Description: Intrigued and mildly upset with the presence of Vega's 'Psycho Power' in the world, Chizuru tracks down and ultimately encounters Lord Vega himself. A standoff allows Chizuru to experience firsthand what the Shadaloo dictator's power is truly capable of.
Some might ask 'What brings a man to the Dome Arena? What sort of man would approach in the dark, would skulk around as if he were nothing more than a thief in the night?' They would be long-winded.. and wrong. Vega does not skulk into the arena - he strides in. A few of his minions have been setting up cameras to watch the new crop of students learn and train - to study them, and find new people to indoctrinate.
As they work, he activates a single spotlight in the center of the football field - walking out to the midfield, and standing there, to take in the solitude and just ..wait. There is something, the psychopower in his body warns, something about to happen, like a bone that aches when the storm is about to break.
He will be ready.
There's an odd wind in the air, and it certainly isn't coming from the Yata heiress.
Ever since Rugal Bernstein broke the Seal of Orochi, Chizuru Kagura has noticed more than she'd like to admit to. A new power--a power just as equally chilling--is present in the world, abused by men and women alike. Whether it is as potentially deadly as that of Orochi...well.
She'll just have to find it out for herself.
The woman stands in the shadows, almond-colored eyes peering out from the darkness toward center field. The man moves and stands there, waiting patiently, but clearly aware. Can he sense her? She can most certainly sense him.
Dressed in dressy but casual attire, the tiny Japanese woman emerges from her hiding place, striding toward center field.
"Who are you?" she asks, simply. She's aware and has her suspicions. After all, a man like 'Vega' isn't exactly well-hidden from the news between fighters throughout the world. Especially when he associates with trash like Rugal Bernstein.
Pausing, the tiny woman tilts her head to one side. "Why are you here?"
This is what he felt? This is that warning he was given? This ...woman? So small - could she truly be the threat that his senses were ringing alarms about? Certainly not! She must simply be one of the teachers here, one of those that interfere with his work. He turns his back on her, and motions to one of his men. The questions? They're ignored, for now.
"Kill her."
The soldier salutes, and then rushes Chizuru - there isn't any subtlety in this attack - and really, very little skill. But when Lord Vega says 'jump', you do - or you're dead, in a very, very painful fashion.
Ignored, Chizuru's eyes narrow a touch, squinting at the large, imposing back of Lord Vega himself. Her head crooks a touch further, long, perfectly-straight black locks of hair sliding past her shoulders. "Excuse me?" she begins to ask. That is until the man simply waves a hand and motions to a man nearby. That's when her eyes turn and focus on the soldier.
Rushed, Chizuru's form flickers, a graceful pivot and spin of her heels to avoid being in harm's way. With a motion of her slender hand it descends upon the man's neck, coming down with surprising force to incapacitate the soldier, but not kill. One strike and the man is out cold, face-first in the football field's grass and dirt.
"I asked you a question. Courtesy usually dictates that such inquires are at least deserving of a response. So tell me."
A long, slender finger juts out from the woman's side, pointing squarely at the center of his back.
"What is a man like you doing here in a place like this? You most certainly do not belong here."
This thought flickers through Vega's head as he watches the display from the corner of one blank white eye. It's ..unsurprising, really - his men never were any use against anyone with a modicrum of training. Still, that may mean that his senses _were not_ wrong, and that this girl is more than he was expecting at the start.
"What business is it of yours what I do within this school, woman? Are you here to interfere in my business? I go where I please, and I do what I wish. If you want answers - find them in battle." With that, he brings one hand free from under his cape - and the limb bursts into purple not-fire - something that glows with light, but without heat. Instead, waves of anger..
COMBATSYS: Vega has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Chizuru has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chizuru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
What business is it? "Plenty," comes the woman's calm reply, her finger still stretched forward, pointing itself brazenly at the center of his chest from afar.
"Because a man with an aura like yours does not have any business being anywhere near a school and children."
Her hand finally lowers to her side, gently settling in place as she levels her gaze upon Vega. There's a heavy silence that blankets itself around the Yata scion, her lips pulled in a taut line across her alabaster face. Find her answers in battle? Shifting her weight, the woman half-turns, letting her arm again rise and stretch out before her.
"Very well," she explains. If it must come to this, then she will not back down. In a way it's interesting. She'll get to see, first hand, what this awful power is for herself. "I will fight you."
