Description: Rugal Bernstein challenges the young Daigo Kazama of Gedo, the first man he fought since his exodus, to a rematch in order to gauge his abilities. What occurs, is a most satisfactory learning experience for Bernstein. And a potentially painful one for Daigo.
So it's been a good long while since the (in)famous Daigo Kazama had wandered Southtown. He had returned for a day or two, got the crud kicked out of him, and decided...that he still wasn't strong enough to endure his sworn duty of Gedo Boss. Which may explain why stories of chaos at the school of social rejects had been circulating. At least, circulating in a circle where they could finally reach the ear of the elder Kazama, and thus spur his mission of training to a close.
It's been a long while...but some things never change. Daigo had taken his time wandering back to Southtown, took a few back roads and such, and had ended up at the ol' River Bed behind the school, making his way back to the place he calls home. His coat slung over one shoulder, a great hand half-stuffed into one pocket, and totally alone due to the rest of the Gedo students doing various Saturday things out in town.
Probably goofing off and causing more trouble than they needed to be causing... Something Daigo hopes isn't quite as accurate as the rumors spoke.
It's been a good long while, indeed. Daigo Kazama, the legendary boss of Gedo High, had seemed to have simply disappeared off the face of the earth for a time. Not that it mattered; at the time, Daigo's location was of no importance. After all... Rugal Bernstein /had/ tested the boy's power out appropriately. From that point on, it was merely a matter of time to wait for him to train, and grow stronger. Inevitably... Daigo would return. When he was ready.
And as promised, Bernstein would be there to wait for him.
Winter touches Southtown with a bitter, cold breeze today, as Daigo walks along the river bed. He is not alone, however; or at least... he's not alone for long. As promised, he has come again to give another test of Kazama's abilities. As promised... Bernstein is here to see just how far Daigo has progressed.
"Mr. Kazama!" The voice comes from behind the Gedo Boss. standing there, wearing his usual crimson attire and a heavy black overcoat, is the leader of 'R'. Rugal Bernstein, complete with a wide grin. "I hope this isn't a bad time."
As much as he would like to have said otherwise, the voice catches Daigo off guard. His ponderous footsteps slow, then stop amid the muddy, chilly, and very empty riverbed. His head turns, his good eye glancing back over his shoulder to catch sight of the owner of the familiar voice. A man he knows only through the last fight he remembers clearly.
A defeat on a beach that led to the same training journey he'd just finished. Perhaps it's just as well that the final 'test' of his trip would be against the same man.
"...No. Not at all." the elder Kazama states, turning the rest of the way so that he might face Mr. R. His coat, casually tossed atop the concrete ledge. "I hope I didn't make you wait too long."
Ah, Daigo Kazama. This man was the first who Rugal fought when he returned from his own self-imposed exile. The first of many in a long line to rid the rust from his fighting skills, and walk down the path he had taken before, in order to become truly strong as he once was. Which is why this fight is /particularly/ important. If anything... it will be an excellent gauge of where he stands now, from where he was previously.
That Daigo has been training to grow stronger only makes the prospect of a fight all the more intriguing and potentially /entertaining/.
Cybernetic and normal eyes remain focused on Daigo, even as his coat is tossed to the side. Wait too long? "Certainly not! I have kept myself more than entertained while you were away, Mr. Kazama. So tell me, have you grown stronger...?" The question lingers, before Bernstein slips a single hand into his pocket. "Or perhaps, you would like to show me."
"I've never been much for words." the Gedo Boss states in response, idly flexing one hand into a fist. "Besides...I won't know myself until I punch you."
Blunt? Sure, but that could be attributed to Daigo having not seen much in the way of fighting over the past few weeks. It's not that he's anxious to beat on someone agian, no, it's more that this man...this 'upgraded' human deserves a fight, and it's THIS fight that helped drive Daigo to better his abilities in the first place. But will they be effective?
Intending to find out, Daigo does what comes natural to one whom leads some of the roughest 'kids' in Southtown. His position shifts, feet spreading, arms raised in a loose stance. His good eye, focused on the cybernetic one of his 'opponent'. "...That is, if you're still game to find out."
