Description: Saishu makes an unorthodox visit to the Kyokugenryuu Dojo. For what purpose? To insult Takuma and his mother, of course! And for a fight. (DKO)
The mistress of the night has spread her dark shawl between the realms of earth and heaven, and the stars gleam through like lonely angels while the full moon provides a glimmer of light -- and with it hope. For here, deep in the abyss of shadows and the unknown, reside those who would take advantage of man's ignorance of what lies within the darkness, and use it to suit their own ends. Hope is humanity's only defense from these amoral intruders, the hope that the midnight denizens might deign to show mercy and not wipe away all they have achieved since dawn. Only the moon provides some guidance to these tortured human souls...
...a bit less guidance, as a figure, standing atop a high skyscraper, steps up to block out some of the light. And then a lot less, as with a silent gesture the figure makes an old hand gesture and causes his shadow to somehow spread enormously. The moon is almost blotted out, at least from the perspective of the building that this figure calmly gazes at.
There is no hope for those people now.
The figure leaps, arms spread and legs together for superior instinctive aerodynamics as he soars through the air and into the feeble rays of the streetlights -- revealing that the figure now flying towards his target building is a man swathed in black cloth, a gap left only for his eyes (bushy eyebrows kind of poking through too) and on his chin for his pointy and scraggly beard. Also, he has a big kite on his back. With a picture of a happy panda on it.
The people on the street look at him funny as he soars through the air -- because, you know, it's only like seven o'clock in the evening, and it's only this dark because it's winter.
The panda-kited ninja zooms forward as though to crash into the wide front doors of this building -- but in the nick of time reaches out and turns the doorknob just as he's about to fly into them, and with a remarkable display of coordination, with his other hand immediately detaches himself from the kite and allows it to bang harmlessly against the doors, only the ninja entering in a graceful forward roll. A roll that lasts for several seconds, as he allows the momentum to dissipate, before the ninja rises into a neat crouch, hands displayed in a dangerous pose.
"CRASH!" he shouts, because he's beginning to think maybe he should've just broken the doors down. "Where is that old ugly fool who cannot hold his drink, Takuma Sakazaki!? I hear he's stupid and a jerk! In fact, I heard it from his mother, last night!"
The Kyokugenryuu Dojo is a normally relatively peaceful place. And normally there're more people around, doing their karate thing, gettin' their fight on, admiring Robert's shiny new car parked outside... you know, things like that. Fortunately (for the school and Saishu) the dojo's pretty empty on this evening, classes having cut earlier and Ryo, Robert, and Yuri abandoning the Master of Kyokugenryuu for.. for... 'fun'. Takuma shrugged it off... they did their ten thousand pushups earlier in the day, after all... so he's sitting cross-legged in the dojo, enjoying a meal of fresh, cold soba and sake, when Saishu comes 'crash'ing in.
He looks up.... and his eyee narrow. Well. What to do? Obviously he -recognizes- this personage... how could he not? He could be all serious about it, or he could have some fun...
"WHO DARES PROFANE THE KYOKUGENRYUU DOJO!!!" he thunders, hopping to his feet, heel-kicking the tray of soba and sake so that it neatly slides across the dojo floor to meet a wall--without disturbing the sake at all, not even a tremor. Yeah, he knows it's Saishu. But he's gotta have some fun too. Thus... the dramatic fingerpoint.
"YOU! FILTHY NINJA!!! YOU WILL PAY!..." ... and then he grins.
"But if you want to have a 'mask' battle, Saishu..." Takuma reaches behind him and whisks out one of the tengu masks, impossibly hidden in the back of his gi.
"... then we can."
"Ho ho ho! I know not this Psi-shoe, but he sounds like some kind of robot! Ha ha! With lasers!" The ninja seems pleased by this idea, inasmuch as it is possible to tell with a black bedsheet wrapped around his head. But then he strikes a dramatic pose as Takuma draws out his own mask--
--and cackles! "Ahahahaha! You have fallen into my trap, Takuma Sakazaki! For I know the power of that mask, because one time you were drunk and mistakenly poked me in the eye with the nose, at least I hope it was a mistake because that hurt! But I know from clever deduction that if one mask is powerful..."