Tilting her head, the woman's expression pulls into a faint frown. "Yours is a terrible power," she explains, clearly disappointed. "But I will not let myself lose to a man like you!" Dropping her arm to her side, the woman's eyes draw shut. Long black hair whips about her as she channels forth her power, letting it bubble up and give her strength.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru gathers her will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chizuru 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Vega
"You have no choice but to lose to my power, woman. It is.. inevitable."
Vega moves forwards as the wind whips around Chizuru, his eyes narrowed as he watches and recognizes the technique - perhaps not the style, but still.. It's a moment that leaves weaknesses - one that Vega is perfectly willing to exploit. He starts to grin as he watches, and then rushes the woman, blowing into that blazing wind, bringing those flaming fingers up high - and then dodging behind her, slashing his hand down behind her. It's not so much that he's attempting to strike her.. No, not at all.
That fist is just a conduit - a passage that blazes out with psychopower, the dark purple energy that represents the depths of his madness - it swarms out at the close contact, attempting to blow through Chizuru's defenses, to weaken her with it's emotional content, to damage not just her body - but her psyche. "Your first answer - pain."
COMBATSYS: Chizuru blocks Vega's Psycho Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Vega
"Funny thing about humankind," she states, retorting to his claims with cool precision.
"There's such thing as 'free will.' I have a choice. And that choice is not to lose to you."
She chooses in that moment to gather her thoughts, brown eyes drawing to a patient close as she purses her lips. Pooling her energies, the Yata heiress seems calm like the evening air around them. She won't lose--she refuses to lose to a man as vile as himself. That power must be stopped.
However, Vega chooses to exploit this moment of self-encouragement.
Almond-brown eyes snap open as he comes down. Spinning swiftly, the woman catches him, crossing her arms above her head and intercepting that downward strike. A brief wince crosses her features, her expression mildly upset before she narrows her eyes a touch.
"You'll have to try harder than that!"
With a quick step the woman backs up and briefly crouches. When she stands upright, she leaps forward, to attack Vega with a downward knifehand strike toward Vega's shoulders. The funny thing is, Chizuru is also standing where she started, eyes narrowed as her double does the work for her.
COMBATSYS: Vega interrupts Choumon no Isshin from Chizuru with Psycho Vanish.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0 Vega
"Free Will is nothing compared to Destiny, woman. Tonight will prove it."
Vega is impressed by the use of a double to attack - but the image that attacks him is a ghost - and therefore.. unworthy of his touch. As the attack comes in, he seems to fade as well, the flare of psychopower that touches his hands engulfing him, letting the strike do nothing but hit the mist where he once was. One might ask.. Where is Vega? Where did the Master of Shadaloo go?
Right behind the crouched woman. And this time, the sweeping hand that moves does hit, and slams into her back, the towering man loming over her like an eclipse blots out the sun. His lips split in a wide grin, and he whispers, under his breath.
"Leave now, before I bore with hurting you."
"You will prove nothing to me that I do not know already," Chizuru is swift to retort. That's when she moves; crouching, she lets her double leap forward instead, her long arm outstretched before her as she maintains her ground. The double closes in and strikes, but the moment it touches--
--Vega just doesn't seem to be there anymore.
Her eyes widen briefly, the Yata scion blinking once in disbelief. Where did he go? Clearly behind her. His presence felt, Chizuru just isn't fast enough to shrug off the attack with a block or something similar. Instead she's struck, sent stumbling forward. The woman does not fall, however.
Turning to face him, her expression is steadfast and sure. She believes in herself. She CAN do this. There is no doubt in her mind. The odds may not be entirely in her favor, but... Chizuru just won't give up so easily.
"I'm afraid I cannot do that," she explains. Moving swiftly, Chizuru closes in on the Shadaloo dictator, pausing only to twist her body and deliver a quick but sure kick for the center of his chest.
COMBATSYS: Vega endures Chizuru's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
Vega does not move. Not only does he not move, but as the shoe impacts the center of his chest, he _grins_. It's eerie, the way his eyes light up at the impact, the blossom of pain that stains his soul simply feeding more into that power that he has. Eyes of white open wide, and he growls under his breath, a harsh, angry whisper as he speaks.
"Then you believe in destiny."
