Description: A fateful encounter! The mysterious new fighter "Adel" comes to blows with Kim Kaphwan, resident Tae Kwon Do champion! Kicks are exchanged, respect earned, and Kim shows Adelheid the true might of Justice!! Also, he destroys a camera. (Winner: Kim)
So, an impromptu trip to Russia leads right into swinging back by Japan. A busy day for Adelheid, but flight-time is offset by the workout sure to be gained from the sidetrip, right? Besides, it's not like his father's hurting for copter fuel. As with all his appearances in the Neo League, Adelheid Bernstein is announced simply as 'Adel'. Testing the waters is best done with some degree of anonymity, right? His family name isn't exactly one to inspire warm happy thoughts.
Dressed in black military-style pants that hang loosely from the belt at his waist, matching heavy shitkicker boots, and a skintight grey muscleshirt, the young Bernstein looks more interested in efficiency than particular style, the only nod to accessory coming in the black leather gloves that cover his fists. He eyes the sand and shoves it experimentally with the sole of one boot, getting a feel for the footing out here as he more or less ignores the spectators, and pre-fight announcements. The blonde brushes his hair back from his forehead and frowns a bit in thought. Kim Kaphwan... he
The Neo League! It's a golden opportunity to meet new faces and test out how well other people fight. Which is exactly why the Korean Tae Kwon Do legend, Kim Kaphwan, entered this tournament in the first place. The points never really mattered, nor did winning or losing. As long as he had /fun/ and got to meet potentially friends or allies in the fight against injustice, that'd be good for him! Of course... occasionally you run into the mysterious types too. Like 'Adel.' He's never heard of this particular fighter, so his style is a complete mystery to Kim. But really --
That just makes it all the more exciting!
Whereas Adelheid is dressed in blacks, Kim comes into the scene with his white gi of glory! And how does he come to the fight? "HuuuuAAAAAAAAAAH!!" Explosively, of course! Soaring through the air is the Tae Kwon Do master Kim Kaphwan, a single foot jut out as he descends, and /slams/ into the ground in a spray of sand. He's grinning even as that veil of sand has settled, offering Adelheid a most enthusiastic of nods. "Hey there! I'm Kim Kaphwan. Let's both give this our bests, okay?"
COMBATSYS: Kim has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Adelheid has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kim
Points. Pfft. Adelheid isn't here for that, either, though it's unlikely his attitude really mirrors Kim's all that closely. Fighting isn't exactly about 'fun' for Adel... he's talented at it, but it's just how he lives. Training, and learning. Seeing Kaphwan's style in action is an opportunity far and above entertainment... even if the young Bernstein may well enjoy the challenge.
Rich brown eyes follow Kim's arrival rather indifferently... Adel isn't exactly going to be awed by the flamboyance, and he doesn't look the type to be impressed by that sort of display. No, he's more interested in what's to come after, "Your reputation precedes you." Adel offers up with steady respect, "I'm looking forward to this." So much so that, as the moment to fight arrives, Adelheid is in motion, charging in at Kim and launching a powerful front-kick, aimed at planting his heel squarely in Kaphwan's gut... at which point he would whip around in a quick spin, aligning his other heel for a skull-crushing roundhouse, finishing with a short forward axe-kick in for the hopefully reeling fighter's jaw. Not pulling any punches, there.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Kim with B's Destruction.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Kim
Not after the points either. That's good, then! That means the fight it going to be more than just some shallow competition! Which is proven all the more by Adelheid's strength. He offers a brief bow of respect to Adelheid as he offers his praise. It doesn't get to Kim's head, really, but still... it's nice praise. He won't simply overlook it. Instead, he offers a bright smile. "I'm looking forward to seeing how you fight, sir!"
And he gets his chance as Adelheid rushes in. He's not fast enough to dodge the man's strong series of kicks, and they all knock him solidly. The final axe-kick launches Kim straight into the air, but Adelheid may notice... there was a bit more give to that than there should of been. Kim simply goes /with/ the momentum of the kick, righting himself in mid-air as he begins to descend upon Adelheid. His legs curl up... before unleashing themselves in a series of rapid-fire bicycle kicks meant to assail the man thoroughly across his face and chest. "HUAAAAAAH!!"
