Description: Chizuru, by chance, happens to cross paths with the Yagami scion, who seems surprisingly stable, contrary to what she's heard of him. Conversation leads to a want to test the abilities of the Yagami, with surprising results...
Despite the cold that bites to the bone, the heart of Southtown is very much alive. People mill about, despite the approaching evening, cluttering the sidewalks while some clutter the crosswalks, making it a nightmare of sorts for the vehicular traffic. Still, it's an enjoyable evening nonetheless, so much so that the Yata heiress has decided to make an appearance, back from her brief retreat.
She moves with the flow of traffic on foot, occasionally weaving in and out of the stragglers as she continues on her way. There's no apparently purpose or haste in her walk; instead she seems to merely enjoy the chill February evening, wrapped up snug in an insulated, long black coat draped over her.
Eventually her steps come to pause at a crosswalk where she and a small handful of pedestrians wait for the crossing light to turn. The downtime is well-spent; pulling her hands from her pockets Chizuru cups them together and breathes into them before rubbing them fiercely together and tucking them under her arms, dark eyes peering each direction before they focus ahead of her.
"If you're cold..."
The low, rumbling voice rings from across the street. Despite the forty-foot span separating a black-trenchcoated Iori Yagami from the Yata heir, his voice is perfectly comprehensible. Maybe because it's a low frequency. Maybe because his crimson eyes are staring directly at Chizuru, and no one =but= Chizuru. Or maybe because there's no one else saying anything worth listening to in this town at the moment, and it's easy to pull the signal away of the chaff.
How =did= Iori get here? Was he standing at the street corner all along, merely waiting to cross? Has he been standing there =all day= waiting for the inevitable meeting of this vital component of his destiny? It's a moot point, regardless: he's here now.
And the crossing light turns green, an instant after his third word. His hand has withdrawn from his trenchcoat pocket, a purple tendril of flame erupting from his open palm for just one brief instant. Just a thin one -- a brief flash of light that only Chizuru would be likely to acknowledge as anything more than a fluke, unless someone else were paying attention as the Orochi halfblood continues without a beat.
"... I can fix that."
For a brief moment there's a certain look of discomfort that crosses the woman's face as she rubs her hands, brows furrowed. Only when they're tucked under her arms does that deep voice grace her ears, and with a sudden lift of her head and snap of her eyes to the distance ahead does she confirm her worries.
It's clear his presence is one that isn't expected. How--and more importantly when--did he arrive? The curse of the Orochi is clear within him, yet she hadn't sensed it until now. Furrowing her brows once more, the petit Yata heiress looks across the street, hazel eyes fixed on those intent red eyes. They linger only briefly; soon they flicker sidelong, peering at the crossing light as it turns green. That too is brief, for once the throngs of people slowly shuffle across her gaze returns to the youth, just as his hand emerges from his coat.
The flame produced earns the young man a frown from the Yata, her expression momentarily disappointed before she bows her head and lightly shakes it. "No," she explains as a foot lifts. Stepping into the crosswalk, the woman crosses the busy street, coming to pause at the young man's side, shoulder to shoulder.
"That's not my concern. But earning your trust and help is, Iori Yagami." Her dusky eyes dart to the side, peering at the young man, watching and waiting.
Yagami doesn't budge from his spot. Apparently... crossing the street wasn't his intention to begin with. No need, really, with Chizuru crossing to meet him. With the mission of attracting the Yata clanswoman's attention complete, he simply returns the hand to its pocket and waits patiently. He's good at that, even if some of the crossing passersby are wondering what's up with the redhead.
Without turning his head, Yagami casts his gaze sidelong at Chizuru, smirking faintly. Something deep in his soul tells him that this woman is significant, somehow... and he's not =entirely= sure what that 'something' is. Which is why he's curious -- and vaguely surprised -- that the woman knows his name. Not to mention, the entire reason he singled her out of the crowd to begin with.
"Mmm." comprises his initial, tacit response, as he reluctantly turns his shoulder. But when he turns, it's not to continue meeting Chizuru's gaze -- but instead turn down the street. "... Coffee?" he offers, the vaguest hint of a smile playing across his features.
It's rare that Iori Yagami makes an invitation.
Truth be told Chizuru didn't actually anticipate the Yagami scion crossing to meet her. This isn't a problem for the woman, evident by how she crosses the street willingly, ultimately moving with the flow of traffic. She comes to pause at his side, her dark eyes peering intently at the youth. Clearly the redhead does the same, and once she's gained his attention she offers a tiny smile and the tiniest of nods.
"Do forgive my rude introduction of sorts. It wasn't polite of me to acknowledge you before introducing myself." Is it completely necessary to do so? His soul clearly tells him more than reputation and rumors alone could. Still, ever the polite sort, Chizuru bows her head graciously, even as his gaze turns elsewhere. Coffee?
Blinking once, the woman smiles courteously again, accepting the offer. "That sounds fine, mister Yagami. I'd be delighted," she replies. As for her name. "By the way," extending a hand out, she offers it out of formality.
"My name is Chizuru Kagura. I am also the last of the Yata clan...but I'm sure your soul told you that much." She smiles, regardless of reaction.
Rumors... well. There have been surprisingly few of those. And the people who have talked with or seen Chizuru are notoriously tight-lipped about it. Seems the only people who are concerned aren't very good friends with Iori.
Not that that's surprising -- he's not exactly a social butterfly.
But there -is- something about having blood descended from an elder god pulsing within one's veins that lends a certain supernatural intuition to meetings such as this one. Yagami's pulse quickens when Kyo Kusanagi is nearby, the hairs on the back of his neck raise whenever an Orochi is nearby. Chizuru's signature, naturally, differs from either of those, but the fact that it's a statistically significant anomaly is enough to arouse some measure of interest.
And it also means Iori isn't -quite- as arrogant as usual -- which is oddly out-of-place. As is the acceptance of her hand. He's puzzled at first -- quaint, outdated decorum might require him to kiss the hand. He passes on that, giving a firm squeeze, nodding. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance." he intones, crimson eyes locking on for one long moment.
After that moment passes, he once more glances over Chizuru's shoulder, and takes a step towards that coffee shop he'd spotted in the distance. "... Yata." He smiles distantly. "It's been a long time since I've heard that name."
The last of the Yagami may not be a social butterfly of sorts, but Chizuru isn't exactly the sort who goes out of her way to befriend every person. As it stands, the poor woman has more enemies than allies. With hope she won't have to chalk the Yagami scion as another who would rather see her dead. She can pray, at least.
His response to the Yata heiress is one that earns him a smile and a respectful nod of her head. His reputation with the Kusanagi is notorious, depending on who one talks to about the eternal rivals. In truth it's somewhat expected, and a touch sad that the two are bound by fate. Still, the woman can bear some hope for the future. Maybe, just maybe...
The shake is met with another smile, the woman's head canting softly to one side in delight. Shaking his hand in an equally firm fashion the petite Japanese woman is clearly glad to have formalities out of the way. "The pleasure is mine, mister Yagami." Indeed; who knew fate would be so kind as to let their paths cross so soon?
Following his gaze briefly, the woman purses her lips briefly before she again bows her head respectfully. "To be honest I wish you wouldn't have had to hear the name again. I'm sure you're aware of just what exactly I speak of, Yagami." A frown is brief to cross her lips, even as he begins to walk toward the shop. She naturally follows in tow, dark eyes fixed on his broad backside.
"It's part of why I'm here. I need your help."
Iori is a firm believer of making his own decisions. He's a big boy now -- any enmity between his clan and the Yata has been mostly suppressed by the decades of relative isolation. His parents never cared to elaborate much on anything but their hatred for the Kusanagi -- and besides, he wasn't really listening anyway.
