Description: Who wouldn't want to fight the Grin From Korea? Yuri comes to learn the mystic arts of Justice! And just as she falls, who should show but Xiangfei! (Winner: Kim!)
The Kim Dojo has been going through some... renovations recently. More like repairs, honestly; the Kims just like to look at the bright side of life. The funny thing is, of course, the direct damage caused was not by the mysterious man in red who came barreling in once more to challenge Kim. Rather...
It was caused by Kaphwan's partner crashing through a wall after the evil man's final assault.
Not that Kim was upset at all at Xiangfei for that little mishap, nor did he demand she pay for it. What with the money he makes from participating in tournaments, he can afford to repair the damage. It's just somewhat disheartening; it had been a while since someone as dark and evil as that had invaded Kim's very home to challenge him. He tries not to let it get to him too much, of course; life goes on, and always and forever, Justice prevails!
Kim resides in the dojo -- training, of course. He's just finished his lunch, a nice, homecooked meal provided by his wife. And having finished resting after his meal, he currently... is doing some vertical, one-handed push-ups. "Hup! Hup! Hup!" How many has he done?
You probably don't want to know.
And into every life, a little ra..
*SHRRRKPRKPRKPRKPR* (Record player needle being ripped away. Let's try again!)
"Excuse me! Is this the Kim Dojo?"
Yuri steps through the open door, taking in the sight of the repaired locale, and nodding sagely at the new wood. Looks A-OK to her! She closes the dojo's doors behind her, and then clasps her hands behind her back, swaying back and forth on the balls of her feet. There's a pause, and then she remembers exactly _why_ she came. "Dad's out of town - so I figured i'd go watch some mroe styles in action. Are you alright with that?" She mock-jabs a few punches, then grins. "I'm no slouch myself, but hey - I'd love to learn from more masters!" And pick up new techniques to add to her own, of course.
What the--
Kim looks up, as best as one can when their face is nearly touching the ground. Brown eyes peer at the girl's... legs, because that's the closest thing he can see, and peering any further up would probably result in being disrespectful. Of course -- he's not in such a strange position for long, because you can't rightly hold conversation in such a way. One easy push off that hand is all he needs to leap up onto his feet, taking a better look at -- aah, Yuri! Takuma's daughter. "It's a pleasure to meet you in person, miss!" He starts right off the bat, giving a brilliant smile and a bow of respect. "You want to see how Tae Kwon Do works? Well then, I'd be happy to show you! Whenever you're ready, feel free to come at me." He means it, too! No room for hesitation, right?
COMBATSYS: Kim has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 0/-------/-------|
Yuri claps her hands together, then slaps her left glove into her right palm as Kim offers the greeting, returning the bow with an energetic sort of respect. "I'll do my best! You do too, okay!?" Like Kim _or_ Yuri would do anything less!
She grins widely as she sets her own stance, and then approaches Kim, left foot forwards, then spinning her body around on it as a pivot, bringing her right foot up, chambering it, and then letting loose with a fast kick! "HYAH!!"
COMBATSYS: Yuri has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yuri
COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Yuri's Light Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yuri
Do his best? She'll do hers? Kim flashes a grin. A grin... that shines.
"I was just about to say the same thing!!"
Of course, the Tae Kwon Do master is more than prepared as that foot comes flying for him. Yuri is fast though, he'll give her that. But the man is /just/ fast enough to get out of the way of the attack by simply jumping /over/ it and /high/ into the air.
It's as he descends, that he releases a series of rapid-fire bicycle kicks meant to assault the girl's upper body without relent, before he pushes away and flips through the air.
COMBATSYS: Yuri blocks Kim's Hishou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Yuri
"Great Technique, Master Kim!"
Yuri watches the leap up, spinning back to face her opponent just as he reaches the apex of his flight. As he comes down, she brings her palms up and slaps at those feet that pummel her, catching most on her forarms or the palm of her hands. As he flips away, she rushes forwards, in an attempt to catch and toss him to the ground before he gets there himself. "Let's try one of my own! KYAH!"
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Yuri's Silent Nage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Yuri
He's caught alright! Brown eyes snap wide for a moment as that white gi of his is gripped, but he has /more/ than enough time to respond before it becomes a terribly great issue. Tossed towards the ground, Kim cushions the blow with both his hands, tensing them for a moment. "Good attempt! You're very fast!" And then... he pushes off in just the same moment he gives that compliment, /right/ towards Yuri, intent on striking her in her sternum and sending her flying. "OOORRRYAAA!!"
