Description: BANANADOUKEN! (Winner: Ramon)
It's a nice day downtown today. Most of the people are still at work, so the streets are relatively bare. A few window shoppers traverse the sidewalks as a steady pace of cars haul down the street. The temperature is decently cool and the shining sun feels warm on the skin. Slowly pacing in front of a music store, Ramon waits for his League partner so the fighting can begin. Every once in awhile, a fan will recognize him and stop by to talk, nervously starting the conversation only to find out Ramon's quite a sociable fella. Finishing up an autograph, Ramon waves and smiles to a young teen woman before crossing his arms and leaning against a cement wall, whistling idly.
So, Frei actually hasn't been active in the league all that much lately. Why? Because his last few fights -- league or not -- have left him with some particularly nasty wounds... that's what you get taking on thugs and yobos, hooligans, ninja, that sort of affair. Deciding a week off wasn't going to hurt him any, the monk took a well-earned vacation, spending some time in Metro City. The end of which promptly led to him getting in a street fight with a girl on roller blades, because, you know, Murphy's Law.
The question now, of course, is where the heck he is. Surely the Master's Foundation must have called and told him, right? That he had a fight and everything. Yet mysteriously, here he is not. And Ramon waiting so patiently too.
The door to the music shop swings open, revealing a short, red-haired man in oversize Chinese clothing humming Britney Spears' "Toxic" (shut up) to himself, when his cell phone rings. Blinking, the young man reaches into his pocket and produces it, answering. "Renard's House of Waffles and Enlightenment: our pancakes are divine." Beat. "What, now?" He frowns, not looking toward the wall Ramon is currently Ponyboy-ing on. "...where?" Blinking, he turns back to the door and bends forward, scrutinizing the street number. "Oh. Uh... I guess that's doable." With a shrug, he hangs up, then... walks in the opposite direction from Ramon, Frei leans up against the wall on the other side of the door. "o/~ I'm addicted to you 'cause you know that you're toxiiiic..."
Seeing as Frei comes out of the store on Ramon's right side, the wrestler doesn't see him. At least, not instantly. Ramon is singing his own tune, too, though. Just barely loud enough to hear, the 80's incarnate rings out. "o/~ Well you can tell by the way I use mah walk I'm a woman's man, no time to talk! / Music loud and women soft, I've been kicked around, since I was born! / Well it's alright! That's okay! And you may look the other way! / We can try, to understand, The New York Time's effect on man! / Whether you're a mother or whether you're a brother you're stayin' alive, stayin' alive. / Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin' and you're stayin' alive! Stayin' alive! o/~" You know you love it.
Ramon hears Frei's voice over his own singing and looks to the small man. "Hey there short stuff." Ramon says with a grin, pretty much the same height as him. Oh, it's on.
Singing, singing, lucha. Frei is the type who sings with his eyes closed, because in the land of his imagination, he is Diana Ross, wearing that really badass silver sequined thing from... yeah, anyhow. Eyes closed. Thus when Ramon makes his big entrance, he's taken somewhat by surprise. He knew enough to sense another person nearby, after all... he just wasn't expecting it to be Ramon. Opening one eye, the monk eyes the luchadore with a lazy smile. "You've clearly never met Dr. Tran," he says with a hint of amusement.
Pushing himself off the wall, Frei hops forward and turns around on the sidewalk, cracking his knuckles. "I didn't think we'd get to fight again quite so soon," he adds, doing a couple stretches. "Mainly because that was the Neo League people on the phone maybe, say... 90 seconds ago." Stretches complete, he gets into stance and shakes out his hands, smiling at Ramon. "Ready when you are."
COMBATSYS: Frei has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Frei 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Ramon has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Ramon 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Frei
Ramon pushes off the wall, grinning broadly. "Good to hear, amigo. You sure you'll be fine?" Ramon places a hand on his left shoulder and starts twisting his arm around. "You seemed to have some old wounds open up on you during our last fight. The goal is to hurt you until you give, but I don't want to cause an overdue amount of /pain/, amigo." Ramon, still standing completely straight, lifts his right leg straight up, foot above his shoulder, and pulls back on it a few times before doing the same with his other leg. "After all, I don't think I'd be walking away from this too happy knowing a friend's in pain because of me."
