Description: After his first successful mission, Rugal invites his son and would-be heir to the Bernstein family tradition to the trophy room on board the Noah. What follows afterwards, is a rathe painful test of Adelheid's abilities -- to ensure the boy is staying up to par with the father's expectations.
The hallowed trophy hall of the Black Noah is not a sight seen by many. Vice and Mature are of the few allowed to come to this place with the intentions of living. Most others...? Come here in order to die and become another prize on the rack. Lining these halls are the bronzed bodies of countless felled fighters, expressing emotions of fear, rage, anguish and surprise for all eternity. All felled by one man... Rugal Bernstein. Today, the hall receives a new guest. Someone who has not been here before, but has the fortune of walking out alive in the aftermath. After all...
... Bernstein would never harm the heir to his /legacy./ ... Too much.
He is here, of course. He invited Adelheid Bernstein, his son and heir, to this place today. Why? The messenger said only for a 'small test.' But of course, Adelheid should know what that means. He was trained by his father, after all. And a 'test' will always involve pain of some sort. However, the message was addressed as urgent, which simply meant /now./ Rugal is not an exceptionally patient man at times, and punctuality is simply another test for the newest member of his organization.
He sits here, in the center of the hall, sipping a glass of red wine. Savoring the taste. His panther Rodem lays at his feet, eyes closed but ears alert. For now, the man simply waits. After all, he has faith in his son... to heed his father's requests.
Sometimes, it seems like his entire /life/ is one 'small test' after another. Some more painful or menial than others, but the barrage certainly keeps on coming. At least, that's Adelheid's perception of it. The Black Noah has been his home away from home for some time now, due to his training and his father's travels, even if parts of it were closed to him.... and punctuality is certainly not a trait the young Bernstein lacks. The message delivered, Adelheid wastes no time in straightening his simple, jet black wardrobe, pulling on the matching thin leather gloves as he strides evenly down the corridors of the battleship.
Nervous? Oh, he could be, that's for sure. Rugal's intimidating, even (especially?) to his own son. But Adel hasn't lived the life he has without attaining a degree of self-control and discipline, and his breathing his steady, his pace equally so, as he answers the summons. Jeez. The boy's eyes betray little of the inherent shock at seeing the wax museum from hell for the first time, but it does give him pause as he enters the hall, booted feet scuffing up short as he surveys the myriad of fighters, frozen in time. It's not as if his father's sadism is going to /surprise/ him at this point, though this is certainly... a different level. Clearing his throat quietly, Adelheid resumes his pace, keeping his gaze forward, which quickly leaves it to settle on his father. As he approaches Rugal's proverbial throne, Adelheid's eyes drop towards the floor respectfully, as he inclines his head, "You called for me, father?" It's not a request for confirmation, merely the acceptance of the demand, and an inquiry into the nature of it. There are few other words to speak, at a time and place like this.
They are a necessity, to help mold him into the leader he will one day be. Rugal is to arrogant to consider Adelheid a true 'heir' of course. If he has his way, he will live forever, and something eternal hardly has any need for an heir. Rather, Adelheid is a safety net. In the event that something should, unbelievably, go wrong. And that is why he is molded and shaped into a fighter of the highest calibre. That is why Adelheid lives through a series of tests. Because when the Bernstein scion is finally /ready/... He will be a force to be truly reckoned with.
A little bumps and twists along the way simply serve to enhance the journey.
This, however, is the legacy that Adelheid will inevitably live up to. Each of these fighters represents a step on Rugal's ladder towards a godhood that he is certain he is already close to possessing. Each one a baby step to divinity. Eventually, Adelheid will learn not to fear them, but embrace them. And if not that... then simply /accept/ them. Still. The glowing red optic of Rugal's false eye lifts to peer at the boy as he enters. He takes another, more languid sip of his wine before he settles it down on his armrest. Rodem's head turns up slightly, a single eye cracking open. The boy's not a threat to it; it knows this, and closes that eye once more. "Aah, Adelheid my boy. Always on time." Slowly, the elder Bernstein lifts up into a standing position, hands slipping into his pockets. "I heard about your excellent work on your first mission. Congratulations." He heard. And he likely knows who it was that Adelheid fought, too. But still... "Tell me. Was she strong?"
