Description: Kensou, trying to get out of his recent slump by actually training, inadvertently interrupts Kasumi's meditation, and manages to offend her all at once! Hilarity ensues.
Running, running. Always running.
Yes, Sie Kensou is running - specifically, he's running up the long stairway to the old shrine - as a part of his usual training regimen, and by 'usual' we of course mean 'whenever his teacher manages to force him to get off his lazy ass', after having already run across a great deal of Southtown. It's towards the end of the afternoon, with the sun starting to set and the light starting to fail, but Kensou doesn't really notice the time, except that he can tell it's almost dinnertime... But there's still a lot to do before then, he thinks mournfully to himself as he runs up the stairs, almost at the courtyard of the shrine.
Still, the psychic teen does have more motivating him than just old man Chin's threats of horrific violence or missed meals, today; he's been in what he sees as an awful slump of late, and that's driven Kensou to actually put some effort into his training lately, doing his best to fight off his natural tendency to slack and cut corners and otherwise end up totally procrastinating. Finally, he arrives in the courtyard at the top of the stairs, letting out a slow breath. "Half done," Kensou mutters, scrubbing a hand through his hair. "Well, ain't nobody gonna complain if I take a little break..."
Unlike Kensou, Kasumi is here for praying, not training. She's knelt down at the center of the little shrine, meditating as she always does. Now, interruptions can be expected happen at times like this and all, but they normally come from those that can't be expected to know any better. Like say, children, or animals. /Kensou should know better!/
"Do you mind?" asks the Todoh girl in an annoyed tone, turning her head to look back over her shoulder. "Really, who talks to themselves at a shrine? You can do that anywhere. And you know Kami-sama can hear you on top of that, right? So lazy. No wonder you're Kelvin's friend."
Honestly, Kensou didn't even have the vaguest idea that there was anybody else at the shrine! It usually /is/ pretty abandoned, after all. But when he hears a girl speak up in an annoyed tone from behind him, the Psycho Soldier gives a start, turning about quickly... And then stumbling a bit, but at least he doesn't stumble /down the stairs/. "H-Hey!!" he says, straightening up. "I was just trainin', an'..." Wait a minute. The psychic teen's brow furrows, and he scratches his head, looking rather confused. "Do I know you from somewhere?" he asks. If she knows he's Kelvin's friend, and knows he's lazy, he must know her from /someplace/.
Great, just make her madder why don't you. She may not be a big celebrity or anything, but Kasumi's been in enough tournaments that Kensou ought to remember her pretty easily. The fact that he doesn't get it right away, given that she's even wearing the same outfit she fights in every time and everything, irks her pretty bad. But okay, maybe if she turns around he'll get it. "You do. I really hope you don't think it's cute to play dumb like that, Kensou."
Pushing to her feet and dusting her hakama off a bit as she turns around, Kasumi ends up crossing her arms and looking of course not at all pleased as she waits to see if Kensou can even get her name right.
"Believe me, I ain't playin'," Kensou replies in a mutter, rubbing his chin with one hand as he wracks his brain. He /knows/ she's familiar-looking. He's sure he's seen her before, he just needs to come up with the name! "Uh... Ka-somethin', wasn't it?" he asks half-rhetorically, before trying to eliminate all the Ka-names he can think of. She doesn't look like a Karin, what with the lack of blonde hair and all. He's pretty sure she's not a Kae, or a Kaoru, or a Kaho... Noticing her expression, Kensou looks a panicky, and quickly tries to produce the name. "Kanako? Kaname? Katsumi? Aaah, dammit..." He's gonna be in so much trouble here, in a second.
