Description: The final battle! Kim vs. Li Xiangfei, the ultimate showdown!! All the questions you've been asking will be answered in this series finale to end all finales! What is Li Xiangfei's true power?! (her forehead) Who is the real father?! (Kim's twin brother) WHO KILLED DUMBLEDORE?! (******) Will Kim destroy the One Ring?? (No.) Stay tuned, to the shocking conclusion that will leave you shocked... FOR DAYS!!
Winter in Southtown is totally sweet. At least, sweet at this time of month because it means that spring is getting closer and closer and.. That means less freezing cold and more pretty flowers. There's one Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey who cannot wait to hang out under the sakura flowers while sipping some Ecto Cooler Hi-C. Well.. Li Xiangfei is sipping Ecto Cooler Hi-C anyway from a juice box, on this oh-so-cloudy day, and is totally ready for some.. Competition! A chance to prove herself, which means she's headed on to the Kim Dojo.
Her trademark entrance comes into play, which is the heavy stomping of her feet, and then she swings the doors open once more with a loud *BAM!* Now, the odd part is, she is dressed in bright yellow, entirely in yellow in an outfit that resembles a ninja and is maskless, on her back her favorite panda backpack, "Kim Kaphwan!" she cries, "This is a raid!"
Of course, as everyone knows, at ANY respectable martial arts dojo run by a man obsessed with Justice and a master of the chosen art, there are certain options to perform during a Raid Type Situation. These options are as follows:
A) Take the women and children and flee to save their lives,
B) Call local law enforcement, or...
Totally kick some raider ass!!
The sound comes from above, as Xiangfei may notice, soaring high through the air and nearly touching the ceilig of the dojo... Kim Kaphwan!! Who apparantly hasn't quite gotten to the point of recognizing Xiangfei by voice alone, considering there's a single foot outstretched to jump kick her! As soon as he sees just WHO it is, though, brown eyes widen considerably and that foot snaps back before it can strike Xiangfei, landing just a few feet from the Heavenly Hip Hop Honey! "Uh..." Ahem. "... Sorry about that!" Ah ha ha ha! But -- dressed like a ninja, with such a declaration...!!
"Is it time again...?!" Time... for a rematch?!
Xiangfei continues to sip her juicebox like it was the last one on earth, but she nearly spits it all out when Kim just comes out of -nowhere-, and is clearly about to kick her head clean off her shoulders! While she doesn't spew, she does fall over onto her butt in suprise, "G'ah!" An attack from above, a -suprise- attack, very clever indeed. She finishes the box off, and, "... Aw crap, I forgot to lift my mask back up; now I don't have the element of suprise with me this battle! You win this round, Kim, but the real challenge is about to begin!"
She shrugs off her backpack, drops the empty box into it, and then tosses it aside with a grin, "I have been doing some training, trying to improve my style with a double-helping of Guts!. With this improvement, I know this time around we will see that Guts! is superious to Justice! What say you, Kaphwan?"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Xiangfei 0/-------/-------|
Oh ho ho! Wrack up another victory for Kim! The Tae Kwon Do master just offers Xiangfei a friendly, if not slightly awkward, smile as she topples over, rubbing the back of his head. Clearly he needs to stop jumping to conclusions so much! But Justice must forever be on its guard, lest the evil forces of Guts! tries to overcome it with their... evil and dark and... evil powers!! "Ah, a common mistake! Whenever I put on a ninja costume, I always forget to put on my mask!" How often has he worn a ninja costume? ... Never, actually, but the point is to cheer Xiangfei up!
Even as Xiangfei shrugs off her backpack, Kim LEAPS through the air once more in a backwards flip, landing at the center of the expansive dojo entrance and flowing quickly into a fighting stance. "You know what I have to say, Ms. Xiangfei!! Show me how much you've improved, and I'll show you the power of Justice!" To the EXTREME.
