Description: Xiangfei and Sakura meet again! It looks pretty one-sided at first, but Xiangfei pulls out an impressive finish nonetheless! (Winner: Sakura)
Well this is yet another example of a rather drastic climate change, gone is the cold of Southtown, and here is the muggy, sticky, hot climate of Nigeria! Some might appreciate that change though while others... Well.. Not so much. Todays fight takes place in somplace not very cultural in some ways, in others, very cultural! It brings our fighters to a soccer field! That's right, a stadium, folks, with green grass all around- Or is it turf? Who knows.
But one fighter is the ever tenacious Li Xiangfei, known by some as the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey, others the Radical Warrior, and even some as Just DIE already!. She's already sitting right smack in the middle of the field, fanning herself with one hand, and the other holding a large thermos of ice water, and looking like she's suffering in her chinese ensamble, bright yellow pants and matching silk, sleeveless shirt. Gone are the bells which have been replaced with white bao-bao, (protip: The bells are tied to the front of the shirt), "Oh it's SO HOT!!" the fighters cries, taking a deep swig of her bottle, "I'm gonna be all sweaty in front of the camera, that's just too embarassing!" a pause, and then suddenly the young woman jumps to her feet, flailing her arms at the spectators, "Hello, citizens of Nigeria! I just want you to know, that I represent Tony! So cheer for me!" because, you know.. He's black. So people should know who he is. Obviously.
Sakura, oddly enough, also answers to the name 'JUST DIE ALREADY!' -- but she's not complaining anywhere near as loudly as Xiangfei. Chalk it up to her training, perhaps... or more likely, the fact that her usual sailor uniform is more suitable for hot weather. So... even though it's hotter, she's fine with it
Even so, she's got a fan in her hand, fanning away as she smiles back at Xiangfei. "I think =I'm= gonna be more embarrassed just by fighting you..." she notes, tossing out a brief smirk afterwards. "... Who's Tony, anyway? Same one we know?"
Xiangfei is grinning herself one heck of a grin, and pauses.. No, actually she double-takes upon hearing Sakuras voice, her jaw slightly slack, but then grinning again, "Oh hey, when'd you get here?" she asks, "Well no matter, it's been a while, and I've been doing a little moretweaking and training! The results of -this- match will be different from out last, just for the record!" she even adds a little extra 'point' in her pointing to the schoolgirl, takes one more swig of her waterbottle and then tosses it aside, "But yeah, you know Panther? Good ol' Tony 'Panther' Styles, haven't seen him in a minute! Oh as for being embarassed," the chinese girl slaps her hands togeather, as the signal of the fight beginning is given, and *FWOOSH* he golden pillar of tasty chi flickers to life and roars about her form, as she chuckles,
"Don't worry about that, I'll make sure you look good this fight, too. Aaaah ha ha ha ha ha!!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Xiangfei 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Xiangfei 0/-------/---====|
"Tony 'Panther' Styles? Is he a big name around here, then?" Heck... by Sakura's reckoning, she'd figured Xiangfei would be -more- popular, by virtue of her getting her name out there more. Then again, Sakura's also quite a bit biased towards her friend.
"Well... good! You'd better give me all you got, Xiangfei, 'cuz I've been on -fire- lately!" Winking back at the Hip Hop Honey, Sakura takes a half step backwards, extending her left foot towards Xiangfei in what seems to be a Tai Chi stretch. Of course... with both her hands stretched behind her, it's pretty obvious what the Ansatsuken Angel may be planning. "And... speaking of 'fire'..." It's not blue flame... heck, 'blue' might be =welcome= in this steaming hot environment. No, it's bright orange, and it's hot enough to form ripples in the air. "Let's warm things up a bit, huh? Shakunetsu..." The flames trail in a wide arc as she slings her hands forward, launching off with a cry of "HADOOOOUKEN!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Sakura 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Xiangfei
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Xiangfei with Large Hadouken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1 Xiangfei
"... Er.. To be honest, I don't even know for sure," the girl pipes sheepishly, given her position though, she's unable to follow it up by scritching her cheek. To Sakuras boast though, her eyebrows raise a bit, "Oh yeah? I'm afraid I actually haven't been following your matches lately, kinda busy!" It's a china thing! And just as Xiangfei had expected, the girl busts out with a hadouken she's pretty sure she hadn't seen her do before- Has she? It's all the same to her, really, but it comes roaring at her and slams against the 'shielding' pillar, and as she steps foward quite suddenly finds herself completely overwhelmed by the blast, "A.. AAAAH!" tumbling along the grass, she quite quickly gets to her feet again in complete and utter shock. Wh.. What just happened? she staggers a bit in her step, her right hand tightening into a fist- suddenly a *plink* followed by a gleam of light is both seen and heard- Of course it's likely that's Xiangfeis trusty yen coin sailing at the street fighter as she takes a moment to gather her wits.
