Description: While in the midst of a nap, the returned vagabond Terry Bogard is interrupted by Rugal Bernstein, looking to test himself against the other man. Terry agrees, and gets a better understanding of why Bernstein is so fearful a man.
Given the season, it's quite surprising that the day has been greeted so warmly, weather-wise. Sunlight pours down enough golden splendour to send a shiver down the spines of those stepping out for the first time - forming a juxtaposition with the more common frosty cold, the combination altogether making it a fantastic time to be alive. Bracing, invigorating, and more than a little beautiful. All of which explains just why a lone figure is laid out upon a low wall in Southtown's seedier area, located just off a main concourse and thus nicely sheltered from the outside world.
It's this luxury Terry Bogard revels in more than simply the opportunity for a refreshing outdoor nap; he is arriving back in Southtown after quite the excursion, a good few months spent wandering the highways and byways of Japan in search of enlightenment. At least, partly. If you know where to look, some of the smaller Japanese villages can prove to be quite the hot ticket - nothing quite like girls who've been secluded way for the best of their adult lives, or bartenders who run rather free with the liquor when they realise they're speaking to a bonafide gaijin. Life? Life is most excellent. But with lacking funds and transport, the Hungry Wolf has been forced to make his own way back into the City of Fighters.
So here he rests, distinctive red cap pulled over his face to proudly present the 'FATAL FURY' legend to the passing world. Aside from this - even /including/ this - nothing is unusual in his appearance, head resting against his endlessly useful duffel bag and long ponytail trailing down to brush against the pavement beside him. And just to complete the effect, there's a light snore emanating from between his lips. Terry; warrior, legend, and bum.
Odd weather. Though winter has dawned on the world, it seems that Southtown does not acknowledge or accept this, the sun embracing them with its warmth even as it molds itself with the cool air of winter. An interesting combination. Unusual... which is something rather common here in Southtown of all places. This town, after all, is /known/ for being the origin of many unusual things. Many amazing things. For example... some of the strongest fighters in the world have found their lives beginning, and ending, here. Such as Geese Howard, the oh-so-tragic Jeff Bogard and... his son. The Lonely Wolf? The Hungry Wolf?
Terry Bogard.
It's remarkable how easy it is to find those that claim to be the strongest on the face of the world. For the most part, at least. Even these Lonely Wolves have so many ties that bind them, that leave them able to be traced like a spiderweb leading towards the very center of it all. Admittedly... the World Warrior was easier to find than the would-be Legendary Wolf. It was a matter of patience with Bogard. With a tendency to disappear off the face of the world, it was only a matter of time before he would appear again -- and obviously enough, at that. Finding people is only so difficult when you have an information network the likes of which 'R' possesses. Which is why... even as Terry lounges...
"Ah, Mr. Bogard. I don't believe we've ever met before..."
There is a man wearing pure crimson and a grin of sheer amusement standing right beyond the lazing wolf.
"... I am Rugal Bernstein. At your service."
He is quick to dip down into a bow, a form of respect that probably is not nearly the respect he makes it out to be. Still -- one has to show at least a bit of reverence to a fighter such as Terry. Which is /exactly/ why Rugal is here today. To show... reverence.
"I was wondering if I could take a brief moment of your time?"
Hey. Who claims to be the strongest? Terry never claimed a thing, just worked his sorry little orphaned butt off to lay low the most dominating crimelord in Southtown's written records - really, his becoming so strong was almost an accident in itself. Now he travels around searching for those capable of matching his skills and encouraging those who might one day be capable of doing so, packing out all the journeying with a healthy amount of those little things in life that everybody enjoys; wine, women, sound, and lazing about. Though admittedly, all this does gift him with a fairly elusive aspect that contradicts a friendly attitude... but whose fault is that?
As the Wolf's surprise visitor makes himself known, the snoring comes to an abrupt stop, cut off immediately. A single eye cracks open to peer up toward the voice's owner - which is approximately the time Terry remembers his face is fully covered by his trademark hat. Never met before? They're not even meeting /now/. Give him a moment. "Jeez, man, don't surprise me like that," the blonde fighter grumbles quietly, pushing himself up with a light groan and lifting one gloved hand to shove his cap back where it belongs. Swinging his legs around to hang down before him, he then takes a few seconds to digest all that's been said, and to get a good look at his guest.
"Bernstein, huh?" Terry's mouth twists into a lopsided grin, a spark playing in those bright blue eyes. Waving a hand dismissively at the gesture presented for respectful means, he nods a few times, sweeping Rugal up and down before meeting his unnerving gaze. "I'm sure I can find a gap in my schedule." His tone is as casual as might be expected, not a flicker of fear or uncertainty registering anywhere. With another nod of his head, the legendary Wolf pushes himself up off the wall, bouncing a couple of times on his heels, "You here to chat it up, or did you wanna get right down to business?"
His reputation speaks for itself, far more than Terry ever could or would. Defeating Geese Howard is quite the feat, after all! And if Rugal desires to regain that lost power and glory of his -- no, gain /more/ than that -- he must continue to test his abilities and expand upon them. How better than by challenging legends such as Terry Bogard? Whereas Terry might enjoy the simpler things in life, there are few things Bernstein enjoys more than the thrill of a strong opponent... and the power that they may wield. And that, is what ultimately brings him to this point. To learn, to grow. To become stronger and stronger. So thank you, Terry... for being another ring on his ladder.
