Description: Guy and Kim have a thrilling rematch! (Winner: Guy)
Today is a day...of destiny. It's been a while since a clash like this occured. It is no ordinary battle between two fighters here today. It is one force of vigilante justice clashing with a paragon of Justice. Two rights colliding together for a purpose that can only be described as awesome. Guy and Kim, preparing to do battle once again.
Standing on a rock on the water is Guy, legs together, arms folded. It is a classic ninja pose. About the only way to improve it would be a scarf flapping dramatically in the wind, and that's just not his style. He's badass enough as it is, waiting for the fight to start.
A match of the millenium. A... duel of the fates, if you will!! The time that Kim and his ninjaian counterpart Guy comes to blows has once more fallen upon the two of them! This day will be marked as the most incredibly awesome day in history, as the tae Kwon Do champ and the Bushin ninjitsu master clash in a titanic fight! And where is Kim? Well...
... Oddly enough, there's no flash entrances for him today. Instead, he's going through his training, doing some vertical push ups as he waits for the match to begin. "Hup! Hup! Hup!" And then...? He flips through the air, landing solidly on his feet and offering Guy a bright smile.
"We meet again, huh? Well, I'm ready whenever you are!"
COMBATSYS: Kim has started a fight here.
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Kim 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Guy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Guy
Not so odd, perhaps. After all, if one were to use all of their awesome right now, well. One might not have any left for when the really kick-ass sweet part begins. The part where kicks are flowing like water over Niagra falls. The part where the ultimate battle of ninja vigilante versus Korean Tae Kwon JUSTICE get into full swing. The part that's coming any minute now, I swear.
Seeing that Kim is ready, Guy nods briefly, showing that he is ready as well. However, he is not one to simply sit back and relax at this point - if he's going to fight, he's going all the way, no matter who his opponent is. Leaping forward, clearing the water, Guy hits sandy ground in a run, throwing up sand behind him only briefly before jumping upward again. As he comes down, he extends one foot in a flying jump-kick - destination: Kim's FACE.
COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Guy's Medium Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Guy
A jump kick!? Alas, Kim is the master of the jump kick, and sees Guy's technique coming! It does indeed come fast though, like a speeding bullet of potential pain, making the man's brown eyes snap considerably wider as that sneaker-clad heel comes bearing down towards his face. His response...? Is to get out of the way! But perhaps not in the way one might think he would. Instead of jutting to the side...
Kim LEAPS into the air!
His ascent takes him /backwards/ and above Guy's head, but as he begins to descend... his legs curl up. "HUUUAAAH!!" And then are released in a rapid-fire series of bicycle kicks aimed at striking Guy solidly in the face and shoulders!
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Guy with Hishou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Guy
Kim's jump-kick mastery is, indeed, unexpected, and his subsequent swift chain of kicks catch Guy squarely in the face, chest, and stomach, driving Guy back. Not trying to shield himself, but trying not to let himself be driven back, either, the bushin ninja meets with tragic failure in this regard. However, it's still nothing he needs to be concerned with, yet. If you think that hurts, try taking a pipe to the crotch!
In any case, Guy is not delayed overly-much in his pursuit of kicking some Korean ass. After the last kick lands, stending him staggering a step back, he moves right back forward, frowning and merciless, to grab Kim's collar, knee him in the gut a few times, and then huck the man as far as he can manage over his shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Guy's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Guy
See now, this is why Kim is the master of kicking people really hard in the face! This time, Guy sadly meets his fate by getting struck repeatedly by those kicks, even as Kim pushes off and lands a short distance away -- to feel the collar of his white gi being gripped. Blinking, his hands snap forward to intercept the multiple knee strikes with only a slight sting to accompany the blows. When he's flipped, he's quick to recover, and lands rather harmlessly on his feet, turning to face Guy.
He doesn't really tarry for too long. Soon enough he's rushing across the distance to meet the vigilante justice ninja, hopping into the air to release three snap-kicks to the other man's side with swift efficiency. "OORYAA!!"
COMBATSYS: Guy endures Kim's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Guy
Kim may be a master of kicking people really hard in the face, but Guy is the master of being totally nuts and flipping out. That part comes later, however. Well, the flipping out part, anyway. The totally nuts part is already clearly in play, as Guy makes no effort whatsoever to avoid Kim's kicks. Instead, he moves forward into them, taking them squarely without giving an inch.
Naturally, at this point the ninja is in prime position to do something nasty to Kim. Naturally, that's just what he does, lunging forward at point-blank range to blast Kim squarely in the chest with a large flare of red-orange chi. Nasty, painful chi.
