Description: Sensing an opportunity in the wind, Rose appears before Sie Kensou to test his psychic strength in battle. What she finds is that beyond Kensou's fighting ability, he has gained something more important: a strong heart.
You know what's never fun? Being in a slump. Even if it might not really /be/ a slump, but it just sort of /feels/ like a slump... Well, so long as one has that impression about their own situation, it's a whole lot of not fun. And speaking of slumps, there's Sie Kensou, who is currently walking through downtown, having had a few errands to run for his teacher. But now they're done, and he's got plenty of free time this afternoon to do a lot of nothing, it seems, as he steps out of an arcade in scenic downtown Southtown, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand as he steps out onto the street.
The psychic teen's mood resonates off of him, if only a little, and of course he's frowning; another League loss doesn't sit well with Kensou, and worse still was what he found out Alma had said to try and escape that weirdo in the funny mask after Kensou himself had been KOed! Boy howdy, is the Psycho Soldier ever gonna have to get the model back for that. Presuming he can, anyway... Right now, Kensou's seemingly boundless (and seemingly baseless) confidence is a little wounded, and he isn't even sure if he's up to that particular task. "Geez... If I head home now, Chin-sifu is probably gonna make me train s'more," Kensou mutters to himself. And here we see the root of Kensou's problems; even when he feels bad about his own abilities, his own laziness holds him back from doing anything constructive about it!
Rather conversely, it has been a slow few weeks for Rose. Her last great outing had... unforseen consequences, not the least of which was the need to nurse her injuries after her battle with Vega and Rugal. Though she managed to make good her escape with Chun-li in tow, the Soul Power master did so at great personal risk... and no small expenditure of power. Keeping a low profile, she hid herself from Vega's sight, sequestered in her home/sanctuary and waiting, observing the lines of the future as they passed through her unique sight.
Today, the skein twitched, ever so slightly.
Thus, dressed in her typical fighting outfit, shawl wrapped loosely about her shoulders, Rose emerged from her home, wading through the crowds of Southtown, an amethyst ghost walking through the throngs as if they did not exist; indeed, for she was keeping herself hidden from them, a simple but useful bit of psychic trickery. It may, perhaps, even work on Kensou, whom she now approaches, making a bee line for him as he steps from the arcade and stepping, gracefully, out of the way of pedestrians. She stops once she draws close, and speaks, with both her physical and mental voices, to get his attention: "...good evening, Sie Kensou."
Honestly, Kensou isn't really paying much attention to the world around him - something his teacher would no doubt berate him for - so it's pretty easy to fool his senses while he's not giving them too much heed. So, when Rose makes her sudden appearance, speaking both aloud and psychically? Well, the Psycho Soldier is pretty well surprised! "W-whoa!!" he exclaims, giving a start that results in him stumbling over his own feet, and landing right on his butt on the sidewalk.
On the bright side, though, Kensou's attention /is/ drawn directly to Rose by that, the young man rather wide-eyed. He knows he's seen her somewhere before... "Hey, you're that fortune teller lady!" Kensou exclaims finally, pointing right at Rose. Naturally, no, he doesn't remember her name... And he's not too surprised she knows his, plenty of folks do. And, for the record, no. He hasn't stood back up yet.
There's a moment, as Kensou falls, that Rose almost looks... confused. As if she has no idea how to react to the situation at all and needs to think it over carefully. Soon, however, she appears to come to a decision and chuckles, faintly... an alien sound, one she is unused to making in polite company, and though she smiles, it is a distant sort of affair, unfamiliar. Bending forward slightly, she produces a hand to help him up. "Ah, you remember... our last meeting was very brief. I had thought you perhaps had forgotten me." Never mind that he did forget her name. If Kensou declines her help or takes it, soon after she straightens, folding her arms over her chest.
If Kensou bothers to notice, interestingly enough, the people on the sidewalk all appear to be subconsciously moving around the duo, as if there were something there they couldn't perceive, but subconsciously wanted to avoid. At least the Psycho Soldier is spared being walked on as well as having fallen over. "My name is Rose. It's a pleasure to see you again."
Yeah, Kensou tends to have that effect on people; unusual situations are the energetic boy's forte. He's not about to pass up the help, though, taking the hand and the assistance to his feet, whereupon he dusts off the rear of his jeans. Yeah, that was kind of embarassing! But he's had worse happen, honest. "Rose, right," he repeats, grinning sheepishly as he nods. "But yeah, I remember. At the mall, an' you did that card readin' for me... And there was some weird schoolgirl there." Not that Southtown isn't, y'know, /crawling/ with 'weird schoolgirls'. "So, this is pretty coincidental, huh, runnin into ya here." Or it probably isn't, but he can't be sure of that.
