Description: Mimiru is found by the Gedo Man himself to not actually be missing, offers him a puppy. A girl comes along to challenge Daigo's manliness. Maybe that's a sign about the puppy.
Downtown Southtown, mid-evening. Just a couple hours past sunset on a Saturday night. Prime date time for many in town, and time to get rowdy for many others of the school-aged types. No school to worry about for Sunday, no reason to hold back. Yet generally, the streets don't get too dangerous due to maurauding students.
This is because Downtown Southtown is near Gedo, and Gedo kids try to keep the peace. Especially with Daigo back in town from his long training journey, getting the ol' gang back into shape. Tonight? Tonight, there's a watch on the streets. A day or so ago, Daigo was alerted of a notice on the streets, that someone was missing. A student that is, in a roundabout way, associated to Gedo through one of their own students. It sounded like something that needed investigation, so Daigo had assigned a few kids to the duty, with minimal success.
Thus tonight, Daigo walks the streets himself. Both, to see what trouble he can get himself into, and to see if he can find any leads on a topic he still thinks is wide open. Several Gedo boys follow him, if for no better reason than to back up their Boss if he needs it, since lately many a very violent type have been showing up to Gedo's front gates. Of course, the gang attracts attention just wandering around, so the side of the street Daigo and his 'crew' travel on is relatively clear, leaving the Gedo Boss to walk unhindered in his search of a good ol' time.
It would seem that Mimiru has been gone missing? Well that's news to Mimiru! The girl isn't even aware of her own disappearance. AS far as she's concerned she hasn't been away for too long to worry anyone, yet it would seem there has been fliers around for her? That's new to her!
Saturday night is one of the prime time in this place of town and that's just the perfect time for her to actually go out on her quest to find people to adopt her little puppies. Following by the two adult Golden Retriever, Mimiru holds up a cartoon box against her. On the box is written 'Free puppies for adoption.' Alas, Mimiru didn't have much luck in finding a home for those little puppies so far but she'S not losing hope!
Of course, the box filled with the five puppies make a lot of noise! Little barks and whimpers from the dogs that are inside and all agitated. Mimiru makes her way through the various streets and she tries to get the attention of by standers, "Heh! You! Wouldn't you like to have a little puppy? They're good puppies too! Perfect for a family, and they're looking for a home! Do your good action of the month and adopt one! Please? No? Heh you! You seem like someone who could need a friend! ... Ah! Don't leave! Come back!"
That makes it easy to locate, doesn't it? Imagine that. Of course, all the yapping and yipping of a box-full of puppies would no doubt draw some attention, even if nobody's interested in taking one hone. It's one of Daigo's boys that catches sight of Mimiru first, nudging his buddy in the side with an elbow.
"..Hey. Isn't that her?"
Punk (No, that's his name. Punk.), at his buddy's behest, turns his head to look. Double-takes ensue. "Maybe? She's not fuzzy enough to match the picture..."r
That's about when Daigo's ears catch wind of the conversation, turning his head to regard his subordinates. "What are you two talking about?" Both students point across the street, to the approaching Mimiru. Daigo turns his head, stares...and turns back to the other kids that came with him. "Stay here. Be right back."
Obediantly, the boys stop walking, and start leaning casually against whatever was nearby. Lamp post, walls, cars, two of them even choose to lean back to back on each other, leaving Daigo on his own as the big guy stomps across the street, and practically looms behind Mimiru.
"...Aren't you supposed to be missing?"
Oooh. Looming. That casts a shadow over Mimiru's petite form and the girl arches a brow. She's not the only one turning her attention to Daigo, but the two adult dogs actually do the same as well. His presence doesn't stop the puppies from yapping in the box though. Mimiru glances up to Daigo and her lips curl into a smile, "Hi there, big guy," Mimiru says.
Mimiru hums and she arches a brow, "Huh? Not... Really..." She hums softly and she arches a brow, "Don't think I've been away for particulary long... I had some trouble with... Oh, eh! But that's another story, no, no, I'm not supposed to be missing! I've been around all along!" Mimiru says with a few nods of her head, "Sort of... Well anyway, what's important is that I'm around, no?" Mimiru offers, tilting her head to one side.
She frowns and then adds, "Beside, why do you say something like that, huh?" Mimiru asks idly. She shrugs off the thought and she simply moves her box up a little, "Anyway! I'm working on trying to find those little pups a home! Would you like to adopt one of them? I'm sure Gedo could take one of those puppy and make him a super dog! You guys are like a big family, and, when you think about a family, you think about a Golden Retriever! What do you think? I have Fluffy here, he's a real hardcore puppy, I bet he'll be super for your gang!"
