Description: A nice evening shopping in Southtown's Chinatown ends rather abruptly and most unpleasantly when Rugal Bernstein comes looking for the Yata heiress. What's more, he extends a most unexpected offer...
Despite the hour, Chinatown is buzzing with life.
Shouts erupt from all angles, from each shop and nook and cranny, various dialects from the mainland, some peddling wares while some just shout for the sake of talking over the loud hum of the city. People clutter the sidewalks, roads occupied by a mix of small vehicles and bicycle riders. To visitors it's a whole new world. To those who inhabit Chinatown, this is home.
There's a face in the crowd that, to most, might otherwise be just another face. A slender Asian woman in a simple white blouse and black slacks moves through the throngs of people cluttering the immediate area, pushing through and otherwise attempting to get from one end of the area to the other with her tiny brown parcel tucked under a small arm. Eventually her feet carry her beyond the bustle, and with a sigh and a sag of slender shoulders she can FINALLY breathe.
Shaking her head, long black locks cascade past her shoulders, guided by a slender hand as it brushes them back. Her pause is brief; after collecting her thoughts she resumes her walk through town, cutting through a nearby alley to save time.
Southtown, every corner and every inch, is a city that is filled to the brim with life and people. The Fighters' City has earned its fame throughout the years to the point that even this relatively small corner of Japan has earned a name and a population all its own. It is no surprise, that things are busier today. Not /really/, even considering how late at night it is. No. It's merely...
An inconvenience.
In the hustle and bustle of Chinatown's people it might be hard, near impossible, for someone to pinpoint the important few through the veritable sea of the many. A Japanese woman in a Japanese city, wearing a white shirt and black slacks is not exactly the most specific or even distinct of images. That is, if one is just a man with a description in a sea of people.
But things have never quite been that way for Rugal Bernstein.
It takes some time. You must wait, after all, until people are gone. In a city where fighting is almost a daily occurance, what is about to happen is hardly going to be /surprising/. But still, it would be best if there are as few witnesses as possible. So, he waits. The Yata heir turns down a corner, into a deep dark alleyway. And then, some ten seconds after she arrives...
"I've decided to give you something of a gift."
The voice comes from behind her. And should she turn, she'll see the face of a man she has vowed to stop. Grinning at her, crimson cybernetic staring at her. Rugal, after all, has always been a fan of surprises.
That alone is a safety net of sorts. A woman as nondescript as the Yata scion blends in well in the locals, whereas a man like Bernstein--especially here in Chinatown--does not. Still, the woman is without a care as she pushes through and attempts to find room to breathe, holding close to her parcel. Eventually she staggers into the open and seeks to make her way home via a small alleyway that lay adjacent to the busy street. A smile briefly passes her face, her expression mild but very much pleasant.
In all she'd say it's been a good day. Chii-chan will be pleased, most surely.
The smile doesn't linger long, and for good reason. Not even a minute after stepping foot into a darkness that might otherwise discomfort a woman of her stature there comes a voice from behind. Her pause is rigid, her form going stiff with disbelief before she slowly but surely turns around, to regard that awful face.
Disbelief fades into a look that might be categorized as 'annoyance.' Squinting lightly and furrowing her thin black brows, the woman peers at the off-color gaze of Rugal, her lips pulling into a tiny smirk of sorts.
"What do you want, Bernstein?"
At times like these, one doesn't need to blend in well. Especially not in a city like this. The only concern Rugal may even /possibly/ have arises from the Southtown Syndicate itself. And even then... that can easily be circumvented. No. Try as she might to be nondescript, when it comes to 'R', finding someone or something is frighteningly easy. And this will just be used as further proof that... no matter what, if Rugal Bernstein had wanted to come an eliminate Chizuru?
He could have done so a long, long time ago.
Is she surprised? She shouldn't be. Having tried to confront Rugal and failed some time ago, this was merely an inevitability. She made herself a known factor, after all, declared herself a thorn in his side. Should it be any wonder that he is here today, grinning at her in an expression that speaks of sheer amusement? That expression alone, however, makes it abundantly clear -- whatever Bernstein has planned, it is nothing good.
"What do I want? I believe it's what /you/ want, Ms. Kagura. You came to me, after all, seeking to defeat me. You failed miserably."
He steps forward. By now, she should know what will happen. A fist curls, and in that moment? Bernstein /hurls/ it forward, straight towards Chizuru, intent on striking her square in the chest.
"I've decided to give you something of a second chance."