As laid back as Terry is, it does not throw Bernstein off. Kyo Kusanagi was no less 'lazy' and the power he possesses... is fairly acceptable. A gloved hand slips into his pocket as R's leader adopts a much more casual stance, offering a slight chuckle that rings with his own kind of confidence. "My apologies, Mr. Bogard. But I imagined you're not one who delights in overly scheduled events. Spontaneity is much better sometimes, don't you think?" Polished shoes slide against the ground easily, as Bernstein rolls his head to loosen up the kinks.
"I've never really been fond of posturing." He lifts his hands slowly, to tug eitheer glove tighter across his fingers, feeling the stretch of leather across his palms. Normal and cybernetic eye take a good look at Terry, before offering a brief nod of his head. "So feel free to come at me whenever you're ready. And please do not hold back; I'll be sure to do the same for you." It's a /promise/. One sealed with another one of those wide grins as his left hand falls back into it's pocket as he waits, expectantly. So... what type of strength does the Legendary Wolf possess?
COMBATSYS: Rugal has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Terry has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Terry 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rugal
Feelings here are mutual - there are few things Terry enjoys more than the thrill of a strong opponent, little that entertains him so greatly as battling another with the same attitude. He's heard many rumours regarding Rugal Bernstein, whisperings through various shady routes that the man is as dangerous and black-hearted as they come. He has little doubt that these rumours are likely true, and the man he now stands scant inches away from is both capable and willing to entriely crush those who bring him displeasure, or stand in the way of his dreams. But the elder Bogard has been given no reason to become a cog in the "R" machine, and has nothing concrete to hold against Rugal. This is about two men.
And naturally, the same spark that rises in the Wolf can be felt strongly in his prospective opponent. It only strengthens the honest feeling behind his grin, as he leans back on waking legs and makes quick to agree with the cyclopean warrior's assessment. "Right. Schedules can go to hell - better to always be ready, and take life just as it comes!" Lifting his arms, he snaps an experimental right hook into the air, following through with an understated uppercut from the left - not once removing his attention from the black market leader. When Rugal's done speaking, Terry reciprocates his gesture; lowering his hands to adjust each fingerless covering in turn, only the faintest creaks coming from the worn leather.
"I won't lie, Bernstein," he begins quietly, tone vastly different from that used before, "I've heard a lot about you, and I'm pretty sure under different circumstances you'd be grating right against my grain. But y'know?" Lowering his hands to his side, he gives a careless shrug, blue eyes piercing into his opponent. The right fist clenches slowly. "That ain't what matters now. Let's /do/ this, Bernstein! HAH!" Suddenly he lunges forward, blazing with that famous fighting spirit as he hurls out a much longer, wider hook punch with direct intent to crash his knuckles into Rugal's cheek. Simple, obvious but a very clear statement of feeling.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Terry's Fierce Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rugal
He typically kills those he beats, you know. Turns them into statues. Those that suitably impress him, at least; there haven't been much of those, of late. But this fight, along with several others, have been exceptions. This is merely him retracing his steps, reworking his abilities. Rediscovering. And regaining... what he's /lost/. Terry has nothing to fear about Rugal today, at the very least. The man has no intention of becoming a threat to Bogard's life -- yet. At this point in time, it simply wouldn't be smart. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, after all. And while Geese is no enemy of his... he's simply bad for business. Forgive Rugal for wanting to have a monopoly on illegal trade.
He simply wants everything, you understand.
None of that matters right now, however. All that matters is the thrill of the fight. And the hope, that Terry will be a good opponent. After all; he came here to be /entertained/. If he's not, it'll be something of a disappointment. So he waits, his laughter brief and amused at the Lonely Wolf's words. "Always prepared, eh Mr. Bogard? I like that! It's the sign of a true fighter. Many people are far too lax in their commitments." And though Terry may seem for all the world to be nothing more than a /bum/, well. Bernstein is hoping this is far from the truth -- proven correct as the eldest of the Bogard siblings lets a wide hook punch fly free towards his face. "Excellent speed!" Except--
Except there's a single hand that rises to stop it, before it even comes close to touching his face. Mm. ... A little bit of a sting.
"I suppose I shall follow up, then."
That glowing crimson optic focuses itself on Terry as his hand releases the Bogard's fist, clenching as the muscles of his arm tense. There's only a brief moment of reprieve for Terry before Rugal simply lets the fist fly in a sudden, vicious uppercut meant to smash the blonde fighter cleanly in the jaw and send him flying upwards. Simple, as well. But efficient.
COMBATSYS: Terry endures Rugal's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Rugal
Consider Rugal forgiven - and this is precisely why the Hungry Wolf sees no particular reason to make this a grudge match. Not only will it be that much more entertaining to leave personal feelings aside, but the matters of the world as a whole are not for him to decide. His beef lies with Geese Howard, and though a handful of others have earned his ire at some stage and potential exists for any to do so... the time for making further enemies is not today. Today, he returns to his home for relaxation and realignment. Rugal is not threatening this plan, nor threatening Southtown itself. Why ruin things unnecessarily?
