Description: Grant and Sagat meet again. It is an odd relationship they have.
Southtown Village is not quite that busy at this time of the day. People are still waking up, having their morning tea or coffees. Few people are roaming the sidewalks of the village. One of those people out roaming though, is Sagat. The Muay Thai Legend is back in Southtown. He's currently adorned in his standard oversized trenchcoat and wearing a fedora and sunglasses. His large hands are shoved into the pockets and the brooding former Emperor is walking slowly.
The entry back into the fighting circuit should be intriguing to the Muay Thai warrior. An explosive series of high-impact and notable encounters that seemed to have little catalyst but putting his name around the world. There was a subsidary goal that was accomplished as well; Mild hints that Grant's true reason for coming out into the open was finding a disciple, testing the crop of fighters, and finally finding a pair to settle down with. Whatever his purpose, he's by no means retreating from the limelight just yet. A fight with Haggar has been building, and ended in a shattered Guy. A challenge to Ryu has been whispered for a couple weeks. He is planning big things, as might be expected.
Where he is now is nowhere near Southtown, but it wouldn't be difficult to find the general area. It is a mountain range, roughly three day's hard journey through trees and over mountains from Southtown. A virgin niche, with large waterfall nearby and an open expanse of terrain with exceptionally mundane but potent training equipment; Dummies, makeshift weights of chain-bound rocks, targets, and other items.
As might be expected, Grant is in the middle of a workout. Each powerful thrust of muscled arms impacts the literal wall of the mountain in the exact same spot. But rather then shattering through, the energy seems to instead resonate, shaking the very ground. A practice in kinetic redirection; A technique that only the likes of Ryu should be able to accomplish, and even Kain himself is not nearly a match in. In the physical arts, of breaking the body, the Martyr of Might has no superiors. He has, at best, stout equals.
"Hnnngh!" Thoooom!
It took some time for Sagat's agents were able to find an aproximate location on where a certain enigmatic 'Martyr of Might' would be hanging out. Sagat utilized Shadaloo resources to find this particular spot outside of Southtown. A random Doll or other Shadaloo spy came across this rather unusual place of residence and reported back to the Muay Thai God. Shadaloo's next visit to this area? Sagat himself. The Tiger made the trek here, quite easily actually. A training ground after Sagat's own heart. Upon arriving he will have tossed a duffle bag to the ground. Small beads of sweat have cropped up on the bald man's weathered forehead. Sagat is in full fighting attire, though he tends to usually wear it anyways, but it's unusual that he'd have his wrappings and fighting shorts on while climbing and hiking. The Tiger was determined to get here. Sagat intones deeply upon arriving, "A little less humble than my training grounds..." an observation.
"Oh?" Grant pauses before the massive stone wall, turning towards Sagat and lazily flexing his hands. His demonic mask is still worn, but for the moment the regality of the cape has been shed. It is laying upon a doll nearby, revealing instead the inhuman physique that the Demon of Might's path has taken him. The stone wall he has been practicing against has been thoroughly rattled, but not seemingly damaged outside the hollow dong. "You found me here... Interesting. Only one other man did." Grant pauses for a few moments, stepping back and stretching while adjusting his wristbands. "Vega." is finally mulled, thoughtful but implicating. He obviously knows that Vega is in Shadaloo; And if the big man paid a visit without killing him, one can only guess. "How did you manage?"
"Dedication. Perseverence." Sagat pauses, "Stubburness." He grunts at him and shrugs his shoulder, "Inconsequencial. I am here." He steps forward towards Grant, "It was not that difficult. I could have chartered some trucks or a helicoptor and I would have come here quicker." He pauses again, "But that would defeat my purpose for coming here." He states as he crosses his arms over his massive chest.
Terry has arrived.
"Admirable traits that got you as far as they did." Grant is sounding exceptionally polite, almost refined. There's no hint of brutality; Then again, there's also no hint that he has summoned any chi. That seems to be the prime catalyst for such less tactful responses. "It is good to see you once more. I take it my words bore weight?" There's absolutely no inciteful quality. At least in terms of aggression. A blunt and fairly confident statement, perhaps. "Well. You are welcome to join me for my own personal training. I have not had a suitable sparring partner for many years beyond Kain, and his style differs much from my own." Mainly since everybody but -- and including -- Kain tend to be very breakable...
