Description: Rematch! In the Dojo, Frei and Yuri play a nice game of Pong. (Winner - See inside!)
The Kyokugen Dojo! At least, that's what the sign outside says. The doors are open, given the nice sunny day. After all, who would willingly shut out the sunlight filtering onto the dojo floor? Plus, it makes it much much easier for Takuma to call out to students as they go by, during the course of his work. Usually, it starts with 'Give me..' and ends with '.. pushups.', with an extrodianry number in between.
This leads us to Yuri Sakazaki, youngest of the clan. She's currently doing what Takuma's students do best. Pushups! She's counting them off as she does, near the entrance, each one applauded by herself with a clap at the end, before returning to a prone position on the floor. Must keep training after all!
Ah, the wind on your face. So much better than, say... knifes, spears, monofilaments, that sort of thing. Having just escaped from the hospital after what can only really be called nearly being killed by a young ninja girl, Frei had a lot of time to do two things: eat little cups of Jello, and think about the way the past few weeks have gone for him. The result wasn't pretty. Maybe it's because he's felt so aimless that he's been getting bogged down and... well, he's hard to depress, but it's easier than it looks to make him space out and feel lost.
Thus in the interest of trying to get himself back in order, Frei is starting the rounds. Carrying the only bribe he knows is universal -- food -- the monk set out to find the Kyokugen dojo. Not hard, given the style's relative popularity. All he really remembers about Yuri is that she studied Kyokugen. So, that's where he'll start. With a knock, he steps inside the sliding doors, slipping off his sandals according to protocol. "Anybody home?"
".. Nine hundred and three.. *clap* .. Nine hundred and fo.. oh, hi!"
With a hop, Yuri gets back to her feet, a slight wobble in her step as she stretches out her arms and legs, then heads over towards the door. She bows, one fist clasped by her hand, and then smiles cheerily. ".. Frei, right? We met in the League? How's it going, anything we can do for you today here at the Kyokugen dojo?"
She moves to tug the hem of her gi down a bit, trying to get comfy and relaxed, looking over her shoulder towards where Takuma _usually_ sits. Huh! "Dad's.. er, Master Takuma's not in right now - if you wanted to talk to him, that is. Maybe I can help you?" Of course, the _last_ time she asked that, she got attacked by a mad Muay Thai boxer. Sheesh!
Blinking, Frei regards Yuri with confusion for a moment, probably because 1.) he's been hit in the head hard a lot recently and 2.) he wasn't expecting to find her so quickly. Recovering quickly, the monk gives a sheepish smile and a wave, stepping inside and holding out a paper bag with one hand. "Ah, actually it was you I was looking for," he explains. After a pause, he clears his throat, getting an oddly solemn look considering the usual manic tone of his features. "I, uh, actually owe you an apology. Our league fight shouldn't have ended the way it did."
Opening the bag, he reaches in and takes out a pair of sweet buns, taking one for himself and offering one to Yuri. "So, this is one part peace offering, since food makes everything better..." he says, wobbling the hand with the bun a bit, "and one part rematch request. I owe you a fight down to the end, after all."
Oooh, meat buns. The man truly does know the way to a woman's heart. Or at least, to Yuri's. She, much like her friend Xiangfei, love the things. She smiles towrads the solemn look, and then nods firmly. "I'd really appreciate the chance to get a match in with you to the end, Frei. You had some amazing stylistic things that I didn't get a chance to pick up on. I'm always willing to learn more from another skilled fighter!"
With that, she takes the bun, holds it up, and then munches on it. "Feal Affefted!" From the way she's nodding, that's _probably_ a yes. She'll probably have to <maybe> chew and swallow before she's ready though!
Stunningly, Frei is such a heavy eater himself that he's highly conversant in Mouthfullese. He grins, giving Yuri a thumbs up and setting the bag down against the wall, curling the top to keep contents fresh (this is important! Nobody likes stale buns), then turns around and gives her a thumbs up, his own morsel hanging out of his mouth a bit. Taking a big bite, he chews thoughtfully, then takes a deep breath and grins. "The sign says 'karate', but you actually know a lot of different moves. I'm betting you made most of them up yourself, right?" He jerks a thumb toward himself. "I'm the same way, really."
