Description: Mimiru starts... she... you just have to read it. u_u
"Oh yeah..." Mr. Big murmurs as he pushes his way out the door to the expensive Southtown Jewlery store and steps out onto the sidewalk of the Southtown Business District street. "...that's DAMN nice..." he adds, his hand splayed out in front of his face. Studying the large emerald-cut blue sapphire set lined with smaller diamonds that is set into the platinum ring on his pinky, the Glittering Sultan of Southtown is all the more glittery as his full attention is taken by the bling on his finger. "...I make this look gooood..." he says with a low whistle as he begins to walk down the street, his shiny white cane clicking on the pavement loudly. Dressed in a bright white suit, complete with snowy white vest and slacks and a white coat lined with ermine fur, the only color visible on the man's clothing is a sapphire blue ascot around his neck and a handkerchief of the same color tucked into his vest pocket.
Everything else failed to find Max... Alas... So this means Mimiru has to resolve to her last chance possibility. If I were a dog, where would I be? To answer this question, Mimiru has to channel the dog spirit, she has to become a dog to realize where it might go and so... Mimiru walks on all four on the sidewalk.
Of course, that obviously gets quite a few stares from by-passers and some even cross the street not to be in her path. Who knows, maybe it's a disease that makes people insane? Yep, she's just that desperate to find Max it would seem! And so, the girl is making her way, not paying too much attention in front of her it would seem as she sniffs the ground about. She makes her way toward Big it would seem. She can see her, hopefully he won't be mean enough to actually walk on her.
Glancing down from his hand briefly as movement near the ground catches his eye, Mr. Big blinks suddenly, a frown growing on his face. "...What the HELL?" Mr. Big mutters to himself as he spies a young girl crawling on the ground on all fours. His eyebrows furrowing above his sunglasses, Mr. Big's attention flicks back to his new pinky ring briefly before shooting back to the teenager. There's something familiar about the girl... Ah, it's that girl, the sister of that Jiro kid. His eyebrows shooting up in surprise as he realizes just who this is, Mr. Big slows his pace a bit, stopping just a few feet in front of the crawling girl. He knew he hit her head hard when he attacked her, but... but this is kind of ridiculous? Did he do /that/ much brain damage? Mr. Big almost seems to feel /bad/ as his frown deepens.
Of course, since Mimiru is actually sniffing the ground and on all four, she doesn't quite notice who's in front of her. However, when she approaches Big and she happens to be right in front of her feet, she lifts her face up a bit to sniff his shoes and his pants. Oh well, she seems pretty harmless, no?
Inhabit the dog within... Be one with the dog, be one with the dog... Act like a dog, think like a dog... Mimiru is really taking this to heart it would seem and she's doing her best to mimic a dog! It's almost as if she's in a trance. She slowly circle Big, to sniff the back of his legs. Oh well, poor girl..
And then, well... She acts like a dog. She hops up, on her knees and she gets closer to the back of Big's legs and she tries to wrap her arms around his leg. Oh no! Is she going to try and trip him and make him fall!? This will be mighty doom! Has Big fallen into a trap!?
Ahem. Well not really. She just seems to... Well, it's not like she tries to make him fall, it more or less looks like she's trying to hump his leg or something. Definately... Did she get hit hard or something? Did she lose a dare or is she trying to make people embarassed?
Mr. Big's back grows as ridged as a broom handle as Mimiru umm... yeah. His eyebrows arching as high as they can possibly go as he eyes grow wide in surprise, the Southtown Syndicate Gangster clears his throat slightly and glances around the street as the girl goes to town on his leg. Reaching up to scratch the back of his head uneasily, the middle aged man glances down at the teenager for a moment in confusion as his thoughts race. Okay, so either she's brain damaged or very... horny. Teenage hormones are very potent after all. But still... this is pretty extreme. Either his pinky ring looks even better than he thought, or this new body spray works just as well as it does in the commercials!
Clearing his throat softly yet again at the thought, Mr. Big notices the horrified and highly offended glare of an elderly couple as they pass by. Returning their scowls with an uneasy smile and a nod, Mr. Big chuckles to himself softly as he glances back down at the girl. He appears pretty uneasy with her doing what she's doing in public for all to see, but it seems like he just can't bring himself to make her stop...
What do you think he is, some kinda HATER?
