Description: On wintry South Beach, Sumo (E.Honda) faces off against Kyokugenryuu (Takuma) for bragging rights and charity. (Winner: Takuma)
Sound Beach, advertised as a slice of the tropics tucked into Japan, is a haven for beachgoers even in the colder seasons. The combination of sand and salt water keep it from becoming too chilled, and the area maintains a temperature a few degrees higher than inland (except for when the wind comes in, of course). But, maintaining the quality of the beach isn't cheap, and a lot of money is invested each year into keeping the sand clean of trash, spills, chemicals, and keeping the area around it safe from being consumed by the rest of the city and winding up looking like the river bed did for years.
How does the city get the money for such a monumental undertaking? Why, the way you get money for anything in this world! Be it saving spotted owls, raising awareness of various diseases, or trying to stop domestic violence, a fight is the number one way to bring in money. And this time is no different, with an area of the beach cleared of bystanders, lights set up, and cameras filming as bubbleheaded hosts discuss the upcoming event. It was time perfectly to work with the sunset, and as the sun starts dipping past the horizon, the first challenger makes his way to the ring, having a little trouble navigating in the sand until he gets the hang of it.
Wearing his traditional sumo outfit, Edmund Honda is grinning widely and shaking hands with people in the crowd as he enters the improvised arena. He looks raring and ready to go, and raises his arms over his head to get the people into a chant before he starts his pre-fight sumo ritual. A toss of rice onto the sand, a softly-said chant, a few stretches...looks like it's going to be an exciting evening!
Sound Beach. A lovely place to see the sunset... see the sunrise... throw a frisbee around... have a fight. Takuma doesn't really... care much about the beach. He doesn't go sunning himself or run in the waves or anything like that. But he can't resist a challenge, and the dojo needs money and Kyokugen needs fame, so when the officials decided to drop by the dojo and offer an exhibition fight against Edmund Honda, the premier sumo wrestler of Japan (aside from a certain Hinako Shijou), he gladly accepted.
That is why he's out here, as well, at one end of the arena; while he has fewer spectators on his side, he doesn't really mind; he's busy psyching himself up, smacking his fists against his shoulders, going through kata, punching the air, sending up great shouts of -powah-. That's right ladies and gentlemen, Kyokugen is IN THE HOUSE!
"Laaaaaaadies and geeeeeeeeeeeentlemen! Children of all ages!" The announcer is working on hyping up the crowd further. They aren't all there to see Honda, they mostly just want to see a fight. If Honda's there first...well, hey, good to root for someone, hm? "We're about to begin...the main event!" It's also the only event, but you don't let details get in the way of fight promotion. "If the fighters will please come to the arena..."
There's a pause while the announcer gets his notecards, and then reads. "On this side, standing six feet tall and weighing over three hundred pounds, one of the premiere sumo wrestlers of the world...Eeeeedmuuuuuund Hoooooonda!" Again, Honda raises a hand, on the off-chance people didn't realize it was him, and maybe thought it was the twelve-year old girl standing with her parents. You never know. Then the announcer flips to his next card. "And on this side..." Well, hopefully entering that side. "Standing just under six feet tall...weighing just over a hundred and fifty pounds...the King of the Kyokugen...Takuma Sakazaki!"
Once the cheering dies down, E. Honda's already hunched down in the sand, waiting. He smiles at Takuma, and says, "Let's give them a good fight, hm? Winner has to buy drinks for the loser!" And with that, the sumo wrestler claps his hands together and holds them apart in front of him. "Are you going to begin this, or should I?"
COMBATSYS: E.Honda has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
E.Honda 0/-------/-------|
Takuma barely hears the announcer. Truth be told, he's kind of looking forward to this fight; he hasn't really gone up against many Sumo wrestlers before, and certainly none of this caliber. Takuma -does- pump the fist when he's announced, and favors the audience with a big, fierce grin.
Finally, he speaks. "Alright, sumo boy! Let's do it! But don't bother with a bet! You bring the drinks and I'll make the soba! And some nabe to bulk you up!!" And with that... the fight's on! And so is Takuma, taking three steps before leaping up and kicking straight out for the Sumo wrestler's forehead.
