Description: A fated rematch!! Sakura Kasugano vs Kim Kaphwan, a duel of the fates! A dramatic fight, an epic conclusion! Chock full of fanservice and toothpinging and violence, so there's no reason NOT to read it!! (Winner: Kim)
Civilization is slowly creeping upon the fringes of the oft-spooky, oft-creepy forest on the west end of the Southtown peninsula. The dense foliage partially shrouds the forest floor from the intense 4pm sunlight of an otherwise gorgeous day, the sounds of birds whistling and the leaves rustling giving more than their fair share of ambience to the isolated environs. Small patches of snow line some of the branches from the recent frosting, but most has long since evaporated in the dry air.
It'd be peaceful enough for a nap, if it weren't for all the vehicles roving about, camera equipment moving into position, and all the hustle-and-bustle of a high-end television production about to kick off. There's no need for a 'ring' to contain the main event for this afternoon, a battle between two superior fighters who ought to know each other well. And how auspicious for both self-proclaimed "fighters of justice" to meet here, just a five minute walk from Justice High School to the west.
One of the opponents emerges from a camera van, scarfing down on what seems to be a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich. Sakura Kasugano walks around idly, but she seems much more interested in finishing the sandwich as quick as possible, not really caring much about the crumbs on her otherwise neatly-pressed uniform. Anxious? Just a tad, if her fidgety motions are any indication.
The forest of Southtown, while having its strange and exceedingly creepy moments, is a place where many fighters may find themselves in order to train and improve their skills overall. Such terrain makes for an excellent ground to train on to prepare for actual fights, after all; true fights don't always occur at an arena. They can be anywhere, at any time of the day. Case in point being today! Because today... is yet another day, for a league fight!
Snow clings to the branches of ancient trees perhaps centuries old as light filters through the dense canopy. There's a chill outside today, but it's winter; it's understandable. The cold is not nearly as bad as it could be, and brings with it a pleasantly cool breeze that wafts across the grass. Everything is perfect, serene -- if you exclude all the manpower being put forth into setting up the cameras in preparation for the league fight, at least! One of the opponents is here, devouring the remains of a PB&J sammich. But where is the other...?!
"Ms. Kasugano!!"
The voice comes from above, booming and pleasant. Perched on one of the branches of an older tree, Kim Kaphwan stares down at the girl with brown eyes filled with that naturally kind-hearted nature and good ol' Korean determination! He grins wide, offering Sakura a mighty thumbs up as some unnoticed source of light causes his teeth to glow brilliantly. "It's good to see you again, miss!" The way the man is sweating, his breathing slightly heavy, it's readily apparant he /was/ actually training before everyone arrived.
With a single leap, Kim flips easily through the air, falling on his feet some distance away from his much-anticipated opponent. "Tell me whenever you're ready!" No need to hurry through a perfectly good peanutbuttah an' jelleh sandwich, after all!
Damn skippy! Skippy and jelleh in the belleh, that is. Sakura's coffee-brown eyes look up at the glinting teeth, a hand shooting up to shield her eyes from the sight. "Aaaaah, geez, you could hurt someone with that..." she mumbles to no one in particular, nonetheless cracking a grin. Kim's affinity for high places always -did- draw a smile from the girl after all. Kim Kaphwan's good cheer is an inspiration to us all!
As he drops, she nods her head. The damn glint in her eyes gone, she walks over and nods her head back at him, calmly chomping away at her sandwich. Once the offending mishmash of delectable goodness is no longer impeding her speech, she chirps out, "Hi, Mr. K! Been lookin' forward to a rematch for a while now!" She nods once more, holding up a finger as she tosses the last remnant of her sandwich down her gullet. Munch, munch, munch. Not long, really. *gulp*
"Okay!" she concludes, her raised finger transforming into a fist as she hops into the air for a triumphant fist-pump! "Let's get this show on the road, then!" Grinning brightly, she dashes to the center of the clearing, raising her fists and stepping into her sideways fighting posture. "Reeeeeeadyyyy!"
The announcer looks a bit pissed at Sakura for stealing his line, actually.
