Description: The first order of the Yata heiress' business: track down Rugal Bernstein and take back what power she can. Finding him in Moscow, Russia, Chizuru wishes to have a talk with him...but just 'talking' isn't in Bernstein's vocabulary.
Russia. This particular country has become a rather fond site for a certain man. It was here, that his would-be 'rival' was dispatched; it was here, after all, that one Heidern was buried under the rubble of an old factory past it's prime. It was coincidence that brought /him/ there instead of his daughter, but it was a gift horse that could not simply be overlooked. Since then, Russia has been a place that has drawn in this man more often than not.
Rugal Bernstein has always been a fan of fond memories, after all.
Russia, with all it's corrupt nature and poverty, has become the cite of many illegal doings. Drug deals, illegal arms purchases, gang wars... the collapse of a major power structure can often do that to a once-great nation. As such, not only is it a place for R's leader to reminisce at, it has also been -- as it has for quite a while now -- a great source of profit for R. And profit, is power. Something that Rugal has /great/ passion for.
That is why he has come to Moscow today, in a more-or-less abandoned area of the city. Dressed in his normal crimson attire, with a long, thick black overcoat covering his shoulders, the man carries with him a simple briefcase. Forms, no doubt, to be filled out for some kind of deal or another. Snow falls all around the city, decorating his shoulders in a chilling white layer, even as polished shoes crunch along the ice-ridden sidewalk. There seems to be scant people here save for the man himself. After all... this is not the /best/ of neighborhoods.
Which is why it is so perfect.
The once great and powerful nation of Russia has fallen most disgracefully. Here the city has degraded with the fall of its pride, a cesspool of illegal capital and deals, the stage on which many an innocent life has been slain. The years have been truly unkind to the nation like its harsh winters, and since it has been the stage for many nefarious doings from various crime lords and men of illegal power. One particular key player of note? Rugal Bernstein, the name that's been on many a do-gooder's lips.
Quite a reputation proceeds Bernstein, but this is not necessarily a benefit for him.
The only sound that accompanies the imposing likes of Rugal are his own footfalls, the crunch of ice and snow beneath his feet nearly deafening in the silence that embraces the area he finds himself in. Buildings have seen their glory days decades prior, the cracked and crumbling structures, sad shells of the glory that this particular Moscow neighborhood once had.
There is suddenly color in the black and whites of the poverty-stricken end of town. A figure in red hakama and white joue, the obviously feminine figure's face shrouded by a red, demon-like half-mask.
"I cannot let you proceed any further, Rugal Bernstein."
The woman lifts a hand, pointing a long finger at the man in red.
"I have come to reclaim that power!"
She says nothing more than that, pointing her finger at the center of his chest.
R was founded on blood and turmoil. It was forged by the hand of one man, and will continue to thrive by the hand of one man, for all eternity. As long as Bernstein exists, so will R. Russia is just one of many places that this man finds his profit, finds his influence and power. Being the greatest arms dealer in the world gives you connections virtually anywhere -- even in seats of government power. 'Do-gooders'? Such things are on the verge of extinction nowadays. There is no one, no one, who will not inevitable fall even /slightly/ into corruption.
And those few that do not, will soon find themselves no more.
His footsteps begin to slow, after a certain point. Rugal is no fool, after all; he knows when something is amiss. Eyes narrow faintly, a small smile dragging across his lips. Well then... what will be thrown his way today? He sees her, as she emerges. Red and white outfit, female... even with the mask, memory tugs at him. Tugs at the corner of his mind. Who was it, who...
"Oh." His lips tug into a frown.
"It's you."
She makes her mighty declaration, but Rugal? Looks almost /bored/ in response, his eyes narrowing all the more as that red cybernetic stares at her. That one he lost on that day... the day she lost to him. The day she lost the /right/ to protect that power. Still.
"You think you can stop me? Hm. Still, I suppose this is convenient. I had a question for you..."
If she is intending to steal that power from Bernstein? She of all people might notice... near all of it is gone. Only a portion remains, permanantly clung to his soul.
"... how can I reclaim what has been TAKEN from me?" And it is with that said, that he lashes out with a single, powerful foot, to smash into the woman's side. After all... force makes someone much more responsive.
COMBATSYS: Rugal has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Chizuru has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chizuru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rugal
COMBATSYS: Chizuru blocks Rugal's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chizuru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rugal
It's that very reason that the Yata scion has taken it upon herself to make right what's wrong with this world, starting with that cursed Orochi seal. Men like Rugal threaten the well-being of those she wants to protect in this world: the innocent people hurt by his illegal activities. This she is sure of, and nothing can change that.
