Description: Out training in the woods, Kain and Sagat decide that they'll get better results by fighting one another, rather than simply destroying inanimate objects.
Shingo and Shinobuy aren't the only ones who have been undergoing training after Grant's return to Japan. True, Kain did win in their reunion fight, but he didn't perform quite as well as he might have hoped. It doesn't do to let oneself become rusty. Fighting against strong opponents is generally the best way to improve, but there are practical limits to just how often one can do that. So for now, Kain is beating up on mother nature.
Eschewing his normal white suit, Kain is dressed in a pair of loose fitting white pants with a brown cloth belt, and nothing else. Both of his hands and his bare feet are wreathed in blue energy as he moves about the small clearing, attacking a massive boulder which he himself moved into position. Each blow sends noticeable cracks through the stone, until finally Kain's right hand is engulfed in purple fire and slams into the rock with enough force to send splinters of stone showering over the area.
Taking a deep breath, Kain allows the energy around his limbs to dissipate, as he takes a brief moment of rest. However, now that he's not concentrating on his own actions, he can sense the chi of someone else nearby. Determining an actual identity is difficult unless you've spent a great deal of time in someone's presence, but Kain can at least therefor tell that it's not Grant. Looking around for a moment, he begins to set off in the direction of whoever it might be.
The Muay Thai Legend himself is within the area. He's been here since partnering up with Grant. The other fighter has brought questions to the forefront of Sagat's mind and the only way to parse them... to think on them clearly is to practice and train. He must hone his body and meditate to hone his mind. He must think about what's been raised and how Sagat should proceed with his life. Currently the Muay Thai God is on the move, deciding to change locales for his next session of training. He's wearing a pair of striped trunks and the white wrappings that are usually on Sagat's forearms and shins. He was going to come here to train alone, but the sounds of Kain training in the distance draws Sagat's attention. The Thai man makes his way towards where Kain's clobbering a boulder.
And with both men heading toward one another, it doesn't take long before they meet up underneath the branches of a particularly large tree. "Ah, Sagat..." Kain smiles, actually looking quite happy. His last match against the former Muay Thai Emperor was quite instructive. "A pleasure to see you again." He extends his hand toward Sagat in greeting.
"I take it by your presence in this particular location that you've met my comrade, Grant?" Grant has been rather busy, and Kain hasn't learned of all his exploits, but he does have a fair idea of just /how/ busy Grant has been, and it would not surprise him to know that any number of powerful fighters have run into the Martyr of Might.
Sagat strolls right on up to Kain and takes the other fighters hand. A rough shake is given it before he releases and Sagat nods his head at Kain, "Good day, Kain." He states before looking over his shoulder, "Indeed. I have met Grant. Quite the formidable fighter you have in that comrade of yours, Kain. You keep good company." He glances around the immediate area with his single eye then asks, "Interesting meeting you in such a location."
"Indeed. Grant can be a bit single-minded, but he is one of the greatest men I have ever known... Of late, I've been giving him some assistance in training one of the students he's taken on, although it seems the boy simply isn't capable of making use of what I have to offer. Right /now/, however, it is time for some training of my own. The body must constantly be honed if one wishes to stay atop one's abilities, after all. But then, I'm sure you're well aware of that."
Kain grins for a moment, flexing the fingers of his left hand. "This /is/ a rather fortunate encounter, given these circumstances. Would you perhaps be interested in a rematch? It's always a pleasure to spar with a skilled warrior, and I've had regrettably few opportunities to do so recently."
Sagat nods his head when Kain mentions training one of Grant's students, "I sparred with one of his students as well. I did it as a favor to him." Sagat pauses and smirks a bit, "And I am well aware of that." He chuckles before giving yet another nod to Kain, "A rematch? Certainly. I did venture this way to get some training done. Few times do I find someone to give me a challenge in a spar." He looks down at his clothing, "Obviously I came out here for a workout..."
"Well, I'm sure we should both be able to give one another a bit of exercise..." Given his current outfit, Kain's normal combat stance doesn't quite work, but the one he adopts is still one of deceptive casualness. Arms hanging loosely at his side, the only concession made to more traditional approaches is the position of his feet, to compensate for being barefoot and in uncertain terrain. "Well, then... Shall we begin?"
Kain waits a moment, just long enough to be considered fair, and then rushes across the forest floor toward Sagat. Purple fire springs up around his arms, trailing behind him. He comes to a sudden stop right in front of Sagat, but not quite touching him. And then the trail of fire catches up to him and keeps going, blasting forward in a wave of flame which threatens to engulf the Muay Thai fighter.
