Description: Rugal invites the would-be Martyr of Might, Grant, up to the Black Noah for a spar in his trophy room. Grant proves his worth to Bernstein, and R's leader gives the self-titled demon a very special invitation.
There aren't many people that come here. It is not a sight for those who plan on living. Only a select few are invited to these hallowed halls. Most, do not come back out alive. Today is a rather special exception. While it is awfully tempting to kill the man invited up here today and bronze him, there shall be no need for that. After all...
Killing the man who trained a valuable business associate is not exceptionally wise.
However, a test of strength will still be had. This is one of the few times someone who was not his secretaries, or his son, will be allowed into the trophy hall of the Black Noah without intention of /killing/ them. Well. At least, a reasonable lack of that intention. Rugal Bernstein is not known for these small mercies. And he doubts the man he has invited here today will appreciate it either. It is a necessity, however; currently, the man known as Grant, Martyr of Might, is better off to him alive. Such a pity. Still...
This will prove to be a vastly entertaining match.
Grant would be escorted here, to the Trophy Hall. He sits on his would-be throne, at the end of a long hall. Statues line these halls, bronzed fighters. Their features have been contorted in pain, shock and rage, their numbers high. This is his most prized of rooms aboard the Noah. The place he likes to go... to think. Or to prepare for what will certainly be an exciting fight. A large black panther sits by his feet, alert. A cup of red wine is swirled delicately between his fingers, even as he waits. The wine is almost done.
Almost time to begin.
As would be expected from a man of his upbringing, Grant is very prudent about arriving on time. No words are spoken to those who escort him, nor does he accept so much as a shred of pleasantry and accomodation. Food, drink, cheap hookers like Vice, all are shrugged aside with a silent yet easily red countenance of one here for one reason. Battle.
The doors of the main statue hall are opened by the Martyr of Might himself, as opposed to an underling; Not the proper etiquette for a peasant before a king, but this seems to be a very purposeful taboo. If he has to press a button to do such the effect might be mildly dampened, but his stride inwards is that of a confident, powerful man. Head high, shoulders back, stride showing more culture and upbringing then most would expect from Kain's first and most vicious trainer. A sea of muscles, long cape billowing aside and features hidden beneath that nationalist mask. He would make a fine statue, and would not be amongst the symphony of pain and fear that fill these hallowed halls.
"Rugal Bernstein." is offered to the man, Grant seeming to look down his proverbial nose at the throne-seated fighter sipping at wine. "I have seen and heard much of you." Grant comes to a stop a fair distance away, hands slowly clenching and relaxing. "And you sicken me..." Should he be saying such to one of the most powerful men in the world, associate to Kain, in his own mighty flying fortress? Well, whoever said Grant was the diplomatic side? Unless diplomacy involves his fists.
There is only one reason why Grant is here. When it is over, he will be just as soon dismissed. If he expects to be able to /find/ the Noah after all is said and done? Well, he will most certainly be incorrect in that assumption. He is here for one purpose, and everything will be over with when that purpose is finished. Just as simple as that. After all, Rugal's primary interest is the testing of a powerful fighter; and even moreso, an intructor of Kain R. Heinlein. This will be quite the interesting experience.
Fortunately for Grant, this room of the Noah has no automatic doors. These must be manually opened, making the man's entrance all the more forceful and... anticlimatic. Rugal has had several people slam into these doors as of late, and in the past. Angry fighters, looking to avenge friends, family... even his secretaries have chosen to barge in, in such a manner. And as always, Bernstein's response is the same; his head idly tilts up, propped by a single, gloved hand. Wine swirls slowly in its glass before he lifts it to his lips, and finishes it off. And Rodem's head jerks up to get a better look at the man who enters... before the panther settles down once more.
"Mr. Grant." (... you sicken me...) Hm.
"Good to see we're getting off to a wonderful start, eh?"
