Description: Sensing a strange presence about Juli, Chizuru attempts to subtly observe the girl. Underestimating her wit, the two ultimately meet in confrontation, giving Chizuru a chance to test herself against Psycho Power in less-dangerous hands.
It isn't all the time, but there are times when someone like Juli likes to get involved personally with the way things are going in "the civilian population". She likes to oversee things, have a better and more commanding presence with her subordinates in the organization and make sure that plans are going smoothly.
Such is the occasion today, dressed in very casual attire-- jeans, a button-down shirt, and long jacket. No cap, no gigantic knuckleguards, though her hair remains styled the same way. This is Juli at her most "relaxed" and most covert. Seated on a chair outside of one of the area's famous little coffee shops, she holds a styrafoam cup in hand and speaks quietly and casually with someone regarding the matter that they should've talked about the last time they didn't meet each other outside of a public location. Poor Chester is going to have to be put down next week, what a shame. And the kids are going to move into the apartment soon, how wonderful!
Such as the conversation goes. It wouldn't look all that uncommon, if it wasn't for the man's black suit, strung-out face, and the skull pin on the lapel of his jacket.
Whatever Juli's intentions are, they're more or less the same as the Yata heiress, Chizuru Kagura. After her losses against the R syndicate leader and the lord of Shadaloo, she's needed some time to stand back and reevaluate her approach to both problems. What better way to do so than a little bit of shopping?
Dressed casually--a pair of slick black slacks and a white, modest button down blouse with a nice pair of shoes--Chizuru seems content in carrying her swag in a small paper bag, leaving a tiny pet shop in the district. With a tiny smile the lanky woman strolls along patiently, pausing from time to time to spare a glance to passers-by.
Her steps slow a touch as she nears one particular coffee shop, dusky eyes mildly alert and aware. As expected the woman beelines for the tiny shop, making her way inside to place an order. Moments later it's filled, and again the woman emerges from the shop, taking a seat at a table cattycorner Juli's own after setting her bag atop the table and taking a conservative sip of her warm coffee. The woman's eyes are entirely on Juli and her tablemate.
Though Chizuru deals with her problems with spending money, Juli's are handled by ... staring at the man. Oh, so they're going to demolish that house down the road next month, how sad. And William is going to move in with Racheal? And her cat died yesterday, how sad that is!
Whatever it is that Chizuru is looking for in the conversations of the pair, it seems hard in coming-- it seems relatively domestic, though there seems to be a pattern to the way they speak, one that is hard to pick up on... especially for a casual observer. The man doesn't seem to notice or care, though the brunette tenses a bit, her head cocking to the side. It takes a few seconds, sure, but it seems like she's noticed something. The man's cellphone rings-- a pressing engagement elsewhere that he's late for, apparently. The two stand up and briefly hug, the sort that's done between friends and nothing more. He leaves, she resumes sitting. It's odd to be drinking coffee outdoors in the wintertime, sure, but the weather is at least nicer than the usual for these latitudes.
And now, a ring from her own pocket. Pulling out a small black phone from her pocket, she speaks with a voice that seems to slide to a more icy, serious tone. Yes, she's dropped the kids off at school. No, she doesn't need to 'go shopping'. Another glance is spared over her shoulder.
"Miss, you're staring."
What's said between the two is of no real, immediate interest to the woman. Her attentions are mostly on Juli, rather than the company she keeps with her, across the table from her. Idle sips of coffee and the occasional glance elsewhere do enough to distract her attention and draw less of it to the elder woman. Did the cat die? It's a pity, really...but that isn't the woman's concern.
It's the familiar air that lingers about Juli.
As her tablemate rises and offers the younger woman a hug Chizuru turns her attention away, letting her dark eyes peer at the half-empty cup of coffee in her hands. Her fingers rap idly against the styrofoam, a dull thump-thump at a steady pace, almost uneasy in its execution. Only when he has left does Chizuru turn her gaze back onto the Doll, more so as the phone in her pocket rings.
"Huh?" She's staring? Blinking owlishly, the woman's expression goes a touch embarrassed, her lips pulling into a tiny, apologetic smile. "Oh, sorry. You just look awfully familiar, miss."
Talking a little more on her phone, Juli seems ... oddly, not much of anything. Her pulse remains steady, her rate of breathing remains calm. For all intents and purposes, she really -is- just a normal person, save the moment where she sets her fingers over the phone's mouthpiece to speak to the odd woman with the coffee over there.