The soft slap of Terry's fist meeting a solid guard might otherwise have been cause for concern - in a serious bout it would leave him open for a great deal of pain, and reactions might run a little faster. On this occasion, it only widens the legend's grin, and he quickly responds to Rugal's statement while tracking the counter. "Bring it on!" Consider it brought. Once his hand is released, Terry lowers it instantly, loosening his form to fully accept the incoming strike - which lifts him clean off his feet exactly as planned. Other complications may not have been expected though, such as the graceful curling of his tensing body as he soars around into a flip.
Landing on Converse heels with a surprising lightness, the Wolf snaps immediately into a fighting stance, gracing Rugal with an approving nod. "You're tough, man. I like that. Let's see if you can keep it up!" Starting rashly forward, he seems to be entering a headlong charge to carrer right into the titanic crimelord, dropping a shoulder down and gritting his teeth in preparation. This motion changes, though, as with little warning he spins himself into a tight forward flip, one leg snapping out during the rotation to swing about in a devastating strike aimed for Bernstein's left shoulderblade. "CRACK SHOT!"
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Terry's Crack Shoot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Rugal
No, no. This is a match for /fun/. One hardly needs to let such things as pride and honor obscure that fact. If Rugal had come here intending to do misdeeds, he likely would have killed all the children that Terry spends his time playing basketball with before coming to blows with the man. Why hold a grudge when it is unnecessary? Bernstein is, first and foremost, a business man; why try to ruin something, kill someone... who will inevitably become profitable to him? This means he has to restrain any urges to dip Terry in bronze, of course... but these feelings are restrained easily enough.
For now, at least.
Terry takes Bernstein's strike rather well. It's impressive, and earns Bogard applause from the crimelord, even as Terry lands solidly on his feet. "Impressive! A strike like that might have done considerably more to anyone lesser. I think..." His feet tense, as the applause stop. "... this will be fun."
Terry's strategy is a sound one. He does, however, make one mistake; that shout of the attack name calls Rugal's attention to the fact that there is a leg flying towards him, and with lightning-fast motions the man snaps a single hand forward in order to intercept the blow, again absorbing much of the impact into his hand and feeling very little of the effects. Lacks a bit of a punch, but he won't complain. After all -- he has to deal with Terry.
The leg is released the moment it is blocked, and with one fluid motion Bernstein spins. A single leg juts forward, to /slam/ into Terry's side. And if it's successful, it it followed up by a vicious flip kick of the man's own that seeks to bite into Terry's right shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Rugal's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Rugal
Applause during a fight? That.. that's a new one, and actually earns Bernstein a few points in Terry's book. Certainly his whole approach has been dead-on for this entire meeting, and it's even a little hard to fully digest the knowledge that this brutal warrior is in fact a bastard of the highest order - hell, in a parallel universe it might well have been /Rugal/ who slew Jeff Bogard to prove his superior power to the inhabitants of Southtown. Or perhaps not. But the point is valid enough, and the "R leader's strength testifies it would certainly be a possibility. Quite the combatant.
The Hungry Wolf is hardly fazed yet though, and while his leg's impact is firmly soaked by his opponent he knows well enough that the lasting effects will work to his advantage. Experience teaches a great deal, as Rugal doubtless realises. The incoming two-kick combination? Terry sees it coming. Twisting his body into the culmination of its flip, he tucks in his released leg and rotates his torso to roll with the impact of the initial setup - it stings a little but only places the legendary pizza boy into an advantageous position. Landing in a crouch, he immediately rolls to his left, cutting past the low wall vacated earlier and simultaneously avoiding the flip kick.
Coming up on a single knee, Bogard sucks in a hasty breath of air, refilling his lungs and taking a moment to focus cleanly upon the recovering criminal. "When this is over?" He calls across, one side of his mouth lashing upward, "You'll have to remind me why we didn't fight sooner. For now-!" Ending with a rushing hiss of breath, he pushes off into a violent motion, hurling back one fist as he takes a single step toward Rugal. Two things happen now to warn of the impending assault; firstly, the man's aura spikes, becoming almost palpable as the second sign occurs. A flash of powerful chi, streaming down his well-muscled arm to coalesce into a burning maelstrom about his fist. Time to pick up the pace.
"BURNING... KNUCKLE!" Terry springs off his second pace, kicking one leg up behind him and leaping forward in an almost perfectly movement, fist leading with enough strength to send a circular explosion of energy hurtling backward in a trail behind the Wolf. Rugal no doubt wanted to see his best, and so it begins.
COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Rugal with Burn Knuckle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
Of course. Why not? Terry made a splendid recovery, and he does a good job of dealing with Rugal's assault, as well. Bernstein is hardly phased in the least, that much can be certain. If anything... he seems to be growing more and more pleased with every moment he sees Terry's growing strength. Certainly this was a good idea; this will be a good test of strength for Rugal, at the very /least/. So what if he is evil, murders women and children, hm? That has nothing at all to do with this fight. And Rugal, at this point, is simply interested in seeing... just how much stronger Terry can prove to be.
The Bogard's responses receives laughter, even as Rugal hops back a single step. If Terry hadn't gone on his exodus, perhaps they might have; and perhaps this would have been an entirely different situation. As it is, the would-be bum is winding up for another attack, and Rugal... doesn't even /move/. Terry lunges so fast, that perhaps he can't even hope to try to move, but the fact remains... that Rugal stands rather firmly in place, and accepts the attack completely as it lunges at him. That chi bursts into a violent life of bluish power, and Rugal's eyes snap /wide/.