COMBATSYS: Kim has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Xiangfei
*whoosh!* Kim goes flipping back, being totally awesome. And that is pretty sweet! Xiangfei never really had anything against Kim of course, heck, she just had a point to make- And one day? One day that point will be made and it will be faaaantastic. She tip-toes forward after Kim to meet him at the center, her slightly sheepish grin more genuine as she completely buys Kims response- Granted, the vision of Kim dressed as a ninja is a little perplexing.
ANYWHO! "Whew thank goodness, saved me a little embarassment.. Now then, I will show you what everyone else is afraid to show you!" she declares, and she starts the fight off by practically diving forward and thrusting her fist out toward the TKDs chest, a fist of Fury! "Li Xiangfei is IN THE HOUSE!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Kim with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Xiangfei
Whoa! Xiangfei comes in fast and strong with a speed Kim totally was not anticipating! But even so, he does try to put up a guard, making a very good effort. It's all for naught, though -- the punch slides past his guard and smacks him dead in the chest, sending Kim stumbling back a few feet. Ooph! "Very good show of strength, Xiangfei! Your Guts! has improved a lot!!" This'll be fun!
But Kim doesn't waste any time at all! As soon as he's said this, the man moves in towards the Heavenly Hip Hop Honey, attempting to grab her by shoulder and leg. And, if successful... "HUAAH!!" He chucks her all the way across the dojo with Tae Kwon Do might, to send her crashing into the ground a fair distance away.
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Xiangfei with Sakkyaku Nage.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei is even impressed with her own strike! "Why thank you!" Xiangfei replies with a delighted smile, "But you aren't feeling it yet, not just yet!" What exactly he's supposed to be feeling, she doesn't say, but perhaps the truth will come out shortly! Kim comes back just as quick, and attempting something different, attempts to twirl in the air so she can rebound off the cieling! A pity her reach is too short, so she looks rather goofy as she flails her arms and crashes onto the ground, swirly eyed, "... Oof. N.. Nice one,"
Down but not out, LiX is back on her feet, leaping into the air to flip, then backflips like a buzzsaw toward Kim and if he doesn't figure out he should block high instead of low, he's about to eat a serious handspring elbow attack, "WATAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Xiangfei's Shinsaiha.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Xiangfei
Unfortunately, Kim has a better reaction time to Xiangfei's strikes than the last one that came his way! Brown eyes follow the Chinese fighter's crazy leaping and backflipping, watching carefully for -- "There!" His hands raise upwards to intercept Xiangfei's elbows, stepping back a single step before he jerks backwards and away from the Radical Warrior! Whew, that might have been a close one! Thankfully he was able to track her movements in the nick of time. Hands sting a little, but still -- thankfully -- they aren't his primary weapons!
As soon Kim's blocked and hopped backwards, he's soon moving forward again, leaping through the air towards Xiangfei to strike her with a solid kick to the side of her head. "HUUAAH!!" This kick is followed afterwards with a rising knee strike to the gut as soon as Kim lands, his intent to hit her in rapid-fire succession before she can get a chance to react.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei endures Kim's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Xiangfei
Ah that crafty Kim.. He most certainly is in the zone, and that is problematic for our Hip-Hop heroin! But she's looking to turn the tide, and looks to do it right quick, she hopping very slightly to twist to the side and cringes as Kims foot smashes into her forehead! "Hnngh! YEAH!!" she tightens herself, arms outreaches as the knee hits her in the gut!
"YEAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" but that's all he gets, because suddenly, just out of the blue, Xiangfeis hands thrust forward and she releases a large wave of chi at Kim. She doesn't even -care- if Kims player predicted, SHUT UP. "KYAAAH!" It's totally sweet, especialy if it hits to knock him back a bit from the burst.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Kim with Nanpa.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
Wh-whoa!! Xiangfei comes at him once more, and her taking his strikes is most certainly an unexpected turn of events! Brown eyes snap wide as Xiangfei's hands charge up with blue chi, and he's just not fast enough to respond. The energy smacks into him point blank range with, indeed, more than enough force to send him stumblinb back a step or two. Ooph! That hurt!