And then he pulls a bigass bag off from under his back, where it was hiding under the kite that is no longer on his back. A bag... that is black and very lumpy. He brandishes it fearsomely.
"...fifteen masks must be FIFTEEN TIMES AS POWERFUL!"
And the ninja leaps forward mightily, screaming his battle cry to the heavens -- "AAAAAYAAAAAAAHHH!" -- and swings that bag down with the sort of righteous fury that can only be born after almost 25 years of destined rivalry.
COMBATSYS: Saishu has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Saishu 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Takuma has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Saishu
COMBATSYS: Takuma counters Random Weapon from Saishu with Mouko Burai Gan.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Saishu
[OOC] Saishu says, "nooooooo dm/fate"
Saishu is an idiot. Takuma actually pulls one of Saishu's tricks--that is, holding his head and shaking it--while Saishu speechifies. The fool. NO mask can outpower the tengu mask. It simply -isn't- done! (Ok, Grant might do it.) But don't let Saishu think that Takuma is unawares. As he leaps in, Takuma cries, "FOOL! MY MASK IS MIGHT PERSONIFIED!!! IT IS THE ESSENCE OF KYOKUGENRYUU!! YOU CANNOT DEFEAT IT WITH A MERE NINJA MASK!" And to prove his point, Takuma flings an arm up, blocking the sack of masks with ease, and thrusts his right hand forward... hitting Saishu right in the chest. WITH the mask. So hard, the mask breaks in half, the pieces spinning on the dojo floor as Takuma finally assumes his Kyokugenryuu stance.
Argh, nose to the chest. Saishu falls back with a whumph and rolls away, the big bag of cheap ninja masks left and ignored where he dropped it. There's not much of a gap to know his mouth -- the bandages are mainly just thinner there, but somehow, maybe just from the set of his eyes... it's easy to tell he's grinning.
"I really just wanted to see if it would work," he admits, as he lunges.
Naturally, Saishu Kusanagi -- er, the ninja -- is unfazed by this occurance, and in fact, just to prove it, he lights his hands on fire to demonstrate his defiant fighting spirit. And also, though this is just a convenient side effect, to step forward and unleash a twisting wave of Kusanagi flame of his opponent, shifting around and aiming a /second/ and equally powerful blast right at the Kyokugenryuu master once again. The technique is executed with grace, efficiency, and lots of cackling.
"Ahahaha! Fear the flames of my... my ninja magic!"
COMBATSYS: Takuma blocks Saishu's Homura Gasane.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Saishu
Saishu's -always- grinning, even when the weasels were biting his--well, that's for another time. It's been quite some time since Takuma's matched up with his erstwhile best friend, and so he's not sure if the old man will have anything new to show him. He remains on his guard, however, throwing his arms up, letting his aura absorb and redirect most of the damage from those arcs of Kusanagi flame. Takuma bounces with the last one, hopping back to be a bit farther away.
"So you've still got it, you old fart?!?" he cries, before smacking his fists against his opposite shoulders, then crossing them... pulling up his own lightshow as a column of golden energy swirls up around him briefly.
COMBATSYS: Takuma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Saishu
"Do you even have to ask!?" Saishu roars, rising to his full height (not very tall) and brandishing his own hands as though they were deadly weapons (they are), letting a light plume of flame trail up from each one. "Ha ha! It's about time I proved once and for all that Kusanagi-ryuu is the greatest fighting style in the world! Your parody of karate is no match for the true flames of fighting spirit!"
Gosh, thinks Saishu, this must be, like, the fifty-seventh time I've said that.
"Hooouuuuuhhh!" And a heat wave ripples the air around him as Saishu taps into his greater reserves of strength, preparing to put his very all into this battle.
COMBATSYS: Saishu gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Saishu
Suddenly, Takuma goes flying. But not away, like he was hit; no, he flies -forward-, without so much as a visible movement from his legs, or a forward transition. As he flies forward he's swinging his left leg out in a sweeping, wide, horizontal side kick. As soon as that's done he's twisting his lower body to snap out the right leg in a similar kick, only leading with the heel instead of the flat of the foot. Let's see if Saishu remembers this attack, the oh so aptly named Hien Shippu Kyaku!