"I know of -what- you speak..." he clarifies, keeping his eyes forward for the sake of not bumping into people. "... but your request itself eludes me." The longstanding feud between the clans is obvious -- the motivations for such are much less so. He glances over for a moment. "I'm certain you've done significantly more research into the unique... circumstances of our condition than I or my family have." Pause, as he looks forward, continuing to walk.
It's a thankfully short trip to the coffee shop - a local one, not polluted by the taint of multinational corporations. Independent: an expected choice from a reputed bass player who doesn't ever seem to participate in a band. He holds the door open, standing aside to allow Chizuru to enter before him. "So perhaps a mutual exchange can be arranged." A faint, nearly imperceptible smile crosses his face as he gives a nod.
This is good for the well-being of the Yata; she wouldn't want to get on the Yagami kid's list of 'people to kill' or anything of the sort. So Chizuru can breathe easily knowing she has yet to earn his ire. Frankly, she has no intention of doing so. He's a valuable asset and ally to her cause, after all.
He knows of what she speaks of? A small, lopsided smile crosses the smaller woman's lips, her expression kindly but clearly a touch disappointed. Truly it upsets her she'd have to ask of the Kusanagi and the Yagami's last scions to aid her in a task that she, frankly, should do alone. Clearly she can't; thus it's her responsibility to see to it the wrongs are made right, recruiting whatever help she can along the way. "I have, so to speak," she says, a touch quiet. Still, she bows her head a touch, following along behind him.
Moving through the threshold as he offers to hold it open for her, the woman enters and briefly glances about before she turns her attentions back onto the young man nearby. "A mutual exchange? Er, perhaps I should explain my request, first and foremost." She steps near, glancing about before she exhales lightly and issues a soft frown.
"I presume you're aware, but the seal of Orochi had be tampered with by a man named Rugal Bernstein. As such he not only stole some of that power, but also weakened its seal, because I failed to fully protect it." A momentary look of embarrassment passes her features, but it's quick to pass. "I would like to re-forge the seal to protect the world from that power, but...
"Anyway, it's my job to see to it that the seal is returned to its rightful state. However, after consideration, I was thinking that it might be possible to someday defeat Orochi entirely; this would clearly be the best option of the ones I currently have. But to do that...I need your help, and the help of Kusanagi Kyo."
Nodding as Chizuru steps through, Iori allows the door to shut behind him, pausing to assess Chizuru's words for a moment. It's unlikely that any of the coffee shop patrons care to hear two people talking in quiet voices, but just to be safe, he starts to make his way to the darkest, most isolated corner of the establishment, paying close attention to her all the while.
Yagami was not entirely aware of what she mentions, though.. Rugal's mysterious power certainly bore the -signature- of Orochi... but as Yagami himself was busy incapacitating his teammates at the end of the last Bernstein-run King of Fighters tournament, he wasn't really paying attention. That, and screaming out the name of his loss to a certain individual. He frowns, nodding, "... makes sense." It's good to know that a loop exists, and even better to be in on it.
He seems perfectly amenable to the plan to seal off Orochi. The less people that have to put up with his curse, the better, after all. Iori does so loathe violence. He's in favor of the plan right up until Chizuru mentions the name of that certain individual.
At which point, Iori stops walking to the table, turning to Chizuru with a hardened glare. "... did he send you?" He'd originally thought Chizuru was seeking out him, and him alone. Pride scarred such, his eyes flit across her form, nostrils flaring just slightly in engagement of his more primal senses. Why =is= she here -- that's the question rolling through his mind now. "... Besides, you don't need his help. Just do your business, and reestablish the seal. It's worked fine for the past few hundred years." It's just that simple, in Yagami's eyes.
Where he goes the woman follows behind him, dusky eyes peering closely at the Yagami scion, but not enough to presume she's suspicious of him. She is, in fact, considerably relaxed around him, offering him a smile and generally in pleasant spirits. Fortune definitely seems to be on the side of the Yata heiress. There is hope yet for her and the cause she's set out to take up and accomplish.
For the most part the young man seems to agree with her concerns and seems willing enough to help her out in her efforts. She smiles politely, nodding her head as he replies, despite the embarrassment of her loss. It would seem the Yata heiress has his help in her want to seal Orochi and this, in turn, draws the smile further across her face. least until he turns around and glares at her with those fierce eyes of his. Stopping in her tracks, the woman seems startled and caught off her guard briefly before she lifts her hands and shakes her head softly. "N-no, no, Kyo didn't put me up to this, nor did he send me. I haven't even seen the young man yet." Frowning, Chizuru is clearly disappointed by the reaction her request has earned her, and with a step forward the woman further explains.
"That's just it...the seal hasn't been fine, not lately, especially. With men as ambitious as Rugal and people such as Goenitz threatening it, I can't do it alone. The seal needs to be fortified considerably, and I alone cannot do that power. And with how the odds keep piling against me..." Frowning considerably, Chizuru's shoulders sag a touch before she continues, "Defeating Orochi might BE the only option I have. But I alone cannot do that, Yagami. I have to have help from you, as well as Kusanagi. I know you dislike him, but without you two it'd be impossible. I apologize if asking you to pair up with Kusanagi Kyo has upset you--that was not my intention at all." She even bows at the waist, silently beseeching his forgiveness.
Turning, Yagami's boots make a rather loud scraping sound in this isolated part of the establishment. He carefully considers his words, hands balling and unballing to and from fists within his deep pockets. It's a subconscious reaction by this point -- a trained response to curb the aggressive tendencies that are sure to accompany any mention -- no matter how casual -- of the Kusanagi scion's name.
"... good." His response: level, and somewhat forced.
He listens tacitly, eyelids blinking sedately as he absorbs the new information. The Orochi halfblood has violent tendencies. He's used to punching and kicking things, not cowing them into submission or placing down eternal seals. He blinks, lightly, at the bow, but it's not entirely registering to the young man yet. "... I'm sorry. Don't... entirely understand. There's two options. One, reinforcing the seal. Two, resurrecting Orochi, defeating him, and then... reinforcing the seal." Pause. He then gestures to the table with a hand, clearly calmer and more rational than his previous -- and heretofore, unapologetic -- outburst. This would be the mood in which he'd claim he abhors violence, for those keeping notes.
"I apologize for my lack of understanding, but isn't there an analog to tossing a grenade inside and shutting the door?" Pause. "I'm not entirely sure what's involved, there, as you can tell." A faint smirk, there: Iori's not exactly used to admitting his shortcomings. But for some reason, he feels it's appropriate to share with this lone representative of the Yata clan.
His obviously unpleasant response is enough to draw a frown across the woman's lips. She's fortunate enough--still--to be on his good side, for all the mistake she made in mentioning the name of his eternal rival and seeming bane of Yagami's existence. Still, however, the Yata heiress plays it safe; apologizing, both in word and in action, should be safe enough. He doesn't seem TOO terribly upset by the mention of Kyo's name. Not yet, anyway.
A sigh is issued, a breath of air in relief before she nods her head slowly and sags her shoulders. She explains thereafter and the young man listens, although confusion is clearly there upon his face. He voices his bewilderment, to which the woman's features turn a touch embarrassed, her eyes darting elsewhere before she bows her head lightly. "Sorry if I wasn't entirely clear. It's true--one option we have in reinforcing the Orochi seal set in place by our ancestors, but that is not going to last forever. Obviously; the likes of mister Bernstein and Goenitz both attempted to completely break it once before. This has me worried." Pausing, Chizuru's hand lifts, tucking back errant locks of black hair before she continues.
"The seal may still be broken, even if reinforced. It's not a guaranteed, surefire way to stop Orochi." She bobs her head once, a nod of sorts in response before she continues. "To be honest it probably would require his resurrection before we could defeat him. I don't want to do this. So I presume the best option in the matter would be to try and find a way to destroy him without it. ..or bide our time and hope he isn't resurrected and his 'minions,' such as Goenitz and ambitious fools like Bernstein are defeated."