Kim is swiftly on the attack again though, shaking his head before he thrusts forward with an open-palm strike aimed for Xiangfei's sternum. "OOORYAAA!" Meant to send her stumbling, so that the Korean can follow up with a swift and speedy snap-kick to her jaw.
[OOC] Xiangfei 6_6
[OOC] Kim 9_9
[OOC] Xiangfei says, "How's it down there? 6_6"
[OOC] Kim says, "Weather's nice, weather's nice. 9_9 How 'bout them Lakers, huh? 9_9a"
[OOC] Xiangfei says, "Enough with the crap. Are you ready to get rocked? 6_6"
[OOC] Kim says, "BRING IT OOOOON. 9_9"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei interrupts Quick Punch from Kim with Chou Pai-Long.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Kim 1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei hasn't even -begun- to come at him! ... ... Uh yeah.
The kung-fu waitress was merely setting up for her classic combination; the blast actually hitting was icing on the cake! And while he's stumbling back, Kim doesn't even see that the chinese girl is making a blurr of hand motions and is back in her battle stance by the time he strikes forward again,
This Oh Snap! moment is brought to you by LiX Trix, where Xiangfei is slammed in the sternum and doesn't budge- At least not backward, she presses forward still to respond with her own palm strike, "HAH!" stunningly powerful, it's followed by a double-palm to the same spot, "HAH!" and then finally? She twirls and leans waay back, snapping a final kick right under -his- chin instead, "HoAAAAAH!" And .. Well.. Xiangfei just respects Kim too much to retaliate with her infamous taunt. Lucky dog!
That was slightly unexpected! Kim's eyes snap wide at Xiangfei's rather quick and harsh counterassault, the vicious combination sending him rocketing back. Ow. Ow! While his player may have TOTALLY SAW THAT COMING FROM A MILE AWAY he just gets struck hard by the first palm strike, then the double palm strike, adding damage atop damage before the final snap kick sends him rocketing straight into the air! "Urk!!" Oh no! Is this the end of Kim Kaphwan?!
Kim's ascent becomes a rapid /descent/ towards Xiangfei, his legs curling up underneath him before he simply UNLEASHES his legs in a sudden and vicious flurry of bicycle kicks meant to knock Xiangfei's upper body relentlessly, pushing off after the final one to flip through the air and land in a crouch away from her, to catch his breath a bit. Whew! That hurt something fierce!
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Xiangfei with Hishou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Kim 1/--=====/=======|=====--\-------\0 Xiangfei
Um. Ow. There was absolutly nothing fun about getting kicked and kicked and kicked until she can't be kicked anymore because you're crashing flat onto the ground after the assault. The kung-fu fighter is quick, but just not quick enough to pull a smooth crouch under the series of kicks. Her legs flop up in the air and then she falls limply, down for the count.
"Wataaaah!" the girl handsprings to her feet, and hops forward with a quick snap kick to the side, "Kyah!" and as soon as she lands she's up on her tip-toe, twirling around to try to smack him three more times with her heel! Ghetto Bird Kick!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Kim with Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Kim 1/=======/=======|======-\-------\0 Xiangfei
There Xiangfei goes, and Kim just is NOT fast enough to keep up with her this time! Trying to dart out of the way doesn't go nearly as successfully as he wanted it to! The snap kick hits, as do the three other techniques for something rather painful that sends Kim Kaphwan sprawling to the ground! Ooph! Man, that would put ANYONE down, right? But... BUT...
Kim LEAPS into the air a second later, a single palm outstretched to knock Xiangfei solidly in the jaw!
Following after that palm strike is one mighty Tae Kwon Do kick to Xiangfei's side, then another, and another, counting four in total before he delivers a final jump kick solidly to her chest, infused with Korean Justice and Determination!!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Kim's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Kim 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\0 Xiangfei
Yeah, it would be infused with Korean Justice and Determination if Xiangfei tried to DODGE. But she's learned already that doesn't work! The palm strike is met with a awesome martial arts deflect, both palms pushing it away and, "You're a tough nut to crack, Kim!" and then the rest of that nasty combination requires a little more effort in blocking, the final kick she dives under with a quick tumble, "Hui!" and then? And then?
