Description: Still trying to work his way out of his slump, Kensou calls Sakura Kasugano to a spar! There's a bet involving meatbuns, and everyone learns that Hadoukens are an immutable force of the universe.
Welcome to the scenic clearing! It's got everything you might want out of a clearing in the woods, from a general lack of underbrush and so forth to a bunch of trees around the outside. Quite possibly, it's one of the most popular locales for fighters without a proper training area of their own to hide out and train, and yet it's funny how one almost never runs into other people using the place. Maybe there's just a bunch of clearings that people use, who knows? Kensou sure doesn't.
Speaking of Kensou, he seems to have taken his recent 'slump' to heart, as well as the advice he's gotten - with varying degrees of kindness or casual disdain - from people in the past few weeks. Yes, he's training! Without needing his sifu looking over his shoulder every ten seconds to keep him to it! But training by himself isn't the full extent of his little plan, no sir. He needs somebody to train with, but a lot of the people he knows just aren't up to the task. Chin is passed out drunk somehwere, he hasn't the foggiest idea where Athena or Bao have gotten themselves to lately, Kelvin's, let's be honest, probably not the challenge he needs... And he'd rather go pick a fight with Kyo than ask /Xiangfei/ for help. Instead, he's left a message on somebody's cellular phone. Sakura Kasugano's, specifically, asking her to come here at about this time to help him practise. Yes, illict training! He doesn't know if she send a message in return, though, be it a yes or a no... He keeps forgetting how to use his voice mail.
At the moment, then, the Psycho Soldier is working with one of those wooden dummies (y'know, like in 'Rumble in the Bronx'), and he seems to be taking out some of his frustrations on it as he practises close-range movements. "Stupid! Smug! Ka... Kaoru? Katsumi? Aw, dammit, I forgot her name again," Kensou says, trailing off and looking a bit confused. "Well, whatever!" he decides finally, giving the wooden dummy a good whack before stepping away. Whew!
Well, of -course- Sakura returned the call. What kinda lout wouldn't return voice mail? She'd just figured that the boy would have gotten her reply, though, and showed up at the anointed time. Why not, right? Nothin' better to do.
And, miraculously, she's able to find her way to the particular clearing in which Kensou's hiding. He leaves good directions. Or maybe it's just that she can recognize his shouting. Or the scent of meatbuns. In fact, that's probably the kicker -- Sakura loves food -almost- as much as Kensou.
Sniffing her way to Kensou, she quirks an eyebrow at his name-calling. Who the =heck?= "... Kelvin? Kay-dash? Kula? Who'm I missing here?" She laughs a bit as she enters the clearing proper, resting one hand on her hip. "Well, Kensou, I'm here! And... someday, you're gonna tell me who makes those meatbuns for ya, cuz =dang= those ones last time were good!"
An uncultured lout! Like... Sie Kensou! But honestly, there's just too many buttons and menus and things to be remembered on those cellular phones, and he's never really had anyone to have to call, in the past. There's a tingle of /something/ at the back of his mind, though, as Sakura makes the scene, so he's not completely surprised when the fighting schoolgirl calls out, instead twisting around at almost the same moment. "Yo, Sakura," the Chinese fighter says with a sheepish grin. "I was just gettin' some practice in." And griping about a certain Kendo girl with her lectures and her superior attitude and her trying to shove him down flights of stone stairs. As for the last statement, the psychic teen scratches the back of his head. "Oh, I get 'em for free at the bakery by Chin-sifu's place." Which is actually Kensou's place too, and Bao's, but hey. "Somethin' 'bout them not wantin' t' take my money." He shrugs, moving towards the middle of the clearing. "Tell ya what, let's spar, an' if I can't beat ya, I'll hook y'up." Just think, free meat buns! "Oh, y' can't tell Xiangfei, either," he hastens to add. What terror /that/ would unleash upon the universe.
"Sounds like a plan to me!" rejoins Sakura, nodding enthusiastically back at the Chinese youth. "What, you do community work for 'em or something? Man... I should prolly start gettin' me some time in. Iincyo -loves- that stuff." Of course, Sakura'd be more interested in it because it seems 'hip', as opposed to a more altruistic purpose, but hey. Scuffing the ground with her foot, she makes a wide circle for herself, balling her fists into a defensive stance. Just like that, it seems, the girl's ready for a fight! Though really, wouldn't that be expected when someone leaves a message for one to fight? "Okay, now... what am I not telling Xiangfei, exactly? About the meatbun deal, or about fighting you now?" She smirks a bit, left side facing Kensou as she extends her fist, in a beckoning gesture. "Ready when you are."