That's why the woman's declaration is stern and commanding; her words are sure and unwavering, those hard almond-colored eyes mere slits behind the shadow cast across her face by that crimson-colored demon mask. She is not afraid of a man like Bernstein. She never has been, perhaps to his disappointment.
"You thought I would simply forget? That I would let you get away with what you did to the Seal?" She lowers a hand from her side, letting her long fingers curl into a small fist by her thigh. "I have not forgotten that night nor have I forgotten your name...Rugal Bernstein." Has he forgotten the last Yata scion's name?
Frankly Chizuru does not care.
What she's concerned with is the lack of power. The little remains of his Orochi power is faintly noted, but the woman says nothing of it. She seems intent on taking it back, however desperately his black soul intends on clinging to it.
At the mention of a question the woman tilts her head to one side, thin lips pulling into a frown. "A question?" she echoes, followed by a faint smirk. She has her suspicions.
That's about when Rugal moves, intent on plowing his foot right into her side. Moving gracefully, the Yata lowers her hand to the side, intercepting his foot with the palm of her hand. Moments later the woman's priestess garment-clad form blurs into nonexistence. As it fades the woman stands in black slacks and an ornate white blouse trimmed in red.
"That power," the Yata warns. "Is not for you, or anyone!"
The woman appears to leap forward at the man, although as she lunges in and makes a downward motion to the man's chest Chizuru appears to be standing patiently a short distance behind her double with a frown on her face.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Chizuru's Choumon no Isshin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Rugal
As hard as Chizuru may struggle, she will never succeed. The reason being... she lacks /power/ to do what is necessary. Bernstein? He possesses power. Even if it is not an inkling of what he once held, it is more than enough to take care of the likes of this frail, stupid woman. And eventually, he will reattain the heights that he once possessed... and go higher. Higher, and higher still. After all, for Rugal Bernstein...
... only Godhood could be the perceivable limit.
Still, Chizuru poses something of a minor annoyance if she is allowed to persist in getting in his way. And it is always a good idea... to excise a problem before it can ever truly become one.
"I am simply surprised you haven't gotten yourself killed by challenging creatures far greater than you could ever hope to possibly be. You are nothing. You will continue to be nothing... no matter /what/ you try to do." Still, that lash of his foot is defended against, and once more the woman plays her little parlor tricks. Hm.
"I had forgotten how irritating you were."
That power, though... the power that still burns inside his soul. It will be his. That, and more. "How can you speak of who deserves power when you only have a piddling amount of it? Now and forever, power has belonged to those who have the STRENGTH to take it! You cannot stop me. Not now..." That form flies towards him, but he can see. He can see the true Chizuru there. And a single hand clenches, eyes narrowing dangerously.
"... or EVER."
With one THRUST Rugal smashes through that chi-born double, dispersing it all easily with only a slightest of singes to his knuckles, even as he barrels down the path towards Chizuru, that single fist extended and intent on CRASHING into her sternum.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Rugal's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Rugal
The odds may be against Chizuru, but she will do what she must--even if her fate may be the same as her sister. This does not make her weak, and it certainly does not mean she is powerless. Giants like Bernstein swiftly fall. His time will come, this the Yata scion is most sure of. As high as he wishes to go, he'll never see the top.
Funny how the sentiments of Chizuru Kagura are the same as those of Bernstein. She sees him as a problem, and will thusly take care of it. "I will not let myself die off so easily," she states with an assured tone, dark eyes narrowing a touch. "Are you trying to upset me? Hurt my feelings, Rugal?"
He moves, and the woman is swift to block his attack. That's when she moves, her doppelganger lunging forward in a jump and lashing out at him with a solid down thrust of her hand. He is swift, and her attack is shrugged off.
"On what grounds do you speak of my power? Do you even know what power the Yata possess? True, I may not be my sister...but I implore you do not underestimate me, Rugal Bernstein!" The true Chizuru stands with that frown, eyes narrowed still. Her doppelganger is dispersed as the man plows through, barreling for the Yata standing a short distance away. However, when he moves, so does she; her form twists, a graceful twist of her body as she practically passes through the man, appearing on the other side.
"The power of Orochi is dangerous!" she warns, standing her ground. "You of all people should know what happens when you take that terrible power into your body. You will not be able to harness it--ever!" Her feet spread, long fingers curling into fists at her side. The winds whip around the slender Yata's form, long, perfectly straight black hair whipping up around her.
"I am doing you a favor, Bernstein!"