Uneasiness? Nah, not for Mimiru. She doesn't seem to care about what the by-standers might think or believe. At the very least, she doesn't seem ashamed in the least or anything... She just keeps going on for a while, dry humping until... Bang, it gets to her.
"THAT'S IT! I GOT IT!" Mimiru shouts.
That's pretty sudden... but it was a flash. Mimiru's trance ends as abruptly as she made it start and she finally shakes off of it, pulling off from Big's leg and forcing herself back to her feet. She sweeps her legs off a bit, to get the snow off her pants, "I know it now, why Max left! That must be it, that has to be it, the only explanation!" Mimiru says to no one in particular as she hits her left palm with her fist, "Alright! I've got clues finally! A lead to find him out!"
And in a burst of happiness, Mimiru chuckles and she swirls around on her heels, glancing up at Big with a big grin, "Thanks, Mister!! Without you I wouldn't have made it!" Mimiru admits as she tries to leap up a little to blow a thankful chaste kiss on the man's cheek. Of course, Mr. Big is pretty tall so he might be able to be spared from this fate, but it won't spare him from getting a hug!
"... Heh, wait a second, don't I know you?"
"Uhh..." Mr. Big says as Mimiru leaps up to give him a chaste peck on the cheek; or at the very least a hug. The color rises in his cheeks ever so softly, but he does not blush. A true player is physically unable to blush. It's a scientific fact. "Wouldn't have made it.... right..." he replies as he glances down at his bright white pants to make sure they aren't like... stained or anything... "Umm..." he starts again as his hand scratches away at the back of his head. "Yeah, we've met," is all he manages to reply, obviously unsure of what to do now. If Mimiru was at least 2 years older Mr. Big's decision would be pretty damn easy, but...
His face seems awfully familiar somewhat... Mimiru can't help it... She frowns a little and bites her lips as she tries to remember who or where he might have seen him. Oh! It all comes back to her now! She saw him! If only briefly for sometime! He came at her and attacked her!
"Oh! You're the man who attacked me!" She shouts. Mimiru bites her lips and she takes a few steps back, glancing up at Big. She snorts and then tilts her head to one side, "Huh... But not this time! I'm going to get you back for that time you beat me up!" Mimiru shouts as she gets in her combat stance
COMBATSYS: Mimiru has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mr.Big
COMBATSYS: Mimiru focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mr.Big
His eyes narrowing behind his sunglasses as Mimiru finally realizes just who he is, Mr. Big just rubs his face in exasperation, reaching under his sunglasses to massage the bridge of his nose. "Yeeeeah..." he says, obviously thrown off his game by this whole bizarre series of events. " would, wouldn't you?" Sighing in vexation, the Diamond Don adjusts his new pinky ring and spreads his feet into a relaxed athletic stance. "I though you would have gotten enough last time, but hey, it's your funeral right?" Motioning towards his chest with his empty hands, Mr. Big nods her on. "Come on then. Come beat me up," he says with a smirk.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mr.Big
With a wide grin, Mimiru shakes her head and she says, "That's not going to happen!" She shouts, "It won't because I've improved! Now I have mastered the art of The Super Way Of Mimiru and I will definately take care of you!" Mimiru exclaims. She shakes her head slowly and she adds, "And to demonstrate, I'll start right away..."
The girl growls and she dashes over Mr. Big, "Here comes..." She shouts, "Super Mimiru Punch!!" And with that, chi flares out of her fist as she swings it over the taller man, trying to aim for his midsection.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big endures Mimiru's Super Mimiru Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mr.Big
"Heh." Pressing his knuckles to his hips as Mimiru dashes towards him, the Platinum Player chuckles softly and lets the energy thud against his midsection. "Heh heh heh..." he continues to chuckles darkly, the Super Mimiru Punch not seeming to have fazed him very much. "You've improved, hmm?" he asks as he strikes out with his bare hand, attempting to grab the girl around the neck with his thickly fingered hand and raise her to face level.
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big successfully hits Mimiru with Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0 Mr.Big
Lifting her by the neck, Mr. Big brings her eye level with his sunglasses and sneers into her delicate little face. "You haven't improved enough sweets," he growls at her. Whipping his hand into the air, Mr. Big tosses the teenager over his head and behind his shoulder, flinging her onto the hard pavement behind him. "Go home to your mommy sweets," he says without looking back at her. "Heh." he chuckles once more before beginning to walk off in the direction he was heading before Mimiru started... accosting him.