Well, that lost one was pretty close, really. And for a more reasonable person it would probably be close enough that Kensou would be forgiven. But here, he's not. Kasumi is far from reasonable at times like this. "KA-SU-MI. Kasumi Todoh!" Why does it matter so much to her? Kensou's not her rival or anything. If Xiangfei or Yuri forgot, then yeah, she'd have every right to start throwing stuff, but she only knows Kensou as a fellow fighter, and Kelvin's friend. Maybe it's just Kelvin's fault! "You -suck- Kensou! You're no better than those Kyokugen jerks! Get out of here!" And then she gets shove-y, and attempts to push the boy back, probably down the stairs if he's not careful.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kasumi 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kensou has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kasumi 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Kasumi's Fast Throw.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Kasumi 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
It's a little known fact that making girls angry at him is one of Kensou's special talents. Sure, it's not as useful as lobbing around blasts of Psycho Power, but it's still something. When Kasumi says her own name, though, recognition lights up in the psychic teen's eyes. "Right, right, that's it! Kasumi!" And then she's all mad at him, and she even shoves him, which totally isn't nice at all. "Whoa!!" he exclaims as he's pushed, staggering a bit and /starting/ to fall down the stairs, but he manages to catch himself in a cartwheel, landing on his feet a few steps down. "What're you tryin' t' do, break my neck?!" he demands, and of course, he takes the most mature way possible out of this situation!
Which is to say, he jumps up and tries to kick Kasumi in the head.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi counters Light Kick from Kensou with Morote Gaeshi.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Kasumi 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
Aw. See, she might have actually felt bad enough, or perhaps that's 'triumphant enough', to stop after throwing Kensou down a flight of steps. Stone steps. But Kensou is quick enough to avoid such an embarassment, and probably some chiropracting. But this means that none of Kasumi's rage subsides, and when Kensou tries to kick her in retaliation for the way she lashed out his ankle just seems to fall right into her hands, so that she can take him while he's airborne and slam him back down behind her. The floor is stone up here, too, so there's a pretty loud smack. "Lazy! Your attacks are so sloppy! What is it with you? Even Kelvin didn't make it that easy."
This is one of those times where you have just enough opportunity to think to yourself: Oh, crap. Kensou gets quite handily smashed into the courtyard pavement, even /bouncing/ a little, he hit the stone so hard, not really taking much time before gets to his feet, looking frantically in front of him for Kasumi. ...Oh, wait, right, she's behind him. The Chinese fighter turns around and stumbles a few steps back from the girl, frowning a little. "Yeah, well...!" He trails off, realising he doesn't really have anything to say to that. Dammit. He exhales a frustrated huff of air, raising his hands in front of his face and quickly gathering energy, concentrating. "Why don'tcha try this on for size, then?!" he declares, sweeping his hands out with a cry of: "Choukyuudan!!" And a beachball-sized sphere of crackling, blue-tinged white Psycho Power forms in midair, hurtling right at Kasumi!
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kasumi with Choukyuu Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Kasumi 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Kensou
The way Kasumi remembers, psycho power is always a little bit faster than she's used to. And coming from Bao, it really really hurt. So Kasumi tries to block, rather than dodge, and she's not even quick enough for that, in this case. In this way, it's kind of familiar, but how badly it hurts, not so familiar. "Oh come on, that was weak."
The smaller girl rolls her shoulders forward a bit after being struck, and gets back into her stance before starting to slowly inch toward Kensou, probably intending to close in for some kind of throw.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Kasumi 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Well, comparing Kensou and Bao's respective levels of psycho Power... Isn't exactly fair. The older psychic's talents aren't exclusively directed at that! His eye gives the faintest twitch as Kasumi keeps on talking smack, and he holds his arms loosely in front of him as he tries to keep some distance between himself and Kasumi, watching the way she moves. "Don't be in such a rush t' get yer ass kicked that bad," he calls back, rather than just grumbling.
COMBATSYS: Kensou focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Kasumi 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Kensou
Kasumi moves pretty aggressively, slow as she may step. She's trying to be intimidating and make Kensou shrink away from her, which is probably more what she should have tried against Bao. She was really worried about all of that psycho power at the time though, and now that she's felt how much weaker Kensou's is in comparison she feels a lot safer doing using such tactics.
"How bad? You'll have to give me some kind of recent example of someone you've beaten all that badly, Kensou." the kendo girl says calmly, just before surging forward and trying to grab the Psycho Soldier by the shoulders and shove him backward while one of her legs hooks behind his ankles, trying to make him trip and fall as hard as she can manage.
