Description: Kensou can always count on Chin to provide him with good advice. And to get totally wasted and try to beat him up.
It's cold. So there's not a lot of people here during this time of year, but some do still occupy the sandy landscape, mostly people who exercise, or depressed people, or people who just want to hang out and watch the calming, relaxing waves. In this case, it might be all three for the two Psycho Soldiers. Exercise was always a daily thing for at least the two Chinamen, and Chin was never one to refuse calm, relaxing things. Such as his pipe. Or his booze. ...The waves were good, too, yeah. But at the moment, the old man was seated upon the boardwalk's edge, legs folded under him with a gourd nestled against his protruding belly, his hands occupied with re-lighting his pipe with the bit of flint he strikes against the ring on his left hand. "Mmn," he carefully says as he manages the relight, and puffs contendedly from the long stem of the pipe. He doesn't necessarily say anything to his companion. While he might ask about it later, he was almost certain that the last requirement, the one of depressed ones coming to this beach to think, was exactly what his adopted son might be having to deal with now. He wanted to say something, but Chin was going to wait for the young man to speak on it, unless it got to be too much of a problem.
Likewise, Kensou is loafing around on the edge of the boardwalk, letting his feet dangle over the edge while he lays back on the cold wood, his hands folded behind his head; it's nice and peaceful, it is, though he's not really one for smoking or drinking. There's plenty of relaxing around to be done, here! It's very time-consuming! Of course, he's got plenty to worry and think about with his recent ongoing slump... And it's not like he can really hide his troubled emotional state from Chin. Even if the old guy /wasn't/ a powerful, skilled psychic, he'd probably know Kensou well enough to read the teenager's disquiet all over his face. "Sifu," he says, finally. He was really enjoying sitting here, but now he's got to ruin the peace and quiet. "Is there somethin' wrong with me?"
Hardly ever did Chin need to use his empathic abilities, it was true. At least where it regarded Kensou. Or anyone he was overly familiar with, like Bao and Athena. And despite what the young man says, finally, after some prolonged relaxation, Chin didn't at all feel like his calm was disturbed. He'd been waiting for it, after all! In fact, when the question is asked, the old man's reaction is hardly proper. In fact, one would think he hadn't heard the question at all, as he simply puffs once more on his pipe, and then frowns a bit, as it seems to have managed to go out again. Damn the wind. Still, he removes the pipe from his lips, blowing a plume a smoke into the air, and seems to be considering some deep, inner truth. And this takes awhile, so it might indeed seem like he hadn't heard the question. But after a time, it comes: "And what, exactly, would be wrong with you, boy?"
"I dunno... But it always seems like, just when things are goin' good for me..." Kensou trails off, not sure how to explain it. "...Well, somethin' always happens, an' it seems like everythin' starts goin' against me. Maybe I'm just not supposedta be strong," he adds in a mutter. Oh, he hasn't forgotten his conversation with Rose, and the debate about the different kinds of 'strength', but he's pretty sure none of them involve the horrible, horrible bad luck he seems to have in fighting lately. "Even if I train, an' work hard..." Yes, he's discouraged. It seems to happen an awful lot to him, but with some of the things that've happened to Kensou in the past, it's not too surprising. And he does usually seem to bounce back.
The old master listens patiently, doing nothing more than fiddling with his pipe again, the flint making a few sparks into the bowl of the pipe as he makes a practiced gesture to relight it. Soon, he's puffing at the pipe again, blowing another plume of smoke out. "Hmm..." he starts, and then stops. How to handle this? "So you start off doing well, and then you get cocky." His voice is entirely neutral as he says this, not trying to rile up the young man, even if the words are stinging. "You put your best foot forward, and use your power to its potential. But then, you decide to cut loose, either because you just get lazy, or because you feel your opponent isn't worth it. At the same time, your opponent stops taking you so lightly, having seen your ability, and the situation is reversed. And before you can correct it, you are defeated." He's not really saying this as if it IS what happens, but more in a suggestive way. He's not quite sure what could be 'wrong' with Kensou, but that seems like the best explanation he can think of. Of course, there were ways to test it...