COMBATSYS: Sakura has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 0/-------/-------|
He always has to have at least a reasonably flashy entrance. Admittedly, there's not many places one can have a flashy entrance from in a forest, so Kim Kaphwan does what he can. He offers Sakura a bright smile as he sails through the air, and when he lands -- he lands ready to fight! Win or lose, this promises to be a fun match. And that's why he started all this league fighting to begin with!
"It's been a while, Miss Kusanago! You've been keeping up with your training, right?" He doubts he even has to ask. He knows this girl's drive to excell is incredible, as is her potential, so it's all said with the flash of a smile and the nod of his head. Confirmation that he knows the answer. He'll wait for a little while, for Sakura to announce she's ready and polish off the remains of the sandwich, before he drops into a more combat-ready stance. She's ready?
"Don't hold back!!" He announces this before he launches not in a straight run, but /right/ into the air, soaring high above Sakura before descending upon her with legs curled up to his chest. And when close enough... "HUUUAAAAAH!!" He releases them in a series of rapid-fire bicycle kicks meant to assault the girl's upper body viciously!
COMBATSYS: Kim has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sakura
COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Kim's Hishou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sakura
Don't hold back? Sakura flashes a warm grin in reply. It's... pretty rare that she'll do that except when she's completely dominating. No chance of -that- happening against the Tae Kwon Do master! When he closes in, Sakura curls both forearms over her head, headband jostling in a staccato manner as she's buffeted back by the kicks landing soundly upon her forearms. It's mildly painful, but she's smiling through it just the same -- nice, regular rhythm, something she can work up a tolerance for.
Her head bobs lightly as she takes a step back, shaking her arms free of the numbing pain. "Of course -- on both counts! You just better give me the same!" She's afraid he -might- go easy on her, after the way their last battle went! But ... well, she'll just have to try harder this time. And try harder she does, as she whips her foot up in a high snap kick for the Tae Kwon Do star's chin! "HYAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Sakura's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Sakura
Go easy on her...? Of course not! Kim doesn't believe on going easy on people with such great drives like Sakura. That'd be insulting to them. So he just offers a grin as he flips through the air away from her. And when he lands... he JERKS his hand forward in a mighty thumbs up!!
"I promise!"
There comes the snap kick, and it's coming at him pretty fast. But Kim, fortunately, has better reactions than some. An arm intercepts Sakura's foot just before it can strike his chin, impacting firmly against solid muscle rather than painfully against his chin.
One push of Sakura's foot is performed in order to knock her off balance, before Kim leaps into the air, spinning around a complete three hundred and sixty degrees before the sole of a single foot snaps out to slam into the side of Sakura's head. "OOOORYAAAA!!"
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Sakura with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Sakura
Sakura blinks as she feels her kick impact muscle instead of bone, but ... well, that's the name of the game! She withdraws quickly, starting to drop out of the way -- but not quickly enough to avoid getting capped in the head by Kim Kaphwan's fearsome foot! "Nngh!" Slammed in the cheek, the girl spins off to the side, throwing her hands to keep her from impacting the forest floor. Insert oohs and ahhs from the startled crowd here!
But her communion with the pinestraw and dead leaves doesn't last very long -- curling her hands behind her, she comes rushing up at Kim with a shoulder charge! Though the -real- fear is what follows behind her: the tail of what looks like a blue comet trailing behind her curled palms. And right before her shoulder can hit Kim, she's whipping herself to a stop, letting the momentum of her Hadouken carry forward with a cry: "HADOOOOOUKEN!" It's... pretty big, but that should go without saying at the point-blank range!
COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Sakura's Medium Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Sakura
He shoots, he scores! Feeling his foot impact solidly with Sakura's face, Kim lands on the ground feet-first and with a light hop, bouncing about with vigor not often seen in men his age even as Sakura tumbles away from him. Of course, that wouldn't stop her; it's just the start! She comes rushing at him with a shoulder charge, and Kim's eyes go wide. Not because of that... but because of the blue chi that she's toting behind her. Almost instantly Kim's genius mind decides that this could potentially be monumentally painful, so instead of staying around for it... he leaps, RIGHT over Sakura and her shoulder charge, letting the ball of broiling blue-white chi go sailing underneath him even as he lands -- directly behind her.