He still holds his now-empty glass as he stands, and stretches. Offering Grant a simple arch of a brow, he takes a single step forward. "Whether you like me or not is no concern of mine, sir. I brought you here merely to test your capacities as a fighter. Unless you are the type to /preach/..." As he says this, he tosses his crystal glass to the side. It strikes the wall, shattering in a beautiful display of glimmering shards, even as Rugal's cybernetic eye lifts to get a good look at the would-be Martyr. "... I would like us to begin as soon as you are ready."
COMBATSYS: Rugal has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
"You are an arrogant, foolish man. You have the spark of true skill, immense power, yet you utilize it for such petty materialistic gains. You sit within this manifestation of your squandered gift; And revel in these worthless displays of establishing your superiority." Grant glances towards one of the nearby statues, writhing in pain. His fist snaps out, impacting it in the head and probably knocking it over. Not enough to actually bust it, but actions speak louder then words or end results.
"You road to the top of the heap on minor effort. A ghoul of other masters, who takes the shortest road to true power. And you bear the mark of such forever upon your face." Seemingly Grant deems trying to break Orochi's seal and getting an eye busted for the trouble as 'short path to strength.' And he might be right, but he probably shouldn't say it.
"Your business with Kain has nothing to do with me. I am the Martyr of Might. I am Grant!" His foot stamps hard on the ground, falling into a horse stance and crackling with power. "And I will show you what brute will and endless training can attain... Come. Forgo your empty pleasantries, false etiquette and useless prattle of threats. I am interested only in our fight. I will give you one free shot... Before I break you!"
Grant then spreads his arms, absolutely open to a degree that's not false. Rugal could probably punch him a few times before he regained his stance. And that's exactly what the elder man wants.
COMBATSYS: Grant has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Grant
COMBATSYS: Grant takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Grant
"So." Rugal's eyes drift slowly over to the statue that Grant has so forcefully punched, even as he continues to talk. He shakes his head, and frowns decidedly.
"You are the preaching kind. Marvelous."
Note, the lack of sincerity.
Still, Bernstein remains standing where he is even as grant goes into his entire tirade. he hates the preaching type, to be honest; Grant is simply wasting his time yammering about something no one will ultimately care about. The eye that Rugal lost, he lost fighting off a man of immense power. And within his body, he contained the forces of the Orochi. Not all of it... but enough. Some of it still clings to his soul, permanantly. And most assuredly... someone like /Grant/ does not make much of an impact on Bernstein with his speech. He brought the man here for one reason, and one reason alone.
"So, I imagine you're ready now."
If Grant will go so far as to give Rugal one free shot, then Bernstein will not disappoint him. Of course, he doubts it will be a /true/ shot. Grant is planning something, if only to give a show of strength. Eyes narrowing faintly, he offers the man the smallest of smilest before he leaps forward, his body twisting through the air, intent on slamming a single leg into Grant's shoulder. The force behind it, however, is tremendous; a singular display of his strength.
COMBATSYS: Grant endures Rugal's Strong Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Grant
"I have said what I meant to say." Grant replies matter of factly. "Yet it means little. You have the power to change the world. And that is what is truly important." His feet shift, and he braces himself as the kick impacts Grant dead in the shoulder. He's actually staggered backwards a good deal, unable to hold himself under Rugal's concentrated effort. There's definitely no flamboyancy within that devestating blow. But even as the Martyr of Might reels away, his fist clenches and he snaps himself out like a coiled snake. As Rugal attempts to land, he might find himself caught in an upwards whirlwind of concentrated force, a single blow that would feel like a dozen blows. At the apex of the jump, multiple dozens of feet up, Grant descends once more with an arcing punch with intent to finish the combo. If Rugal was hit cleanly, he'll be struck into the ground a final time for the trouble. "Hnnnngh!"