Today isn't exactly what Yoko Kasagi expected.
After her recent close encounter with the multiple-murdering blood ninja in the middle of the Southtown Police Department's morgue, the Chief Inspector's superiors convinced her to take a few days off on paid leave -- something she has never before felt she needed to do. And as she walks down the street aimlessly, gaze cast toward the sky, Yoko wonders if perhaps her fellow officers are right about her promotion: she can afford to take breaks, now. Despite the politics, this job really /is/ less intensive than being a beat cop. She should learn to take it easy, give the policing business a rest at times. But it's a lot harder than she'd thought it be.
It's the basic stuff, really. Like... knowing what to wear.
For the first real time in what must be about five years, Yoko Kasagi is feeling a little self-conscious. She still has her badge and gun, of course, slipped into the side pockets of her lightweight hooded sweatshirt, but she's wishing the sweatshirt was a bit longer because these jeans are making her feel a little chubby... oh man, how long has it been since she weighed herself? She's almost scared to... and /that's/ the worst part. She never worries about stuff like this. Now she's even feeling a bit fluttery because she's let her hair down -- it's been a while since she cut it, and trails a bit past her shoulder blades, rippling from the effect of being held in a bun for so long. She doesn't even know where she's going.
Not that it shows. The iron-eyed middle-aged woman maintains her perfect poise and straight, sure officer's walk, just as though she were on duty. Yoko Kasagi, eternally playing a game of poker. The only difference today is that, she thinks wryly, she feels like she's got a losing hand. The round-faced dark-eyed woman continues to gaze up at the sky despite her straightforward movements, and--
--snaps her gaze to the side with a preturnatural reflex at the sound of cracking pavement.
And pauses. For a while.
"You'd better be winning, Mimiru," the mother finally says, face and voice equally deadpan.
Mimiru blinks a few times and she struggles, kicking and flailing about as Big lifts her up to his eye level, "Let me go you big meanie!" Mimiru shouts with a grunt as she gives Big one of those glare. And then she gets just what Big wanted and Mimiru is thrown off over his shoulder, discarded like a useless little piece of junk, weee.
Mimiru's eyes widen and she bites her lips as she hits the pavement and she rolls about a little on the ground. Mimiru growls and she straightens herself up slowly but surely after that hit. "Oh man..." She mutters under her breath. Looks like this one is going to be tough! She glances up at Mr. Big, a cocky smile on her face, "Well I'm just get..." Mimiru doesn't finish her sentence though as she hears 'someone's voice in the background' calling for her.
Mimiru blinks and she bites her lips, glancing up over to Yoko. She lets out a soft chuckle and she lifts one hand up to scratch the back of her head, "Oh, eh... No, I'm not fighting, just a little misunderstanding..." She glances over to Mr.Big and she bows her head to him respectfully, "I'm sorry mister!" She says with that faint blush on her cheeks and sweat-drop.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0 Mr.Big
Yoko raises her eyebrows slightly. Uh oh, an outward expression of emotion. That's always bad news, when you're a Kasagi kid. Or almost anyone else, for that matter.
"Not fighting? You're just /letting/ yourself be thrown around, then?"
She turns to the tall blinged-out man by her daughter and pauses again for a moment. Every pause with Yoko is a dangerous sort of pause. "You," she murmurs quietly, with a rare flicker of mild surprise. Then, recovering to immediately frown slightly:
"I didn't think you did this sort of thing in public... 'Mr. Big'."
Pausing midstep at the sound of his name, Mr. Big waits for a few moments with the sole of his expensive Italian shoe hovering above the pavement before spinning on his heels to face the Kasagis. His eyes darting back and forth between the girl and her mother, Mr. Big's mind races as he glances between the two. "...Inspector Yoko..." Mr. Big says after a few long moments. "I'm not really sure what you are implying, but I'd have a word with your... daughter on what is appropriate in public," he suggests, his head turning to look at the younger Ms. Kasagi as he speaks. "I don't think it would look very good if the wrong people saw the young daughter of the Chief Inspector... trying to force herself on a man three times her age. You should thank me for tossing her away from me and telling her to go home."