COMBATSYS: Rugal has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Chizuru has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chizuru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rugal
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Chizuru with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chizuru 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Rugal
However he found her doesn't concern her immediately; right now, as the slender woman turns slowly on her heels and faces him squarely, the only concern she has is her well-being of course. Has he come to eliminate her? He nearly attempted to do so when last they fought, but 'spared' her doppelganger the unfortunate pain of his fist. Her dark eyes narrow briefly, lips pulling lightly across her face. Mm.
It's not just clear to her--it's crystal clear. "I failed miserably? No, I didn't." Stepping back and away, the woman sets her package off to the side, crouching carefully to set the wrapped bundle down. Content in its placement, she offers a small grin before she stands, turning around to face him. Slender hands rest at her sides, long fingers gently curling and uncurling.
"If anything it helped me get stronger."
He steps forward, a gloved hand curling into a tight fist. In turn Chizuru moves, the woman's arms swiftly coming up from her sides to gracefully fold before her, to attempt to prevent it from hitting her right in the chest. But her attempt proves to be for naught; through her arms his fist drives, striking her and causing her to issue a gasp of disbelief, eyes widening in surprise as she's sent staggering back.
A second chance? Lifting a hand from her side, Chizuru rubs her chest softly, frowning in disappointment. "If I wanted a second chance I'd come to you, Bernstein," she states calmly, her features surprisingly collected, despite the odds against her. "But if you insist on starting a fight with me, I have no choice." Her arm rises, her body twisting as she lifts it overhead. In midair her hand twists, to come down and strike him across the chest, a blur of white following in the wake of her graceful movement to knock him back.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Chizuru's Zheng Zheng.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Rugal
Eliminate her...? Now, now.
Where would the fun in THAT be?
In truth, she's yet to prove herself worthy of being killed of by Bernstein. Because being /killed/ by Rugal tends to mean that you become one of the statues of his hall. She's yet to earn that right, but still... that doesn't mean he can't have fun toying with the poor woman before he finally decides to give her his 'gift', does it? Not at all.
She DOES need to stay on edge at all times. Such is the fate of the Heir of the Yata.
"I certainly HOPE it's made you stronger, miss! I'd like to get a more challenging fight from you this time around. I didn't come here to be /bored/ to death, after all." There flings his fist, and cleanly does it smash straight through her defenses against her sternum. There is an expression that is more than pleased, oozing its way past Rugal's lips. The sound of a hit striking clean is the most beautiful, after all.
"So please don't hold back on my account."
A single hand slips into his pocket as Bernstein stares at Chizuru, almost blankly. "It's time you realized by having the gall to challenge me during business, you no longer became the hunter. Just like Heidern and Ikari before you, Ms. Kagura... you are now MY prey." This? This is simply a reminder of this fact. Her arm twists downward, intent on slapping across his chest. But as it descends -- it feels the rather meaty thud of slapping against the gloved palm of his hand. Even as Rugal continues to stare at her, with a smile.
A single leg tenses behind him, not intending to give Chizuru a moment to recover. Arching backwards to build tension, Bernstein suddenly SNAPS the leg forward, rising upward in a spinning leap as he lashes out with that foot, attempting to strike her in the jaw solidly.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru blocks Rugal's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Rugal
Chizuru Kagura does not have any intention on becoming yet another statue in Rugal's hall. What's worse, she doesn't exactly want to PROVE herself worth of that horrible fate. All the Yata heiress wants is that portion of Orochi back from him, to seal away with it and help further her cause as the last of her clan.
Rugal, however, refuses to make such a task an easy one.
His words earn him a clear frown, soft lips pulling downward on her gentle face. "I am not your keeper or your babysitter, Rugal," she states quite clearly, shaking her head in disappointment. "Frankly, Bernstein, you need yourself a better hobby. Is this all you have to do? Corner me in some dingy alleyway and threaten me?" His punch follows thereafter, sending the woman staggering back and clutching her chest with a wheeze.
"It's like I said before," she states, stepping forward to drop her arm down and strike him in the chest. " You aren't worth my all. No, that's reserved for someone more worthwhile. Like Goenitz." His hand is swift, catching her hand in his palm with seemingly little effort. A momentary look of disbelief is swiftly replaced with another solemn frown.
"Don't flatter yourself," Chizuru chides lightly. "Just because you have nothing better to do than stalk fighters does not make you a hunter of any sort."
The leg is noted with a flicker of her hazel eye, and with careful precision the woman's arms rise up, absorbing the blow before it strikes her in the jaw. Grunting lightly, the Yata heiress snaps her eyes up and issues a brief glare, her lips pulled tightly. "You're pathetic, Bernstein. You really DO need better hobbies."
