Neo League 176 - #195: Frei vs Tran

Description: Lovers of Pat Benatar are advised not to read this log. (Winner: Frei)

The subway. Early in the morning. This here is prime commutin' time. People rushing all over the place, to and fro from homes and places of business. Simply put? It's busy. Real busy. And Dr. Tran is there to take shameless advantage of it in his Neo League fight versus one Frei Tsukitomi-Renard. He wants all the world to see his crushing victory over the monk. Despite...y'know, being friends with him. It's nothing personal, but it's just the way these things have to be done!
Standing up on an inverted wooden box that he got from somewhere, he is shouting to the crowd in the fashion of a merchant selling his wares. "Come one, come all, come see the Terrific, Terrifying, Tumultuous Dr. Tran beat the stuffing out of the Fickle Fried Monk, Frei! See them battle for supremacy, and more importantly than that, League Points!" Despite how insanely corny it sounds, it is attracting quite a few people. Whether they're here for the fight or for Tran's buffoonery is debateable, but the promise of /something/ interesting is here. It's up to Tran to make sure it's the kind of interesting that ends with him still standing.

Man, who comes up with these fight locales and times? I mean, there's something exciting about fighting in public, sure, but one must ask themselves, in a situation where you're basically holding up early morning Metro City pedestrian traffic for a street brawl... who's in more danger? The public or the fighters? One might think they just threw a dart.
Actually, that's exactly what happened. Returning from his extended vacation in Belize, Frei stopped by the Master's Foundation offices to request a league fight. So they gave him one, and asked him to pick a locale.
"Got a rec room?"
As it stands, though, he's nowhere to be found at the moment, giving Tran plenty of time to work on his carnival barker act. Which is good, because people think it's funny rather than irritating, and thus they are less likely to shove the two fighters onto the third rail for disrupting their morning routine. However, toward the end of Tran's latest spiel, a figure gently pushes his way through the crowd, eating a caramel apple on a stick.
With a goofy smile, he points to his face with the apple. "I'm the monk!"

If there's one thing Tran's good at, it's being disruptive. If there's one thing that's good for Tran, it's the simple fact that he's doing it in a fashion that won't get him lynched. Catching sight of Frei, he immediately points at the monk (with his finger, which is a far superior pointing-device than an apple), and continues his shouting. "And there he is now, folks! The dread Monk Frei! Look at him! Those shifty eyes, that evil leer, the way his eyebrows brim with pure malice and ill will! A greater fiend has never been seen, and I, Dr. Tran, am going to knock him down for the good of the world!"
Tran then hops off the box, kicking it to the side in the process, and takes a couple of steps toward Frei. "Clear out, folks! Fists, all kinds of hurting, and probably the monk are all going to be flying, so back away for your own good! I am not responsible if he, through the course of his reprehensible, dirty, low-down, good-for-nothing monk tactics get you hurt!" Stopping for a moment to catch his breath, he looks Frei over for a moment, and then in a much softer voice, somewhat difficult to hear over the mass of people, "Try to look more sinister. I don't think they're buying it."

Sinister. "It might be the caramel apple," Frei mutters back solemnly. Those things are delicious. But not particularly evil. Have I mentioned the delicious? "Gimmie a sec." Looking at his snack with a resolute expression, Frei simply... chows down, basically devouring the entire thing in a single shot. Are you... supposed to do that with apples? Probably not. Frei looks at the now forlornly-empty stick and nods. Yoush.
Stepping back a good few feet, he then just... chucks the stick at Tran's nose. Bonk! Maybe. More than likely Tran could just catch it. But the monk also extends his arm and POINTS mightily! Without an apple! "I don't understand a word you said! But I have descended from the mountains of Tibet with one mission... to take back the Shaolin secrets you took from our monastery! Without them our plan to take over the world is meaningless! Hoho yes, that's right... DREAD PIRATE TRAN. Revenge!" He pauses. "And, like, maybe you kill my father or something, who knows."