COMBATSYS: Sakura has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kensou has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Sakura 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Well, it's good to see Sakura hasn't lost any of her usual eagerness! Now, Kensou just needs to put on a better showing than, in his mind, he's been giving of late. "'bout the buns. She might get some funny ideas." Not that the ideas that pass through her thick head aren't kind of weird already! Kensou's stance is his usual one, wide-legged and sidelong, leading with his left fist, but since Sakura's beckoning him onwards, he might as well oblige, right? "Okay, then," he says, tensing briefly before lunging at Sakura, throwing himself forward in an almost completely horizontal leap, his left knee and elbow extended towards Sakura, his right hand bracing his left arm. "Yo-!!" If he lands that, he twists at the waist to swing his right knee to bear. "Ya-!!" And if /that/ works, he keeps on twisting, extending his left leg and swinging that heel at the side of Sakura's head. "Hyaaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Sakura with Ryuu Renga.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Kensou
Kensou's starting off strong, that much is certain! Sakura takes a brief hop backwards, anticipating some of Kensou's motions... but there's an unmistakable -difference- here. The boy's been =practicing=, for one... he's had a long time prior to this fight to prepare for it. And Sakura? She's coming into this fight -blind-, in comparison. Say what you will about chi fields and feng shui, but Kensou seems to be on fire here. It's only a light twinge in the back of Sakura's throat, but she can tell =something= is off when Kensou's knee and elbow plunge right past her attempt at a guard. Hard to block =both=, perhaps, but for whatever reason, that =stung!= Suitably shaken up, she's wide open for the following hits, driven backwards, and =already= collapsing to one knee from the series.
"Nnf... dang, Kensou! Gonna make me =work= for it, ain't'cha?" Sakura laughs -- she's taking it in stride! And she also gets up in a single stride, making a wild grab for the front of Kensou's shirt. Should she manage to grab him, she'd hop onto his chest, then grind her right heel into his solar plexus while leaping backwards sharply. "Yusshaa!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Kensou with Sailor Shoot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Kensou
Well, Kensou's had plenty of things happen to him lately to drive him to work harder! Losing to Alma again was indignity enough. He flips off of that last kick, landing on his feet a short distance away... And he totally sees Sakura getting to her feet from a mile off! Apparently, though, that mile wasn't /quite/ long enough for him to get out of the way, as his attempt to duck out of Sakura's grasp fails and he gets snagged and then hopped on/kicked off of, ending up rather painfully on the ground, rolling over his shoulder to get his footing. "Oww..." he says, rubbing his sternum... And then he rushes right at Sakura again! "You'd get pissed off if it was too easy!" he says, amicably enough, leaping at the last moment to try and flip over Sakura's head... While grabbing her by the shoulders, to land behind her and swing her /over/ him, aiming to smash her into the ground. "Huaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura interrupts Strong Throw from Kensou with Shou'ou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
The heart of a fighter is what allows them to adapt to new battlefields. Really, Sakura's never been in this particular spot before. For Kensou's first strike, she was admittedly at a disadvantage -- Kensou had all the time in the world to prepare! But over the course of those last two exchanges, Sakura had gotten a feel for the situation, learned to read the patterns of chi throughout the area -- patterns Kensou himself weaved through the midst of his training, perhaps unbeknownst to him -- and had started to sense the direction she'd needed to take. All subconsciously, of course... because if she were to try to explain it, it'd fill her daily quota for the words 'like' and 'kindaa' ten times over.
Regardless, after backflipping away from Kensou, it's almost as if she'd -known- what the devourer of meatbuns was planning. She rises, bending lightly at the knees, looking ready to jump again. But when Kensou leaps up to grab her by the shoulders, the schoolgirl twists in a sharp one-eighty! ... Unfortunately clonking her head against Kensou in the process, but it's probably not what he wanted, just the same. He may have thought he'd gotten the drop on her, but it's =him= who's falling -- and with Sakura's new position, that means she's rising right up into him -- with her =fist= this time, rather than her noggin. "SHOOOU'OOOOU KEN!"
Well... That sort of backfired! Kensou lets out a faint sound of irritation as Sakura avoids his attack, almost not noticing the noggin-bump... Though he most /definitely/ notices the big ol' rising punch that hits him afterwards, knowing him up and away, ultimately hitting the ground a bit painfully. "Heh... Ow," he says. And how! "Okay, that was pretty good!" But not good enough to put him away, that's for sure! Though it's rare that he does what he does next so early in a fight, reaching behind his back to produce... One of those earlier mentioned piping hot meatbuns, which he immediately starts chowing down on, since lately everyone's getting funny ideas about stealing his food.