"Very little in our world is coincidental," Rose responds gently, and perhaps a little cryptically. "At least, that is my view." Stepping back a bit to give Kensou his personal space, she regards him with a cool gaze, almost appraisingly, taking in his demeanor and stance with a watchful eye. "However, this is not coincidence. I have come specifically to speak with you, young Kensou," the fortuneteller adds. She pauses, taking a breath. The last few attempts of this nature she's made have been... somewhat unsatisfactory, the example of Megumi's initial reluctance to deal with her still fresh even after all this time, and the Taiyo schoolgirl's shift in attitude since.
If there is too much doubt in her heart, though, it does not show... and mentally she is almost not there, a still pond with nary a ripple to break the surface. "I had heard of the three disciples of Chin Gentsai," she explains, uncrossing her arms and letting her hands drift to her sides, one slightly around her back. "However, I have yet to see the extent of their power. I had hoped I might trouble you... for a demonstration."
"With me?" Kensou repeats, sounding all kinds of surprised again. Usually when people want to speak with one of his group, it tends to be Athena. Unless they're people Athena beat up that want revenge by picking on her sidekick... But he doesn't get that sort of a vibe from Rose, so he's left with only confusion and surprise! At least, that is, until Rose continues to explain herself, at which point he's surprised for a whole different set of reasons. "Well..." He's got to consider, which is a definite sign of his current lack of confidence. "Guess I could give ya a demonstration, yeah. Fair warnin', though, I ain't exactly been on my game, lately." Not, of course, that he'd willingly try anything less than his hardest.
Rose breathes out, with relief, though like most of her actions it is subdued and restrained. She nods at Kensou, backing up another step... and the barely noticeable change in the behavior of others to avoid the two ramps up a level, as the fortuneteller expands the circle a bit; the area around Kensou and Rose is now a quite wide berth, totally free of pedestrians who, while not endangering themselves, go way out of their way to avoid walking into it. "Being 'on one's game' is a state of mind, I believe," she says honestly, waiting for Kensou to attack. "Although I believe that is something you may already know."
COMBATSYS: Rose has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rose 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kensou has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rose 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Rather than his usual fighting stance, Kensou adopts a 'narrow' one, his right arm held loosely at his side while his left is held a bit upwards, his intent to be able to guard quickly... He doesn't, after all, know the first thing about Rose as a fighter, and given his current state of mind, he's understandably a bit more cautious than he would be otherwise. "S'what my sifu always is always tellin' me," he agrees, trying to focus... And the he tenses for a moment before rushing right at Rose, leaping off the ground and twisting around for a sobat-style kick aimed at the more experienced psychic's head... But his foot is alight with his blue-tinged white Psycho Power, a trail of it following the arc of his kick! "Uryaa--!!"
COMBATSYS: Rose dodges Kensou's Ryuu Sougeki.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Rose 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Unlike Kensou, Rose doesn't appear to have a stance; except for loosening the shawl about her shoulders, she continues to hold the calm, almost motionless way of standing she had adopted before the fight even started. When Kensou's kick comes in, she sets her heel and pivots around him, almost like a toreador might while caping a bull, the two fighters having switched positions. "Your... 'sifu'?" The fortuneteller's unfamiliarity with the Chinese word is palpable, but she doesn't mull over it long. "Master Gentsai's advice is wise in that regard," she amends, ferreting out the meaning. With a flick of the wrist, she edges her shawl out at Kensou, charged with Soul Power that makes it stand straight out as a violet orb of psychic energy flies toward the Dragon Psycho Soldier. "Soul Spark!"
COMBATSYS: Rose successfully hits Kensou with Soul Spark.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Rose 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Kensou
His kick hitting nothing but air, Kensou lets out a faint sound of frustration, continuing to twist before landing... So he ends up facing Rose. And then, oh crap, energy attack! He underestimates the space needed to avoid Rose's attack, however, and ends up getting blasted with it despite an attempt to get out of the way. "Geh!" he exclaims as he gets hit, staggering a little... "Geez, you're pretty strong," he says, sounding impressed. Not overawed, though, as he goes right on the offensive again afterwards, eyeing that shawl rather warily as he feints with his right fist, and then goes for a quick chop at the elbow of what seems to be Rose's dominant arm. "Huaa--!"