COMBATSYS: Sakura endures Xiangfei's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Xiangfei
A single yen coin? After -all that?- Sakura actually looks a bit worried here.
... waitaminute, wasn't that the coin she was fighting to get back from Rugal? Come to mention it, Kasugano never =did= give the waitress hell for that, did she? Grr. It doesn't seem to be high on Sakura's list of priorities though -- she's all about giving Xiangfei the 'xtreem' fight that they both seem to enjoy so much! And that's why... Sakura just runs headfirst =into= the coin, taking it full on the forehead without losing any speed at all!
...ahahaha, okay, not really. Her head does ratchet to the side from the off-center blo, causing her to cant off to one side in the midst of her crazy dash, but don't fault her for trying! The schoolgirl keeps charging onward, channeling her momentum into one dashing punch, straight for Xiangfei's sternum! "HYYYYAAAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Xiangfei with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1 Xiangfei
Actually that was a -different- yen coin, if one were to ask. Xiangfei learned her lesson, sort of, and decided to pack more than one! She can always pick it up later and stuff, she isn't too worried about the money; at least not currently. The problem was, though, that she still hasn't managed to pull herself togeather, hands tightened into fists and raised, but doesn't lower quite fast enough to take the brunt of the blow that follows and she doubles over, collapsing to a knee, panting a little.
Well.. At least she knows now that Sakura wasn't just blowing hot air, whatever it is Kasugano is eating, she wants some! ".. Oof, a.. All right, I guess I'm going to have to start kicking things up a notch," She's not too discouraged, her fights haven't started well as of late, but she's managed to pull off a heck of a game of catch-up at some point! Fingertips curled like claws, Xiangfei then stomps foreward, actually not seeming slowed down by Sakuras precise strike, "HAH!" which is followed with a strike with the opposite 'claw', "HYAH!" and finally twirls around, snapping her heel toward the schoolgirls chin, "KYAH!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura dodges Xiangfei's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1 Xiangfei
Well... Yeah! Sakura =has= been on a roll lately, like she'd said! ... Though she is starting to wonder when her luck's gonna run out, once she's able to strike Xiangfei in the chest like that. She thought for -sure- it'd be blocked!
Kasugano seems to have a bit more luck in avoiding Xiangfei's followup strikes, hopping backward to let the followup 'claws' fall short, and weaving out of the way of the following heel strike as well. "Whoosh... almost!" She's trying not to sound -too- overconfident or boastful to her friend, though -- heck, if anything, she's trying to encourage the best fight out of her!
Still... while she's up close and personal, Sakura figures her -best- bet is to snap her foot in a high kick. Xiangfei should be immune to the view, what with her skirt flapping out of the way of her high kick to the chin, but the goal is speed and accuracy rather than distraction. One hand high, one hand low: "HAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei fails to interrupt Medium Kick from Sakura with Ryokuchi Kou'en.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/--=====|=======\=====--\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei grits her teeth lightly, perhaps not -too- suprised that Sakura managed to evade her combination, but.. Well, it certainly could have been worse. A rather weak smirk is given in return to the street fighter, "H.. hah, fair enough," is her response to the girl, and takes a slight shift in tactics. This time when Sakura snaps in with the kick; it doesn't seem like it should be difficult to catch; it's not the slowest technique out there no, but..
The timing's all off, the chinese fighter's just been completely thrown out of her rythem- Something she hopes she can recover from soon because at this rate, she's not going to get anywhere; a pained yelp passes her lips, the foot brushing her fingertips then clocking her across the chin, sending her staggering to the side but not falling forward completely, but her shoulders are slumped, fists clenched again, but resting at her sides as she's starting to feel a little weak. But her hand then raises, beconing Sakura on with it, ".. Lets try that again," she suggests, with a grin, "I'm ready."