A sigh is issued, the woman's shoulders sagging once again. "I really worry that even if I can reinforce the seal it will still be broken."
Iori imagines that explaining the details of a seal to him would be akin to explaining the deeper intricacies of hand-to-hand combat to a nun -- or at least, that's the impression he gets when Chizuru stresses the impermanence of strengthening a seal.
Though it's not a completely lost cause -- Chizuru's insistence on the matter is enough to calm his nerves a bit, at any rate. "I see." Slipping into the booth, he gives a patient nod. Worry is clear on his features, even though he's successful at keeping his tone to a pacific neutral. "Destroying him without conflict -would- be best. The question here is... how."
Pause. He taps one fingernail on the table several times before proceeding. "He has a physical form, right?" Yagami hasn't exactly -visited- the site -- in one sense, he'd figured the less he knew about the true powers of Orochi, the better. Now that he's been illuminated as to the details... well, he's a bit more interested. "Or is it more... ephemeral than that? I suppose the question is... would pulverizing the flesh have any effect on the soul?" It's not often Yagami engages in metaphysical conversation, even if he =does= spend the occasional day or two flipping through a book out of sheer boredom.
A member of the waitstaff comes by to take orders. For his part -- a tall cup of black coffee. No flavoring, no cream, no sugar for the Orochi halfblood.
It might not make sense to the less-spiritually inclined; in fact, it's a touch difficult for her to explain herself. It's just something she knows how to do, and explaining it is a chore. Thus she attempts to keep it simple, leaving out the finer details and simply letting him in on the basic, important facts. The point is made, and it's clear the young man understands, for the most part--that's the important thing.
She nods in response, dark eyes drawing to a thoughtful close as she too slips into the booth across from him, long fingers entwining as she rests her elbows atop the table before her. "That would be the ideal situation, yes," the Yata explains with a tiny smile, though it's clearly anything but--it's a touch sad, if anything. "But nothing is ever that easy, right?"
Still, he has a point. "I believe he requires a vessel of sorts. Truthfully I haven't dealt with the being aside from tending to the seal. Frankly, I wouldn't want to, but something tells me that someday we may not have a choice in the matter." Lifting a hand she waves it idly. "I believe that the power that Kusanagi and yourself wield has the potential to strike him down, both physically and spiritually. This, combined with the power of the Yata, I'm confident we can overcome him, should the time come." A tiny, optimistic smile slides easily across her lips, her features hopeful.
The wait staff is given an order, a frappuchino ordered by the woman before she leans forward a touch and folds her arms across the table.
"I truly believe that you have the power to stop Orochi. There is considerable potential buried within you, despite the curse your forefathers forced upon you and your family. It's that power and the power of Kusanagi that we need to stop Orochi when the time comes to do so." Pausing, she frowns a touch and sheepishly adds, "Even if you're a touch reluctant to ally yourself, however brief, with Kusanagi Kyo."
Folding his hands in similar fashion, Iori leans back in his seat. Maybe he'll lean forward later, but this is all pretty up in the air to him at the moment. Besides, he leans forward all the time anyway for an endless cycle of bad posture -- leaning back against his chair is generally regarded as a good thing.
"A vessel," he repeats, upon further reflection. "... the spirit, the soul, seems to be the key element. A ghost, so to speak." It's not being stated for Chizuru's benefit, obviously -- more a conscious waypoint upon which he can state his thoughts, for the record.
The note that he can stop Orochi... that gives him something to think about. "... Our... clans have done this in the past. There were many more than just two people fighting." He pauses, as, traditionally, at least, the Yata had received the short end of the history stick. "... Three." He glances aside, to the baristas patiently going about their tasks, before turning back to Chizuru. "Not that numbers would be likely to -help- in the matter, but they certainly couldn't -hurt-."
This... this is -organized-. This is -rational-. He catches this, and it makes Yagami stop and think for a moment, with a poignant frown. "Kyo... Kyo will do what's right for the world. I'm not so foolish as to think he won't." He glances aside, taking a long, deep breath. "I'm not exactly -thrilled-, though. Perhaps you can convince him to devise a kamikaze strike with a concerted and indirect appeal to his ego, thus solving your quandry and my own." A mirthless chuckle follows, as he turns back to Chizuru.
Nodding her head, the Yata heiress isn't so rude as to interrupt the Yagami scion in the midst of his thoughts. Instead she sits by and listens with a tiny smile on her lips, dusky, auburn eyes fixed on his features as she simply observes for now. Only when he seems content in his thoughts does she respond. "Yes; the vessel, I presume, would be his tie to the world. But the true power lies within that vessel, the 'soul' of Orochi." A hand lifts, a long, spidery fingertip pointing toward the young man's chest.
"Despite the curse of your forefathers that cursed your flames, your family once wielded crimson flames as well. I sincerely believe that you can bring them about once more. For the sake of everything I hope I'm right." She pauses, offering another small, lopsided smile. "Either way you have the potential to stop him, much like Kusanagi Kyo." As for the forgotten Yata clan in the annals of history? She seems anything but offended; she chuckles softly, in fact, lifting a hand up to brush back stray locks.
"It'll take the efforts of all of us, but I sincerely believe it can be done." However organized and rational and just seemingly uncharacteristic of the Yagami this may be it definitely pleases the Yata scion. She smiles politely, nodding her head in a respectful fashion at the young man once more. "I honestly believe that if we can pool our abilities and efforts and give it our all when the time comes we CAN defeat Orochi and put an end to its presence in this world once and for all. I sense immense potential within you, Yagami. As for Kyo...well, I cannot ask him to do such a thing, as I cannot ask you to throw your life away recklessly as well, Yagami." She's aware it's a joke, and she grins lightly in response.
Her fingers idly tap, her eyes still fixed on the young man before she tilts her head. "Would you mind if I were allowed to test your skills someday, Yagami?" She's not necessarily the sort to want to fight often, but to have the chance to see just how much potential Yagami has? How could she pass the possibility up?
Soul? Iori initially questions the motivation for Chizuru pointing at him like that, but when she speaks of his forefathers, it makes sense. She's not directly implying, as he'd originally thought, that =he= is the soul. So that's a good thing.
At least she recognized that as a joke, offering a barely-perceptible smile in response. He wouldn't =mind= if it became true; it's rather odd for an outsider to understand the complex interplays that go into their relationship. Iori wants to kill Kyo and exterminate the Kusanagi clan... and yet... he won't do it dishonorably. It's twisted logic to anyone else, but it makes perfect sense to him.
Then again, maybe he's just psychotic. This =is= the Dr. Jekyll side Chizuru's talking to, after all.
"I hope you're right as well," he states, looking down at the table for a moment. He draws a deep breath, before Chizuru states her request. "... test my skills?" Pause. He considers that for a moment, before nodding his head. "Sure." Yagami shifts slightly in his seat, considering that further. He didn't know that the extent of the Yata clan's talents -- another gap in the annals of history, no doubt written by the blasted Kusanagi. "... didn't know you had any interest in martial arts."
He's also not sure if he'd completely annihilate the woman in combat, but her answer could provide some insight into the possibilities of such.
The finger pointing isn't all for the sake of singling him out. There's more to it, clearly understood by the Yagami scion. She smiles as she does so before she draws her hand back, folding it gently across her other arm atop the table. His sense of humor isn't a complete loss; Chizuru does, after all, understand the rivalry there and however grave Iori wishes its outcome to be, hopes it's anything but. She respects his feelings on the matter, clearly, much like how he seems to respect her enough to not seem so dreadfully serious with his joke.
"Yes," she replies, glancing at her hands and long fingernails thoughtfully. There's a brief silence about her, her expression clearly thoughtful before she looks up and issues another smile to the young, redheaded man seated across from her. "I'm sure things will turn out right in the end. I have faith in our potential." Optimism is often time a good weapon to wield against seemingly impossible odds.