COMBATSYS: Chizuru gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Rugal
On what grounds does he speak? "I have tasted of your so-called 'power', woman... unless you have forgotten of when I beat you into the ground." A cruel smile plays across the man's lips.
It is understandable if you tried to force it out of your memory."
There is no 'top' for Bernstein. And whatever the heir of the Yata may believe, he will not be stopped. Cannot be stopped. Not by her, not by Heidern. He has killed one of them. It is high time he marked another death upon the cold, white streets of Russia. Her end is an inevitability. It's high time she realized it.
His attack misses in the most fantastic of ways; Kagura seems to be woefully graceful, and full of mere parlor tricks. Not that he will let it get to him, of course. She cannot keep up these little magic tricks for long before he hits her, over and over again, just like before. He can wait, even as he thrusts past her. He is quick to regain his footing; a sharp turn sends him facing Chizuru with narrowed eyes and a wide, evil grin. On what grounds... she already knows the grounds.
"I know what happened -- I gained TREMENDOUS power! A fluke took it all away from me. And now YOU, girl, will tell me how to keep it for my own... /forever/." Dangerous? Is that supposed to be an impediment for the man? She should know better than /that/. And even as that impressive energy begins to gather... Rugal /lunges/ forward, intent on grabbing the woman by the face.
"And I am doing you a favor. By showing you exactly how weak you truly are."
If he grabs her, he will lift her into the air. And from there, simply SLAMS a single hand into her stomach, to send the woman flying through the air.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Chizuru with Scorpion Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Rugal
"Do not flatter yourself, Bernstein!" the woman quips, pointing a finger briefly at the much taller man in red. "I have you to thank for that night. It inspired me to try harder." His cruel smile is met with a tiny grin, her expression kindly. "So thank you." Force it out of her memory?
With fluid, very graceful motions the woman turns her svelte form, slipping past the man with an unmatched grace and impressive delicacy. Passing through him, the woman patiently waits behind him, and meets that off gaze of his when he swiftly turns and glares at her. With a sigh she shakes her head.
"It's sad," she says.
"You honestly believe that you gained something by breaking that Seal? Are you that ignorant, Rugal?" Her eyes narrow, peering at him with scrutiny. "A fluke? Does that explain the eye?" She goes so far as to point it out on her own face, pulling lightly at her eyelid. "Goenitz is no 'fluke,' Bernstein. Try as you might, you will not harness that power!"
Gathering energy, the petite woman stands firm, hands curled into fists at her side. Do him favors? The Yata heiress scoffs. She is not weak. She will not let him think this of her. Just as she goes to speak he moves, looking to grab her by the face. Her slender hands move, intent on delicately pushing his arm away from her, but he proves more than bargained for. Grabbed and hefted, the woman is lifted up, and audible grunt escaping her before he slams a hand into her gut. Thrown back, Chizuru's form twists midair, landing delicately a short distance away.
"How many times must I tell you? I will not tell you anything!" Her form blurs, moving swiftly. Once she nears the woman's arms lift, rising up in a fluid, circular motion before they sweep behind him, intent on taking his legs out from under him.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru successfully hits Rugal with Reigetsu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0 Rugal
"If you truly believe you are 'trying harder', then entertain me. Show me the new power that you have gained. Show me your strength. And perhaps then I'll have some respect for you, Ms. Kagura." He does remember her name. Perhaps after some thought. The annoying little girl who provided hardly a challenge.
Perhaps today will be different.
However, Chizuru is speaking nonsense. Clearly she had been hit too hard upon the head when they last fought, because, even as she speaks... Rugal /laughs/. Loudly. A completely mocking gesture, the man shakes his head, and clutches a single hand to his face. "Do you know anything, woman? Do you even remember what happened?" Apparantly... not.
His gloved fingers slowly slide down, pressing against that false eye. That cybernetic replacement that glows crimson in the Russian night. "This eye I received battling and forcing that man to retreat. I did not /lose/ anything then, Ms. Kagura... the sampling I received of the Orochi power was still completely in my grasp. The FLUKE was that it left me at a most /inopportune/ time." Does Chizuru not do her research? Tsk, tsk.
"All I desire, miss, is a way in order to regain the strength I have lost. You will tell me voluntarily, or I will take it from you by forc--"
That is when those sleeves catch the man in a blur of motion, flipping R's leader and sending him /crashing/ into the ground. However... he is rather quick to get up, slamming both hands into the icy pavement and LEAPING onto his feet.
"Let's see... what you have to provide me." Even as he says this, his arms cross over each other. His body curls inward, and slowly, very slowly, Rugal begins to /levitate/, his feet actually lifting from the ground as tendrils of blue-white chi begin to orbit around him, power beginning to be gathered to his large frame. "Aaah... excellent..."