Sagat nods his head, "I was hoping I would get that invitation from you." comes from Sagat. The Muay Thai God, "And yes, your words bore weight. And I have been thinking those words over for some time. I decided to seek you out again. I doubted you'd come to my humble abode again." Sagat narrows his eye a bit, "I seek something, and that is a chance to spar with you once again." Because by doing so, perhaps even Sagat can learn something.
"You pass muster in my eyes, Sagat. You have flaws, but you have the strength of character and will to overcome and surpass them. That you weathered the change of the world as well as you did is testament to those roots. You are welcome here." Regardless of potential affiliation is not said, however. At this point, Grant respects Vega and Vega respects Grant. It's doubtful that either will dare make a more direct move for the forseeable future, since neither sure as heck wants /enemies/ of each other in this stage of the game. "You are rusty. You cannot spend all of your time merely kicking padded weights. Without the adrenaline and vigor of true combat, atrophy is impossible to ignore. I can stall this process through meditation, but I have almost reached the end of what that can continue granting me..." A curious statement, but not one that Grant seems to be apt on explaining. Although it hints at his sudden activity quite well. "If you wish for a spar, then I accept. When we complete, you may stay as long as you desire. Mayhaps meet my students... So far the only true seeds of a true new generation of fighters to be found at this time..."
Kain has arrived.
Sagat clenches his fists and lowers his arms to his sides. He nods his head slightly and states, "I would very much like to do all of those things; A Spar and to meet your students. I wish to see who you have taken under your wing." A pause and a glance to his side, "Though I did not think you would take students, judging from your outlook on the current generation of fighters." He looks back at Grant, "They must have a pool of natural talent you wish to tap."
"One of them does. You might know his name. Shingo Yabuki. The passion he has for his dream is pure. He wishes to surpass Kyo Kusanagi. I believe that such can be properly moulded, with effort. And I believe Kain would be interested in meeting you as well, if you have not already meet more formally. People such as us are a rare breed..." Grant then moves to a more central open area of his training ground, a wide stone ring marked by heavy posts. It seems intended for such one on one combat, but has not been used in some time. He then stretches, flowing into a rather masterful combat stance and hovering both arms near his chest. His cape was taken up in the journey, and is whisked around his shoulders almost casually. "For I would like to speak more of you joining our cause. And at the very least reattaining your rightful spot as Emperor. Having children sit in it unworthy only makes other children aspire to such aesthetic weakness. The one who holds it must be unbeatable. They must be a mountain to inspire a generation of new students to a lifetime of work, just for the chance to battle..."
The former Emperor watches Grant on his path to the stone encircled ring. He nods at what he says, "The name rings a bell." He mentions before slowly striding towards the ring of stones himself. Once there, he clenches and unclenches his fists, stretching out his tight forearms. He nods to Grant, "I would enjoy talking more with you regarding many things, afterwards." He mutters before lowering his head and looking towards the ground. Briefly the image of Adon flashes in the Muay Thai God's head. His brow furrows a bit and his head is raised. He looks across the ring towards the other man, eye narrowed.
"One way or another, I believe it is time for your dormancy to pass, Sagat." Grant seems content to say, his cape billowing around behind before he narrows his eyes beneath the demonic mask. He then begins to swirl with chi, apparently intending on starting out the new conflict with an overpowering burst to gain significantly more ground then the Muay Thai warrior. His body crackles cerulean, wind blows to the posts and reverberates around within, and that feral edge begins to rise as his eyes darken. Muscles pulse, veins bulge, and this is obviously not going to be any easier then the first bout. And given that Sagat lost... Such might make the challenge all the greater to face.
COMBATSYS: Grant has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Grant 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Grant gathers his will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Grant 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Sagat has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Grant 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Sagat
The Mighty Thai man seems to predict what Grant is trying to do as they begin their sparring match. Sagat does not want this to occur, as he doesn't want the other fighter to gain a quick advantage over him as he did in their first encounter. As the chi begins enveloping Grant, Sagat rushes forward, "No you do not!" He shouts as runs and attempts to grapple Grant to force him out of this state. If he's successful at grappling the man, he will attempt to drive his powerful knees into the midsection of the other fighter. Talk about interrupting his concentration!
COMBATSYS: Grant just-defends Sagat's Tiger Rage!