The latter of his remarks earns him a slight chuckle, the woman's slender hand reaching up to politely and mindfully hide her mouth from view. "Of course. What good would a protector of the Orochi seal be if she didn't practice martial arts? I have to fight and hold my own against the likes of Rugal Bernstein after all." She just...didn't win. But she doesn't go there.
"Still, I'd like to see how far your training has taken you, mister Yagami. I've heard a great deal about your potential and skill, but I'd like to see all of it for myself, first hand." Even if it might result in her aching; clearly it's a risk she's willing to take.
Iori's antipathy towards most members of the female disposition is quite notable, among his recorded fights. Most women, he just plain =doesn't like=. Perhaps it's only because of Chizuru's unique pedigree that he's able to participate in such extended discourse without wanting to slap the bejeezus out of her.
Or perhaps it has something to do with the fact that he doesn't honestly =know= what she can do in exchange. After all, she has the power to seal an elder god -- what's to say she couldn't do the same to his powers as well? Some respect is in order here.
Narrowing his eyes at the woman's slender fingertips, he muses on her words. Optimism -is- a good plan, and the fact that she's calling on it is probably a good sign he needs to stop acting like Emo McEmopants. That's one -bad- quality for his Jekyll side, at any rate -- his Mr. Hyde never bothers getting depressed, and doesn't the endless tirade of bloodcurdling howls have an appeal all its own? Accordingly... he cracks another smile, for once not -wanting- to appear like a bitter malcontent.
The mention of her fighting skills seems to bring a more sincere smile, at any rate. "... That's reassuring. I'd hate to accidentally rend a potential savior of all humanity into bloody chunks of flesh due to an errant loss of control on my part." That'd make for one hell of a 'test of skill.'
He smirks faintly afterward. "I'd be curious to know your own style, as well. Information on your clan is conspiciously scarce."
As good a time as any for the frappuchino and his coffee to be brought out. A casual nod to the waitstaff, and then he turns back to Chizuru, taking a long sip. "... will you be ready shortly, or should we plan for another day?" No sense in beating around the bush.
For whatever reasons unknown to Chizuru, Iori has been surprisingly pleasant, from keeping polite and evening offering her coffee. What's been said about the Yagami scion has been anything but what's been displayed before her today--which is a pleasant surprise, to say the least. This means there's hope he'll be willing to help her when the time comes. It's why she offers a cheerful smile, the woman's expression genuinely friendly as she lightly taps her fingers atop the table.
A nod is issued shortly thereafter, hands lifting thereafter to entwine her fingers. "Don't worry about me," she assures, her expression confident. "I'm sure I'll be fine, and I'm sure you'll be fine too. But...savior?" Blinking owlishly, a blush follows, her head shaking meekly in embarrassment. "Oh n-no, no. I'm nothing of the sort, mister Yagami. I just want to do my part to help stop Orochi because I can, and because my ancestors before me gave their all to do the same, too." That's all!
"My style? I have no problems in letting you test them, mister Yagami," the Yata replies, nodding her head softly yet again. After all, she gets to test HIS skill and prowess, to see first-hand the ability of the Yagami she's only heard about and read of. She goes to speak again, but stops herself short as the waiter sets the Yagami's drink down, as well as hers. It's untouched; she'd rather respond with a smile to the young man before her first.
"I'm ready whenever you are, mister Yagami. Just say when you're ready."
Smirking faintly, Iori raises a hand to brush the crimson tendrils of hair aside. "A noble goal, if a difficult one to achieve." He chuckles lightly, before taking another sip of his coffee.
Though... while he is taking a moment to savor the taste of his newly-arrived beverage, it's difficult to hide the quickening pulse. Maybe Chizuru can sense it, or maybe she can see the effects of the quickened bloodflow, the anticipation that he's barely holding back. That he's forcing himself to calm down, to keep the Orochi components of his blood at bay.
He sets the coffee cup down, albeit with a bit of a shake. Most people... that's what they drink coffee to prevent, isn't it? Closing his eyes for a moment, he nods back simply in reply, nostrils flaring as he takes a deep breath of the coffee's aroma.
It's one thing keeping him human, after all.
And finally, he rises back to his feet. All this time waiting for coffee, and then he doesn't even bother drinking it? It's not far off from a violent guy who professes a hatred of violence, really. "Let's go, then. Alleyway, right beside of here." And with that, he steps out for the street, once again, calmly opening the door -- the anxiety put on 'mute' for the moment.
It's not like the guy can't heat up the coffee afterwards.
"Difficult as it may be, I have to try, right? As I see it..." Pausing, the woman lifts her coffee, setting it softly at her lips and taking a soft sip before setting the Styrofoam cup down once more. "I have nothing to lose. Really. If I do nothing, things will get worse. But if I try, I will succeed." She won't fail. She can't fail--she refuses to do so.
For all the Yagami is aware the woman is oblivious. In fact, she seems to eye her nails briefly, lips pulling into a thin, thoughtful line across her face before she reaches out and sips of her coffee again. In truth, there's a certain air of unease about him, almost intimidating. Can he really hold back against her? Or will he lose control? It's a risk she's opted to take.
"Everything will be all right," she assures, almost random in its execution. The world? Perhaps. Chances are she's talking about the Yagami scion's Orochi-fueled temper.
That said, she too rises to her feet, slender hands resting flat atop the table's surface as she stands. Smiling still, she reaches out to take another, perhaps parting sip of her coffee before nodding in Iori's direction. "Let's," she replies, still grinning as she follows after and exits into the street. Once she's out she turns, making her way to the alleyway, moving to one end before she about-faces, turning to face the Yagami heir once more.
"Please don't hold back," she asks almost sheepishly, lips pulling into a tiny half-grin of sorts before she slides a foot back and raises an arm out, holding it steadily out before her.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Chizuru 0/-------/-------|
Iori's been working on controlling his urges for the past few years, to quell the thirst for violence that lurks within his blood. He's been... marginally successful, but every so often, the urges get the better of him.
Now, though... well. He can hold back long enough for a casual walk to a better locale, such that the blissfully ignorant passers-by aren't idly pasted into the side of the wall of the fine Southtown establishments.
Someone should be thanking him for that, really. To date, no one has. Bastards.
He extends a hand as Chizuru walks past, motioning for the spot she no doubt was heading to anyway. It's another forced, abortive attempt at chivalry -- forgotten for most of his encounters, but oddly appropriate in this instance. With a faint snort, he tosses his head to the side, idly surveying the alley and making note of the features -- a few garbage cans, the suspended fire escapes, a half-dozen empty crates. It's not =pretty=, but neither is it filthy. It's just an alley, after all.
Turning his attention back to Chizuru, Iori curls his hands slightly, cracking his neck from one side to the other.
And extends a hand, in beckoning. A lazy smirk, and an even lazier gesture. "Ladies first."
COMBATSYS: Iori has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chizuru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Iori
While Iori's been fighting to suppress the urge to give in to his blood and, in turn, perhaps shed some, Chizuru remains ever calm and most patient. Like night and day she greatly contrasts with his personality he's notorious for, and hardly seems remotely intimidated or fearful of what he may possibly wind up doing, should he slip up. She has faith he won't.
Without a word she steps into the alleyway, the only sound she makes coming from the sound of her heels clicking faintly against the concrete. Content in what distance she places between herself and the Yagami, she turns and acknowledges him, assuming her usual--and perhaps a touch unusual--stance.
Ladies first? Blinking once, the woman seems mildly surprised before she issues a tiny laugh and a small grin. "Me first? Well, if you insist, mister Yagami."
Without delaying any further the Yata heiress lurches forward, dashing forward with surprising speed only to suddenly dip low and slide forward, extending a leg out to sweep his feet out from beneath him. As she asked him not to hold back, she too will not pull any punches.