COMBATSYS: Frei has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Frei             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Tran has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Frei             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Tran

Doink. The appleless applestick dinks off of Tran's face. He pretends not to notice, taking it with as much stoicism and dignity as he can muster. In these's really not much. But it's something! "That's dread pirate DOCTOR, to you! And I, despite being a pirate which is a type of person generally looked down upon in society, shall do my part for the greater good and thwart your evil Shaolin plot to take over the world by killing your father!"

Tran pauses for a beat.

"Okay, I'm lost. Punching is now." Naturally, he proceeds to do so, stepping forward and throwing a quick overhand punch at some spot on the top of Frei's head. He sort of has to jump a little to do it. Stupid...stupid tall people.

COMBATSYS: Frei blocks Tran's Quick Punch.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Frei             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Tran

Hmm. Granted, Frei's not really a good actor. But at the same time he's not that good at evil. Sure, he could DO evil. Being morally neutral lends itself that way, really. He's just... naturally inclined to Not Quite Evil. He rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment, looking sheepish. "Yeah, sorry. I just had this sorta 'Kung Fu: the Legend Con-- Whoa!" And then Tran makes with the punching. Reaching up a hand, Frei sort of... well, not catches the punch, but more flicks it off to the side, wincing as he does so. "Still don't have that down."
However, the fight's well and truly brought... en... shut up!... now, and thus the monk leaps into action. Literally, as he flips up into the air and looks to come down on Tran with both knees, driving him right into the subway floor. "Yeah, well, so is... kneeing! Throwing! ARGH, I DON'T CARE!"

COMBATSYS: Tran blocks Frei's Medium Throw.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Frei             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0             Tran

"I don't even know what's happening anymore!" Tran shouts with his eyes shut in frustration. His grammar declines slightly as a result. "How did you find my village!? You are bad person you come from sad whale family deep in ocean!" Luckily for him, he opens his eyes in time to deal with a falling Frei. One hand goes to each knee, as Tran attempts to simply hold the monk in the air. It doesn't work out like that, naturally, as he still goes sprawling from the force. However, at the very least the impact was lessened somewhat, thankfully.
Rolling backwards in order to distance himself from Frei and come up onto his feet at the same time, Dr. Tran sweeps one arm upward, chi already building on his hands. In true martial arty fashion, the greyish blue crescent hangs there for a moment until he swings around and punches it at Frei, before repeating the process again. Steam boomerangs x2, coming for Frei!

COMBATSYS: Tran successfully hits Frei with Real American Hero Cutter.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Frei             0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0             Tran

Well. If you take those on the chin, it's going to hurt. And even blocking them means you're still pushed back and on the defensive, right? So why not just get out of the way? It seems like such a good plan when you think about it. And the attack is a little slower than Tran's normal manic assault, Which is why Frei does the stupid thing and tries to get out of the way, sliding forward and looking to get *under* the attack. Which proceeds to smack him in the HEAD, twice, sending him skidding across the ground with a loud "Oof!". However, he quickly hops back to his feet and grins at Tran. "I thought you were American. What's with the pidgin English?" Snapping a hand up to his brow, the monk slices it down through the air toward the ground, a purple crescent of light surrounded by silver sparks lashing out at the good doctor. "Moonshadow!"

COMBATSYS: Tran overcomes Tsukikage from Frei with Real American Hero Cutter.
- Power hit! -

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Frei             0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0             Tran

While Frei may have had the luxury of trying to get out of the way of Dr. Tran's happy little crescents of chi, his own is...well, to be frank it's much faster. Seriously, that thing is just ZOOMIN'. Looks cool, too, but that isn't the point. Flashing a grin, Tran drives his hand downward, slicing through the air, and bam, there's a steamy, vertically aligned boomerang to match Frei's. He sends it sweeping forward, where it impacts the one rushing at him, and with a small explosion effect, they cancel each other out.
It's then revealed that Dr. Tran's trickier than one might expect, because another boomerang continues through the area where the other two projectiles met, evidently created just behind the first one so that this would happen in exactly this fashion! "I am American! I'm just trying to play a part, here! Damn it, Frei, I'm a doctor, not an actor!"