COMBATSYS: Adelheid endures Kim's Hishou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Kim
Ah, improvisation. The mark of an experience warrior. Kim turns an unwelcome situation into an opportunity, and for a moment, it seems like one Adel can't immediately counter. Still, as the bicycling kicks hammer him down, his mind's already working... preparing... his body shifting with each blow, going along with the hammering strikes so that he's beaten down to a crouch... right where Kaphwan is about to land.
Lurching to his feet, both hands grab for the front of Kim's gi, the young Bernstein seeking to simply /heft/ the Tae Kwon Do champ up in front of him. Should Adelheid lift Kaphwan, well... he suddenly launches forward, flying a few inches above the sand and sending the stuff spraying to either side by sheer momentum, as he hurtles in to positively /slam/ Kim's back into the nearest dune. Evidently, he's not a conservationist.
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Adelheid's God Press EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Kim
Wow! Adelheid just took all of Kim's assault, just like that. It's pretty impressive, to be honest, and the Korean definitely gives the man kudos for that. But let it not be said that Kim is not a prepared individual either. As Adelheid grabs him by his gi, it might seem for all the word that Kim is simply going with the flow. However -- the moment that Adelheid begions to move so fast? Kim's hands /slam/ against either of Adel's shoulders, thrusting his lower body up so that he hits the dune feet-first, absorbing most of the impact through his legs with all of a wide smile.
The second his feet hit that dune, Kim is pushing off it and into the air, using his grip on Adel's shoulders to flip up and over him, before intending to plant both feet into the other man's back and launch him solidly into the very dune he sought to smash Kim right into mere moments before. "ORYAAA!!"
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Adelheid with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Kim
Okay, faceplanting into the dune courtesy of Kim's agile feet to his back was /not/ what Adel had in mind. But that's little consequence as he spits sand back onto the beach, shoving off his momentary resting spot and shaking the sand from his hair with a brisk motion of his head. Not wasting time, Adel pushes off in a sprint at the spot where the spry Kaphwan landed, shifting sharply as he closes to launch his left hand in at a neck-level grab. Much like before, he's trying to hike Kim up on the end of that arm... unlike before, however, the follow-through comes in the form of a fierce right straight that is aligned with the TKD champ's ribs with enough force to blast him right back to where they started.
"This is the kind of challenge I was hoping for." He notes, regardless of the result. Adel came here to find competition, and it seems he found it. There's plenty of merit in the style he's observing, at least according to the pain he's felt so far..
COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Kim with Scorpion Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Kim
Well, there's something to be said for Adelheid. He's fast, though his techniques seem to be following through a similar pattern. Again, Kim isn't quite fast enough to get out of the way of Adelheid's attack, and he is grabbed by the neck and thoroughly punched in the ribs, flying through the air. He does recover while in midair, however, flipping gracefully as he falls into place a small distance away from the young Bernstein, landing on his feet where the fight started. Did it hurt? Sure. Is it at all readily apparant on his face? Not in the slightest! Instead, he offers something of a wide grin to Adelheid, even as he straightens himself. And then?
He's rushing in again.
A single palm thrusts out, to strike Adelheid in the shoulder. This is the kind of challenge he's looking for, and Kim's not about to let up now. And if that palm-strike succeeds, Kaphwan follows up with a quick, leaping spin-kick, meant to strike Adel solidly in the side of the head.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid fails to interrupt Strong Punch from Kim with Reppukyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1 Kim
Adelheid stands his ground as Kaphwan charges in... perhaps foolishly, at least if one looks in retrospect. The palm-strike looks unassuming enough, and the young Bernstein shifts with it, moving to snap his right foot right back up and reverse the momentum rather harshly... when the leaping spin-kick cracks into his skull, sending the younger fighter in a quick aerial twist that ends with him in a heap on the ground, "Nnngh."
Pressing both palms to the ground, Adel pushes himself back to a crouch, and then to his feet, lifting his guard as he faces down Kim. He's not out of this yet, but that one, well... that stung. He'll just be a moment.