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Yuri with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Yuri
"Thanks, I'm tryOOF!"
Yuri wasn't watching on that one, and catches the speedy foot right in the middle of her chest. It sends her flying, much as one might expect, to land awkwardly on her feet, wobbling backwards, ALMOST falling again.. then straightening. She rubs at her sternum with the palm of her hand, and then takes a stance, hands up defensively.
"Alright! This time, I'm ready for you, Master Kim! I'm all set! Ready to go! C'mon!" It sounds almost like she's trying to convince herself, if not him!
COMBATSYS: Yuri focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Yuri
Hm? She's ready to go again? Kim lands on his feet easily enough after the kick, complete with a light and easy going hop of his feet. A little jump to get the blood flowing faster. He looks to Yuri, making absolutely sure she's ready again, before he flashes a smile and a thumbs up. "Alright! I'm going to come after you again, then!!" And then?
He's rushing /right/ for Yuri. "HYAAAAAAAAA!!" His intent? Drive a single, open-palm thrust to her shoulder to throw her off balance, before following up with a spinning roundhouse-kick to her side, filled with Korean strength!!
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Yuri with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Yuri
Still ready, still ready - NOT READY! Yuri acks at the strong open-hand thrust hits her shoulder - it looks like she might have been psyching herself up even more, but unfortunately, the psycheing seems to fail! She's spun to the side, and rather uncerimoniously hit in the backside by the Giant Foot of Korean Justice! She goes sprawling, and hits the ground with a thud, a roll, and a bounce or two on her rear end before she skids to a halt. Slowly, she returns to her feet, rubbing at her arms and rear, then gives Kim a big grin - even if she doesn't win, he's amazing to watch. What should she learn from him! She hasn't decided yet, so instead - it's time to show him her own moves!
Catching her breath, she rushes in, ducking her shoulder down - it's her patented, perfected uppercut, and she yells it out as she goes for the first hit, aimed just under Kim's chin. "YUUURI.. CHOU... UPPAAA!" This one, however, is so much more! In fact, as the first hit is thrown, she's already spinning for a second - and then a third!"
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Yuri's Shin Yuri Chou Upper.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Yuri
And there she goes, sprawling again! Kim doesn't feel bad, of course; this is just a learning experience for her and he /promised/ he wouldn't hold back. And Kim always holds true to his promises! That's why, when Yuri comes rushing at him with those powerful uppercuts...
Kim leaps into the air.
He's not fast enough to completely avoid the assault, though. That's why a single foot juts out to intercept her fist, and then the other flies free to block her second uppercut, before /both/ slam into her final thrust, pushing off and using the momentum to fly high into the air. "You put a lot of power behind that, huh?!" Good! Then Kim will show her something interesting!
It's as Kim descends to the ground that a single leg juts forward, high upwards into the air. And as soon as he lands? He SLAMS that foot into the ground... and the floor around them begins to rumble violently, as if in a miniaturized earthquake. "HUUUAAAH!!!"
COMBATSYS: Yuri dodges Kim's Haki Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Yuri
Yuri stands amazed! This is truly a power that Kyoukogen should have! Master Kim's abilities of leaping and jumping and springing and.. you know - general getting-out-of-the-wayness are taken to heart, and in an instant, Yuri shows Kim *just* what she's learned from fighting him!
She leaps just as the foot hits the ground, and runs forwards on that leg of Kim's as it trembles and rocks the ground mightily. Up to his thigh, where she hops forwards, and off - and as she reaches the apex of her jump over and past Kim.. She brings one Converse back in an attempt to catch Kim in the back of the head!
"Wow! That was super, Master Kim!" she cheers, in passing!
COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Kim with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Yuri
--Wow! Yuri is a fast learner, that's for sure! Kim tries to duck his head down, just out of the way of Yuri's kick, but it seems she's just a little bit too fast for him! The kick knocks him solidly, though it only makes him lurch forward a little bit before he spins around to face the Kyokugen user once more. "Very agile! You're picking up fast, miss!" Though -- there's still a lot about TKD yet to be learned!