Well, if they weren't so darn =delicious=, it's doubtful anyone would want them, right? Including Kensou! After landing from her uppercut and turning to face her opponent, Sakura's mouth waters at the sight of the meatbun... though really, it's her stomach doing the talking here. *ROAR* Cheeks reddening slightly, she plays off the hunger pains with a cocky smirk: "Now, now, Kensou..." Just before dashing into a rapid dash, aiming to bring herself closer to the boy. "... Sharing is caring!" And with that, she reaches out for the boy's arm, hoping to wrench it backwards, sending him flying to the ground in the process. And, with any luck, the meatbuns would come flying right into her open mouth! Right?
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kensou with Meat Bun.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Sakura's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Kensou
Oh crap, Kensou knows /that/ look. He doesn't have the time to get out of the way of Sakura's grab, or maybe he just doesn't think he'll make it, but he twists along with her attempt to wrench his arm and pull him off his feet, minimising the pain that ensues. "I guess that's true," he agrees, pulling his wrist free and backing away from Sakura, turning his focus inwards. "But y'ain't won yet, Sakura. So no free buns!" He chides, wagging a finger at the fighting schoolgirl, while he draws on his stores of Psycho Power...
COMBATSYS: Kensou gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
Eyeing Kensou as he twists free of her grasp, Sakura tries to figure out just what the heck she's doing wrong. It works so well in the movies, why can't she just put it in practice? Sheesh!
Still... she is a bit unnerved here. Seriously, she's here busting him up, and the boy's just backing off, eating stuff, and now wagging his finger at her. Sure, if she was attuned to Psycho Power, she'd be able to see that he's drawing his energy inward. At least when =she= draws energy, it's plain to see the wind whipping up and leading to inadvertent fanservice. It's a win-win situation, really, as opposed to the win-lose situation she finds herself in now.
Sakura's eyebrow just twitches at that, though, really. It's not that she can't take a joke, but more that she's a bit confused. "Kensou, I thought you were gonna try =fighting= me..." she asks, curling her hands at her sides. A small ball of flame flickers into existence -- and that ball continues to grow as she feeds more and more energy into it. "... y'know, instead of standin' there lookin' all smug 'n' stuff?" Smirking -- looking mighty smug 'n' stuff herself -- she thrusts her hands forward, sending that ball of flame hurtling towards Kensou. Maybe he should have second thoughts now?
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Sakura's Large Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Sakura 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
If there's anything in this world that Kensou has developed a strong dislike for... It's Hadoukens. Sakura and her 31 different flavours of them! There's no time for Kensou to avoid this one without completely ruining his concentration, so instead he throws his arms up in the way, taking the bulk of the damage there, though it still pretty much hurts a lot! "Geh..." he mutters, shaking his head and soldiering onward, rushing at Sakura and throwing his full (if, admittedly, unimpressive) weight into a wild right haymaker! "Haa-!!" If the first hit lands, then he follows it up with a succession of similar attacks, ending with his hands clasping together in an axehandle position and swinging /up/, aimed to impact on Sakura's chin.
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Sakura with Ryuu Renda.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Sakura 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
Smirking, Sakura hops backwards... she'll gladly take any reason she can get to throw out a Hadouken, as Kensou ought to know well. Just the same, though, Sakura didn't exactly think the boy would be trying to attack her so -suddenly- afterwards. Usually, when she puts that much oomph into a fireball -- and you better believe she =did= -- people don't wanna move right away. Naptime might be better, and all!
But... Kensou's introducing Sakura to the concept of repeated chain attacks, so naptime may be impending for her soon as well. She tries to hop back out of the way, but again, Kensou proves to be just a bit too quick for her, nailing her in the jaw with that haymaker before following up with the rest of the attacks. The last attack knocks her into the air -- and if you'd been hit that hard in the chest, you'd know why Sakura just yelped with pain.
She does make a three-point landing a fair distance a way, rising back to her feet. "Heh, not bad, there! Keep it up!" And this time -- she shows Kensou the -proper- way to amass energy, at least from her viewpoint. That's right -- wind, fiery blue chi, and a little bit of disarming fanservice from the skirtal regions. "Haaaaaaaaaa--"
COMBATSYS: Sakura gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Sakura 1/-======/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
Not bad, is it? Well, Kensou isn't planning on /not/ keeping it up! Wait, that's a double negative. Ahh, whatever. Kensou rocks back on his heels after knocking Sakura away, dropping back into his usual stance... And there goes Sakura, getting ready to unleash what is probably going to be a whole wide world of hurt, huh? No point in holding back, though, he tells himself. You've just gotta... Seize the moment! He rushes at Sakura, heedless of the fact that she's gathering power, heedless of the potential danger, thrusting his right hand at her, palm open. Could be be trying to do... 'That attack'? Actually, what he's doing is trying to get close enough to unleash a quick, powerful blast of blue-tinged white Psycho Power, intent on hurling Sakura off her feet and /away/. "Uryaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Kensou's Sunda.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Sakura 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\1 Kensou
She =could= be trying to do 'that attack'... but she certainly isn't planning on it when Kensou flicks out his wrist in -that- sort of fashion! While Sakura clenches her fists tightly in anticipation, her whirlwind of energy gives one final surge of energy before flickering out of existence: her hands invert, the energy slamming into her padded handguards.