COMBATSYS: Frei slows Real American Hero Cutter from Tran with Hyoushou Rengeki.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Frei             0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0             Tran

Frei just blinks. That's not entirely unexpected; Tran knows lots of nifty chi tricks. Tricks that someday, Frei will learn by cracking open the doctor's skull and devouring his spicy brains. As it is, however, he's got to deal with that boomerang first. "I can't believe you actually used that line," Frei says with a raised eyebrow, throwing out both hands and summoning a blue-white sphere of chi, which explodes into a stationary cloud of ice shards, almost like a shield. The boomerang flows through them, but the ice steadily chips away at the attack until there's... some left. A little. It pings Frei on the nose, and makes him scrunch up his face. "...ow."

Truly, the brain chomping sentiment is shared. Ice? Dr. Tran can't do ice. Or freaky silvery moon energy. Or any of the other hojillion little things Tran's seen Frei do. But he will...someday. Maybe. He'll keep a bib on-hand, just in case.
"Line? What line? The only line here I'm concerned with is your FACE!" He pauses for a minute, and then looks down and to the side, scrunching his eyebrows in deep thought. His hand comes up to scratch his head. "Uh..."
"Okay, nevermind that. Give me a minute to come up with something better, here." Tran takes another step back, keeping his eye on Frei with a neutral expression. There's got to be something there he can capitalize on! Some flaw that will allow Tran to taunt Frei to the core! Or, y'know. A way to blast the monk, in a physical sense. Either works.

COMBATSYS: Tran focuses on his next action.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Frei             0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0             Tran

If only there were some rejoinder to that. Frei actually thinks long and hard on that. But, generally speaking he's a giving person, and so he shrugs and nods, getting into stance. "Well, you know. Whenever you're ready." Of course, the monk's not a total fool; he also takes this time to throw his hands down to his sides, balled into fists, and summon up his own chi. Tran's taking all the momentum in this fight! If Frei wants to do something about it he's gonna have to suck it up and start going back on the offensive. Just... gotta find the flow.
There's a beat, and Frei's powerup sequence comes to an abrupt halt. "Oh, god, I'm talking like Alma!"

COMBATSYS: Frei gathers his will.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Frei             1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0             Tran

Curse it all, but it seems like there's not much Tran can think of in regards to Frei. Stupid...friendly affection. Getting in the way of truly cutting insults. Or even...mildly cutting ones. Well, it can't be helped. "Oh, okay then. Give me a minute." Tran turns away and dashes for a moment, coming to a quick halt when he finds what he's looking for. It's the box he was standing on earlier.
Picking it up, he races back toward Frei, before leaping into the air and swinging one end of the box down at the monk's head, trying to turn it into a painful sort of upside down helmet...thing. Or a crude neck brace. A neck brace of PAIN. "Your mother's face!" It''s really the best he can come up with right now.

COMBATSYS: Frei just-defends Tran's Random Weapon!

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Frei             1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0             Tran

Oh man. That whole inner monologue about momentum, and what does Tran try to do? Box him in. "This is just ridiculous," Frei murmurs to himself, watching Tran dash in. "What will our hero do?" Yes, he did say that out loud. However, perhaps shifting back into a dramatic mode of thinking is all Frei needed to really do, because as the good doctor comes in with a box to the head, Frei puts up...
...a single finger.
With an amazing display of defensive skill, Frei actually senses the point of greatest force and applies just enough resistance so that the entire affair is a total wash. And in fact, the monk sits there for a moment, balancing Tran and the box in midair on a single finger. "...whoa." He seems as surprised as anyone else, before blinking and then stepping out of the way so the attack can finish. "Neat." Not wasting any time, the monk dashes at Tran, looking to grab his coat lapels and then simply *vault* off his chest with both feet, flying away from Tan with his back turned. That's got to be a stupid maneuver.
Of course, his hand is glowing blue as he leaps away, which might be the only warning that as he lands, Frei's going to summon a thunderbolt from the sky to electrocute Tran. While, uh... underground. That's just how awesome he is. "No, *your* mother."