Which is just what Kim intends to prove as he rushes forward, leaping towards Yuri with rather amazing speed -- a single elbow and knee thrust out, to smack her in shoulder and gut, respectively. "HYAAAAAAAAAA!!"
COMBATSYS: Yuri endures Kim's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Yuri
A fast learner, indeed!
Yuri grins impishly as she lands, spinning around to face the Master of Justice!-style TKD. She braces herself again, and then leans into the first attack, catching the knee with her own upraised knee. The fist into her stomach hits with a satisfyingly hard *thud!* and the girl makes a sound that _almost_ sounds like pain!
Instead, it's a feint, accepting the hit and using it to knock her upwards in a controlled arc. As she moves past Kim's smiling face, she extends both her hands, a wave of chi bursting out towards the man.
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Yuri's Raiou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Yuri
Wow, taking such a fast hit in order to have an advantage! She's an awfully brave girl! And it seems she's almost got Kim on the ropes, too -- except that when that chi comes, he is just /barely/ able to prepare by flipping /upwards/ and into the chi, dispersing it with a hard and heavy kick through the air. It burns a little, but he'll get over it! And it leaves Kim grinning at her, even as he falls to the ground.
"Excellent control of chi, too! HYAH!!"
And that's when he leaps through the air to catch Yuri before she can descend in a wide, sweeping kick meant to snag her in her side and send her flying towards a nearby wall.
COMBATSYS: Yuri dodges Kim's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Yuri
"Thanks! You're not shabby yourself!"
Yuri didn't 'eep' this time, because she knew something that Kim didn't know! She knew that the Raiou Ken has a little extra oomph to it, something that she can use to her advantage. As he leaps up, she's already being pushed backwards by the blast, and when she tucks her legs in, that heavy kick just brushes the backside of her gi, the girl tucking, rolling, and landing in another ready stance.
"Okay! You asked for it!" she says, waiting for the older man to land - and she'll be there with an old standby - the hip toss! "HYAH!!!"
COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Yuri's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Yuri
Unfortunately, it seems that Kim is a bit too nimble for Yuri today! Because as soon as he lands, he's pushing off the ground in a flip. A flip that sends him /all/ the way across the dojo, and away from Yuri's grasp. She might fumble, but Kim's only looking to do one thing -- land on the wall of his dojo, feet-first. "UOOOOOOOOOOOHH!!" And then... /push off/.
The push sends Kim /rocketing/ right towards Yuri. And he has every intention of using that momentum, in order to grab the girl by shoulder and leg, and /toss/ her into a nearby wall with all the force the Korean TKD master can muster!
COMBATSYS: Yuri blocks Kim's Sakkyaku Nage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Yuri
Yuri snaps her fingers as she misses the throw, but she's already getting herself back into position as the grinning, sparkling man leaps towrads her. She laughs as he comes in, and winds up both her fists in her hands, to smack the hands that try to grab her, to keep herself from being grabbed at. As Kim goes by, she reverses the double-hand smash, trying to catch him in the back. "Don't stop because of me!" she says, grinning the whole way!
COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Yuri's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Kim 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Yuri
Wooo! There goes Kim, blasting off again. Except... he plants /both/ hands into the ground in order to halt his momentum as soon as they're swat to the side, and as Yuri takes that swing at him... Kaphwan falls /straight/ onto his back, letting it fly over him. And then... he slams both hands into the ground, and flips right back onto his feet. "Don't worry, I won't! Just stay prepared, okay?!"
And that's about when Kim swings an upward-rising open-palm strike straight to Yuri's jaw, to send her into the air. If successful, he'll leap after her, spinning around in a kick to send her towards the ground.
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Yuri with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Kim 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Yuri
Be ready. Be ready. Be the ball. BE THE BALL! Yuri nods and braces herself as she sees the attack coming in, moving to catch Kim's elbow with her hand - and blows it! The miss doesn't _quite_ have time to register, because all of the sudden, she's flying, into the air - and seeng Kim's GIANT SMILE coming up over the horizon like a sunshin over the hills. And it's.. it's, yes, it's a foot! A giant, screaming swipe of Justice! that propels her back to the earth, the force bouncing her bodily onto the ground, once, and then again!
"Hnn! not.. out .. yet!"