Of course, being molded into the would-be demigod's form isn't a fate Adelheid's ever been extremely keen on. But acceptance, well, he's better at that. There just isn't much choice, is there? For his sake, or for his sister's. The more pragmatic of the Bernsteins would probably insist that nothing lasts forever... were he truly privy to his father's plans, as a whole. But as it stands, carrying on, and becoming that high-calibre fighter is the course Adelheid chose, and it doesn't seem to be one he second-guesses. But then, doubt or defiance just aren't things one shows to Rugal Bernstein.
The boy's platinum mop bobs lightly with a singular nod of acceptance, the praise absorbed with little apparent glee or arrogance. It's simply fact, right? Bernstein pride isn't quite the same beast as most egos made manifest, "She was not nearly strong enough, father." Adel answers steadily, lifting both (natural, hah!) eyes to his father, his features consciously steeled, strong and cold, "There was some talent there, but dispatching her was not a problem." Again, the confidence is levelled with a matter-of-fact steadyness, a simple statement of events. Adelheid's gaze leaves Rugal only momentarily, considering the impressive panther. He'd smile, but well, now's not the time, and so he merely looks back to the elder Bernstein, patient.
When you are made into a part of R, you are not given much of a choice on anything. Especially true for Rugal's own son. After all, the whole of R was created to serve /Rugal's/ needs and wants... so shouldn't the son devote himself to the father? Loyalty. Skill. These are the things that are truly important. As long as Adelheid possesses that, he will continue to grow under his father's wing, and realize the limitlessness of the Bernstein potential. Battle... is simply in his blood. And there is nothing that Adel can do to change that, even if he desired it.
"A dull match then, was it?" The elder Bernstein questions with a bit of a frown, even as he steps over Rodem. "What a pity. I was hoping she might have provided you at least a decent gauge of skill. Or, some entertainment." But it is somewhat of a gauge; it lets Rugal know his son's skill is considerable. Just as he knew it to be. "Considering how well you did with this particular assignment, you will be getting another in the next few days. Continue proving yourself to be so valuable, and I'm sure you will find yourself rising up the ranks soon enough." But then... Adelheid's brown eyes steer towards Rodem. A blonde brow archs, faintly.
"But you know..." Rugal's fist clenches.
"... You need to be prepared at all times."
And that is when Bernstein /leaps/ forward towards his son, intent on shoving his left fist into the boy's solar plexus with surprising strength if he's not fast enough.
He did say this was a TEST, after all.
COMBATSYS: Rugal has joined the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vice 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rugal
COMBATSYS: Adelheid has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vice
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Adelheid with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Vice
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/------=|
"It beat standing by the van, watching the hired help..." it's about there that the boy's quasi-dissatisfied response is cut short in a sharp outrush of air leaving his lungs. Surprise /does/ register on his face then, even if he should have expected this by now, and his backstep only serves to add momentum to the sudden trip sharply away from Rugal, Adelheid skidding painfully to his back on the floor. He may be skilled, with no small measure of inherent talent... but he's still no match for daddy dearest, and it shows even now.
Still, that's not going to stop Adelheid from trying, now is it? The lithe Bernstein kicks out of his backplant, twisting in midair as he adjusts his sudden flight to bring himself right back in at Rugal, full-bore. His right heel snaps around, aligned with the larger man's midsection, and as he touches down, well... he snaps around to his father's flank, left boot crashing up and around at the side of Rugal's head, followed by a sharp forward thrust-kick that's meant to catch his elder right in the throat. No, he's not going to hesitate here... that would just make it worse.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Rugal with B's Destruction.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Vice
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|
Ah, there it is. Adelheid at least /now/ is on the ball. But his reactions could have been a little better to begin with. Still, the eldest Bernstein shan't complain. In fact, he won't even move out of the way of Adelheid's assault as the younger man comes rushing in at him. He doesn't bother moving, struck by the kick to his midsection, his head, and directly in the throat. But even though he's struck, the most the leader of R does... is stagger back a few steps. Does it hurt? Well... it stings a little bit. But not NEARLY enough, making the man laugh all too loudly as he slams a single foot against the ground.
"Good, good! Excellent speed, excellent power. Now... let me try the same." And that is when his leg snaps forward to /smash/ into Adelheid's side with vicious force, before snapping upwards to catch him in the jaw. While the speed is somewhat amazing, it is more the force behind it that Adel should worry himself about -- with more than enough 'oomph' behind it to send the poor boy flying up and into the air.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid blocks Rugal's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Vice
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|
He might go airborne, if his defense weren't readied for this one. His forward momentum abating sharply after the boot-to-throat maneuver, Adelheid rights his stance quickly, dropping to a half-crouch to align his shoulder with his father's renewed assault, the bruising pain literally shrugged off due to where it lands, though it certainly stings, as does the sharp hit that takes his forearms instead of his face as he backsteps and crosses his arms in a quick guard before himself, rich brown eyes intent on his father, his adversary. Family rivalry has whole new meanings, on this boat.