COMBATSYS: Rose dodges Kensou's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Rose 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Kensou
The fortuneteller's dodge again seems effortless, but perhaps only because Rose is making it appear so; she long ago learned the value of the psychological aspect of fighting. She merely twists just so, Kensou's chop passing harmlessly past by a hair's breadth. The woman's violet eyes settle on the Psycho Soldier, watching him carefully but not attacking again just yet. "It is a strength from necessity," she responds coolly. "Where is it that your strength comes from, Kensou?"
COMBATSYS: Rose focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Rose 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Kensou
A swing, and a miss! Kensou hops back from Rose at that, shifting his stance slightly. Well, if she wants to study him, he can study her right back, his soft brown eyes watching the fortune teller carefully. "My strength?" he says, a bit surprised at the question. "It comes from here," the psychic teen replies after a few moments, tapping himself in the chest with his thumb. "An' it comes from havin' friends who depend on me, an' havin' somebody I wanna protect." Nevermind that the person he wants to protect is actually a fair bit stronger than he is. That's not relevant, not relevant!
COMBATSYS: Kensou focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Rose 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Kensou
That answer appears to satisfy Rose, who nods once. The youth is playing it cautious... and that, too, appeals to Rose's particular fighting sensibilities. Reaching inside her overcoat, she produces... a tarot card? Twisting it between her fingers with a dexterity it doesn't look like she should have, Rose turns it face out to show it to Kensou: it's The Fool, the young man in the picture looking forward. "If that is the case, then why do you let doubt assail you so?" she asks, sounding genuinely curious. The card glows with a hazy violet aura as the fortuneteller charges it with Soul Power, then disappears as if consumed by flame. "It clouds your aura. I can sense the purity of your resolve, but your feelings keep it at bay." Extending a hand almost lazily, Rose's shawl leaps to life, arcing across the space between herself and Kensou like a snake, the Soul-charged scarf looking to strike at Kensou's stomach. "Why?"
COMBATSYS: Kensou interrupts Aura Scarf from Rose with Sunda.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Rose 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Kensou
Well, that's a good question, certainly. Kensou isn't entirely sure himself, and he's got bigger fish to fry at the moment than answering right away. There isn't, amusingly enough, even time for him to doubt himself. Letting out a slow breath, the Chinese psion tenses briefly, and then rushes /into/ Rose's attack, taking the scarf along his left arm with a hiss of pain as the fortune teller's Soul Power does its thing... But he doesn't stop, deflecting the brunt of the attack and stopping with his open right palm a hairsbreadth away from Rose's sternum, when he lets loose a quick blast of blue-tinged white Psycho Power to throw her away! The recoil sends Kensou bouncing back, hopping lightly from foot to foot. "I guess it's 'cause I'm only human," he says finally, giving his injured left arm a shake.
That was actually rather unexpected, and the surprise shows on Rose's face as Kensou's burst of Psycho Power catches her unawares, sending the fortuneteller backwards quite nicely. However, she's able to recover her senses before she goes too far, slowing her fall with the curious, momentum-shifting properties of Soul Power and resting lightly on her feet, almost as if floating. "An interesting answer. If I may, allow me to present a conundrum, then. If you recognize that your doubts come from your acceptance of humanity's imperfection, then... should not the doubt itself be considered suspect?" She smiles at Kensou, an oddly gentle smile, for a moment. "Success and failure come to everyone. While it is natural to question onesself after a defeat, is it always cause for doubt?" Just how much does she know, anyway? Kensou may not have time to think about that, however, as Rose is on the offensive again, stepping in quickly and swiping her hand upward diagonally across Kensou's chest, a purple "blade" of Soul Power flowing around her strike.
COMBATSYS: Rose successfully hits Kensou with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Rose 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Kensou
Well, Kensou certainly wasn't expecting that to put Rose away, so it's not all that surprising to him how well she recovers. As for what she says, he's certainly listening... But he always seems to end up here, eventually. After he was attacked by K', or by Balrog... After some of the losing streaks that have seemed to plague him, and he can't help but wonder why he always ends up like that. Is there just something wrong with him? Is that stupid broomhead Nikaido right... Is Kensou just destined to be weak? He tries to get his arms in the way of Rose's next strike, but he's just not fast enough, and wow daisy that hurts. Kensou staggers back, considering for a moment. Go all out on the attack, or...? No! He reaches behind his back, and produces, of all things, a piping-hot meat bun, seemingly from nowhere. "I'm just discouraged, that's all," he says. "Ain't like I'm gonna just give up!" And then he pops the meatbun, whole, into his mouth, and starts to chew with authority.