With a few blinks, Mimiru turns around on her heels, "Pfffft, that's not it," Mimiru says, shaking her head a little. As much as she wanted to lie on the whole fight thing not to make Yoko worried this answer seems even worse. "Anyway!" Mimiru says as she glances over to Yoko and she strides up to her side, "You shouldn't listen to him, he's just a big meanie." Mimiru says with a few nods of her head.
Mimiru gets over to Yoko and she extends one hand in an attempt to get a hold of her arm, "So... Now come on! Let's go and stuff..." Mimiru says, nudging on.
Here he is. Right in front of her. This is a perfect pretext to bring him down -- they already know more than enough about him and his activities. Would he resist arrest here, in the middle of the business district?
...Why would he? Because he'd never be convicted in this town...
...and she'd lose her job.
Yoko Kasagi turns to cast her daughter a long-suffering look... but perhaps for more than the obvious reasons. "Hmm..." Then the woman tilts her chin up to look into the man's face, and finds those sunglasses frustrating her. She wants to look into his eyes. Now that she's meeting /this/ man in person, she wants to look into his eyes. As far as they know, he's the head of the chain around here, and here he is...
"I'll be sure to," she says quietly, expression blank again. "I have to keep some order around here, after all..."
She makes no move to leave, yet. She keeps staring, as though she might be able to penetrate those shades sheerly with her stare if she just keeps trying...
Mr. Big smirks as Yoko tries to peer into his soul. "Yeah, see that you do," he tells her. "You've been doing a good job Inspector; you're a credit to your force. If only we had more officers as dedicated as you are." His smirk growing to a wolfish smile as he prods her, confident that he is above her reach and reveling in that fact. Turning his head towards Mimiru once more, he shakes his head slightly. "You're lucky your mom is here to keep you out of trouble," he tells her before nodding to Yoko. "Inspector," he says simply in farewell before turning away from the two to take his leave.
Mimiru blinks a few times and she glances at Mr. Big and then over to Yoko. The girl folds her arms in front of her chest and she remains silent as Big keeps on going, "Yeah, yeah..." She simply answers and she glances at him, letting him go and leave.
Mimiru heaves a sigh and she glances up to her mother, "Man, you better not told me that's one of your ex, 'cause, I mean, come on, I don't believe you've been that desperate.." She hums and she stroke her chin, "No... In fact, never mind, I don't want to know how you two met," She says with a nod of her head.
Letting the thought drifts away, Mimiru glances up to Yoko and she smiles, "So... See? No fighting, I'm all fine! Nothing for you to worry about me!"
Yoko has her dignity. She doesn't bat an eyelash as Mr. Big turns away uncontested, doesn't move in the slightest. Her moon-shaped face is calm and composed, and while her almond-curved eyes are sharp and intent, she reveals no agitation.
Inside, though, she's stewing. And the strangest thing is, she realizes she's kind of enjoying it. Vice frightened her and Kanji made her furious, but no one, certainly not a man, has for the longest time simply got her /pissed off/. It's almost refreshing.
Still, that gun feels really heavy right now...
"I'm not worried about /you/," Yoko murmurs dryly to her daughter, keeping her eyes on the retreating man. "I'm worried about the people who you're inflicting yourself upon."
...fortunately, the badge is heavier.
"...And who says I'm desperate!?"
Mimiru lifts a finger up and she says, "One word... THUNDER THIGHS!" She coughs a few times and her lips curl into a wide grin, "Ahah... Ahem, just kidding... I was just kidding," Mimiru says with a soft chuckle.
Mimiru hums and she arches a brow, "Meh, well you don't have to, honesty," Mimiru says with a few nods, "I got everything under control."
It is a testament to how used to this sort of interaction Yoko is that she's only stunned for a brief moment.
"You're no judge," she retorts, expression calm and serious, though the set of her mouth shows the accusation hasn't gone unheeded. "A little slip of a girl like you has no concept of what a real woman looks like."
"...everything under control. Just like you had /that/ situation under control?"
COMBATSYS: Mr.Big has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mimiru 1/------=/=======|
Mimiru blinks and she glances up to Yoko. She lifts her hand up and scratches the back of her head, "... It was just a joke, mom, come on..." Mimiru winces a bit and she heaves a sigh, looking down at herself, "Huh... I suppose... Sorry?" She offers.
Mimiru turns her gaze away a little, "Well nothing happened, isn't that enough of a good ending anyway?"
Yoko has the good grace to at least look a /little/ embarrassed. It's a bit of an effort, but she manages it, quirking her mouth and brow slightly.