COMBATSYS: Kensou interrupts Medium Throw from Kasumi with Senkyuutai.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kasumi 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Kensou
It's not exactly shrinking away, what Kensou's doing... He's just trying to avoid getting sucked into Kasumi's rhythm, and plus he'd rather not have a repeat of what happened earlier! But when Kasumi surges forward, the Chinese fighter doesn't even try to get out of the way... Instead, he gets shoved back, over the Aikido girl's tripping leg, and he falls towards the ground. Which is when he laughs. "Heh," says Kensou, and while that still kinda hurt, it wasn't enough to throw him off of what he had planned, as his hand slams against the stone of the courtyard and his weight is lifted up on one arm, his legs lifting quickly and smashing first his left foot, and then his right foot, right into Kasumi's face in a quick pair of pistoning kicks. "Yo! Yaa-!!" he calls out, the kicks likely tossing Kasumi away, before Kensou flips over onto his feet again. "Sorry, what was that again?"
Kasumi thinks everything is going fine until she notices the lack of any pained cries coming from Kensou, and instead hears him make that one you hear people make when you've just fallen into their trap. Ow. "What the- !! ...Hmph!" The hakama-wearing schoolgirl rubs at the side of her jaw after being knocked back a ways, and stops in her tracks for a moment to bring her guard back up and slowly sweep her hands about in front of her through the air, huffing out a sharp breath of air as a bit of blue energy swirls up around her. "I don't think getting a solid hit changes the question any. Who's the last person you beat soundly at all, Kensou? Was it Kelvin?" There are actually two reasons she's asking now, but...
COMBATSYS: Kasumi gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kasumi 1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Kasumi counters Heavy Kick from Kensou with Kuzu Otoshi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Kasumi 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Kensou
Wow, that's actually worse than if Kensou -had- said Kelvin. She knows Hinako a lot better than she does the sleepy-eyed boy! She's a classmate, a friend, and a teammate. Kensou is about to be wishing he had been even more terse. It's not only that he didn't need to answer, but that he really shouldn't have. At all. "...What?!" The flow of energy stops pouring in abruptly, and before the glow even has time to die down fully Kasumi is leaning around to the side of Kensou's extended leg and grabbing him up by his shirt, dragging him up to to heights a five foot nothing girl should hardly be lifting a man and then slamming him back down from up above her head. But she doesn't seem quite finished even after that. She comes down on him with a heavy punch right to the sternum before doing any backing off, and the look on her face is just -scary-.
...Uh oh. Kensou gets slammed to the ground with a look of wide-eyed surprise and a rush of air out of his lungs, and then he gets punched right in the sternum, which really, really sucks. Coughing as he rolls backwards over his shoulder and onto his feet, Kensou staggers back, looking a bit scared at the look on the girl's face. "Eh... Was it somethin' I said?" he wonders, before he reaches behind his back to produce a meatbun, seemingly from nowhere... And then he pops it in his mouth, and starts to chew.
Kasumi points at Kensou after that. "Yes, it was! I refuse to believe that someone as lazy as you could beat Hinako without... without cheating or something! She works hard every day to be that strong. And you, you need a break after a little bit of running! I bet you only even train when someone hassles you about it enough that you end up having to!" She makes a speech when she's finally at a loss for what more to say, and as she does that energy starts to gather and come back to her again. "W- what is that? You're snacking in the middle of a fight? I hope you choke!"
COMBATSYS: Kasumi gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Kasumi 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kensou with Meat Bun.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kasumi 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
It's not like Kensou's actively /trying/ to get Kasumi riled up, but he sure seems to be succeeding about it! He gives a start when Kasumi starts lecturing him, and... Dammit, why does she have to be right on target like that?! "Y-yeah, well, she fought really hard!" he says, after eating his bun... His stance visibly becoming easier as his Psycho Power-enhanced metabolism does its thing. "An' she lost fair an' square... Just like you're gonna!" he declares loudly, before reaching behind his back and pulling out another meat bun... Which he tosses at Kasumi! "Here, maybe you're so grouchy 'cause you're hungry!"
COMBATSYS: Kasumi blocks Kensou's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kasumi 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Lecturing is just what she does. And she doesn't have to be psychic to come up with the most likely reason for Kensou to be out for a jog and doing it all halfassed. "I'm sure she did. Though that's about the only thing I'm prepared to believe. You must have tricked her somehow, or just kept eating these stupid buns." the dark-haired girl says with a sigh, slapping down the meatbun which was thrown at her and then trying to grab onto Kensou somewhere and shove him down to the smooth stone flooring of the shine once more.
COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Kasumi's Fast Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kasumi 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
And to being thrown, Kensou would like to say 'thanks but no!'. "Hey, that's perfectly good food!" he says indignantly, shocked and appalled that anyone would treat food like that, leaping over Kasumi's head in an inverted flip, landing on his feet behind Kasumi and snapping his right hand out, trying to catch her in the back of the head with the heel of his palm. "Huaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kasumi with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kasumi 1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Kasumi is struck, but she doesn't quite go staggering forward or anything when Kensou hits her in the back of the head. She instead starts to raise her arms up above it, and quickly turns on her heel, pivoting around like that to face him before starting to drag her cupped hands down through the air, calling down several arcs of blue chi with the motion and hoping the range is wide enough that Kensou can't get out of the way of them the way he did her attempted throw. "Yaa!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou dodges Kasumi's Kasane Ate.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Kasumi 1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Breathing out slowly as the heel of his palm hits Kasumi in the back of the head, at least Kensou can tell the girl's physical defense isn't /perfect/, which is, you know, reassuring. He's pulling back when Kasumi turns around on him, though, and launches her projected chi attack, his eyes widening as he once again flips, this time throwing himself into a big backflip /away/ from the attack, landing and skidding out of the range of the girl's energy attack. "Geez, that was close," he says quietly, shaking his head before once again focusing inwards, drawing on his deepest reserves of Psycho Power rather than closing with Kasumi again.
COMBATSYS: Kensou gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Kasumi 1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0 Kensou
Well, that was certainly getting annoying. It's like that meatbun Kensou ate was full of dodge-y goodness. Maybe he got that one from Athena? "Grr. You're not getting away this time!" And by 'this time' she of course means to try that same move again. Only on a much larger scale. The kendo girl's hands go out in front of her and then raise up above her head before being brought back down with much more force, sweeping much lowering and calling up pillars of energy from the paved ground in front of her feet. They're jagged, like spikes, and red this time, rather than blue. "Chouuuu Kasane Ate!" she screeches, just as the pillars begin to lurch forward and tear along the ground toward the Psycho Soldier in the midst of his charging.
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Kasumi's Chou Kasane Ate.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Kasumi 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Kensou
That... Doesn't look good at all! Not in the least little bit! This time, though, Kensou doesn't endeavour to get out of the wa... There's too little time, he's too focused on what he's doing, so the odds of it working are pretty low if you ask him. His eyes widen, though, as that big ol' chi attack comes rocketing towards him, and there's nowhere to go, so he puts his arms up, letting Kasumi's projected energy smash into his guard, forcing him back rather uncomfortably. "Tch..." That stung, dangit. Wincing, he doesn't advance at Kasumi straight off, instead keeping his attention focused on her, looking for an opening...
COMBATSYS: Kensou focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Kasumi 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Kensou
Well, it's no good for Kasumi like that. She threw out a good amount of chi, and then followed up up with more than double the amount all in the span of a few minutes, and she hadn't powered up enough for *quite* that much. What makes it even more tiring for her though is that none of it seems to have gotten her anywhere. "Hmph. Don't think I'm impressed." she says, crossing her arms and starting to glow with more of that blue chi as she tries to regather what's leftover from her previous attacks so that maybe it's not completely wasted.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Kasumi 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Kensou
"Ain't tryin' t' impress ya," Kensou replies cheekily, watching Kasumi be all stern and glowy. Well, two can play at that game... But Kensou doesn't really seem all that inclined to do so, right now. Instead, he concentrates on gathering power more quickly, his hands coming up in front of his face again. "Haaa..." He sweeps his hands out in the same motion as before, launching that sphere of blue-tinged white Psycho Power at Kasumi again! "Choukyuudan!!" he cries, the crackling energy ball rocketing right at Kasumi while she does her thing, kicking up dust along the ground as it flies.
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kasumi with Choukyuu Dan.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Kasumi 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
Kasumi failed to stop the first one of these that was thrown at her, and she doesn't fare any better this time around. She was actually less ready for it, in this case, and it shows when she lets it just about bowl her over. That hit her right in the face, man! "Aurgh!" There's no grace in the way she falls. None at all. But maybe she can save face at least a little bit if she's able to spring back up and wrestle Kensou to the ground hard enough and thunk his head against one of the flooring stone. (Fat chance though.)