That... was not was Rose was expecting. Taken aback a little by the sudden introduction of food to the fight, she's content to step back and gather her energy, her aura extending into the visible as a hazy field of violet-pink energy -- not unlike Alma's, in fact -- as she centers herself. She'd heard Kensou was unorthodox... time to see how true that is. "No... no, I don't believe you are. You are an interesting young man, Kensou. Now... show me more of that power."
COMBATSYS: Rose gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Rose 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Kensou with Meat Bun.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Rose 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Kensou
As Kensou chews and swallows that meatbun, something rather unexpected happens, as his left arm moves noticeably more easily, and all sign of pain disappears from the boy's face and posture. Oh yeah, nutritious and delicious! "Okay!!" he announces, immediately thereafter. Maybe the food is helping his mood a little? Or, Rose's words could very well be having an effect, as well. Rather than the closed-in stance he'd been using, the Psycho Soldier drops back into his usual, wide-legged fighting stance, with fists loosely raised. "Here it comes!" Though rather than any obvious psychic attack, he rushes right at Rose, trying to slip past her guard to lift one leg, swinging his weight for a forceful kick aimed at the side of her head! "Hyaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Rose interrupts Heavy Kick from Kensou with Soul Fade.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Rose 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Kensou
"There is nothing wrong with 'power'," Rose says evenly as Kensou charges her, appearing unruffled by the ferocity of his attack. The fingerquotes are almost audible, in the way she phrases the word, though she doesn't do the detestably stupid maneuver of actually making them with her hands. As Kensou's kick comes in, Rose's arm snaps up to meet it, the young psychic's sneakered foot impacting... Rose's shawl? The force of the kick dispersed through the Soul Power-hardened scarf, the fortuneteller continues to talk in an even tone as she reverses Kensou's momentum, almost slingshotting him back to his previous position with a flick of the scarf... and a burst of Soul Power. "But 'power' is not necessarily the same as strength." She pauses, then clears her throat. "Forgive me. It is not my intent to be quite so didactic. I am merely hoping to offer you avenues in which to direct your thinking."
And flung he is, much to Kensou's dismay. He skids a little before rolling spryly to his feet, giving his head a little shake; that sort of reminded him of something Kelvin would do, but with rather more shawl. "'course it ain't," he agrees. "But strength is different things t' different people." Kensou's focus turns inwards, and while the only visible effect is a faint stirring of his clothes and hair, it's likely clear to Rose that the teenager is tapping his reserves of Psycho Power for a little boost. "Everybody's gotta walk their own road t' becomin' 'strong', right?"
COMBATSYS: Kensou gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Rose 1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Kensou
Rose doesn't appear troubled by Kensou summoning his power; quite the contrary, she's been hoping to see all the young psychic has to offer. Instead she is content to continue hanging back, observing him carefully... and continuing the conversation. "It does. But different views give rise to different strengths. Determination, will, peace, compassion... these draw out the best of forces, particularly in people such as ourselves..." And if Kensou had any doubts as to the nature of Rose's power, said doubts are likely now dispelled. "But desperation, doubt, revenge... all of those color our 'soul', produce something quite different. It's a power I believe..." And here, Rose's eyes narrow at the memory, or at least at the thought. "'ve fought before."
COMBATSYS: Rose focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Rose 1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Kensou
It'd be difficult for Kensou to not have a pretty solid read on what he and Rose have in common, after getting smacked around by some of those energy attacks... In fact, he's not used to fighting someone who seems to have so much psychic energy that it leaks out in every attack. He's only ever faced one other person like that. "Yeah... My sifu taught me about that sorta thing." And, to a lesser extent, that there were people out there who embraced that part of Psycho Power's nature. Then, of course, Kensou got his firsthand encounter with Generalissimo Lunatic himself! "That Vega guy, I saw him on TV once before I ran into him," Kensou admits. "But it's not like I was gonna let him hurt my friends, or innocent people." At least, not without Vega totally beating him down first! But they're getting awful chatty, here, and Kensou's letting himself get sucked into Rose's rhythm, which isn't good... Which would be why he suddenly explodes into forward motion, leaping almost completely vertically the full distance between himself and Rose, with his left elbow and knee extended, his right arm bracing his left with open palm against fist...!