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Grant 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Sagat
The grapple works, but at the moment Grant has a spectacular amount of chi is boosting the Martyr of Might. The incoming knee is met by a downwards strike of Grant's forearm, which completely cancels the attempted beating. "An admirable charge...!" Actually, it would of worked better for Grant had he not been startled into such a perfect defense. It gives him no advantage, and might be a liability. Slipping forwards instead of backwards, Grant attempts to grasp Sagat by the throat and leg, before swirling him overhead and towards one of the wooden pillars with a suitable amount of pain. "Ankoku Otoshi!!"
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Grant's Ankoku Otoshi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Grant 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Sagat
Sagat is grappled after hisless than stellar example of a Tiger Rage. As he's being hefted, he raises his arms up to try to push the hand around his neck away and the rest of his body kind of twists to the side. So when the man is hefted and thrown, he does not hit Grant's intended target. Instead he hits the ground and rolls a couple of feet before bouncing back up. Sagat nods his head, "Thank you." Before rushing forward towards Grant again. Offense is the best offense afterall! When he gets close, he sort of skids to a stop in front of the Martyr of Might. Once he stops, his knee is raised and it threatens to strike against the other fighter's side. Sagat follows that up with a crushing roundhouse with the same leg in an attempt to knock Grant sideways.
COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Grant with Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Grant 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Sagat
The strike to Grant's side is somewhat grazing, but the follow-up blow to his head sends him sprawling to the side, apparently quite disoriented by the entire experience. He manages to catch his feet shortly thereafter, before once more bursting into ripples of force. This one is much more violent almost; The onslaught shakes the very ring they fight within, and it's more then Sagat would have experienced in his prior battle. Grant now seems to be almost livid with the crackling chi, swirling and flickering over him in heavy azure waves. "Hnnngh... Let us see how you do now..." is challenged, before Grant looks prepared to launch his own assault. Sagat attempted to narrow the playing field with his own full-on play, but Grant's defensive buildup appears ready to pay off. Which strategy will reign triumphant...?
COMBATSYS: Grant gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Grant 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0 Sagat
Kasumi has arrived.
Sagat does not want to give Grant the time to build his defense, because that is what Sagat believes Grant is trying to do. So he pushes on. After the series of strikes, Sagat hops back for a moment to see Grant's next move. When Grant doesn't come at him with unrelenting offense, Sagat takes that as a sign that HE needs to go after Grant with unrelenting offense! So Sagat takes a step forward and launches into the air, "TIGER CRUSH!" He shouts as he leaps and performs his patented flying knee strike. He's intent on keeping the Martyr of Might off balance... at least for a little while.
COMBATSYS: Grant Toughs Out Sagat's Tiger Crush!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Grant 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|===----\-------\0 Sagat
The flying knee does not hit Grant in the head as desired; Instead, it strikes him hard in the shoulder. This turn was done to minimize impact, but to an offensive level. It's too late. Grant's already at full power, as it were, and now Sagat has to deal with it -- mayhaps painfully. His right hand becomes a blur, as he attempts to push Sagat off-balance and snatch him mid-air. Only to slam him face-down into the ground hard enough to leave a distinct impression within it, before slithering forward into a powerful uppercut intending to send Sagat as high into the air as Grant can manage. "You are rusty, Sagat. But in time, I believe you can match me!"
COMBATSYS: Sagat blocks Grant's Gou Retsu-Shou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Grant 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 Sagat
The Mighty Thai doesn't seem so mighty. As his third attempt at causing a decent amount of damage to his opponent fails miserably. Sagat is then caught, uncerimoniously, by Grant and he's thrown down into the ground. His massive forearms were raised to soften the blow. Sagat then rolls forward and twists around to face Grant. He stands and slides backwards a bit and away from Grant. Sagat narrows his eye and starts to focus on his own chi. Perhaps this is the source of Grant's power? Control over his Chi? Sagat certainly has a great amount of chi to tap, but perhaps there's more to it? Sagat stands there and focuses on raising his own chi and watching for Grant's next action.
COMBATSYS: Sagat gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Grant 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\1 Sagat
Grant steps backwards, still not quite taking the offense. This is now appearing to be a purposeful decision in the course of the fight. In most assaults, Grant would continue an endless onslaught; That worked on Sagat. Yet this is a spar; As such, immediate success or even failure is unimportant. It is the workout, the adrenaline, the thrill of battle that Grant seeks. And at the moment, viciously beating upon Sagat will not deliver that particular craving just yet. "Your tactics seem unsure, Sagat. Your offense has fallen now to defense. Where is your consistency? Do you rely too much on the power of your strikes?" It seems to be genuine if curious criticism.