Forced into a backwards slide, but not into a backflip onto his head, Adelheid is quick to snap both hands in for his father's suit-front, his forward momentum suddenly doubling and redoubling as he all but launches in at the elder Bernstein. His feet leave the ground by a few inches, and screw gravity, because he's looking to fly forward at an alarming rate, and slam daddy dearest into the wall closest behind him... which could cause some statues to get a bit displaced. But hey, Rugal started the fight here. Silent, intent, Adelheid shows none of the arrogance or pride he might with other fighters... this may not be life or death, but it is for the boy.
COMBATSYS: Rugal interrupts God Press from Adelheid with Genocide Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Adelheid 1/-======/=======|-------\-------\0 Vice
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|
Ah, these techniques. One that Rugal himself taught the boy, and some that he learned on his own abilities. The fact that he manages to block Rugal's sudden strike is impressive in and of itself. Something that deserves some credit, at the very least. But it also leaves him open, more open than Adelheid may care to admit, to Rugal's other assaults. He sees the boy coming. "Too slow." He murmurs, almost to himself. His legs spread out, a decided smile upon his lips. "Far, far..." That flying lunge is far too predictable. And so, he teaches Adelheid a lesson.
Lesson #1: Be faster.
A single, chi-empowered shoe SLAMS into Adelheid the second he rams himself into Rugal, with enough force to detach the boy and send him into the air.
"... too SLOW!"
Lesson #2: Be stronger.
Bernstein leaps after his son, and in the span of a second, slams a chi empowered foot into his back before he twists through the air, a crescent arch of golden power bringing his foot /slamming/ into Adel's gut and sending him crashing to the ground below. Just as simple as that.
WHAM! That's basically the end result of Adelheid's attempt to slam his father. He's not really surprised... catching Rugal off-guard is something he's learned is very hard to do, and this time, the youth hits the ground a lot harder, tumbling heels over head in something of a jumble of limbs before he catches himself and rolls out of it, "Faster." He murmurs quietly, mostly to himself, "Stronger." He concludes on his own, and seeks to do just that, silvery chi slicing outwards from all about his body, a tremendous gout of flame-like shards of greyish power, his flight this time that much faster, that much stronger, as his hands once more seek Rugal. This time, however, the forceful slam is not so simple... his own silvery chi /explodes/ outwards from his grip, looking to envelope Rugal in its force before crashing him backwards, hopefully to better result than the last attempt! He's expanding on the battle just as instructed, after all, and still giving it his all despite the trail of blood leaking from his mouth. The point of impact, should it be reached, culminates in a whipping gale of tremendous energy... it may not match his father, but it's certainly not for lack of motivation, or effort.
COMBATSYS: Rugal stops Gigantic Pressure from Adelheid with Dark Barrier EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Vice
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|
"Variation is key." It's a simply fact that Rugal makes clear as Adelheid seems to be striking up an attempt at something larger, and more deadly. Faster, too. Faster, stronger... but still not enough. "You must learn to keep your opponents guessing. The use of all kinds of techniques... is /essential/." Adelheid lunges forward again, in a manner similar to before. It's faster... but not nearly fast enough. Rugal can see it coming from a good distance away, seeing that silver chi well up and explode outwards from his son. And all too casually, he thrusts a single hand forward, palm-up. "I have seen this before. You are making a critical error. Allow me..." Emerald chi flares along his arm, his lips split into a vicious grin. "... to show you." And then, all that energy that Adelheid flings towards Rugal? Is intercepted by a large, shimmering green barrier, stopping both Adelheid and that chi in their tracks before he can even reach the apex of the attack. And all that chi -- all of it -- is absorbed directly into the Dark Barrier, before it all fades away, leaving a smiling Bernstein. "Again."
Well, it's a pretty lightshow, but that's about it. The chi-wall Rugal throws up is quite effective in both stopping Adelheid's charge, and assimilating the attack into its own energies. He drops back to a ready stance, eyeing his father dubiously. Sure, surprise him. That becomes harder when dealing with the /master/ of the style you've been taught, doesn't it? Adelheid might prefer a moment to figure something else out, but he's not going to ignore his father's demanding invitation. These fights are always on the elder Bernstein's terms, and Adel is well aware he doesn't have the power to change that. Not yet.
