Description: A league fight in the Large Clearing outside of Southtown, from whence emanates this nugget of wisdom: [OOC] Makoto says, "...Kensou, you are insane, brave, stupid, Cody, or all four." (Draw Match)
Welcome to...well, it's sort of Southtown. Welcome to the outskirts of Southtown, anyway.
Makoto, as always when there is some sort of public match involved, is extremely early to the event. She's really looking at this as a sort of practice before her big important fight next week, although she won't turn down the chance to pick up some points in the league, something she's been slacking on lately.
While she waits, she is doing chin-ups on a thick branch of one of the trees, and is just visible from the fighting area. Her scarf is visible, at least; it's bright.
It seems like a lot of people have been slacking in the League, lately... Perhaps League Fever has just died down? The new fight smell has worn off? There's too many variables to be certain. Anyway, Sie Kensou has certainly not put nearly that much thought into it... He just needs to keep working through his recent slump, keep himself as sharp as he can, and honestly getting into a fight is a much more interesting way of doing that than, you know, excercising and working out and training and suchlike. That stuff's all hard work. And boring!
In counterpoint to Makoto's earliness, the Psycho Soldier is pretty much barely on time, arriving just as the camera crew and the League officials finish getting everything ready, and for once, Kensou manages to arrive without any sort of horribly embarassing (but not terribly harmful) accident being visited upon his person! He just... Shows up, a bit out of breath from running. "Hah... Er... Sorry, I had some trouble gettin' here," he tells the League guys; the honest truth? He overslept. But he's not going to admit to that! Instead, he walks towards the middle of the clearing after catching his breath, tugging his fingerless gloves tighter. "So!" says the energetic psychic teen, rather loudly. "Who'm I fightin', anyway?"
It's not hard work if you do it every day. Then it's just work. Makoto, of course, is fanatical about her practice, and wouldn't go a day without it. Even so, she still prefers a fight when she can get one...hence the league.
Makoto swings back, then forward on the branch, launching herself at least most of the way into the fighting area. She walks the rest of the way in. "Me!" she calls, sounding relatively cheerful about the whole thing. "Makoto, representative of the Rindoukan school! Nice to meet you." The last is said as she looks Kensou up and down. He looks boring, really, but looks can be deceiving, and she knows perfectly well his are.
There's something... Vaguely familiar about Makoto, but Kensou dismisses it pretty quickly. He's got more important things to think about than whether or not he might've encountered someone like her at some unspecified point in the past! "Makoto, huh?" he says, thoughtfully. "Well, I'm Kensou! An' I don't really represent a specific school..." The young man scratches his head at that, before just shrugging, with a grin.
"So," Kensou adds, smoothly dropping into his usual fighting stance: He stands sidelong, his feet planted a bit more than shoulder-width apart, leading with his left hand. Both of his hands are balled into fists, his arms held loosely, with his right pulled closer to his body and his left extended fist turned palm upwards. "Let's get this started!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Makoto has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Makoto 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Kensou, too, looks familiar. This is probably because Makoto is the sort of fighter who reads up on people, or at least watches videos of their best performances...and Kensou is more famous than she is, at least.
Makoto drops into her own fighting stance after tightening the scarf...ribbon...whatever she likes to wear, ensuring it won't slip around too much; she puts her left foot and hand forward, palm open, while her right is held back in a fist. "All right! No more waiting around."
Of course, apparently that was a big lie, because Makoto just stands there, waiting. She's unmoving, although a stray gust of wind makes her too-big gi and ribbon blow out every once in a while.
COMBATSYS: Makoto focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Makoto 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Man, sometimes it's really clear when you're getting sized up... And Kensou doesn't really like it at all! But it's not like he can do much of anything about it. With the fight officially begun, the Psycho Soldier only takes a moment or two to decide just what he's going to do, and so he suddenly rushes forward at Makoto, and when he gets close he tries to step up /on/ Makoto's left thigh, using the elevation to swing his other foot at the side and back of her head! Except, this is no normal kick, his foot instead surrounded in a blue-tinged white flash of Psycho Power, a trail of energy following the arc of his kick. "Uryaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Makoto with Ryuu Sougeki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Makoto 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Kensou
Makoto had been ready to block the low kick. In fact, she actually manages it, interposing her right hand to stop Kensou from touching her thigh; unfortunately, this means that she quite accidentally gives him a handy boost up to hit her in the back of her head with his other, glowing foot.
Makoto does not quite fall over. She does go a little cross-eyed, though; that was a harder hit than she was braced for. It must have been the Psycho Power at work! Taking advantage of the close quarters, she ducks downward and brings one fist almost straight up, trying to launch Kensou away or at least convince him that standing so close is bad for his health.
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Makoto's Fukiage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Makoto 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Falling back off of his energy-enhanced kick, Kensou doesn't really have too much time to deal with Makoto's choice of movements, there... The best he can do is interpose his forearms, catching the blow there - painfully, he'd have to admit - with a grunt and getting knocked back. But man, it could've been a /lot/ worse. "Geez," he says, giving his hands a shake... And then twisting around on one heel, thrusting his other leg out in a powerful kick aimed at the girl's midsection. "Hyaa-!!" Staying close might be dangerous, but sometimes it's necessary!