She staggers to her feet, and then tries once more, to lay the burning, speedy uppercut of justice onto Kim Kaphwans form - again, the ultimate move of her schooling. "YUUURIII.. CHOU.. UPPAAA!!!" *insert speed line VFX here* No matter what the ending.. she falls down to her knees after, trying to catch her breath! Hu-wah!
COMBATSYS: Yuri can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Kim interrupts Shin Yuri Chou Upper from Yuri with Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 0/-------/------=|
Well... the thing is... Kim isn't quite aware Yuri's on her last legs yet. So, even as she charges for him, she may notice...
... the fact that Kim is FLYING RIGHT AT HER.
The uppercut brushes against Kim's side, but he keeps flying like a speeding train; there's not /much/ that can be done to stop him at this point, having slipped past the girl's defenses. And with a single, powerful kick, Kaphwan /launches/ Yuri into the air once more, leaping right at her. ... Above her, in fact! High above so that when he descends, he can strike her with a series of lightning-faster bicycle kicks. Short, but strong, they launch the girl /straight/ into the ground below the man before he lands beside her, brown eyes filled with something of concern. Uh...
"Are you alright?"
COMBATSYS: Kim takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 0/-------/------=|
That would be the sound of Yuri's body being pummeled, and beaten on, and hey, it even works as the sound of her body bouncing on and off the ground, too! It's a very wonderful suond effect! She takes a moment as Kim leans over at her, blinking her eyes once. Twice.
"I'm.. oog. Okay?" she says, though she's definitely not sure about it. One hand comes up, wobbling a bit, and looking for something to pull herself up by! Though this may take a bit!
Okay? "Good! I was worried I might have gone too far for a second!" Ha ha ha and such. But, as that hand reaches out for something...
Kim's hand is there to grasp it, and help the girl upwards onto her feet.
"You did very well, Ms. Sakazaki. You have an excellent ability to adapt, and you seem to excell in using chi!" Kim might not lob around bolts of chi on a daily basis, but he knows good usage of it when he sees it! "And if you /do/ ever want to learn anything about Tae Kwon Do, my dojo is open to anyone who wishes to learn from it." You know. Always looking for more pupils to teach the fine art of Justice--TKD to.
COMBATSYS: Kim takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kim 0/-------/------=|
On the first day, there was LiX. And it was good. On the second day it was Xiangfei. And it was good.
On the third day.. Well as they say, the third time is the charm, right? It's probably been a while, you know, since Xiangfei and Kim last faced off, because it'd be silly if it were just a day after their face-off against Vega. Anyway, the girl is all dressed up and ready to rumble, in her silk pants and blouse again, though her bells are tied on strings to the belt-loop, her hair worn down since she's sporting a black skullcap. NICE.
The dojo of justice. What there needs to be is a dojo of Guts! And why not, right? Anyway there's the sound of footsteps storming and bells jangling, and Xiangfei comes bursting in with a FLYING KICK! Hopefully the doors are already open, and the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey of Southtown raises a fist in the air, totally psyched up, raging, and gone blazing, as seen with her golden chi blazing upward, "KIM KAPHWAAAN!!" the young woman cries, adjusting her cap and POINTS to the grinning TKD master.
Yuri? Forgive Xiang for having a one-track mind at times, she totally doesn't even see the girl with her eyes burning with passion! "Lets see which is better! Justice, or Guts!!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has joined the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Xiangfei
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Kim 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Xiangfei
"Wha? Oh! Right. Okay. Thanks, Master Kaphwan. I'm going to stick with my dad's training - but I'll definitely remember this!" And someday, she'll beat him! Just as the thought of victory fills her head, she hears that yell of Guts! The voice of her bestest friend _EVAR_, Xiangfei! And..
She's totally ignored. Crushed, she wobbles out of the way - this is probably an important match anyways - and she plans on cheering for her friend!
... even if she did IGNORE YURI. *sniffle*
Dojo of Justice, because Justice is Just! You can /shorten/ Justice and it still sounds cool. Can you shorten Guts? NO! Gu? Gut? Those are /lame/!
And that, in a nutshell, is why Guts will never ever ever have a dojo.
Kim is just about to respond to Yuri, of course, when he hears a rumble. After that evil man's assault on the dojo, after all, one can never be too careful. "Ms. Sakazaki, please get to safet--" And there comes SOMEONE jump kicking into the dojo, clearly intending to fight!! "OOOOORYYAAAAAA--" He's just about to swing forward with a roundhouse kick when...