COMBATSYS: Tran reflects Tenrai Enbu from Frei with Operation - Dr. Tran.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Frei             1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0             Tran

Though put off balance by Frei's nigh-miraculous stoppage of his leaping boxsmash, Dr. Tran manages to cope. I mean, come on. His entire weight, being flung forward, and stopped by a single finger. Tran's entirely thrown off, barely righting himself before crashing face first into the floor. You can bet that after a feat like that, there's something fearsome coming behind it. Therefore, Dr. Tran's already forming a sort of chi shield on his hand, steaming created out of nothing and then compressed into something rather very solid.
He fully regains his balance just in time to interpose it in the way of Frei's feet, allowing the monk to bounce off of him with a minimum of harm. And then, call it intuition (or a pretty good understanding of chi), but he simply raises it above his head at an angle, neatly deflecting the lightning bolt sideways toward Frei.
Breathing hard, Tran takes a step back and notes, "Okay, I think that's probably good enough. You're welcome to throw the fight or something now, y'know. If you're tired."

Well. That was not how Frei was expecting the debut of his newly-created technique to go. Especially since he's turned around at the end and doesn't get to see how it works out until the reflected lightning bolt hits him in the back, sending him flying forward; only some quick thinking at the last second keeps the monk from careening into a subway train. Instead, however, he reaches out a hand and flips into the air, then kicks off the low subway ceiling and drives a shoulder charge right at Tran, a blazing aura of silver light surroudning him. If he connects? The monk flips around and pushes out both palms, blasting the good doctor with a huge spherical burst of that shiny yin chi. "Nah."

COMBATSYS: Frei successfully hits Tran with Gekkou Nocturne.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Frei             0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0             Tran

You know, of all the things Dr. Tran expected, Frei recovering in midair like that was not one of them. Even further removed from what he was expecting is that blazing fast shoulder charge the the monk seems to pull out of nowhere. He's just entirely caught off guard - it's simply too fast. And of course, once that hits, the large energy burst nails Tran right in the Tran, hitting him pretty much everywhere indiscriminately and sending him tumbling backward into a wall.
Dazed, Dr. Tran just sits there for a moment. He tries to rise, and then decides to just sit down again. He raises a hand. "It's okay, I'm all right. Just give me a minute to catch my breath here, I'm fine. Hoo boy."

COMBATSYS: Tran takes a breather.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Frei             0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0             Tran

Unfortunately for Tran, Frei is on a roll now. Plus the good doctor stuffed his new technique! This cannot stand. "Alright. Time to give that another shot!" Ignoring the fact that reptition = artistic death, Frei rushes forward and just tries to *run up* Tran's body, staring around the knees and then backflipping off his face, then vaulting off and twirling nicely acrobatically in midair, landing in a reverse crouch. The lightning is coming, Tran. Coming for you. What will the doctor do? Find out next time, on DOCTOR TRAN Z.

COMBATSYS: Tran blocks Frei's Tenrai Enbu.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Frei             0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0             Tran

Still just sitting there, Tran awaits Frei. He's not moving at all. He's just waiting. In a moment of badassery, he interposes his arms under each and every one of Frei's steps, forming a sort of human ladder. It does get somewhat painful when the monk backflips off the doctor's face, though.
And you know, it's funny. Tran's never considered himself an artist, yet this is clearly a form of hot electric death bearing down on him. Damn repitition! Damn it good! Tran takes that on his palm, as he raises a single hand to deal with it. It stings, but it certainly does look cool. "Okay, fine. Playing it that way, huh? Well, I can play it, too! Just watch!" Pushing up onto his feet, Tran runs forward and then aims to punch Frei right in the face with the hand that just got zapped. It's not crackling with energy or anything, though, although that would be pretty much the coolest thing ever.

COMBATSYS: Frei blocks Tran's Quick Punch.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Frei             0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0             Tran

Blinking, Frei gets up and turns around just in enough time to see Tran's fist coming right at his face. It's much too fast to get out of the way of, but at the very least he can throw up a hand and stop it from doing too much damage, interposing his palm between Tran's fist and its target. And for the record, he looks genuinely confused. "Playing WHAT way?" the monk asks, knitting his brow in confusion. And as long as Tran's close by, the monk decides to try and keep his grip on the good doctor's hand, driving a palm into his stomach and then tossing the other fighter to the ground, *hard*. "You talk like a Jackson Pollack painting, you know that?"