COMBATSYS: Grant gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Grant 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\1 Sagat
"Change in tactics. Not uncertainty." The Tiger assures the Martyr. Of course that change in tactics is only momentary as Sagat moves towards grant a little less quickly and what appears to be Sagat's attempt at being more precise in his movements. His usual tactics do not work with Grant, or at least not well enough. So he tries something different, something he thinks will work. The mighty Thai will attempt to get in close and try to grapple with Grant while he's in his defensive stance. If he can manage to get hits mitts ahold of something of Grant, he will twist at his hips and hurl the man to the side and towards the ground. Rather simplistic move, but he hopes it's something Grant would not expect from the Tiger.
COMBATSYS: Grant interrupts Medium Throw from Sagat with Ma-Heki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Grant 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1 Sagat
Those mitts do manage to grasp ahold of Grant, neatly wedging within the side of his pants, but after he's hurled aside, it's apparent that pain is forthcoming. Grant spreads his stance and bows down, and impacts his knee quite hard. But like a rubber band pulled taut he fires upwards, striking Sagat dead on with a strike of his chest; A move completely unguarded, intending to send the other man stumbling backwards into one of the wooden posts. Getting back to his feet thereafter, the Martyr of Might then begins to warily observe Sagat, but looks to be in smooth and perfect control. A plan of action, meshed with the brutality of the Ankoku style of raw power. A deadly combination to say the least.
Something that the Tiger did not intend just occurred. The Martyr of Might got the better of the Muay Thai God again. It seems Grant has a talent for doing just that. Sagat is tossed backwards by the counter-strike from Grant. He staggers backwards and regains his footing, sliding his feet underneath him to get a better position and stance. Sagat's eye widens a bit as he rushes forward again, the Thai legend needs to find a weakness... he needs to find something to exploit. As he comes in he feints with a jabbing punch towards the side of the man's head. It's amaturish, but Sagat is banking on the fact that maybe Grant wouldn't be expecting such a move from Sagat. After the jab, he will bend low and then spring upwards, "TI-GER BLOW!" asending into teh air with a rising uppercut not unsimilar to the Tiger Uppercut.
COMBATSYS: Grant dodges Sagat's Tiger Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Grant 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1 Sagat
Deftly, Grant manages to avoid both of the punches. He ducks the jab, and then whirls away from the rejoinder before skipipng backwards and sliding into a powerful stance. Energy churns within him, and just as Sagat begins his descent to land, Grant unleashes his strike. Bursting forward in a ripple of force, a shoulder raises to impact Sagat in the jaw. This is obscenely more dangerous then one might be lead to believe; The force is wrought right to the center of one's head. Following is a kick intending to double Sagat over, bursting into deep purple flames and ending with a forward straight punch towards his jaw once more. The three hit combo, to anyone who watched, might seem like a mere standard maneuver; But in reality, the three brutal hits can end many fights in that instant flash of well-calculated and conserved energy. "Haaaaaaaaaa!!"
COMBATSYS: Sagat interrupts Majin Gan-En from Grant with Tiger Uppercut.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Grant 1/-----==/=======|=======\=======\1 Sagat
The Mighty Thai somehow knew something like that was going to happen, where his rising uppercut would be utterly avoided, thus setting Grant up to strike Sagat down hard. So Sagat cuts his attack short and flips around in the air. He lands back on the balls of his feet. By the time he is down and set, Grant is coming at him with a move that previously owned the Thai Legend. Sagat narrows his eye, bends at his knees and waits for it, "TIGER-" He says as he springs forward at the moment Grant is in range, "UPPERCUT!" He shouts and launches upwards. As he rises he's caught in the jaw by Grant's initial strike, but the Tiger does not back down from his attempt and aimed to strike Grant across the chest and jaw with his rising strike the instant he bursts forth with his attacks.
One blow still hurts a lot; It's only a threesome total, so neither party is likely going to be very comfortable for the entire experience. Grant slides backwards, falling down to a crouch and resting a hand upon the ground. He shakes his demonic visage, obviously trying to clear the bells that were just thoroughly rung. "Hnngh... This is more like it!" Grant then seems to fall better into the passion of the battle, as he suddenly drives forward and crouches low. The long-range strike is insanely hard to defend against, mainly since it's intended for the abdomen. Or lower, if purely neccesary. Where arms would be awkward to lower; That's all that Grant particularly cares about.