That answers that. Apparently Mimiru didn't know she was missing. This doesn't necessarily surprise Daigo, as much as it does make him wonder who would be posting fliers of someone who wasn't really absent. A new mystery! And one that shall be saved for another time. Having affirmed that Mimiru is, indeed, not missing in any way, and in fact is doing a Good Deed in the form of spreading puppy love around, Daigo allows half a smile to cross his features, and reaches a hand into the puppy box to scoop one out.
For even Daigo likes puppies. Anyone who claims it isn't manly to do so will be dealt with by severe bruising.
"I don't know about Gedo adopting one, but maybe one of the students will. There should be a dog lover somewhere in my mob." Daigo notes, glancing over to the Gedo boys that are, still, trying to look casual.
Trying oh so hard not to snicker like idiots at the sight of Daigo holding a puppy. It'd be worse if it was a kitten.
"...If you're not missing, you might want to see who's looking for you." the Gedo man speaks then, reaching into a pocket and pulling out one of the fliers that had been posted around town. "Apparently your dog was missing, too."
Mimiru chuckles softly as Daigo takes one of the puppy into his hands and Mimiru nods to Daigo, "Well that'd be great! I'm looking for homes for them! You could take it? Just don't let my brother put his hands on them, or else I'm sure they'll become strays with fleas and stuff," Mimiru says, narrowing her eyes a bit.
She glances over to the boys that follows Daigo around and she adds, "So who are those boys anyway? Your fan club? Eh, you'd need a few girls into it I think," Mimiru offers before she returns her attention to Daigo, a wide smile on her lips.
"Missing? There was fliers going around?" She asks as she glances at the piece of paper. She has her hands fulls so she can't really take it. She then nods to Daigo and says, "Yeah, Max was missing, I posted those stuff. I found him! The little sneaky guy went out to mate, eh, can you believe that? Pffft, yeah, that's just males, they think only about that, he made me all worried." He glances over to Max and he sticks his tongue out, "Yeah, you made me all worried! And you too! Don't look innocent!" She says as she scolds the two dogs, which both whimpers a bit and lowers their head.
"So anyway! What's up big guy? Haven't seen you around much lately! What's been holding you up?" She asks.
Before the Saturday Morning Special (rescheduled to Saturday Night) can continue much further, there's a slight distraction. There's a fluttering noise, and a figure in all black drops from a rooftop to land just behind one of the boys. A flicker of bare metal and a dull 'thump' later, the gang member flops over, revealing Talia stepping into into the light. The girl has on her typical black clothes and black coat, leaving only her face, hands, and hair to show well in the dim light -- that, and the meter and a half of stainless steel she has in one hand.
There's a small frown on Talia's face as she regards the fellow on the ground next to her, then she directs her gaze to each of the other gang members in turn, saving Punk and Daigo for last. "... I was under the impression Gedo was a group of tough fellows. Was I mistaken? Or was this one merely defective?" Her tone is the typical emotionless almost-monotone that might have been noticed from her league fights, and her face is an impassive mask.
Oh, and as for Mimiru? She doesn't get any attention from Talia at all; at the moment, she considers the other girl and the dogs not worth her time.
"Lots of fliers." Daigo says, and since he doesn't need one anymore, sets the paper on top of Mimiru's head, so it can promptly get lost, or blown away, or whatever. Before he can answer the rest of Mimiru's inquiry, there' INTERRUPTION!
Punk's sidekick has fallen, and doesn't appear to be getting up. Knocked down and out. The gang stares. Partly because...well, it's very unusual for someone to just spontaneously jump out of nowhere, and club one of their number. That gives Talia plenty of time to run her mouth, and make the other boys look at each other, exchanging glares. Only Punk didn't have anyone to look at, so he glanced back at the Boss, whom still appears to be playing with puppies and girls.
Thus, Punk decides, rather than bother the Boss with any ol' problem, the Gedo tough chooses to snap his fingers, and point at the staff-wielder all dramatic-like. "That wasn't fair! You jumped us! You can't just thump on somebody and expect to get away with it! Boys! Get'er!"
The other four toughs leap into action! They aren't going to let some know-nothing nobody girl show them up! And Punk's going to watch as the Gedo toughs (try to) rip Talia up!
