Description: A Witch and a Movie Star. Fei Long is a little upset over Naerose ruining a publicity stunt!
On his whirlwind tour of East Asia, Fei Long has made a stop off in Taiwan. The tiny island off the coast of China. He's got a huge fanbase there and Fei Long's handlers would like him to make an appearance to advertise his latest movie that is now out on DVD! Fei Long has arranged for a meet and greet as well as to put on a mock combat show for his fans outside of a Movie Rental place in a town on the coast of Taiwan. The Movie Rental place is packed, as fans from all over the island have come to catch a glimpse of the Movie Star and to see what he will do during this appearance. Right now, Fei Long is wearing a pair of loose fitting pants and a T-Shirt with the name of his latest movie on it. He's signing autographs.
Amongst the crowd of would be camera people is a large box. It says, this side up and 'fragile' on it. Apparently someone mailed a shipment for this event. Probably has more Dvd's or who knows, t-shirts. Anyway, one of the people running the event, you know the little people, who open boxes for Fei and set out the table for him and bring him coffee.. Approaches the package, scratching his head and opens it.
A witch flops out.
This was apparently not expected, she looks dead, read in the face, the box was upside down for hours, but then she jumps to her feet.
"Woah cool, I'm there, Great!" she pulls a camera out from under her hat, sticks a index card with crayon writing of the word 'press' in the belt of her hat and starts taking pictures.
One can be assured that the crew member assisting in the festivities would be quite startled by the sudden appearance of the witch out of the box. Fei Long is not, as he does not notice as of yet the sudden appearance of Naerose. He's busy signing autographs. Before long, a man comes up to Fei Long and whispers into his ear. Fei Long grins ear to ear and waves at the fans, "Time to set up for the show!" he announces and the crowd starts cheering.
Meanwhile Naerose has to totally do something! All the great shots are being stolen by OTHER more skilled people with more expensive camera's. So Naerose decides.. She needs to.. get rid of them. Well for a fighter it shouldn't be that hard of a problem.. Right? Right? Well for a witch who just mailed herself here from Japan it should be even easier.
"Oh man," starts a reporter," Do you smell that? What the hell is that SMELL!?" The group disperses, and yet the smell follows them, that is until they start to accept farther shots, worse angles and leave the good stuff to the red clad witch.
People are dispersing to get further shots. It does not bother Fei Long when he notices it. The movie Star gets into a makeshift ring, that's been seperated from the rest of the building by ropes. A stunt man dressed like J-Random fighter from Fei Long's movies enters the ring. Fei Long grins, "Time for the show!" A man with a microphone starts to talk, his voice booms over several speakers that have been set up, "Now time to see Fei Long in action. Someone from the Triads is here and does not like Fei Long's success! What will Fei Long do!" Some people still gathered will shout, "Defeat him!" Fei Long gives the two-fingered peace sign before getting into a combat stance. The 'Triad' is a much bigger man than Fei Long and gets into you typical brawler stance, "ARGH!" He shouts.
Just then, Naerose sees'.. An announcer? Woah, she loves announcing. Maybe she can convince him to give her his mic. All she has to do is apply some feminine wiles... Problem with wiles..?
She smells.. A little not so good. Call it fighter musk or 2 to 5 business days in a box.
"Lemme announce I'm good at this.." She whines. To no avail.
The Announcer glares down at Naerose, "Get with the rest of the spectators" The announcer grumbles off-mic to Naerose. Just as the announcer does this, the fighting between the 'Triad' and Fei Long occurs! The burly Triad starts by rushing towards the Chinese Action Star and attempting to bearhug him. Fei Long neatly and agily leaps back, performs a backflip and then leaps forward again to catch the Triad with flying tumbling kick. The foot sends the Triad sprawling across the ground... for the apparent KO. Fei Long raises his arms into the air as the fans cheer. Fei Long shouts, "Not even a Triad can defeat me!" He plays to the crowd, "Is there no body that can match my skills? Certainly not the Triad assassins!"
"I CAN!" cries Naerose, except the rest of what she said was, "annouce really great, just GIVE ME A CHANCE, YOU'LL SEE MY announcing SKILLS!" the witch argues with the announcer, even trying to wrestle for the mic, not paying a great deal of attention to the current happenings in the ring, she miss so many great picture oppertunities. Poor witch.
As the announcer gets harrassed by the witch, local authorities and security guards that were assigned to watch over this publicity event come rushing in to assist the poor announcer. There's a great deal of ruckus as the poor announcer tries to back away and keep the mic from this odd person. As this hustle and bustle occurs, Fei Long kinda drops his character and just stares at what's going on, "Hey!" he shouts, "You're messing up the show!" He sounds a little annoyed... as he likes putting on a show.
Which snaps Naerose back into remembering what it is she came to do. *click click* She gets pictures of Feilong, possibly looking angry, pictures of security guards, a picture of a hand, then her camera is taken away.
"Hey that's mine! AWwww." whines the witch, trying now to get her camera back.
"I'm not messing up the show, see I have a press pass!" Not really she doesn't, but.. erm,..