"But can you feel it, Mister Kaphwan? Tick tock! Tick tock!" the chinese girl cries, pushing on to give him another taste of kung-fu in the form of a backhand strike to the gut, followed by a palm strike with the opposite!
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Xiangfei's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Kim 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\0 Xiangfei
Tick tock, tick tock, eh?! Well this time around, Xiangfei just isn't quite swift enough to strike Kim as solidly as she might have hoped! Arms lift in a cross, blocking the backhand strike and then the palm strike in rapid succession. "You've gotten a lot better!!" He again compliments, and he means it -- she's really pushing him to the limits! But then again... he's just /begun to fight/!
He leaps backwards, away from Xiangfei as the girl's quick strikes don't land so successfully. A single foot raises into the air -- too far away to strike Xiangfei, but she should know what happens next. "OOORYAAAAAAAAAAA!!" That foot SLAMS into the ground, and from it erupts a shockwave that spreads around Kim's body swiftly, meant to knock Xiangfei RIGHT off her feet!
[OOC] Xiangfei uses DM/Math!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei endures Kim's Haki Kyaku!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Kim 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\==-----\1 Xiangfei
[OOC] Kim whoas!!
Curses! One may say, as Kim doesn't waste any time and keeps on living. A good and even welcome strategy! And yes, she -does- see what's coming, and the girls eyes widen as she shakes her head, "W.. Wait.. NO!!" she yells- WA-BOOM BOOM BOOOM!!! Like lightning rumbling in the sky, the ground shakes and knocks the chinese girl into the air, but instead of just falling over, she bounces like a basketball -toward- Kim. Tumble, bounce, thump, ow; but is the risk worth it? With the sudden blast of chi when she's close enough be enough to send Kim on the same trick she took? For yes, she doesn't collide into Kim, she gets up to one knee and thrusts her palms forward, "BELIEVE THAT!" Pow! Blue wave of chi coming atcha!
COMBATSYS: Kim negates Nanpa from Xiangfei with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Kim 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\==-----\1 Xiangfei
Whoa! It's that chi again!! Kim knows that the blast of blue-white means for Very Bad Things, and so he doesn't waste any time in trying to deal with it as best as possible -- this time, he kicks a single wooden post into the air -- probably, ironically enough, a kicking post ha ha ha -- and then flips ever-so gracefully through the air in order to kick the thing RIGHT at that blast of energy. "KYAAA!!" The sheer force he uses is enough to counter the blue chi that promises pain in a minor explosion of sorts, sending chunks of would EVERYWHERE. Whoa! He lands, wipes his brow, and then offers a big smile to Xiangfei. "Close one!!"
Man, that is an explosion. An explosion like WOAH. Xiangfei meets her nemesis mr foot post for the first, and hopefully the last time, the girl shielding her eyes in shock and awe, "Oh man!" the chinese girl yelps, and she's left kind of standing there a moment. Like.. What is -she- supposed to do about that? "... I salute you!" Xiangfei cries, though then she flails her arms around wildly, "Woa-a-a-a-a-aaaaaahaAAAA!!" and slams her fist into her open palm. The result? The biggest explosion of chi one ever did see; the golden pillar of power just BURSTS to life, Xiangfeis brown eyes alit with one intent. The intent of VICTORY, my friends. The chi swirls and twirls about her form, promises shenanigans, "haaAAAAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Kim 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\======-\1 Xiangfei
She's totally gathering up energies, and Kim can tell -- she's preparing for something awfully big! Xiangfei is putting her heart and soul into this, and he does too! Legs planting firmly into the ground, Kim looks up at that shining pillar of golden light. Most people would maybe try and say, focus on their next action, or compose themselves to bring them closer to victory! What does KIM do?? He just charges right towards that pillar of chi and power, and right TOWARDS XIANGFEI!! "OOOORRRRRR......" His right foot flings upward in a single, mighty jump kick aimed for Xiangfei's stomach. ".... YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Xiangfei with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Kim 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Sometimes life has regrets... And one of those regrets includes doing nothing when Kim is flying kicking at you, just BEGGING to be tenpou zan'd clean out of the stratosphere! Well, she wasn't doing -nothing- per se, she did attempt to make it so the kick landing was in her favor, but the mighty ORYAH shows no mercy! "OOOF!" watch as the wind is knocked out of Xiangfeis sails, and she sways, staggers, stumbles, and falls on her butt once again, holding her pained gut... Painfully. This, this is most certainly not good, no sir, but she can't give up just yet, not when she's gotten so close, "I.. I stake it all on this ONE BLOW!" Xiangfei declares, fist raised in the air. See that fist? That's not the one she's attacking with, the other slips into her pocket and with a light *plink* there's a flash of light that's zooming to smack Kim right in the head. Though granted, if the distraction doesn't work, it's all too clear it's a yen coin zipping his way. Trik'd?? Is this it??