COMBATSYS: Iori blocks Chizuru's Cong Cong.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Iori
Iori was listening to Chizuru's words, just now... but he opted not to respond at the time, because in his mind, much of the words are filler. Niceties, diplomatic fluff that's added to make the true messages beneath more palatable. Much like the gestures of 'chivalry' he'd attempted to utilize just now: motions one steps through without fully understanding why.
But there's no place for such trivial notions in a fight. You either hit or you don't -- and as far as Iori's concerned, the foot brushing up against his boot wasn't a hit. All the Orochi halfblood needed to do was grind his heel into the concrete, bracing himself against the sweep. His tacit response: "Mmm."
And she -had- asked him not to pull his punches, right?
So he won't. And Chizuru may feel the effort that goes into Iori's fist as it's delivered in a harsh and fairly direct punch to the upper torso, a brief exhalation of breath accompanying it. No holding back, no room for error. Conversation revolve around relative comparisons -- fights are absolute.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Iori's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Iori
The time for words and pleasantries is over--and clearly the Yagami scion isn't exactly against it. Rather than continue to converse with the man she instead opts to take action, as he so insisted. Rushing forward, she stoops low and slides toward him, but with a stiffened leg he shrugs off the sweep. Realizing her hit was essentially a miss of sorts against the stolid Yagami, the woman recoils, pressing her foot against his to spring off and essentially put room between them without interruption.
Or so she'd have liked.
In response to her attack the Yagami's fist comes to rise, to seek out her chest and deliver a mean, stinging punch. Quick thinking on Chizuru's part, however, spares her the pain--she twists her body, to narrowly avoid the strike. It whizzes through empty air, and Chizuru lands a short ways away with a smile.
Dropping her hands to her side, the woman draws her eyes to a close and breathes in. Holding her breath, she focuses on her energy, the air around her picking up, tossing a few errant scraps of litter about as she focuses.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru gathers her will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Iori
Chizuru's crafty evasion is enough to draw a raised eyebrow from Yagami. He steps forward, shifting his right shoulder in front as he survey's the Yata clanswoman's new position. Her smile draws a faint grin from the man.
And from a few passers-by who seem to have slowed to watch the two fight. But it doesn't seem that Yagami is terribly concerned -- his attention is quite clearly upon Kagura at the moment.
"Nice trick," he notes in regard to Chizuru's mastery of energy. But his antipathy towards 'waiting around' is also clear, as in the very next instant he's leaping forward, hurling himself feet-first at his opponent -- apparently heedless of the fact that he'd no doubt be falling in the process. But regardless... it's a pretty massive dropkick he's delivering to the woman. "GURAAAAAAH!"
And yet, his raging blood still hasn't forced him to be =really= vicious yet...
COMBATSYS: Chizuru blocks Iori's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chizuru 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Iori
Standing her ground with patience as infinite as the cycles of the moon, Chizuru's expression remains placid as she hops back and stands her distance. The compliment falls upon deaf ears, it seems, as the woman closes her eyes, focusing on her energy and otherwise leaving the Yagami to his own machinations. They don't last long; in fact, he does as she expects, taking advantage of her seeming prone state and lunging at her with a dropkick intent on hurting her--lots.
Her arms rise swiftly, however, staving off his assault with her forearms crossed, to absorb most of the blow. Naturally it stings a little, but the woman's features remain expectedly patient. Why, she even smiles.
With him close, the woman sees her chance. Pivoting sharply on her heel, she draws an arm up and sweeps it down sharply, her sleeve a blur of white as she intends on knocking the Yagami back--or at least throw his balance off.
COMBATSYS: Iori blocks Chizuru's Zheng Zheng.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Iori
Naturally, the time for Chizuru to strike would be while Iori's on the ground, his kick having been repulsed by the woman's defense. For a moment, he almost looks vulnerable.
If he weren't already springing back to his feet, with the hand he'd kept close to the ground, he might not have had much of a chance. As it is, though, he has an arm free with which to ward off Chizuru's strike, shutting down the sleeve strike with the flat of his forearm. "Nnngh!" he growls, canines bared for one split-second, before he forces himself to hop backwards, shaking his arm free of the slight numbness going through it.
"Mmmm..." he intones, cracking his neck from one side to the other. Again. The two fighters seem to be equal, if dramatically opposite in execution. There =is= one way to unbalance the playing field, in his mind -- calling forth upon the energies which he's been consciously keeping at bay.
Rushing forward, Iori swings his leading hand at Chizuru. It will fall dreadfully short, but that's not the goal -- instead, it's a windup for his trailing hand to lash forward, palm closing as it races for Chizuru's face, and bringing with it a plume of furious purple flames tapped straight from Yagami's accursed lineage. And it hurts, quite a bit.
He's clearly not holding back.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru fails to interrupt Koto Moon Negative from Iori with Reigi no Ishizue.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Iori
Swinging her arm fiercely, the woman's hand comes down, but quick thinking earns Yagami his balance. Staving off her strike with his arms, the woman follows the momentum of her arm, pivoting on her heel and taking a step back, to place some breathing room between herself and the man. Distance that doesn't remain for long.
Rushing her, the woman's eyes narrow a touch, watching his feet carefully. Just as he closes in to make his strike with the plume of violet chi flames she curls back and lunges forward, attempting to strike the man cleanly in the gut!
...only, her fingertips, glowing with golden chi, do not meet his stomach. Miscalculation earns him the chance to snag her face. He's not holding back, just as she asked. And, of course, it hurts, evident by the way the woman cries out. Poor choice on her part, and clearly she pays for it. Still, there's no time for regrets.
The violet flame detonates in a rather vicious explosion, with any luck knocking Chizuru back. But... Yagami doesn't seem terribly intent on following up his attack, opting instead to give the woman a moment to collect herself, as he takes a step backwards.
"... You're holding back." he notes, his hands clenching, knuckles popping one by one, upon command.
A frown crosses his face, as his crimson irises focus upon Chizuru. "Don't."
Iori punctuates this with a rapid diagonal slash, as he aims to rake his talons across the woman's shoulder -- and possibly tear a few gashes into the fabric of her shirt. He never =claimed= to be a gentleman, after all. "GURAAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Iori's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Iori
Staggering from the blow, the Yata lifts a hand up, lightly and gingerly rubbing her face, where the stinging flames of the Yagami singed her. Clearly she underestimated the man--something she cannot do again. She wouldn't be giving him her best if she didn't, of course.
She pauses, however, looking up as he speaks up for once in the fight. Holding back? Furrowing thin black brows, the priestess' expression tightens a bit, lips pulling into a tiny, thin line across her face. Has she been holding back? Perhaps.
"Very well, mister Yagami," she replies, bowing her head a touch.
His emphasis is met with a sudden sidestep, the woman's feet quick to draw her away from the offending nails of the man. The avoided strike is followed up with a sudden step forward, the woman's long fingertips intending to grab what of his collar she can before snaking a foot forward, to take his feet out from under him and push him forward, to the ground.
COMBATSYS: Iori endures Chizuru's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Iori
Chizuru was wise to move out of the man's way, and in doing so deftly avoid his slashing fingernails. But one thing Chizuru may =not= have accounted for was Iori's continued momentum. Or the fact that he's trying to communicate the notion of 'going all out' onto her.
Actions speak louder than words, naturally. As such, even though Chizuru may indeed be knocking the man's feet out from under him, his momentum is such that he's still carrying forward. He drops to one knee from the sweep, partially held aloft by the collar... but perhaps more importantly, his muscles are still firing their preordained path. That is, for his opposite arm to continue lashing forward with a raking slash across Chizuru's side. Chivalry? What's that? "GURAAAAAAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Chizuru with Sakahagi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Iori
Dropped, but not completely felled, the woman's hands snag and drop Yagami off his feet. But, in doing so, she's seemingly set herself for potential failure. Dark eyes flicker to the side, just in time to see the oncoming hand to lash at her. In response a hand releases his collar as she attempts to smack his hand away by the wrist. He is, however, stronger than she'd figured, and the result? Fingers rake at her side, tattering the threads of her white blouse, sending the woman reeling back in mild disbelief.