COMBATSYS: Sagat Toughs Out Grant's Ankoku Hebi!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Grant 1/----===/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Sagat
Sagat did not enjoy the experience of interrupting Grant's little manuever, but he shakes off the pain and slides back into a comfortable neutral position. Neither offensive nor defensive. He observes Grant for a moment and as he comes at him, he prepares himself both physically and mentally. When the strike comes, Sagat merely tenses his stomach and legs and absorbs it. The strike does hit around Abdomen level, and a split second after absorbing the strike, Sagat's back on the offensive. He's hoping to catch Grant before he's able to fully orient himself after his attack. He aims to slam a powerful thrusting knee strike right into his chest and throw him back hard.
COMBATSYS: Grant interrupts Medium Kick from Sagat with Majin Haten-Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Grant 0/-------/----===|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Sagat
There was one mistake in this. Grant was already in position for his next strike. A burst of chi swirls around Grant's foot, and as the blow to his chest is done, a titanic upwards explosion of pure chi and raw force is done, striking Sagat right beneath the chin. He is then utterly entombed within a pillar of deepest purple that sends him flying upwards, the projectile easily as big as Grant and dissipating a solid fifty feet within the air. For a few moments the sky turns a deep indigo, before the last vestiges crackle away and Grant can be seen breathing deeply, looking quite prepared for a second victory against the Muay Thai champion. They are at the worst case worthy equals. Chance is the card now; None have truly failed in any venture, and the traded blows are adding up for the final cash-in...
See that was not how it was supposed to occur. Grant was supposed to get struck hard and sent skidding against the ground in agony. That's how it is in the script! But noooo... Grant's always the improv! Instead of taking the knee like a man, Grant goes and pulls out the Majin Haten-Dan. Sagat is struck and rises upwards with the burst of powerful chi energy. Sagat falls out of the sky rather uncerimoniously and lands with a thud strait on his back. He grumbles and rolls to the side and pushes himself up with his arms, "Powerful." He mutters and then jerks his head around to look over his shoulder at Grant. His eye narrows and his head nods as he turns the rest of his body around. He's in a crouched position... but not for long. Sagat stands and starts to make another charge at Grant, "Impressive!" He shouts as he bursts into a series of knee strikes and kicks, "TI-GER-" He begins as he cuts loose. A sweeping kick is delivered and Sagat pauses for the briefest of moments. As he pauses his leg is pulled back behind him and erupts into flames. The enveloping flames blaze up and down the full length of Sagat's powerful leg. Sagat then swings it and thrusts forwards intent on having Grant catch this final kick square in the gut, "RAAAAAIID!" he shouts in finale.
Guy has arrived.
COMBATSYS: Grant blocks Sagat's Tiger Raid.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Grant 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Sagat
The sweeping kick is leapt over with a grunt. However, this makes it more difficult to avoid the second strike; Grant brings up both forearms, and the horrific crack is definitely legendary. Grant is sent backwards, impacting one of the wooden posts and snapping it before collapsing to his knees. He breathes heavily, pushing himself back up to his feet and somewhat unsteadily turning back towards Sagat. "A noble effort..." is offered with a deep breath. Before once more Grant maneuvers himself forward, spreading his fingers as a burst of chi forms and then erupts forward, attempting to blast Sagat backwards and hopefully end the battle. "KOKUEN-RYUU!!" is snarled, the detonation again the size of Grant, a wave of pure force.
COMBATSYS: Grant successfully hits Sagat with Kokuen-Ryuu.
[ \\\\\\\ < > / ]
Grant 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Sagat
The Tiger did not down the Martyr of Might with that last series of strikes. Grant is certainly a powerful fighter and Sagat quite enjoys the fact that Grant did not fall from that series of strikes. It's a change from the norm. People tend to be left devestated by the combination of moves that Sagat can whip out. When Grant blocks and follows up with his Kokuen-Ryuu, Sagat is not ready to respond. The best he can do is summon up some chi and try to dodge the incoming blast of chi. However Sagat is unable to do so and the blasts catch him in the legs and sends him flipping, again, uncerimoniously until he hits the ground. Once down, he is slow to push himself up. Once in a kneeling position his arms are brought behind him, "Tiger..." He says as his arms erupt into flames, pulling all the summoned chi into this one attack, "CANNON!" He shouts as his arms are thrust forward and a giant crescent wave of flaming chi is hurled in Grant's direction.
