around him as his hands shoot out from his body and two silvery batons appear into his hands from the depths of his sleeves. "...I bring my own danger with me!" he warns as he brings his batons into a guard position, challenging the ninja around him to attack.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kurow has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kurow
"Bold words, but again you are mistaken. I have no boss but myself. Thus, your idiotic posturing is for naught. If you wish however, I will write a nice letter to YOUR boss telling of how you went down fighting and without screeching like a woman TOO much. Slaves, kill." A quartet of ninja assassins leap forth, assaulting Big with smooth animal grace. The first ninja is armed with a traditional ninja-to which he uses to attempt a hamstring slice behind Big. A second ninja attempts to throw the crime boss further off balance with a stroke to the neck with his paired sais. A third ninja rushes towards Big's left flank, his razor clawed gauntlets at the ready, while the last starts whirling his bladed kusari-gama in savage anticipation.
The young Imawano master himself merely stands still, and takes a moment to flick a piece of lint from his immaculate Justice uniform.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big interrupts Medium Strike from Kurow with Staff Thrust.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Kurow
Flying into action as the ninja pounce at him, Mr. Big quickly spins low, ducking neatly under the sai attack, and swipes his right-hand baton at the incoming ninja-to slash, shattering the blade into two pieces with the solid strike. Springing powerfully into the air with a push of his with his legs, Mr. Big continues his spin while lashing out with both batons, cracking the sword wielding ninja solidly in the temple with his left, dropping him to the ground with a thud, while doing the same with to the sai-wielding ninja with his right.
Charging at the kusari-gama swinging ninja after quickly dispatching his brothers, Mr. Big deftly swings a baton at the weapon as it is launched at him, wrapping the chain around the haft of his own and barely dodging the sickle as it spins around the baton. The ninja appears shocked for a moment as his weapon is tangled and in the gangster's hands, but his reaction is short-lived as Mr. Big spins and pulls on the chain over his shoulder, lifting the ninja into the air with amazing strength and launching the hapless assassin through the air... ...and right into his claw wielding brother as he springs to attack. The two ninja collide with a solid crunch, dropping both to the ground motionless.
Slowly unwinding the sickle from his baton, Mr. Big tosses the weapon nonchalantly onto the ground and turns to Kurow expectantly. "Any more surprises?" he asks with a self-satisfied smirk.
Kurow sighs and shakes his head slowly. "Is it too cliche to make a comment about 'help these days'?" The boy genius smiles at the crime boss while simultaneously launching a kunai blade at his throat. "No more surprises Big, only pain." The youth dashes forward, finally breaking from his reserved stance into a much more kinetic assault posture. From his gloved fingertips spring razor sharp claws, giving the boy his infamous 'Freddy Kreuger' style. "Have at you!" Kurow moves to make the fight up close and personal, just the way he likes it.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big blocks Kurow's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Kurow
Raising his arm as the kunai flies towards him, Mr. Big grunts slightly as the triangular blade sinks into his forearm. Glancing down at the blade, the Glittering Sultan of Southtown frowns in disgust and smoothly rips the bloodied blade from his arm by the circular pommel and tosses it to the ground with the other discarded ninja weapons. His gaze drifting to the clawed boy from his bloody and torn coat sleeve, Mr. Big snorts softly. "Are you ready to start fighting now?" he asks plainly as he examines the kid's odd claws. Raising his weapons back up into his normal relaxed stance, Mr. Big fakes a yawn and motions towards his chest with his batons. "You could have made this easy on you, you know. But you look like a sick little bastard, so you might enjoy this... well? What are you waiting for?" the gangster asks as his eyes pierce the kid from behind his designer shades.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Kurow
Kurow stops in his tracks and backpedals a bit, grinning insufferably the whole time. The boy crosses his hands over his chest and tilts his head to the side quizzically. The man was tough, to be sure, and anyone who could dispose of Imawano assassins like that has to be strong...but was he more than just a lucky thug? Kirishima's interest is piqued to say the least. The ones that bluffed and taunted were always the funnest weren't they? "Actually...what I'm waiting for, is the toxin to begin working." The boy's lips curl even tighter in what could be described as either a smile or a snarl depending on how you looked at it. The poison is almost always fatal in most normal people, but admittedly its effects are a mixed bag against chi enhanced warriors...Let's see how it does on the Big man.