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Makoto with Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Makoto 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Kensou
Makoto successfully catches the kick with her gut.
Unfortunately, as that was not what she was trying to do, it hurt quite a bit.
The air whooshes out of Makoto as she staggers backwards, knocked completely out of her combat stance by the foot to the gut. She recovers moderately quickly, but that hurt! Makoto is moving a little bit more stiffly now; perhaps some of it is just caution now that she knows Kensou hits as hard as he does. She tries to keep the distance between them very low, though, snaking out with her left foot to try to trip Kensou before bringing the heel of her right foot down in a stomp; ideally, this will land in Kensou's gut. She grinds it a little to make sure it really hurts, which may just look silly if she hit the ground.
COMBATSYS: Kensou interrupts Araiso from Makoto with Senkyuutai.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Makoto 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
Looks like Kensou... Is in the zone, as it were. He's focused, he's apparently very much on his game, and he's trying to not let Makoto set the pace of the fight, not with how much her attacks hurt even when he /guards/ them. Anyway! He's gotten his footing back by the time Makoto comes back on the attack again, and he doesn't seem to even much try to avoid her trip, falling back and getting grazed - rather painfully - by her foot... But he twists so she doesn't quite get the bite she was hoping for, catching himself before he falls completely and then swinging his lower body back /up/, to plant a kick right on the underside of Makoto's jaw... And then a second, with his other foot! "Yo-! Yaa-!!"
This time Makoto does not stagger back. Her head snaps back when Kensou's foot connects, all right, but she herself holds her position, mostly. "Geez, you've got fast feet," she grumbles, straightening back up and taking a half-step back. Although he does like to keep closer than she wants him, at least this is better than one of those projectile wars she sees now and again. Makoto hates those.
Makoto watches Kensou for a moment, stepping sideways to circle him, before leaning back and delivering a mighty left-handed overhand chop; it's visible about a mile away, but it doesn't seem like it's going to /stop/ anytime soon no matter what it hits. "Haaai!"
COMBATSYS: Makoto successfully hits Kensou with Oroshi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Makoto 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
Huh, well. Kensou looks a bit surprised that his attack didn't knock Makoto away, and he's trying to flip onto his feet - and simultaneously avoid that really telegraphed chop - but no such luck! Instead, he gets hit, and by gawd does it /hurt/. The air rushes right out of the Chinese fighter's lungs as he's knocked to the ground, rolling out of the way and then back up to his feet, and wow, did that suck a lot! "Heheheh..." he laughs nervously, once he can breathe properly again. "You hit pretty hard!" he says. "I guess it's high time I got serious, an' showed ya..." He reaches behind his back, now, and when he pulls his hand back out, posing dramatically with it thrust forward, he continues: "...My SECRET SUPER CERTAIN DEATH ULTIMATE TECHNIQUE!!" Actually, it's very clearly a pork bun. And for his technique, for all that dramatic posturing? He pops it in his mouth and starts chewing.
Oh crap, he's got a meat bun!
Makoto is not actually sure why someone would stop the fight to have a snack, but there it is. Her eyebrows furrow as she works it over, giving him time to shove the whole thing in his mouth. This gives her an idea.
With no fanfare whatsoever, Makoto takes one step forward, after Kensou, and delivers a rapid-fire series of punches towards Kensou's gut. Maybe - just maybe - she can make him choke. Or spit it out. Or something. Serves him right for eating in front of her. She's hungry too!
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kensou with Meat Bun.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Makoto 1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Makoto successfully hits Kensou with Shimaki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Makoto 1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Why would someone stop in the middle of a fight to have a snack? Well, Kensou will demonstrate. He finishes eating quickly, even faster than Makoto likely predicted, wolfing down the bun before she can close the distance, and once he has, the bruises on his arms from blocking Makoto's earlier attack visibly fade, his stance becoming a bit easier. Yes, that bun was delicious /and/ nutritious.
Unfortunately, the rest of his plan doesn't go how he was hoping, as he gets punched repeatedly in the gut by Makoto despite trying to get the heck out of the way. This doesn't make him choke, or anything like that, but it does hurt! "Hey! It ain't nice t' interrupt somebody while they're eatin'!" he says, trying to grab Makoto by the front of her gi, and unceremoniously lift her up and toss her down into the ground as hard as he can! "Hua-!!"
COMBATSYS: Makoto dodges Kensou's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Makoto 1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Makoto steps backwards, brushing Kensou's hands away from her gi. Everybody seems to grab it. Maybe she should get one that fits better, someday. She doesn't stop there, though; she backs up further, trying to catch her breath - she seems to be nearly out of it after that last flurry of attacks. "Fine - whatever. The least you could have done is share," she says, a little sharply; she fans herself with one hand while she talks.