Still, this saves her the effort of tracking him down. And this closeness? It too saves her the effort. Thus does the woman twist, letting her arms rise up before they swiftly descend, to drop behind him and sweep him off his feet by striking him cleanly in the back of his knees.
COMBATSYS: Rugal endures Chizuru's Reigetsu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Rugal
Surprisingly enough, Bernstein didn't /come/ here to chat. He came here to impart something on Chizuru after giving her some /fun/ beforehand. He has never been a fan of the preaching type. He found the Martyr of Might, Grant, just as irritable as he finds Chizuru's constant yammering to be. It doesn't matter. He'll soon give her reason to stop talking.
The fact that she manages to absorb the brunt of his blow is hardly disconcerting. In fact, that /was/ his intention in the first place. He lives for the fight, after all; understanding the workings of a person and coming up with tactics to deal with them is something of his /forte/. So, there is little more than a grin and a laugh as her arms intercept his rising kick. He does not say anything. Not a word. And why?
Because he knows Chizuru has already shown him her 'all.'
Still, it seems that Chizuru is attempting to strike Bernstein while he's so close by knocking him off his feet. But R's leader does not even /move/ as the attack comes flying in. Off he is knocked, flying through the air. But when he lands...?
He lands on his hands.
"You preach /far/ too much."
That is the only warning she'll get before Bernstein pushes directly off the ground, both feet lanced out to impact heels-first into her abdomen, to knock the air out of her and send her flying up and away from him.
"Focus on your life, hm?"
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Rugal's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Rugal
Whatever he seeks to impart upon the Yata heiress is something to be seen. For now she's far more concerned with keeping herself out of the way of those fists of his, to make sure she's not pummeled cleanly to a bloody pulp. Knowing Rugal that's exactly what he has planned. This doesn't settle well with the woman at all.
Whether she has truly shown him her all or not is truly up for argument. For now, however, the woman doesn't seek to argue. Instead she blocks and absorbs his attack, his foot striking her arms cleanly before she shoves his foot back and away. Moments later she raises her arms high and drops them swiftly, to strike him in the back of his legs. Stumbling, he seems to be knocked off his footing--until her eyes flicker to the side, to spy him on his hands. The very sight is awkward, and earns him a strange look from the woman in white.
Like a shot he leaps up and comes down, intent on slamming her in the gut. However, when the heels slam down they impact the sidewalk, the woman a few feet away, landing gracefully nearby. "Your observations mean little to me, Bernstein." Focus on her life? That earns him a soft laugh and a wry smirk. "Neither does your advice."
Rather than attack she draws her eyes to a close, letting her hands curl into fists. Focusing on her inner strength, the woman seems to stand there, collecting her thoughts before her next plan of action.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Rugal
Well -- apparantly Rugal's acceptance of Chizuru's little attack was all for naught, eh? Not that it truly surprises or /upsets/ him, really. Few things actually do. Instead, it's merely encouragement... to continue the beatings. If she is so /nimble/ that she could get out of the way of that assault, let's see just how well she does with some of his other attacks, hm?
Rugal, ascending, does not quite land on sidewalk as Chizuru might have anticipated. Rather since he missed the blow, he continues rising through the air even as Chizuru lands ever so gracefully and deftly away from him. He hardly looks perturbed; instead, he looks pleased. She evaded it? Good! Such luck and good fortune won't last, but it's good to see that she's /trying/, isn't it? However, he continues to ascend, wordlessly, right over Chizuru's head. Rugal is nothing if not adaptable. Which is why when he lands... he lands directly behind her.
(Neither does your advice.)
"Don't say I did not warn you then, Ms. Kagura."
A single elbow jerks back once, to impact on the back of her head with lightning-fast swiftness. And then... it is followed by another jab, and another, counting five all together ultimately in order to send enough force through the poor woman's body to send her tumbling.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru blocks Rugal's Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Rugal
Fortune does seem to smile upon the Yata scion, but it's only a matter of time before she'll run out of that good luck. Chizuru doesn't like to THINK about that, however; instead she narrows her eyes and focuses on the fight before her--even if she doesn't make her attack. Instead she just lets her attentions focus inwardly, to plan her next attack. How can she take him down...or at least make him suffer a little wounded pride? Even as the R leader lands behind her she seems to have little concern for him. Warn her? The woman blinks once, auburn eyes flickering to the side just in time to spy an elbow closing in for her head.