COMBATSYS: Daigo has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Daigo 0/-------/-------|
Aaah. "Good," Rugal says this, even as he slowly shrugs out of his coat, "I've never been much for prattling on and on, either."
Straight to the point. He had forgotten how much he /appreciated/ that fact.
That heavy black overcoat is allowed to simply fall to the ground, even as Bernstein takes in the Gedo Boss with his two eyes. It has been a while since they fought. Just how strong has the elder Kazama become...? Rather then ponder this aloud, however, the leader of R decides to take a more practical approach. he decides...
... to test it out personally.
A single leg pushes Rugal up and off the ground in a race towards Daigo. A single leg extends outwards as the man LEAPS through the air, intent on driving his knee right into the Gedo fighter's sternum with a significant amount of speed behind the blow.
"Of course, Mr. Kazama. Please don
...'t hold back on my account."
COMBATSYS: Rugal has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Daigo
COMBATSYS: Daigo blocks Rugal's Light Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Daigo
A quick start, a strong attack, but the knee doesn't quite find its target. Daigo had stepped back from the moment he saw the leap begin, both arms lifted protectively to cushion the blow, and absorb the shock, little more than a light grunt emitted from Daigo's throat. Well trained arms, able to take and dish out much punishment, flex beneath the knee that strikes them, preventing more than maybe a bruise.that'll show up later.
"...Didn't plan on it." Daigo answers calmly, his face a grim mask, seeking to take advantage of Rugal's mid-flight impact to attempt siezing the other man by the arms, with the intent to introduce R to the frozen mud at the Kazama's feet.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Daigo's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Daigo
Still as good as ever at absorbing physical impacts, that much is certain. Rugal still does what he attempts, testing the boy's boundaries... just in time to see Daigo preparing a counter-assault. "Good, then!" And, even as Daigo goes for that attempted toss, R's leader is quick to react, knocking Daigo's arms away and pushing off him with a laugh to flip through the air. Kazama just isn't /quite/ fast enough to do what he had planned, unfortunately...
Which sets Bernstein up to unleash an attack of his own, as soon as he strikes the ground. A single arm flings forward, and chi is released across the muddy shore in a wave of blue-white power, tearing at the ground as it flies towards Kazama with intent to strike him thoroughly and send him flying.
COMBATSYS: Daigo endures Rugal's Reppuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Daigo
Chi-flavored pain. It's something Daigo's had a taste of on many an occasion. A great many fighters in the world abuse their inner powers, and the Kazama is no exception. It just seems...for him, his power manifests itself in the ability to shore up his physical endurance.
For example? Rugal's blast of pain is fast. Too fast for the Gedo Boss to evade. And really, dodging isn't his strong point anyway. Not when he can try and surprise his opponent, testing his ability to take a hit, by running /through/ the projectile, wincing as it strikes, but not allowing it to slow him down. Beneath the white shirt he wears, chest muscles flex, soaking the pain, allowing Daigo to charge through towards the cybernetic warrior.
There is a scream, mixed pain and battle cry, as the elder Kazama lifts both arms...the left held defensively, the right cocked back, set to unleash a chi-covered fist towards the set jaw of R. To return the painful favor.
COMBATSYS: Daigo successfully hits Rugal with Phoenix Fist.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Daigo
To return the painful favor... almost, but not quite. Unfortunately, Rugal is simply built to take in damage and keep on going. Which is why, though it it /surprising/ that Daigo simply charges straight through the Reppuken, it's not exactly /unfortunate/. Rather... it makes Bernstein grin, a wide and unpleasant grin as Kazama rushes in.
"Wonderful! Let's have a taste of your power, then!!"
And Daigo does /just that/. That fistful of chi strikes Rugal straight in the chin, and for it Bernstein stumbles backwards one step... two steps... and then simply pauses completely, allowing himself a brief and horridly wide smile. "It's good to see you haven't lost any of your strength." But it seems it hasn't done quite enough, to stop Rugal.