Turning his side to Frei and hopping up and down, one arm at his leg, the other at his torso, Ramon sizes up Frei for the second time within a week. "I'm ready. Now come, show me what you can do." Ramon grins, internally preemptively crying. God he hates chi.
COMBATSYS: Ramon focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Ramon 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Frei
The monk shrugs, giving Ramon the once over. He doesn't look too concerned. "Cuts, bruises, whatever... they all happen. I know you're not going to do something like try to kill me, and I'm tougher than I look." Which is true; Frei can take a lot more punishment than his slight frame might suggest. "That's my long-winded way of saying not to worry about it. Unless I start screaming 'COULD YOU STOP WHILE I PUT MY PANCREAS BACK IN PLACE?!', then you can worry." Frei watches Ramon warily for a second, thinking back. He showed the luchadore pretty much all of his self-created techniques last time, didn't he? Except one. And the last time he used it on a guy, it got some really fascinating results. Grinning, he pulls a hand up toward his forehead, then cuts a half circle through the air with it heading doward, a purple crescent of energy surrounded by silver sparks leaping from the path his hand took and lashing out at Ramon with impressive speed. "Moon Tiara Action!"
COMBATSYS: Frei successfully hits Ramon with Tsukikage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Frei
While stretching is nice, a /real/ warmup for Ramon involves hitting and getting struck. Just a bit out of whack, Ramon awkwardly tries to dodge the attack by side-stepping, getting a pretty nice gash in his bicep. Still stepping, Ramon bumps into the wall, knocking his head a bit and stumbling back to his starting position. "That was weird..." Ramon mutters, shaking his head a bit before going back to being good old loud Ramon.
"Not bad Amigo, but you gotta put more panache into it!" Turning and bolting for the wall he just hit, Ramon begins screaming in his native tongue, "Las pelotas santas son una pared realmente grande quizá yo lo debo empezar a izar y hacer algún material GRAAAAAAAAAAAH!" And runs up the wall. At his peak, he lightly hops off, then retracts and jabs out his legs, blasting off the cement and twisting to send a double kick for Frei.
COMBATSYS: Frei blocks Ramon's Flying Body Attack.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Frei
Even if Frei spoke Spanish -- which he does not -- there's about as much chance he could have deciphered that string of nonsense as there is of his spontaneously developing Psycho Power and telekinetically hurling Ramon to Jupiter. Panache or not, Frei CAN'T just chuck Ramon to the stars, and has to settle for something else.
Thinking quickly, the monk... does a handstand? That's right. A handstand. As Ramon's kicks come in, Frei suddenly pushes off the ground, intending to meet the luchadore's feet head on. And if Ramon doesn't do *something* to get out of the way? Frei just twists his feet backwards, sending Ramon into the sidewalk instead of safely past Frei. Tricky? Yeah, but also risky and not that likely to work.
"I DON'T SPEAK GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" he bellows, for effect.
COMBATSYS: Ramon interrupts Strong Throw from Frei with Tiger Neck Chancery.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Frei
Ramon's feet connect with Frei's for a moment before he feels the world twist around him, followed by *FLOOR*. Without wasting a single ounce of time (Because you measure time in ounces), the wrestler performs a handstand as well before Frei's passed over him. His feet clamp on each side of Frei's neck and pull him back to the ground in a fast and violent manner. Now it's time for the monk's head to meet Mr. Sidewalk as well.
As soon as his throw's done it's work, Ramon pulls his hands from the ground and slams them back, blasting Ramon back onto his feet and giving him ample time to start backpedalling.
Luckily for Ramon, he probably doesn't even need to backpedal. Why? Because he just drove Frei's face into the sidewalk, where the monk decides to stay for a while, staring blankly up at the night sky. "Twinkle twinkle, little star. How I wonder... if you're nothing but a huge ball of fiery gas, is that why I never got a pony growing up? You're a cheat and a liar, wishing star, and I hate you."
However, you can't keep a good man down. Or Frei either. Pushing his hands back behind his head, the monk leaps to his feet in a backwards kippup and immediately throws his arms down to his sides, wind whipping around him in response to his chi. "I feel like singing now for some reason!" he says, smiling with a manic grin. And... he sings. "OH MICKEY, WHAT A PITY YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, YOU TOOK ME BY THE HEART WHEN YOU TOOK ME BY THE HAND..."