COMBATSYS: Kensou parries Kasumi's Rebound Throw!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Kasumi 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
Too slow this time, Kasumi; Kensou forestalls the girl's attack by doing somethng unexpected... Specifically, he rushes /into/ it, knocking her grappling attempt aside and then using the opening provided to thrust his right hand at Kasumi, palm open, bracing himself lightly while tapping his left hand against his own right shoulder, breathing out a slow breath... And then a gigantic sphere of almost pure white Psycho Power erupts in the air, ideally centered on Kasumi herself. The blast of psychic energy rages powerfully, swallowing Kensou's extended arm to above the elbow apparently without harm, and if Kasumi is trapped inside, it attacks her from every direction, before it finally bursts, the released energy throwing Kensou back a few steps, and throwing Kasumi... Straight up.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi blocks Kensou's Senki Hakkei EX.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Kasumi 1/----===/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
She's not completely lost. Sure, she maybe sucks at wrestling, and every time she tries to take a page out of Hinako's book she fails miserably, but whatever man! Kensou's not getting away with taking her out with more of that psycho power stuff! She's had enough of it! So rather than just let herself get caught in that big blast of it, she hops back at the last second and puts her hands out, trying to shove back on it, hoping it's tangible enough that she can try to force it back. And it -kind of- works out for her. Not entirely, but it would probably have been enough to knock her unconscious had she not tried to push it back at all. And after the orb bursts and there's nothing more to shove at, she just stares at Kensou.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Kasumi 1/----===/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
After being shoved back by the force of the Senki Hakkei breaking, Kensou blinks owlishly to see Kasumi /standing/ there. He looks at the palm of his right hand, as if there'd be any visible problem to see, and then look at Kasumi again... And then back at his palm. "...Huh," he says, giving his hand a shake. "I saw that goin' differently," Kensou adds towards Kasumi, sheepishly, backing up as he goes back to the well, as it were, drawing up what Psycho Power he still can...
COMBATSYS: Kensou gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Kasumi 1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0 Kensou
Kasumi did too, really, but since she's still on her feet she might as well do something besides stand there! And since Kensou seems pretty confused for the moment, perhaps she'll be able to make the attack she's known for actually put the hurt on him this time. Her hands go out and then sweep low once more, and she crouches a bit low this time in order to get her hands nearer to the ground, from which she summons more of those massive chi spikes, redder in color and faster to close in on the Psycho Soldier than before. "Chouuu Kasane Ate!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Kasumi's Chou Kasane Ate.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Kasumi 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Kensou
Yes, it's true, there's often much better alternatives to 'just standing there', really. Kensou, for example, rather than just standing like a dope and getting hit by Kasumi's newest wave of chi, once again puts his arms in the way of the attack to deflect the brunt of the damage. He grunts in pain, though, and weighs his next options... Before finally throwing caution to the wind and rushing right at Kasumi, leaping forward to do a single-hand handstand and try and kick her right in the jaw. "Hyaa-!!" And then, he attempts to add a second kick, to knock her up and away! "Yaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Kasumi counters Senkyuutai from Kensou with Sasshou Inshuu.
[ \\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Kasumi 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Kensou
It seems that's not the way it goes at all. Kasumi isn't the one getting kicked in the jaw. It's Kensou. Because as soon as Kensou does his little handstand and tries to kick at her she catches his foot and uses it to hold him still for just long enough to get her own foot up and connect one of those hard wooden sandals of hers with his face and send him away from her. Soon as she lets go of his ankle. But even so, she tries to throw out another of those big attacks she favors, and it failed to do enough damage to make it worth all the effort so her fatigue is surely starting to show. "Bah, get that outta here... " she pants, just before making a little shooing motion at the boy.
Hey! Ow! That's not supposed to happen! Kensou puts a hand to his face after he's kicked away, staggering to his feet... He's taken a pretty decent amount of hurt, here, but he's not out of the fight... And he's still full of energy. "Hahaha... Ow... You're pretty good at that kinda thing," he says, wiping his face with the back of one hand, since his nose has bled a little. And not for any weird reason! He got kicked in the face! "But I've got stuff I'm good at, too," he says, producing a /third/ meatbun... But like the first, he eats this one rather than pitching it at Kasumi, looking half like he's expecting her to try and steal it.