COMBATSYS: Rugal gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/----===/=======|=======\==-----\1 Rugal
His words are met with a light scoff, the heiresses' expression mildly disgusted as she stands her ground. But for all his poking and chiding she refuses to let herself lose her nerve. He might intimidate others with that form and such words, but she is stronger than that. He's given little more than a slow, patient shake of her head, long, raven black locks brushing softly against her white joue blouse.
"I am not obligated to do anything of the sort," she explains as her eyes flicker up, seizing that awkward gaze of his. "Nor do I need your respect. What good is the respect of a man who is clearly insane?" Her lips curl, a smirk crossing her lips.
"I remember everything, Bernstein," the woman replies with a calm tone of voice. "You simply pushed him back; so what? You did not defeat Goenitz! And for all your efforts you lost not only and eye, but you've ultimately lost that Orochi power. I can feel what little remains inside you, Rugal." Shaking her head again, the woman seems to express pity more than anything. That's when she moves, sweeping her arm and dropping him harshly to his back. Moments later she's leaping back, touching down against the hard ice and leveling her eyes on the one-eyed man.
Her expression falters somewhat as he gathers energy around him, the chi that whirls about his form startling to say the least. Still, Chizuru does not hesitate or reconsider the actions that have led her to this point.
"Rugal Bernstein! You want to witness the power of the Watcher? Fine!" the woman declares, pointing a finger at him. The rest of her body curls back, her back leg bending as the other remains outstretched before her.
"I will show you the error of your ways!"
Springing forward, the Yata heiress plows for Rugal, her hand glowing with intense, brilliantly gold chi. Only when she's near does she thrust her arm forward, delivering a knife-hand strike cleanly into his gut.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Chizuru's Reigi no Ishizue.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1 Rugal
He does not need to speak to Chizuru for an extended period of time. Frankly... it's rather irritating to the man to even have to deal with her /this/ much. He is less than amused with the woman. Her little attempts at insulting him, or proving him wrong, are all but brushed to the side with naught but a simple wave of his hand. He does not have to deal with it... and so he will not deal with it.
"Regardless of what you may believe, you failed your duty as a guardian. You have no right to attempt to come at me again. Whatever happened that day... was all due to your failings." Goenitz /retreated/ from Rugal's power. Rugal may have lost an eye, but that does not change the fact that his power was proved superior to the would-be Orochi servent. A fact that he will prove now.
Out of the goodness of his heart.
She rushes at him again. Even as he lifts into the air, literally floating, even as the chi begins to build up to the point where winds begin to whip violently around him, a twister of white snow flowing about him uneasily, chaotically, she still attacks. And for her efforts? Rugal lifts up a single hand to stop her own. He does not move. He continues to float, with a smile. "Then allow me to demonstrate the power of a god." His voice echoes, before he begins to float down... and then /lash/ out with a sudden, swift strike of his leg against the woman's side, followed up by an upwards-swinging kick meant to slam into her shoulders, and send her straight into the ground. "Your power, is PATHETIC."
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Chizuru with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/--=====|=======\====---\1 Rugal
Failed? The woman's expression falters slightly, thin black brows furrowing, her forehead wrinkling a touch. If it's one thing the Yata scion does not want to hear, it's that she failed her ancestors and, more importantly, her sister. With a soft 'tsk' of annoyance the woman shakes her head once before she glances to the side.
"So I failed once. I realize that. But I will not make that mistake again," she says calmly, her words just barely audible over a passing breeze. The snow that falls seems to fall faster now, just as the woman charges the R leader, intending to show him the power of her clan. But for all her efforts she is met with a hand, dark eyes widening briefly before she frowns in annoyance.
"You're no God," she states. "You're a fool."
His foot lashes out, but the Yata heiress is too slow. Caught beneath his heel he delivers the first kick into her ribs, causing her to issue a grunt of discomfort. The follow-up sends her down into the ground rather than anywhere else, the snow around her rising up upon impact. She isn't down long.
Gracefully Chizuru rises to her feet, rolling back before hopping to her feet, landing with a muted click of her heels against concrete. Is her power pathetic? Again the woman shakes her head in disappointment. She needn't say it. It's he who is disappointing.
Stepping forward, the woman's hand reaches out, intent on grabbing the man by his collar and tossing him aside as she sweeps a foot out to take his ankles out beneath him. "You still don't realize what a fool you've been!"