She speaks a little more on the phone-- yes, she'll be home for dinner, no don't wait up. No declarations of affection, though a simple 'good-bye' covers it all nicely. Juli folds the phone closed with a snap of her finger closing over the back, tucking it away into her pocket and buttoning it closed. "I apologize if it's an unpleasant memory. However, I do not recognize you and I do not remember seeing you before. Southtown is a very large city, so I imagine you've probably seen my face somewhere before. I would, however, appreciate it if you would please refrain from staring. It is a rather ... unbecoming habit."
Sure her face's been around... newspapers, tournaments, Shadaloo's monthly newsletter... Sagat won the annual Shadaloo Bingo Tournament last month she presided over, don'cha know.
The conversation is watched in a passive manner, her eyes peering at Juli from the corners of her eyes rather than flat out. She seems, for all intents and purposes, considerably normal, if not more so than the man she'd encountered a week and change prior. There's a definite uneasiness about Chizuru, but not enough to really make her stand out.
She only stands out when the girl outright acknowledges her, the elder woman blinking a touch before she apologizes. Still, Juli's response is anything but polite, and with a slight frown and a shake of her head she insists it wasn't an unpleasant memory. "N-no, that's not it," she explains faintly, her words barely audible. The coffee is raised and placed to her lips, another moderate sip taken before its set down.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you, miss. I just thought I, perhaps, knew you from somewhere before. It's probably a misunderstanding, miss..?" Pausing, her lips pull into a line before she offers another apologetic expression.
"I'm sorry. I don't know how I should address you."
Though her tone is a little more pressing, a little more aggressive, she still seems to be relatively calm. Chizuru apologizes and stumbles a little bit in her wording of things, but it's of little consequence-- if she's going to stammer on and not get her point across or not throw a punch (or table), then she has nothing to worry about.
The results, of course, are somewhat dubious-- Chizuru is still there, still asking questions, still talking. Juli puts on her cold shoulder, of course, opting not to respond for a moment. No, instead she takes ad rink from that styrofoam cup. Coffee was always so horrid-tasting to her mouth, though she seems to be choking it down quick enough. "No, it is alright. You merely didn't know better. Or you're confused. Perhaps you have an illness of some sort-- if that were the case, then I hope you would return home and rest until you're well." Her name? Enh. A thin and narrow finger strums the plastic tab atop the cup lid's surface. "'Miss Julia' will suffice for the time being. Thus, proper etiquette would also require you to inform me of your own name, ma'am." A small grin cuts the corner of her mouth. For someone so calm and placid, it seems so utterly -wrong- for her to do so.
"... It's only fair, wouldn't you say?"
There's definitely a Not Right air about Juli, and it's not settling well with the Yata scion.
The tone with which the woman addresses Chizuru is anything but polite. It's enough to inch her thin, black brow further over a single almond-colored eye, lips pulling in a thin line. "I didn't what?" Repeat that, Juli. She didn't quite hear that. "I'm sorry, miss, but your attitude isn't necessarily needed. It was a simple misunderstanding--really. I just thought that I knew you from somewhere." Knitting her brows lightly, the woman draws her coffee to her lips, taking a careful sip of her drink.
"Julia? I suppose it's fair. My name? Chizuru Kagura." She'd add that it's a pleasure to make of her acquaintance, but really? It's not. Her fingers drum idly on the sides of her cup before she glances down at the contents therein.
"Tell me. Do you know a man named 'Vega?'" she asks.
"Ah. So I see now."
Chizuru Kagura. She had a brief altercation with Lord Vega recently, didn't she? Not much escapes the scope of her perception, those eyes and ears. An errant lock of hair drifts out of the carefully stylized and cared-for length of the bangs that cross her face, eliciting a look of momentary surprise; at least as much as someone with a brutally neutral face could muster. A single finger lifts to scoop it back into line with the rest, though it is now eternally disturbed in the wake of the rest of the dark brown strands.
"You are as perceptive as I thought, Chizuru Kagura. I do indeed know him; In fact I work for him personally." Another smile, more devious and troubling than the first. "What would you do with this knowledge, I ask? Starting a disturbance here may not be to your advantage."