That is about when that punch slams into Bernstein, and sends him tumbling back with an explosion of pure power, smoke rising from his nice white shirt as he staggers... but does not fall. Fast, strong. GOOD. Well then... Bernstein supposes he'll follow up.
Which is why the man lunges forward towards Terry once more, a single elbow extended. What this particular technique does not have in style it makes up in effectiveness. If the blow strikes true, -- intent on striking Terry's sternum-- Rugal has every intention of spinning around vicious backhand, before finishing with a single, snap-kick to the man's jaw. His best? Not quite. But good enough.
COMBATSYS: Terry interrupts Fierce Punch from Rugal with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Rugal
Completing his cry, Terry's teeth grit together just in time for the violent burst that ensues when his energy collides heavily with Rugal's fierce aura. It sends a shockwave up his arm, and prompts another circular backwash, a ring of red-gold flame erupting into a quick dissipation somewhere behind the Wolf. But the desired effect is reached, and when his feet touch the floor there is little hesitation in his recovery; straightening with accustomed grace and lowering his striking fist, fingers uncurling to grasp at the crisp air. "Glad you approve, Bernstein. I'd like to think I got somethin' to show for my life, y'know?"
A comfortable smirk settling upon his lips, Terry sinks onto his heels, raising a strong guard as he watches Rugal rise to his feet. His style might strike many as odd - there's little analytical insight in his gaze, no piercing regard for the opponent, simply a natural awareness of space and motion. Unique? Quite possibly. Few at his level can boast such a.. relaxed approach to the figurative arena. It's an approach that, ultimately works, as demonstrated now - a gloved hand lancing out past the incoming fist, which lands almost cleanly. Almost. Deflected with a minimal twisting of the fighting legend's body, it grates across his ribcage but leaves the extended arm perfectly placed to catch the second blow.
"You hit like a truck," Terry remarks gruffly, as he crushes Rugal's fingers beneath a momentarily stronger grip. Then his other hand moves forward, taking a position further up the crimelord's arm and proving all the added leverage needed by the blonde warrior to twist himself around - carrying Rugal with him, to effectively pitch the larger man toward the ground. "But sometimes that's not enough!"
Ah, fast still. Fast enough that he can intercept Rugal's attack, at least. He, however, knows quite well the damage his strength can do, even when it has been halted from fully completing itself. It might not show on Bogard's face, but there are always, always other ways to tell. Terry's relaxed style is, of course, rather unusual. He lacks the fury and overconfidence Kyo possesses, and doesn't have the calm, stoic routes of Ryu. And while Rugal may /casually/ fight... he certainly has some manner of deliberation in what he does. Which will be proven rather shortly --
As Rugal's blow crashes into Terry's ribcage, and he finds his arm grasped. There is only a momentary blink, not out of confusion, just simply... as a response. Before an eyebrow archs, and an easy smile slides across Bernstein's lips. Not a pleasant one. But few of his rarely are. "How true, Mr. Bogard--!!" And then he's thrust off his feet, slamming directly into the ground rather harshly. Though, of course -- if Terry thought that would keep Bernstein down for long, he's sadly mistaken. Though thrown off his footing, Bernstein is quick to get it once more, leaping easily onto his feet and shoving a single hand into his pocket, even as he brushes dirt off of his suit. "That is a truth I /entirely/ agree to." And then...
He turns, to regard Terry with no small amount of interest. That cybernetic eye glows, watches, takes Terry's footwork into account... even as the man's feet slide out easily once more. "Come at me again, Mr. Bogard! I'd like to see a little bit more, if you wouldn't mind..."
COMBATSYS: Rugal focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Rugal
Vice has arrived.
Vice heads west to the business district.
Terry takes a step back after releasing his burden, falling easily into his habitual stance - fists pumping in a light rhythm about his upper body, legs spread evenly and bent to just the right degree. With heels flat to the floor it's clearly a powerful position to assume, most certainly easing defence but bringing enough offensive priority to offer a range of options. This is no slacker, but then.. Rugal knew that when he decided to hunt the man down. Humble the Hungry Wolf might be, but he's realistic too; a fighter on his opponent's level does not issue challenges idly, and this rings with a most thorough truth when they serve a double purpose as a dangerous criminal.
Prepared for anything, then? Certainly an accurate judgement, and little surprise registers even when Rugal proclaims a lack of offensive movement. Another grin flashes into view. Terry relaxes his posture, leaning back and lifting a hand to adjust his trademark baseball cap, "No, thanks. I might not'a fought you before, but I know damn well you got some tricks stashed away." Pausing for a moment as he lowers his hand to fall loosely at his side, the hometown hero seems to suddenly glow with a response to that of Rugal's cybereye; a flare of red-gold working off his shoulders. Subtly understated, it's there all the same, and accompanied by a widening of the man's expression. Shifting his left hand up and forward, Terry's fingers uncurl before a beckoning motion is hurled Rugal's way. "Don't hold out on me, now. C'mon."
COMBATSYS: Terry gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Terry 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Rugal
Aah... Terry isn't attacking? That is incredibly disappointing. Bernstein frowns a little as the man seems to simply be standing there and waiting for him, except then -- chi begins to swell around him. Oh. He's seen this before. He knows what it means, as well -- it means stalling. Forgive Bernstein if he frowns a little. He was hoping to see more power, not... a glowstick. "Mr. Bogard, you insult me. I only wished to see more of your power. But, if you're not the /daring/ sort... I suppose I will come to you." His hands flex and unflex, curl into fists and then relax themselves. Will he come? Oh yes. Just give him a moment...