COMBATSYS: Tran dodges Frei's Strong Throw.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Frei             0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0             Tran

His punch stuffed, Tran rips his hand away and hops backward a few paces, making sure to keep his distance now. "Your mother's face is like a Jackson Pollack painting!" Harsh. So harsh. Against a normal man, this insult would clearly be lethal in its burnitude. Against Frei, however...probably less so. Like, not at all. Oh well.
Examining the monk closely, watching for the slightest tip-off again, Tran waits. He's not doing so badly so far, and it's largely because he hasn't been doing anything too stupid or unlikely. He'll keep playing it safe for now, frankly, but to do that he needs to know exactly what his opponent is doing. Luckily, his sharp eye is much, much more keen than his 'sharp' wit.

COMBATSYS: Tran focuses on his next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Frei             0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0             Tran

Hmm. As he bounces back from the failed throw attempt, Frei has time to reflect on his mistakes dealing with Tran in the past. Countering with similar 'mother'-focused comments is of no use. Asking him to make sense is like asking the sun to stop shining. Punching him in the face rarely seems to even register, let alone actually work. There's got to be a way. THe monk actually stops, chewing on the edge of his thumbnail for a moment. He is clearly pondering weighty matters. Well, that and wondering if Tran knows who Jackson Pollack is. After a moment, he appears to come to a conclusion.
Throwing his hands in front of him, the monk summons his own internal energy as much as he can, winds whipping up out of nowhere and sparks of elemental chi flowing around Frei like a tornado. As he yells, with all his might: "DAYTOOOOOONNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

COMBATSYS: Frei gathers his will.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Frei             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0             Tran

Well, that tears it then. Tran, upon hearing Frei's shout, turns away with a frown on his face. "...I see." He peeks back over his shoulder at Frei, the very image of solemnity. "It's true, then. I was afraid of this, but now I don't see any way around it." What the hell? He's making even less sense than usual. Could the crowd have anything to do with it? Could Tran really just be this much of a sucker for attention?
Well, it certainly seems probable. Whirling back around to face Frei with a flourish, Tran's now wearing his sunglasses. That's how you know it's Go-Time. "I'll send you to hell, monk! For my honor...and for my people!" You can almost imagine tears born of deep and abiding emotion flowing out from behind his dark shades. They're not there, of course, because he's not actually serious at all. But that's not the point.
Rushing forward, Tran does turn on the ol' waterworks, but not in the boohoo I'm emo kind of way. Planting one hand on the ground in front of Frei, Tran attempts to set him straight, with a good, hot, deep...geyser. Which comes blasting up seemingly out of nowhere, right underneath the monk.

COMBATSYS: Frei blocks Tran's Dr. Tran Doles Out the Harshness.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Frei             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1             Tran

Tony has connected.

The nice thing about that DBZ pose is that it's good on the defense, too; when the steam geyser erupts Frei is ready for it, turning slightly to the left and throwing out a forearm sparkling with icy chi which cancels out most of the blow, but the steam blast does leave Frei feeling a little weary. If anything Tran's going to nickel and dime him to death... though it may quarter and half-dollar'ed, to be fair to the doctor's prodigious chi.
Deciding he can't stay on the defensive forever, Frei simply... reaches out to snag Tran. Somewhere. Anywhere, doesn't matter. And if he can get a grip? Into the air the two go, monk twirling doctor around in a circle before hurling him at the ground at the jump's apex and then breaking his fall with a burst of spectral earth chi 'leaves'. "Sorry, Tran, but I'm not that kind of girl!"