She pauses, glancing at her side and the welts there across what of her side she can see through the tears. Furrowing her brows, the woman stands her ground and attempts to catch her breath...and rethink her strategy.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Iori
Deep down... some part of Iori regrets harming Chizuru in such a fashion. Maybe that's why he can't ever keep a steady girlfriend.
Pushing back to his full height, Iori flicks his wrist, slinging Yata blood across the pavement like it was no more than water. Really... it's not, as far as his rational mind is concerned. Maybe the Orochi in his blood has some divine purpose for it, but he's not about to sit around and find out.
Instead... he extends his palm to Chizuru, eyes narrowing at her. Another plume of purple flame erupts from his hand, as he tilts his head slightly to the side. "Your fingernails aren't enough to pierce through my hide, Chizuru..." It's not often Yagami gives advice. The dancing flames burn away the rest of the blood, the distasteful scent of melting iron filling the air as he continues, "... You'll have to try something... else." Smirking, he flicks his wrist -- though this time, it's not blood that sails forth -- it's the ball of purple flame. And it's not aimed away from Chizuru, but instead, towards her feet, threatening to envelop her in a minor explosion of flame. "HURAAAAAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Iori's Yami Barai.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Iori
No time for regrets. It's nothing personal, and Chizuru is aware enough not to take offense to his lethal, very brutal fighting style. He warned her, and still did the Yata priestess insist they fight, to test what the Yagami scion is capable of. And he's capable of a LOT. There's definitely a shred of hope yet for her cause. With hope he will pull through for her.
But those thoughts are discarded as his hand bursts into violet energy. The tainted flames draw a soft, barely noticeable frown from the woman, his words earning him a soft smile. "Perhaps," she says, simply enough. She shifts her weight, assuming her stance once more and holding an arm out before her, watching him closely. Try something else? Perhaps she should.
With a flick of his wrist he sends a ball of violet chi sailing for her, but just as it nears the woman shifts, swiftly dodging to one side and avoiding the flame, leaving it to fade into nothingness. She doesn't hesitate--instead she leaps up and forward, covering considerable distance as she descends, her hand coming down sharply to strike the man with a knifehand strike before vanishing. The real Chizuru, on the other hand, stands a short distance away, watching closely.
COMBATSYS: Iori endures Chizuru's Choumon no Isshin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Iori
Iori was starting to wonder if he'd even had an effect on the woman's seemingly perpetual optimism -- not so much 'cheerfulness' as a willingness to look on the bright side of things -- but it seems he's made his mark.
There's no question the two are willing to go much further beyond a normal 'spar' than might be considered socially acceptable -- especially with onlookers gasping at the supernatural effects taking place here. But each fighter did ask the other for the best fight possible -- how better to learn and adapt? The final battle won't yield or soften a blow, after all and preparation =is= one purpose behind this battle.
Yagami is already charging forward just as Chizuru strikes down from above. Wounded? ... Yes, as that strike will likely cause significant bruising to the back of his neck, where it had landed. But it won't do much to slow his assault; his eyes may have been looking up towards the illusion, and his hand delivering a wild slash through it. But, halfway through the motion, the seasoned fighter realizes it's a ruse, and rechannels his momentum into an assault upon the true Chizuru, a fair distance away.
"Better!" he howls, whirling the base of his palm high overhead, bringing it crashing down upon her, before slamming his other palm forward in a punishing blow into the woman's stomach. Should both of those land, he'd follow through with a fierce uppercut to the jaw -- no pulled punches here, either. "GURAAAAAAAOH!"
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Iori's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Iori
As Iori pulls no punches, so too does the Yata heiress. While her strikes may not have any effects on him, pure strength and brute force don't seem to touch her. She's not holding back in the sense she's not hesitating to avoid him. He hurts. A lot. She knows this well, judging from the wound at her side and the stinging that still haunts her face.
She moves swiftly, leaping up and striking the Yagami with her doppelganger, a knifehand strike delivered to throw him off his guard. A beat, and then the clone is gone as his hand swipes through, leaving the real Chizuru standing a short distance away, and relatively prone. Realizing, he rethinks his strategy, charging her with the intent on hurting her a lot. Again.
And again she's just not there. Instead she shifts to the side again, long black hair trailing behind her as she sidesteps and very narrowly avoids being caught in a flurry of fierce strikes. Her follow-up is swift, a sudden lift of her knee up, intent on striking him harshly in the ribs.
COMBATSYS: Iori fails to interrupt Light Kick from Chizuru with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1 Iori
The illusions -are- starting to work their magic on the Yagami scion, it seems. First he was deceived into a miss, and then a second, even more blatant miss. He can sense that Chizuru is =near=, but not =where= she is.
And this bothers him somewhat. Were he a lesser fighter, he might be perplexed, even lash out in rage at the air, exhausting himself in the process. Instead, he realizes that one solid strike would be ten times more effective.
If only he could land it. He attempts to twist to the side, bringing his talons to bear upon the woman's face, but instead, he simply takes the knee to the ribcage, reeling to the sie in pain. "Better," he repeats, cognizant of her differing style. She may not have to hit as hard, so long as she can keep hitting -often-.
Pivoting to the side, he faces Chizuru again, narrowing his eyes. He's not angry now... in fact, his mood is improving immensely. She =isn't= going to be a waste of his time, he realizes, wiping a few drops of blood off his lip.
She moves swiftly, a leg rising up and tensing, to slam him sharply in the ribs--and she does, despite his attempt to twist and slash her fiercely across the face. Striking him fast and first, he's sent reeling, and in that moment she takes a step back, dark eyes narrowing a touch. Is he doing alright? She can't imagine he's too terribly hurt. He's taken a great deal so far and still runs at complete efficiency.
She bows her head in a nod, lips curling into a tiny smile. "Thanks," is her only reply, her expression still as pleasant and optimistic as ever. Still, for all her smiles she's a touch worried. Has she bitten off more than she can chew? Perhaps. A moment is spared, a breath drawn in...before she lunges forward again, closing in before she skids to a halt, an arm rising up and coming down swiftly in a circular motion.
COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Strong Punch from Chizuru with Yumebiki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1 Iori
Chizuru worries too much -- or at least, that's what Iori might say if she'd voiced her concerns. As it is -- he has only her words to go on. And 'Thanks' isn't something meriting a reply -- 'you're welcome' always seemed unnecessary when a simple nod could do. So he nods.
He might say something in response to her skidding to a halt, though. Hesitation, consideration -- an opening. Iori takes a half-step backward, raising his left shoulder and forearm to accept the blow -- it still nails him in the cheek, but he leans his head away so it doesn't hurt quite as bad. His right hand, though -- it lashes out, the heel of his hand crashing into Chizuru. But that won't be all, as he steps forward, reversing his momentum and lashing out with a backhand, to nail the woman from the other side as well. "GURAAAAAAAAH!"
Maybe she -has- bitten off more than she can chew, but at least the feeling's mutual.
His nod is met with a broader smile, her features bright before she draws her eyes to a brief close. Focus, focus! Encouraging herself, the woman rushes in, to make her move against the Yagami with surprising force.
...unfortunately, while he may take SOME of the pain, he doles out a lot more in return. Lashing out against her, the woman is struck fiercely by his palm's heel, then sent spiraling to one side and ultimately crashing to the ground as the second knocks her away. Skidding a short distance, the woman issues a groan of sorts before she slowly but surely rises to her feet.
Shaking out the fuzziness, Chizuru rubs her face softly, peering at the Yagami. That was indeed unexpected, but she refuses to let him get the better of her like that. "Very good, very good," she says, a touch winded. He doesn't disappoint, that's for sure.