Chew, swallow, *gulp!* and eventually the bun is all gone! She starts towards the tatami, making sure her Converse are stored by the door. Dad's a stickler sometimes, so it's better to be ready for that sort of thing. Plus, this means there are no possible shoe mixups, though there may be a sock mixup, depending! "The basic form of the style is karate. I .. tend to mix it up a lot. I'm still trying to find what works best for me, so I borrow from a bunch of differnet places."
She's finished stretching out, and taps the mat with the heels of her feet, to make sure that the tatami squares are fully laid out and won't slip. "A lot of them are modified so much people wouldn't recognize them - and I like to put my own spin on things!" she says, cheerily. ".. ready?"
Lucky for Yuri, Frei wears sandals. Thus, her socks are safe! He laces his fingers together, stretching them over his head, and then waltzing over to the tatami and testing it with his feet before dropping into a sorta kung fu, sorta tai chi stance. Relaxed, which seems to fit Frei's carriage the best. "That was how it worked for me too. My master taught me a couple moves outright, but everything else is Frei Original. I like it that way, myself." He gives Yuri a wild-looking grin, then jerks a thumb at the bag. "This one's for all the buns. Gimmie your best shot!"
COMBATSYS: Frei has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Frei 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Yuri has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Frei 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yuri
"Excellent! I'm sure I'll learn some cool things from you, Frei!"
Yuri gives Frei an energetic 'V' with her left hand and then drops into a crouch. When the exhortations to attack come free, she steps forwards - no slow movements here, not for her! She's going all-out from the start! Energetic, balanced, and rearin' to go!
as she rushes, she brings her arms forwards. Just in front of Frei, she lets her legs go out from underneath her, as she tries to latch onto his chest. If she's able to, he's going to get a foot in his gut, and a toss over her! "...HAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Frei blocks Yuri's Silent Nage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Yuri
"Likewise, I'm sure!" the monk says, hopping on the balls of his feet. However, there's no more time to waste on idle chatter as Yuri comes in raring to go. The assault's probably too fast to avoid. Thus, when Yuri tries for the chest grab he doesn't resist, instead choosing to flow into the defensive when she tries to kick off his chest, placing his palms right in the way and gently pushing off. He does wince a little. "Heh, maybe I should have waited in outpatient first a little..." he says sheepishly.
Not wasting any time, Frei flexes his fingers a little bit, then grins at Yuri. "Last time you stuffed this technique, so I guess I have to try it again! It IS cool when it works, after all." Dahsing forward, he makes for a complex grab, one hand on Yuri's arm and the other on the opposite hip.
COMBATSYS: Yuri endures Frei's Ame no Murakumo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Yuri
Provided he gets a grip? Frei grins at Yuri and then leaps straight up, carrying her along, almost as if he were a ninja going for a mozu-otoshi headdrop. However, at the apex of the jump he suddenly inverts, handstanding on the Kyokugen fighter's shoulders and aiming a pulse of wind chi from his hands to bust her right back down to the ground. "Allez-oop!"
Yuri's up! And then back down. Yes, that was a pretty surprising little flip and flop, the impact of tatami on her back making her head bounce once, then again. Oof! Still, for the impact, she seems to be smiling - whyever would that be..?
Simple enough - she used the throw to line her up for her own attack - and as Frei starts to return to the earth, she's there, and waiting! Leaping forwards from her position, she clasps her hands together, and brings them up directly at his chin from below - it's a variant of her overhand smash, and her fingers glow with red-gold energy as she does it.
COMBATSYS: Frei endures Yuri's Raiou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Yuri
Interestingly enough, Frei's used to getting smacked in the face on the way down from that particular move, mainly because the falling time leaves him so open. Thus, by the time Yuri is on her way up, Frei has inverted himself in midair, facing back *down*. He's grinning right up to the point where her fists smack into his face... but it's not enough to blunt his downward momentum. Using his fall to add speed, the monk oofs in pain, but snaps out a hand to try and grab Yuri's arm and flip her forward as he lands. If he can get that accomplished? He breaks her fall in the distance with a burst of earth chi in the shape of a storm of leaves. "Teya!"
COMBATSYS: Yuri blocks Frei's Daichi Kudaki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Yuri
Landing is not Yuri's strong point today! As she's grabbed and thrown, she curls up into the tiniest ball she can manage, and tries to go limp. When she hits, it's not as bad as it could be - and the thumpathumpathumpa of her rolling to a stop against the wall of the dojo is easily heard. She staggers to her feet, blinking and getting her bearings, after. Must not throw up. Must not throw up.