Well, whatever Adelheid was trying to do -- it's a good thing it didn't go through properly. Inwardly, Kim heaves a sigh of relief. The boy hits pretty hard, after all. But as the other fighter lands in a heap, he leaps away from him, landing on his feet and letting them spread out -- in preparation. He needs to make sure he's good and ready for this next maneuver. It takes no small amount of strength, after all.
Even as Adelheid lifts to stare at Kim, the Korean presses his advantage. Lifting a single foot high into the air, he pauses only for a moment... before SLAMMING it down. "HYAAA!!" And from that foot? Comes a fast moving shockwave that rips across the sand in a spray, intent on knocking the young Bernstein right off his feet.
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Adelheid with Haki Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/----===/=======|=======\==-----\1 Kim
A bit slow on the uptake after being sent to the sand twice in quick succession, Adelheid's shoulder is clipped as he moves to weave aside the follow-up strike levelled by the TKD champ. It's not enough to knock him down again, thankfully, but the bruises are certainly adding up. Reversing his momentum with a firmly planted boot to the beach, Adelheid twists right back in for Kaphwan, launching his right heel nearly straight up, aligning a powerful axe with Kim's skull in return...
If that one rings true, the young Bernstein steps in, looking to plant a straight front-kick squarely into his opponent's chest. It's an uphill battle, but not one Adelheid is looking to shy away from... even if sand does taste kinda nasty.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Kim with Heavy Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/---====/=======|=======\======-\1 Kim
[OOC] Adelheid realizes he misread your last attack, there. :o
[OOC] Kim says, "Yeah, a bit. :O;"
[OOC] Adelheid says, "Still, uh, yea. Stagger stagger, kick kick. :o"
[OOC] Kim says, "Right. :O"
Well, apparantly the shockwave was something of a success. For it, Kim smiles a little bit and nods, but it seems that Adelheid is still following up with another attack of his own. Blinking once, Kim seeks to leap out of the way -- the attack is slow, after all, he can see it coming -- except for whatever reason, that axe-kick strikes Kaphwan solidly on the skull, followed up by that powerful kick to his chest. Kim goes flying through the air from the sheer force of the blows, but even as he flies, he begins to recover in mid-air... slamming feet-first into the side of a nearby dune.
Defying physics for just a moment, Kim LEAPS off and goes /flying/ towards Adelheid, a single foot outstretched. "HUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" And aimed... /right/ for his chest.
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Adelheid with Hou'ou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Adelheid 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|===----\-------\0 Kim
As soon as Kim's foot solidly impacts Adelheid in the chest, that's when the real assault begins. It's almost too fast to keep up with -- a flurry of blindingly fast strikes that seek to pummel every single inch of Adelheid's body. His face, chest, arms, legs, all in such rapid-fire succession that after 'five' they grow uncountable, but most assuredly begin to reach the double-digits. It's as Kim follows through with the last few strikes, that his legs tense... and he delivers a powerful flip-kick straight to the young Bernstein's jaw, intent on sending the young man flying far away from him. "KYAA!!"
Staggered by the lead-in to his chest... Adelheid would say that was the pleasant part compared to what followed. Beaten back, the young Bernstein can do little but try to weather the assault, kicked up like crazy by the TKD champ, the flurry of assaults battering him badly. In fact, once he flies away, most of him wants to just lie where he falls to the sand. Gritting his teeth, Adel shakes his head briskly to shake off the blackness creeping into his vision, as he lifts his eyes to Kaphwan, "Impressive." He murmurs, pulling himself up to a crouch, before suddenly lurching upwards, his right leg carrying him into a sudden leap, the sweap of his kick drawing a ragged edge of silvery chi, the cleaving blade of wind energy racing in a slicing path across the sand, blasting another trench between the two fighters, "But we're not finished yet!!!"