Instead, he launches himself skyward, the impressive leap's apex carrying him cleanly over Rugal's head, his body swinging around as he descends on the other side, looking to snap a quick boot-heel into his father's skull. He doesn't respond to the criticism... except by way of action. Try, and try again... getting back on the horse has never been a problem for the youth. Maybe he's just a masochist?
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Adelheid's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
Mature has arrived.
Therein lies the challenge. And Rugal is SURE that his own son can find a way to surprise the man his own way. He is a fighting genius, after all; the impressive amount of progress he's already made thus far is proof enough of that. So, inevitably... Adelheid should be able to do /exactly/ as Bernstein requests of him. For now, though, Rugal will simply content himself with testing the boy and beating some more strength into him. As Adelheid makes a quick snap of his boot towards Rugal's skull, for example, the crimson-clad man smiles a little... and jerks a single hand forward, to catch it before it can even come close to striking him in the side of the head. It doesn't even do so much as sting. "Not quite good enough."
It's all he offers, before he seeks to grasp Adelheid securely by that foot. And then... he'll swing the boy around once, twice, before releasing him with intense speed towards the nearby wall, to let him /slam/ into it while propelled by the strength of R's leader.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Adelheid with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
It's Adelheid's turn to meet the wall, and he's not nearly as successful at avoiding that impact as Rugal has been so far. His teeth grit, jaw clenching as more blood runs free, though the pain in his face is secondary to the explosion of nerve endings across his back as he slams into, and subsequently slides down the far wall, half-falling to his side to be held up by one palm. Coughing, he drags himself to his feet, eyes locking intently on his father, "I'm not... done yet." He insists, despite the beating he's taken. Maybe he /should/ just lay down, but it's not in his genes, "I may not be able to beat you.... but whatever else you need to test, I'm ready for." Well, maybe not /ready/ ready, but he's not giving up.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
Aah, good. There's the drive and determination that Rugal wanted to see. That Adelheid can still get up after all that is impressive; and that he doesn't /move/ means he is most assuredly planning something. So. Bernstein allows himself a small smile, even as his would-be heir rises to his feet. A smile that soon breaks into a grin, even as both his hands clench into fists. "Not done yet? Hopefully not! We've only just /started/ after all. Come now, Adelheid. Show me a bit more of that strength." One foot pushes Rugal off the ground in a charge towards Adelheid. His right hand clenches, and when he is close enough... it swings in one singularly powerful uppercut meant to SMASH into Adelheid's jaw with untold strength and send the poor boy flying.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid dodges Rugal's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
Variation. Evolution. Adelheid may not be his father's match, but he /is/ his father's son, and he /is/ the future. One can almost see it, the boy convincing himself as much as anything. Jaw clenched, eyes set with a fierce determination, he gracefully weaves away from Rugal's charge, the mighty uppercut cutting through the air where Adel was just standing, the boy himself ducking low, all but sliding to the side and around, his inner chi and lithe musculature far more suited to this kind of maneuvering than the tank-like offense and defense Rugal offers.
And then, he strikes... suddenly, and hopefully, unexpectedly, both hands slamming forward, palms out.... as he shows his father something truly new. A dark, near-black disc of pure energy explodes outwards from the center of his hands, silvery arcs of wind-chi coursing along the length of the circular construct, a far larger, far nastier manifestation of the wall-like energy Bernstein wielded a moment ago. Of course, the intent here isn't to stop anything... but to use his father's momentum against him, the eruption of energy lashing point-blank into Rugal's rear flank, as a coursing bolt of luminescence swirls outwards from the center of the construct, easily as tall and twice as wide as Adelheid himself.
COMBATSYS: Rugal endures Adelheid's Dark Steel.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1 Rugal
So, he avoided it. Good. Like Rugal said... they've only just begun. Adelheid ducks out of the way of his father's assault, weaves with a speed the man himself does not bother to possess. After all -- why bother when you can simply take /in/ all that power? And here is where Rugal decides to offer a demonstration of this. Unfortunate is the fact that Adelheid underestimates the reaction time of his father; because by the time Adelheid launches that attack, Rugal has already planted both feet into the ground. He does not try to move; the technique bursts forward far too fast to effectively move. Instead...
He simply takes it ALL.