COMBATSYS: Rose dodges Kensou's Shinryuu Seiou Rekkyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Rose 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
...that's fast. Rose's typical method of making her evasion look effortless is not enough. As Kensou comes in with the attack, Rose is forced to throw herself to the side, landing in an inelegant crouch off to the side. Fortunate for her, too, as if that had connected, it looks as if it would have hurt quite a bit. Standing, Rose does not press the attack again, instead deciding to gather herself a second time. The purpose of this exercise, after all, is to see Kensou's capabilities. "Yes... Vega." A pause. It's difficult for Rose to say the man's name without having to make the effort to calm herself... and since her calm is her only weapon against Vega, she makes the effort. "I did not know that you and he had met... and almost certainly battled, I am to assume. Tell me... what was your impression of the man?"
COMBATSYS: Rose gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Rose 1/---====/=======|-------\-------\0 Kensou
Aw, fuuuuudge! Kensou goes whipping through the space Rose /was/, landing a few feet beyond in a low crouch, his gathered Psycho Power vanishing uselessly. Frustration bubbles up in the teenager, but it seems to vent almost literally as he blows out a huff of air, turning around to face Rose. "He was evil, an' even I could feel it," he says, shaking his head. "He was willin' t' hurt innocent people, just t' find out how strong me'n Alma were. An' he attacked one of my friends, tryin' t' convince him that deep down, he was just like Vega." Since Rose is clearly gathering herself, Kensou... Decides to do the same, again tapping his own reserves. "I guess he's probably the worst somebody like us can turn out t' be, an' it seemed like he enjoyed it that way."
COMBATSYS: Kensou gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Rose 1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0 Kensou
Rose's eyes narrow at that response. Not that any of it is particularly shocking -- Vega bad! Vega very bad! -- but insofar as Rose didn't know Kensou fought Vega, she didn't know ALMA fought Vega either. It's not news she appears glad to hear. "I... wasn't aware you two had fought together," she manages, keeping a tight lid on her displeasure. She did, in fact, tell her new student *not to fight Vega*, which makes her wonder what possessed him to do so. Regardless, it's Kensou she needs to focus on now, and she does, deciding to test his defenses again by stepping forward and swinging her scarf around to strike across the Psycho Soldier's shoulders, the gold fabric glittering with Soul Power. "Your reading of him is impressively accurate, however."
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Rose's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Rose 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
Luckily, Kensou doesn't know any of that! Actually, for a moment, he thinks Rose might be a little peeved at /him/, but it's not like he had any alternatives, with Vega threatening hundreds of innocent lives! "Eh... Yeah. I happened t' run into Alma, an' then Vega was there, an' things got zany." Yes, he just said 'things got zany'. Anyway, scarf incoming! Kensou deals with it as best he can, twisting and getting an arm in the way, so he's struck somewhere less important... But it sure still hurts. "Ow--!" But he's not just gonna /sit/ there, instead throwing himself right at Rose and twisting in midair, aiming to deliver a whirling kicking combination. "Hyaaaaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Rose dodges Kensou's Ryuu Gakusai.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Rose 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
One of the benefits of Psycho Power is that you can pick up on that. Surely Kensou's own defenses are too prodigious for Rose to casually read his mind; however, she does have some degree of empathy. She seems about to say something and is cut off by Kensou's attack; eyes wide with surprise, she spins about on one heel again, pivoting out of the way of the attack by mere inches, and giving the Psycho Soldier a rueful smile. "I'd do well to follow my own advice about focusing..." she says, shifting her position over and glancing at Kensou. "Forgive me. I didn't mean to..." She pauses. "When it comes to Vega, I often find myself troubled. He and I oppose each other... strongly." There is a hint of resignation in those words. "Your drive is impressive, Kensou. Yet there is something tempered to it also. You strive for 'normality' in a world that has taken any hope of it away from you, and it is that struggle that gives you your power. You take the world 'as-is'. It's a useful skill... one I, perhaps, lack." Standing tall, she loosens the shawl around her shoulders, watching. "Please continue to show me that power."