The ordeal did grab Daigo's attention, still holding a fuzzball puppy in his big hands. "...huh." he says, softly, as though aside to Mimiru. "That's the fourth one this week. I've been training, Mimiru. I just got back last weekend."
Mimiru heaves a soft sigh and her lips curl into a wide grin as she glances at the little puppy who's curled up into Daigo's hand. Ahh! So cute! Fuzzball. She nods and then says, "I'm counting on you to find a home to this little puppy! It's an important mission, so treat him well, okay? If you don't and I learn something bad happened to him, I'll come back to get you and I'll kick your butt like I did last time!" Mimiru says with a few nods of her head, "... And you know I will! So make sure to do it, or else I'll never forgive you," She says.
Then Talia makes her appearance. This doesn't look good, or at least, it looks like trouble. Mimiru bites her lips and she turns her gaze over to Daigo, "Anyway... This doesn't look good... I think I should get going... I have to find a home for those other puppies..." Mimiru says. Beside, if anything ever happens with this girl around, Mimiru prefers not to be around after the last experiences she had with her.
Mimiru gives a nod to Daigo and she says, "Keep up the good work! I'll always be watching the place while you're gone! So take it easy..." She says as she takes a few steps back. Well... Time to try and go find family for the puppies just... Somewhere else now!
Talia's only audible response to Punk is a soft snort, accompanied by a shaking of her head. It's always the ones that talk most that do least. In the short moment she has before she's rushed, Talia takes note of the fact that one -- Daigo -- neither runs his mouth nor makes an attempt to uselessly jump her. At that point, Talia decides that he's the one she's after, not the goons.
That resolved, Talia bursts into motion. She takes two steps directly towards one of the boys, jabbing the end of her metal staff into his gut to disrupt his plans, then whirling around to slam the side of the pole into the side of the second fellow's head. Hey, look, a matching fit.
With one working to recover the ability to breathe, and another down, Talia takes the simple expedient of handling the remaining two by grabbing one by the arm, and flinging him head-first into the last. The 'crack' that follows signals the end of that threat.
Finally, Talia rests the pole against the ground, switching to a one-handed grip as she pulls out her Beretta from within her coat. In one smooth motion, she clonks the first thug across the head with the grip, then levels the weapon at Punk. "... you know. You talk a lot bigger than your 'boys' can perform. Do /you/ have anything to back your words?"
"Tch..." Punk's met his match, and he hasn't even thrown a punch yet! Look, he's even sweating, trying to think of something witty to say. Heck, something to say at all would be nice. Something about the gun pointed at his face screams 'don't talk' to him though, and it's very persuasive. Begging for his life might even be in order.
Fortunately for Punk, he's saved by the Boss. Daigo gives Mimiru a nod as the girl wanders off, "I'll try to take it easy. It's not so easy with everybody knocking down Gedo's doors to look for a fight. You be careful now, and try not to go missing again." With that taken care of, Daigo wastes no more time in tromping up to the confrontation, calmly handing Punk the puppy he had been holding, stepping right between gun and Gedo tough. It looked like a wall was needed there anyway.
Daigo looks at the gun, and at the woman behind it. His big forearms cross over his chest, as his good eye moves then to the fallen bodies, taking in the aftermath of Talia's arrival one piece at a time. Punk, puppy in hand, takes that opportunity to move across the street, away from what may ensue.
When Daigo finally speaks, his eye focuses on the face of the 'intruder', his eyebrow raised curiously. "They're not his boys. They're mine, and you best have a good reason for attacking them."
Does Daigo expect a response? Maybe. He also expects to get attacked, but if that happens, he'll deal with it like a man!
Talia's expressionless gaze twists slightly into derision for a brief moment as she reads the panic in Punk's eyes. Worthless, just like she suspected. When Daigo intervenes, Talia's expression locks back into unreadability, and she rests the barrel of the firearm on her shoulder as she looks the rather large man over. There's another pause at Daigo's comments to her, and she spends a moment directing her gaze from Daigo to the youths she's laid out on the street around her before looking back to Daigo with one eybrow raised.
"... I'm terribly sorry for your shame." The tone is actually somewhat sympathetic as she nudges one of the downed goons with her staff. She doesn't hesitate further before giving Daigo his explanation, "I've grown weary of being challenged by morons. I need to improve, and that cannot happen while I face idiots. I had heard Gedo had much to offer in the way of challenge, but I see that I was misinformed."