It doesn't strike; instead the elbow is intercepted by the woman's hand, her palm catching it and preventing him from striking her. She moves, ducking once and otherwise hopping forward, landing nearby with another frown as she turns around slowly and faces him. "Warn me about what?" Does he really intend on killing her? Lips pull into a tiny grin.
She'd like to see him try.
With the sound of her heels clicking swiftly as her feet carrying her, Chizuru Kagura closes in on Rugal, stooping low before she rises up, letting her hand gracefully ascend and attempt to strike him cleanly on the underside of his jaw.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru successfully hits Rugal with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Rugal
She'd like to see him try.
Well at this rate, she might just get to.
She blocks his assault. He might have been slightly more upset if the attack were harder to get out of the way of. But in such close proximity, either she could block it, or accept it all. And deflect it she does, moving out of the way of the rest of the assault before he spins around to face her fully. Is she trying? He's sure she is. He, however... has yet to even truly /begin/. Which is why he offers her a faintest of smiles before she leaps forward once more. Quite the mouth on her, isn't there? Well.
There are ways to deal with that, too.
Her attack strikes cleanly, although the man hardly seems to even try to move out of the way. Similarly, he doesn't quite move so much when the blow strikes. At the most, he takes a single step back, mocking her with his gaze as he lifts a hand to touch lightly at his jaw.
"Is this the strength of the protectors of the seal? No wonder you failed."
He does not move, however. He stays where he is, watching, waiting. Looking for any available openings... to /exploit/.
COMBATSYS: Rugal focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Rugal
For all that eye sees it can't see to the core of the Yata heiress. While a part of her does extend a certain bit of effort here, she doesn't exactly give it her all. Not like when first he invaded the sanctity of her home and broke that seal. But that's beside the point.
Furrowing her brows, the woman eyes the much larger man with a bit of scrutiny. Why on Earth did he pick here of all places to accost her and interrupt her perfectly good, perfectly calm evening? She pulls her lips into another frown as he turns around to face her, eyes narrowing instinctively as she peers at him. She moves in, letting her hand rise and strike him under the jaw, despite how it barely stirs the man from his place. He moves back a touch at best, but Chizuru doesn't care.
"You're playing that tired, old card again, Bernstein?" she asks, looking sincerely surprised before she grins, shaking her head softly. "You really ought to dig up better insults. Frankly I'm disappointed."
Is he not moving? Good. Rather than attack him the Yata woman draws her eyes to a close once more, lips pulling into a thin line. The winds pick up around her, hair whipping about as she pools her energies and focuses on her next attack. While he looks to exploit her openings, she'll simply seek to keep him from doing so.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0 Rugal
She fought viciously, passionately when Rugal assaulted her island and attempted to get to that seal. She fought so bravely. But then again... he can't quite recall. What happened after that? ... Ah yes.
He ruined her, wholly and completely. Just like he will do today.
The force behind her blows are found to be wanting, however. They lack a certain spark that he needs to truly consider this any more than passing amusement. Rugal Bernstein... desires to feel this woman's power like he did before. Otherwise, this will be an /incredibly/ boring venture, to be sure. As it is, that blow that she seemed to put some strength behind, barely stings. Surely this is not her true strength, is it?
Hopefully not.
However, she does not move to him. She goes for more jibes. To taunt him into acting? Well, if that's what she's looking for, than she certainly succeeds. "Not an insult. Just fact. I cannot help that you are a disappointment as a fighter."
Even as he talks, Rugal leans forward a little. Even as she begins that impressive draw of chi towards her, even as the winds pick up, Rugal hefts up a nearby dumpster easily in both hands, and then FLINGS it at her as if it weighed little more than an eight pound bowling ball. Except this eight pound bowling ball is considerably larger, and aimed to crush Chizuru completely beneath its weight.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru blocks Rugal's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-======/=======|====---\-------\0 Rugal
The past is behind her; what's important is the here and now, and the problem at hand. That problem has a name, and it's Rugal Bernstein. Still, however impossible the odds may be, the woman seems determined enough to push through them and past them. With a narrowing of her eyes she offers him a look of resolve. Is he going to underestimate the Yata heiress again?
He already has, but he will not ruin her again.
Still, she does anything but attack; quite the contrary. Chizuru stands her ground, small, delicate hands pulling into fists at her sides as she pools her chi and gathers her will. His words fall upon her with a certain emptiness, wasted breath at best as he tries to insult her. She's a disappointment? Her lips curl into a tiny grin.
Even as he picks up the dumpster and hurls it for her.