From that point, Bernstein continues to push in. Given Daigo's close proximity, Bernstein shoves a single fist forward to strike Kazama solidly in the gut, to send him staggering away. And from there, he will wind up and SLAM a fist into Kazama's own jaw, to send him up into the air via a vicious uppercut.
COMBATSYS: Daigo blocks Rugal's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Daigo
Ineffective? So it would seem. That was a solid strike. Daigo /felt/ the impact his fist made on Rugal's face. And all it did was make the man step back? Daigo knew Rugal was tough from the last fight.
It's a mixture of relief and disappointment that Rugal didn't show more pain. Relief that Rugal hasn't weakened. Disappointment that it seems his strength hasn't quite improved enough to count.
Silent revelery...interrupted by the fight at hand, Rugal's move caught in Daigo's eye, bringing him back to reality again. "...Seems I haven't gained much either." the Boss notes as he's forced to use his defensive arm to block the incomming fist, another solid impact sending tremors up to his shoulder. From there, Daigo spins into Rugal's arm, bringing his right fist around to knock away Rugal's face-bound fist. This frees his left, as the Kazama takes another half-step turn, to try a quick jab to Mr. Bernstein's shoulder...but that is little more than a feint as one final turn of Daigo's massive body brings his right fist around one more time, to try bringing his momentium to bear, and clock R another good one upside the noggin.
All in all, more flashy than Daigo is used to doing, and that...that means it might not be as fast, or effective, as he might like...
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Daigo's 1-2 Smash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Daigo
Fast enough. Effective... is another matter entirely. It seems that Daigo still excells at absorbing physical damage, as he clearly proves through blocking Bernstein's next attempt to injure him. It doesn't daunt Bernstein, however. Instead... a smile flares up along his lips even as Daigo recovers from the first block, spins, and brings himself to bear upon the crimelord. His second fist swat away? That's fine.
Bernstein intends to do the same to Kazama.
The first blow strikes solidly, but doesn't even make Bernstein /budge/. Instead, it seems to set him right in the path of Daigo's other fist, coming towards Bernstein's head. And when it strikes? There is a single gloved hand to stop it, a good deal of Daigo's strength simply taken in through the palm of his hand showing little much besides a small smile. Good, good. Now... it's Bernstein's turn.
Daigo should still be recovering by the time Rugal strikes, something he hopes to take advantage of. A straight vertical kick sends Bernstein upward, a polished shoe intent on smacking Kazama right in the jaw with untold force. After that, the arms dealer spins through the air, intent on striking Daigo solidly in the abdomen with another kick, to send him into the ground.
COMBATSYS: Daigo endures Rugal's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Daigo
That's the downside to straying from what one is used to. It leaves you flat open to be smashed. It wouldn't be so bad, if not for the fact that his strength isn't sufficient to adequately damage this particular seasoned warrior. It's like...fighting Ryu. Only without the massive hadoukens. Or the dodging. ... Okay, so maybe it's nothing like fighting Ryu...
Rugal's first kick does strike Daigo's chin, sending the youth stumbling backwards, but the second strike to the abdomen doesn't quite knock hiim down. Stubborn as always, the Gedo Boss stays on his feet, his arms clutching the leg that impacted his gut, aiming to dig his heels into the frozen ground, and send Rugal on a quick trip to the concrete divider his coat was resting on. If his fists can't hurt Rugal, maybe solid masonry will.
COMBATSYS: Daigo successfully hits Rugal with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Daigo
Another throw, eh? This time, Rugal Bernstein isn't /quite/ fast enough to get out of the way of Daigo's fierce and sudden assault. Not quite expecting the man to attack in such a matter again, Bernstein is simply picked up, and slammed into the concrete divider. In the end, though, what it receives...? Is laughter. Bernstein laughs as his body smashes into the concrete. Did it hurt...?
Not nearly enough.