COMBATSYS: Kurow successfully hits Mr.Big with Medium Strike.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Kurow
"What the..." Mr. Big mutters as Kurow speaks, shaking his head slightly, suddenly aware of a sluggish feeling drifting over his body. "..sonnova bitch..." he mutters, his speech slurred as he takes a few stumbling steps towards the ninja. Mr. Big doesn't seem in any danger of immediate death, but the poison is definatly having some effect on him, and whatever it is, it ain't good. "Youu're triicky kid, I'lll givee you thaat..." Mr. Big manages to say as he lunges towards Kurow, squinting as he attempts to swipe at the kid with his right baton, aiming to hit him in the face with a backhand strike before stepping through and sending a powerful thrust at the ninja's nose with his left, though it's anyone's guess if he'll be able to pull off the move, what with his less than coherent state.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big successfully hits Kurow with Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Kurow
The boy was perhaps a bit too tricky and cocky for his own good. He takes a little too much pleasure in watching the obviously pained Big stagger forward with his attack. Kurow's half assed attempt to get out of the way is met with a surprising amount of speed and accuracy from Big, especially considering his weakened state. Kurow is swatted across the face square, and he crumples back from the bigger man a nice gush of blood spilling from his fine angular nose. "ARRRRGGHHH!!! *SPUTTER*" Kurow places his hand over his nose daintily to stem the flow. If nothing else, he hits HARD. Kurow withdraws his palm and brandishes his claws in an aggressive stance. The red staining blood flows down over his lower face, that coupled with his very pale skin gives him something of a 'psychotic clown' look. "I'm just getting STARTED Big, I always like to have fun with my opponents before their inevitible fact I wake up each morning JUST for moments like THIS!" With that, the lithe ninja pounces at Big, his claws raking wildly at the soft bits on the man's torso. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAH!" Kurow punctuates the assault with his signature maniacal laughter.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big endures Kurow's Double Slash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Mr.Big 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Kurow
Bringing a hand up to his temple after recovering from his successful strike, Mr. Big isn't given much time to celebrate as he attempts to shake the cobwebs out of his poison-ridden head. Shaking his head a few more times, Mr. Big seems to be able to see a bit more clearly just in time to watch Kurow darting in for a double strike at his body. "Gah, you want to cut me little man? GO AHEAD, CUT ME!" Mr. Big yells, his speech nearly returned to normal. Thrusting his chest at Kurow, Mr. Big takes the slashes like a man, the claws cutting into his chest and leaving eight red trails on his shirt.
Chuckling darkly as he inspects Kurow's handiwork, Mr. Big snorts. "Nice try kid, but it'll take more than some scratches to put me down." Darting forward a step, bringing himself up-close and personal with the kid, Mr. Big begins to weave his right baton in tight circles as he lashes out again and again at Kurow's chest, neck, and head. The assault continues for around 10 or 12 revolutions in all before Mr. Big finishes it off with two massive baton slaps against his chest, the second powerful enough to send the kid flying if it hits.
COMBATSYS: Kurow fails to counter Drum Shot Typhoon from Mr.Big with Yami Kake.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|=======\=======\1 Kurow
When Kurow's multi slash finally dies down, he looks upward at his foe, chest heaving and blood still dripping steadily from his nose. The ninja's claws made deep gashes in Big's torso, but the crime boss was made of far tougher stuff than Kurow expected! The boy attempts to backpedal into a defensive stance but is a moment too late. Mr. Big's baton strikes mash his body into a pulp, and send him sprawling back on the grass.
"Arggh...*koff*...that...could have...gone better..." He mutters to himself as he struggles to regain a bit of composure. The ninja was certainly in a tight spot way to recover enough vitality to carry on a decent fight, and Big was just starting to get winded. Fortunately...Kurow always had a plan Q. "Alright *koff--koff* alright! STOP! *gasp*" Kurow scrabbles on the ground beneath Mr. Big's feet, one hand held out to defensively shield his face. "Don't hit me! I'll tell you what you want to know--and as a free special bonus...I'll even give you the antidote!" Kurow snickers and offers the closest thing to a congenial smile he can muster at the moment.
Panting softly as he the boy crawls back up to him after being knocked away so violently, Mr. Big glances back down at the kid and slowly lowers the batons in his hands to his side. Swaying slightly as he considers the batter and groveling kid, the Southsynd gangster is still obviously feeling the effects of the poison as it works its way through his system. "Y...yeah... I knew you were a smart kid. Took you a while to get the point but..." Mr. Big coughs slightly and his grip loosens on his batons as he speaks, a smile playing lightly on his lips. "...better late than never I guess."
Stuffing the batons in the waist of his pants, Mr. Big dusts off his hands carefully and plants them on his hips. "I'm trying to find this... 'Lord Vega.' I know you have connections with Shadaloo, so I want you to point me in the right direction." Managing his most reassuring smile, Mr. Big sways a little off-balance but tries to play it off as best he can. "Don't worry, I won't tell them I had your help. There's no reason to make this any more painful than it already has been, we both know that. I'm going to get my information one way or another. I am a VERY determined man."
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big drops his guard to recover.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|=======\=======\1 Kurow
For a moment there is a flash in Kurow's eyes, and a tangible sense of malice is clear on his facial features. He imagines for a moment, leaping up from his groveling and stabbing his claws deep into Mr. Big's throat, the resultant spray of red bliss drenching them both--but it subsides as quickly as it comes. Kurow rises to his feet slowly. "Lord Vega you say? I DO have information that you may be interested fact, let us start over. Perhaps we might find a common goal? It is not often that I find those suicidal enough to seek out Vega-sama." Kurow wipes some blood from his face and flashes his sharky grin. "Why do you wish to find him, if I may be so bold?"