He wastes no time, of course. A single hand whips forward, intent on striking Sakura solidly in the back of the head in an open-palm thrust. It's meant to unbalance her, because it's soon followed by a roundhouse kick aimed /right/ for the Ansatsuken prodigy's ribs. "HYAAAAA!!"
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Sakura with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Sakura
Well... so much for her Hadouken! Sakura had actually been hoping that one would hit its mark, but it seems Kim's just that much quicker than the schoolgirl. Today, anyway! She starts to leap forward once she sees him vaulting overhead, but just as she's turning back to face him, she gets smacked in the head! Wham! Kasugano stumbles forward again, gritting her teeth as the roundhouse closes in to crack against her ribs, sending her stumbling, and soon -falling-, to the ground.
Kaphwan might notice that the girl seems significantly more -determined- this fight though... her confidence isn't flagging anywhere nearly as badly as it was before. No, she's committed to this, and she's going to strike! It just happens to be in the form of a less conventional attack -- a shoulder rush for the Korean martial artist's torso! And if she were to manage to pull -this- crazy move off, she'd be leveraging the man onto her shoulder and canting backwards, slamming his shoulder into the ground as she falls! "HRRRRRRNGH!" (... C'mon, she's a tomboy, she's gonna sound like that when she screams!)
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Kim with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Sakura
Another shoulder rush! Kim, this time, seems intent to simply block the assault and be done with it as easily as that. However, Sakura's just a touch too fast for him this time around, and his hands jerk up JUST as she smacks into his torso. With a 'hoooof!' Sakura pulls Kim upwards and slams him into the ground. Ow! That stung a little. Kim lands on the ground, shaking his head a little bit before his hands dig into the ground, and he rolls away. Well, there's one for Sakura!
Righting himself onto his feet a short distance from the young Kasugano, Kim hops right back into the fight! Except, just like Sakura, his attack isn't exactly /conventional/. Instead, it comes in Kim lifting a single foot high into the air, still a fair distance from the girl. He can't reach her with that foot from /here/, but that's not his intention. With one, sudden movement, Kim SLAMS that foot into the ground. "HUUUAAAAH!!" ... And becomes the epicentre of a miniature earthquake. A shockwave rips through the area, rumbling across the ground with intent to knock Sakura /right/ off her feet.
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Sakura with Haki Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Sakura
Sakura grins... "Hee!" The move's not quite her -style-, but the schoolgirl likes integrating other fighter's moves into her repertoire when appropriate. Plus, it surprised the heck out of Kim, so it seems to have worked! Dusting off her shoulders, she slips back into her defensive stance as she waits for Kim to resume his feet.
Though... that attack causes her to raise an eyebrow. "Wh..what?!" Sakura's been pretty quiet so far, but the unconventional attack takes her by surprise. She shelters herself with her arms, but the quake obviously isn't affected by that, sweeping right under her feet, the crest of the seismic wavefront sending the girl flying back a good six feet. Who knew that Kim was capable of such reality-bending feats? "Whoa-whoa!" Clearly, Miss Kasugano hasn't been doing her homework!
Her skirt flaps out of the way when she kips back to her feet, falling to the ground just a second after she regains a standing position. Not that Kim's to be swayed by the unintentional fanservice -- he's a married man! Though... Sakura's stance betrays her true intentions, with the telltale crackle of electricity emanating from her curled-back hands. "Shinkuuu...." She takes another step forward towards the earthquake-maker, hoping the bright blue-white blast of energy from her hands can close the distance more effectively! "HADOOOOOUKEN!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Kim with Shinkuu Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Kim 1/----===/=======|=------\-------\0 Sakura
Kim is a man pure of heart, and as such these acts of fanservice cannot affect him, unintentional or no! The power of marriage is strong in this one, mm. Really, Kim doesn't even do so much as notice it! He's still shaking his leg a little as he feels the winds begin to pick up. Now... whoa, whoa. What is this?! Kaphwan's gaze jerks up to see the crackle of pure energy that erupts around Sakura, eyes snapping more than a little bit wide. Arms fling forward, to try to intercept the blast, but...