COMBATSYS: Takuma has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 E.Honda
COMBATSYS: Takuma successfully hits E.Honda with Medium Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 E.Honda
Honda's feet sink into the sand as he shifts his weight, and seems ready to simply press into the attack. However, the sand seems to still be his enemy more than Takuma, as his footing suddenly gives way, and it leaves the sumo wrestler off-balance when the foot connects, staggering him for a moment. "HA!" It's the only grunt that comes from Honda, and he moves almost immediately to return the favor to Takuma, deciding not to try to rush forward quickly. Instead, the sumo wrestler takes a single step forward, and his hands reach out to grab hold of Takuma's clothes. Once that's done, it's a simple over-the-shoulder throw onto the sand for the other fighter if he isn't careful!
COMBATSYS: Takuma blocks E.Honda's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 E.Honda
Verily, Takuma is snagged. And he is thrown! But lo and behold, he is not -terribly- injured by the landing; somehow he is able to roll with it, and the soft sand certainly helps. Takuma turns practically all the force of the throw into a backroll and spring that leaves him a ways from the sumo wrestler; Takuma uses the distance to gather chi; the buildup takes little and then, as he speaks, Takuma throws forward a relatively small, but fast, golden-red ball of chi.
COMBATSYS: E.Honda endures Takuma's Ko'ou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 E.Honda
A small ball of fire? Pft! Honda's on a first-name basis with Ryu! Now /that/ man knows how to throw a fireball! Honda simply pushes forward, and when the ball hits...well, okay, damn. That /does/ sting. And the sumo wrestler visibily flinches as the flames explode out around him in enhanced sunset effect. However, that's when activity seems to die down...and then a /very/ large object hurtles through it at Takuma. It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...a sumo wrestler?
That's right, somehow defying all laws of gravity, Honda has /launched/ himself into the air at Takuma, headfirst right at him. And should that hit, Honda somehow lands, crouches, and launches himself /again/ at the other fighter at point blank range! And as if that wasn't enough, when the man lands a second time, his hands lash out in a blur, aiming to strike Takuma repeatedly in the blink of an eye and drive the other man back. "HYYYYYA!"
COMBATSYS: Takuma endures E.Honda's Oni Musou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 E.Honda
Though he's not as arrogant about the whole biz as someone like Rugal is, Takuma considers himself, to be humble about it, 'pretty tough'. And he hasn't really seen what the big Sumo can do yet. So when that sumo missile comes flying in... Takuma doesn't budge. He doesn't raise his arms. He just prepares himself, mentally. Flying headbutt. Flying headbutt. Thousands of hands slapping him all at once. Takuma staggers under the assault, for sure; he is damaged, undoubtedly. But he doesn't go down--and then his hands snap out to grab for Honda's body. In what would be an amazing feat of strength, if he grabs, he'll flip the sumo--*OVER HIS SHOULDER* and slam him to the ground, following up with a precise strike to the chest.
COMBATSYS: Takuma successfully hits E.Honda with Oosotogari.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Takuma 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 E.Honda
It's not often men try to pick up Honda and throw him, which probably accounts for why the wrestler is surprised and able to be...well, not so much lifted as simply pulled and guided before gravity wakes up and pulls him down on top of his thrower. Landing on the ground with a grunt, Honda lies still for a moment, even with the blow hitting him on the chest. Is this...the way sumo will end? No, the man can't simply accept that! Struggling to his feet, Honda closes his eyes for a moment and then claps his hands together, lifts up one leg, slams it down into the sand like a lead weight, brings up his other foot, and brings it down as well, knees bent, hands ready. It's then that his eyes open, and Honda grins. "...try your best...and I will show you sumo's TRUE power!"
COMBATSYS: E.Honda gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Takuma 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 E.Honda
"HA HA!" Truth be told, Takuma -is- quite impressed at Sumo power; the man's already taken hits that have fallen some lesser trees and concrete blocks (always a popular demonstration at the local mall on Sundays). Takuma watches the show of sumo concentration and decides to respond in kind!
"I accept!" he cries, sinking a bit lower on his knees, crossing his wrists in front of him, concentrating, energy bursting up in a golden circle around him, briefly, forming a flashy column for a few moments.