COMBATSYS: Kain has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kain 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Sagat has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kain 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sagat
COMBATSYS: Sagat endures Kain's Schwarz Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Kain 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Sagat
Sagat raises his arms and forms fists out of his hands. His legs slide under him and rises up onto the balls of his feet. As Kain comes rushing towards him, Sagat starts to bend at the knees. He's lowering his form a bit, anticipating some swift move to overtake him and he wants to be better defended and have a better center of gravity when it hits. The Schwarz Cutter slams into him at about the time Sagat springs upward and forward. The energy washes over him, but Sagat busts through it with a shout of pain. As he springs towards his new opponent a fist is lashed outward, "TI-GER UPP-ER-CUT!" is announced by the Muay Thai Legend as he ascends into the air fist first.
COMBATSYS: Kain just-defends Sagat's Tiger Uppercut!
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Kain 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Sagat
Unfortunately for Sagat, although Kain's hands were not actually used to deliver the blow in his last attack, they are still left in a position to defend against a reprisal. As Sagat lashes out at him, Kain's right hand comes up to catch Sagat by the wrist. Trying to stop an attack with that kind of force behind it would be tricky, to say the least, so Kain doesn't try. He simply allows himself to be pushed back, keeping Sagat's arm directed away from him.
And with the Muay Thai legend in the air, Kain gains the perfect opportunity to continue his own assault. Pulling his arms back, he twists his body around to swing his root foot up in a kick aimed at Sagat's stomach, with another wall of flame trailing fast behind it to explode on impact.
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Kain's Schwarze Lanze.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kain 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Sagat
The Tiger Uppercut ended prematurely, and Sagat knows he needs to act quick. Kain has a hold on him and he's struck and thrown into the air. As he flies through the air, Sagat's arm raise and his massive muscles tense in anticipation of Kain's incoming attack. Sagat hits the ground hard, but rolls and springs up to his feet quickly. Sagat smiles and wipes his weathered brow, "Excellent!" He seems pleased just before he rushes forward towards Kain. He lunges forward with a knee as he gets close, trying to strike the other man in the chest!
COMBATSYS: Kain blocks Sagat's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kain 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Sagat
Kain crouches down as Sagat comes flying in, twisting his body so that he takes Sagat's knee to the shoulder rather than to the chest. As soon as the impact occurs, he suddenly starts rapidly standing up, shoving back against Sagat's leg in an effort to knock the taller fighter off balance. He then continues to rise, grabbing with a burning hand for Sagat's shoulder, attempting to seize a firm grip which he can use to keep him from regaining his footing.
Kain's fighting style relies more on direct strikes than joint locks or throws, but he still knows the value of being able to knock his opponents down. But there are ways to do it with a bit more flair. With his free hand he lashes out with a palm strike toward Sagat's chest, trying to maintain his grip on Sagat's shoulder so that he can twist down at the same time. Because he doesn't intend to actually /hit/ Sagat... Just use a blast of flame to provide the force to send the other man down to the ground. Where hopefully Kain will then be able to dish out some nasty kicks...
COMBATSYS: Sagat interrupts Medium Throw from Kain with Tiger Uppercut.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Kain 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Sagat
The lunging knee strike doesn't have the intended effect that Sagat was going for. He wanted to knock Kain down. However now that that is not an option, Sagat must improvise. As Kain begins to to lash out at Sagat again, attempting blast the man to the ground, He bends down low and launches up again, "TI-GER UPP-ER-CUT!" As he ascends into the air, he is struck by the flames that Kain sends out his way, but it's not enough to hinder the rising uppercut. The Tiger will land, grasping at his shoulder.
This time Sagat's blow strikes true, hitting Kain on the chin and lifting him off his feet. He skids on the ground for a moment, but quickly manages to roll around in order to come to a sliding halt in a crouched position. He cricks his neck slightly as he comes back up to a standing position, grinning at Sagat. "Well played."
But Kain isn't much for talking during fights, and so he quickly gets back to the matter at hand. Both hands, even, as purple flames well up in both of Kain's palms, quickly engulfing his hands. Thrusting both arms out toward Sagat, he launches the fire forward as a pair of orbs which spiral around one another as they zoom in toward their target.
