Neo League 176 - #190: Alma vs Hinata

Description: A burning rematch at the Taiyo Dome! Hinata's incredible energy and momentum dominate -- at least until she makes the mistake of showing Alma the goods! With his fury suddenly ignited, this battle quickly becomes a fight to the finish, with both fighters giving their all. It all comes down to a single attack, but in the end... (Winner: Hinata)

The sunlight gleams off the edges of the metal ceiling, the late afternoon sun half-visible over the side of the retractable roof, as the pleasantly blue sky shows a marked contrast to the normal winter weather of Southtown. Japan is a cold place, man. That's one of the reasons they have hot springs (the other being the obligitory hot spring scenes in any anime, and here too if I have my way). But today's fresh and sparkling day defies the climate as of late, and it seems a perfect time for some sort of physical activity. Like soccer. Or frolicing.
And that, my friends, is Alma's mission today, having gotten Neo League permission for this rematch. He hasn't forgotten the enthusiastic Sunshine Girl that defeated him last time, and he's determined -- in his reasonable and good-natured way -- to get the best of her this time. It looks like this time, however, he's not going for the environmental advantage that didn't play out so well last time. After all, not only is he willing to come to Hinata's own school to face her, it's in the middle of a happy sunny day.
But then again, if there's one way to know your opponent, it's to see them at their best... and Alma Towazu is the sort of man that rises to the occasion in challenges. There probably won't be a cheering section for /him/, but that didn't bother him the last time he was here.
~ Time to make a good show of myself. ~
Stepping into the arena with cameramen trailing behind him, Alma slips his hand into the pocket of his tan cargo pants and brushes some stray blond bangs back with his other hand, smiling mildly at life in general as his gaze sweeps the area. Hmm, well, a number of students turned up, at least... they haven't all gone home quite yet! Perhaps this'll be something to tell the friends about, even if not the grandkids.

Takuma has arrived.

A sunny day in February? In Japan? Only one thing could be responsible for that. Or one *person* that is...

"Hinata Wakaba, preset and accounted for!" a bubbly voice calls from high in the stands of the Taiyo Dome. Waaaaay up the cement steps, hands on her hips and standing triumphantly is none other than the Sunshine Girl herself! In a brilliant shaft of sunlight, somehow weaving its way through the open retractable roof and spotlighting the Wakaba girl perfectly. ... How does she do that?

If Alma wanted to make a good show of himself, Hinata is totally ripping off his idea. With a loud and energetic yell, she tears down the steps at a full run, leaps to plant a foot on the guardrail and executes a perfect forward flip to land on the grass of the stadium. Real grass, too, and freshly watered. None of that artificial stuff!

Being freshly watered, the natural grass is a bit slippery. Hinata's cross-trainers seek traction and find none. With a comical skidding noise, she slips and slides for a few yards before falling roughly on her backside to an uncomfortable groan from the gathering audience. Just as quickly, she's back on her feet and raising a fist in the air. She's okay, folks!

"Alma!" No trace of malice in her voice over the rematch. The Taiyo girl runs up to sieze Alma's hands and shake them vigorously. "I'm so happy you're here! Isn't the campus great? It's really pretty this time of year!"

Tsk, tsk. There's a difference between making a good show of oneself and showing off. But no, Hinata's just being herself, and Alma can certainly identify with that. At her entrance, the tall young man just parts his lips slightly and looks up at her through his bangs, long-lashed eyes blinking only once until her pratfall. At which point he just grins good-naturedly, his mild gaze warming.
In fact, once she grabs his hands (which he does not resist), they strike an interesting counterpoint to each other, smiling at each other in quite different ways. Obviously, Hinata possesses far more overt energy than the young model, but it's hard to say that his peaceful smile is any less cheerful than her expression. "It's good to see you again, Hinata," he says, low bishounen-esque tones calm, almost judicious, though they don't clash with the warmth in those low-lidded eyes. "And yes, I'm always very impressed with this place. It would have been nice to go to school here, I'm sure."
The camerafolk are setting up fairly quickly, but Alma still takes the time to continue holding Hinata's hands good-naturedly before drawing back a step. "Now, don't go easy on me," he says with a mirthful smile as he tilts his head back and sweeps his layered hair away one more time, shifting his stance subtly as he straightens his posture and relaxes his limbs. "Because I plan on going all out. Do your best, alright, Sunshine Girl?"
And as he grins winningly, the sign is given: "FIGHT!"--
--and he lunges immediately out of his non-stance, seeming to open with a jab but then transitioning into a step kick, followed up by a fierce series of torso-twisting straight arm punches. "Hou!" In a flash, his bright eyes have steeled with resolve, as he searches to find and create a rhythm.