Again the woman moves swiftly, lashing out with a fist to strike him swiftly and quickly.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru successfully hits Iori with Quick Punch.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1 Iori
Iori knows it's wrong to hit women. It's wrong to start fights, even peaceful ones between friends. ... But why is it so satisfying, on a primal level, for him to enjoy bashing someone around like that? Especially someone considerably less buff than him? ... Well, he's not fighting very hard to keep his smirk from showing, as he steps away. Priestess stuff, that's Chizuru's bag. Hitting stuff is Iori's.
But, tis it not better to give than receive? Especially when Chizuru's gift to him involves a punch to the face -- a punch which just so happens to smash the Orochi halfblood right in the eye. He may not have considered it a very =powerful= attack on Chizuru's part... but it's enough to knock some sense into him, and enough for him to stagger back, rubbing at his face slightly. Dazed? ... Not so much, but cowed, at any rate. Chizuru, she can hit when she tries.
"Mm." he comments wryly, taking a few steps back and nodding. He's down... but far from out yet. "More."
COMBATSYS: Iori gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1 Iori
Wrong as it may be, it's not bad if the woman agrees to a friendly--albeit a touch dangerous--sparring match! She knew to an extent what she was getting into, so in her book he's got nothing to potentially regret or apologize for. She even smiles, to assure him of as much. It's really nothing personal!
It's short-lived, and moments later she closes in, striking with surprising effort behind something a that seems so weak, almost pathetic. And to an extent it might still be, but she seems to keep her calm, cool composure regardless. Hopping back and away, the woman stands, an arm outstretched.
Is he not attacking? And he wants her to go at it still? "Well...alright, mister Yagami," she replies, a little hesitant. Still, she makes her move, closing in again with surprising speed before she pivots on her heel, to deliver a roundhouse kick of sorts, attempting to lash out as his jaw with the back of her heel. Not that she WANTS to hurt him in such a fashion--but she can't take risks with that cursed blood of his.
COMBATSYS: Iori blocks Chizuru's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1 Iori
It's the thought that counts. And... as much as this battle may be taking its toll on Iori, he's still glad for the practice, because it's tough as hell to hit someone as fast, and as deceptive, as Chizuru.
But that's no reason for him to just throw himself at whatever's available. He'd had a hunch that she'd try something unorthodox like that -- a high kick didn't 'mesh' with the style as he'd experienced it so far. "Good." he comments, raising his forearm to take the roundhouse, fending it away from his jaw -- he's had enough of -that- for a few minutes at least.
But, while Chizuru is close, he will try for something a bit more... aggressive. In this case, it happens to be a rather quick stomp kick to the shin -- the one that's still in place from the high kick. "HRRRRNGH!" Yeah, Iori's... not often witty when he's fighting.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru blocks Iori's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/---====/=======|=======\====---\1 Iori
Deception clearly works on her side, and it's clearly effective against the Yagami scion. Still, the woman had given her word to him she wouldn't hold back. That would be an insult, of course!
Still, he hits hard, and clearly it's starting to take a little toll on the Yata heiress. Her attempt to kick the man in the jaw meets little more than his forearm, taking the majority of the blow before he attempts to smack her in the shin to throw her off. Quick thinking spares her the full force of his attack, and while it makes contact, the woman remains resolute and unyielding.
Hopping back, the woman draws her eyes to a close, a slender hand idly rubbing her wounded side. That attack...really hurt. And clearly, especially after his shrugged off stomp of sorts she's showing that she's a little winded. But still...she won't give up so easily.
"Let me show you something, mister Yagami," she says, dark eyes opening with a tiny smile, looking more like a tiny pout than anything. Still, the woman remains firm in her decision. That's when she briefly draws her eyes to a close, drawing her hands in close...before she suddenly bursts forward in a series of seemingly choreographed motions, arms whipping about fiercely. That isn't where it end--the true Yata curls up into herself before she lunges forward, following in behind the doppelganger with her fingertips aglow, aimed for his gut.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru successfully hits Iori with San Shingi Kore Mittsu.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-------|=======\=====--\1 Iori
"Heh." It's a simple reply, as he is rather curious to see what Chizuru's capable of. Especially if she's going to need to use her unique abilities sometime in the future, if all goes according to her grand design.
But that doesn't necessarily mean he needs to =fall= for the technique, hook, line, and sinker. Backing away, he's able to swerve himself out of the way of each strike, even against the precisely positioned strikes, seemingly without difficulty at all.
He'd felt the wind off those attacks, he had some vague sense that they weren't quite 'real' in the same flesh-and-blood sense that Chizuru is. And, oddly enough, it's her final blow, the one which =should= be easily evaded, the one he =should= be sensed as a threat, that ends up naiing Iori, causing him to stagger backwards, arm curled over his stomach.
Coughing, he nonetheless stiffens his upper lip and nods in reply. He's big, he's strong, he can take it! And he lunges forward with a punch -- this one a rather low and punishing blow to the stomach. He follows up by stepping forward into an uppercut with the opposite fist. And then he leaps forward to deliver an even more powerful blow: a double-fisted axehandle crashing down from above. "GUAAAAH! GUAAAAAH! GUAAAAAAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Iori's Aoi Hana.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-------|=======\=====--\1 Iori
Having said her piece, the woman makes her move. A two-part assault of sorts, the first comes rushing with arms flailing, striking at the Yagami. He, however, moves out of harm's way, just in time to avoid being in the line of the doppelganger's strikes. The real Chizuru, however, nails the Yagami, an explosion of golden chi erupting between the pair as her fingers touch with fierce precision.
Hopping back, the woman distance herself again, furrowing her brows a touch as she looks on. Did she really hurt him? She hopes not--she wouldn't want to wound him too terribly. That wasn't her intention in fighting him! But, rather than insult him by asking if he is, in fact, all right, she stands firm, lifting an arm up and out, assuming posture once again.
When he moves her sharp ears are aware. The blows are dealt with by way of swift maneuvering. The first is dodged, then the second, and the final avoided by her hopping back...then forward, closing in on the man and lifting her arms up--before she strikes down sharply behind him, to take out his knees from under him.
COMBATSYS: Iori fails to interrupt Reigetsu from Chizuru with Ya Otome.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Iori
Iori starts to swerve to the side once he realizes Chizuru's closing in on his flank, but the problem here is -- she's much too quick for him. And not only that, he's hideously off-balance for a counterattack, so as much as he'd -like- to unleash a raging fury of punches, kicks, slashes, and slams... well, he'll just have to consign that to the world of things to come in the future, as the Yata clanswoman swiftly and effectively sweeps him to the ground. He falls, bouncing once, but a quick roll is all it takes to put him back on his feet, dusting himself off. "Slow but steady..." he intones, breath slightly ragged. This is -much- longer than his usual fights last, and his relative lack of endurance is showing.
It comes as some surprise when he moves as she does, attempting to stop her actions short and otherwise deliver unto her untold amounts of pain and grief. Still, her arms move swiftly, and with a soft 'oof' of sorts she delivers a solid blow to the backs of his knees with both arms, sending him to the ground below. Chizuru, meanwhile, takes a step back and away, shoulders rising and falling in an obvious display of her being winded. He's a LOT tougher than she initially gave him credit for.
And she's glad.
Nodding her head softly, the priestess stands her ground, expression calm and peaceful. She won't resign herself yet. She wants to push herself, to test herself against the strength of the Yagami she'd only read about up until now. Still, she refuses to go easy, and with a push of her heel she rushes forward and leaps into the air, to deliver a solid kick to his chest.
COMBATSYS: Iori fails to interrupt Light Kick from Chizuru with Oniyaki.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Iori
A solid kick to the chest that would leave the woman wide open for counterattack! Iori smirks, purple flames igniting from both his hands as he practically leaves himself wide open for the attack. All it would take would be a simple rotation, first with one hand setting ablaze, then the other, in a double helix of the accursed Orochi flames!