Sakura forgot how much that -hurt- though -- for she's shaking her hands out from the numbing pain. "Aaaatcha..." she bemoans, trying to shake some feeling back in. "Turnabout's fair play, I guess!"
Just as well, though! She wastes no further time in just rushing forward, switching her =feet= as she slams a quick, direct thrust kick right into Kensou's stomach. "HYAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Sakura's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Sakura 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\1 Kensou
It's a bit disappointing that Sakura's able to defend against that attack, but not /entirely/ unexpected. That said, Kensou does have the time and the timing to move out of the way of Sakura's thrusting kick, feeling the breeze of her foot moving past him. "Bit slow there, huh Sakura?" he says with a bit of a laugh, snapping his arm closest to Sakura up in a speedy backfist, aimed right at the schoolgirl's face while he's ideally still inside of her guard. "Haa-!!" Why, he doesn't even seem worried about Sakura's usual tricks!
COMBATSYS: Sakura dodges Kensou's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Sakura 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\1 Kensou
Bit... =slow?= Sakura ought to be used to these kinds of insults by now, and indeed, if she hadn't heard them so much, it might actually make a bit more of a difference! As it is though... well, it mostly shows in the twitch of an eyebrow as she weaves sharply to one side, Kensou's punch whistling past like an arrow. "Slow?" she asks with a grin, before slamming her fist forward into the boy's gut with an intent to take the wind out of him! And then she'd follow that act by stepping forward once more, this time delivering a hard uppercut to bowl him over. Body blow! Uppercut! "Yussshaaaaa!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Kensou with Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Sakura 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1 Kensou
Ah, spoke too soon there, Kensou! His backfist missing, the Psycho Soldier stumbles a bit, and isn't able to get out of the way of Sakura's punching combination in time. Instead, he gets hit in the gut and then in the chin, getting blasted right off of his feet. "Gehi--!" He hits the ground and once again rolls back over his shoulder to get his feet beneath him, shaking his head. And he grits his teeth, watching how Sakura moves, looking for an opening...
COMBATSYS: Kensou focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Sakura 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1 Kensou
Sakura smirks a bit, nodding back at Kensou. This -is- just training, but she still can't help but taunt the guy a bit from time to time. "Still just wasting time... c'mon, Kensou, aren't you gonna come throw a punch or something? How're you gonna learn anything like that?" She has plenty of time to figure out her next move, but ... well, to her, it's pretty much obvious from the way Kensou's acting all nervous of her and stuff.
That's right -- he's planning something! Sakura's got one ability that's perfect for ruinating plans -- and it starts with the schoolgirl curling her hand to her right side, and a bright pull of energy. "I mean, it's worked well so far, right?" she concedes, as the blossom of blue energy sprouting within her hands takes on a spherical form. She's quick to lob this hot potato off towards Kensou! "Hadooooouken!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Kensou with Medium Hadouken EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Sakura 1/---====/=======|=======\======-\1 Kensou
Crap crap crap! Kensou's plan doesn't seem like it's going to pan out, with that fireball coming his way... He tries to avoid it, but he's just not fast enough, getting tagged by the blast, getting knocked off-balance. But... It doesn't stop him. Instead, he barrels right at Sakura, singlemindedly trying to get closer to the fighting schoolgirl, close enough to thrust his right hand out, palm open, while his left hand presses against his right shoulder, close enough to Sakura's body to unleash a gigantic blast of Psycho Power, an almost pure white sphere that's more than large enough to envelop Sakura... If he can manage to catch her with it. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--!!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Kensou's Senki Hakkei.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
A-ha, Sakura was right! Or at least, she =thinks= she was right, since Kensou seemed to have been caught off-guard by her strike. And she seems to be pleased at the followup, as it means a heavy strike coming when she's fully prepared for it. Her hands, still glowing a faint blue from her Hadouken, suddenly flare with another bright blue light as she takes two steps back to meet Kensou. She shoves both hands right back at the Chinese youth, taking the blast in her palms -- and for a moment, it =seems= as if the two might have a battle of wills, with Sakura's palms barely keeping Kensou's in check. In the end, Kasugano's hands snap back as if stung by an electric jolt, but she =is= smiling. "Heh heh... I finally figured that one out!" she notes, speaking of Kensou's favored technique and not her own blocking methodology.