"Interesting!!" Its roared through the impressive assault as that wide disc SLAMS into him. And what does Rugal do? He turns... and moves directly INTO the assault. The pain is not /nearly/ great enough to stop him as he thrusts a single gloved hand forward, to puncture through the disc and grasp Adelheid FIRMLY by the head through the maelstrom. And if he does... it's simply a matter of lifting the boy high into the air, letting his legs dangle a moment before he SLAMS a powerful fist right into Adelheid's gut, to send the boy /flying/.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid blocks Rugal's Scorpion Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Rugal
Sure, Adelheid doesn't have much range of motion as Rugal plows through his technique, and he's lifted up by his face... but it's not enough to shake his resolve, the boy suddenly shifting his body within Rugal's grip, a forearm intuitively aligned with the thrusting fist. The elder Bernstein isn't the only one who's learning his kin's tricks, apparently. The force is still enough to send Adel lurching free, but he lands in a stable crouch, sliding back on booted feet for a brief instant before he launches himself up and in, his right hand seeking to close about his father's face in return, a subtle bend of the elbow culminating in a potent shove, should his grip be found.... but it's not the shove that's the only danger here, as Adelheid's palm blossoms in a torrential outpouring of potent wind-chi, the silvery arcs seeking to envelope his elder's head as Adel launches him backwards.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Rugal with Scorpion Deathlock.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Rugal
Ah, there it is. There's some more speed there in Adelheid's assault, at the very least. Rugal will give him /that/ much. But it isn't enough. He's not fast enough to raise his block, however, and so that familiar assault rings true, chi pouring into Rugal's body violently. But it is not enough... to send him flying. Rather, Rugal staggers back a step or two after the last of that chi has been expelled, nice polished shoes striking the ground below him before he ultimately comes to a stop. "Good... very good!" And then, he lashes out, crossing the distance between himself and Adel to launch a kick to the boy's side, before lifting it to swing /downwards/ and impact on the younger Bernstein's shoulder with incredible swiftness and efficiency.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Adelheid with Light Kick.
[ \\\ < > //////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Rugal
Dropping out of his forward momentum, Adelheid finds himself in a dangerous spot once more, his father's newest strike cleaving a rather painful impact into his shoulder, dropping the youth to his knees. This is it, he's well aware he can't take Rugal's hits any more just now, but Adel isn't inclined to just lay down, even now. Instead, his crouch is abated momentarily by a defiant, determined kick of his right foot, which arcs straight upwards with enough force to bring him up to his feet, and then briefly airborne, a swath of wind-chi sliced through the empty air in front of him, the silvery blade that's formed by the swipe lacking defined shape, but not potent force, as it crackles across the floor, covering the short span between the two rather quickly, if not as quickly as normal, the boy letting out a fierce yell, releasing the tension of the fight in one final, stubborn technique. Of course, he's going to land right back on his knees, barely able to hold himself up off the floor. He's not continuing the fight, from there... at least not voluntarily.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 1/----===/=======|
COMBATSYS: Rugal overcomes Reppukyaku EX from Adelheid with Reppuken EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/---====|
So, that's the end, is it? Well. The boy certainly did /better/ than Bernstein thought he might. And that is a compliment in and of itself. Still, Rugal turns slowly to walk away... save he can hear the crack of chi. "Ah. One more, is it?" Blue-white chi begins to curl up Rugal's arm, even as he turns to look at the projectile of pure, silvery chi searing a path towards him. "I suppose I can expend a little bit more power..." And then, in one swift motion, his arm snaps forward. Released with it? A mass of ground-based chi, the bluish energy slamming /right/ into Adelheid's. Rugal has only expended enough energy, however, to ensure that the two cancel each other out. That will be enough. And in the aftermath, as the two forces begin to disperse each other, Rugal slips two hands into his pockets, and glances at Adel with some small bit of consideration in his eyes. "... You did fairly well. If you can still walk, feel free to return to your quarters. You will be given a new mission come tomorrow." That is all. That is, after all, the extent of Bernstein's 'fatherly love.'
COMBATSYS: Rugal takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Rugal has ended the fight here.
"Thank you, father." Please sir, may I have another? Adelheid manages the almost-sincere gratitude before he even starts to pick himself up, which he does do, just as quickly as he can. He'd rather lay down, rather just crouch there, rather do anything but move after fighting Rugal, but he's got far too much pride for that. Climbing unsteadily to his feet with a smooth shove of one muscular arm, the young Bernstein taking just a moment to stabilize his footing before he turns, and with as much fluid grace and dignity as he can manage, strides back towards the entrance to the disturbing gallery, and the warship corridors beyond.
Log created by Rugal, and last modified on 13:42:43 01/21/2006.