There it is. A small smile pierces Bernstein's lips, even as he rushes forward again. If Terry won't come to him, then he will come to Terry. Polished shoes smack against the hard ground of their would-be 'arena' as Rugal's lips split into a wide, terrifying grin. And about mid-run, he leaps through the air with incredible ease -- intent on bearing down on the eldest Bogard with a single knee that seeks to plant /right/ into the man's solar plexus and force the air right out of his lungs. Brutal, but simple enough to work to some degree of effectiveness. After all -- glowing fighters are merely an encouragement to keep pressing onwards.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Terry with Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Terry 1/-======/=======|=======\-------\1 Rugal
Ain't that the truth? It's expected that Rugal will leap in with something clean and brutal, an all-or-nothing with deceptive speed and plenty of strength; and this expectation is at least somewhat fulfilled. Terry retracts his encouraging gesture when the larger man begins to move, sliding smoothly back into hist stance and tensing his arms to prepare a solid guard before him. Though he's not one to leave little insults unanswered, and so with a distant smirk he notes, "I'd be a lot more daring if I knew exactly what I was up against. You holdin' out on me? Oof!" Speech timed perfectly with the launched attack, his eyes barely track the movement through the air enough for his arms to be raised - forming an 'x' before his vision that proves itself just a little too late. Rugal's knee penetrates and slams into his opponent's chest with full force.
Stumbling back, Terry allows himself only the time to cast a sweeping gaze over Bernstein's recovering form. He may be strapped for air at the moment and feeling a numbing pain spread across his torso - but he'll not give the Germanic warrior an inch, as he wouldn't with the last he faced. They breed them good and tough, and their determination in war seems second to none. Not that this is over; not by a long shot. Finding his footing swiftly, the Hungry Wolf reaches up to smack his hat back into place with one hand as he darts forward, skirting around the landing man's flight path and then sliding down low. With one leg bent at the knee and the other extended behind him, he sets himself in prime position for his next attack. "Said ya weren't gonna hold back... OVERSHOOT!"
All the gathered energies suddenly flare around Terry's upper body, streaking off him as he surges forward with a massive shouldercheck, plowing hard muscles into Rugal's stomach and then rearing up to lift the man off his feet. Should this connect, a dramatic twist of his body opens him up to crush his opponent's chin with a wild uppercut - carrying the two a little further into the air in preparation for what comes next...
COMBATSYS: Rugal stops Overshoot Geyser from Terry with Dark Barrier EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Rugal
Holding out on Terry?
"Not at all, Mr. Bogard. Simply..." Hm.
"... Preparing."
The knee strike goes off simply as intended; no more and no less than that. Crashing just underneath the man's rib cage to send him faltering, Bernstein pushes back just a little bit in order to leap away from the man, landing solidly some small distance away. Holding out? This is simply the way Bernstein fights. Physical power combined with fluid, rapid techniques. He does not have to be /flashy/ in order to get his point across. This much is readily apparant as Terry goes stumbling back, his block failing him. "Do not worry about me, Mr. Bogard... I would not even think of holding back on a man such as yourself." Oh, no. Besides -- the fun has only begun, hasn't it?
There's still so much more to do.
For example: Terry happens to be showing him what is clearly an impressive display of strength. "Good... GOOD! Show me your power!!" He would taste of it freely, but this is not what he wants to see. So instead? Rugal moves a single hand forward, palm-upwards, facing the rushing Terry Bogard. The smile on his face is vicious. Because Terry may see... green chi licking across Bernstein's arm. "However." (OVERSHOOT!)
"Far be it from me to show you some of my own... specialized techniques."
And that is when Terry's shoulderrush is stopped /flat/ before it can even strike the man, by a large, shimmering green disk, /broiling/ with power. It keeps Rugal safe behind a veil of semi-transparant emerald, even as all that chi? Is simply /absorbed/ right into it. All of that power, gobbled up by the Barrier before it fades away. Leaving Bernstein, grinning so very wide.
"...ngh!" Terry's expression is priceless as his dramatic charge comes up against a solid surface; one incapable of overpowering, though he does attempt to at first - thrusting himself forward with renewed vigour overcoming his surprise. Finally, he straightens up, leaping backward a few feet to land in a half-crouch, fists held before him. Staring past his hands, bright blue eyes take in the flood of chi being consumed by Rugal's technique, and they widen in very frank astonishment. "Well..."
Pulling himself fully upright, the Wolf gives a single shake of his head, falling to a relaxed posture and making a convincing recovery by offering a wide grin to his opponent. "Here I thought we were just gonna smash each other in the face 'til one of us fell over. This is pretty interesting stuff." Ending with an unconcerned nod, he begins to stalk forward, taking a few steps and then lunging toward Rugal for an attempted grapple. A single hand moves to secure itself upon whatever handy perch it can find, twisting to gather a strong grip. "Now what say we get back to business?"