He does literally say 'ow' but it's a bit more like 'OW!' as he goes flying through the air, eyes sparkling from such an excessive amount of energy striking him head on. Is Kim Kaphwan finished?! Is the legacy of the Tae Kwon Do Master over?!
Of course not!!
Kim lands on a tree, feet first, before pushing off. His travels take him RIGHT FOR Sakura, a single knee jut forward and intent on SNAPPING his leg up in a massive kick aimed directly underneath her chin, to try and strike her solidly into the air with KOREAN JUSTICE!!
COMBATSYS: Sakura fails to interrupt Heavy Kick from Kim with Large Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Kim 1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0 Sakura
"Wow, that's pretty nifty..." comments Sakura, wiping the back of her hand across her brow as Kim executes his perfect recovery from her massive expenditure of chi. This match is certainly taking its toll on her, to say the least!
She smiles a bit... there's =some= hope for the girl, at least. Even though his sterling recovery doesn't leave much room to pat herself on the back. Indeed... in anticipation, her hands are already sweeping back as she forms a steady defense against him -- a defense of the blue chi kind, naturally. All she'd have to do is wait for the right moment to strike!
That moment would be fractions of a second -before- Kim's foot snaps into her chin, sending her flying into the air. Legs and arms go flying every which way as the girl's concentration is utterly shattered! She barely recovers in time for landing, tucking into a tight ball and tumbling off to safety.
Picking herself off the forest floor, she once more wipes her hand across her face -- this time, drying her cheeks. That kick -hurt-, after all! But it's only a moment before she turns a determined look back towards Kim. She shouldn't have to say a word: It's not over yet.
Not over yet.
Of course it's not!!
Kim knows Sakura to be a determined girl. All these beatings might be taking their toll, but he's sure they haven't put her down for the count /quite/ yet. Instead, she's still up and ready for action, even after having been struck with such a powerful kick from the legs of the TKD titan! It is really impressive, and there's no small amount of respect in the brown eyes of Kim Kaphwan when he lands. Whatever she had planned didn't go through. That's good for /him/ certainly but... Sakura shouldn't give up yet! She doesn't, and for it, Kim Kaphwan smiles.
But, because she hasn't given up, that means the fight is till on. And while Kim waits, at least a little bit, for her to fully recover, as soon as he's sure she's ready? He's flying at her once more, intent on starting up the match again! Round two, and such!
One push off his foot sends Kim charging straight towards Sakura, a single hand reared back. It lashes out, intent on striking her solidly in the shoulder, before he snaps upward with a knee to drive into her gut and send her staggering back. "OOORYAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura fails to interrupt Quick Punch from Kim with Shou'ou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Kim 1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0 Sakura
Kasugano's once again on the losing side of this battle, but she's determined to keep her game face on throughout it! Even though she can tell her body's about to quit, she nonetheless runs up into the man's punch, hoping to dash in close and tag him with an uppercut.
But she clearly didn't learn from her fight with Guy that punching people stronger than her =just doesn't work out so hot.= Slammed in the shoulder, she spins backwards, set up perfectly for the knee that follows, slamming her to the ground. Skidding backwards, she lands on her duff, kicking up a dustcloud in the process. Wincing, she looks back up at Kim, forging a smirk nonetheless as she springs back to her feet. She's not going to sully her reputation with another fit of anger again, not this time!
Well, geeze. Kim would have sure been in a world of pain if either of Sakura's plans went off without a hitch. He's just a touch faster though, and in fights that make a world of difference. Sent slamming back as she is, Kim takes a moment to breathe in, and then... fall down into a combat stance once more.
Making sure Sakura is ready, Kim makes another leap towards her, his right leg bending back, coiled and ready to fire. And so it does, in a straight jumping kick aimed to hit the Ansatsuken prodigy right in the solar plexus, followed up with a mighty, "HUUUUAAAAAAH!!!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura dodges Kim's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Kim 1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0 Sakura
Determination, or arrogance? Well, it's hard to be -arrogant- after getting stuffed so many times this fight, so it's clearly the former of the two.