COMBATSYS: Rugal dodges Chizuru's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/--=====|=======\====---\1 Rugal
The powerful need not heed the preachings of the weak. It has always been this way. And Chizuru... is simply no match for Rugal. Now now, nor ever.
"You failed once.. when it was most vital for you to succeed. I am sure your ancestors are /proud/ of you, Ms. Kagura. And now..." The man's grin is vicious as he settles upon the ground once more.
"... You will fail, again."
His attacks strike solidly, sending the woman to the ground. He shows no mercy, nor expects any in return. Eyes narrowing, he takes a few steps back, slipping a single hand into his pocket. "Do you realize now? How worthless you are in comparison to me? You could not beat me then, and clearly... the power you have /now/ is lacking considerably. To have the gall to interrupt me here for a match that is not even worth my time?" His eyes narrow. He frowns faintly. "I will break you, utterly."
She is too slow, however, to be able to even /begin/ to touch Bernstein. The man simply moves back as she makes a grab for him. "I find your insults as repetitive as your techniques." He murmurs slowly, "Can you call me anything other than a fool?" He takes a single step back, and clenches his fist, the one not in his pocket. "You must have speed and power. You seem to lack both. Allow me to show you."
And then, he swings that fist forward, to smack Chizuru between the eyes. If successful, he follows up with a single, powerful uppercut to knock the woman into the air, without relent.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru blocks Rugal's Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-======|=======\=====--\1 Rugal
If her insults are becoming repetitive, so too are Rugal's. At this point the woman rolls her eyes briefly, a slender hand rising up and idly brushing back her hair off her shoulder. "Once is clearly enough, Bernstein," she explains. "The attempts to wound my pride are, sadly, miserable." The vicious grin as he sets himself down upon the ground once more is met with little more than a patronizing smile.
"Does it make you feel like a big man?" the heiress asks, looking sincere in her inquiry? "That you continue to compare yourself to me? All of this--" A hand motions about, fluidly waving in a dismissive fashion. "--is a waste of breath, Rugal. Break me? Never." That said the woman moves, reaching out for his collar. Clearly faster than she'd bargained for, Chizuru blinks once as he steps out of the way. A split-second later those eyes are on him.
The fist comes, but the woman's hand moves swiftly, catching his fist in her hand. Intercepting his strike, Chizuru dashes back, touching down a short distance from the man in red. "I told you not to underestimate me!" She exclaims, pointing a finger. That said, the woman draws her eyes to a close, the winds picking up again and tossing her long hair about. There has to be a way to take him down...
COMBATSYS: Chizuru gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-----==/=======|=======\=====--\1 Rugal
These words are a waste of breath, anyway. All the matters is action. Something that Chizuru has sadly been /lacking/ in, this fight. The man rolls his shoulders easily enough, even as he considers her with narrowed eyes. That cybernetic observes, even as she manages to block his attacks. Excellent. Well done, in fact. The man is impressed with the woman's techniques, at least for that split second she manages to avoid taking most of the damage. And Rugal, in response?
"Well done, Ms. Kagura! You managed to put up a block in time! I must say, I /am/ impressed!" He will continue to clap, too, even as he walks towards her. She is gathering power once more, and it brings a rather wide smile to the man's lips. "However -- you should not waste time standing still. It is very important, that you use every moment for all that it is worth. For example..."
A single, gloved hand jerks to the side, grasping securely onto a lightpost besides him. And this, is a truly frightening display of Bernstein's true strength. Eyes narrowed, the man begins to /pull/ hard on the post, exerting tremendous power. And, right one hand... he RIPS it right out of the ground.
"... you never do know when someone will take advantage of your position!"
One swing is all it takes to send the concrete-block end of that pole flying to SMASH Chizuru quite solidly in the side and send her flying into a building wall with TREMENDOUS physical strength behind the blow. One, simple motion. Will she be able to cope?
COMBATSYS: Chizuru blocks Rugal's Random Weapon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-======/=======|=======\====---\1 Rugal
[OOC] Rugal says, "How's your block penalty lookin'? :D"
[OOC] Chizuru says, "Like your face. Ugly. >:("
[OOC] Rugal... :(
[OOC] Rugal says, "Words hurt. :("
[OOC] Chizuru says, "So do lamp posts."
Hand caught, Chizuru is quick to push herself back and away, making sure to keep herself out of his reach for the interim. Instead the woman eyes him carefully, thin lips pulling into a tiny line across her face, even as he applauds. Is he mocking her? She honestly doesn't care at this point. She just smiles.