Well, Kensou can certainly confirm that's happened in the past, at least, judging from his expression at the old master's suggestion. "Maybe that angry girl was right... Maybe I take things too lightly," he says, thinking back to his fight with Kasumi, whose name he can never seem to recall. Oh, he's tried to take Rose's advice to heart, but it doesn't seem to have quite worked, just yet. "I don't wanna be weak... I don't wanna hold everyone else back." And, of course, he wants to be able to protect (and impress) Athena. Not that she needs protecting, but this isn't a question of logic! "Anyway, it ain't like I'm just gonna give up..." He just needs... Some confidence!
"Hmph," is Chin's reaction to Kensou's admission. He takes another puff of his pipe, before he then taps it out on the end of the boardwalk, and makes to stand, the process slow and easy. A few joints creak, but nothing too painful. When he makes his feet, the pipe has been stashed away, and the gourd rests in his hand, the cork being popped as he talks. "Mn. Being strong is all well and good, Kensou, but even I was not strong enough to defeat everyone. I had friends. I had allies, and companions." He pauses to give a go at the ol' high-elbow, and once the gourd is taken away, he gives another of those heavy sighs, and wipes his mouth. "Kensou! You know of the man whom spoke with Bao, do you not? The evil man who told Bao of the supposed evil within him? Well, that man, too, desired nothing but power. He wanted the strength to defeat all of his enemies. And he got it. But at what price, I wonder...?" There's a rare 'serious' look in the man's eyes, a little shining twinkle, even though his eyes were hidden behind all the hair. But then his gaze refocuses upon the young man lying down at his feet. "Power is a dangerous thing, Kensou, and it's something you're obsessed with. What makes it all the more dangerous is you don't realize you already have the power you want."
What's unusual is how that mirrored what Rose told Kensou... How dangerous giving in to negative emotions could be, for people like them. "Yeah... That Vega guy. I remember him." Naturally, since Kensou /fought/ him, alongside Alma. With the lunatic making threats against innocent people, how could they have done anything else? "I don't wanna be like that... I just wanna be strong enough that people still need me around," Kensou says, rather more solemn than he usually tends to be. "Just seems like I'm always strugglin'... An' no matter how hard I try, it's always just barely not enough."
Not so much what he was saying, but the spirit of it was there! Well then, there was only one way to cure this, he thinks. But before that... he takes another pull from his gourd, repeating the same ritual as displayed before. But then he adds: "Kensou, even if you were weak, we would still need you around. As much as you need an old bones like me, anyway." He scoffs a little, and then settles his gourd into the sash-belt he wears, his arms folding behind his back as he takes a few steps away. "Though since you place so much importantance on strength, maybe you're just feeling lousy because an old man, more than four times your age, can still whip you!"
Sitting up finally, Kensou leans back on his hands, watching Chin as he puts some space between the two of them. He peers at the old man with one eye closed, before giving a jokingly derisive sniff. "Hah, like anybody'd try their hardest against a senior citizen," he says to tease his teacher/mentor/father figure. "We're all scared we might break ya like a buncha twigs by accident, Sifu." Yes, Kensou might be down in the dumps, but he still has a sense of humour!
Of course Chin knows it's all just banter. But of course, he's also just slightly drunk, too, and is trying to edge Kensou out of his depression. "Senior citizen! And a bunch of twigs! Hah, with the way you eat, you'll be lucky if you reach even half my age. Maybe if you cut back on the meatbuns, you'd be able to actually move once in awhile!" He scoffs a bit, and then crosses his arms a moment in defiance! "Though I don't know what's worse, the meatbuns, or the fact you'd prefer just to sit on your rear end all day and not get anything done!"
"Hey, I can move just fine!" Kensou says indignantly, rolling back over his shoulder to get onto his feet atop the boardwalk, as easy as you please. What an awful thing to say about him! "Anyway, s'not like I'm the only one likes to take it easy. Without Mrs. Chin around, s'a wonder y' manage t' not get totally soused 'fore noon every day!" Though the old man might be anyway, Kensou just doesn't see it as strongly as he might? Who knows. "Heck, you'll probably be 'round forever, just 'cause you're already pickled!"
P-Pickled?! That was actually a funny one. But no, rather than laugh merrily at it, Chin decides to get that much more angry! What an awful thing to say about -him-! "It's called restraint, boy, and I've lived my life well enough that I deserve at least a few vices! You're not quite there yet! And maybe if you had some yourself, you'd be able to get even half a good a fighter as I am! In fact, why don't we try it?" With that, Chin's hand suddenly moves to the gourd he had holstered only a moment longer, the old fingers moving surprisingly deftly in order to grab ahold of the string attached to it, and then he's lifting the gourd out of the belt, and tossing it straight for Kensou!