COMBATSYS: Kurow drops his guard to recover.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|=======\=======\1 Kurow
Mr. Big doesn't seem too concerned as Kurow regains his footing; rather the bald gangster simply nods satisfactory. "Shadaloo has been stepping on a lot of toes lately, the Syndicate not least among those. We've decided that he needs to be dealt with. I ran into one of his lieutenants, Sagat I think his name was, a while back, but unfortunately he wasn't able to do a lot of talking by the time I was done with him," he says with a vicious laugh. "If my taking out Vega might benefit you in some way, then we may as well work something out right? No hard feelings, after all."
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big drops his guard to recover.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|=======\=======\1 Kurow
"Yes yes YES...indeed. No hard feelings...none at all..." Kurow snickers to himself again. "If you believe that you have the resources to take a fight to Vega-sama, we just might have a wonderful business relationship in the workings." Big was rather powerful...and perhaps he could prove to be quite the excellent asset as well. Long has Kurow desired to sit upon the throne of Shadaloo, and if this man could assist in this goal...then so be it! "I believe the time has come, for--negotiations. I have information you want--nay I could set up a meeting with the very man you seek! And I would be quite willing to do so, if certain conditions were met..."
Mr. Big seems to consider Kurow's words as the boy speaks, stroking his goatee thoughtfully. "Oh, we have the resources, I'm sure of that. I happened upon Vega by chance once before. I had him on his heels and I would have taken him out myself had Bernstein not been there to interfere. Next time I'll be more prepared." A pained look crosses Mr. Big's face as the poison makes no show of easing its hold on him. "I am always willing to talk business Kirishima, it's usually so much more profitable than fighting don't you think?" he asks with a grin. "So, let's hear these conditions, and we'll see what we can work out... oh yeah, and you mentioned something about an antidote?"
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|=======\=======\1 Kurow
Excellent. Fighting was often such a waste of time, most especially when Kurow was guaranteed a loss! "Ah so you know how dangerous he can be then, good." Kurow finishes wiping the slimey blood from his face and even takes a moment to straighten up his now tattered Justice High coat. "Here is what I propose...the assassination of Lord Vega!" Kurow cracks a smile at the mere thought. "I shall assist you in this endeavor, you bring as much backup as you can muster, I will grant access to his facility. Together, we can bring his downfall! When this plot is over, I will take over as the new Shadaloo lord and my policies will be much more 'pro-syndicate' if you will. I'm to understand that YOUR master will be quite pleased with that development..." Kurow crosses his arms over his chest and assumes a more serious tone. "Would this be agreeable? Oh and by the way, there is no poison so don't worry. It was merely a trick of hypnotic suggestion, your body believed strongly enough that your psyche actually caused physical pain. Neat, don't you think?"
"What the!" Mr. Big says, startled as Kurow reveals the fact that there never was a poison in the first place. Straightening now that he knows that it was just a trick, Mr. Big laughs shrewdly and shakes his head in surprise. "That's quite a trick," he admits with a grin. "You're very ambitious young Kurow. You remind me of myself when I was your... age..." he says, but as he takes in the sight of the odd, clawed boy drenched in blood the gangster seems to reconsider. "...well... kind of. Anyway, I like the sound of your plan, but I'll have to discuss it with my employer, though I'm pretty sure he will agree. I'm sure he'd prefer the rule of Lord Kurow to that of Vega," as a puppet most-like, but there's no need to inform the kid of that, of course. "Especially with the benefits of our... budding business relationship." Mr. Big grins predatorily as he speaks those last words. "I'll go back and inform him of the situation and let you know of the results."
Kurow's smile would look positively mirthful if he weren't covered in rapidly congealing blood. Everything was falling in to place nicely, way to turn a bad situation around...Mr. Big's flattering words hit Kurow's ears like sweet delicious 'I Can't Believe it's not Butter' on a toasty english muffin. The best way to the megalomanical teen's heart was through his ego after all. "Oh I wouldn't say I was all THAT ambitious, just, very opportunistic? Regardless, yes yes, indeed, go back to your employer. I'm sure Mr. Howard will agree that this is the best way to bring Shadaloo down." The youth raises his right hand and snaps his fingers. A kunai launches from the surrounded darkness and Kurow catches it with ease. Attached to the knife is a business card with several contact numbers. "Kirishima Kurow: Student Body Chair - Justice High," it reads. Kurow offers the card to Mr. Big. "Stay in touch, I have the feeling this is the start of a most excellent business relationship indeed." Kurow starts giggling to himself as he retreats from the scene, moving to blend into the shadows of the woods and the safety of his clan mates.
COMBATSYS: Kurow takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mr.Big 0/-------/-------|=======\=======\1 Kurow
Raising an eyebrow as the kunai flies at Kurow, Mr. Big remains silent as the card is handed to him. Grabbing the offered card, the gangster reads it and taps it against his palm a few times before sticking it into an inner pocked of his coat. "You'll hear from me soon Kirishima," Mr. Big assures him as the boy fades into shadow before chuckling to himself as he exits the school grounds.
Log created by Mr.Big, and last modified on 01:11:38 03/19/2007.