"Thank you, but your compliments are little more than petty and insignificant to me, I'm afraid," she explains before dropping her hands to her sides and gathering her energy. Those almond-colored eyes of hers never once take their sights off him, even as he approaches and preaches to her. A slight half-smirk forms across her face briefly.
Suddenly, however, Rugal's grabbing a lamp post and hefting it up in hand. Her eyes briefly widen before she shifts a foot, arms coming up to accept the brunt of the blow. Catching the pole in hand, Chizuru uses it to her advantage, her figure swinging up from the ground and ultimately over the pole, landing on the other side as he swings it for the nearest building.
Can she cope? Yeah.
Drawing her eyes to a close, the heiress focuses briefly, lips pulling in a line across her face again. "Cheap tricks, as always Bernstein," she remarks briefly, her form stirring. One leg pulls back, the other outstretched before her as she lifts an arm up, toward him. The same trick again?
Not quite. Her form flickers again, and she seems to come forward at him in a series of rapid motions, her arms motioning about as she draws in. Like before, however, Chizuru's true form remains behind--and still coiled up. "I will take that power and seal it once more, Bernstein!"
As her doppelganger closes in Chizuru bursts forward, her hand aglow with brilliantly gold chi, intent on driving her fingertips straight into his gut.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru successfully hits Rugal with San Shingi Kore Mittsu.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/----===|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Rugal
As much ease as Chizuru would like to appear to use in blocking Rugal's attack, he knows the truth. He can see these things, after all; that cybernetic eye sees all of this, with a smile on his lips. She's taking her toll from the amount of beatings he's given her already. It's only a matter of time... before she falters, now.
He has no more words for her, however. That compliment was the last she will hear from him. Not of lack of things to say, of course; just out of a lack of desire to say them. He can see her defeat; it's inevitable. And so, even as Chizuru prepares himself, he simply stands in place, allowing himself to drop the large, metal pole with relative ease. He waits, expectantly. Surely she must be planning something /good/, right? So he will simply wait... to accept it.
More parlor tricks is what he receives, though. His arms snap up, to block, even as the doppleganger comes for him. It is all a ploy. Because, even as he blocks that fake, the REAL one flings forward, shoving chi-laden fingertips into the man's gut. It feels strange, energy being sucked from him. /Chi/ being sucked from him. But it does not stop him. And rather than pain, he feels /anger/. Did she think that would STOP him? Instead, given the woman's closeness to him, he presses on. He will not stop... not until she's quite dead.
With one, smooth motion, Rugal jerks a knee RIGHT into Chizuru's gut, intent on slamming the Yata heir solidly in the solar plexus with untold strength.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Rugal's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/----===|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Rugal
Indeed. Chizuru has taken quite a bruising from the R leader, but damned if she'll give up and let him win so easily. Her eyes are entirely on him, watching the much larger man carefully, noting each nuance and the slightest of movements he makes. She can't let her guard down around a man like him. He'd gladly exploit any error on her behalf. He already has, more or less.
Still, the woman has to try. That's why she tricks him; a doppelganger assaults him over and over with fine, practiced motions intent on barraging through his defenses. Clearly it works; Chizuru rushes in and slams her fingers into his midsection, draining energy from him with a blast of pure gold chi. Upon impact the Yata scion glances up, peering at Rugal closely. The anger is clear upon his face. He's most unhappy.
His leg lifts, but Chizuru just isn't there. Instead she moves to the side, avoiding his assault very narrowly. For a brief moment the woman frowns, her knees bending slightly. While it looks as if she's about to spring in at him, she doesn't--instead her doppelganger does the work for her, driving itself forward in upward, its hand moving in a swift upward motion toward his jaw.
COMBATSYS: Rugal dodges Chizuru's Tenjin no Kotowari.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Rugal
She is fading. It's only a matter of time, of course, until she falters. Until she fails. Only a matter of time... and he is patient. He can most /assuredly/ wait. And even all those attacks assail him, from all sides, he looks hardly worse for wear. If anything, his is more infuriated than damaged, more enraged that she would use such /stupid/ trickery to attempt to stop him. Never had he been so blinded before. Now, it's only a matter of time...
Before Bernstein crushes her /completely/.
His swift strike of his knee finds nothing. Instead -- he finds himself having to deal with Chizuru once more sending once of her dopplegangers at him. Swift movements sends him simply /out/ of the way of the assault, letting her little energy clone pass right by him harmlessly. His glance says it all; such attacks will not even come close to touching him. She'll simply have to try /harder/.
However -- R's leader does not attack the Heir of the Yata Clan. Instead, he stands perfectly still, slipping a single hand into his pocket. That false eye stares at her, observes calmly as it glows a faint crimson. It takes in her every moment, analyzing it... remembering it. "Heh. I hope these attacks aren't your best. They are woefully lacking." So. Come at him again.