And a good thing too... since if she'd admitted failure early, like she had last time, then she would have already lost! She nods her readiness back to the Tae Kwon Do master, though when he charges forward with a jumping kick, Sakura pivots to the side. Despite her fondest desires to slam another uppercut into the man, she holds back -- and her reservation seems to pay off!
Though... it ought to be pretty darn obvious the girl could stand to take a breather... but just the same, she =wants= to be up there and fighting the man! Standing around waiting is just an invitation for an attack, after all! So that's exactly what she does -- charge up behind the man with an attempt to catch him from behind with a flying lariat, and then slam him into the ground! "HNNNGH!"
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Sakura's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Kim 1/--=====/=======|=====--\-------\0 Sakura
There she comes again! With Sakura having skirted out of the way of his kick, Kim lands solidly on the ground, blinking once, twice, and then turning to see Sakura coming in with another throw. While he's not fast enough to stop the toss, he /is/ fast enough to catch himself with both hands before he actually collapses into the ground, his arms absorbing much of the damage before he pushes off, and up onto his feet -- right towards Sakura.
One hand, open palm, seeks to thrust RIGHT into Sakura's jaw with no small amount of force behind the blow. And then, infused with the strength of Korean might, Kim will leap into the air and bring a single leg down on Sakura's shoulder -- intent on slamming her STRAIGHT into the ground. "OOOORYYYAAAAA!!"
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Sakura with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Kim 1/-======/=======|=======\-------\1 Sakura
Ehhhh? "Oh yeah, that's why..." The unfinished though here is 'that's why I don't try to overpower people twice my size', but that's written plain as day on the schoolgirl's face as she leaps back to a more defensive stance. No way she's just gonna -stand- there while Kim grabs for her arm, right?
Of course... she doesn't withdraw too far, since she'd like to continue fighting until Kim falls down and stays down. That'd be a nice thing, but it doesn't seem Kim's of the same mind -- as he palm-strikes her -right- in the jib, stunning the Ansatsuken prodigy just long enough for the kick to come screaming overhead and crash into her shoulder. Pizzow! The girl crumples to the ground like a house of cards!
'course. It's not very often that collapsed card houses reassemble themselves. But that's just what Sakura does, kicking her legs off to the side and springing back to her feet. She's shaky, she's loose... but part of that's because of the bright ball of blue flames in her hands. "Shinkuuu..." One eye shut from the swelling over her eye, she stumbles forward, managing to thrust the blue-white blast of energy back at Kim before she finally spills over. She just wants to leave a good mark on this battle: "HADOOOOOUKEN!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Kim 1/-======/=======|-------\-------\0 Sakura
COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Sakura's Shinkuu Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Sakura
No matter how much abuse she takes, Sakura just keeps on going. That's a true strength about her, really, and something that Kim can appreciate and respect immensely. Despite the amount of damage she's taken she still keeps going on, no matter what. And that's why Kim keeps fighting, even as she staggers up and onto her feet.
That immense power begins to swell up around her once more, and with the knowledge of how much it /hurts a lot/, Kim prepares himself. Eyes steel, legs tense, and as that massive blue-white ball of chi comes, Kim.. leaps HIGH into the air, directly over the attack. He flips once, twice, gracefully before he lands on his feet in a crouch. Except... has Sakura collapsed? He knows she can't be down for the count yet, though!
Brown eyes look down at her, and Kim cants his head to the side. He doesn't quite go ahead and attack her yet -- not while she's down, at least! "Ms. Kasugano -- can you still fight?" For now, he prepares, just in case. Xiangfei's scary 'return to life oooo!!' tactics have gotten him several times before!
COMBATSYS: Kim focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Sakura
Sakura takes another halting step forward as soon as she releases her second Shinkuu Hadouken for the afternoon, leaning forward to rest her horizontally-turned elbow on her knee. Even though the swelling, though, it looks like Sakura's still got... well, =some= kind of inner wellspring of energy. Because she's not tipping over or anything. Heck, she actually might look kinda cool, if she were standing up on some kinda mountain or rocky ridge or something. Scuffing her free hand across the bridge of her nose, she nods back in reply to Kim -- secretly grateful for the moment of respite, though she'd never outwardly admit it. Chuckling, she nods back. "Well, yeah I can fight!" she chirps back, stubbornly -- even though it's far from rational for her to do so. Then again, it's probably irrational to trade beatings with people day-in, day-out, but hey, who's keeping count?