COMBATSYS: Frei gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Frei
Ramon shudders momentarily, sticking his fingers in his ears and trying to get the shrill, piercing sound of a Chinaman singing out of his head. "And I thought the Britney Spears was bad..." Rushing Frei and trying to keep from pulling his fingers out of his ears, Ramon leaps up and twists in the air, sending a backwards kick for the side of Frei's head in an effort to shut him the hell up.
COMBATSYS: Ramon successfully hits Frei with Rolling Sobat.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1 Frei
Note to self: Don't get so involved in singing the classics that you forget you're fighting someone. Eyes closed and fists swinging, he continues going along. And has a decent singing voice, thank you very much. "It's guys like you, Mickey! Oh what you do, Mickey, do, MickOOF." That's the sound of Ramon cracking Frei so hard in the head he goes sailing into the nearby wall, with a loud *CRACK*. And doesn't move for just a teensy bit. Looks like that hurt. A lot.
However, it's not enough to KO him. At least, not yet anyway. True, he's not moving in general, but he is murmuring something under his breath, just barely audible. And once the moment is right? The monk pushes off the wall, HARD, hurling himself at Ramon with one hand extended, palm glowing a shimmering prism of color; once he gets close to the luchadore, Frei opens his fist, unleashing a hellish shockwave of pure, concentrated elemental chi that ripples the very air. "TASTE THE RAINBOW!"
COMBATSYS: Ramon blocks Frei's Fukami Reikai.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Frei
Ramon whips his arms up in a cross in front of his chest before Frei's even launched himself out of the rubble. There's no way that would've kept Frei down for long. Sure enough, a small baggy form is seen through the wreckage before it blasts off for one unfortunate Mexican Wrestler. Is his hand /glowing/? This didn't end well the first time Frei had a glowing hand...
Hand meets forearms, chi meets flesh, Ramon meets traveling BMW on the street.
Pulling himself out of the side of a now utterly useless car, Ramon wipes some blood from the corner of his mouth and grins. "Took a bit longer than expected to start the traffic backup. Not bad, though." Instead of rushing Frei and saying something witty like 'Taste the morning coffee beans!', Ramon just leans back on the car's crumpled frame and pulls a banana out of his pocket.
COMBATSYS: Ramon takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Frei
Breathing heavily, Frei is glad for the momentary distraction Ramon being knocked into a car gives him. He stands leaning slightly forward, hands on his knees, and tries to get himself focused again. Okay. This is doable. Just have to stay on your toes, as it were. "Yeah, well..." he murmurs, not sure what to think of Ramon's attitude. However, he knows from his last fight with the luchadore that these little snacks of his are bad news if left unchecked. So, Frei runs forward at Ramon in what looks like a shoulder charge! Only at the last second he flips forward, upside-down and ninja style, then flings his arms out at the luchadore from behind, a huge hail of... well, hail... looking to put the chill on Ramon's impromptu dessert.
COMBATSYS: Ramon Toughs Out Frei's Hyoushou Rengeki!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Frei
Ramon grins wickedly to himself as Frei comes towards him. Yes, come young one. Come to your doooooo-Aw crap, what's he doing now?
Ramon tightens all of his muscles instinctively, trying to do nothing to stop the barrage of hail. No way is he halting his banana snack for anyone. While the bits and pieces of ice cause considerable damage to his skin and shirt, all of the pieces bounce off in the end, nothing getting embedded. Good, now he'll be able to sleep on his back tonight.
Ramon finishes his banana and tosses it behind him carelessly. Wait, Ramon doesn't litter!
COMBATSYS: Frei overcomes Thrown Object from Ramon with Large Thrown Object.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Frei
COMBATSYS: Frei successfully hits Ramon with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Ramon 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Frei
Frei doesn't litter either! In fact, when the banana peel comes close, the monk lazily throws out a hand... and the peel is immediately encased in a block of clear ice, which falls into his palm. He hefts it up and down for a second, testing the weight with a "Hmmm...". Then he looks back at Ramon. "Okay, face into pavement, fine. Boot to the head, fine. But throwing a banana peel at someone? That's actually kinda gross, you know?" And of course, the only thing he can do after that speech is grab the ice-encased peel with both hands and chuck it at Ramon as hard as he possibly can. "Catch!"