COMBATSYS: Kim overcomes Reppukyaku EX from Adelheid with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Kim
Adelheid really is persistent. Despite himself, Kim thought that assault would have done the young fighter in. Still, though, Adelheid manages to keep standing, and Kim smiles gently. He's likely standing on his last legs, but still -- it's incredibly impressive, that the young man can continue onward like this. Berating himself for having underestimated such a strong-willed fighter, Kim makes sure not to make the same mistake twice. Even as that silvery chi comes hurdling at him with such speed, Kim puls a maneuver he did in his fight with Sakura some time ago. Leaping backwards, the Korean TKD champ grabs onto one of the cameras filming himself and Adelheid, and with a swift 'Sorry!!' he launches it into the air -- "HYA!!" -- and then KICKS it right at that silverly crescent of chi, the large chunk of metal smashing through the energy gathered and continuing on its path -- right for Adelheid's face.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid overcomes Large Thrown Object from Kim with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Kim
Well, /that/ was surprising. Adelheid can do little but watch as the surge of chi is abated by.. a camera?!?! And he's got nasty shrapnel hurtling in. Twisting a full spin, the young Bernstein draws a combat knife from the back of his belt, and heaves the thing straight-on into the center of the incoming metal, cleaving it in twain, pieces of camera falling away with surprising force as the long-bladed sharp edge of steel sails rather forcefully for Kaphwan's landing spot, "It'll take more than toys to finish this, Kaphwan!" Adelheid's somewhat faltering tenor insists... though there's no lack of resolve, just strength in his body. Still, he's fighting on, and surrender doesn't look to be in the near future.
COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Adelheid's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Kim
Well, that didn't go quite as Kim thought. Truthfully, he didn't even expect that camera to smash through Adelheid's assault like it did, but now melted and partially destroyed metal races towards his young opponent -- only to be cleft in twain by the combat knife Adelheid hurls straight for him. Understandably, being stabbed in the chest with a knife is not on Kim's list of things he would really /like/ to do right now, so even as the assault comes flying in, Kim is prepared. He LEAPS up and over the knife, letting it sail harmlessly beneath him and into the sand below with a spray upon impact. "Of course!!" Is his reply, with a bright smile as he strikes the ground, lunging at Adelheid and intent to take him securely by leg and shoulder. And then? "HUUUAAAH!!" Hurdle the man through the air, and straight into the sand.
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Adelheid with Sakkyaku Nage.
[ \\\ < > ////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0 Kim
Once more, the TKD champ's reflexes bring him right in on Adelheid... and before he can recover his rather challenged senses to move, defend a different spot than the leaping fighter was likely to attack... he's going up in the air under Kaphwan's power, and slamming down into the sand just as quickly. /Not/ the deft evasion he was going for, and his head is swimming right good now. Still, the young Bernstein holds himself up off the sand for the moment, forcing all his remaining energy into one more burst of upwards momentum, his right leg whipping around as he drags an enormous arc of silver-white chi along its path, the ascent producing a monumental level of energy in that singular blade of wind, Adel's voice sounding in an inarticulate battle-cry as he whips himself around for that final, desperate (if rather spectacular) rising roundhouse.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Adelheid's Omega Genocide.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 0/-------/-======|
Now then, that was a fun fight! Kim hasn't expended this much energy since his fight with Dan Hibiki of all people. But it seems that Adelheid has one final go in him, which Kim is all for entertaining. Offering a brief nod of respect to the man as he flies forward, Kim's legs steel themselves. That kick flies in brutally, with an arch of immense chi following in its wake. "I WON'T HOLD BACK!" Shouted over the roar of power, even as Kim leans /into/ the rising roundhouse kick, his hands snapping up to intercept the kick. One that sends him /flying/ straight into the air from the sheer force alone. Power is dissipated, though, even as Adel makes his final go of it. And in the end... Kim lands solidly on his feet. His arms sting, a lot. But he still grins, lifting a single hand and THRUSTING it forward...
... in a thumbs up.
"Good job!!"
His grin does, quite literally, shine as brightly as the sun.
COMBATSYS: Kim takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Kim has ended the fight here.
"Well... fought." Adelheid coughs out, collapsing back onto the beach after his deflected assault, and quickly toppling over there, laying down for a moment. More than long enough of a moment for Kim's victory to become official. This one took a lot out of him... going on after that kind of a pummeling is hard work, after all! He'll get up, but it'll be a few minutes. Now he's battled with Korea's best... no small accomplishment, even if he did wind up the one face-down in the sand. Educational indeed.
Log created by Kim, and last modified on 18:03:04 02/09/2006.