Still, Kazama's power is impressive. So, then, Rugal decides to take a page from the young man's book. Gripping Daigo by the arms as he slams into the ground, Rugal seeks to use his own momentum to /roll/... and then toss Daigo with intcredible speed, to send him crashing somewhere nearby, with no small amount of force.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Daigo with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Rugal 1/-------/=======|=======\====---\1 Daigo
Consider Daigo airborne. His first flying lesson since his training trip, Daigo is...caught by Rugal's continuation of momentium, tossing the burly Kazama boy elsewhere into the muddy riverbank, landing with a heavy impact. It hurt...more than it should have. Perhaps taking Rugal's full-force hits wasn't quite a bright idea.
Still, he's able to get up from where he landed, his shirt muddied, his body feeling...bruised in a few places. Daigo stands, but he doesn't advance on the more professional fighter. Rather, he extands his right arm again, palm-out, and tries his hand at focusing a projectile. If his strength hasn'ti mproved enough, perhaps his control over his inner chi has..a fact to be tested with the burst of spikey energy that lashes out Rugal's way.
Maybe not strong enough to really faze the cyber-fighter, but perhaps enough to open him up for something...stronger.
COMBATSYS: Rugal overcomes Skull Aura from Daigo with Kaiser Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1 Daigo
No, taking Rugal's hits likely was /not/ the best of ideas. As it stands, Rugal leaps off his feet as soon as he launches the Kazama boy high into the air, brushing himself off with relative ease and slipping a hand into his pocket. Unlike the Gedo Boss, R's leader seems perfectly content to keep fighting for a while to come. And unlike Daigo... Rugal seems perfectly prepared for what the high school fighter plans to do next.
"Chi?" The question comes as that dark energy comes burst outward from Daigo's hand. Bernstein wastes no time. Both arms jut to either side of him, as blue-white energy begins to flare up with blinding brightness all around his hands. He bends backwards, beginning to float into the air for a brief span of time... before his arms SNAP forward.
And from them, is released an absolutely gigantic wave of energy that simply pummels Daigo's attack into nigh oblivion, intent on carrying onwards toward the other man to envelope him in explosive power.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Daigo with Kaiser Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Daigo
If it were appropriate for Daigo to perform an anime sweatdrop, this would be the moment. Not only was his attack nullified, but the oncomming wave of energy that 'ate' his chi...kept going.
*SMASH!* Daigo has no choice but to take the punishment. Flung backwards, towards the concrete dividers, his body impacts...leaves a great cracked impression...and a nice bloody trail from where his skull just got a bit cracked. Concussion? Probably, but that's the force of the blow he took. Consciousness fading, the elder Kazama has to strain every bit of his iron will to remove himself from the hole his body just made, and get back to his feet.
"-t..." he finishes, stumbling his way towards Rugal. Unfortunately for him, it's a lackluster performance. While Daigo may have shown that he could still take a hit, it appears he still has a problem taking too many. Before he fades out though, the elder Kazama intends to try one final fling.
That is, if he can get close enough to Rugal to get a grip on the other man's outfit, to suplex him head-first into the mud-covered cement.
COMBATSYS: Daigo has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Daigo
[OOC] Daigo 9_9 I live!
COMBATSYS: Rugal counters German Suplex from Daigo with Genocide Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Rugal 0/-------/---====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Daigo
This should, theoretically, be the end. There are not many people who can take a Kaiser Wave head-on and keep on going, after all. That energy impacts, sends Daigo flying through sheer power. And Rugal? Simply stands there with a smile, watching the events as they all unfold.
"You have quite the excellent drive to continue standing, Mr. Kazama!"
It seems... Daigo's not quite out yet. Interesting.
But if anything, Rugal has improved his technique as well. Immensely, in fact. So much so... that when Daigo comes at him again, when he tries to get a grip on his outfit? Rugal's gloved hands stop him prematurely. Kazama doesn't even come /close/ to gripping onto Bernstein...
Because the man is thrusting a single, polished shoe right into Daigo's jaw, a crescent arch of golden chi following in its wake.