And with that, he grabs at her foot, thick fingers trying to get a firm grip. If he can hold her like this, he simply draws one strong leg back, and then lashes it forwards, directly at Chizuru's face. After all, the energy of pain and death, the aura that surronds him, will do the rest. "... RRGHAH!"
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Chizuru with Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=====--\-------\0 Vega
Her heel strikes true, making impact with the Psycho Power-wielding dictator's chest. For a brief moment the woman's expression is pleased, but it fades quickly. The look on Vega's face is far from comforting. It's downright dreadful, much like the aura he surrounds himself in.
"Perhaps," she replies, simply enough.
Just as the woman tries to move out of the way and re-distance herself from him he reaches out, snatching her ankle swiftly. Seconds later his boot makes contact with her face, crashing into her and otherwise letting the rest of her body go crashing back. Staggering again, the tiny woman grabs her face, shaking it swiftly a few times before she looks up between long, pale fingers.
"I also believe that arrogance is one's downfall in the end."
That said, Chizuru's eyes draw to a close, a quick breath slipping past her thin lips. With that she leaps forward. Springing at the man, her arms move in a series of stylized motions, swiftly cutting and spinning through the air. Only, again does Chizuru actually stand in place as the doppelganger moves at him.
"I won't lose to you!"
Drawing back, the real Chizuru lunges forward, her hand swift and aglow with brilliant gold chi. It's thrust at his midsection, intent on plowing right for his chest.
COMBATSYS: Vega just-defends Chizuru's San Shingi Kore Mittsu!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Vega
Another ghost. Always, another ghost. The woman seems afraid to attaack him on her own - and certainly, Vega is more than willing to close the distance. However - that sense that he's given, that hidden tingle at the back of his head tells him that this time, it's different - the ghost, this time, is not the real danger.
It's almost too late. Vega's surprise is evident as the real Chizuru moves this time, leaping out for him with that golden hand. As it comes in, he draws his own hand up, and simply catches her, by the wrist. It doesn't show on his face, but there's a flicker in that aura - this blow could have done serious damage to him - but to his beliefs, it is like a crushing blow.
"Perhaps you're right, Woman - Perhaps destiny _can_ be avoided." As he speaks, he draws back his left leg, chambers it - and attempts to drive it into Chizuru's sternum. If he's lucky enough to do it, the next part is a throw by using his leg as a lever, to toss her above him.
"The name.. is Vega. I come here to learn."
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Chizuru with Dead Rise.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Vega
The real Chizuru lunges forward with her fingertips aimed for his midsection. However, when the blow comes it doesn't strike true. There is no explosion of golden chi, no feel of impact against her fingers. Instead there's a harshness around her thin wrist, enough to make the woman blink in surprise and look at him with considerable disbelief.
He speaks, and Chizuru just stares, dusky eyes narrowing harshly. Clearly he underestimates the woman. She won't give up so easily. Not yet, not ever. His leg is noted thereafter, and she seems to stir, to absorb the blow with her hand. Unfortunately his sheer force plows through, striking her swiftly before she's lifted and ultimately tossed aside, to impact harshly against the ground.
Slowly but surely the Yata rises to her feet, rubbing her side cautiously. "Vega, is it?" she inquires. So her hunch was right after all. "To learn what? You don't belong here."
Moving in, the woman lifts her arms up and brings them down close, to sweep him off his feet with a sharp blow to the back of his legs.
"You can hurt me all you like, Vega, but I refuse to let myself be daunted by the likes of you."
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Chizuru's Reigetsu.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Vega
"To learn strengths.. and weaknesses. My body told me you were strong - it seems I may have to hone and refine that skill - you've been nothing but an irritant." Vega manages to say this in between the time that the woman re-approaches him, and those arms swing up and back in. His knees are hit - but the limbs do not buckle - flesh bending beneath Chizuru's attack - but the bones and joints unyeilding, as if he were made of solid stone.
"And what do _you_ seek? Me? Or do you come for other reasons?" Vega might be a gentleman, and let her answer - or he may simply just crush her now, as they stand. And crush, he does - one large hand lashing out for the side of her head, intent on ending this as quickly, and as brutally as possible.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Vega's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Vega
Her reply comes short and as curtly as possible. "I see," is all the woman offers, eyes narrowing briefly once again. The latter is met with a mildly disgusted expression, her head shaking slowly from side to side before she lifts her arms and strikes. They do not, however, bring the man down to his knees as she'd hoped for. Instead he stands as firm as a mountain.