He is waiting.
COMBATSYS: Rugal focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Rugal
Avoiding his knee, Chizuru finds brief comfort in the thought. Moments later she's sending another of her doubles out to attack him, although this time the man is quick, having moved himself out of the way as her doppelganger rises up and simply flickers out of existence. The other--the true Chizuru--woman's eyes move back, peering at the leader of R carefully. Try harder? He still underestimates the Yata heiress.
Rather than attack the woman Rugal stands his ground, merely observing her with that eerie red eye of his. Briefly does Chizuru seem distraught; it's easily dismissed with a shake of her head and a scrunch of her brow. "You aren't worth my best," she quips back, narrowing her eyes sharply before she moves in, looking to plant a shoe cleanly into his gut.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru successfully hits Rugal with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Rugal
"On the contrary... I think you've touched your limits today." That power he felt before; that was it, wasn't it? That was all she had. If that is the case, then... it's nothing the man cannot overcome. A wide smile splits his lips even as she flies towards him once more. The shoe hits his gut, but he hardly even staggers back. She is weak. Woefully, woefully weak. And now... he'll show her exactly why.
Even as Chizuru finishes up her technique, Rugal steps in, steps forward. Chi has begun to well around him, to incredible degrees. And, with one simple motion, Rugal snaps forward. He is blazingly fast, intent on grabbing Chizuru by the front of her shirt, bunching it up in his fist. His form wavers as a sickening degree of chi overcomes him. And, should he manage to grab her...
COMBATSYS: Chizuru dodges Rugal's Omega Destruction.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Rugal
His words are met with a quick smirk, brown eyes narrowing into tiny slits briefly before she replies, "I think you're mistaken, Bernstein. What have I told you repeatedly tonight?" Her head crooks slightly, as if she's waiting for a reply. Her expression doesn't last long; already can the woman feel him channeling his energies and pooling that unpleasant chi of his. She frowns again, eyeing him suspiciously.
Still, the woman makes her move, delivering a kick to his gut. He hardly moves, and while such little impact may be disheartening, the woman doesn't let it defeat her resolve. However, the R leader makes his move seconds thereafter--and when he does?
Chizuru just isn't THERE.
His hand gropes empty air as he clenches his fist. Already Chizuru's form has flickered as well, an elegant spin and twist of her slender form all but practically passing through him. Standing behind him, the woman shakes her head briefly. Behind him gives her the advantage, with hope. Twisting her body, Chizuru spins around, lifting her arm in a circular motion before she swiftly draws it down, intent on striking his backside with her hand--and sleeve.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Chizuru's Zheng Zheng.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Rugal
So then. His fastest technique, dodged.
Well then. He'll simply have to keep on hitting her, won't he?
The man's eyes narrow into /slits/ when she gets away, and so apparantly simply, too. He'll not let it get to him, of course; even as the woman moves to the side, and then dives in to attack, he is ready. A single arm lifts to block her hand, absorbing the brunt of the damage she intends to cause with ease. A single hand /shoves/ the woman's arm to the side, and from there... he moves in.
She may have dodged his last technique, but he will continue to attack until the woman is /down/.
This attack begins with a fist. It slings down, intent to slam into her sternum. And if successful, it will be followed up by a spinning backhand with more than enough force behind it. She is certainly fast, but can she continue to dodge forever...? He is very interested to find out.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Chizuru with Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Chizuru 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
Practically cheating death itself, Chizuru makes her move once she's got the room for it. Coming down with her arm and sleeve, she intents on driving her hand cleanly into his backside and send him falling face-first into the snow. The tables, however, turn; he pivots around and catches her hand before he shoves it away. Blinking in mild disbelief, Chizuru's eyes flicking to Rugal. That's when he moves in for the proverbial kill.
His fist plows forward, and while she intends to avoid it she fails to actually do so. The fist connects into her gut, causing her to issue an audible yelp and wheeze, the second attack enough to send her flying across the way and skidding into the ground. For a moment the woman doesn't really move. Slowly but surely, however, the tenacious Yata scion rises to her feet.
"Hit me all you want," she warns, favoring her left side more than the right. "But you won't accomplish anything."
Somehow the heiress musters up the will to charge forward at R's leader, her feet hurriedly carrying her toward him. Skidding to a halt the woman's arm comes down swiftly, gold chi trailing in the wake of her hands downward motion, a knife hand strike of sorts intended to knock him down.