... It doesn't happen, though, as Yagami staggers backwards. She'd nailed him square in the solar plexus, and that's bound to ruin darn near anyone's day.
Especially as he smacks right against the brick wall of the coffee shop. He's that far back already? Whoops.
The flames, needless to say, are extinguished about as soon as the man's hit.
His head rolls forward, and he shakes the dizziness out. "Again." he states, balling his fists in anticipation.
The flames are seen and their presence felt in her spirit, the woman's expression palling slightly in response. Is he going to counterattack? Still, she mustn't let herself get flustered by those intimidating violet flames and his obvious strength. Thus the force is there when she comes at him...and seemingly more than expected when it cracks solidly against his chest. She doesn't hesitate; the moment she makes contact and lands her blow she pushes in and leaps back and up, rotating midair to land with a soft click a short distance away.
A little worrisome at this point, Chizuru tilts her head softly, clearly uncertain. Is he okay to continue? Clearly; he's actually encouraging her to come at him again. With a soft nod she smiles lightly and draws her eye shut briefly, inhaling and holding her breath. Then?
Rushing forward again, the woman skids to a halt a few feet short before she seemingly lunges forward, her form spiraling up, a palm intent on driving fiercely against the underside of his jaw before she winks out of existence. The other Yata heiress steps back a step thereafter, watching the young man carefully.
COMBATSYS: Iori dodges Chizuru's Tenjin no Kotowari.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Iori
Iori mildly nods in return -- he doesn't want Chizuru to let up, even if he =is= about to work himself to exhaustion. With most fighters, Yagami can just hammer away. Chizuru's forcing the indirect approach -- something he may have indirectly advised earlier. And it's paying off, forcing him to think a bit.
Thinking =could= prove to be antithetical to his style, however. But at least in this instance, Yagami has realized the attrition is not working in his favor, and quickly sidesteps out of the way of the double-image, lunging forward at the true Chizuru lying in wait behind. He throws a wild punch at the woman, just to see if she still has the capability of evading an attack, instead of waiting to undo Iori's attempt at a counterattack.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Iori's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Iori
She's definitely slippery, which is, perhaps, a touch unsettling for the Yagami's usual tactics. Still, she remains aware of the power he has and the threat those large fists of his can pose against her. It's definitely a learning experience for both fighters. His tactics are a touch unlike those she's faced before, and clearly hers are a little new to him, too. It's exciting, really!
Again he moves in, attempting to come in after the fake Chizuru makes her attack to strike her fiercely and send her flying back. With a hop and a backflip the woman avoids the brunt of his power, springing off her hands and landing a short ways away. A smile haunts her lips, dark eyes alight with amusement. Yes, this is definitely a new experience.
"Mister Yagami, your skill is most impressive. You haven't disappointed me at all so far. Truly; I'm impressed," she confesses, bowing her head politely...before closing her eyes and pooling her energy once more, hands held in small fists at her side.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Iori
Exciting? Indeed. "... Likewise, I could say the same to you." He truly =is= impressed, much as he had been impressed when fighting Rose, perhaps less so against Chun-Li. But Chizuru undoubtedly commands respect far beyond either of those two, if for nothing else than the -manner- in which she has been able to stave off his attacks for so long.
Even still... the fight was taking its toll on him =before=, so it's certainly wearing on him =now=. But that doesn't preclude him from launching into one rapid attack - a burst of speed which brings him close enough to hammer off one punch to the woman's face. And then follow with another, lower punch to the stomach. And, as before, if he should be so lucky, he'd follow through with a leaping overhand smash to finish off the trio. "GURRAAAAAAAOH!"
COMBATSYS: Chizuru blocks Iori's Aoi Hana.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Iori
Her response isn't verbal; offering him a soft bow of her head, the woman looks on with a smile before she does little more than drop her arms and focus on her energy, gathering and pooling it within. But when those eyes open...
...they spy the Yagami screaming after her with a fist flailing. Her arms swiftly rise, taking the brunt of his first blow on the forearms, wincing upon impact. The second is caught in her fist, and the third dealt with by crossing her arms overhead, to avoid certain pain. Staggering back thereafter, the elder woman shakes her head lightly, to focus. That smarted. More than it probably should have.
Sliding back, the woman recoils from the Yagami, drawing her hand in close...before she lunges forward suddenly, fingertips aglow once more, intent on striking the Yagami scion swiftly in the midsection in a burst of brilliantly golden chi energy.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru successfully hits Iori with Reigi no Ishizue.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0 Iori
"Guh!" spits Yagami, just as he makes a last-ditch attempt to weave out of the way of that golden light. As much as he =wants= to get the heck out of the way, he finds himself incapable of doing so, his body jacknifing around the intense burst of light.
Staggering to the ground, he nonetheless finds the energy to push back to his feet. "... not bad at all!"
Though instead of =staying= there, he just whips his foot around in an attempt to kick Chizuru but =fierce= in the ribcage. "GURAAAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Chizuru with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Iori
The strike lands, knocking the wind and them some out of the poor Yagami scion. The woman doesn't remain long; instead she recoils, withdrawing her arm from his midsection and steps back, dark eyes narrowing a bit as she focuses on the young man. Not bad? She nods, her thanks of sort as she smiles. She's impressed with his tenacity. He's very impressive, and with hope he'll aid her when the time comes. This strength is the sort she's looking for.
But he's not content in just staying there--he moves rather suddenly, causing the woman to blink in surprise before she jerks back, arms rising up in an attempt to defend herself against that fierce foot. Her attempts fail her, and the result is a painful, audible CRACK as she goes flying to the side, slamming quit abruptly into the adjacent wall and sliding down.
Shaking her head after a moment of collecting her wits, the woman rises to her feet, grasping her side a touch tightly. Is something broken? Perhaps. She'll look into that later. Rushing forward, the woman attempts one last strike at the Yagami, swiftly raising her arm up before she comes down, an attack of both the hand, as well as the brunt of her large white sleeve.
...then following the momentum to the side, staggering and wheezing visibly.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\ <
Iori 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Chizuru successfully hits Iori with Zheng Zheng.
[ \\ <
Iori 1/-------/=======|
Man, who knew a sleeve could hurt so much? Clearly, Chizuru is lining them with something like, er, lead weights or something.
... At least... that's what it feels like =now=. With Iori about to collapse anyway, there's not much chance of him ducking out of the way of this strike. Instead... it clobbers him on the head, forcing him to take one knee, one eye shut as he looks up at Chizuru. Sure... he could uppercut her right now, and even the score, but...
"... I think... we've each... proven our respective points," he concludes wearily, through short, shallow breaths. He smirks, faintly -- just an affectation of his, as he looks up to Chizuru. Clearly, he =wanted= to do better, but he'd underestimated Chizuru's resolve.
They'd make a good team, indeed.
Or so the audience thinks, as the bystanders who had stopped to watch the alleyway brawl launch into a round of polite applause.
With one last swan song of an attempt the Yata heiress makes her move, and it seemingly pays off. The sleeve strikes fiercely, knocking the wind and then some out of the Yagami scion, forcing the poor man to a knee in discomfort. Chizuru? She staggers to the side a few steps, holding her aching, burning side tightly with an obvious look of discomfort as she tries to catch her breath. It smarts, lots.
As he speaks, however, the woman's attention is all his. Once he's said his piece she offers a tiny, tired smile and nods her head, completely agreeing. "Y-yes, and ...very good points...they were, mister Yagami." Pausing, she attempts to catch her breath once more before she holds a hand out, favoring her better side to help him up.
"Come on. Let's...go have a s-seat and finish our coffee, okay?" she manages, nodding her head toward the nearby cafe. It might be COLD, but hey. It's still good. And she could use a cup. Ow. The bystanders are noted, but completely forgotten. She's a bit more concerned about Iori's well-being.
Log created by Chizuru, and last modified on 00:26:40 03/16/2006.