COMBATSYS: Tran blocks Frei's Daichi Kudaki.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Frei             0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1             Tran

It's very nice, indeed. One of the doctor's most potent attacks, essentially brushed off. What is a man to do? Well, first of all, evidently he's to be grabbed by a monk and taken on a magical flight. Whirled around, Tran nonetheless manages to stay aware enough to disrupt the leaves at his landing point. Steam gushes up from the ground, blowing some leaves away and cushioning his fall at the same time. At least, a little. It still hurts, though.
Mostly on his feet afterward, there is the matter of dealing with Frei right now. Clearly, the only choice Dr. Tran has is to first rush toward wherever the monk lands, and then headbutt him right in the face. "Will you at least call me!?"

COMBATSYS: Tran successfully hits Frei with Strong Punch.
- Power hit! -

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Frei             1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1             Tran

Well, the plan had been for Frei to meet Tran halfway there and then throw out a witty rejoinder. Instead what happens is he gets knocked clear away like a baseball by Tran's headbutt, skidding to a stop on the ground with a really nasty-sounding *crack* as he hits the floor. That appeared to hurt. An awful lot. It takes a second for Frei to get back on his feet, rubbing his head and then just watching Tran. Something's not quite right here. Time to observe and see what can be done. "I don't call anybody back," he says, trying to stay in the groove but sounding kinda dazed. "Especially your mom."

COMBATSYS: Frei focuses on his next action.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Frei             1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1             Tran

Plan? We don't need no stinking /plans/. It's hot and heavy improv action all the way, baby! Rubbing his forehead after smashing it into Frei, Tran complains for a moment. "God, what's your face made out of? Smaller, stone faces?" We won't go into what the stone faces are made out of.
Shaking his head a little to clear it, Tran turns toward Frei and points again. "You heartbreaker! I will show you the error of your romance-lacking ways! I thought we had something special!" Somewhere in the middle of this speech, Tran's taken off his sunglasses, all the better to show the grief in his eyes. At this point, he just throws them at Frei's forehead. Out of sadness and woe. Yeah.

COMBATSYS: Frei overcomes Thrown Object from Tran with Large Thrown Object.
- Power hit! -

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Frei             1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1             Tran

...the sunglasses.
Frei's eyes flash. He'd been waiting for this moment.
Just as Tran's sunglasses are about to hit Frei's face, the monk suddenly puts out his hand, palm outward. And the glasses... stop, flash-frozen in midair. The monk holds out his palm lightly, and a chunk of clear ice, Tran's sunglasses encased neatly inside, falls lightly into his palm. Frei looks at Tran for a moment with a serious expression, as if he had said something very grave and now the monk would need to kill him. He throws the ice block up and down in his palm a couple times to test the weight. And then, with a manic grin, he rears back and CHUCKS it at Tran with as much force as he possibly can. "What can I say? I bore easy."

COMBATSYS: Tran overcomes Large Thrown Object from Frei with Large Thrown Object.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Frei             1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1             Tran

It seems that the sunglasses have, in a sense, ratio'd up. As they now have ice powers, they are a threat that cannot be ignored. "I can see that. It's surprising, since it seems like your mother stays excited all night long!" Taking a step back, preparing himself, Tran shrugs slightly, and his coat slips down a little.
When the ice cube comes at him, he is totally ready. Sliding out of his coat, Tran holds it as a matador a cape, perhaps, neatly catching the cool shades (ha ha ha) in it. He quickly bundles it up, then grins back. Now that the sunglasses are properly attired, and possessive of ice powers, they are clearly invincible! It's with that in mind that Tran spins the coat around and just flings it right back at Frei.

COMBATSYS: Tran successfully hits Frei with Large Thrown Object.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Frei             1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1             Tran

Ah, Tran does indeed know Frei's weakness, or at least manages to exploit it by saying something absurd even for Tran. Frei's still got the 'wha?' look on his face as the cape-covered ice-encased sunglass... thing... smacks him right in the face, knocking him backwards on his back, where he... stays, for just a little while, dazed. "Haha... you know, I had no idea that Thoreau had inscribed his favorite doo-wop songs on the ceiling of the Metro City subway before it was even built." He's... not moving. "Why do you build me up... buttercup, just to let me down..."

COMBATSYS: Frei takes a breather.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Frei             1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1             Tran

Tony has disconnected.