Sliding a foot back, the young woman lets her arms rise up and block her face and head, even as the massive bulk of steel crashes into her. Surprisingly it doesn't do as intended and crush her; instead it strikes and half-rolls off her, landing at her side with a crash and thud. Once it has fallen before her she drops her arms, looking quite irritable.
"Cheap tricks as always. And you call me a shameful fighter?"
Leaping over the dumpster, the woman lets a foot snap out, to strike Rugal in the face with her heel, followed by a shove of her foot, to push her off and away.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Chizuru's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-======/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
Cheap tricks...
"I use my physical strength to my advantage. Something that you will never be able to quite fully be able to appreciate, Ms. Kagura. After all... weakness can never relate to power."
A grin curls at the corners of his lips.
"That is simply the way this world works."
She has marvelous skill, though, being able to deflect an attack such as that one. Still, it is not so much a hinderance to Bernstein as much as it is just another hurdle to get over. The dumpster does it's job, distracting and keeping distance so that when Chizuru comes at him again...? He is most certainly prepared.
She comes flying at him, but her movements are blatantly obvious. A single foot extends, and there is already a gloved hand to intercept the blow, Bernstein not even moving in the /slightest/ as the strike knocks his hand rather solidly. Perhaps it might have stung a little, if she were a touch faster. Instead, he offers a soft laugh and pushes the foot away, allowing Chizuru her distance. Only because he plans on crossing it soon enough.
A single step of a long, crimson-clad leg crosses the distance between them within mere moments. A fist rears back, before striking UPWARDS in a cross meant to slam into her chin. Enough force is there to launch her into the air, where he follows in a leap, driving both hands down in a hammerblow to her sternum to send her crashing to the ground.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Chizuru with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
Let him talk all he wants. If it makes Rugal feel better then by all means. Chizuru isn't one so easily bothered by his chiding. Instead she sports a tiny smile, dark eyes humored by his weak taunts and jabs at her ego.
"Well, whatever," she replies easily enough, shrugging her shoulders in a surprisingly amicable fashion. Upset? Bothered? No way; if anything she's inconvenience by the sudden appearance of Bernstein. "Say what you like, but, frankly?" Her shoulders roll again. "It's a waste of breath." Like the effort issued to try and crush the woman beneath the dumpster; it rolls off of her and to the side, followed by a leap up and over it, to kick him square in the side of his face.
He intercepts, catching her foot with his hand and preventing it from making contact. She doesn't linger long; she, in fact, shoves off of his hand and twists midair, landing with a soft 'tap' of heels against the ground. His laugh is met with nothing more than a calm expression as her arm rises up and extends forward into her usual stance.
The line is crossed swiftly, and with a draw of his fist he reels back and forward, slamming it quite swiftly into her chin. Propelled up, he follows, coming down on her with a slam of his hands into her, sending her crashing into the ground with an audible 'oof' and a meaty thud. Tenacious as ever, Chizuru scrambles quickly to her feet, frowning as she dusts her garments off before getting into stance once more.
"I tire of your games, Bernstein," she murmurs in a low tone of voice. Dusky eyes draw to a close, a soft breath slipping past her lips before she opens them swiftly and moves forward, leaping up at an angle and coming down, her hand striking swiftly in a downward motion...or so it seems, anyway. The real Chizuru is standing behind, watching him with a calm, patient expression.
COMBATSYS: Rugal reflects Choumon no Isshin from Chizuru with Dark Barrier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|======-\-------\0 Rugal
The taunts and jabs at her ego are not made by his words. She should realize by now, that's not how he proves his superiority.
It is through actions, and actions alone that he proves his greatness an... divinity to Chizuru. If she has not yet gotten the /point/, well.
Perhaps it's time she was truly taught it.
Each of his blows, so great in strength, drive into the woman's body fiercely and without relent. One launching her up, and another SLAMMING her downward. It's a tribute to her skill and cockroach-like tenacity that she manages to get up again, and get up so quickly at that. But it will only last so long. Rugal grows stronger and stronger with every passing moment. For the Yata heiress, she has a definable limit. For Berstein...? There is no limit other than godhood. Allow him to demonstrate.
He claps his hands together, in resounding applause as the woman gets back onto her feet. "Impressive!" Really! She's still able to stand after fully enduring two of his blows. That is quite the feat, isn't it? But it seems she still wants to fight. "I think it is about time I showed you why you are now the hunted, and I am the hunter. Forget about the power that I took from you. I will have it all soon enough. Instead, like I told you before..."