COMBATSYS: Sagat slows Schwarze Flame from Kain with Tiger Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Kain 1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1 Sagat
Sagat stands there holding his shoulder for a moment, before pulling his arms back to his sides. When Kain recovers, Sagat smirks a bit. His eye narrows a bit as he prepares himself for Kain's next assault. The Schwarze Flame comes at Sagat and Sagat is prepared! Or so he thinks. Sagat shouts, "Tiger!" And pushes his arms forward. He sends a flaming crescent of chi energy towards the flames but does nothing more than slow down the incoming projectile. Sagat is struck hard and goes flying backwards.
Never one to let an opportunity go to waste, Kain rushes in after his own projectile, hesitating for only the slightest of moments as Sagat sends out one of his own to counter it. In the end, though, Kain's flames continue on, as he had expected, and so the blond man himself continues rushing in toward Sagat. Drawing his right fist back, Kain comes in high toward Sagat's upper chest, but then suddenly ducks down low to throw an upward arcing blow at the Muay Thai fighter's stomach.
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Kain's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Kain 1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1 Sagat
The Master of Muay Thai raises an arm to block one strike then tenses and lowers his other arm to absorb the second blow coming from Kain. Sagat 'Oooofs' after being struck and backs away several steps after weathering that storm from the other fighter. Sagat shakes his head, "This is refreshing!" He admits as he gets back into his fighting stance. His muscles tense and he's no longer hopping from foot to foot. He braces himself and begins to channel his chi and prepare himself for future assaults against Kain, "AAAAAAAGH!" He shouts as he focuses on his chi energies!
COMBATSYS: Sagat gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Kain 1/------=/=======|=======\======-\1 Sagat
Despite his easy manipulation of chi, that is one thing that Kain has trouble doing... Consistently drawing out more and more of his own power. Obviously, he can do it on a more fundamental level quite easily, but using chi to boost his own strength is trickier. Which isn't to say that he can't do it, but it's difficult for him to do it repeatedly. On the other hand, when he /does/ do it, Kain tends to get a lot of bang for his buck. As it were.
Seeing the energy flowing into Sagat, Kain thrusts a hand up toward the sky, channeling some of his own chi. A flare of gold light appears in his hand, and as he clenches his fist the air above Sagat suddenly begins swirling with a greenish-blue haze. Manifesting chi that far away from one's own body is quite an impressive accomplishment in and of itself, but there's little time to dwell on it. The golden light in Kain's palm pulses for a moment, the brilliant shine engulfing his fist, and then the energy above Sagat slams down toward the warrior like the hammer of a particularly angry god.
COMBATSYS: Sagat fails to slow Himmlischer Atem from Kain with Tiger Cannon.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kain 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Sagat can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kain 0/-------/------=|
And the wrath of an angry god is what the Muay Thai Legend feels. The golden energy slams into the Tiger and the summoning up chi for future attacks is all for nothing. The Tiger attempted to pull out a Tiger Cannon to interrupt and deflect the incoming burst of chi, but it is not enough! Sagat is wallopped hard and is sent flying backwards. He lands uncerimoniously against the ground, back skidding and eventually slowing him to a stop.
The light around Kain's hand fades as the rubble from the blast finishes raining down. Several trees were ripped straight out of the ground, and there's a fair sized hole in the forest floor at ground zero, which Sagat was luckily blasted away from. Also luckily, this is a friendly match, and Sagat has already earned his place in Kain's book as someone deserving of respect.
Hopping over the crater he created, Kain makes his way over to Sagat, stopping a respectful distance away. He doesn't move to help Sagat up, but nor does he take any further threatening actions. "It's refreshing to fight against someone who's both able to give and to take powerful blows." Yes, Kain managed to avoid taking many direct blows... But what did get through was painful enough that he doesn't mind having avoided more.
COMBATSYS: Kain has ended the fight here.
Sagat slowly pulls himself up into a seated position. He looks towards Kain. He grunts at him before nodding respectively, "I'm down. You win this spar." A smirk plays across his lips, "You could not hit me harder than that?" He asks... jokingly. Sagat cracked a joke? The Muay Thai Legend just sits there, "Going to sit here and meditate... and rest, of course. I've much to think on. You've just given me more questions to consider..."
Kain gives Sagat a wry smile in return. "I suppose we shall just have to see next time, yes? But for now, I will leave you to your meditations... And perhaps embark on some of my own. Reflecting on a fight to consider what one can learn from it is something far too few people engage in. So for now, I shall bid you adieu."
And with a respectful nod to the fallen warrior, Kain strides off into the trees. Given how thick the forest is around here, it's not long before he becomes lost from sight, and then from even the best hearing.
Log created by Kain, and last modified on 08:22:32 02/20/2007.