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Kim with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|
It all happens in slow motion. All of it... Xiangfei staggering, stumbling, falling on her butt, even as Kim lands on the ground with the slight huff of expelled air that travels through the air in dramatic slo-mo vapors. He offers a smiiiile... one that PINGS. She may notice it.
It's the TOP smile.
And then?!
(Iiiiii... Iiiii staaaaake iiiit aaaaall ooooon thiiiiiis OOOOOOONE BLOOOOOOOOW....!)
Kim's head turns in slow motion. The coin was SUPPOSED to be FLYING in slow motion too, but APPARANTLY it didn't get the memo! So, even as Kim's head turns slowly, eyes widening --
"... ooooooow..."
Kim stumbles a few steps, rubbing his head as he looks towards Xiangfei. Slo-mo mode: DISENGAGED. "Wow, that was mildly inconvenient!" He shakes his head once, staring at the girl. "Are you okay, Miss Xiangfei?" He doesn't know what that whole yen coin was about, really, but all the same he picks it up... walks to Xiangfei... and extends it towards her in offering.
"Here. Uh, I think you dropped this." Onto his FACE.
COMBATSYS: Kim takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|
COMBATSYS: Kim has ended the fight here.
The script SPECIFICALLY wrote that Xiangfei was to bust out with a max interrupt so serious, that even her chinese ancestors would be like 'WOAH'. Alas this episode was not meant to be, and it makes our little chinese waitress a very sad panda. On the other hand, the girl -does- get her coin back and that's fantastic! No, dare I say, it's -sweet-! By the time Kim approaches, she's down to her knees, panting for air as the fatigue catches up with her and glances up to the TOP smiling sunnova gun, "Huh? O.. Oh! Hey, thanks!" Xiang smiles brightly, accepting the coin and shakes her head, "It seems I flubbed a bit in my strategy, you win again, Mr Kaphwan!"
Alas! Though probably a good thing, because Kim knows from experience that her supreme attack hurts something fierce! He remains blissfully unaware of Xiangfei's clever strategy though, instead handing back to her the very yen piece that might have, at one point, damned him terribly! "You still proved your Guts! is getting stronger every day! I thought I might not have made it out of that one!" Kim gives an encouraging laugh, even as he passes the coin over to her and stretches. Geeze, maybe she was trying to pay him for a fight well fought or something? Clearly not because she accepted it back! Nevertheless, Kim offers a bright smile to Xiangfei. "Like always you can feel free to have some supper here, Miss Xiangfei! And next time we fight, I'll show you my best technique!" He promises! Ooohohohoho!
Xiangfei is up suddenly at the very mention of supper, "AWESOME!" she cries, suddenly looking absolutly famished! "See, this is why this dojo is like, waay better than Dans dojo. But I'm glad you noticed! So you have a 'Super' technique as well? I'll be looking forward to seeing it! IN fact let me tell you a little bit about the 'Spinning Bird Kick'," and from then on, Xiangfei will yammer on and on about the famous Chun-Li. About how she's awesome and graceful in so many ways! <3 <3
Log created by Kim, and last modified on 00:07:26 09/09/2006.