Steal it, knock it out of his hand, it's the same thing, really. And to someone being paranoid about it what she ends up doing could probably look like either. At least at first. She does reach out like she's going to take something, but it's not what Kensou's got in his hand. She's going for both of his arms, and trying to swing him by them a bit and them slam him down to the cold paving stones below, as hard as she can. "That's because I practice! Just like Hinako! Someone like you should take a hint!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kensou with Meat Bun.
[ \\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Kasumi 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Kensou fails to interrupt Strong Throw from Kasumi with Ryuu Renga.
[ \\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Kasumi 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
The bun is eaten, and Kensou clearly recovers a little... But then, it seems, he gets overconfident. Or maybe he just doesn't time things properly, it's tough to tell. What's /easy/ to tell is that Kensou tries to do /something/ to end Kasumi's attack prematurely, and instead he gets grabed, swung and slammed down into the pavement with a loud, "OOF!!" Okay... That totally wasn't supposed to go like that!
Aw, he didn't choke this time either? Even a little? Oh well. Maybe it's because he actually takes the time to chew his foot that keeps him from busting through her heavy attack the way he wants too. She small, after all. Can't really blame him for assuming overpowering her is the easier route to putting her down for the count. "Rah!" But she's still tired. Lifting people heavier than herself isn't going to help that very much. Powering up might though!
COMBATSYS: Kasumi gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Kasumi 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
"Keh," mutters Kensou rolling onto his chest and looking towards Kasumi. He's... Not really blessed with a wealth of possibilities here, looking pretty banged up. Thus far, physical offense has /really/ not been the best option to use against her, which... Really only leaves him with one choice as he clambers back up to his feet. "If ya just stand there rather'n takin' an openin'," he says, gathering power quickly, hands coming up in that familiar position as an aid to concentration. "You ain't gonna beat anybody!!" Kensou declares, sweeping his hands out in the familiar motion, launching another blue-tinged white blast of Psycho Power, before staggering back a little.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi endures Kensou's Choukyuu Dan.
[ \\\ < > ////// ]
Kasumi 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
And conversely, there's not a lot Kasumi can do against psycho power. Especially not when it hits her in the face. But still! She's not fast enough to dodge it, and her hands still sting a little from when she tried to stop the stuff and push it away not too long ago. The only option left is to go against what Kensou's saying. Stand there. Stand there and take it! She doesn't take it head on, mind you. She sort of turns aside and pushes her shoulder forward to lean into it the sphere of psycho power. It hurts just a bit more than she expected, in the end, but it doesn't make her drop to her knees just yet! She's still got time to pull one more of those big attacks out. The one she's used like, twice already. It's gotta work right one of these times dammit! The pillars come up as she crouches low once more, and then they all go barreling toward Kensou. The only thing is, this time, she stays crouched like that, on account of her not having the strength left in her legs to push back up quite yet. "Rrrgh.. where is father at a time like this." she mutters.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Kasumi successfully hits Kensou with Chou Kasane Ate.
[ <
Kensou 0/-------/-======|
It would appear that the third time is indeed the charm for Kasumi. Kensou knows he can't take that blast head-on, and this time he tries to get the /hell/ out of the way of the Kendo girl's chi blast, but he doesn't manage to make it, getting quite soundly caught. "Augh!" he yells, because it kinda hurts, y'know, hitting the ground and rolling, before ending up in a pained crouch, watching Kasumi. Well, looks like they've fought each other to a standstill, huh? "Heh, guess I misjudged that one," he says, sheepishly.
COMBATSYS: Kensou takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Kensou can no longer fight.
While it's really the pain from that psychic shot that really brought her low like this, Kasumi would have everyone believe otherwise. She'd blame it all on the fact she tossed out Chou Kasane Ates like candy here tonight, and that she never held onto any of her stored energy for very long after gathering it. "Hmph. I knew it. You must've just gotten lucky against Hinako. I think I've seen enough." With that, she manages to push herself upright with a little bit of a grunt, and starts to turn and dust herself off. Those Choukyuudans were kicking up dust all over the place, afterall. "Tell Kelvin I said hi, Kensou. And for the love of Kami, go and practice once in a while." she chides, just before starting to walk off down the steps.
Log created by Kensou, and last modified on 15:48:33 02/08/2006.