That doppleganger flies at him. It is made of chi, he can feel it. Not real, yet not fake. The power of the Yata. A single hand extends, palm up. Green chi flares around it in a soft display.
"... worry about your life."
That hand, strikes a rippling emerald disk of /power/ that protects Rugal. Even as it does, though, that hand... is sucked into the barrier, followed by the entire /body/ of the double with a crackle and swirl of energy until there is nothing for a split second. And then?
Raw chi is spit out at Chizuru. Her own chi, to knock her right off her feet.
Show all he likes, Chizuru is determined to someday see him crushed. It might not be by her hand, but someday he'll fall just as greatly as he assume he'll rise. Then what? He'll have nothing.
Still, his assault strikes true and sends her up into the air, followed by a brutal slam of his fists into her midriff, sending her crashing into the ground below. Squirming briefly, a look of discomfort crosses her features before she rises, hands pressed flat to the ground beneath her for support. Soon she's on her feet, eyes focus on the likes of Rugal after a few fierce blinks. Again he's proving himself to be quite a handful and this is...most troublesome.
Frowning at his applaud, the Yata heiress lets her back straighten, a hand rubbing softly at the base of her jaw. Was it truly impressive? She'd be a fool to take his words at face value. Instead she frowns, a brief look of disappointment passing her slender features. "Only in your mind are you such a thing," she states coolly before she crouches and seemingly leaps, only to let her doppelganger do the work for her. Still, he's quite the handful, and the doppelganger all but devoured by the disk of green that erupts in his palm. Flinching, the woman staggers briefly before she shakes her head, taking a few steps back and away. She does not attack, however.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|======-\-------\0 Rugal
It might not, and will not be by her hand. There are few in this world worthy enough to even stand a chance of fighting Rugal Bernstein and proving to be able to 'crush' him, and soon enough... no one will. That is one of the perks of being a true god, after all.
There's something pleasant in seeing Chizuru being struck by her own energy. Perhaps it does not damage her /so/ much physically, but it must do wonders for her precious ego. And that is what he truly seeks out today. In order to... inspire someone to be truly strong, you need to injure them on great levels both physically, spiritually and mentally. The anger will be there, then. Anger to allow them to grow greater than what they truly are or could be.
And that is when the time is ripe to end them.
Still. She seems dazed, and Rugal isn't about to waste an opportunity. Even as she staggers back, power begins to well up around him. Another special power of Bernstein's... the ability to reap what others have sown. Case in point; Chizuru has seen this before. R's leader begins to literally lift off the ground as the winds ground violent around them, whipping hair in an intense manner even as debris crushes against the ally walls. Blue-white chi orbits around his body in fast-flying tendrils of power. "Are you ready yet...?"
It is not really a question.
COMBATSYS: Rugal gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\==-----\1 Rugal
All things must come to an end. This is a fact of life Chizuru understands well. Rugal is no exception to this rule, no matter how god-like he believes himself to be. Still, she'll see to it that his fall is a swift, disgraceful one, and that everything he has built out of the blood of others crumbles into dust before him.
Her double devoured and ultimately spit back at her is disconcerting indeed. Wincing, the woman's expression is clearly uncomfortable, a hand rising up and pressing against her chest firmly, if only to help stave off some of the discomfort that's already begun plaguing her. Outmatched again, the Yata heiress seems to struggle now, barely keeping up with him as he seems to keep up with relative ease, if not more so.
End this? Never. Crush her spirit and mind? No way. She's as determined as ever.
Drawing her hands in close, the woman whispers to herself, eyes drawing to a close as she stands there, even as he again shows off, letting himself rise from the ground. It's another of his tricks that, quite frankly, she tires of seeing. This does not get to her, however.
"I'm always ready," she states, eyes opening.
With a series of motions and steps the woman's form comes for him, arms waving and motioning in a delicate, graceful fashion. Like a dance the woman moves swiftly, strike after strike delivered, intent on crashing into him before she vanishes into thin air...her doppelganger, anyway.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru successfully hits Rugal with Sanrai no Fujin.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-------/=======|=======\=======\1 Rugal
Amazing, how persistant gnats can be.
Occasionally they irritate you more than you could think to be possible.
Case in point. Chizuru is finished. Bernstein knows this well enough. But the fact that she still continues to /persist/ is something of an irritant on his very soul. Eyes narrowing as he lifts into the air, he raises a single, gloved hand and beckons her to him. Come. He does not have all day, after all. He has /things/ to do.