"Whoo!" is all she says, as she starts to move in - this time, benig much more careful on her stepping forwards, looking for a move, an opening. She drops into the formal style as she closes, and then leaps forwards in the air, chambering a kick in against her thigh, and then lashing her leg leg out at Frei's shoulder as she comes in. "YAH!"
COMBATSYS: Frei blocks Yuri's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Yuri
Even if the throw technique didn't work as well as he'd hoped, it did give Frei important time to do one thing: center himself and get back into stance. In that sense, it was worth it. Thus when Yuri's kick comes in he throws up a forearm, pushing the majority of the kick's force off to the side and leaving him (mostly) unscathed. Even as he's deflecting that with his left hand, however, his right hand is already gathering a blue-white sphere of chi. He grins at Yuri as she almost passes him by. "You're pretty nimble!" he offers. "I'm gonna have to work faster!" Swinging around to meet her, the monk throws out that right hand, shouting "Burst!" The sphere explodes at point-blank range in a hail of ice shards, hopefully taking Yuri by surprise.
COMBATSYS: Yuri reflects Hyoushou Rengeki EX from Frei with Saiha.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Yuri
Surprise is an ugly, ugly thing, and Yuri almost gets caught by it. The sudden hail of ice shards in her direction is turned into and then she goes wide-eyed. ACK! Jumping backwards, she swings both her arms out in front of her, shouting out loudly as a focus. "SAIHA!" The red gold shield of chi forms, and it's just pure luck that it lasts long enough to blow back the attack. She thumps onto her backside on the tatami, looking in awe. As she gets back to her feet, she just.. rubs behind her neck.
"How do you make ice and air and earth? I mean, I don't see that often - usually people just confine to one element. That's so _cool_!!"
COMBATSYS: Frei overcomes Reflected Hyoushou Rengeki EX from Yuri with Hyoushou Rengeki EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Yuri
Haha! Guess what, Yuri? Frei's not left handed. He's fought one too many people with that ability lately, to send chi attacks sailing back at him... and while he's not one to brag, his ability to use chi is fairly prodigious and he'd rather not get hit with one of his own attacks. Thus even as he's thrusting his right hand forward to throw the first ice attack out, he's already gathering energy for a second one in his LEFT hand; thus, when his attack comes sailing back at him, Frei slashes his other hand forward, hurling an even greater amount of ice right through his previous attack and continuing on to pelt Yuri! "Six years of practice!" he says proudly. "And no small amount of trial and error too!"
COMBATSYS: Yuri reflects Hyoushou Rengeki EX from Frei with Saiha.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Yuri
Not left handed! Oh no! Whatever will the youngest Sakazaki do?! She's caught flatfooted as the second blast comes forwards and reflects ever more ice right back at her. She's back to her feet at least, and that much is good. This time, however - she steps _into_ the attack, and yells it out again, her choice of defense being an almost offense. "SAIHA!" Again, the shield of red-gold comes out, again it's blown forwards, sending shards of ice right back towards Frei.
Someone's studied their Agrippe. "That's _so_ cool!" she says, starting to sound winded. Sheesh!
COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Frei with Reflected Hyoushou Rengeki EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Yuri
Well... Frei's run out of hands. He has enough time to say "Well... damn," before the ice gets him right in the chest, sending him stumbling back with a loud "oof!". However, he's quick to pull back into stance, grinning at Yuri. "That settles that. Either you or squirrel girl or someone else is gonna teach me that trick. Then you'll be sorry." He doesn't attack, instead choosing to try and center himself and get back on track. The fight's not over yet! The wind kicks up around Frei as he gathers his chi, hoping that expending all that energy summoning her own has left Yuri as winded as he feels.
COMBATSYS: Frei gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Yuri
Winded?! Winded!? Yuri has not yet begun to be.. okay, she's actually pretty winded here. She puts her hands on her knees, and takes in a few long gulps of air. *huff* *huff* But still - one can't give up advantages. Not at all! "Me and *gasp* squirrel girl? ..if you learn it.. that could have gone on forever..!"
Or until she passed out, but hey! She moves as Frei focuses his will, trying to knock him out of the attempt with a rushing attack - this time, she doesn't try for subtlety, or for a sneaky attack - it's just a straight out punch, aimed for the center of Frei's chest, trying to knock the wind out of him!