COMBATSYS: Chin has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Chin 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kensou has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Chin's Gourd Sling.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Whoa, hey, what? That's totally not what Kensou was trying to do! They were just joking around, and... There's not much time to deal with the incoming gourd, certainly not enough time to simply leap out of the way. Instead, he throws his arms up, taking the hit to his forearms instead of somewhere more sensitive... But before Chin can pull the gourd back, Kensou grabs it with one hand, and chucks it right back at his teacher. "Huaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Chin dodges Kensou's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
No, they were just arguing. And while that was a fine way to get your mind off troubles, Chin figured this would be a better, more direct way to both blow off some steam and also start to feel better about yourself. At least, for Kensou. Chin was more about the blowing off steam part, really! Pickled indeed. The gourd is caught, and then slung back at him, however the strings make such an attack rather difficult to do, for he need only give a tug to change their direction. In this case, he swings the gourd wide in a circle, the bottle swinging back around the old man... but then coming up, yet again, for the young fighter! This time it's not so much the old man throwing the gourd as he is trying to slap Kensou upside the head with it. "Not so fast!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Chin's Suiho Hyoutan Shuu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Nuts! Well, if that little gag didn't work on Xiangfei when she was going on about becoming a drunken boxer, why would it work on a master of the art? Still, you never know until you try. When the gourd comes swinging back towards him, though, Kensou deftly ducks underneath it, feeling it whistle past his head, and then he rushes right at Chin, throwing his right fist out in a wild haymaker! "Haaa-!!" If the first hit lands, then Kensou follows it up with a succession of strikes with his full weight behind them, before bringing his right fist back up in an uppercut aimed at the old man's jaw to finish the combination. "Yaaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Chin blocks Kensou's Ryuu Renda.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Such an attack has a good amount of a recovery time, given how long it would take to recover the gourd from the inertia it had. He had hoped it'd hit against Kensou, which would make it that much easier to pull back, but! No such luck. So when the gourd is dodged, and Kensou begins his attack, Chin has very few options. And the one he takes is simply to let go of the gourd's string, letting the clay bottle fly wild, in favor of raising his arms and curling inwards a bit, taking the brunt of the force of the attacks onto his forearms. Even then it's rather painful, his bones not really used to such abuse, but such is the problem with being an old man! A few of the punches, though they impact on his arms, ellicit a few cries, though the pain isn't nearly as bad as it could be. Still, no sooner than the attack is done, Chin's ready to retaliate. Bringing his arms back, he takes a step forward, moving to be inside of Kensou's guard, and then stiffly brings his hands forward, aiming a double open palm strike to the young man's middle, with a loud cry of "Haah!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Chin's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Kensou
But...! Chin doesn't quite get inside Kensou's guard, as the younger, more spry fighter edges back, and once again Chin's attack impacts Kensou's forearms, stinging but not doing anywhere near the damage it would've otherwise. "Tch..." he mutters, at that stinging sensation... And then he pushes back on the old man, swinging his leg quickly at Chin's midsection, trying to catch him with his shin to the gut. "Haah-!!"
COMBATSYS: Chin dodges Kensou's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Kensou
The block puts him in a bad position... for while he didn't manage to get inside Kensou's guard, he's now left in a bad position, where his own guard is easily pierced. He sees the kick coming, however, so it's just a matter of dodging it. While most others would have trouble with this, Chin doesn't. In fact, he almost makes it look easy, as he suddenly pushes against Kensou, hard enough that he loses his footing, and falls to the boardwalk. Rather than just plainly falling, however, he manages to catch himself, and then tucks into a forward roll, going between Kensou's legs. Once there, he only partway rises, and then makes to raise his leg and make a stiff sweep at the back of the young fighter's knees.
COMBATSYS: Kensou interrupts Strong Throw from Chin with Senkyuutai.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Whoa, what the?! His master's complicated dodging and attacking maneuvers are difficult to keep up with, even for someone who's long since grown familiar with them as Kensou has... But he does, at least, have a few tricks up his sleeve. He gets knocked towards the boardwalk courtesy of the stiff sweep, wnd that /hurts/, but he catches himself before he properly hits the ground, putting all of his weight on one hand to lash out at Chin with a quick one-two combination of kicks, intended to knock the old man away! "Yaa-! Hyaa-!!"