And so she does come. Is he surprised? Not precisely. In fact, it seems whatever she has planned is rather incredible. Her doppleganger rushes across the distance between them, and Rugal moves his hands up to defend -- all simply too late. Strike after strike slam into him, sending his body staggering, and in that last motion, as that doppleganger goes crashing into him? Bernstein actually goes /flying/ into the air. Hurt? More than somewhat. Blood trails down his lip, his eyes narrow.
It's time to end this. Now.
He corrects himself in mid-air, landing in a crouch. Taking in several deep breaths, the man pauses... before he BURSTS across the space between himself and Chizuru in a flicker of motion that causes him to literally /disappear/... before he reappears, right next to her.
Chi causes his form to waver as a single hand snaps out, intent on grabbing securely by the front of the Yata heiress' blouse...
COMBATSYS: Chizuru stops Omega Destruction from Rugal with Tamayura no Shitsune.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Rugal
Chizuru persists because she HAS to. It's her duty as a Yata to see to it that the energy of Orochi is sealed up--or better, destroyed. So long as that shred clings to Rugal's dark soul she cannot rest, no matter how great the odds are against her. She continues to move forward, no matter how much Rugal would like her to just stay put or, better yet, die.
He beckons for the Yata heiress to come, and come she does. Moving forward in a graceful blur of elegant movements and steps the woman's doppelganger closes in and ultimately bests his defenses. Breaking through the man is pummeled repeatedly, over and over before the last attack strikes hard, sending the man back and through the air, to crash down a short distance away. He's wiser and far more skilled than that, and with his own style of grace lands on his feet, landing in a crouch.
She looks on as he pauses a moment, breathing heavily and catching his breath. A frown is quick and swift to seize her lips before she blinks once, quite visibly in surprise. Again he moves with frightening speed, a blur of red that vanishes before her eyes before he reappears near her. The moment he does?
Her hand is swift. A burst of golden chi erupts in her hand, stopping that offending hand of Bernstein's dead in its tracks. She follows through, bringing it down before her feet, where the chi bursts into another brilliant display.
Again. AGAIN. /Again/. Every time he decides to end this, she PERSISTS ON DENYING HIM. Again, she keeps him from executing potentially the strongest of his attacks and AGAIN she does so without hesitation. Rugal Bernstein, however, will NOT be denied today, no matter WHAT she may think to the contrary. Family obligations mean nothing in the face of raw physical power.
But she stops him. And the look of infuriation that appears on his face is priceless. Brows furrowed, he is the epitome of rage as he RIPS away from her and her little light show, a single leg tensing. "I see you do NOT have a flare for the dramatic. If that's the case, then..."
And then he brings that leg forward to bear on Chizuru. To kick her in the side again, and again, and again and again and AGAIN, a series of fast-fire, RELENTLESS kicks to her ribs meant to at least crack something through a display of physical might.
"We'll go for something a bit more /crude/."
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Chizuru with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0 Rugal
It's not that she insists on denying him without reason; she insists on denying because were he to get his hands ON her she'd probably have to eat from a feeding tube for a few years, if not more. Chizuru is no fool. She knows well what Bernstein is capable of and the power that flows within him. She's felt it twice now. Frankly, she doesn't want to feel it again.
Thus does her hand descend, a burst of golden chi exploding upon impact with that hand. Stopped, Rugal is forced back as her hand completes the motion, the ground at her feet aglow with golden energy as it explodes and disperses. Glancing up, the look is noted before she stands upright, her back straight as she takes a step back. A flare for the dramatic? "It's about efficiency, Rugal. This isn't a contest or a show of panache. I'm not out to impress you!"
He moves again, swift like before. The heel of his shoe strikes her once, twice; multiple times does he hit her before she's sent back and away, staggering and otherwise struggling to keep her footing. He wants crude? Fine.
Coiling up, the woman offers a frown. "That power is not yours, Rugal," she states, her words surprisingly calm and gentle. Eyes draw to a close, a breath taken into her lungs before they open wide, her expression determined.
"I will take it from you and seal it!"
He's seen it before. Lunging forward, the Yata heiress hand drives RIGHT for his gut, to strike true with a plume of that familiar golden chi upon impact.
COMBATSYS: Rugal endures Chizuru's Reigi no Ishizue.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
Whereas Chizuru has only felt his power once -- twice now from his blows, he has felt her strength multiple times. And he is quite unimpressed with what he has found. She has only be able to nick away at him. In time... she'll fall. Soon enough she'll collapse from exhaustion, and he will end this. Though --
This certainly has provided the ENTERTAINMENT he was hoping for.