The woman sits patiently, slender, smooth hands idly clasped around her warm styrofoam cup. The recognition comes as little surprise to the Yata heiress; the power within Juli is, after all familiar if not identical to that of Lord Vega himself. Still, Chizuru seems thoughtful, if anything, as she eyes the warm coffee in the cup before her. She'll simply let Juli say her piece as she so chooses to--which she does. Only after she's said what she feels is sufficient do the woman's dark eyes turn up to regard her.
"I figured," she replies with a small, almost sympathetic frown.
With a sigh the woman pushes her chair back, a grind of metal against concrete as she rises to her feet. The coffee she'd ordered is forgotten for the interim. "What would I do with this knowledge?" she replies, tilting her head to one side gently, curious. For a moment the woman seems thoughtful, a slender fingertip pressing lightly against her chin.
"Well, I suppose it's a touch out of place to get into an altercation here. To be quite fair, I don't really see why I have any reason to fight you." Another tiny frown. "I'm not the vindictive, you see. I don't think it's very fair to beat up one of Lord Vega's peons just to get a message across." Brown eyes are, however, still thoughtful.
"And what about you? What will you do with this knowledge?"
And her piece is spoken. Juli weaves her fingers together and narrows her eyes, thumbs tapping against her knuckles. "Nothing, at the moment. Perhaps I should clarify, it would do -neither- of us any good to start 'something' here." Her eyebrow arches as Chizuru rises to her feet, her shoulders tensing slightly and watching the woman carefully. Is she going to go against what she said? Or is it merely a tactic to intimidate her?
Either way, her head shakes and her eyes shift downward to her crossing legs. "I'm sure it isn't of grand importance to you, but I am no mere peon. In fact, I hold important roles in the organization. I do more than you'd think-- in fact, I have many peons of my own." Scooting back her own chair and rising to her feet, the Doll turns squarely toward the Yata scion, hands falling to her sides and standing a passive-aggressive way. "I will ... remember it. I will also have to adjust my plans accordingly, what with you knowing who I am, and I knowing who you are. For now, I suppose I shall leave you be ... unless you get in my way."
The look on Juli's face is noted as the woman rises to her feet, letting the chair push out behind her. Intimidation tactics? A woman with her tiny stature and slender frame seems anything BUT intimidating. For the now Chizuru simply rises, a hand lightly picking stray lint from her blouse before arms thoughtfully fold across her chest. With a soft breath the woman offers a soft nod in response.
"Is that so?" That's all she replies with. Juli has given her enough to work with, having admitted being of 'high rank' and hardly peon material in Shadaloo and all. Thus does the woman offer another tiny expression, a small grin of sorts as she nods her head. "That is good to know, at least. Adjust your plans? Oh, that won't be necessary." Waving her hand and shaking her head softly, the Yata heiress seems to discourage such plans. "Please don't do such a thing on my account."
A step forward draws her closer to the Doll, here dark eyes still thoughtful and very much curious as she looks upon her. "Still, I can't help but remain curious. Just how did you acquire that power of yours?"
Revealing her rank and speaking about her plans? Not so much a problem or thing to worry about. Juli's confident, enough so to reveal this without worry of retribution or any sort of freakish assassination attempt from Chizuru in the future. Stature and frame have nothing to do with intimidation, either-- these days, kids younger than Chizuru or even younger than the Doll herself are quite the powerful and potent fighter, psion, or wielder of chi forces.
Straightening out the collar of her jacket, she buttons the garment slowly, stretching out the time it takes to actually speak and reply to Miss Kagura's question. She wants to know? Hn. "Out of the many questions that I am willing to answer, that is one that I cannot disclose. If you would like to submit to Lord Vega's will, it can be arranged you learn of the origins of my power firsthand. While the proposal itself is moot and I am aware for a fact someone of your stature would never accept, you will merely have to continue pondering this for all your days to come."
"I lied. I wouldn't adjust my plans for you either way," she says, eyeing Chizuru as she walks closer. The Doll stays in place, though, her eyes narrowed the barest of amounts. "I would merely remove you from the equation in the most effective way possible."
Freakish assassination attempt? Hardly. Chizuru wouldn't waste her time on an underling like Juli--she'd rather cut to the quick by taking out Lord Vega himself, however difficult or daunting a task it may be. There are, however, other, more pressing priorities on the Yata scion's agenda. Vega and his Dolls are second to them, but a close second at that.