COMBATSYS: Takuma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Takuma 1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1 E.Honda
Honda's grin spreads wide, and he says, "After we are done here, I'll make a deal with you. If you teach me that throw you did, I'll teach you some of the arts of sumo." The wrestler claps his hands together as Takuma glows like a firefly, and then adds, "" It's all in good fun, though, right? After all, it's just a fight! Honda crouches again, and then with a speed that would make you think he weighed 200 pounds less and was running on solid ground, the wrestler charges forward, a hand reaching out to grab hold of the front of Takuma's shirt. It looks like he's going for another throw attack of some kind!
COMBATSYS: E.Honda successfully hits Takuma with Orochi Kudaki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Takuma 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|===----\-------\0 E.Honda
When the hand grabs hold of Takuma, Honda seems to explode into a flurry of motion. "DUSOKOI!" The yell echoes, which is impressive considering it's a beach, as Honda pulls Takuma down, and then spins his arm forward like a baseball pitcher to bring Takuma up behind him, overhead, and then slam him down on the sand. But, Honda doesn't stop there, he jumps, lifting Takuma up with him, and spins the arm around again to add the force of the wrestler coming down to when he slams his opponent to the ground again. And then, with agility that once again makes you think physics took a day off when Honda was born and never came back, the wrestler LEAPS into the air, draws up his knees to be in a sitting position, and slams his entire body down on his opponent before springing off and landing on his feet. Behold, SUMO!
Well! That was certainly unexpected. Well, perhaps not totally. Takuma is taken up, around, and for a long ride, that ends with the butt-splash... yow. Ow ow ow. Takuma rolls away, across the sand, hopping up slightly more slowly than he might wish to. "Ow!" he cries, articulately, taking the time to rotate his shoulders and twist back and forth.
"Sumo certainly has its advantages! Now that I've had a taste of Sumo, perhaps you'll enjoy the fine aged flavor of the true arts of the Kyokugenryuu!!" ... perhaps Takuma's spent a little too much time around Saishu. From Takuma's standing start, suddenly he's literally flying through the air at Honda, leading with a left fist...
COMBATSYS: Takuma successfully hits E.Honda with Ryuuko Ranbu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Takuma 0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1 E.Honda
... and Takuma's fist strikes true. But that's not it, oh no! Takuma goes into a short combination of punches and kicks; right cross, left hook, high front kick, left straight, and a right uppercut--which leaves Honda stunned long enough for Takuma to hop back and finish the attack in style--pulling his hands back to his stomach, he concentrates for only a moment before throwing his hands up and wide, flinging a wall-like projectile of that red-gold chi that blows Honda down.
When Honda falls, it's like watching a redwood tree topple over. The fighter barely manages to get one foot in front of him to catch himself, smoke rising from his body. It's a good thing he learned how to fireproof his outfit and hair after watching Ryu fight, or this would have left him rather...embarassed. The sumo wrestler stays in a kneeled position in front of Takuma, taking deep breaths as he rubs his eyes with the back of his arm. "...your style is quite impressive, and I am willing to concede this fight..." The sumo wrestler's eyes close for a moment, and then they snap open as a last bit of adrenaline rushes through him. "But only with my last conscious thought!" And again, that hand snaps out and grabs for Takuma again. "DUSOKOI!"
COMBATSYS: E.Honda can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Takuma 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Takuma fails to counter Orochi Kudaki from E.Honda with Mouko Burai Gan.
[ \\\\\ <
Takuma 1/-----==/=======|
And again, the fist reaches to grab hold of Takuma, and Honda pushes himself off the ground to re-enact the move he just pulled off. Slamming Takuma down once, twice, and then jumping, one can see Honda's eyes start to roll up into his head. The fighter clings to consciousness just long enough to land on Takuma again, and then rolls himself off to rest on his stomach. Glancing up to see if Takuma stands up again, Honda says, "...the power...of sumo." And then he smiles a bit. "...and with that, if need be, I'll concede." Good thing, too, as he can't really stand up at the moment. ", where do we go from here for drinks?"
Takuma just kind of lays there for a moment... collecting his thoguhts. Because, well, he just saw the inside of a sweaty sumo man's ass, twice in one night, and now he needs a good stiff belt of Clorox to clean his mind out.
But, unlike Honda, Takuma -can- rise, which earns him the victory... he eyes Honda, then grins heartily, through the pain, and says, "Why of course, the Kyokugenryuu dojo!" Because the floors are built to withstand alcoholic vomit and spilled food. The Sakazakis do love them their parties.
Log created by Takuma, and last modified on 23:01:09 01/26/2006.