This said, Talia returns the firearm to its place within her coat, picking up the staff to rest it on her shoulder. "I'll be on my way now."
Oh, sure. So now Gedo is not only not-strong, but incredibly weak? That won't do. What kind of street cred can that build? Daigo shakes his head, heaving a silent sigh to himself. There's only one way out of this situation. There's going to have to be a fight.
"That's harsh. You beat up on four kids, and call the whole school weak?" Daigo frowns, his good eye closing in contemplation. "You're going about training all wrong. You don't judge a gang by its weakest members. They're just learning how to fight. If you want a REAL spar..." Daigo's eye opens again, taking one step towards Talia, and extending one arm, fist-up. "Face me. Beat me, and you can talk all the crap you want. Or just walk away with your coward's toy..."
COMBATSYS: Daigo has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Daigo 0/-------/-------|
There's a slight shrug at Daigo's statements, Talia's expression remaining unchanged. After he finishes, she pauses a short moment before remarking, "It is only chance that I happened upon these instead of others. As it happens, 'trainee' is not emblazened upon their backs." Shifting her stance slightly, Talia regards Daigo curiously. ".. If you assert you can do better, then yes, I will fight you."
Taking up the pole in both hands, Talia slips into a traditional staff-fighting stance. She looks over Daigo again, then offers the faintest of smiles. "I believe I have given enough of a demonstration of my competence. You may begin, so as to demonstrate the difference between a learner and a 'real' member of Gedo." Despite her words, Talia's mind is active, mentally tracing all the elements of the situation she's able to track. The distance between Daigo and herself. The position of the fallen goons. The positioning of buildings -- and thus rooms where occupants may lie. All these things go into helping Talia ensure she can make the most effective actions least likely to harm an innocent.
COMBATSYS: Talia has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Talia 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Daigo
COMBATSYS: Talia focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Talia 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Daigo
That's better. At least Daigo now stands a chance at reclaiming the honor of Gedo, tarnished as it already is. The Gedo man nods his head firmly, affirming Talia's statement. "I can do better." At least, he hopes so. His track record hasn't been too stunning recently. Maybe this is a chance to prove his worth again. The challenge accepted, Daigo steps back, and slides into a more battle-ready stance, one arm raised in a guarded manner, giving his opponent a quick once-over.
First strike goes to Daigo? So be it. A single nod is given to acknowledge the comment, but says nothing back. He doesn't need to. His fists do all the talking for him. It's a simple matter of a hop-step to close the distance between him and the battle-ready gun wielder, knowing not what she's really judging. He doesn't even smile back. Not when he has a point to prove. He only hopes he can prove it with his first punch; a quick jab lashed out with his left fist. Meant to be more of a stunning blow than anything, it still packs the muscle of Daigo's well trained arms behind it.
As for Punk? Since it looks like Daigo and the mysterious gun-girl are about to get busy, he finds a safe place to watch, actually hugging the puppy that was given to him, and trying to stay generally out of sight. Out of sight, out of mind, eh? Besides, don't want none of those other Gedo kids waking up and seeing him cowering in the corner...
COMBATSYS: Talia fails to interrupt Jab Punch from Daigo with Sleight of Hand.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Talia 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Daigo
Talia holds her position steady, a neutral stance with the staff being employed as she waits to see what Daigo can bring to bear. When he steps in, she loosens the spacing on her feet a little, moving to a more defensive position.. then she realizes that the fist is moving entirely to quickly for her original plan. Letting go of the staff with one hand, she extends her now free hand in an attempt to reach for the wrist on the fist as it gets close -- and doesn't move fast enough. It might have been close, but close just simply doesn't do what she intended. Struck in the face, Daigo discovers that even a 'stunning blow' is significant to his opponent as she is literally rocked backwards. Fortunately, she has the presence of self to turn what nearly was a fall into an ad-hoc backflip, landing roughly in a defensive crouch with the staff held wide to keep from tripping her up. ... that hurt.
Serim has arrived.
Daigo squints once his fist connects, and his opponent is actually sent reeling backwards. It's a nice discovery, since the last few fights have been like punching walls made of diamond or somesuch. Though that doesn't mean good things for the woman. She's a lightweight.
She also cheap-shot one of his boys, and wants to 'train', so he's more than happy to humor her desires. Gedo Training Crash Course number one: Don't get hit. Status: Failed. Try again?