The woman has to hand it to Juli. She's definitely got her emotions in check, an unreadable sort. Still, the elder woman smiles nonetheless, taking most of her subtle jabs and insults in stride. She doesn't want to cooperate? That's alright. Chizuru hardly seems upset or vexed by the possibility of getting absolutely no information out of her. "A pity," she replies, softly enough.
"I'm sorry," she further explains, a sincere look of confession on her face. "I don't think I plan on submitting to Lord Vega's will anytime in the foreseeable future--or anyone's at that. You'll have to pardon me, but..." Her head bows lightly, a respectful gesture to the least it seems that way.
"A lifetime of mental slavery seems like a truly miserable existence for the weak-willed."
Remove Chizuru from the equation? That earns the Shadaloo Doll a half-hearted, friendly smile. "I think you might find that to be quire an arduous task, miss Julia. But please," A gesture, a graceful, flowing motion of her slender hand is made toward her own chest. "I'd gladly let you try your best!"
With her emotions in check as it were, 'Doll' is a fitting and appropriate title. Moreso as Chizuru alludes to Juli's mental condition-- brainwashed, yes. But her breathing doesn't change pace, she doesn't bat an eyelash, she doesn't even twitch in aggrivation. If she had the ability to resign herself to this fate, she probably already would've a long time ago. What is, is. Right here, right now, she's a slave.
But a damn effective one.
"I regret to inform you that your sarcasm is hardly as thinly-veiled as you would like it to be. Though I -am- sure this was your intention. How unfortunate. I had calculated you as being a more cunning sort." the Doll notes, head lowering in a moment of mock-shame. Yes, a Doll is capable of mockery. "I did not come here today with the intention of engaging in combat. However, if it will calm your passive-aggressive urges for a few moments, I am fully capable of obliging you."
Every slight motion of her face, every nuance of her being is carefully noted, however little of them there may be. Doll is an apt term for Vega's elite subordinates, and its her very being that interests the Yata heiress, if only to hope to help her, to help them all someday, if it's possible. For now, however, Chizuru has to deal with things one at a time.
"I'm sorry," the woman apologizes again, sporting a brief frown of disappointment. " inform you that this isn't 'thinly-veiled' sarcasm or 'passive-aggressiveness.' It's the truth, miss Julia." Tilting her head softly, long, cascading black locks spill past slender shoulders. "You've misread me, miss. I assure you that your attempts to, if any, stop me won't come easily for you." She's willing to test herself against the woman?
A tiny smile perches itself across Chizuru's lips.
"Very well. Oblige me, miss Julia."
That said the woman draws her eyes shut and slides into a stance of sorts, an arm rising from her side, outstretched before her with her palm facing the Shadaloo doll. Once she's comfortable, auburn eyes slowly but surely open to regard her.
"Please. Come at me."
COMBATSYS: Chizuru has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Chizuru 0/-------/-------|
"Truth, Miss Kagura," the girl says, "Is a questionable concept. Your truth and my truth are entirely different in theory and practice." Though her 'truth' is the sort planted there with Psycho Power. "If you would like a concept of actual, legitimate 'truth', then look at how we stand here today. You are oil, I am water. We cannot coexsist, we remain separate."
'Oblige me', she says. Very well.
The distance between them is a little bit of an annoyance-- too close to build the momentum for a good and direct attack, but far enough away that it gives her a little room for options. So, she needs to open up a little space between them before deciding what she's going to do next. Juli steps in quickly without notification of intent or taking a stance, looking to snatch Chizuru's wrist with one hand and twist it to the side. Her leg lifts and curls up quickly, looking to jam a vicious heel kick squarely into her ribs with the stiff-soled boots she's wearing.
COMBATSYS: Juli has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chizuru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Juli
COMBATSYS: Chizuru blocks Juli's Combo Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chizuru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Juli
"Perhaps," replies the elder woman, her fair features poised in a thoughtful manner. "But my truth is not based on 'theory or practice.' It's human nature, emotion; humanity. Sincerity is an emotion that you seem to be incapable of seeing in others. As keen as you may believe yourself to be, you fail to truly see beyond what lies plainly before you." Her head shakes once, an expression of disappointment.
Oil and water. They cannot coexist? Blinking once, the Yata looks upon Juli with her arm outstretched, her stance a peculiar one, but notable nonetheless. "I am not looking to coexist with you," she explains carefully, lips pulled into a small frown. "As long as you side with a man like Lord Vega, you cannot coexist with anyone." Somehow Chizuru believes this doesn't concern the woman a single bit.