Fei Long starts to stomp towards where Naerose is, "What are you doing?!" Booms the rather short Movie Star, "I'm trying to put on a show here and you've mess it all up!" The guards pull out the film of the camera or the battery... depending on if it's a Digital camera or old school camera. Fei Long points an accusing finger at the girl, "I do not appreciate what you've done here!" The fans have gone quiet and the real 'press' is now taking pictures of the encounter between Naerose and Fei Long. Fei Long backs away from the girl, "Could you kindly get this girl out of here?" He asks one of the guards.
"Now I paid a lot of money shipping and handling to get myself here! I am not going to let you get rid of me that easily!" Cries Naerose, polling her broom out from seemingly behind her back. She holds it up and points at Feilong,
"If you want a show, you'll get one, a hero falls and has to give up all of the money in his wallet to the feed a witch fun-!" Just then she is interrupted by the guards grabbing her arms,
"Hey, what are you doing?! I was just saying something cool, NOOOO!"
Fei Long holds out a hand to stop the guard, "She wants to be in the show. Guard, stop." fei Long points at Naerose and glares at her, "Was that a challenge?" He asks the witch, "If you put on a good show, I'll keep you from getting arrested for harassment and assault. What do you say?" he asks the girl.
"And your lunch money," she insists, apparently she's really gunning for a meal. Not affraid of harassment and assault? Well maybe that or she's just that confident she can fly away on her broom.. Er.. how to put this.. Sorry 'Rose, but not terribly likely..
"I will not be hassled into giving you my money, girl." He looks to the guard, "She's also trying to rob me. She's not interested in getting off by just helping salvage my show here. If she doesn't want to undo what she's done by helping me put on a show, than cart her off." He glares at Naerose again.
"Ooooooo you think I'm going to go for that sort of umm threatesS! Well guess what mister, I am.. Plllease don't have them arrest me, I'll put on a great show, I promise. Please please please please please please please please please, don't make me get in trouble, pllleeassssee!" Begs the little witch.
Fei Long nods and backs up away from Naerose, "Give her room. She'll be Fei Long's next opponent!" He looks out towards what's left of the crowd, "The show will resume now!" Shouts Fei Long before he glances towards the announcer. The Announcer nods and speaks into the microphone, "We apologise for the inconvenience and promise to give away a free T-Shirt to all those present as well as offer up Fei Long's newest DVD for half price!" The crowd starts to cheer again. Fei Long gets into a fighting stance, "You better put on a good show..." Fei Long sounds quite upset.
"Do I get a free t-shirt too? COOL!" Beams Naerose, flipping her broom around so it sits somewhere behind her rather then in front, it's a great look really, at least she thinks so while adjusting her shades.
"Good show, you got it.. See, I'm the great Na- N.." She considers, giving her name would make her far to get in troubleable..
COMBATSYS: Naerose has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Naerose 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Feilong has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Naerose 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Feilong
"You had better." States Fei Long as he rushes towards the girl... which raises a bunch of cheers from the crowd. Fei Long's going to be the good guy in this show, Naerose... of course she's the bad guy! The Announcer starts to announce, "And off goes our hero. This girl, who has come to crash our party here today, will soon find out the power of our hero, Fei Long!" Fei Long hops off the ground as he runs and comes crashing down towards the girl with a two-leg drop kick. Both heels are aimed for her chest.
COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Naerose with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Naerose 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Feilong
"Waah.. I wasn't ready," cries the witch as she sort of gets flung a bit from being kicked by the kung foo action star early. Luckily her getting beat up is probably just the kind of show they want to see!
Huff huff,
Just then, she gets star struck, people were cheering! Of course they were cheering that she got hit but hey, whatever,
"That's rigth! I am here to foil your party and then I will brainwash your fans to be my evil minions and take over the world, and I would of gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for your meddling, prepare to perish for your interfernce with my beautiful evil!" She's a terrible actress.
COMBATSYS: Naerose focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Naerose 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Feilong
"Don't do a lot of talking." Fei Long insists to Naerose under his breath. Once he's back on the ground he does your classic kung-fu action star pose. His legs are slid out from under him and he's got a wide stance. He stands there with his arms in fron tof him. One's a fist, the others flat and rigid. He's hopping from one foot to the other. As she focuses on her next attack, Fei Long goes after her again. He leaps forward and kicks with one foot then follows that up quickly with a second kick from the other foot. A famous a trademarked move of Fei Long's!
COMBATSYS: Naerose fails to interrupt Engekishu from Feilong with Sagita Major.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Feilong
"Not a lot of talking, I'll show you not a lot of talking! Sagit- Ughg," Smash, bump bhump.. thud. She sort of crumples under the force and realizes that there is a practical reason for not talking a lot too, she could focus more on hitting Feilong and not getting hit. This was something she would jot down in her little book for later refernce. Why not to talk a lot..