COMBATSYS: Sagat can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Grant 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Grant dodges Sagat's Tiger Cannon.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Grant 0/-------/-======|
It's definitely a close thing, but Grant manages to lurch to the side. His cape is badly singed by the assault as it hurtles by, and there was more then enough power for it to manage such. Stumbling a few moments, Grant then takes a deep breath and cracks his neck to either side. "Envigorating. This is the sort of sparring I need. Someone capable of pushing me to my limits... And I am a man who you need more then raw force to take down. Our training should be mutually beneficial." Striding to the downed Muay Thai warrior, Grant extends a hand downwards in an offer to help the man up.
Sagat raises a hand and grasps Grant's offered hand. Sagat pulls himself up and nods to Grant, "Quite the workout." He admits, "It is not every day that I am given such a challenge. I am curious as to who you trained under." He admits again, "As your skill is very impressive." A pause and Sagat stretches out a shoulder and rubs at his chin, "I hope I gave you more of a fight this time."
COMBATSYS: Grant has ended the fight here.
"I had many tutors as a child. My heritage stretched back generations. Much like Wolfgang Krauser, I had a legacy to live up to..." Grant is solemn for a few moments, but without any hint of disappointment. As if it is something he is proud to have achieved, and lived up to. "When I grew older, I continued the legacy. Yet the world no longer has a place for the truest depths of training. Where death and failure are commonplace. Where only the strongest survive. That is one thing I wish to change... And why I am trying to test a pupil who might have hidden the qualities needed to truly ascend." Grant rolls his shoulder, seeming to be recovering fairly well from the mutual beating. That's the perk when two tanks fight; They are only staggered rather then anything else.
The Mighty Thai nods his head as the other man speaks, "I see. Wanted to leave the shadow of predecesors." Sagat hrms and continues, "That was not the case with myself. I started from humble beginnings to become the Emperor of Muay Thai. A relative unknown..." He smirks a bit as he thinks about those times. That smirk is only momentary before Sagat focuses on the present. The Tiger clears his throat and asks, "Do your previous tutors still live?"
"I was proud of those who came before me." Grant states simply enough, apparently intent on clarifying that particular piece of thought through the younger avatar's life. "And I surpassed them. I surpassed my tutors. I left everyone behind, yet did not slow in my advancement to this day." At the idea whether any are alive, Grant merely rolls his shoulders heavily, settling to sit cross-legged and lean against one of the wooden pillars. "All have passed. They burned out like dying stars in old age." That doesn't seem to be happening to Grant yet; But despite Grant's age, something might be easily sensed. Grant is not going to die of old age. That would blare out, from simple body language. Far too assured... Almost starcrossed.
Sagat scowls a little bit and shrugs his own shoulders. He looks off to the side and states, "A pity." He genuinely sounds disappointed, "I would have loved to speak with them on a variety of things. Namely their technique and their philosophies." He pauses, "Perhaps it would allow me a different insight into my own art so I can advance further than I have." He looks back towards Grant.
Shinobu has arrived.
"Every aspect of philosophy they knew, I know. I took it beyond the wildest dreams..." Grant then holds up a hand, apparently apt to change the subject abruptly. The Martyr of Might rises, with a dull grunt. "Tomorrow, I am beginning the second phase of training for my disciples. I would like you to help me with the... lesser one." Shinobu, obviously, is being referred. "I believe you will be able to make the point greater then I. It is a small price for our extended training... Do you accept?" Grant crosses his arms, masked countenance tilting towards the Muay Thai god.
Sagat crosses his arms over his ruined chest and he tilts his head sideways. He asks, "What exactly would you have me do?" He sounds genuinely curious, "And what makes this student 'the lesser one'?" He also asks curiously.
"She is the epitome of the traits I wish to purge in this world. Arrogant, dense, prideful, independent to the point of liability." This might make the question of why he is deciding to train her all the more questionable; At least only these two can hear it. Moving almost conspiratorially towards Sagat, he then begins to talk in a low, and outright malevolent tone. "What I wish to do..." The rest is lost in the zephyr of the mountain training ground. But mayhaps not unwitting to Shinobu, things are not immediately as benign as a 'training' session...
Log created by Sagat, and last modified on 15:13:31 02/22/2007.