A second's breather is about all Daigo gives before he steps forward again, two heavy steps to get within striking distance, his good eye narrowed, focused on the staff-wielding woman, and instead of a single jab, Daigo lashes out with both fists, intent on delivering just a bit more than a 'stunning' blow this time. The left comes high, intent on either clocking Talia a good one upside the head, or perhaps causing her to duck...hopefully into the second fist aimed lower, a fist towards the gut.
COMBATSYS: Daigo successfully hits Talia with 1-2 Smash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Talia 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Daigo
Talia is distinctly concerned with the rate at which this -very large- man moves. He's definitely several notches above what she's been fighting.. It reminds her more of the incident under Metro City's bridge than anything else since, and this time around there isn't even any weird energy involved. This is really calling for a different strategy. Talia releases the metal staff, allowing it to fall to the street with a ringing clatter.
While she's not making a good showing on the resilience so far, Talia is able to move fairly quickly, ducking underneath the first punch easily. The problem is that she didn't anticipate the close followup, and there's a very soft yet pained 'oooph' released on impact. Talia falls over this time. She can't help it, that hurt too much.
Fortunately, she doesn't stay prone; even as she's impacting the ground, she's rolling into a crouch. At some point between landing and the position she's now in, she's drawn of all things a shotgun from within her coat. Quickly sliding a shell into the firearm, she doesn't take the sensible route and back away. Instead, she actually leaps towards Daigo, tumbling into a roll between his legs. While she's there, she angles the barrel of the weapon towards the back of one of Daigo's knees, trying to blast away some of his mobility. As for Talia? She's using the blast itself to further her momentum, to put more distance between her and Daigo on the other side.
COMBATSYS: Talia successfully hits Daigo with Shell Effect.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Talia 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Daigo
Krak-boom? Having landed the second set of punches, Daigo may have lowered his guard a little too much. Talia hadn't been showing a lot of speed at this point, almost seeming sluggish, but that might just be an illusion. Like a rocket, the woman moves, moving places she ought not go, and catching Daigo flat-footed when she zooms right between his stance, and uses a gun, a SHOTgun of all things, to score a load of buckshot into the big man's knee. Pain lances up through Dai's leg, sending him into a crouch for a brief moment, clutching the wound and muttering something not child-friendly about guns.
So he's going to have a limp now, but that isn't going to stop Daigo from trying to catch the gun-toting girl again. It only means he'll be somewhat slower about it. "What kind of fighter ARE you?" he growls, twisting his head to see where Talia went, and giving chase. It'll take a few extra steps, and that may play into Talia's advantage, though Dai's arms haven't been slowed by the ruthless tactic. His attack comes as a lunge, reaching out to try and get a grip on Talia's arms, where he can use a little muscle to spin around, and swing her at a nearby lamp post.
COMBATSYS: Daigo successfully hits Talia with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Talia 1/--=====/=======|======-\-------\0 Daigo
Once again, Talia finds that the big man just moves too damn -fast- for her preference. She's managed to set herself up a situation where she thinks she's likely to be able to avoid the retaliation, but then once again Daigo is suddenly -there-, grabbing her.. and then, aggravatingly, suddenly she's no longer there, and is instead here.
Judging by the sturdiness of that pole, here is not a good place to be. Unlike when he simply punched her, Talia is far more ready to deal with being flung about. She does hit the pole full-on, but she's managed to twist her body in such a way as to minimize the impact it has on her body.
Kicking off from the pole, Talia comes to a landing several meters away from Daigo, looking .. very ragged. The fight isn't going nearly as she'd expected, and the results show clearly on her pained face. Shifting her stance again, she changes her grip on the shotgun into a two-handed defensive posture, almost managing to look like a staff fighter again, except the minor detail of holding a firearm instead of the pole.
".. One not bound by the traditional views." Despite the pain she's in, and the obvious effort it takes to say this, her words come out in an even tone. As before, she's not speaking to inform, but simply to cover her attempt to regroup and figure out what she's doing wrong, and how best to capitalize on what little she's done right. She needs a plan.. and an opportunity.
COMBATSYS: Talia focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Talia 1/--=====/=======|======-\-------\0 Daigo
When your leg hurts, distances, even short ones, seem a heck of a lot longer. Daigo grumbles inwardly, though the limp he has seems more like an annoyance than anything serious. Shotgun or no, he can take a hit. Though it seems painful to do so, Daigo can see that his opponent is suffering much more than he is. "Yeah, I can see that." Daigo notes of her wholly Un-traditional tactics, lumbering step by step closer to the defensively stanced woman. "If you're trying to be original, I'll offer you a tip. Learn how to fight, THEN try to be flashy."