The sheer force is enough to send Kazama upwards into the air, where Rugal follows with a leap. One, single movement is all it takes for Rugal to slam another foot into Daigo's back, burning with chi. And from there, Rugal twists in mid-air, thrusting DOWN with a single foot in an overhead axe-kick trailing power in its wake, meant to send Daigo SLAMMING right back into the ground.
Whew! Such pain! Such agony! A Kaizer Wave...and a viscious chi-engulfed axe-kick that sends the Kazama sprawling in the mud. The Gedo Boss lay still for a long moment, willing his body to move, and succeeding only in getting up on his hands. Coughing out blood.
"...Tough bastard." he mutters in another one of those rare occasions in which Daigo Kazama cusses. He lifts his head to focus his good, though blurry, eye on the tougher fighter.
And from there, sits up. It'd almost be fitting of an execution. Daigo's only got maybe one more good trick. Too weak to throw a punch, the man focuses instead, his eye closing as though giving in to a final knockout blow. Though to R's trained eye, the fiery aura Kazama has might show he's anything but giving up. From his core, a bright burst of fiery energy bursts forth, waves of heated force circling the Gedo man, screaming outward to try and send Rugal on a flying trip, away from Daigo for a precious few seconds of breath.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Daigo's Super Phoenix Fire.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Daigo
So... this is the force of Daigo Kazama. It's been a while, since he's felt it first hand. It's good to know -- just how much he has improved since he last fought the Gedo Boss. He lands, self-assured and confident, a smile on his face. Slowly, Rugal rolls his neck, and slips hands into his pockets once more.
"... It's good to see I have lost the rust. Don't you agree, Mr. Kazama?"
Except, Daigo isn't done. Whatever attempt he might have made at striking Rugal down though, or forcing distance between the two of them, is all for naught. Daigo's fiery aura is dealth with in a manner that is simply brutal. As that chi-fire bursts forth from Daigo, Bernstein thrusts forward a knee with untold force behind it to meet that intense energy. There is a moment of resistance, between the fires and Rugal's knee, but eventually... he simply OVERCOMES them and keeps carrying onward, intent on driving his knee straight into Daigo's gut.
COMBATSYS: Daigo endures Rugal's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1 Daigo
Success for Rugal! The knee does, indeed, strike Daigo's gut, the Kazama having no way to get out of the way, and too little energy left to care to try and block it. He takes the knee, he doubles over, but Rugal might find that not all of D's strength has quite left his arms. He has enough to /try/ and clutch the deadly limb, use it for balance even, with one arm...climbing his way up Rugal's chest with the other, until he can get a good eye-to-eye look at the infamous crime boss.
"...Yeah. Great. I demand a rematch when I get rid of this headache." the Gedo Boss growls, and attempts to place his big hand on Rugal's face, emitting a strong BURST of purple spikey chi and very close proximity. Something that likely takes the rest of the Gedo man's strength away, allowing him to fall backwards into the muddy frozen river bed again, where unconsciousness may finally overtake him...
COMBATSYS: Daigo can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Rugal fails to reflect Super Skull Aura from Daigo with Dark Barrier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 1/-------/=======|
A rematch?
"Consider it done."
It's over, now. There's no way that Daigo can get back on his feet after all of this. Rugal is assured of that. But... Daigo is still coming at him with a final assault. A single hand juts forward, palm up, in preparation for something, but it seems that Kazama gets the better of Bernstein this time around. That violet, spikey chi smashes into Bernstein in an explosion of energy, even as Daigo collapses. It causes Rugal to stagger backwards a good distance away from Kazama, smoke rising from his face... but when he stops, it is readily apparant that he is /smiling/.
"Not quite enough." He murmurs, almost to himself, even as he turns his back to the prone Kazama. "You need to grow stronger. See me again, when you do. Perhaps then I will show you more of my techniques..." And then, Bernstein intends to simply walk off, dipping low to pick up his overcoat as he exits the river bed.
COMBATSYS: Rugal takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Rugal has ended the fight here.
Log created by Rugal, and last modified on 22:20:05 02/08/2006.