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Grant's Kyou Chou-Jin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Grant
Ah, see. Preparing for something. Just as Rugal thought. There is a soft smile on his lips, as the larger man staggers back from his blow. His leg lowers, just as simply as that -- just in time to see the Demon of Might as he flings himself forward at Rugal. Bernstein's reflexes, however, are quite good. With one simple movement, R's leader blocks that first blow, flying upwards into the air... but only of his own volition. The second blow strikes a single, open palm, and Bernstein swiftly falls backwards, landing deftly on his feet. "Impressive force!" It's a single, simple compliment that Grant receives, even as Rugal clenches his fists. "It's easy to see why Kain trusts you so. You have marvelous physical strength." But then... Bernstein rushes /in/ towards Grant, intent on shoulder rushing the man. If he slams into him successfully, Rugal will tilt backwards, lift the large 'Martyr' over his head with surprising ease, and then /slam/ him backwards into the ground.
COMBATSYS: Grant parries Rugal's Quick Throw!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Grant
"Do not mistake me." Grant states simply enough towards Rugal. As the man comes forward, the shoulder charge is met by Grant's own shoulder. For all of Rugal's strength, the Martyr of Might has more of it. Knocking the man off balance, one arm strikes out and attempts to grasp the one-eyed blond by the face. "I said you sicken me. I did not say I do not respect you." If he manages, he'll yank Rugal back with a flex of force, caught in that iron grip. And then /slam/ him into the deck of the Blacknoah, probably hard enough to dent it face-first. A vicious full-strength uppercut follows, intending to send Rugal flying towards his self-proclaimed throne.
COMBATSYS: Grant successfully hits Rugal with Gou Retsu-Shou EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Grant
Well now... more of that impressive strength. Though Rugal attempts to move out of the way, it seems that Grant is a touch too fast for him. He is already prepared to move when the man grasps him by the face... and then /thrusts/ him into the ground. There is the slight wince of pain as Rugal is crushed against the floor of the Trophy Room, but regardless, he still manages a smile. "Good then! Let's see if you can earn my respect as well then, Mr. Grant!" Even as Rugal is sent flying from the uppercut, he rights himself in mid-air, feet slamming into the throne before he pushes /off/ of it and goes flying towards the Martyr of Might, intent on thrusting a single fist into the man's masked face, before jutting a knee out to crash into Grant's sternum.
COMBATSYS: Grant blocks Rugal's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Grant
"I see it now. You are one of the strongest I have ever fought. You have the mind, the reflexes, the physique, for a bastion of power. But you wasted it, Rugal Bernstein. Had you truly applied yourself from birth, you would already be unmatched by any person alive or dead in this world. You should /have/ no equal."
The incoming punch is met by a raised forearm, cleanly stopping it. The knee does manage to hit the brute's sternum, but he had leaned back and most of the force is harmlessly absorbed. Falling back a few steps, Grant then begins to focus himself. The room starts to shake, as the air thrums with his massive chi. Cerulean sparks crackle in the air, his voice rising in crescendo to match it as he summons in the deepest pits of his dark dealings. "RRRRREAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!"
COMBATSYS: Grant gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Grant
Cody has disconnected.
"Your prattling... has begun to get on my nerves, Mr. Grant." It seems, though, that Grant is gathering up powerful forces. A smile crosses Bernstein's lips, even as he falls back, some distance away from Grant. "Mm. Good, good... build up that marvelous power. This will be /fun/, don't you think?" Even as energy gathers up around Grant, Rugal's legs tense and bend at the knees, With a single push, he moves forward. His legs literally lift off the ground as he flies towards Grant, intent on grasping the man by the head. If successful, he'll barrel the Martyr of Might into a nearby wall with an uncanny amount of force behind the blow, metal denting from the sheer amount of power that the man exerts.
COMBATSYS: Grant endures Rugal's God Press.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-======|=======\======-\1 Grant
"Is the truth painful to hear, from one who is your equal? These are not the words of some rank amateur who has no understanding of the true tiers of power..." Rushing forward, he is met by the tremendous slam, yanked along despite his will. But shortly after thusly remodeling the interior, Grant explodes into action once more. He seems to have carefully prepared for this instant. His right leg bursts into chi, before he unleashes an upper strike, much akin to Rugal's own signature. However, this is repeated a dozen times, a final three-hit strike of chi imbued fist and leg concluding in a blurringly fast charge. Grant tries to grab Rugal this time, and drive /him/ into the wall opposite. To leave an equal-sized dent...