Limp and all, Daigo attempts to put a little oomph into his step, if only to close the last few feet quickly, standing on his uninjured leg, and using the other to try and punt the gun-toting woman back another meter or so. Soccer-style!
COMBATSYS: Talia dodges Daigo's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Talia 1/--=====/=======|======-\-------\0 Daigo
Finally, Talia has a clear view of exactly what it is that Daigo's doing. Watching the approach, she carefully times a spinning side-step so that it carries her just to the side of Daigo as his foot goes past her. Murmuring softly, so that only he can hear -- not that there's anyone awake nearby but Punk to listen -- she remarks, "... Already did that." There's the sound of ammunition being rapidly loaded into the shotgun as she speaks, then Daigo has a short moment to realize that the weapon is now aimed at his sternum.
".. now I just need to get good at being flashy." The retort that follows isn't the typical 'shot' of a shotgun blast. Instead, Talia has loaded a 12-gauge slug into her weapon, and has fired a shot at just beyond point blank-range with the intent to shatter at least some of Daigo's ribcage.
COMBATSYS: Talia successfully hits Daigo with 12-Gauge Chakra Shatter EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Talia 0/-------/-----==|=======\==-----\1 Daigo
He shouldn't be surprised. Honestly he shouldn't. The way the week's been going, he's lucky to have had the bandages off from his last few fights. He should have seen something /dangerous/ coming. But he didn't. Didn't notice that she'd moved until it was too late, his leg was in the air, and the sounds of a shotgun were locked and loaded. No time to even brace for the impact, as much as one can against a shotgun blast, before he's shot and sent backwards from the force, landing hard on his back. The wind honestly knocked out of him, Daigo's teeth grit in pain, swearing he heard something crack...
It's not the first rib that's been cracked. Nor will it be the last. But getting shot? That's, like, cruel and unusual. The last person who used guns on him was Rolento, and he had to kick that guy around pretty harshly before THAT was over. Severe pain and all, his coat suffering the look of swiss cheese rubbed in gravel, Daigo gets back up, and openly glares at the woman with the gun. "Nice shot. Try it again." he growls, and once again advances on his opponent. Slower, this time, not rushing in, but definately closing in for something. Studious of his enemy. She's fast, he has to admit, even if she took a few punches. He'll have to be careful in finishing her off.
And if he ever gets his hand on that gun, it's getting wrapped around a light post...
COMBATSYS: Daigo focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Talia 0/-------/-----==|=======\==-----\1 Daigo
"... impressive." There's an actual smile on Talia's face, but it's not mocking; it's admiration. That Daigo got up again, and is now ready to continue fighting despite the damage to his breathing he must have suffered.. That's significant, in her eyes. She nods approvingly, even as she's returning the weapon to the confines of her coat. "I freely admit I misjudged you and your lot. You are far stronger than these others.." Talia trails off, shrugging.
".. There's no more point to continuing. Thank you for the lesson." With that, Talia dives to the side into a cartwheel, planting one hand on the steel rod she'd previously dropped before landing in a crouch.
Saluting Daigo with her empty hand, she launches herself into a nearby unlit alley, and .. vanishes. Russian ninja, perhaps. With guns. The only thing left behind by her passing is a single shotgun shell, sitting on its end on the empty street.
COMBATSYS: Talia takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Talia 0/-------/-----==|=======\==-----\1 Daigo
COMBATSYS: Talia has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Daigo 1/-----==/=======|
At least the fight was good for someone. The fact that Talia no longer wishes to continue confuses the Gedo man, though her reasonings were clear enough. He wouldn't have much choice in the matter anyway, chasing after her would hurt him a lot more than he might hurt her, so he'll just have to let it go, for now, and see if he can dig up anything on WHO the heck it was he just got shot by.
"...Don't mention it." Daigo states to the air, since Talia's already gone, and before he, Punk, the puppy Fuzzball, and the four KO'd Gedo kids return home, Dai makes a point to swipe that shotgun shell. If for no other reason than a memento. go back to the infirmary to see about getting those ribs fixed.
COMBATSYS: Daigo has ended the fight here.
Log created by Talia, and last modified on 14:43:22 02/12/2006.