As the double kick strikes the girl, Fei Long remains on the offensive. As the girl falls back, he flips backwards and lands on his feet. He grins and flashes a peace sign to the fans, and they roar in applause and cheers. He turns back around to look at Naerose, "You need to try and hit me a bit better." He says to the girl under his breath. After those words of direction, Fei Long leaps forward and comes crashing down with a swift axe-kick. The heel's meant to collide with her shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Naerose with Chokka Rakutei.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Feilong
And this time as she gets hit, she has a witty retort, "If you'd stop hitting me." Ugh. She takes another sort of beat. But this time she's not going to stay down. She gets up, thumbs her nose, lifts her hand and extends it palm first to give a cry of
"En Criento!" and opens a can of tornado style winds, it's sort of a ripping tearing force.
"I bet you're fast, but try dodging that!"
Exclaims the witch, way smug for how turn up she's already looking
COMBATSYS: Feilong blocks Naerose's End Creation.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0 Feilong
Fei Long raises his arms up and braces his legs. He bends his legs at the knees and at the ankles. He pushes himself against the attack that Naerose throws at him. As he weathers the storm rather well, the crowd erupts into applause. Fei Long then swings his arms forcefully down to his sides and shouts, "WAAAAAA!" His body tenses and he starts to shake as he calls on his chi and summons it forth to focus it a little better and put on a show for the crowd.
COMBATSYS: Feilong gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 Feilong
"Heh, not yet you don't," exclaims Naerose who already has pulled out of her dress a piece of hard packing foam. It's sort of silly you'd think, who would pack something with something hard as a rock. Well Naerose would apparently. She's too poor to get better stuff.
"Take this."
COMBATSYS: Feilong endures Naerose's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 Feilong
The Movie Star is shouting still and when the thrown object comes at Fei Long, he shouts even louder. His body tenses even more and the Movie Star allows it to strike him and bounce off. Your typical Kung Fu action star show of strength and defense! It bounces off and Fei Long erupts forward. He leaps into the air after a few steps and attempts to come crashing down on Naerose with a pair of chops towards her shoulders and neck!
COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Naerose with Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Feilong
Not getting hit seems to be a bigger problem for Naerose just now. Moving out of the way seems to be giving her some pretty noteable problems, but still she persists,
"Oh.. Ermm, take this! Sagita Minor!" she exclaims with a sudden shout and hops away from Feilong, sort of like retreating, sending a flurry of air darts in her path.
COMBATSYS: Feilong dodges Naerose's Sagita Minor.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Feilong
Now's the time for Fei Long to demonstrate his incredible agility. As the air darts are tossed his way, he flips through the air, does cartwheels to the side or tumbles along the ground to avoid being struck. When it's all over he raises his hands into the air and fist pumps, "AAAHHHH HAI!" he shouts as his body tenses and starts to shake again, summoning up more chi and focusing on his next action against the witch.
COMBATSYS: Feilong focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Feilong
"Alright.." Comes the chatter box, "You just do that and I'll just do this.." she stands there and readies herself for Feilong's attack too. Afterall, if he's coming, she should be ready.. right? Well okay, so she'll get ready, or try anyway.
COMBATSYS: Naerose focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Feilong
Now for the DBZ-style staring, grunting and shouting match... at least for Fei Long. The Kung-Fu Action star stares at his opponent and then points at her, "Soon you will go down!" He shouts and brings about more applause from the spectators. His arms drop to his side and he continues to shake as his body tenses and pulls more chi energy.
COMBATSYS: Feilong gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/---====/=======|=======\====---\1 Feilong
"Ahh.. Yeah.. right well.. we heard that one already.. umm.. nevermind here." Naerose says, plants her broom in the ground, vaults off it in order to plant a heavy kick into Feilong's ever powering up chest.
COMBATSYS: Feilong blocks Naerose's Deep Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/--=====/=======|=======\======-\1 Feilong
Fei Long tightens his chest a bit and raises his arms back up to block and deflect the kick from Naerose. He takes a step backwards and shouts, "YAAA HAAAAI!" Before spinning around, flicking out an arm and trying to catch the Witch with a stiff backhanded strike!
COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Naerose with Fierce Punch.
[ \ < > //////////////////////// ]
Naerose 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\=======\1 Feilong
Naerose tottally takes that one right on. Woah, there is a reason Feilong is so tough, but maybe she can escape now! That would save her from getting arrested right? Actually, being knocked into next week is unavoiadable, but she tosses an extra basketball player style flop to get her into the next century, and also well, the next ten feet over near a bus stop to crawl onto it. Instead she sort of ends up in the lawn. Luckily, most people will think this was a publicity stunt
COMBATSYS: Naerose takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 1/=======/=======|
COMBATSYS: Naerose can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 1/=======/=======|
Fei Long spins around one more time after striking Naerose. When he stops, his arms raise into the air and he faces the crowd, "Free shirts for everyone! Thank you for attending and making this an enjoyable event!" The Announce starts to peddle the gods now and a couple of guards help to usher Fei Long away after that rather impromtu bout. As he gets ushered away, Fei Long looks over his shoulder to see where Naerose went to.
COMBATSYS: Feilong has ended the fight here.
Naerose will run away.. Eventually, still thinking the law is totally out to get her!
Log created by Feilong, and last modified on 07:18:15 03/06/2007.