COMBATSYS: Grant successfully hits Rugal with Majin Engetsu-Rin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Rugal 1/--=====/=======|======-\-------\0 Grant
"No, merely the fact that you talk too much, sir. Nothing more than that." Except... Grant seems to be going /with/ his attack. Rugal's eyes narrow for a brief moment, before Grant releases what seems to be a tribute to Bernstein's attack. Except... he continues to strike, over and over and over again with no small amount of pain spared for Bernstein. Now that... /that/ certainly was painful. But not something that Rugal intends to let happen again. Eyes narrowing as he is driven into the wall, Bernstein reaches out with a single hand as chi wells up along his arm, intent to grab Grant by the throat. The movement is amazingly fast, Rugal intent to move in and simply GRIP before he /yanks/ forward. And, if successful....
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Grant with Omega Destruction EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1 Grant
... what happens next is simply too fast to comprehend. Chi swells up around Rugal to such an intense degree that his body begins to waver, as if distorting from intense heat. Each one of his blows are laced with crackling golden power that burns the body as Rugal launches punches and kicks of epic strength all across Grant's body without mercy, and without cease. The blows count up to fifteen in the span of two or three seconds, pummeling Grant ceaselessly before Rugal flips backwards... and SLAMS a polished shoe into Grant's jaw, launching him into the air before leaping and crushing a single foot into the man's sternum in an overhead axe kick, to send him slamming into the ground beneath him.
"... Mm. Good show."
Every blow impacts Grant as intended. He tried to guard, but managed at best a feeble display after the grasp to the throat bypasses his defenses. The onslaught concludes with Grant impacting the ground just below Rugal. It's obvious that it was a close thing; Grant was barely brought down, seeming to have underestimated Rugal by just the variable needed for defeat instead of potential victory. But he raises without even a moment downed, his right leg once more bursting with chi.
"RAAAAAAAAAGH!" And right into the descending Rugal, an abrupt pillar of pure chi detonates. It flies up to the very ceiling, almost as thick around as Grant is. It seems like every ounce of his remaining energy was thrown into this; The intent being to take Rugal out with him. He collapses to his knees thereafter, breathing hard but in no state to defend himself any longer.
COMBATSYS: Grant can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Grant's Majin Haten-Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|
"... Ah. The 'Martyr of Might' has one final go left in him, does he?"
Rugal looks as the would-be Demon infuses his leg with more of that impressive chi. His dual gaze narrows as slowly, he turns to face the other man. That chi has already exploded into a pillar by this point. And in one, swift movement... Rugal THRUSTS his hand forward, crashing through the pillar and dispersing it without so much as a second thought. There is a moment of resistance, as the chi burns his hand, but even then... Bernstein crashes through it, pummeling the assault just as Grant falls to his knees.
"You are done." It's stated simply as a matter-of-fact, even as R's leader turns his back to the other man, slipping a single hand into his pocket. "You will be escorted back to land. Do not attempt to find me, if you wish to give me yet another rant of preaching." From his pocket, Rugal produces a single slip of paper. An invitation, with 'R' neatly written at the bottom right-hand corner. With one, simple motion, the man flicks it towards Grant; whether the 'demon' chooses to catch it or not, is up to him. "You get to live today. Consider this an invitation to my tournament, 'Martyr of Might.' I expect you to do well." And that's it. He has nothing more to say.
COMBATSYS: Rugal takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Rugal has ended the fight here.
The slip of paper is taken, and looked over idly. "I have no interest in investigating you further. And nothing more to say." Grant at least seems to be content with that much, which is more then certain unsquishable heroes. Like Kim. Shakily raising to his feet, Grant gives something of a nod. Assent that it was a good fight, if nothing more. "I accept the invitation." With that, Grant turns in a flicker of cape and begins to trudge a bit tenderly towards the doors anew. So far, Grant is well aware that both Vice and Rugal are very painful -- if fundamentally flawed -- opponents. That only leaves Mature to test...
Log created by Rugal, and last modified on 07:13:42 01/25/2006.