See? The sunglasses are truly invincible. Nothing can stop their rampage. Except...uh, gravity. And not having somebody to throw them around. Well, they're all the way over there, now, so I guess they're best left forgotten. Tran doesn't need their help now, anyway! He has Frei on the defensive! He's ready to take some serious action to finish his opponent off, once and for all! "Poor fool. I've beaten you into delusion!" Welcome to the club, right?
It just so happens that in this case, he's doing exactly what he did at the beginning of this fight. Whirling about, something that doesn't look nearly as good without a coat, Tran sends steam slicing through the air, not once, but twice, gracefully arcing down toward Frei. "Herooooooooooo!" That last bit was probably unneccesary, but try telling Tran that.

COMBATSYS: Frei just-defends Tran's Real American Hero Cutter!

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Frei             0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1             Tran

With a speed that defies logic, Frei suddenly leaps to his feet, grinning like a fiend. His right hand is sparkling with orange-red energy as he jumps up, and as the first boomerang comes in, the monk suddenly reaches out... and catches it. "Hyaaaaaaaaaa!" Just as the second one come in, Frei takes his captured boomerang and just... hurls it at the next incoming one, the steam-chi blades dissipating as they cancel each other out. But Frei's not done yet! Dashing forward, hands outstretched, he thrusts both palms at Tran, the orange-red glow from before forming into a sphere, and then a hail of golden sparks looking to put the warm on our heroic doctor. "I HATE PAT BENATAR!" he bellows as he attacks.

COMBATSYS: Tran blocks Frei's Hizashi.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Frei             0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1             Tran

In a quick and simple response, Tran proceeds to punch several of the golden sparks out of existence. All of the ones that were heading to painful spots, anyway. For the most part, this is enough to minimize the damage, and it's not like Tran doesn't know how to chi, anyway.
"PAT BENATAR IS A SAINT!" Stepping back a few paces, Tran looks as though he's about to unleash all of hell, but then he pauses. He stares at his feet for a second, then looks back up to Frei. "Who's Pat Benatar?" He seems genuinely confused, yet his eyes are sharp and alert at the same time. Oh, the paradox that is Tran.

COMBATSYS: Tran focuses on his next action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Frei             0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1             Tran

Hm. That's an unorthodox defense! But it works, so Frei can't really argue with it. Instead he hops back a few steps, bouncing on his heels for a second. "You know. Pat Benatar? Heartbreaker?" And then he breaks into a run, heading straight for Tran. "Love is a Battlefield? Hit Me With Your Best Shot?" Leaping as high as he can given the low ceiling, Frei hurls himself at Tran from above with an aerial axe kick, a crescent of scarlet fire erupting in the path of the attack. "Fire and Ice?"

COMBATSYS: Tran fails to interrupt Kouen no Tsurugi from Frei with Oh Crap Its Dr. Tran.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Frei             0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0             Tran

Waiting for Frei to come at him, Tran grins and then WHOOM! He shoots a huge blast of steam out of his hands, rocketing forward at Frei with oodles of dread explosive force! Except, uh. Frei seems to have jumped. Problematic. As a result, Tran gets a faceful of foot for his troubles, which knocks him straight down into the ground. Groggily, "Are you trying to tell me something, here?"

Actually, Frei's eyes widen in surprise as Tran's counterattack gets underway, mainly because the monk frequently loses track, with his wacky antics, just how much power Tran and put into the whole chi thing when he tries. However, the shock is all for naught as he catches Tran unaware. And as long as he's got Tran on the ground, he might as well aim for some sort of counterattack! Throwing his hands out, Frei practically cartwheels off Tran, leaving behind a glittering sphere of blue-white chi which suddenly bursts into a hail of ice like a grenade. "Hey, Tran, who's your favorite rock star, anyway?"

COMBATSYS: Tran negates Hyoushou Rengeki EX from Frei with Real American Hero Cutter.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Frei             0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0             Tran

"Well, that's an easy one..." Tran's breath is rather short at the moment, as he stares at Frei. Gathering yet more chi, he swings his arms wildly back and forth twice, his own hot steamy chi blasting upwards into the ice shards. "YOUR MOTHER!" His cry is powerful and triumphant, and it seems like he's hit a second wind of sorts, but then a whole bunch of water falls down on his head, soaking him thoroughly. It takes the wind out of his sails, so to speak. "I...I'll tell you later."