The Doll makes her move. She's quick, she'll hand her that much, but clearly she is not quick enough. With a fluid motion of her arm the woman's hand descends, to interrupt her attempt to take her wrist in hand and twist it. The attack brushed aside, the woman takes a step back, but the distance is brief. Another fluid motion with her arms and the woman delivers a sliding kick to the Doll, an attempt to knock her off her feet and ultimately away.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru successfully hits Juli with Cong Cong.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Juli
It doesn't. There's little to be concerned with when you don't have your own sense of self or your own sense of willpower. It comes with the territory, so to speak. Juli seems to be finished with words at this point-- not that they would do any good against a woman so strongly enamoured with her own convictions. The grab at the wrist turned aside, her eyes flit down to the woman's leg as it leads off, her posture altering slightly-- stepping back with one foot and seeking to step away. Her leg is, however, taken out from under her.
Juli is knocked off her feet, just as Chizuru expected. The Doll lands in the chair in which she was sitting moments ago with a grunt, the steel frame holding steady-- though it tips backwards. Ever the prepared sort, Juli's legs spread over the seating surface as she continues to slide backwards. As the chair lands on it's backing, she lands on her knees, straddling the seat-backing and grabbing the chair with one hand. Pulling herself back up smoothly, her hand snaps up the styrofoam cup of hot coffee and flings the whole mess right at Chizuru with a swift under-hook of her arm. Wake up with the burns and ruined fancy clothes, Kagura.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Juli's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Juli
Words are moot the moment the Doll makes her first move at the Yata heiress. However bold her attempts may be the woman seems to shy away from potential pain, deflecting her offending hands and ultimately making her move. Crouching, she slides with grace and ease toward her, a practice motion that crashes into the Shadaloo Doll and sends her crashing into the nearby chair. Using her momentum Chizuru moves, a flowing motion that brings her to her feet once more, arm outstretched.
Watching her carefully, the Yata looks upon the woman as she crashes but ultimately catches herself on her knees, snatching her nearby coffee and hurling it at the woman. Bowing her head briefly she turns aside, letting her body twist and ultimately dodge the oncoming cup. Once it has whizzed past she moves back into place, looking to the girl with a frown.
"For a mindless drone that seems to profess to some modicum of intellect I didn't expect you to stoop to such cheap tactics."
Moving in, the woman ducks briefly and rises up with a rise of her arm, letting the flat of her hand sharply cut upward as it attempts to drive itself with surprising force into the underside of the Juli's chin.
COMBATSYS: Juli interrupts Strong Punch from Chizuru with Falling Arc.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Juli
The coffee cup flies with impeccable accuracy-- and if Chizuru was a bit slower, it probably would've hit her all nice and good. Juli, however, is already on to her next manuver in the midst of this. Stepping on the seat of the chair and one heel on the back, her weight rocks forward and she brings one leg up in a smooth, high-angle arc. Unfortunately, Chizuru has already dodged -and- is on the offensive. The blows strike near-simultaneously, the foot catching up the height of her chin as her bootheel comes down with exceptional force on the Yata scion's noggin. It didn't go nearly as well as she had calculated, but she still managed to land a -hit- on the woman. -A- hit is better than nothing, though victory is always the best.
The girl reels, regardless, a lack of balance in her kicking position and the force of the blow upside her chin causing her to fall back and grab at the edge of the table for support.
Just as the woman moves, so too does the Doll. With a fluid motion of her slender hands they come to rise, to strike her something fierce against the chin and knock her back. Juli, on the other hand, has made her move as well, coming down with an impressive strength atop Chizuru's skull. For a moment the woman reels a touch, shaking her head lightly and lifting a hand to clasp gently at the area of impact. After another, brisk shake she turns her eyes to the girl.
Juli, it seems, does not fare so well. Reeling and teetering at the table's edge for support, the Yata heiress frowns slightly, shaking her head softly in disappointment. Not about to underestimate the Doll, the Yata heiress crouches briefly, knees bending a touch before she seems to leap forward, to deliver a knifehand strike at the Shadaloo Doll. 'Seems' is the key word, as the woman Juli faces off against stands a distance away, arm outstretched as she patiently awaits whatever counterattack may come.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru successfully hits Juli with Choumon no Isshin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1 Juli
None of this is going according to her plan.