Ramon doesn't turn around, but he hears some kind of sound. Not knowing what a banana peel to the face /should/ sound like, grins to himself, satisfied. "What can I say? I'm jus-" He begins to turn around when /he/ gets bonked in the noggin by his own banana peel. "*Dyer!*" Is the sound he makes as he flails uselessly for a second before falling to the ground, hand snapping out to catch the frozen peel. He never was a good shot, anyways.
Rising, Ramon tosses it into the trashcan on the sidewalk, crossing his arms and looking up at Frei. "Very cute, amigo! Way to waste a perfectly good slapstick gag." Pulling out a small bag of Lays from his pocket, Ramon opens it and munches down, still feeling just a bit of fatigue from the match. Plus, Lays!
COMBATSYS: Ramon takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Ramon 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Frei
"I've always been an irony person myself," Frei says nonchalantly, rolling his neck on his shoulders a moment and glancing at Ramon. Again... with the food. Alright, if that's how he wants to play it, that's how they'll play it. Flexing his fingers, Frei just grins at Ramon. "I can't tell if you're crazy, insulting me, or just that hungry. Probably a little of each." Dashing in toward the luchadore, he lunges with palms extended in a cruel mockery of Xiangfei's move of a similar nature, an orange-red sphere of chi at the edge of his reach suddenly exploding into a hail of gold sparks once Frei gets close enough to Ramon. "Now, cruel vampire, taste the might of Earth's red sun!"
COMBATSYS: Frei successfully hits Ramon with Hizashi.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Ramon 1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0 Frei
Mr. Luchador himself says nothing, opting to beam brightly with an innocent smile. "I'd say the same, if I had any kind of tendency to insult others. Until th-Who're you calling a Vam-" Ramon says, cutting himself off at first. The second time? Oh, it's nothing. Just a massive ball of chi ripping through the very fabric of 'I feel happy right now' and sending Ramon straight into the wall opposite of them with a nice resounding *WHUMP* and a new dent the manager's going to have to explain to the landlord.
Ramon slowly gets back to his feet, the smoke rising from his body faster than he can. Of course, a blast like that has rendered Ramon without a shirt. Period. It wasn't just burnt off, it was disintigrated right off his very body. The rather fit little man manages to still grin before standing fully upright and stretching both arms into the air. "Aaaah, what a good snack-break!" He announces, grinning rather silly-like. "Now then, where were we..."
Ramon begins running for Frei, increasing in speed rather fast. "Salto Mortal..." He growls lowly with a rather heavy accent. The wrestler doesn't stop running when he reaches Frei, opting to run /up/ the lad, leaping off with a kick to the monk. "PATADA!"
COMBATSYS: Frei blocks Ramon's Somersault Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Ramon 1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0 Frei
You can't run up someone who's watched every one of Bruce Lee's films! Alright, at least a good portion of Bruce Lee's films. 'Enter the Dragon' at the least. When Ramon comes in, the monk snaps out both hands, catching each of Ramon's intended steps with his palm, three times in quick succession. Sure, that hurts a nice big amount, but it certainly could be worse. Once the luchadore is safely out of range, Frei pushes his palms out and breathes out slowly. No lightshow this time; he's got to pull it together if he wants to have a shot at winning this. "There are people who'd find eating in the middle of a fight a little insulting, just as a head's up," he says with a smile. "Doesn't get to me, mind, but you know. That's me."
COMBATSYS: Frei gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Ramon 1/----===/=======|=======\=------\1 Frei
"Well then." Mr. Luchador raises one foot and pats the bottom of it sharply. "That's their fault, amigo. Unless the intention of any action is to directly insult one, then you really shouldn't get up in arms about it. I think more people could stand to learn this." Ramon pats down his other foot roughly, and gives a shrug. "But hey, it's no problem of mine, eh?" Flashing a grin, Ramon runs for the concentrating monk and tries to grab him by the throat then whip his legs up, sending both to the floor, with Frei ultimately getting more of a bite from it. His poor back.