Hm. That appears to have worked pretty well for Tran, actually. Frei grins at the doctor as he spins on his heel from his previous attack and then starts running back, heading toward Tran without stopping. And, apparently, without listening to a word Tran has said. "I'm usually not into rock. I do kinda like Meat Loaf, though." Once he gets close, the monk simply attempts to run up Tran's body, as before, but rather than the whole jump off with lightning schtick, he simply handstands on Tran's shoulders and then drives his knees into the doctor's back, hopefully slamming him into the ground. It'd be nice if he fell down already. "Maybe 'cause I'm a big Rocky Horror fan."

COMBATSYS: Tran fails to interrupt Combo Throw from Frei with Random Weapon.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Frei             0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0             Tran

Well, Tran does fall down. It looks like he was searching about for something to ram into Frei's whatever, but honestly? There's nothing on hand, and that moment of distraction is all that's required for Frei to have his manly way with Tran. While that does leave him solidly on the floor, there is the small issue of the fact that Tran isn't done yet. He should be, sure...but he isn't. Huh. Pushing himself up slowly, the weight of a monk on him, he grits his teeth. No verbal response is forthcoming.

Hmm. Tran's gone quiet. That's... bad. Speaking from experience, Frei knows when *he* feels compelled to go quiet, something is Not Quite Right. However, this is a league fight... and there's plenty of time after to deal with what might be bugging Tran. But first...
Hopping off, Frei reaches down with both arms, hoping to get Tran into a position where he can hurl the fairly light doctor into the air. "This is Metro City!" the monk says, leaping up after him (provided this little stunt works). "After this is over..." Hopefully catching Tran in midair, Frei presses his feet into the small of the good doctor's back and then, well... rides him all the way down to the ground. Hard. "We'll go get drunk on $50 a bottle imported beer!"

COMBATSYS: Tran endures Frei's Rebound Throw.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Frei             0/-------/-----==|=======\===----\1             Tran

It /could/ be a bad thing, sure. OR it could just mean that he's been beaten so hard that he doesn't really have the strength to say things anymore. Which, for Frei, would be a good thing. As it turns out, the only thing Tran has the strength to do at this point is get /wasted/ by Frei, thrown up and then slammed down. Except, uh. Tran landed on his hands and knees with a rather nasty 'crack'. That's not normal, although it looks very, very painful.
He does shout as he whirls about, trying to knock Frei off balance, punching with a fist that's not even visible anymore through the steam, but it's not even close to being words. What matters is the punch. Holy crap it looks like that punch is going to hurt whatever it hits. Especially since it'll essentially explode. Considering the skill level Tran is throwing it with...that's probably going to be the floor or something. Afterward? Tran's out like a light.

COMBATSYS: Tran can no longer fight.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Frei             0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Frei endures Tran's Here Comes Dr. Tran!.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Frei             0/-------/=======|

Although he winces at the nasty cracking sound, Frei is confident in Tran's miraculous ability to recover from... well, really, anything short of non-lethal damage that instantly vaporizes his body, which Frei is certainly not capable of. He'd hoped the beer offer might have prompted some response, but in the end apparently Tran just doesn't have the energy. Frei takes deep breaths, facing away from Tran, clutching his knees. "Man... that... damn."
Then Tran punches him in the back with an explosion of steam. Whoops.
There's a split-second look of surprise before Tran's punch connects and sends Frei *flying*, face-first, into an open subway car door, barreling over a number of people. Because the universe abhors a comic vacuum the doors then proceed to slam shut, taking Frei and some stunned passengers on a whirlwind tour of underground Metro City.
All is quiet for a moment, before the announcer glances at Tran, then at where the subway car used to be. "Uh... winner, Frei Tsukitomi-Renard!" Beat. "...maybe."

Log created by Frei, and last modified on 02:39:43 02/17/2006.