COMBATSYS: Makoto takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Makoto 1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
"Only if ya ask nicely," Kensou says chidlingly, wagging a finger at Makoto. And it's not like he can help grabbing for the first thing available for a throw! There are worse places he could grab! But he doesn't seem overly affected by her avoiding that attempt, no. Not that he's just going to stand there and let her get all rested up, as he's soon dashing straight at her, once again coming in for a strong kick, this time trying to hit her in the side, just below the ribs, twice in quick succession. "Haaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Makoto blocks Kensou's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Makoto 1/--=====/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Makoto apparently did manage to catch her breath after all, because she certainly brings her arms up quickly. Kensou manages some solid hits, but only on her arms - which is a lot better than her ribs, after all. She shoves her arm downward after the second kick, trying to keep Kensou off-balance. "Maybe I will next time. But first..."
Taking a deep breath, Makoto steps forward, driving her fist downward and into - hopefully - Kensou's gut. Hit or miss, she follows it up with a wild flurry of punches toward his midsection, designed to confuse and perplex people trying to block it. And then, finally, one last hit, upward and at an angle and with every ounce of force in her body. "Ha! SEICHUUSEN GODANZUKI!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou endures Makoto's Seichuusen Godanzuki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Makoto 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Kensou
That sounds like an awful lot to say there, Makoto. Anyway, Kensou has a better word for it: Ow!
He stands his ground, of all the crazy things he could do, throughout Makoto's assault, his lean body shaking with every mighty hit, and then he gets TOTALLY BLASTED by that upward-angled hit, which sends him rocking backwards and into a tree, which he... Pushes off of?! Yes, Kensou gets his feet between him and the tree somehow, sending himself towards Makoto with the intent of reaching her before she can recover from her attack, landing on his hands and using them to whirl himself around and /push off of the ground/, launching a furious, spinning kick combination at the Rindoukan fighter. "Hyaaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Makoto with Ryuu Gakusai.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Makoto 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Kensou
Oh what the heck is that.
Makoto actually throws herself flat to get out of the way of the spinning kicks, but is tired and sore enough to stumble going down; the kicking combination hits her, knocking her backwards and, eventually, onto her rear. Hard.
It takes her an uncomfortably long time to get back up this time. Breaking into two or three steps of a somewhat odd-looking dash, Makoto throws herself into a sliding kick as she approaches, kicking a spray of dust and dirt from her passage along the ground. She winces as she does; apparently she hit something sensitive in her own leg sliding like that. "CHARGE!"
She can yell random things in English, too. It's cool.
COMBATSYS: Makoto successfully hits Kensou with Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Makoto 0/-------/--=====|=======\====---\1 Kensou
Landing, and looking a bit tired, Kensou is pretty surprised to see Makoto coming back on the attack so quickly, and while he /tries/ to avoid the baseball slide attack... No dice! It knocks Kensou right off of his feet, and wow... He's pretty much out of this, you know? That turned around /right quick/. Grunting, and shaking his head to clear it, he gets to his feet, gathering energy as quickly as he can. "Heh... You're good! But I ain't just gonna lie down, y'know?" he says, and he leaps towards Makoto, twisting in the air to try and catch her with a powerful, but surprisingly fast roundhouse kick. "HYAAA-!!" And if that first hit lands...!
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Makoto with Shinryuu Seiou Rekkyaku.
[ \\ < > ///// ]
Makoto 1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0 Kensou
...The first roundhouse hits home with a satisfying impact, and Kensou keeps right on going! Seemingly outright defying silly things like 'the laws of physics', the Psycho Soldier whirls and kicks at Makoto, delivering a powerful combination of strikes with both feet, eventually delivering a kick to send her upwards! He /follows/, is the scary thing, twisting to aim a powerful axe kick and knock her back to the /ground/, Kensou landing in a low crouch not far away as the Dragon God's Terrible Gleaming Rending Kick finishes, the psychic teen breathing pretty raggedly.
Makoto makes an attempt to get out of the way, but once again, her sore ribs and fatigue stop her from doing so. The first kick hits, solidly, as do all the others despite Makoto's half-hearted attempt to cover herself with both arms. Even the last hits that launch her up, and then down, connect; Makoto lies on the ground, face-down.
She does, eventually, get up. Quite obviously it is not by much; her face is red, and she's wobbly on her feet. Taking a few deep breaths to steady herself, to obtain that focus she likes so much, Makoto forces herself forward to deliver a rapid series of punches and chops to Kensou's upper body. She'd try a kick, but she's not really trusting her legs that much.
It's a good thing she doesn't, because Makoto loses focus and stumbles halfway through one of her chops. She goes down, first to her knees, and then only catches herself with her hands; she's not fighting anymore, breathing hard instead.
COMBATSYS: Makoto can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Makoto successfully hits Kensou with Tanden Renki.
[ <
Kensou 0/-------/-======|
Breathing raggedly, Kensou sees Makoto coming - she seems to telegraph her moves a lot, so it's anybody's guess why Kensou's timing is too off to get the heck out of the way! - and he tries to avoid her attack but gets nailed good and proper, ending up flat on his butt after the faltering attack, and yep... He's pretty much out of the match too, here. "D-dammit..." he mutters, while the League officials determine that neither of them are in any shape to continue, and declare a draw!
COMBATSYS: Kensou takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Kensou can no longer fight.
Log created by Kensou, and last modified on 08:34:55 02/20/2006.