He's not expecting such a reprisal, no. And the feet are met with... well, pain, and some yelling in pain, and the old master's body is indeed knocked away. A short distance, at that, and he even gets a bit of bouncing going, the first hit knocking him off balance, and the second sending him flying, hitting the boardwalk roughly, and then flipping once, where he ends up on his back. With a wheezing cough, the old man gets to his feet once again, and then gives a full-body shake. "Ooh!" He complains, and then reaches for one of his 'backup gourds', popping the cork to the bottle, and then taking a swig. It's the same old, same old. While no one 'normal' could detect it, others could see the old man wasn't just drinking, he was gathering his energies. Of course, he also was keeping his back to Kensou, for some reason.
COMBATSYS: Chin gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Chin 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
And Kensou rolls over onto his feet again, watching his teacher rather carefully... One never knows what tricks the wily old man might get up to, after all. With Chin clearly gathering energy, though, Kensou decides to follow suit, turning his focus inwards to draw on his own reserves of Psycho Power, tapping those stored energies to prepare himself for whatever craziness the old man might be plotting to unleash next! Rather than, you know, just rushing right at the old master heedless of any potential consequences.
COMBATSYS: Kensou gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chin 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Kensou
Well, that was one test passed. Kensou now knew better than to just rush headlong into what seemed like a trap. After all, he had given him an obvious sign: that of keeping his back to his opponent. What fighter did that intentional? ...Well, Chin would, but that was beside the point. Slowly wheeling about, using only one heel to pivot, the other leg raised in the air, almost as if he were going to topple over, Chin regains his feet, stumbling slightly as he faces Kensou. "Good, good," he says, a bit slurred. "But know there ish always a balance, Kensou. You must know when to take advantage of an opening, and when to realize it's a trap." With that, Chin suddenly leaps forward, towards Kensou, raising his gourd as if he'll strike... but then, as he lands, he seems to raise one foot, and does a pose that actually seems reminiscient of a monkey, before opening his mouth and blowing a small bit of flame, aimed for the younger man's face.
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Chin's Demon Drink.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Chin 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Kensou
Well, whether he did it because he realised it was probably a trap or not... Kensou is still in the same situation. When his teacher comes at him on the attack, he doesn't have too many options, not that he can exploit without ruining all of his careful preparation, and so instead he throws up his arms in the way of the gout of flame Chin breathes at him, protecting his rather more sensitive face from the blast, though he can still feel the heat of it. "Hoo..." he breathes out, rushing at Chin before the flames have completely cleared, lunging with his right hand extended in a knife hand position, but his fingers curled in at the second knuckle to create more of a blunt surface, trying to catch his teacher somewhere vulnerable. "Oyaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Chin interrupts Strong Punch from Kensou with Ryuurin Hourai.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Chin 1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1 Kensou
The dull-knife hand is seen as it emerges from the gout of flame, but rather than trying to defend against it, Chin decides, possibly due to the drink settling into his system, to be a bit more offensive with his attacks. So as the attack comes... the old master moves forward, leaving the fist to hit where it may. And it does hit, getting his quite squarely in the chest. Still, he's moving through it, and before Kensou can do much else in his attacks, Chin has his gourds out. The first one manages to get Kensou's head, and then it's followed up by a kick to the stomach. And from there, it's just a flurry of kicks, punches, and gourd slings, which might seem rather haphard and unrefined... if it didn't look perfectly coordinated. The final hit is a stiff rising uppercut to the jaw, which actually has Chin jumping lightly into the air to connect with, before finally settling into place. And to top it off, after it's done, Chin pops the corks on both of the gourds, and takes swig. From both. At the same time. Oh, the taunting.
And after that display, with Kensou getting battered around pretty handily by his teacher, the younger fighter is left in a bit of a heap. Ow, dang. He really wasn't expecting something like that, you know? But...! He gets to his feet, rubbing the back of one hand over his mouth, before reaching behind his back with both hands. "All right, then, if y' wanna play like that!!" And he brings his hands out, holding a meatbun in either! And he totally starts to chow down on the two of them in response to his teacher's taunting!