COMBATSYS: Frei blocks Yuri's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Frei 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Yuri
Sadly for Yuri, the side benefit of that stance to gather onesself is that it also serves as a great way to prepare for the inevitable assault that's coming your way when you try it. Her punch is met with Frei's arms, stacked one atop the other and blunting the force of the punch... which still stings a good bit. "Yeah, I have this hard time remembering her name..." he says, taking a quick backstep and grinning at Yuri. "She trains animals, I think. That drunken master's got the hots for her."
But enough talk! Cracking his knuckles, Frei sets himself for a charge like an American football player, then immediately launches himself at Yuri in a dashing shoulder charge, the monk barely touching the floor and surrounded by a blazing arrow of silvery light. If Yuri doesn't get out of the way, he spins after the shoulder check hits, lashing out with a spherical burst of that same silvery energy. "Nighty-night!"
COMBATSYS: Yuri blocks Frei's Gekkou Nocturne.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Yuri
Yuri does her best to get out of the way - but as she does, she's clipped on the shoulder by Frei's shoulder, and is sent for a spin. Two spins. Three spins. Four! Four wonderful spins! *ah-hah-ah-hah* *thunder and lighting outside* She wobbles once or twice, and again tries very very hard to make sure that she does not throw up on the floor of the dojo. No, that would be bad. Very, very bad.
"Oogh.." she murmurs, and bends over again, hands on her knees, looking more green with every second. She rolls her eyes around, and then steadies herself. "'kay.. I learned something from you now.. Watch .. this!" With that, she drops into his open stance, and slams her feet down - as she does so, the wind whips around her, red-gold chi rising up as well..!
COMBATSYS: Yuri gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/------=|=======\==-----\1 Yuri
"Hehe. Not bad!" Of course, Sakura knows how to do that too. Not that Frei knows her name, because he's forgotten to ask her *twice in a row* now. Deciding not to get in too close, Frei closes his eyes and balls his hands into fists, then throws them out to the side, the wind picking up again and sparks of elemental chi of all types flickering in the air around him. "It's all about the drama! Let's see your super sexy final attack!" He must be suicidal.
COMBATSYS: Frei gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Yuri
Air and wind - so hard to see into! Yuri shields her eyes as she starts to try and close - but she's not quite able to make out Frei's form, as she keeps having to close her eyes. Augh! "F.. fine! Here I come!" she shouts, and then braces herself, before charging forwards!
Both hands shielding her face, she pushes through the wind and power that Frei calls up, and tries to get close. At the very last second, she turns on the ball of one foot, and attempts to get her sight back by going backwards at Frei. That's right - the Junk in the Trunk attack! It's _almost_ like a hip-check to his stomach - but, well.. more butty!
COMBATSYS: Frei interrupts Strong Kick from Yuri with Daichi Kudaki.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1 Yuri
...whoa. Frei was not expecting an ass attack. Seriously. Was not. Expecting. Ass attack. But he is the very soul of improvisation, so when it comes in, he decides to do the only gentlemanly thing: he walks right into it, catching Yuri's ass with his stomach, basically. It... hurts, quite a lot more than he was expecting it to. Apparently she does Buns of Steel. "...ow. Unorthodox. I approve!"
However, that maneuver also put him in perfect position to counterattack *immediately*, reaching down and grabbing her hands, then twirling her back about like a ballroom dancer. "He's a dancin' dancin' dancin' machine, watch him geddown, watch him geddown!" Twirling Yuri about until she's probably dizzy, the monk finishes it up with a grin, pointing both palms diagonally toward the ground and blasting Yuri *straight up* with another burst of earthen chi. "Dy-no-mite!"
Takuma is _SO_ lucky that Yuri's got a strong stomach, else he'd probably have to get new tatami! (And that SF is the one where people throw up, not KoF) As she's tossed around and spun, one hand goes to her mouth, the other flailing for leverage, and finding none as she goes up into the air.. and impacts the roof! This is good, because it stops her from going higher - it's bad because it makes her hurt, and then sends her right back down at the floor. *thud*
Oog. She wobbles back to her feet, and then takes a long deep breath, holding up one hand as she tries to get her balance. "'kay. Don't.. don't let me eat before we fight next time." she says, and then starts towards Frei. She's slower this time, and she makes a lunging grab for his shoulder. If she can get a hold of it, well - she'll bring the other hand back and forth along his face time and time again! Rar!