Yanking the crimelord forward, Terry leans in to whip his free arm up in a fierce uppercut - every muscle in his upper body thrown behind the motion to instil it with whatever force he can offer. Naturally the tall German is released once the blow is struck, and a little more than that.. he's tossed away to add insult to injury, aimed to fall right into the wall from which he stirred the hometown hero a short while ago.
COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Rugal with Grasping Upper.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Terry 1/-------/=======|=======\====---\1 Rugal
Ah, yes. All that chi, and for nothing more than to be shoved aside by Rugal's immense power. The fight must continue, of course, and even though Terry stares in surprise, Rugal simply waits for the man to attack again, left hand still slipped into his pocket as he waits for the next attack from Mr. Bogard -- and there it is. There's a faint smile on the part of Bernstein as Terry comes rushing forward at him. He attempts a casual backstep -- attempts being the key word here. Terry rather securely gets a hold of Bernstein, and with one swift movement secures R's leader into a grip. Hmm.
Once more Rugal finds himself flying through the air, as a fist flies upwards in order to strike Bernstein solidly. That it does, and as soon as Bernstein is released... he's tossed? Oh, that will simply not do. He's quite tired of being chucked around, and so, as he flies through the air -- he inverts himself. The uppercut stung more than he would care to admit, but let it not be said Rugal doesn't have good reflexes -- proven, as he lands feet-first on the wall, legs bending at the knees. Excellent. /Excellent/. It's time... for them to /continue/, then!
That's why Rugal pushes off the wall, flying towards Terry. His intent? To catch the other man securely by the face as soon as he lands, and lift him up into the air... before PLOWING a single fist right into his gut, with more than enough force to send the man flying far and away.
COMBATSYS: Terry blocks Rugal's Scorpion Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Terry 1/------=/=======|=======\====---\1 Rugal
"Ha!" Terry barks out a laugh as he watches Rugal right himself with such dramatic flair. Lowering his previously striking hand, he takes a moment to adjust his gloves, watching his opponent rise up and launch himself forward with a ready gaze; eyes glinting with the excitement of battle. "I've not fought like this in a while," he remarks quietly, arms lifting to maintain a slightly belated defensive stance. Feet already set firmly to the floor, this is all he needs to be prepared for the grasp of Bernstein, and while fingers close briefly upon his features they are batted away with a hard backhand.
"No way, man!" Rotating his upper body with the motion, the Wolf subsequently takes a step backward, letting Rugal fall past him should he not be quick-witted enough to have come ready for such a lightning defence. Likely he has however, and this is a risk Terry is not willing to take - so with movements still a little hampered by the sudden reaction he throws himself forward, a quick half-step bringing him in with perfect placement to swing a vicious straight kick up into his (hopefully) stumbling opponent's midsection. "HAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Rugal with Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Terry 1/------=/=======|=======\======-\1 Rugal
Well, Rugal is quick-witted. He rights himself soon after the other man so easily deals with his attack. Is he surprised? Not really. In fact, he quickly corrects himself, but as Terry's blow strikes him, he sees it coming. And instead of getting out of the way... he simply takes it. It doesn't hurt. It stings a little, forcing the man to stumble back, but apparantly it hit with more force than he thought it might, as whatever he was planning was simply rendered to naught. He stumbles, but -- Rugal is hardly ever down for /too/ long. It's only a moment before he rights himself again -- and comes right for Terry.
"Good! Keep on fighting, then!!" Because that's what Rugal has every intention of doing as well, flying towards Terry once more as his right leg suddenly slings forward to smash against the side of the man's head. Not once, not twice, but three times in total, each one growing more vicious than the last. The final one is struck with enough force to send Terry straight into the ground, if he's not careful enough. Rugal Bernstein is far from finished today, after all.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Terry with Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Terry 1/----===/=======|=======\=======\1 Rugal
Terry throws full weight into the kick once he realises it will connect, breaking through whatever plan Rugal had concocted in order to weather the blow to his advantage - they're too evenly matched for any quarter to be given. There may be no ill feeling, but that means nothing to the local boy when it comes to throwing his all into the bout. Sneaker, meet stomach. You like? Great. Now let's get on with this.
Pulling back his leg from the swing, Terry takes a hopping step backward, almost in perfect time for Rugal's charge forward. Chuckling under his breath, he bounces experimentally on his heels and then begins to whir off to one side, red Converse slapping audibly against the pavement. But it's not enough. The first kick sends the blonde tumbling back in the direction from whence he came, forming a wonderful opportunity for the second and third to tenderise his skull. That last even manages to dislodge the eternal cap, and it sends Terry sprawling to the floor with teeth gritted in pain. Much like his opponent though, he is not down for very long at all; left shoulder already tucked in so he can form into a neat ball, the subsequent short roll bringing him up in a crouch nearby.
"Hah... hah..." Breathing in quick gasps, the Hungry Wolf stares Rugal down with a predator's gaze. Once he refills his lungs, a grin curls upon his lips, and with a soft grunt he places a palm down to the floor, using the leverage to push himself upright. "So I guess it's time we got serious, huh? I'll be honest, Bernstein. Been one /hell/ of a long time since I came up against someone like you, but that ain't a reason to quit." Someone like him? There are connotations there beyond mere strength in arms... but no matter. Brushing aside whatever meaning lies in his words, Terry clenches his fists and erupts forward in a blur of motion. "HAAAA-AH!!"