COMBATSYS: Ramon successfully hits Frei with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Ramon 1/----===/=======|=======\====---\1 Frei
See, Ramon has discovered Frei's super weakness: Conversation. "Well, that's kind of a carefree attitude, isn't it?" he asks, sounding more genuinely curious than argumentative, trying to determine what it is Ramon's going to do next. "Kinda throws the blame for any mistake you make on the person who's affOW!" Then there's that nice crunching sound of Frei hitting the ground, *HARD*. Sounds like it hurt. A lot. It takes a moment for the monk to get to his feet again, and when he does he's looking a lot more hurt than it seems like he should be. "...but that's just one little bear's opinion." He takes deep breaths, dabbing at a bloody cut just above his eye from the pavement, and sighs... well, sulks, more like it. "Now I wish I had a banana."
COMBATSYS: Frei takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Ramon 1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0 Frei
Ramon doesn't even respond to Frei's question. Why? Because in a second, he won't have to. From Mr. Luchador's pocket to the air-space towards Frei, another banana is sent. What does Ramon keep in his pockets? Money and food, basically. "Eat up! Because in 5 seconds you won't be getting another chance to chow down. 5." Ramon cracks all his knuckles simultaneously. "4." He tilts his head back and forth, getting out the kinks. "3." He blasts off for Frei's standing. "2." Ramon leaps over a car that's stopped in the traffic. "1!" And he reaches Frei, grabbing him by the neck and shoulders, twisting, and using the momentum to hurl Frei straight into the car he just jumped over.
COMBATSYS: Ramon successfully hits Frei with Tiger Neck Chancery.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Ramon 1/----===/=======|=======\=------\1 Frei
Okay. You'd have to be some sort of idiot to actually take the banana and start eating it. And while Frei may be colossally silly, he's not an idiot. He does catch the banana, though, and stuffs it in a pocket. He does, however, laugh. The problem is, when Ramon comes in to hurl him, the monk is just... tired. Has been for a while. He makes a token attempt to not get hurled, and the word 'token' is emphasized; Frei makes a nice crunching sound as he hits the car. "...yeah, thanks..." he murmurs, dazed.
However, he's still got it in him to keep fighting, and he hops back to his feet in short order, looking bloodied and bruised but unbowed, at least for the moment. The monk grins at Ramon, reaching back for the banana... and, safely out of the luchadore's sight, infusing the fruit with yang chi. "I just can't. I'd try to peel but I kinda can't feel my fingers." With a smile, Frei chucks the banana back at Ramon. "Thanks, though!" Hopefully he'll try to catch it!
Because once it gets close, the entire thing explodes in a huge mass of chi fireworks right in Ramon's face. As well as the remains of one impromptu chi grenade banana.
COMBATSYS: Frei successfully hits Ramon with Hizashi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Ramon 1/--=====/=======|=======\==-----\1 Frei
Ramon takes a few moments to catch his breath. It's getting close to the end, and they can both tell it. But what's this? He's giving the banana back? Aww, what a shame. Looks like he'll just have to eat it! "Oh well. As long as you're sure!" Ramon beams a bright smile, one hand on his hip, and grabs the banana.
As the smoke clears, Ramon hasn't flinched even one muscle, though now he's covered in searing banana goop. "... /Ow/." Ramon seems to be in a slight state of shock, shown by his lack of MOVING AT ALL. He slowly opens his eye, focusing on Frei, though. What's this all about?
COMBATSYS: Ramon focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Ramon 1/--=====/=======|=======\==-----\1 Frei
Frei just looks... shocked, for a minute. And then, because he can't help it, the monk doubles over and starts cackling with laughter, almost crying. "Oh man..." he sniffles, wiping at his eyes on his sleeve. "I can't believe that worked. I have got to write that down." Pausing to take a deep breath, Frei smiles pleasantly at Ramon. "That's my thing, you know? You do lucha... my style's all about improvising with chi. It's how I do things." He sies Ramon up. State of shock... actually sometimes bad, but it's usually followed by 'I AM GOING TO WHUP YOUR ASS SO HARD YOU CRAZY POOF!', not that he's ever heard that before or anything. So, deciding to do the best he can to keep his defenses up, he settles in and hunkers down, gathering his energy. Ramon's tricksy; he's going to need all the help he can get.
COMBATSYS: Frei gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Ramon 1/--=====/=======|=======\======-\1 Frei
The grins slowly fades from Ramon's face. Looking at the palm of his hand somberly, his mind flashes back to memories of his childhood. Starvation, hunger, illness. "Waste food." Ramon says slowly, lowering his gaze. "And mess with El Diablo Amarillo." The Luchador doesn't even prep a running stance. He just takes off in a blur of tanned skin and bright green.