COMBATSYS: Kim slows Hibashira from Guy with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Guy
Wow! Guy definitely has some endurance to him, to take those kicks without moving! It's apparant that Guy is starting up something that looks to be particularly painful, though, especially when he sees that chi come flaring to life. Now, see. Large blasts of chi are never a very good thing. So, as he sees the beginnings of that chi projectile flaring to life, Kim does what any person would naturally do.
He hucks a rock at it.
Specifically, a big chunk of earth he kicks up from the ground right as the chi is launched. The two forces collide, and though the rock goes all exploding everywhere, most of the chi is done away with, sending Kim only taking a single step backwards, smiling widely at Guy.
To be frank, that's the only thing Guy really wanted out of the exchange. Even as the chi impacts Kim's hunk of rock, Guy's moving forward, pushing through the scattered exploded remnants of earth. He doesn't really seem overly affected by them, but hopefully Kim will be affected by what's to come: namely, Guy's foot. In his FACE. Stepping to the side, Guy propels a sneaker with lightning-quick speed nearly straight upward at Kim's chin, looking to knock the Korean back a step or two.
COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Kim with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Guy
Whoa! That's a fast foot, coming straight for Kim's face! And it does indeed knock solidly into Kim's chin, sending him stepping backwardss one step.. and then another, shaking his head before his eyes narrow in concentration. That stung. Well, if Guy's going to be all like that about it... "OOORYAAAA!!" Kim LEAPS forward again with a single fist extended outwards toward Guy, intent on smacking the man in the forehead with it. That's not the real attack, though; it's just meant to unbalance, setting up for a vicious roundhouse kick intent on smashing into Guy and sending him groundwards.
COMBATSYS: Guy interrupts Strong Punch from Kim with Houzantou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kim 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Guy
To begin with, Guy charges directly into Kim's fist. His forehead actually knocks it aside, and you know what? He doesn't seem overly affected by it at all. He is the very figure of wordless ninja ass-kicking rage. Spinning about and ducking down afterward, he makes sure Kim's kick just never gets a chance to land.
Driving the back of his hand forward, the ninja slams it directly into Kim's exposed midsection just about as hard as he can, the impact one that can be considered foreceful at worst. Standing up afterwards, the ninja folds his arms again. "You can do better."
He can do better...?
Kim is rather astounded by the sudden ferocity that Guy uses in just knocking his attacks to the side and slamming into him, sending him flying through the air. But, as vigorous as Kim is, it doesn't really keep him down for long. Landing on the ground a small distance away, he falls on his feet, legs tensing. "Of course!" He offers with a grin.
And then he's off again!
Leaping through the air, Kim's legs jut out to either side of him. He flips gracefully, intent on plowing not one, but both feet into the back of Guy's head with extreme force, using momentum to carry him downwards in splits. "OOORYAAAA!!"
COMBATSYS: Guy dodges Kim's Hangetsu Zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kim 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Guy
That's right. Guy said it. So far, Kim's kicks have been impressive...but at the same time, not nearly impressive enough. The ninja's said as much as he intends to on the subject, slim as it is. He's much too busy dealing with Kim at the moment.
Throwing his upper body backwards, Guy's face escapes catching Kim's heel by no great distance. The kick continues downward as Guy backflips, the wind from its passing ruffling the ninja's clothing. However, it's just barely not close enough, and when it terminates, Guy is right there, just now landing on his feet again. He wastes not an instant of time, stepping forward and slamming the back of his hand toward Kim's midsection once again, this time sans the ducking and the spinning.
COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Kim with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kim 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Guy
Unfortunately, whether they're impressive or not, they're everything that Kim's got. He's serious when he says he doesn't hold back. And this time it seems that he's just not fast enough to put up a guard in time for Guy's assault. He gets knocked rather solidly in the stomach once more, going stumbling back... but not before he corrects himself. He does not fall on the ground, giving himself a speedy recovery before he rockets towards Guy again.
This time, he leaps into the air, spinning around gracefully. "HIIYYYYYAAAAAAA!!" He attempts to thrust a single leg into Guy's shoulder, and then the other, repeating this motion one more time before he falls to the ground. Slow though it may be, it'll hurt if it lands.
COMBATSYS: Guy interrupts Heavy Kick from Kim with Houzantou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Kim 1/=======/=======|=======\==-----\1 Guy
Since Kim's not done yet, neither is Guy. The bushin ninja will just have to continue putting Kim down for the count, and that means dealing with those nasty, powerful kicks. And they do land - to a degree. The first kick? The first kick strikes solidly, driving Guy downward. However, at this point he goes with, rotating and ducking even further, so that the following kicks strikes the air above him. At that point, Guy /drives/ upward, sending the back of his fist into Kim's gut once again for a badass midair collision.