Before closing the full distance, Bogard launches himself into the air, cutting into a tight flip that spins him fully about - a deceptive action that also gains him the sheer momentum he needs for what follows. Power surges forth from the surrounding area, Southtown itself being siphoned into the legendary warrior as he comes about in an aerial crouch, one fist reared back and /exploding/ with a red-gold fire. "POWEEEEEERRRRR-!" *WHUM* His knuckles impact the pavement, which instantly cracks in an elaborate hairline, followed one fraction of a moment later by a well of energy.
"GEEEEEEYSAAAAAAAAH!" Chi surges up from the earth.. a blazing pillar half as high as the surrounding buildings that threatens to engulf both combatants in a cascade of pure power. Burning as strong as Terry's fighting spirit, the inferno positively rages - spreading out to bask the entire alleyway in its influence, crimson and brightly burning yellow clashing in a maelstrom of force.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Terry's Power Geyser.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Terry 0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Rugal
Hopefully Terry likes the feeling of polished shoe being rammed into the side of his head with extreme force repeatedly. Because that is what happens, no matter how fast he may think himself to be. Rugal's leg slams with strength titanic, and strength rivaled by very few others on this earth. But it's still not enough. It's STILL not enough to leave the man /truly/ satisfied. He needs more... MORE. And he needs to taste ALL of what Terry has to offer!
Which is what Terry seems to be doing now. The man's dual gaze narrows. "Don't tell me your done for already! There is yet more to do! You still have more to show me, do you not?! So get up! KEEP FIGHTING!" And it seems... Terry does. Lifting himself up with that decided proclamation is all that Bernstein needs to hear... before a vicious smile draws across his lips. That's it. Terry will not stop. He's not done yet.
Terry is going to go all out with this next maneuver, and so... Bernstein grins, nice and wide, drawing his feet out to either side of him. Good, good. GOOD. A rumbling chuckle begins deep in his throat, begins to well up until it bursts forth in raging laughter. PLEASED laughter. Elated, overwhelmed, and more than ready... to greet Terry's charge /head on/.
Which is exactly what the man does. Chi swarming around Terry as he draws in power from all around him, creating an almost unrealistic amount of chi that EXPLODES outwards like the eruptions of a volcano, Rugal has little other choice... then to /rush forward/ RIGHT into that pillar of chi. Terry's determination. Southtown's determination. Power drawn from the skill of a legend...
... and SMASH a single fist right into it.
The chi swells around his arm, consumes his body, but Rugal still RAGES through it, unhindered. It hurts. It would be a lie to say it didn't. But the /hole/ that Rugal punctures through the attack negates much of the pain he would otherwise feel, until, with his sheer strength... he simply EXPLODES through the Power Geyser, dispersing all that massive chi... and landing some feet away from Terry.
"... heh."
That cybernetic eye trains on the man once more, a smile on Bernstein's lips. Good. Excellent. It's almost time... to finish this.
COMBATSYS: Rugal focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/------=|=======\=======\1 Rugal
When all that chi flows away, it begins from the point punctured by Rugal Bernstein. Rippling outward from the two combatants, it dissipates into a reddish mist, motes of it hanging about to dance lazily before twinkling away from view. What came from the earth, returns to the air. For Terry, the finale to the most powerful attack he will readily use is draining in the extreme, and he stands slowly with chest heaving - fist leaving the floor only through sheer force of will, torn away from that point most in contact with the land. Dropping both arms to his side, he turns that burning sapphire gaze toward the triumphant Rugal, mind registering the laughter only dimly as it seems drawn to concentrate upon the sheer power exhibited by this titan. Not a single word is forthcoming, and no action beside that constant, unwavering stare.
It takes little effort, however, for the Hungry Wolf to realise that this /is/ not over. There remains the final flow of battle in which to partake, but the body comes ill prepared for what the spirit desires. Ache lines the man's muscles and a brief lethargy falls over him - something which is corrected with dramatic flair, his fists clenching /hard/ beside him. This brings forth a surge in his dwindled aura, a definite spike upon the winds that suddenly billow about Terry Bogard. Teeth gritting hard, he takes a step toward Bernstein.. then another.. and then? A smirk.
"Let's get this over with." Bending down, he reaches out with one gloved hand to snag a small, forlorn object upon the floor. Emblazoned on the front is a simple legend: 'FATAL FURY'. Resting the cap upon his head and correcting its angle in the same smooth motion, Terry's eyes once again lift to meet those of his opponent. Legs spread to either side, heels planting firmly to the floor, and his hands find accustomed points before his chest, fists once more tightly wound. "Hmph. Shall we?"
COMBATSYS: Terry gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Terry 0/-------/-======|=======\=======\1 Rugal
There it is. All that chi rushing around him. It is powerful, but Bernstein will not let it stop him. He won't. It's left him rather winded, taking in deep gasps of air -- his lungs burn a little, but he is willing to overlook this if only for the sheer fact that he must recover soon. He has a good idea of what Terry can do now. He's seen all that power. Now? It's time he turned his own power over against the man and see how he deals with it. His clothes burned, his skin charred, he only needs a moment... before he straightens, and cocks his head to the side, peering curiously at Terry.
He readjusts, even as Terry makes his proclamation. Giving a single nod, he rolls back his shoulders, both eyes focused on Terry. "Let's end this, indeed." Chi wells up along him. Golden chi so intense it distorts his form for the briefest of moments, as if in the midst of a heatwave. He stands there for a moment or two longer, letting the pain melt away from him, his normal eye? Fading to a pure white. "I will attack you..."