But she won't let that comment stand alone, no! She steps forward, snapping a high kick into Kensou's cheek. Maybe from this angle, he won't have to worry about the view up Sakura's skirt. "Hrii-HAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Sakura's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Kensou
And that? /That/ is frustration incarnate! Kensou looks completely flabbergasted - poleaxed, even - at how his attack is dealt with... There's almost no time for the already well-damaged fighter to deal with the kick coming his way. He does see it, though, sweeping an arm up to catch Sakura's leg. No, this is not going well at all! He's trying hard, but... Maybe it's true, maybe there's just an essential difference between Kensou and other fighters, holding him back. Not that he ruminates on it long, lashing out at Sakura, ideally before she can get her foot back down, with a pair of punishing thrusting kicks kicks - from the same foot - aimed at her sternum. "Haa--!!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura interrupts Heavy Kick from Kensou with Small Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Sakura 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
Sakura wasn't =totally= certain that her high kick would land anywhere significant -- and being that it crashes into Kensou's guard, her suspicion was proven correct. However, when Kensou takes a moment to gather himself for a bruiser of a kick, Sakura has enough time to pull herself back for a defense. "Almost, but..." starts a confident Sakura, bringing her hand forward with a cry of "Hadoooouken!" So, in effect, Kensou's first kick lands true, while Sakura's reach -- extended by the blue ball of flame hurtling into Kensou -- should prevent the second from occurring. Staggering back, she coughs lightly to the side -- that was =not= a light kick. "Oof... good one, there!" she calls out with a grin.
Blasted back by Sakura's hadouken, Kensou hits the ground and skids a little, gritting his teeth... That kinda hurt, you know! But he's not staying on the ground, getting to his feet with a surprising amount of speed, and launching himself at Sakura again. "Not good enough, though," he replies, leaping into the air and tucking for a single flip, trying to get close enough to the schoolgirl again to launch another of those gigantic Psycho Power blasts, this time from both extended hands. Maybe he'll be able to...! "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 1/------=/=======|
COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Kensou's Senki Hakkei.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 0/-------/---====|
Sakura smiles faintly as Kensou denies her compliment. Well... really, it =was= a good kick, Sakura's just being sneaky and tricksy in getting around it. She thought he'd be put down for a while with that last Hadouken, though... she wasn't quite ready for him to be whipping out the aerial acrobatics for one more strike!
And =especially= not that one. She's familiar with the warning signs, especially since she was so recently reminded of what it's like to meet one head-on -- but she's a bit freaked out about Kensou's diagonal approach. Biting her lip faintly, she makes her hands to glow once more -- heck, this is wearing her out! -- and backs away in anticipation! Though when Kensou whips his hands forward this time, Sakura not only slams her palms forward -- she =punches!= The resultant flash of light may be enough to take a good part of the sting out of the blow, but, as before, it's not enough to totally eliminate it. And with Kensou's forward momentum, that'd mean Sakura gets blasted backwards, landing squarely on her derriere, arms and legs sprawled out to either side. It =did= hurt!
But she's quick to spring back to her feet, with a good swing of her arms for balance. "Yusshaa..." she mumbles, shaking out her numbed hands once more. "Whew... almost got me with that one!" Of course, at this point, she's cocking her head to the side, curiously. "Still got some more fight left in ya?"
And Kensou ends up flung back the /other/ way, ending up flat on his back with a grunt. "Ugh," he says, sitting up slowly, and rather gingerly. He remembers a time, not too long ago, where he could handle Sakura pretty easily... And he has to wonder just why it is that he's been surpassed so much since then. Oh, sure, it's not like he got walked all over, but with his recent string of poor performances, there's a certain amount of mountains out of molehills going on with his perception of things. "Nope," he replies finally. "Oww... Guess I'll havta talk to that bakery owner for ya."
Smiling a bit as Kensou concedes, Sakura finally slackens her stance, transforming back into a mild-mannered teenager! And from there, she turns into a very =hungry= teenager with the mention of those meatbuns -- she was able to put the thought out of her mind before, thanks to the fight itself providing a convenient distraction, but now that the fighting's over...
Sakura abruptly seats herself, indian-style, right beside Kensou, putting on the cutest smile she can manage. "Would you mind if I take an early withdrawal? I'm =starving=."
Log created by Kensou, and last modified on 18:52:23 02/14/2006.