COMBATSYS: Alma has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Alma             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Hinata has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Alma             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Hinata

COMBATSYS: Hinata interrupts Strong Punch from Alma with Shoulder Throw.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Alma             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Hinata

Hinata beams a thousand-watt smile at Alma. Nope, no hard feelings at all. In fact, she's glad she gets to see him again, and always welcomes any chance to show off Taiyo High to anyone willing to appreciate it. And Alma seems to do that. He has a thing for natural beauty, doesn't he? During the fight at Mt. Fuji, he seemed almost more interested in the scenery than the fight.

"I wouldn't ask for anything less than your best!" she responds, giving the bishounen an energetic thumbs-up. "And I won't give anything less than 110%!" So she gets an A for effort, if only a B in math. Dropping back and raising her fists, Hinata's fighting stance reflects her true self. Bouncy, light, and never able to stand still for very long.

The opening step-kick catches Hinata off-balance. She really was expecting the jab to come her way. Quickly she finds her own rhythm, rolling and blocking Alma's punches with her forearms. A smirk finds its way onto her lips. "Ha!" Dodging quickly to the side to let a punch sail by her face, Hinata grabs Alma's arm and twists under it, using her shoulder like a lever to bodily haul the taller fighter up and over, and straight into the ground with a resounding THUMP!

Thump indeed! The big guy hits the ground hard enough, but he's already rolling to his feet with an acrobatic grace that belies his large frame. "Hmph!" Not a grunt of disapproval but quite the opposite, for the sound of effort is combined with a hard-edged half-grin as he almost immediately rises into a crouch, sweeping out with a fierce low kick. Even if he can't stagger her with the sudden recovery and strike, the next attack may catch her by surprise: a sudden blurring lunge wherein Alma lashes out with a punch-- and fades almost right through Hinata! Only to be replaced by the real Alma, who's lashing out with a furious barrage of jab punches worthy more of a boxer than a kung fu fighter. Spiritual momentum transmutes directly to physical momentum. Though there's no overt display of Psycho Power, the way he blurs and leaves trailing images doesn't seem purely natural...
...and neither is the sweet smell of a spring rain that accompanies him.

Xiangfei leaves the dome.

COMBATSYS: Hinata blocks Alma's Spring Shower.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Alma             0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0           Hinata

Whoa! When did Alma get special effects? Hinata reacts first to the blurring images by lifting her arms to block, setting her feet more firmly. Whatever's coming her way, she's pretty sure she won't like it. And then Alma comes back into 'realspace' and starts wailing on the Sunshine Girl with a salvo of punches. Several of them slip around her impromptu guard, but the lion's share meet Hinata's firm guard.

"Yosha!" Hinata throws both of her arms aside to deflect the last of Alma's punches aside and immediately launches herself into a quick counter. Remember kids, a cornered Wakaba is the most dangerous kind! A short hop carries her nearly corps-a-corps with the Psycho (powered) bishounen, throwing a sharp elbow upwards towards his chin. A leaping upwards elbow.. with a spiraling jump.. and flames? That's not a textbook Shoryuken-ripoff! She's just making this stuff up as she goes! "Shouyouken Improv!"

COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Hinata's Shouyouken.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Alma             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Hinata

Improv, huh? Not bad, but Alma's already in the flow of things. Even though his blurring attacks fail to fully penetrate Hinata's guard, he is not disheartened, for he has not forgotten the first rule of Hiten-Ryu: Make your battle one single combination attack! And so when Hinata attempts to take advantage of his post-attack state with a rising attack, it turns out that Alma is not actually in a post-attack state at all. He just leaves a fading image of his head behind for Hinata to strike as he leans back just enough to evade the attack--
--and then, with another "Hmph!", he's blurred his way into the air, leaping up in an odd tactic; rather than take advantage of her failed rising attack, he simply tries to outdo her by making his way into the air. But that means that if he's fast enough at doing this, he can try a downward strike-- and that's just what he does, letting innate psychic force transmute into more overt power as he draws his right hand back and lashes out. Halfway through the strike he's got a halo of light trailing behind his arm; by the time he's within striking distance, there's a cone of white soulfire roaring around his hand.
The lance-like attack strikes out with concussive force, and Alma's eyes flash with the effort.

COMBATSYS: Hinata dodges Alma's Self Expression.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Alma             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Hinata

If Hinata's disappointed that her on-the-spot revision of her Shouyouken didn't hit... she shows it. "Dang! That would have been awesome!" But no, she just hits one of those weird blurry Almost-Almas, her elbow plowing through the image as easily as air.

Uh-oh. She knows one thing. Immediately after a Shouyouken, she's pretty vulnerable. That's why the move kind of banks on actually hitting somebody with it so they don't get a chance to counter quite so quickly. Which is exactly what Alma capitalizes on. Good strategy, but that doesn't mean the Wakaba girl has to like it! "Holy crap!" Breaking from the spiral motion, Hinata kicks out her right foot wildly and catches it against the tip of Alma's psycho-lance. It gets her a slightly singed shoe and the smell of burning sole, but gives just enough rebound to outpace its downward momentum. She lands in the grass on one knee, sliding backwards and out of the way.

"Man! My shoe!" That's not cool, Alma. Not cool at all! Take a look at the damage you did! Take a good close look! Hinata helps Alma to take a look by snapping her right leg out for a low sweep at his ankles after he lands, then rising to snap another kick to the midsection.

COMBATSYS: Hinata successfully hits Alma with Light Kick.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Alma             0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0           Hinata

Well, it looks like this time burning sole beats burning soul. Aha. Ahaha. ...okay, I'm sorry.
Still, that was not a defense Alma, er, counted on. His eyes widen slightly as his attack fizzles and Hinata escapes, and feeling slightly fuzzy with his own momentum circumvented, he can't really escape the girl's fast kicks. He manages to only get one foot out of the way of the sweep kick -- perhaps he's too busy saying "Oh... I'm sorry..." -- which causes him to stagger so that the second kick hits as well; but though Alma winces, the schoolgirl's shoe just thuds off his abdomen solidly, and he continues his attack directly through the strike.
And a fierce attack it is: going all out now, Alma lunges past Hinata's kick, rears back, and attempts to hit the slippery Sunshine Girl with a powerful thrust kick, the wind actually rushing around his strike with the force of the blow.

COMBATSYS: Hinata blocks Alma's Heavy Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Alma             0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0           Hinata

"Hya!" Hinata counters, not only by way of yelling, but by way of throwing a reverse kick in Alma's direction to cross his own kick! Both legs thud loudly against each other as the two attacks collide. Seeing that the immediate cross is a stalemate, Hinata breaks the close combat and hops backwards to give herself some space.

"Not bad, Alma! Check this out!" Slapping her palms together, Hinata calls into existence her own special effects! A quickly growing sphere of bright yellow light springs to life between her palms, blossoming into a large sunflower of pure energy complete with petals! Pushing both hands forward, she gives the sunflower a final push before sending it on its maiden voyage toward Alma. It looks both adorable and painful at the same time.

COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Hinata's Kikou Shoutei.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Alma             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0           Hinata

Alma narrows his eyes slightly as his kick is parried -- and rather than press the attack, when the energy attack comes he calmly curls the fingers of his right hand into a fist and aims a powerful punch at the sunflower, causing it to burst into its petals and dissipate.
If he's going to get any real momentum going here and overcome Hinata, he's got to find his center again. If he can just overcome her defenses once, then we'll be cooking with soulfire...
With a deep breath, Alma's spirits soar, his eyes beginning to glimmer.

COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Alma             1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0           Hinata

Mistaking Alma's centering for hesitation, Hinata shoots the other fighter a smile and a quick thumbs up. "Don't give up on me now!" And speaking of momentum, the Taiyo girl learned her lessons well from Dan's Saikyo correspondence course. It was... hmm.. Lesson 11? Something like that. An image of Dan appears in Hinata's mind, teeth glinting and posing dramatically in front of a rising sun banner. "When you're on a roll, keep at it! Never give up, and someday you'll be as cool as me!" the imaginary Dan advises. "Thanks Dan!" Hinata says out loud.

"Here I come!" Hop-skipping forward, she whips her right leg around and into the air then quickly brings her foot down, heel blazing with bright orange energy. She's put all of her (admittedly light) weight behind this kick, skirt flapping up around her hips with an almost tantalizing glimpse of something white underneath.

COMBATSYS: Hinata successfully hits Alma with Enbukyaku.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Alma             1/-======/=======|======-\-------\0           Hinata

[OOC] Alma x_x

[OOC] Hinata says, "Panty Powah, yo."

[OOC] Alma says, "That was unfair. ;_;"

Alma raises his glittering eyes, smiling slightly. For a moment, he truly seems at peace. Even the totally random 'Thanks Dan' doesn't seem to faze him. When the girl leaps forward in preparation for her attack, Alma just settles himself and calmly draws his hand back, allowing an interlude in the tempo of battle as he prepares to counterstrike immediately. The kick comes, and spirit rising, ready to take the advantage in this fight, Alma--
That was so not cool, Hinata.
As is necessary after being struck after a panty sighting, Alma goes sprawling in the grass. That one looked pretty harsh. But unearthing his pretty face quickly, shaking his head and staggering to his feet, Alma's eyes continue to gleam as he snaps his head around. "Enough," he says, and though there's no apparent anger or frustration in his voice, his eyes gleam with a very different sort of light. As though he's struggling to contain /some/ kind of frustration, and needs to release it.
"HAH!" And unleashing his charged emotions, Alma slashes out with his arm and sends a curving blade-like wave of flame towards his opponent.

COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Hinata with Sacred Wave.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Alma             1/=======/=======|=======\-------\1           Hinata

"Uwaaaa!" Hinata shrieks at Alma's energy blade projectile. She raises her arms to block, but the force of the thing is just too much and breaks her guard. Tumbling backwards into the grass, Hinata rubs frantically at her eyes which are already starting to water. Gah! He seemed a little more.. tense right before that attack. Was it something she did to make him angry?

She rises unsteadily to her feet, wiping at her eyes with the back of a bright orange arm guard. Well.. not so much an arm guard. More like a sock. But it's the best she can manage on her allowance! If only she could resolve the multiple floaty Almas into a single image, she might be able to target him with a really cool attack. Hold still, will ya!

The girl grits her teeth. Can't get distracted by a few flash burns on her retina! What Would Dan Do? ... Well, okay, whatever you say Imaginary Dan. Grinning as wide a she can, Hinata flexes her right arm and puts a hand on her bicep. *flex* Is she not awesome?

COMBATSYS: Hinata focuses on her next action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Alma             1/=======/=======|=======\-------\1           Hinata

If it isn't bad enough that there appear to be three or four Almas (this is not actually the case), it looks like a big surge of energy is burning its way around Alma's body (/this/ is actually happening). The air stirring around him, causing a rising wind that whips the warrior-model's clothes around him and causes his hair to only get more, er, dashingly unkempt. How come it never manages to look bad?
No time to think about that, for with a sudden lunge and a spray of dirt from the force of the sudden movement, Alma flashes forward through the air--
~ Panty flashes... cannot be forgiven! ~
--and reaches Hinata in an instant, eyes gleaming pure white.
His drawn-back hand, having left a stream of white pink-tinged ripples of energy behind it, roars forward suddenly, aiming to make contact with Hinata's forehead...

COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Hinata with Absolution.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Alma             0/-------/----===|=======\======-\1           Hinata

...he does so.
There is a feeling of /strain/. Like the area around the battlefield is suddenly being drawn in towards the attack, like reality itself has been affected by some new metaphysical gravitational pull.
And then Hinata's head explodes.
Well, or so it appears. A shuddering explosion sends gouts of white sparkly flame surging forward, and the young girl is sent flying back from the place of the destructive, soul-shaking, ego-shattering psychic attack. We can all only hope that she doesn't flash Alma again on her way to the ground. Please, for his sake.
Alma waves his hand lightly as he comes to a stop, half casually dismissive, half just shaking his hand out. "Surrender," he murmurs quietly, the light in his eyes having softened noticably.
~ Ah, release. ~

[OOC] Alma says, "Someday, I really /am/ going to explode somebody's head with that attack. You all better watch out."

[OOC] Xiangfei says, "Look out Mimiru!"

[OOC] Xiangfei crosses her fingers, hoping.

White-hot fire surges through every nerve in the girl's body. Words can't describe the sensation, but it's rather like taking a sledgehammer to the brain. A sledgehammer that's ON FIRE. And, like, spiky.

Hinata lands in the grass on her back, splayed out like a puppet with cut strings. The sky sure looks pretty from down here, seen through sore eyes clouded with tears. And she's pretty sure she landed on her keys, too. Insult to injury. A wordless groan escapes her lips, testament at least to the fact that she's still alive. A word drifts past her ears, barely discernable above the loud buzzing noise that seems to be plaguing her senses.


It feels good to lay in the grass. Limbs are too heavy to move, muscles made of lead. Maybe it would be easier to give up. But.. no. She can't do that.

Hinata sits up slowly and gives her head a shake. Hey, on the bright side, whatever Alma did really cleared her sinuses! "I. Don't. Surrender." The Taiyo girl intones, unsteadily rising to her feet and at last raising her fists. With a bright burst of energy, she lunges forward without ever actually seeming to cross the intervening space. There's just a bright blurry trail in the air from where she was to where she is now, standing right in front of Alma and exuding a powerful aura. "WAAAAATAAAAAH!" It's a simple starter, a standing roundhouse kick toward the side of Alma's face. Hinata has to jump a little to get her foot up there, but a bright semi-circular trail of orange flames lingers in the air after her kick. "BURN!"

COMBATSYS: Hinata successfully hits Alma with Rasen Enbukyaku.
- Power hit! -

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Alma             1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0           Hinata

Hinata's blazing kick slams into Alma's cheek and throws his body violently to the side. The Taiyo girl follows through on the kick, grinding her heel into the taller fighter's face and sliding off, slamming her foot into the ground as she completes the kick and lands. But momentum and energy.. Before Alma can even fall, Hinata is in the air again swinging her left foot around to the same spot she already hit Alma, cracking her heel into his cheekbone again and continuing to move both fighters, step by step and blow by blow toward the sideline of the playing field. Hinata continuously rises to roundhouse Alma in the side of the head, alternating with the toe of her right foot and the heel of her left, leaving a burning trail of fire in the air in long sweeping loops.

"RAAAAAA!" The final blow is not a kick to the face. A cross trainer whips around to slam into Alma's ribs and send him finally flying straight into the guard rail that separates the playing field from the stands. That is.. straight into, and then through it with a loud clang of shattering metal.

[OOC] Hinata says, "... Sorry, Alma-kun! ;_;"

[OOC] Takuma says, "Bonus points for smashing Alma into a breakable item!"

[OOC] Frei watches an entire roast pop out. "Quick, Hina! Get it to restore health!"

[OOC] Xiangfei *burp*

[OOC] Frei says, "..."

[OOC] Hinata says, "..."

[OOC] Xiangfei says, "... sorry."

~ So she's still able to fight... ~
That thought, and an admiring half-smile, is all Alma has time for before the kicks begin. And continue. Oh, do they continue. The rapidfire stream of attacks stuns Alma so that he can't even attempt a defense against the rest of the strikes. He practically spirals through the air, spinning with each attack and eventually leaving the ground completely about halfway through the combination. Then she boots him right towards the rail that marks the edge of the battlefield--
In his mind, he's drifting through falling cherry blossoms, cushioned by the flowers as he falls. Falls slowly, eyes dimmed as he feels himself being swept away by the tides of tranquility. Time to truly be at peace. Time to /really/ let everything go, and relax....
--and then he tucks, flips in midair, and hits the rail with his feet.
~ No... ~
A pause, a moment of frozen time, of no motion.
And then the rail, the ground around it, and the concrete base behind it literally *explodes* in a spray of sheet metal, dirt, and debris as Alma, snapping his head up to reveal a perfectly calm expression and eyes burning bright with inner fire, incredibly reverses his momentum and leaps right back at Hinata--
~ Defeat is not the peace I'm fighting for. ~
--and then completely vanishes.
Only to, with a silent blur of energy, reappear /behind/ Hinata, and with a quiet "Hmph!", unleash a single flaming punch at the back of the girl's head.