And suddenly, he is no longer there. Instead...
He is RIGHT next to Terry.
A single hand jerks forward, to try and grab the eldest Bogard by the front of his shirt, burning with chi. And if it's successful...
COMBATSYS: Terry fails to interrupt Omega Destruction from Rugal with Rising Tackle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Terry can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|
... Then Terry is in for a world of pain. All within the blink of an instant. The force of the blows thar Rugal inflict on Terry are as fast as they are strong -- putting forth ALL the man's chi, and ALL the man's strength. Terry, skilled fighter that he is, should be able to keep up; kicks to the ribs, punches to the face, strikes all brutal as Rugal leaps, flips, thrusts inward with blazing fists, striking at Terry's entire body with blows that begin to rapidly escalate. One... five... ten... fifteen in total, all enclosing and striking Terry within the small space of a few seconds, each one as strong and merciless as the last. And the entire while, Rugal's eye, his good eye burn with life, with hatred, with pure unbridled /sadism/ as he stops, SLAMMING a single chi-empowered fist into Terry's sternum. It's not quite over yet, however...
"The end, Mr. Bogard."
A straight vertical leap takes Rugal /straight/ into the air, slamming a chi-empowered, polished shoe directly into Terry's chin. It sends him rising through the air, with Rugal soon following in a leap... and a twisting axe-kick, striking Terry's gut with unbridled force to send him /crashing/ into the ground.
The end.
Standing in near-boxer stance, Terry is placed to watch Rugal's movements over hovering fists, eyes narrowing once his challenge is accepted. Could it be any other way? Perhaps not, but along with the monstrous assault on his senses provided by his opponent.. it causes his blood to burn, his heart to race, and a lopsided grin to twist his lips. The power he faces is immense, attached to quite easily the greatest warrior he has faced since the grossly-chinned man who decimated him so finely many months ago. Rugal may possibly even be better, in terms of refined skill, and there is little wonder that he was able to duel on equal terms with Kyo Kusanagi's fledgling posse. But what the Wolf witnesses now? Astonishing even given his estimations this far - the speed intense, enough to make his head spin as he suddenly jerks about to face his opponent.
"Huh! RISING-!" Acting on pure instinct, the legend begins to twist his form, prepared to fall forward and shove himself upright into a rising kick. But there is simply no time, and with the cry dying on the air, Terry is instead drawn into the into the devastating flow of attacks. Each plows into him with cowing force, and it's testament to the man's will that he does not pass out halfway through - instead keeping his gaze locked upon Rugal's. Sparing great attention to that shining cybernetic, he is staring into its artificial depths when the penultimate strike comes in. Doubling over with an unrestrained gag of pain, a spurt of blood erupting from his mouth, the Wolf experiences a moment of deep understanding.
They may be on a level in many ways, their attitudes might have found common ground this day, but in this instant... the elder Bogard understands Rugal Bernstein better than before. The gleam in his good eye was telling, but moreso is the feral force in his attacks. The most weary, pained smile makes itself known shortly before Terry is carried upward by the final axe-kick. Its basic translation? 'Gotcha.'
An odd sentiment, given it is the legendary pizza boy who finds himself speared into hard concrete, landing without a bounce or roll, simply crashing heavily onto his front. Hands go out to either side, fingers loosely clutching at the pavement. His eyes close for a few moments, breath draw in with a ragged gasp, and then his head rolls to one side, a single eye cracking open to search for Bernstein. Two words follow, delivered with a strange clarity given the blonde's physical state... "Nice fight."
*clonk* Terry's head hammers down against the pavement. Time to resume that nap.
COMBATSYS: Rugal takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Rugal has ended the fight here.
That's it. The fact that Terry had the sheer nerve and audacity to try and interrupt what is Rugal's greatest attack is amusing in and of itself. It avails him naught, however, as the blows all come in. Regardless of his attempts, regardless of his determination and perseverence... there is only so much you can do in the face of raw, overwhelming speed and power. This is it. With that final assault, Rugal sends the man rocketing towards the ground, landing only some small distance from him with hands slipping calmly into his pockets. Is he injured? Yes. But he does a damn fine job of pretending he's better off than he is, a wicked grin offered to the beaten and battered Terry. "You'd be the last, then." He remarks, almost to himself. "I still have more room to grow." He does. He knows it. Because... he never will /run out/ of room.
If Terry has a better glimpse of Rugal's true self, then good. It means that perhaps next they meet, he'll have grown even stronger, and provide an even better challenge for Bernstein. As it stands, Rugal's eye slowly begins to fade back into it's normal brown, cybernetic staring intently at the fallen man. "Nice fight indeed..." It's said after a moment, even as Bernstein languidly rolls his head. "You're quite the strong warrior. And if you're still conscious... I imagine we'll be meeting again soon enough. Keep an eye out for any new mail, hm?" He is calm, even though his breathing is still ragged, even though he is nearly on the verge of collapse himself -- but he will be fine, soon enough. Instead, Rugal merely turns his back to the prone Terry...
... and walks away.
"Until we meet again, 'Legendary Wolf.'"
Log created by Rugal, and last modified on 06:40:42 01/24/2006.