Sakura feels... heck, =really= bad about the way the fight's going. Fights with Xiangfei usually go a lot closer than this, at any rate. "Huh... sure about that?" she asks -- concerned, as a friend, but also a bit cautious as to whether she should continue. If nothing else, though... Xiangfei's still smiling. And by and large, Sakura doesn't want to let down her friend by trying to go soft on her or anything. "Well, since you asked..." The Ansatsuken prodigy lunges forward, making a grab for Xiangfei's extended arm while simultaneously sweeping a foot forward at her ankles. The goal -- pull Xiangfei forward and toss her to the ground! "Yusshaa!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Xiangfei with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/-======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Man.. This really -isn't- Xiangfeis day! Xiangfei may certainly be smiling, but there's definate frustration in her features as well, the chinese girl nodding her head, "Yeah," Of course Sakura should know better; taking it easy on the chinese girl usually tends to turn the matches around at the snap of a finger! Her arm grasped, Xiangfei tightens herself up at that very moment; but it doesn't make the sudden crash to the floor any more pleasent, "Ooof!" needless to say, she's knocked for a loop, but not quite for as long as the last blow she took, and instantly kip-ups to her feet- Maybe she'll catch Sakura off-guard with her sudden recovery! Her left hand sweeps out to try and tag just above Sakuras stomach, and immedietly her opposite shoulder strikes hard at that very spot, hopefully knockinng her back a bit. And then, she bursts forward, hopping to flip in the air and crash the heel of her foot down onto Sakuras shoulder, "WATAAAAH!!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Xiangfei's Senri Chuu'ou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Sakura 0/-------/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Blinking as she's able to pull of her intention exactly as planned, Sakura takes a cautious hop backwards, raising her guard. "C'mon, Xiangfei... just stay cool..." Sakura -is- fighting to win, but she really doesn't feel like being a jerk about it. Not tonight, anyway.
So when Xiangfei closes in... well, the Taiyo student does what comes naturally -- blocking the first strike, and then the second, with a horizontally-imposed forearm, and then pivoting slightly to the side to catch the flip kick upon her other forearm. Better, to say the least, but Sakura's still a biiiit concerned.
So... rather than press an attack, she leaps back, backpedaling to a safe distance and flashing Xiangfei a healthy grin. Clenching her fists by her side, she grins. "Show me your =real= fire, Xiangfei!" And with that, the dusty ground beneath her erupts into a whirlwind of fury, swirling around her at high speed. She's planning -something- here... but what?
COMBATSYS: Sakura gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Sakura 1/----===/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Xiangfei grunts lightly and slaps her cheeks. She's got to get -with- it here! But geez, she's in a considerable amount of pain; and she's at least pretty sure at this point she's over the shock of the matches beginning, seeming satisfied with her strike. All right, she just has to keep that up, no big deal, right?
"I can't help be feel a little deja-vu," Xiangfei jokes, as Sakura seems to be charging up for something big! What it is exactly... She's pretty sure she knows. Doing something about it, on the other hand, is another matter entirely! Deciding this is her chance, she takes a bit of a gamble, going for a riskier combination of strikes, leaping into the air and snaps around to attempt another heel kick at Sakuras shoulder- However as soon as she lands it's followed by a roundhouse kick to Sakuras ankle, and if that were to connect, before Sakura could hit the ground she bursts upward again with -another- leaping kick to the gut, twists, and stomps downward to complete the combination, "KYAAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Xiangfei's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Sakura 1/--=====/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Eep. The dust kicked up by the whirlwind starts to fall back to the earth as Xiangfei makes her approach: Sakura knows it's pretty silly to keep the miniature tornado going with this kinda attack coming!
It seems, though, that Sakura's luck streak will continue -- the heel kick is blocked by another raised forearm! And when the sweep kick comes close, Sakura's withdrawn just far enough to bunny-hop over Xiangfei's foot, letting it slide through unperturbed. Thus, she's still standing, bringing her padded handguards up to defend from the leaping kick that follows.