Chin notes this response... and his reaction to it? Well, it's to start chugging down even more on the dual gourds. Yes, even in the middle of a fight, a competition to see who was better than who, they could always find ways to do a competition within one! Who would win, meatbun or gourd?! Unfortunately, the stiffness of the drink, and trying to swallow two gouts of liquid is too much for the old man, and he ends up pulling the gourds away, and starts to cough heavily. Seems like he loses this round! Still, he's not going to let that keep him from fighting. Shooting a glare - a now thoroughly soused glare, at that - at Kensou, he recorks and reholsters the gourds, and seems to wait for the other boy to finish, motioning for him to attack.
COMBATSYS: Chin focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Chin 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kensou with Meat Bun.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Chin 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
Mmm, delicious and nutritious! Though Kensou unfortunately overdoes it, choking a little on his bun... But his stance visibly eases afterwards, while he rubs crumbs off of his face. "Well, if that's the way y' want it!" he declares, rushing at his teacher and leaping forward once he gets close enough, almost completely horizontal, with his left knee and elbow extended to try and hit his teacher. "Yo-!!" he calls, and if he hits with that, Kensou twists at the waist to swing his right knee to bear. "Ya-!!" And then? Then he /keeps/ twisting, extending his left leg to try and smash that heel into the side of Chin's head! "Uryaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Chin dodges Kensou's Ryuu Renga.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Chin 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
Xiangfei is here.. She has been brought in by the scent of a meat bun a couple of blocks back. Yes, the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey of Southtown, on a bicycle, biked ALL the way down to the beach in the cold to find the source of this scent!
Needless to say, she was disappointed when she found this source, but on the other hand, it looks like there's a fight in the works! Dressed in sweatpants and a heavy hoodie, the chinese girl watches the climatic battle! "Go Chin-san! Wooooooh!!" she cheers, starry eyed, and clearly not too far from the scuffle.
Except, of course, Chin isn't -just- waiting for Kensou to attack. And no, he's not just slightly weaving in place, even when he's attempting to stand still, either. In fact, Chin was focusing himself. It was easy to focus on Kensou's attacks, and find which way he was coming from, he needn't do that any more. In fact, he was simply 'cutting through' the alcohol in order to try and focus on his own attacks. This bit of clarity and foresight, while impressive, is immediately dispelled from seeming like the old master was some kind of drunken god, as when Kensou's knee comes, Chin manages to trip himself and land flat on his face. Still, he's not -there- when the knee comes, but he is there when Kensou lands. Or rather, his feet are, seeking to mess up Kensou's footing, by simply being in the way of the landing. It's also then that Chin decides he rather likes standing, so struggles to get back to his feet. Kensou's own feet are in the way, of course, but hoping to take advantage of Kensou's momentary loss of balance as he lands, Chin twists his own feet, sweeping at Kensou's ankles.
COMBATSYS: Chin successfully hits Kensou with Gyaku Ashi Nage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Chin 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
Landing after his attack misses, Kensou hears the horrible, piercing voice of Li Xiangfei, which makes him grind his teeth... And lose his focus! Of course, his teacher's skill is to be accounted for in what happens next, but Kensou's attempt to get out of the way of Chin's tripping throw fails, and instead he ends up sprawled on the boardwalk, rolling away to try and get some room. "O-www..." he mutters, rubbing his forehead, and reaching behind his back again?! Yes, he's getting another bun to chown down on!
The throw is made, though when Chin stands up, he glances about momentarily, as if confused. Where was Kensou? Well, he was down on the floor! With a mad cackle, the old master, reaches for a gourd, and then grins widely, exposing what remained of his teeth. "Heh heh heh, Kensou! You're thrown way too easily, boy." So, wait, he -did- intentionally trip him? What? "Come, come, if you eat too much during the battle, you really WILL grow fat!" With that, and to give a perfectly good example, of how things should be done, Chin... sits down on the boardwalk, facing towards Xiangfei, giving his other student and wave, as well as a drink from his gourd.
COMBATSYS: Chin takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Chin 1/---====/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kensou with Meat Bun.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Chin 1/---====/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Mm, nutritious... But not as much so as usual, judging by Kensou's mildly disappointed look. Maybe the buns he's gotten today just aren't up to par? It's difficult to say. What isn't difficult to say is that Kensou doesn't really appreciate being taken less than seriously... Which would be why he does in fact go after Chin this time the old man's attention is turned away from him, leaping up behind the drunken fist fighter to swing his foot around in a wide arc, trying to boot him right in the head. "Uryaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Chin fails to interrupt Heavy Kick from Kensou with Roaring Flame Inferno.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Kensou
To say Xiangfei wasn't amused by Chins sudden wave would be an understatement, but she is grinning ear to ear, waving right back! Though she's a little suprised that he isn't doing anything about Kensous bun! Maybe.. This is a different form a training? Well, either way, her eyes are glued to the match, crossing her arms on the handbars of her bike.