Each kick slams into her side with devastating strength and speed. She staggers back, but yet again she still stands. Yet again, she has something ELSE planned that he will have to invariably deal with. And how does he deal with it? She rushes at him, one hand outstretched. She moves swiftly, incredibly so. Almost too fast to keep up with. But Rugal does not move.
He stands there, and takes that strike HEAD ON.
With a /smile/.
"Power that is not mine...?" He questions. If it hurts, he certainly does not show it. The energy she has taken is insignificant compared to what roars within him. "I think it's clear who the power has chosen to side with."
A single hand snaps forward, to grab her by the head, and LIFT.
"And you are not capable of keeping it from me."
A single, gloved hand drives into the Yata heiress' stomach, to send her flying with brutal efficiency.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Chizuru with Scorpion Blow.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\ < > /////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Rugal
He can remain as unimpressed with the woman as he likes. She is not out to impress him. She simply wants to take back what isn't his and seal it and be DONE with it. This farce can't continue. Chizuru will put an end to it...somehow.
For now she focuses her concerns on the moment and keeping her head very much in tact and atop her shoulders. Is this the entertainment he wanted? Good. Let him be entertained; Chizuru just wants to get out of this alive. The hunter has become the hunted; his words do not bode well with her.
She won't let a little threat impair her judgment and ability to stand up to him.
Like before the Yata scion rushes forward, thrusting her hand forward and slamming the chi-laced fingertips cleanly into his midsection. A successful blow...only because he stands there like a fool and takes it. Dusky eyes blink once before she flickers them up, meeting that grin with a frown.
"The power of Orochi is not yours to wantonly call upon and use, however little of it clings to your soul, Bernstein," she replies, her words low. "You misunderstand me, however," Pausing a moment, the woman's brows descend a touch, eyes narrowing. "I don't want it for myself. I'm not an idiot like you. That power is destructive; you know that as well as anyone else. insist on clutching to it like a fool. I'm trying to do you a FAVOR."
His hand snaps forward, and with a brief crouch the heiress tries to avoid his grasp. She is not quick enough and with a powerful slam of his palm into her stomach she's sent flying back and away, landing in a lump with another meaty thud. Wincing, the woman struggles to rise up, to get to her feet and stand. She sways, a hand resting against her stomach in pain. Gathering her wits and breath, Chizuru simply wobbles...
...before she rushes forward, one last burst of energy left within her to leap at him and come down swiftly with a hand at his shoulders and chest...her doppelganger, at least. Chizuru stands her ground briefly before she crumples to her knees, hands flat against the concrete as she tries to catch her breath.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Chizuru's Choumon no Isshin.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|
All in all, in the end, Rugal Bernstein would have to say this match... was adequately entertaining. His bloodlust begins to seep away, his rage dying from him as the last of his beatings are dolled out upon the Yata heiress. The kicks for one, certainly to cause pain to her ribs for some time to come. And then...
That hand that lifts her. It's debatable whether he has even truly /listened/ to Chizuru or not in all her ramblings. Odds are that he did not. But regardless of whether he did or didn't, the fact remains; he has taken her attempt at sealing away that power which lurks within him, and in the end... it still remains. Unabated. Unstoppable. And that solid shot to her stomach all but seals the deal.
He turns, beginning to walk away smoothly as Chizuru crashes to the ground. He only stops, when she rises to her feet once more. "Don't you ever learn...?" It's murmured, halfway to himself as she launches off a final assault. He can see it coming, from far away. But rather than try to stop it... Bernstein smiles. Time to show her the truth.
He only turns, when that doppleganger is upon him. Calmly, swiftly, he pivots on a heel and thrusts a single hand straight INTO the chi-made doppleganger's chest. It burns slightly, but it serves a purpose. Because soon enough, a vicious force begins to bear down on the alley. One that should reak havoc on Chizuru's senses especially. The primal urges to destroy and render everything to nothingness.
The Orochi.
In a flash of violet power, the double is done away with, fading into nothingness as that power, too, begins to dwindle down to nothing, the Orochi fading back to Rugal's soul. For a long moment, his dual-gaze watches her closely. Before something dawns on him. "Ah yes! Your gift." From his pocket, Bernstein withdraws a single invitation. An envelope, sealed by 'R'. Tossed all too casually at her, before he turns and walks away.
"Consider yourself personally invited to my tournament, Ms. Kagura. I would hate for you to miss it."
COMBATSYS: Rugal takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Rugal has ended the fight here.
Log created by Chizuru, and last modified on 01:49:20 02/10/2006.