The stomp kick, though... well, =that= slams right onto Sakura's toes! "OWWW!" howls the schoolgirl, hopping around on her other foot. Wasn't expecting -that!- And just to fully express her feelings on the matter, Sakura whips around with the injured foot, slamming her heel towards Xiangfei's midsection with a loud cry: "HAAAAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei interrupts Strong Kick from Sakura with Ryokuchi Kou'en.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Sakura 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Sakura 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Xiangfei looks a bit apologetic to Sakuras slight misfortune there but.. Given the circumstances, she didn't really have much choice in the matter, "Eh-heh," she mumbles, rubbing the back of her head, and offers a weak shrug. Sakura should have been more carefull! When Sakuras foot kicks up again though, Xiangfei sees that as the window of opportunity she'd be waiting for! the kick slams right against the chinese fighters chest BUT, she wraps her arms around said leg, twists, and with a, "HYAAAH!" whips Sakura to the ground on her back, then standing flips, crashing the heel of her foot down toward the schoolgirls gut- And she -should- be out... But the Hip-Hop Honey doesn't agree, while she does have to struggle a bit to do it, she manages to get to her feet once more, panting heavier now, ".. Just a couple more o' those, and this match is mine," she warns to Sakura with a smirk.
Caught in the midst of her panicked strike, Sakura finds herself painfully introduced to the ground! -That- felt good -- heck, Sakura knows it's =on=, now! The followup kick hurts pretty soundly too, making the schoolgirl bow forward like she was on an ab machine! 'course... this hurts just a -wee- bit more.
The schoolgirl's quick to roll back to her feet, afterwards, nodding in agreement. "Just a few more, then!" And just to show how committed Sakura is to giving Xiangfei another chance... she launches forward with a high overhead kick aimed at knocking the Chinese fighter right back to the ground. Oh, and there's a side order of fanservice with that, too. "Hriiii-HAA!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Sakura's Flower Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Sakura 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Good ol' fan service.. Nothing beats that! Well.. Sort of. Anyway, Xiangfei manages to defend the kick in her usual kung-fu manner, snapping her wrist up that smacks into Sakuras ankle and swings the momentum in the opposite direction in a suprising display of strength. And that same strength is applied when she steps forward and "Heeee-YAH!!" she stomps forward, and what looks to be simple palm strike, but there's some serious impact behind it!
COMBATSYS: Sakura fails to interrupt Strong Punch from Xiangfei with Shou'ou Ken.
- Power hit! -
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Sakura 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Serious, and that is =serious= impact! Sakura smirks a bit -- heck, she's =glad= Xiangfei's going hardcore, because that means =she= can go all-out without any guilt at all! All it would take would be a step to the side, and then an uppercut to the face, with a cry of "SHOOO--"
DENIED. Sakura gets =stuffed= before her uppercut can lash out, having underestimated the aim -- and she goes flyyyying backwards from the strike, wincing. "Wooot. There it is..." One eye wincing shut, she pushes back to her feet, dusting herself off. "Sheesh, you were saving that one!"
Uh wow.. Xiang's prayers have been answered! She had to bust out with a power hit at SOME POINT, right? There it is! Giving a small nod of her head after banking like -everything- on that blow, she's feeling she probably shouldn't push her luck and do it again. ... Yet, ".. Something like that," she replies with a smirk, and she hops forward, snapping a double-kick this time, one toward Sakuras knee, then raises to follow it up with a higher kick to the side of her arm, "Hup! Hah!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Xiangfei's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Sakura 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1 Xiangfei
And Sakura... gets right back on her game and blocks the double kick with a grin. No more Shou'ou Ken for her for another two, maybe even three fights! She's been burned =just about enough=, thanks!
Hopping backwards, the schoolgirl flashes a big grin to her friend... though it's just about time for another massive attack! Electricity crackles as she pulls her hands back. It's pretty obvious what's coming next from the flickering lights! "Shinkuuuuu...." And she slams her hands forward, loosing the very familiar fireball at her friend: "HADOOOOUKEN!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei fails to interrupt Shinkuu Hadouken from Sakura with Chou Pai-Long.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 0/-------/=======|
Hmmm, the legendary Shinuu Hadouken.. Well, really what more can she do besides just take it head on at this point? The chi blazing toward her, Xiangfei just sucks it up and bursts forward, only to become overwhelmed by the chi and immedietly eats the turf again. Xiangfei struggles a bit to get to her feet again but once she collapses again, it's clear she's down for the count.
Oof... Well! Sakura grins faintly as her Shinkuu Hadouken hits its mark. She was scared for a moment that there'd be a turnaround -- heck, with the way she ate that last strike, it certainly was a possibility! But ... in the end, she's declared the winner, and raises her fist in triumph. "Awesome fight, LiX... I'll look forward to the rematch!"
COMBATSYS: Sakura takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sakura 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Sakura has ended the fight here.
Log created by Sakura, and last modified on 19:07:34 02/07/2006.