She rises back to her feet, setting her jaw as she nods back in reply to Kim. No more words, though... she just falls back onto her heels, elbows locking at her sides as she clenches her fists tightly. A fierce whirlwind of energy springs into existence around her as she lets out a ferocious kiai: "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Wow, she could even sound more hardcore than Kim's own sons!
COMBATSYS: Sakura gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Sakura
Certainly cool! She keeps going like the Energizer Bunny, provided the Bunny kicked and hurled projectiles a lot and generally caused pain. And was a girl, and not a bunny at all. But you get the picture. Sakura just won't stop! And even though it might be crazy for some to persist, Kim knows full well that it's just part of nature for the girl to keep on striving. Had he been in her position, he'd keep on going to! And so, he falls back into a combat stance, hands lifting up in front of him as legs shift weight between them.
He blinks, however, when that whirlwind of chi and power comes swirling into existance. "... wow!" See, now that's impressive! Instead of halting and waiting, though, Kim charges /right/ in, rushing across the ground like a crazyman right towards Sakura and her supercharged form. "HUUUAAAAAAAAH!!" About midway through the run, he leaps into the air, his legs jutting out to either side of him as he flips. One foot falls down to hit Sakura over the back of her head, and then the other, momentum carrying Kim downward until he lands in splits, and a look of sheer determination.
COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Kim's Hangetsu Zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Sakura
Sakura looks a bit pale once she sees Kim whip himself into the air like that again. She knows darn well how much an aerial strike like that can hurt, and as much as she'd =like= to stand in the middle of her nice, warm whirlwind... well, all good things must come to an end. Much like she began the fight, Sakura raises her arms, taking the two successive kicks on her padded handguards, her body putting up a mild protest from the jarring blows but allowing her to continue backpedaling away from the Korean champion nonetheless. Gritting her teeth, the schoolgirl shifts momentum abruptly, her headband cutting a sharp spike from the sudden move. She knows she's got to strike, and give it her best shot! And that best shot just happens to be a step forward into a gym-short baring thrust kick, aimed at plunging right through Kim's guard to nail him in the solar plexus. "HRAAAAAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Sakura's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Sakura
Impressed that Sakura managed to block the sudden assault, Kim is no less alert when he lands. Brown eyes dart forward to see Sakura flinging herself at him with a powerful kick, and it's in that moment that the man moves as fast as he can to get the hell out of the way of the strike. Backpedalling one, two, three steps, Kim gets right out of the way of Sakura's attack, letting her foot plunge into air rather than his vulnerable solar plexus. Feet dig into the ground as he stops, eyes narrowing before he LEAPS into the air, spinning around like a some sort of psychotic. He lands, /right/ in front of Sakura, intent on delivering one, two, /three/ roundhouse kicks to her side, infused with the power of the TKD champ and Koreans around the world! "OOOORYAA!!"
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Sakura with Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Kim 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Sakura
Kim has dropped a connection.
Wham! Wham! Wham! Sakura's in hardly any position to get out of the way after that kick -- but that's not to say she won't =try!= The schoolgirl knows she wouldn't be able to survive another hit, but... well, she's unable to get out of the way anyway, taking the hits full to the stomach. Crumpling, she lands in a heap a good three or four feet back... but considering her extensive injuries, she just falls over onto her side, defeated. "Heh... g-...good fight..."
COMBATSYS: Sakura takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Sakura can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 1/-------/=======|
Well -- that's it, then. Kim lands solidly on his feet as soon as Sakura strikes the ground, waiting for another attack... that simply doesn't come. Time passes, and when the announcer begins delcaring Kim Kaphwan the winner, he walks over to Sakura, crouching down with a smile and an offered hand to help get her back onto her feet. "Very good fight. Your determination is amazing, Ms. Kasugano!!" He offers another one of those bright grins, intent on helping her back onto her feet. "I can tell, you've got no where to go but up."
COMBATSYS: Kim takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Kim has ended the fight here.
Log created by Kim, and last modified on 18:03:13 02/09/2006.