COMBATSYS: Hinata dodges Alma's Destined Duel.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Alma             0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0           Hinata

She's quite surprised that *Alma* is still able to fight after her furious assault. It brings a smile to her face, a broad and satisfied smile. He really is giving her 100%, isn't he? This is what she wanted after all, and she's loving it!

So, he won't give up, and neither will she. Alma's doing his disappearing act again, huh? It's not as if she didn't learn anything from the last time she fought him, y'know. When Alma-kun vanishes (Yeah, she'll give him the honoriffic, there! He earned it! Fighting somebody like this is a lot like knowing them well.), she knows something is about to happen. And if she's right from last time, he'll try to circle around behind her.

It's by instinct and reflex only that she makes her move, ducking and rolling to the side. Alma's flaming punch whistles above the Wakaba girl's head. If she'd been any slower or he any faster, the fight would probably be over with that single blow. Just as soon as she rolls, Hinata springs into action. Literally. A rising uppercut from Alma's side, the spitfire Hina-chan channels bright burning energy that trails all the way down her arm. "Shouyouken!"

COMBATSYS: Hinata successfully hits Alma with Shouyouken.

[                            \\  < >  //////                        ]
Alma             0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0           Hinata

Alma exhales sharply, eyes widening slightly as the punch hits nothing but air--
--and still in midair, in the midst of his lunge, there's no escape from the rising attack. His head snapping back with the strike, he's propelled upward with the force of the attack, in slow-motion. Well, not actually with slow-motion, but you should envision this in slow-motion, because that's how it's meant to be envisioned.
Grinning ever so slightly, eyes dimming, Alma reaches out.
"'re so spirited."
And he unleashes the last of his soulfire at the rising girl, even as he falls to the ground himself...

COMBATSYS: Alma can no longer fight.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Hinata           0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Hinata dodges Alma's Sacred Wave.

[                         \\\\\  <
Hinata           0/-------/----===|

...and lands on his knees with a sigh.
"Oh," he murmurs softly, "again...?"
And he slumps forward, eyes closing.

Hinata growls with exertion as she lands from the Shouyouken. She's not surprised Alma throws another attack her way, but she has little time to make a proper decision about what to do with it. A large, fiery burst of energy heading her way. The girl leans back, windmilling her arms wildly to aid her body in bending backwards in defiance of how it feels it really ought to bend at the moment.

Cue the slow motion effect again!

Swinging her arms, Hinata doubles over backwards, planting a palm in the grass and making herself as low a target as she possibly can. The final burst of Psycho Power breezes over her, just where her chest was a second ago, close enough for her to feel the crackles of energy and to stir up her hair as it passes. Whoo! That was *close*!

As if to ruin the absolutely cool moment, Hinata's arm gives way when it decides it can't hold her up anymore and she flumps onto her back in the middle of the playing feel. "Oof!" The judge raises an eyebrow. A double knockout? He is about to raise the white flag over the fight when Hinata kicks her feet and springs up to stand again.

"I did it!" she cheers. It might be bad form to cheer for *yourself* but she does it anyway. That was damn cool!

"Winner: Hinata Wakaba!" Ooh. The Neo League A/V guys even managed to patch into the public address system. How stylish! Huffing to catch her breath, she staggers over to Alma and kneels next to him. Ah well. Resting peacefully. She wanted to congratulate him, but has to suffice with a simple pat on the head. "Good fight," she offers before turning away to limp off the field. She got exactly what she wanted. A 100% effort on both sides. And it feels good!

COMBATSYS: Hinata has ended the fight here.

Log created by Alma, and last modified on 22:14:20 02/11/2006.