While Chin had indeed planned to seem like he was taking it... perhaps too easy, his plans backfired! Turning his head, it almost seems like he's 'just now' noticing Kensou's movements, though... did his cheeks puff out a moment? Nah. Regardless, the foot quite solidly connects, and with a cry of pain, sends the old timer OFF the boardwalk, tumbling twice, ass over teakettle, into the sand below, rolling even a little bit as he lands. He settles after a short distance, and then slowly picks himself up off the ground. When he rises, however, instead of complaining about being hit so hard... he looks to the gourd he's holding, the cork having been out at the time of the kick. And then he looks to his 'flight path', and is able to see where the liquid went. Namely, it was spilled all over the place. "Curse you, Kensou!!"
Ever get the feeling like you just totally, totally dodged a bullet? That's the feeling Kensou's got, right about now. He lands easily after his kick, certainly more easily than his teacher does as he goes careening away and... Oh dear. Kensou gives a surprised start as he sees that his teacher has lost some /precious booze/, which is probably not going to be good for Kensou in the long run. "Well... Y'oughta be more careful with it!" he declares, hopping up on the railing of the boardwalk and crouching, focusing his energy, concentrating as he brings his hands up in front of his face. They're not there long, though, as he's soon sweeping his hands outwards, and launching a sphere of blue-tinged white Psycho Power, with a cry of: "Choukyuudan!!" The crackling orb, naturally, careens right towards Chin.
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Chin with Choukyuu Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Kensou
"Careful?! Careful! Like when-- woah!" Yes, woah. From a ninety some odd old man. The blue orb streaks towards him, and Chin makes a valiant effort to get out of Dodge... by dodging. But the sudden change in material under his feet, as well as his own drunkeness, and his attention more being on the spilt sake, make him mess up, in fact stumbling -into- the attack, and causing him to grunt fiercely in pain. He keeps staggering forward, even after the attack, but soon it becomes apparent he's not just doing that for show, he's sort of... drunkenly charging at Kensou. Once he gets to the boardwalk, he suddenly leaps upwards, catching the edge of the railing in order to hoist himself up again, and then tries to return the favor in kind with what Kensou did to him, by snapping a kick at the younger man's head. "Haaa!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Chin's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Chin 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Kensou
Yeah, that's more like what Kensou's talking about! He can't help but feel a hint of elation as his attack strikes home, though how good his Psycho Power is against his teacher is another question entirely. It is, however, clearly enough to make the old man notice it. He stands still throughout Chin's drunken charge, and even when the older Psycho Soldier hoists himself up onto the railing... Though he's not going to stand there and get kicked! Instead, Kensou rolls backwards, staying on the railing, and avoiding the kick aimed at his head. "Not this time!" he says, before then lunging forwards, snapping a punch from the elbow at old Chin Gentsai! "Urah-!!"
COMBATSYS: Chin blocks Kensou's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Chin 1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Kensou
His kick is avoided, which makes for an interesting acrobatic spectacle as Chin grabs ahold of the railing itself, and then is forced to more or less 'spin' on the railing, feet out in the air for a moment, before he comes back around and then regains his footing on the railing. It's just fast enough to barely have time to raise his arms from the railing in an 'X' over his torso, the fist impacting on them, which... hurts, yes, but no doubt less than it would've! No sooner is the attack made than Chin, still balanced on the railing as Kensou is, moves forward, crouching low and putting his weight on his back foot, leg bending at the knee with an audible creak, while his other leg stretches out flat, toes pointed forward as he attempts to simply drive his foot into Kensou's own feet, sweeping him off the railing.