Ramon is upon Frei by now. With a quick disarming knee to the stomach, Ramon grabs Frei by the scruff of his shirt and turns his upper torso, whirling Frei over his shoulder into the ground without letting go. Pulling the poor monk back to his feet, Ramon growls, "Tiger..." He spins around twice, quickly gaining speed before his arm snaps out for a devastating Lariat. "SPIN!"
COMBATSYS: Frei blocks Ramon's Tiger Spin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Frei
...yeah, that would be the bad news Frei was waiting for.
Perhaps luckily for Frei, he adopted that last minute defensive posture just in time. There's no squirming out of Ramon's initial grip; it's simply too fast. Up he goes and over Ramon's shoulder and hits the ground, HARD, his eyes widening with surprise. However, when Ramon goes for the followup, the monk is simply not there, having rolled away at the last minute and staggered to his feet. There's not much time to counterattack, so Frei's got to make it count.
Cupping his hands to his side, the monk gathers another sphere of orange-red chi, this time the entire thing glowing brightly, like a miniature sun. "I... yeah..." he pants out, looking at Ramon in confusion. The ferocity of that attack doesn't make much sense to young Frei, but... he also doesn't really like bananas.
With incredible speed, Frei flings his hands forward, aiming his palms at Ramon. The sphere of chi vanishes, replaced by a beam of pure gold light that lashes out and... goes right on by Ramon? That's right, because Frei is actually aiming at the nice, reflective windows of the car behind him, ricocheting the blast to smack Ramon in the back, where he might not be expecting it from. "IT WAS JUST A BANANADOUKEN!" he bellows, pouring his confusion and frustration into the attack.
COMBATSYS: Ramon endures Frei's Hizashi Ronde EX.
[ \\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Ramon 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Frei
Ramon doesn't stop, though. He doesn't even notice the blast, and when it hits his back, he doesn't even flinch. Sure, it's seared most of his flesh beyond that of 'Oh, it's a sunburn', and he's about to collapse, but why not go for broke? Running with the beam, it hastens Ramon's speed to the point where the distance between the two is no longer existent. Without saying a thing, the Luchador takes two steps up Frei's body, but instead of a third and a kick, he goes with the forwards momentum to drive his knee into Frei's face, then lash out with a kick using the other leg.
COMBATSYS: Ramon successfully hits Frei with Snapmare.
[ \\\\ < > //// ]
Ramon 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Frei
Well, that certainly looked impressive on Frei's end, but the truth is he's just freakin' EXHAUSTED. He doesn't even really try to get out of the way of Ramon's attack; however, potentially to the luchadore's consternation, Frei does NOT, in fact, fall over. The last kick, which should have sent him skidding across the pavement, just... impacts. Frei gives Ramon an almost tired look, green eyes glazed a little from the effort of not simply collapsing. "So... you're fine with just having fun, until someone blows a banana up in your face," he says in an even, almost airy tone. "Got it."
Bringing his hands up, the monk simply forms a tiny sphere of blue-white chi and then basically blows it up in Ramon's face. It's a little faster than his on-his-last-legs condition should allow, but still not up to his current standards. Whether it hits or not, the monk slumps to the concrete after, thoroughly unconscious.
COMBATSYS: Frei can no longer fight.
[ \\\\ <
Ramon 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Ramon parries Frei's Hyoushou Rengeki EX!
[ \\\\ <
Ramon 0/-------/=======|
Ramon quickly snaps out his hand, piercing it through the ball and dissipating it, grabbing Frei by the collar immediately after and hoisting him up. And that's about the time the bloodlust fades from his eyes, and his legs grow weak. Not from fear or confusion or anything. Because not only is he tired, but he's been slung into a building, a car, the floor, and had a banana explodinate in his face. Slowly getting down into a sitting position, Ramon breathes heavily, setting Frei down as well. "Heh... Whoopsie." Ramon says rather care-free for what he just did to such a good man. "Sorry amigo, but I grew up starving alongside many other good people, including my family." Ramon rubs the back of his head, blushing. "I get just a bit upset when I see wasted food. Plus, that stuff was /really/ hot. But hey!" He reaches out, arm shaking and jittering from exhaustion. "That was an excellent match."
Log created by Frei, and last modified on 05:44:07 02/10/2006.