COMBATSYS: Frei just-defends Yuri's Hyakuretsu Binta!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1 Yuri
[OOC] Yuri applauds!
If you fight Frei long enough, you get the impression that desperation tends to drive him onward when things are looking dire. Or at least, sometimes that turns out to be true. Though he's gotten a few good blows in Yuri's definitely delivered unto him a beating. The grab works out well enough, but in a really impressive display of defensive prowess, Frei smoothly brings his hands up,a lmost like a boxer, gently pushing Yuri's repeated slaps fractionally far away so that they don't hit, like water flowing around a rock in a stream. "Tell me about it," the monk says with a grin. "You didn't just get hit hard in the stomach!" Once the final slap passes through, an invigorated-looking Frei doesn't waste any time, bringing both palms up and aiming them at Yuri's tummy, an orange-red ball of light gathering there, then bursting into a hail of golden sparks. "How 'bout some vitamin E?"
COMBATSYS: Yuri endures Frei's Hizashi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Frei 0/-------/--=====|=======\=====--\1 Yuri
Noooo! Not the Vitamin E!
Yuri can't dodge, as she's still holding to Frei's shoulder. Can't block, because both her hands are up high on his body.. She just winces as the attack blasts into her and almost, *almost* takes her feet out from under her! Ugh! She sooo needs to get some pepto bismol or something. Maybe a milkshake made out of.. ick. ICK. Bad thought!
Yuri drops to her knees, and then focuses there, trying to choke back, and rearrange her insides by will alone, getting everything calm and still.. And then, from below, she comes up with a strong punch aimed at his chest. If it hits, well - there will be one for his solar plexus, and finally, a jumping spinny one for his chin.
COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Frei with Shin Yuri Chou Upper.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\ < > //////////// ]
Frei 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Yuri
*WHAM*. That... hits very hard. Frei tries to block, but you might as well chuck a pillow in front of a speeding train. Yuri's punch knocks Frei straight up toward the ceiling, and unlike Yuri's earlier save Frei's too out of it to do anything; he goes sailing into the ceiling with a loud *WHACK*, then lands back on the floor, in a heap. Belatedly, he offers: "...ow."
But there's something inside him that felt a little good about that. Maybe he's back on his game, a little bit... and though he's not an experienced fighter, Frei's got staying power to spare. Struggling to his feet, the monk gives Yuri a ragged grin. "Not bad! But.. not done yet!" With a sudden burst of energy, he hurls himself at Yuri, fist first. "SUPER MIMIRU PUUUUUUUUNCH!"
COMBATSYS: Yuri fails to interrupt Fierce Punch from Frei with Yuri Chou Upper.
[ \\\\\ < > /////// ]
Frei 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Yuri
".. whaaaa?"
Yuri's left flatfooted as the GIANT PUNCH comes in - she should do something, and maybe.. just maybe.. she can! Yuri ducks her shoulder as if to start her own attack, her signature move, the Yuri Chou Upper - and it FAILS. COMPLETELY. She whiffs, missing Frei's chin, and for her efforts instead gets a knock on the noggin, sending her reeling back. "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." She holds her head, and tries to steady herself - but it's going to take three or four minutes, yes it will..
"Whaaa?" about sums it up. Frei looks just as surprised as Yuri does when that actually connects... of course, he then has to pull his hand back and shake it in the air, hissing in pain. "Ow! Ow ow ow!" Yeah, he's probably going to need a few minutes too. He grins at Yuri, giving her a thumbs up. "How's that for tenacity?" he asks, though he's breathing hard... how he's even on his feet is anyone's guess. "Man, you're tough. Why are all the schoolgirls in this city so hardcore?"
COMBATSYS: Frei takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Frei 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Yuri
Yuri recovers _pretty_ fast. Admittedly, her forhead is going to look a bit odd for the next few hours - and if she's not careful, she may get called 'Gorby' when the red mark really settles in. Thank goodness for Frei not wearing rings, at least! She stands up fully, and then pops her back, returning the thumbs-up.. And then she leaps to attack! Well, springs. Hops?
Again, it's an attempt to grab him, the open hand slapping of the Hyakuretsu Binta aimed at relieving him of that precious energy he's gained from the breather, and hopefully knocking him back on his toes. "Nuh-uh! Not this time!"
COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Frei with Hyakuretsu Binta.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Frei 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Yuri
Repeated effort pays off! Frei gets smacked in the face a good number of times, stumbling back and clutching his nose. "Ow! Ow ow ow!" And yes, that move definitely does dizzy him pretty nicely, leaving him a little dazed. However, swaying though he is, beaten and bruised, he's not going to give up! Gathering a quick sphere of icy chi with his hands, the monk tosses the hail grenade at Yuri at point-blank range, hoping to blow the thing up in her face. "Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down!" he singsongs.
COMBATSYS: Yuri fails to reflect Hyoushou Rengeki EX from Frei with Saiha.
[ \\\\\\\ < > / ]
Frei 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1 Yuri
[OOC] Yuri dohs.
Fall! Fall! Yuri's chanting it under her breath right now as she takes swing after swing - what the heck! This is absolutely _crazy_! She takes another swipe with her hand, and then looks at the brightly colored grenade that's oh so pretty in her face. She .. just stares. And then it goes *BOOM* in front of her, pelting her with ice shards. She tries to get a Saiha up in front of it, but unfortunately, all that happens is that the shield pops up behind it, reflecting the pieces that might have hit Frei back onto her instead. "Augh!" *spatter spatter crushed*
Frei's breathing pretty hard... he looks as shocked as Yuri is that he's not on the ground unconscious at the moment. "Ha... ha... oh... my god..." He gives Yuri a ragged smile, clutching his knees. "'Kyokugen' means 'extreme limit' or something like that... right? ...I definitely... feel pushed!" However, the monk isn't about to stop now. He promised Yuri he'd keep going to the end, and so that's what he's going to do! Raising his arm, he slices it through the air in a wide arc, a crescent of dark purple energy lashing out at Yuri, surrounded by silver sparks. "Moon Tiara Action!"
COMBATSYS: Yuri overcomes Tsukikage from Frei with Haoh Sho Ko Ken.
[ \\\\\\ < > / ]
Frei 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Yuri
Dad would be happy. He really would. Yuri's barely standing, gasping for breath with each new attack, her feet feeling like lead weights, her arms like they have concrete blocks attached.. And she's _still_ fighting. Extreme limits indeed! She just opens her eyes wide as the attack comes in, brilliant and sparkly and.. and.. energy.
There's no time to think about the decision - instead, it's an all or nothing move, the girl opening her hands from their stance, and throwing them forwards. The move is clumsily executed, dramatically done, and the shout is dredged up from the deepest depths of her lungs.
The blazing ball of fire that erupts is the size of her body, and it blows through the other attack, and continues straight for Frei. Yuri, meanwhile, drops to one knee - she can't .. keep fighting for long!
COMBATSYS: Frei endures Yuri's Haoh Sho Ko Ken.
[ < > / ]
Frei 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Yuri
Yeah, Frei didn't have a prayer there. He might have tried to get out of the way, or even maybe deflect the attack off to the side. But... he actually has a satisfied look on his face. When the projectile comes in, Frei does the unthinkable: surrounding himself with a hazy halo of silver chi -- yin, to balance the fiery yang of Yuri's attack -- he simply plows right through it, the powerful projectile rippling around him in waves. "This... was fun!" Frei yells over the roar of the fire, cocking his hand back. Finally, he pulls through, and in a burst of flame LEAPS at Yuri, fist extended, a corona of scarlet flame erupting around his fist. "I held on too, just like I promised!" Hopefully, he's about to give Yuri the fiery punching of a lifetime... but either way, once he connects or doesn't connect, the monk sinks to his knees, exhausted and barely conscious.
COMBATSYS: Frei can no longer fight.
[ \ <
Yuri 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Yuri fails to reflect Kouen no Tsurugi from Frei with Saiha.
COMBATSYS: Yuri can no longer fight.
"Y.. You did! So did I!!" Yuri is barely there now, her body aching from the fight, woozy from the spins, and unable to keep her balance. On her knees, the punch clocks her _right_ in the forhead (again) and she just falls backwards, thumping her head on the floor. Once, and then she's out like a light. Dizzy, and probably to awaken later with a very, very big headache. Ow. Ow.
but even so - she's smiling, and one hand is curled up into a thumbs up - more of a thumbs-sideways right now. Dad would be proud. Hopefully, Frei can be proud, too - that was a _great_ battle.
Log created by Yuri, and last modified on 12:44:27 01/30/2006.