Then again, this wasn't in her plan in the first place. It isn't often at all that the Doll is goaded into a fight, it isn't often one will see her freely throw a punch at someone without first having a strict plan of action in mind beforehand. Like the Shanghai boxer, this woman is an irregularity-- an annoying one, at that. Still holding onto the table for balance, her head lifts just in time to see the duplicate (or is it the real) Chizuru lunge in for the blow, slamming down fiercely on her head. Her hand slips free of the table and she rocks back to land on that chair once again, slumping down to the ground. Stunned for the moment, Juli takes that scant and precious few seconds her vision is clouded to -already- contemplate a counter-offensive.
Hands sliding behind her head and palms to the ground, she kips up in the narrow space between the legs of the chair, landing in an intentional crouch. From the ground, she vaults straight upward in a angry manuver, her foot looking to chop right up Chizuru's chin with a psi-charged kick meant to stun the woman for a few moments, if not take her right off her feet.
COMBATSYS: Juli successfully hits Chizuru with Cannon Spike.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Chizuru 1/------=/=======|=======\=====--\1 Juli
Chizuru frowns lightly at the outcome of this fight. The woman hardly poses a threat to the woman, her attempts--while skilled--doing little to truly impress her. Still, she's a threat nonetheless, especially if she's under the ranks of Shadaloo's fearsome lord. Dark eyes narrow a touch as her clone's strike hits true and knocks the poor girl back, sending her stumbling against the table once more with a clumsy collapse of sorts.
The girl comes rather suddenly, but for the moment the Yata scion seems quite prepared. A graceful motion is delivered, her arm again lowering, to attempt and shy her foot back and away and give her some space. But there's more tenacity behind the kick, and with a fierce blow she breaks through the elder woman's defenses, sending her up into the air with a grunt.
She, however, lands on her feet upon descent.
Blinking slowly, the woman sighs lightly before she draws her eyes to a close. With a pull back she lightly curls inward on herself before she swiftly moves forward, springing at the Doll with surprising speed. With a swift thrust of her hand forward she looks to smack the girl cleanly in the gut with a blast of brilliant gold chi.
COMBATSYS: Juli blocks Chizuru's Reigi no Ishizue.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/------=|=======\=======\1 Juli
Once she's hit the top of her arc, Juli flips cleanly in the air. Falling smooth and controlled, her feet touch the ground light as can be with a firm click-clack of her boots against the concrete ground. Bringing up her arms to enter a sort of combative stance, it's a good thing she did so in retrospect; what with the attack Chizuru's already making on her now. Juli's arms cross as she begins to sidestep, her arms crossing forcefully to absorb the impact of the thrust to the best of her ability-- and being knocked off her footing.
Landing on the table instead, the Doll rocks back the way she came rather hard, beginning to twist in the air. A second small hop, and Juli flies at Chizuru at a bit of an angle, low enough to be difficult to block in common ways, but high enough that her foot can still be accurately aimed at the center of the woman's gut, to make her lose her wind and stun her momentarily.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Juli's Sniping Arrow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/------=|=======\=======\1 Juli
As Juli readies herself, so too does the Yata. A smooth motion draws the woman back, preparing for a thrust forward and at the girl. Not missing a beat the woman charges forward, hand outstretched to collide into her gut. The Doll is quicker than she'd let on, and with careful preventive measures she takes the blow in her forearms, the blast of chi erupting between the two before the elder woman steps back, landing a distance away.
Impressed, to say the least, Chizuru watches the Doll closely once more, brows knitting softly in mild irritation. It's short-lived: swiftly Juli makes her attack at the woman, and with a pivot of her heels the woman seems to simply pass through the attack, pausing behind her with a mild frown on her face.
Again the woman wastes no time in making her move. With a step forward and in she lifts a foot and coils it before twisting her body, delivering a kick for her chest to ultimately knock her back and away. Again.
COMBATSYS: Juli dodges Chizuru's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/------=|=======\=======\1 Juli
The psi-powered kick brings Juli right beyond Chizuru and very little further. Her momentum almost literally ceases right then and there, dropping to her feet. It seems like she's just in time, too, what with the way Chizuru is already on the move, swinging her leg around to kick Juli in the chest. The Doll seems to have the upper hand this time, ducking down much quicker than anyone could've anticipated moments before. The swinging leg passes narrowly over her head as she drops low, perhaps a little too close than she would like to admit. The brunette is hard to dissuade, however-- grabbing at Chizuru's ankle before she can get her other foot back down, the psycho-enhanced soldier tries to simply -pull- that leg right out from under the Yata and let her fall flat on her ass!