COMBATSYS: Saishu blocks Takuma's Hien Shippu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Saishu
Oh, quite naturally Saishu remembers this attack, and he doesn't enjoy it one bit -- oh, who am I kidding? He's grinning like a lunatic as he parries the attacks, absorbing the force carefully with the post-powerup heightened awareness, and is already lunging forward, his right hand igniting as he aims to catch Takuma before he can recover from his kick...
...with a powerful flaming claw-like uppercut!
"Hoooouuuuayaaaaahhh!" shouts Saishu gleefully.
COMBATSYS: Saishu successfully hits Takuma with Oniyaki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Takuma 1/----===/=======|=======\====---\1 Saishu
Takuma remembers this feeling all too well... sweet warmth... a cinnamon smell upon the summer breeze... his best girl by his side..... wait... wait. That's more like the burning sensation he had after trying Robert's mom's famous fifty-fucking-alarm chili (it melted the pot, and it was cast iron), externalized. Takuma goes POW! BIFF! and is thrown across his own dojo floor, burning! But not for long, as he hops up and grimaces. "Yeah, you still got it, Kusanagi... but the master of Kyokugenryuu doesn't go down that easy!"
And with that pronouncement, once again Takuma is applying blinding speed to his body, suddenly rushing forward at Saishu, leading with a left straight punch...
COMBATSYS: Takuma successfully hits Saishu with Ryuuko Ranbu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Saishu
... and he hits! The left straight rocks Saishu's jaw, but Takuma isn't done yet! A punishing series of blows rains down on Saishu--right jab, right high roundhouse kick, left hook, left uppercut, and so on, a total of nine power strikes ending with a high right uppercut... which only leaves Saishu stunned for when Takuma leaps back and fires off a Haohshokoken wall of energy that blows the old man away.
"Yes sir, I still got it too!"
Saishu tries to hold his ground!
It doesn't work!
The Kusanagi patriarch is finally knocked off balance by the series of punishing blows, not even his Saishu Tactics able to handle Takuma's powerful series of attacks, and the wall of Haohshokoken energy sends the older man bowling back in a heap. A heap that turns into a backward roll as the furiously grinning pseudo-ninja gets to his feet! "That was not--" *coughcough**ahem**coughcough* "--that was nothing! Your feeble attacks are no match for my true power! Allow me to demonstrate! HAAAAAAAAA--!"
And the flames surge around Saishu!
They just keep surging!
"--AAAAAAAAAA--" that all he's gonna do?
COMBATSYS: Saishu gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Saishu
Fine! If that's how Saishu wants it... Takuma -frowns- at Saishu. Big frown.
"You're clearly wounded!" he cries, *pointing* at Saishu, "You dolt!"
But--but Saishu -is- still standing and so Takuma frowns more... watching those flames build, he feels that he should be ready for anything the old man may throw... he crosses his arms again, his gaze focused on his sparring partner as the golden energy also swirls up around him... impressive displays of energy control on the part of both men.
COMBATSYS: Takuma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Saishu
Saishu lunges at breakneck speed, flames trailing behind him.
"Noooooooo meeeeeercyyyyyyy!" he roars, cackling all the while, as he draws back his right hand, a huge coil of flame whirling around it. His eyes glitter with, counterintuitively, a rather easygoing cheerfulness.
"Tag," he says amiably.
He lashes out...
COMBATSYS: Takuma blocks Saishu's Orochinagi'.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Takuma 1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0 Saishu
...and unleashes a huge ridiculous expression THAT TAKUMA BLOCKS WTF ARGH.
Also an explosion, but mainly, an expression. Of Saishu's passionate fighting spirit. Takuma also blocks the explosion.
Well don't feel -bad- Saishu, that shiz STILL hurt bad, Takuma's gi is smokin' and Takuma's all sooty-fazed, his eyes impossibly white and hugely round. He wasn't expecting to be able to block that, and wow he's singed and ow so he backs the fug off again, dropping into a lower stance, more of a modified horse stance than his usual. He coughs a bit of soot out, "What's the matter, Saishu? Getting slow in your OLD AGE?" *coughs more soot*
COMBATSYS: Takuma focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Takuma 1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0 Saishu
Saishu furrows his brow. Shoot, that was supposed to work.
"Oh yeah!?" he retorts, a little distracted as he thinks quickly about where his momentum should carry him in this situation. "Well... I was distracted... by your ugly face! Ha ha! Even the mask is better than that!"