"...I was just joking too," she lies convincingly, trying to stem the rising tide of self-consciousness within her, and she slips an arm around her daughter's shoulders lightly. "Listen," she says now more seriously, "Mimiru-chan... be careful, alright? There are, uh..." This isn't really like her, she feels. Maybe it's that she's not wearing the uniform? But she's not at home, either. It's an odd transitive stage, here. "...just make sure you know who your opponents are before you fight, alright? That man is dangerous, and not just because he's a powerful martial artist. I know you can take care of yourself, because I know I could at your age, but even when you're strong, the most important thing is to know who you're dealing with, and know your own limits... or else you could get really hurt, and do no good at all."
Whoa, Yoko reflects. That actually came out alright.
A pause, while she revels in this success. Then, after a few moments:
"...these jeans don't /really/ make my thighs look big, do they...?"
Man... And here she gets scolded. She listens to her mother's words. She really does, unlike some other ungrateful kids. She then nods to Yoko and she says, "I will! Really... I'm sorry, I should have been more carefull..." She then blinks and she glances down at Yoko, giving her a shrug of her shoulders, "Man, mom, why should you care about what other people think?" Mimiru asks, her lips curling into a wide grin.
Mimiru beams and she strikes a pose, "Screw them, so long as you know you're sexy and you know you're every man's wet dreams, no problem." She says as she points herself a few times, "'side your walking down the street, not like you're trying to get some hot action or anything, so what should it matter?"
"Mmn," murmurs Yoko noncommitally as mother and daughter walk down the street together, the taller and older woman not removing her arm from Mimiru's shoulders.
Then, after a few moments:
"...Why are you pointing at /yourself/?"
Mimiru blinks a few times and she glances up at Yoko. She frowns and then says, "Well, you'll be thunder thighs and I'll be as flat as piece of plywood." Mimiru tells Yoko.
She closes her eyes and lifts a finger up, "If I'm giving you advices it's because I'm using them!" Mimiru says. She glances up to Yoko and she sticks her tongue out, "What? You don't think I'm in every boys wet dreams, huh?" Mimiru shakes her head, "Pffft, well I bet you're just jealous of your daughter anyway, heheh. 'this why you say that... But don't worry, mom, I still love you.."
For the thousandth time, Yoko wonders if what Mimiru really needs is some kind of medication, and barely surpresses a long-suffering sigh.
~ Boys indeed. There aren't any decent single men my age anyway... ~
"...I love you too, dear."
~ How else would I survive this? ~
Ahhh! That's cute. Mimiru seems to calm down and she snugs her mother, clinging to her side more or less. She doesn't get to see Yoko all that often after all since she's pretty busy with her work and all so Mimiru just hold on to her side for a bit of affection. Or just because Yoko has her arm wrapped around her shoulder.
And they keep going down, in perfect silence until Mimiru actually breaks it with something randomly, "Huh... Say... If I drink more milk, will my breasts get bigger?" She asks.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru has ended the fight here.
A pause.
"Maybe," responds Yoko carefully. "I don't think that's what they mean when they say it'll make you 'big and strong', though, Mimiru."
Another pause.
"Still, it worked for me."
"Oh..." Mimiru says, "I was wondering... I heard it would so..." Figured an old woman would know better than her after all! She listens to those words of wisdom and she blinks a few times, "Ah... So that's how you got some bust, eh?" Mimiru muses.
Ahhh, what a lovely philosophical discussion!
"Oh, my, yes," Yoko says, amiably enough. "That was how."
This conversation is at least worth the hilariously startled looks they're getting from the people around them.
"But Mimiru, why would you be worrying about such a thing?"
"Oh really?" Mimiru says, sounding hopeful, her lips curling into a smile.
At the question though, Mimiru gets a bit silent and she says, "No reason..." She lets her words drift off but after a moment she admits, "Well... Gabby said I had a bigger bust than this girl and... Stuff, well, she's like, anyway... It's hard to explain, but the thing is, I did grope her just to be sure but I think hers are bigger than mine.."
Mimiru bites her lips and she lets out a soft chuckle, lifting one hand to scratch the back of her head, blushing a bit, "I guess that's silly... I just want to be better than her... And, well, not let Gabby down.."
Log created by Mr.Big, and last modified on 16:10:51 02/19/2006.