COMBATSYS: Rugal dodges Chizuru's Tamayura no Shitsune.
[ \\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Chizuru 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
"I actually believe I will be accomplishing exactly what I want." The blows strike clean, sending Chizuru flying. As her form is flung past the man, a vicious smile slips past his lips. A smile, that malforms into a grin.
"... that being your death, of course."
He straightens once more. Casually, he dusts off his crimson suit. "Mm. You've managed not to ruin my clothes. You are so considerate, Ms. Kagura. But I'm afraid your power is sadly lacking." He turns to observe her as the Yata scion rises. A single brow archs, a frown settles across his lips.
"I have reason to suspect you are mentally retarded."
As /soon/ as Chizuru sends that arc of gold chi flinging Bernstein's way, he leaps into the air. In a feat of incredible acrobatic ability, he flips, and then descends. And here... is where he decides to take a page from a 'friend' of his.
Polished shoes have every intention of landing on Chizuru's head in a press that will send her crumbling to the ground, if she is not careful.
COMBATSYS: Chizuru fails to interrupt Light Kick from Rugal with Kaiten.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Chizuru can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-======|
His words are followed by a harsh strike, causing the woman to fall a short distance away and land most inelegantly. Still, despite the cruel backhand blow she rises to her feet, albeit a touch weary and unstable. Her death, he threatens? Chizuru smirks faintly. "Bernstein? You could never have that honor." She has far too much to do. He's one of the many things she has to take care of.
"Heh," she replies, fixing the ribbon in her hair, an idle gesture as she looks on. "You know nothing of what it truly means to have power, Rugal. It's a sad fact, and someday you'll have to face it." Retarded? The woman laughs faintly. "My, what's with the grade school insults? Are you that tapped for wit?"
Moving in, Chizuru drops her hand, intent on letting that chi impact against him. However, he leaps up and above, her expression briefly surprised before she jerks up, rising to her feet. Intending on taking the blow and then dropping him into the ground thereafter with one smooth motion, she murmurs to herself before she moves.
Fate isn't very kind tonight. His attack barrels through her attempt, and into the ground she's sent, rather painfully so, despite how seemingly little effort Rugal exerted.
"The honor of giving life and taking life from people foolish enough to fight me is my right, and my right alone. The fact that you believe you can decide your fate... is laughable at best."
He flies through the air, and despite her efforts, he crashes into her feet first. His polished shoes strike hard and fast, infused with the strength that the Bernstein man is known for -- strength enough to rip out lamp posts and use them as weapons. Her weakness, compared to his strength, makes her simply something to laugh at. Which is /exactly/ what he does as she crumples to the ground; let's out a hateful, arrogant laugh.
"Just a simple statement of facts, my dear..." He says this as he casually dips down, grasping Chizuru by her /head/ to lift her up and into the air. "I must have knocked you too hard across the head when we last fought. I don't quite remember you being so... foolish." Or perhaps he is just not remembering correctly. There is a moment, where he exerts pressure on the woman's skull. Fingers press into the woman's skull, as if to simply crush her head... but then.
Fate is on her side.
"It's not worth it."
A simple toss flings Chizuru away from Rugal. "Grow stronger, woman. When we meet next... I expect a challenge." And with that, he will walk off, picking up his briefcase once more.
COMBATSYS: Rugal takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Rugal has ended the fight here.
There's really no chance for Chizuru to reply to his proclamation of being THAT superior to everyone. She does, however, draw a frown across her lips as she goes to move, to attempt one last swan song before her inevitable defeat. She makes the motion to use that momentum against him--
--but clearly he out powers the Yata scion.
Crushed beneath his polished shoe, the heiress of the Yata lays face-first in the snow, looking none too conscious. Sure, she's breathing, but they're ragged and winded at best. Still one to want the final word it seems, Rugal picks the poor woman up by her head and dangles her. Her eyes barely stir, offering him a weak glance of sorts before they draw shut, the pressure beneath his fingers clearly a sign he wants to end it here and now, and it would seem that Chizuru resigns herself to this fate.
Sparing mercy? With a casual toss of his hand the woman's body is sent rolling across the snow. Tumbling, she rolls and rolls and...suddenly her form flickers out of existence. He seeks to walk off and Chizuru isn't there. Clearly a doppelganger.
Instead the woman clad in the red hakama and white, decorated joue stands a distance away, her face half-obscured by the red demon mast perched on her face. Grow stronger? A challenge? "Fine," she states simply, turning her back to him and walking away in the opposite direction. "I accept."
Log created by Chizuru, and last modified on 16:46:54 01/25/2006.