And looking pleased with himself, Saishu Kusanagi hurls himself forward, and ignites his right fist, because apparently even now his flames are not yet extinguished. Powered by his own inner fire he blurs forward quickly, leading with his fist, and prepares to sock Takuma one but good on that face so cursed with ugly.
"Allow me to rearrange it for you!"
COMBATSYS: Takuma counters Kamu Kakari from Saishu with Mouko Burai Gan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Takuma 1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\0 Saishu
"HA HA! Come on now Saishu, I told you you still go--" Oh no. Oh HELL no. This is the face that launched a thousand--no, TEN thousand--pushups. It's NOT ugly! Takuma doesn't even think; that fist is parried with a big left forearm, Takuma's horse stance meaning that he gets to throw his right fist into Saishu's chest, in a lunging straight punch, with no fear of retaliation.
"Huh," says Takuma, lookin' a lil' surprised, "Maybe you don't got it no more... 'kiddo'..." Yeah, yeah... he's havin' his fun.
No fear of retaliation?
No fear of retaliation!??
You may have failed to realize that all Saishu just got punched in the tummy, he hasn't gone flying back! Oh my no! In fact, the momentum of his failing flaming punch still with him! Perhaps this is all part of his plan! Or perhaps it would be, if he had one!
"Ha ha!" he shouts merrily, not looking nearly as beat-up as he is. "I said I'd help you with your face, and I will!"
Then he headbutts Takuma. In the face.
"A Kusanagi always keeps his promises!"
COMBATSYS: Takuma blocks Saishu's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Takuma 1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\0 Saishu
Headbutt? Only so-so! Takuma gets a hand up in time, to take the headbu--er, handbutt, he guesses--as Saishu just didn't get pushed back. Admirable, really. But he'll pass on taking the headbutt.
"As I recall, Kusanagi, last time you promised to bring the GOOD sake, not that swill you brought!! I STILL remember how bad that tasted!! So in the name of Japanese sake, I must..."
Waaaait for it... waaaaaaait for it...
"HEEEEADBUTT!" And yeah, that's him striking forward with his own Forehead of Doom. Though it doesn't shine like Xiangfei's.
COMBATSYS: Takuma successfully hits Saishu with Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Takuma 1/-======/=======|=======\==-----\1 Saishu
[OOC] Saishu says, "Wrrrrryyyyy can't I endure XD"
[OOC] Takuma says, "Ok you just killed me with laughter there"
Saishu tries to stand his ground!
He forgets he's not on the ground!
"Ow!" Clunk! Saishu goes staggering back, looking pretty dazed about this whole thing. Then, as he's staggering around, he starts to chuckle. "Oh man, I remember that, that sake was /terrible/. The expression on your face was classic. It was worth having the bookcase broken over my head." Speaking of which, he's feeling about the same right now as he did back then -- jeez, his head is ringing.
"Maybe I need to sit..."
His eyes gleam.
"...YOU DOWN!"
And he lunges, and attempts to grab hold of Takuma's shirt. If he's successful, he'll hoist the guy up into the air, slam him on the ground, hoist him up again -- and trigger spontaneous combustion in a surge of heat that will send a flaming Takuma flying away JUST LIKE HE DESERVES.
And after that?
COMBATSYS: Saishu can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Takuma 1/-======/=======|
COMBATSYS: Takuma fails to interrupt Koto Moon Infinity from Saishu with Haoh Sho Ko Ken.
COMBATSYS: Takuma can no longer fight.
Saishu will fall on his butt, laughing, the ninja mask finally falling away from his eminently cheerful -- albeit rather battered -- face.
"I need a drink."
Takuma's pulling back the moment Saishu starts to speak, gathering his chi energy to try and blow Saishu away before he can get in too close... but alas... Yeah ow. That hurt. Takuma bounces off the hard dojo floor, groaning... he'd say something about taking it easy, but, then, he never does either, so it'd be pointless. He lifts his head.
"Well, unlike you," he groans, "I stock GOOD sake, (thank you Robert) so as soon as I can move we'll get a couple bottles." Yeah, he's not too pissed off about the fight. It was more fun than a movie and totally awesome to boot.
Log created by Takuma, and last modified on 13:08:37 01/28/2006.