COMBATSYS: Chin successfully hits Kensou with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Chin 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Apparently... Kensou wasn't ready to deal with that! Instead, he gets swept off of his feet by Chin, flailing his arms before tumbling to the boardwalk, hitting with a grunt and a roll. That was not how he saw things going at /all/. "Geez," he mutters, before leaping off the ground in a pretty straightforward jump kick... That, if it hits, might knock Chin off the railing the /other/ way. Ooops. "Yaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Chin dodges Kensou's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Chin 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
And... no dice! The jump kick is made, but Chin seems to be ready for it, or at least a bit more spry than he was a moment ago. The leg that's bent suddenly is pushed downwards, sending his body up, torso leaning to the side a bit, making a perfect 'T' shape, with the way he's balanced on one foot, bent over, the other foot sticking out behind him. He then pushes off with the foot still planted, performing a sort of sideways flip off the railing, landing behind Kensou, a bit of creaking heard, not all of it from the old weathered boards of the boardwalk. Chin then gives a merry cry of "Behind you!" and then, suddenly, lets loose the hounds of war. Or at least, two heavy gourds, aimed for Kensou's lower back and kidneys.
COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Chin's Double Gourd Sling.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Chin 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Perhaps you shouldn't have warned Kensou like that, Chin! The younger fighter plants a foot on the railing of the boardwalk and pushes off of it, flipping in the air over the gourds, over Chin himself, landing behind him for the barest of moments before lunching forward, twisting to the side for a short-range shoulder block, trying to knock the old man away with it. "Hyaa-!!" Yeah, that's fine. You go ahead and dodge his kicks!
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Chin with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Chin 1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Good at dodging kicks, he may be, but perhaps not so much Kensou's punches... or rather, his shoulder blocks! For as the young man springs over him, much the same as he himself did, Chin has very little time to react, especially given his concern over his booze - he doesn't want to spill -more- of it, after all! So his gourds are returned, and rather than try to dodge the punch, he actually tries to go with a tactic Kensou seems fond of: letting it hit, and simply going with the flow of the attack. Unfortunately, the should rush is enough to jar him enough that he can't go with the flow of the attack, much less anything else, so instead he just stumbles forward awkwardly, into the railing. He then turns about, pausing just a moment to catch his breath, and then begins to do his drunken charge again, stumbling/running straight towards Kensou, in a rather haphazard attack: that of headbutting him straight in the breadbasket.
COMBATSYS: Kensou interrupts Strong Punch from Chin with Senkyuutai.
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Chin 1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
Breathing out slowly after his short-range shoulder block succeeds, Kensou braces himself for what's sure to be coming next, and... Here comes the drunken rage, oh crap! The headbutt certainly looks like it would hurt a lot of it landed cleaningly, so it's probably for the best that it doesn't. It /grazes/ Kensou, still hurting more than he'd like, who uses the momentum to drop back onto his hand, lifting his weight off of the ground and catching Chin with one knee, following it up with a kick from his opposite leg to juggle the old man away. "Uryaa-!!"
Ohshi-. As the headbutt doesn't connect cleanly, and he feels his student preparing for a counter, Chin tries to get away, by planting his feet and then pushing off, simply looking to jump backwards out of Kensou's reach. Unfortunately, that's exactly what he should not have done, for the knee does connect, and then the sweeping foot just sends him all manner of sprawling about. But what's this?! As Chin is sent upside down, flying towards the other side of the boardwalk once again, there's a sudden puffing of the cheeks and then...! That's right. A giant gout of flame is sent flying from the old man's lips, racing towards Kensou, with an intent to burn with psychic fire. Which, oddly enough, has no danger of setting the withered wood of the boardwalk aflame. Whatever the outcome of his final attack, Chin will hit up against the railing on the far side of the boardwalk, and then fall down, face-first, onto the walk, and... lie still a moment. Ow.
COMBATSYS: Chin can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Chin successfully hits Kensou with Roaring Flame Inferno.
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Kensou 1/-----==/=======|
OH CRAP!! Kensou tries to get out of the way of the flame blast, but he doesn't manage it... Instead, he gets quite solidly blasted, catching on fire and rolling away to smother the psychic flames. "Ugh," says he, laying on the wooden boardwalk on his front, looking rather battered. Yep... That's the end of that. Except he's totally not the only one to end up like this! "Guess that's a draw," Kensou mutters, and his stomach lets out a loud, gurgling growl.
Xiangfei cheers!! again, Xiangfei absolutly loves that technique of Chins, it's been a favorite for a while now! But the girl for a moment thought that Chin was just doing another one of those kung-fu fakeouts when the old man drops, so she waits expectantly for him to fly back up to his feet and start laughing after the firey-attack! She's been caught in that, too, she totally knows it isn't fun. Well, there's not much she can add to there, may as well bike on home. See ya!
Log created by Kensou, and last modified on 19:22:35 02/14/2006.