COMBATSYS: Rose takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Rose 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
"I dunno 'bout that," Kensou says, landing in a low stance after his attack misses. It was the youth himself who sought out Chin Gentsai as a child, out of childhood visions of becoming some sort of folk hero martial artist... But at the same time, he appreciates the normal, too. Unlike many of his compatriots, he sometimes seems to have one foot firmly grounded in either world. He brings his hands up in front of his face, exhaling slowly... He gathers energy as quickly as he can, before sweeping his hands out and projecting his power at Rose, a crackling sphere of blue-tinged white Psycho Power, hurtling at the fortune teller! "CHOUKYUUDAN!!"
COMBATSYS: Rose reflects Choukyuu Dan from Kensou with Soul Reflect.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Rose 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
That was perhaps what Rose had been waiting for. She'd seen how Kensou had added his psychic energy to his attacks, but until now the youth had been using mostly his prodigious martial arts skills. "Your modesty does you credit," Rose says simply, eyeing the projectile as it comes in, and just before impact, she swings her scarf through the air in a perfect crescent, the gold fabric shining purple-green with Soul Power, bouncing it back at its origin. "But your power is still most impressive."
COMBATSYS: Rose successfully hits Kensou with Reflected Choukyuu Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Rose 1/-======/=======|=======\====---\1 Kensou
Whoa, hey there! Kensou is pretty surprised to see that attack get bounced right back at him... He tries to get out of the way, but with no success, getting winged by his own psychic blast and whirling around. "Heh, well, plenty a' folks with more power'n me," he says, wincing a bit... And then he just full out rushes at Rose, undaunted, skidding to a halt right in front of her, thrusting his right hand out towards her, palm open. His left hand taps against his right shoulder, and then he unleashes a gigantic sphere of almost pure white Psycho Power, ideally centered right on Rose! "HAAAAAAAA--!!"
COMBATSYS: Rose reflects Senki Hakkei from Kensou with Soul Reflect.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Rose 1/-======/=======|=====--\-------\0 Kensou
"Maybe so," Rose admits in response to Kensou's statement. He's right, after all... at least on one axis. In truth, perhaps only Vega can say there is nobody more powerful than he in terms of psychic ability on Earth. As Kensou's attack comes in, Rose simply... reaches out a hand, the huge sphere of energy crackling against her extended palm in a blazing lightshow of power... and it is clear from the lines of strain on her face that the fortuneteller is having to expend considerable energy to keep the effort up. "But you have many qualities that supplement that power. Master Gentsai has trained you well. I am sure he is proud of you!" In a blaze of violet Soul Power, Rose finally breaks through the last of Kensou's immense burst, directing the very final vestiges of it back at him in a concentrated blast of purple-limned blue-white energy. "Were I your teacher, I would be."
That's... Not what Kensou was expecting to happen. What of Rose's attack gets through the Senki Hakkei is enough to make Kensou feel like he's pretty much done, gritting his teeth to drive himself towards one last attack, throwing his hand back out to try for one last Psycho Powered attack, trying to launch a quick blast to throw Rose away, before - if nothing obstructs him - he ends up once again just sitting down heavily on the sidewalk, spent.
COMBATSYS: Kensou can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rose 1/-======/=======|
COMBATSYS: Rose dodges Kensou's Sunda.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rose 1/-======/=======|
It is enough for Rose to take a step or two back and avoid Kensou's final burst... and then to catch her breath. Keeping up with the Psycho Soldier has taken considerable effort, and it shows. With the fight over, Rose's need to keep her outward appearance under control is particularly lessened, and she takes deep breaths, mopping at her brow with the shawl briefly and looking at Kensou. "Thank you for showing me your strength," she offers, closing her eyes for a brief moment and then opening them again. "Some day, I hope to see your full potential develop. I believe that it will. Please give my regards to your master."
She pauses, seeming ready to go, and then turns back, glancing at Kensou with somewhat heavy-lidded eyes. "I might make one more request," she says, quietly. "Please... keep an eye on Alma. Perhaps you have sensed it too, but... there is something deep within him he is masking from the world. I can sense it. He needs friends who understand him, and I cannot give him that... but I think you and he might have much in common."
Breathing raggedly as he sits there, Kensou does his best to keep up with what Rose is saying, nodding slowly to her. "I'll be sure t'..." His confirmation that he'll give Rose's regards to Chin is cut off by the fortune teller's request. "Uh," he says, blinking a bit owlishly. "Okay," Kensou finally adds, nodding again and scrubbing a hand through his hair. "He's a good guy."
Man, he really hopes that's not about Alma claiming Kensou was his boyfriend to Mr. Karate.
Log created by Rose, and last modified on 11:04:37 02/15/2006.