Well, since he's being shoulder-rammed again, Kim isn't quite surprised. He's struck, he goes flying, and he lands on the ground in a crouch, taking in deep gasps of air for breath. And, once that's settled, he lifts into the air, and raises a foot high into the air -- even though he's a good distance from Guy. "OOOORYAAA!!" And then just SLAMS that foot into the ground, sending a violent shockwave rippling across the ground to unfoot Guy and send him slamming into the ground rather hard. Yeah. Kicking the ground. That's just how Kim rolls.
COMBATSYS: Guy endures Kim's Haki Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Kim 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1 Guy
Ground kicking matters not to a man such as Guy. What, does Kim no longer feel up to kicking the ninja directly? That's madness. Wussy madness. It takes more than a kick's shockwave to impede Guy. He dashes straight through it, ignoring the pain on his shins.
As he goes, chi suddenly builds all over the ninja's body. It begins to suffuse his very being, making every muscle stronger, faster. And now ninja plus is coming right in at Kim, making a single grab to determine whether he gets to release all of this ass-kicking the way it's meant to, or the lame way in which it just sort of dissipates into nothing.
COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Kim with Bushin Musou Renge EX.
[ \\ < > /////////////// ]
Kim 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|-------\-------\0 Guy
Today is clearly a good day for Guy's ninja brand of ass-kicking. As soon as he gets a hold of Kim's neck, he goes crazy, punching and kicking and generally kicking ass almost faster than the eye can see. To make it even more difficult to track what's going on, every strike is accompanied by a blinding flash of light, chi overflowing from Guy's feet and fists to add to the pain. At last, after the final blow, Guy backflips away, his back turned to Kim. His hand goes up in front of his face, two fingers held up in a ninja seal. Then they snap downward to his side, almost like a fencer's salute. The deed is done.
Well... geezus. Ow. That's some ass-kicking right there, that it is. Kim again tries to put up a block, and it's a super-good effort for sure. His eyes alert, and everything. But Guy is just once step faster than everyone's favorite Tae Kwon Do master, and grabs solidly before releasing his ass-kickings of doom. Ninja Plus gives Tae Kwon Do not so plus a solid chi-laced ass-kicking that Kim can't really keep up with. The final blow sends Kim flying through the air...
... and landing on a tree, feet-first.
As soon as Guy is done with his salute, he might notice Kim FLYING at him with a mighty jump kick aimed for the dead center of his chest. The mightiest of mighty jump kicks. Infused with every ounce of the Korean's might.
Well... geezus. Ow. That's some ass-kicking right there, that it is. Kim again tries to put up a block, and it's a super-good effort for sure. His eyes alert, and everything. But Guy is just once step faster than everyone's favorite Tae Kwon Do master, and grabs solidly before releasing his ass-kickings of doom. Ninja Plus gives Tae Kwon Do not so plus a solid chi-laced ass-kicking that Kim can't really keep up with. The final blow sends Kim flying through the air...
... and landing on a tree, feet-first.
As soon as Guy is done with his salute, he might notice Kim FLYING at him with a mighty snap-kick aimed for to impact in his jaw, and send him flying. The mightiest of mighty snap kicks. Infused with every ounce of the Korean's might. Because his mightiest of mighty jump kicks costed too much Super.
COMBATSYS: Kim can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Guy 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Guy endures Kim's Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku.
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Guy 0/-------/---====|
Well, since Guy is clearly going to TAKE IT LIKE A MAN, Kim just knocks the ninja way up into the air, following after in a mighty leap... which leads into, of course, a series of devestating roundhouse kicks. One, two, three, four... they start to grow uncountable as Kim just launches them one after the other in rapid-fire motion, the final one meant to smack Guy right into the ground, where Kim is soon to follow... landing flat on his ass.
"... Whew! Another good match!"
Guy takes every hit LIKE A MAN, allowing each subsequent hit to strike him solidly. Up and up and up he goes, until he's slammed straight downward...where he lands on his feet, albeit in a heavy crouch. He slowly straightens, clearly hurt, yet doing his best not to show it overly much. And then he nods at Kim. "It was." And you know what? That's all he needs to say before he turns and begins to walk off, another victory over Kim under his belt.
Log created by Guy, and last modified on 08:46:29 02/20/2006.