COMBATSYS: Chizuru blocks Juli's Fast Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/------=|=======\=======\1 Juli
With a swift execution of her foot the Yata attempts to strike the Doll down where she stands and quickly end this mess she'd otherwise gotten herself into. Still, a part of her enjoys the altercation; it gives her a chance to test this 'Psycho Power' she wields and not necessarily fear the pain that someone such as Vega can truly deliver. Juli still poses some form of a threat either way.
Again the girl assault her, and again the woman blocks her attempt. The girl reaches out, attempting to grab her by the ankle and tug on it. Not budging, Chizuru twists her leg, breaking her ankle free with a swift tug toward the girl's thumbs. Once free she plants her foot swiftly and twists her body at the waist, and arm fluidly rising up before it harshly descends, a blur of white as her sleeve attempts to crash into her following her hurried hand.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru successfully hits Juli with Zheng Zheng.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Chizuru 0/-------/---====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Juli
Perhaps her head wasn't in the fight from the start? Perhaps there was something she didn't plan on? Well, clearly-- this entire fight was something off the seat of the pants, everything about it dangerous and unprepared. She didn't have the time to think of a proper strategy or make the calculations for possible outcomes, none of it. She knows her physical status isn't good, and that she's going to have to escape at some point.
Chizuru is, however, right on the ball. The arm sweeps around in a brutal and unforgiving motion, slamming down on her much more powerfully than she had expected. Her eyes go wide and stunned, her balance is thrown off. Juli grits her teeth and closes her eyes, going for one last 'Hail Mary' attack. Whipping around in that point-blank space, her foot seeks to plant firmly in Chizuru's solar plexus and push her along for a few moments, to lift her a bit in to the air. Immediately, the attack is followed by a vertical thrust upward with one leg, looking to plow the Kagura family successor right in the back. There's a particularly odd element to this attack in specific-- it seems more vicious, brutal. Not so much an attack that will 'damage', but with the intent to actually break bones or at least rattle someone's cages pretty damn good.
Hit or miss, afterwards the doll will drop to one knee, breathing deep and heavy as her rattled head strains to remain conscious.
COMBATSYS: Juli can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Chizuru 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Juli's Spin Drive Smasher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Chizuru 0/-------/---====|
For all the planning Juli could have done prior to the confrontation, would it really have made a difference? Still, Chizuru has taken her share of blows, evident by the way her breathing seems a touch more labored than it ought to be. Collecting her thoughts she steps in and drives her arm downward, swiping at the Doll with a whip of her sleeve, ultimately throwing the girl off her balance. It does not bring a smile or any pride to the woman. She, in fact, frowns.
Again the girl attempts to tear Chizuru apart with her furious motions. However, the moment the girl's foot seeks to strike her in the solar plexus she's just not there. Instead, Chizuru stands behind her, the Yata heiress frowning deeply in disappointment. With a shake of her head she watches as the Doll drops to her knees and crouches, lips pulling into a tight line across her soft, alabaster features.
"Please tell your superior, Lord Vega, I wish to have an audience with him in the near future," she asks, her words soft, a touch remorseful. "And, next time?"
Chizuru turns on her heel, making her way to the table. Collecting the small sack she folds it under her arm, keeping her back to the Shadaloo Doll.
"Please give it your absolute best."
COMBATSYS: Chizuru has ended the fight here.
Landing on her feet and knees buckling, Juli breathes heavily and hard. Irregular. That woman is an irregular variable-- it throws things off too much. However, fighting her has brought her valuable intelligence. Apparently she can duplicate herself across short distances, what with the way she shot through that 'fake'.
Without even looking back at Chizuru, Juli's face takes a sort of grim turn-- grim determination, perhaps. Maybe even a hint of being upset? Either way, the brunette holds a hand to her chest and forces herself up to her feet. Her exhaustion is apparent in the slouch of her shoulders, her back arched a little with her slumped forward just a bit.
"Very well."
Without another word, the girl is gone-- not that Chizuru would look back anyway, but the Doll has made her escape to go lick her wounds and carefully review the way this battle happened. Next time, things will be different...
Log created by Chizuru, and last modified on 02:08:09 02/10/2006.