"I have my reasons," she explains, the Yata scion's expression calm and collected. "But none of them are any of your concern for the time being, Vega." His fist comes, but with a graceful step to the side the woman's not there to eat that fist.
"You'll learn in due time." She offers a brief smirk before she lashes out, looking to grab the man swiftly by his collar and hurl him head over heels over a shoulder. "Hup!"
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Chizuru's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Vega
He misses?! How can this be! Argh! Annoying, disconcerting in a slight amount, but at the very least, extremely vexing. Vega's frown creases his brow, making him look much like a neandrathal faced with a giant black monolith - the only difference, perhaps would be that his monolith is a woman, and he has not yet started screeching and throwing bones at her. Yet - that may come soon enough. "Stand still, damn you!"
Vega allows himself to be grabbed, the flip over her head and shoulders simply the start of his next move - as his feet touch ground, he flips directly back towards Chizuru, and his feet this time are aimed right at her forhead and shoulders!
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Vega's Somersault Skull Diver.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Vega
Stand still? Not when he's clearly outmatching her. It was perhaps her downfall to underestimate the dictator, but it's clearly one that the Yata heir will not make again. Furrowing her brows in response, the woman grins faintly and mutters, "Never."
He comes again, even after the futile toss that helps him spring forward and attack her with feet at her forehead. And again the woman spins out of harm's way, a blur of white and black as she moves to stand behind him. She pauses, to catch her breath.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Vega
"You can only escape for so long!"
Vega's angry statement is followed up by a grunt of frustration, anger and rage all mixing in together into one more plainly annoyed gesture, one where he gathers up his toys and goes ho.. wait. No. He prepares to attack the girl, but suddenly - she's nowhere to be found. How very, very vexing.
That same tingle that told him to beware also tells him where she is now - and he's not about to let her escape by simply rolling _behind_ him, attempting to hide and prepare for her next attack. Oh no - this time, he strikes in full. Reaching behind him, he simply attempts to grab one of her shoulderpads - if he does, he's simply going to hip-toss her to the ground. That part usually doesn't hurt so much - but the part where he falls elbow-first afterwards does.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Chizuru with Deadly Throw.
[ \\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Vega
His frustration is noted. Clearly, Chizuru Kagura does not want to be in his way when he's this angry--and she isn't. The woman draws her eyes to a close and sighs, still breathing rather heavily. His hits have taken quite a toll of the waif woman, but she isn't going to give up so easily before the man.
Behind him now, the woman takes a moment to try and catch her breath. But it would seem Vega will have nothing of the sort. Reaching behind him, the woman is snagged and hurled quite painfully into the ground, landing with a heavy 'oof' and a loud breath of air escaping from her lungs. The latter slams into her chest, causing her to grunt beneath the force employed.
For a moment the woman is still. But eventually does the Yata woman rise, albeit shakily so. "Your destiny," she warns. "Is blanketed in failure. Your power may be strong...but it will someday be your downfall, Vega." This she is sure of, and will see to it as personally as possible.
Using what strength she has left, the woman again moves forward, issuing a series of strikes with her slender hands. Pulling back, the 'real' Chizuru lunges forward again, intent on driving her hand into his chest once more.
"I will seal your power, Vega!"
COMBATSYS: Chizuru can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Chizuru successfully hits Vega with San Shingi Kore Mittsu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 1/-----==/=======|
"You cannot seal that which you do not understand!"
Vega isn't concerned, not one bit - after all, the giant hit staggers him briefly - but he shows his true power immedeately afterwards, the brilliant purple flame of his psychopower dramatically increasing as he taps into it, blazingly beautiful in the dome's utter darkness.. A showy display of just how _little_ may have been sealed.
And then - the sprinklers go off. Vega's approached, and told that the cameras are ruined.. and that his chances for observing unnoticed have just dwindled to zero. He turns away from Chizuru - he's not worried about her now. But still.. Her words worry him - and trouble him to no end.
'.. destined to failure.'
COMBATSYS: Vega takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 1/-----==/=======|
COMBATSYS: Vega has ended the fight here.
Log created by Chizuru, and last modified on 13:00:05 01/26/2006.