It's just... "Hello again, Ms. Xiangfei!"
But she has come here for a very specific purpose, he can tell. Which is why... Kim nods, solemnly. "It is time again, isn't it? Let's... FIGHT!! HUAAH!" He rushes towards the Heavenly Hip Hop Honey with this proclamation, fully intent on slamming a quick jab of his open palm against Xiangfei's sternum, even as that chi engulfs her!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei endures Kim's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Xiangfei
Ignore Yuri??? Wouldn't you have to notice someone to ignore them?? Clearly the youngest Sakazaki should be proud, so PROUD to pull off a Solid Snake against the ever watchful eye of the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey! It's no easy feat!
Xiangfei greets Kim with a grin that's put to shame by the masters, but she cries, "Yes!" when the fights start is declared! Today.. Today for sure she will win! Kims attack is met with no problem, granted something catches the corner of her eye.. "Eh?" is all she gets before she's forced to sort of roll with the palm strike, strengthening her gut and twirls around upon impact.. This arguably sets her up faster for her assault, which starts with a straight up fist toward the mans ribs, followed by a rather strong shoulderrush as a follow-up! "Hup! KYAH! So how's your stomach today, Kaphwan?"
COMBATSYS: Kim dodges Xiangfei's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Xiangfei
How's his stomach?!
"Just fine, thanks!!"
Not that Xiangfei will be able to /really/ know, since Kim isn't even there anymore. Instead, by that time, Kaphwan has planted /both/ of his hands on either of Xiangfei's shoulders, using her to push /off/ the ground and upwards into the air to completely avoid the woman's attack. There's a moment where the man is actually doing a hand-stand on her shoulders... before he begins to swing /downwards/.
"How's yours?!"
And that's about when Kim intends to shove both feet rather swiftly into LiX's gut and then detach from her, to let her go flying -- or just let him fall on the ground.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Kim's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Xiangfei
"Good! Good!" Xiangfei pipes back, nearly staggering a bit when she misses her strike, but luckily she is on the ball! In a sense. Kim displays awesome acrobatics, but when his kick of sorts land, it doesn't land true, Xiangs arms cross boxer-style in front of her tummy and she crashes flat onto the floor from the impact- Granted she rolls with it, and is on her feet in a crouch, "Mine is all right! Hey, I saw a totally sweet car outside your dojo!" Xiangfei -springs- forward, looking to smack Kim right in the shoulder with another lying kick. And should that connect, she's immedietly on her feet, crossing up with a shoulder-rush to the mans side, "Did you win the lottery??"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Kim with Ekisupo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Xiangfei
It seems that Kim is not /quite/ fast enough to block the woman's attack in time, and LiX manages to kick Kim quite firmly in the shoulder, before actually ramming the Tae Kwon Do user in the side. He staggers a little, but manages to recover himself well enough, blinking once or twice. "Totally sweet car? It's not mine, I'm sorry!!" His money is going towards fixing the HOLE SHE MADE IN HIS WALL. But, the grin on his lips says he's all too happy to be fighting the Radical Warrior again, which is accentuated as he leaps into the air towards Xiangfei, intent on unleashing a series of rapid-fire kicks at her face and shoulders. "HUUUAAAAH!!!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei endures Kim's Hishou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-======|=======\===----\1 Xiangfei
Holy crap is that Chun-Lis lightning leg he's busting out with? Xiangfei doesn't know for sure. She can't tell. What she -does- know that is that she can take it all on, and she DOES. Each kick lands clean, and it would seem she was frozen in place. In reality though, she is using some sort of.. Uh.. Well she's sort of a brick wall, due to some.. Chinese art.
.. Yeah anyway, there's a rather comical series of red-prints on her face that will fade away soon enough, "Not yours?" she suddenly shouts, and then her hands just burst forward, hoping to send Kim flying back with her awesome, giant wave of blue chi, "Don't tell me it's Dong Hwans car! HYAAAAH!!!"
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Xiangfei's Nanpa.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Kim 0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1 Xiangfei
Whoa! Chi! He knows this attack well enough -- the first time Xiangfei used /this/ on him it hurt something awful. So what's a man to do... but totally make sure it can't hurt as much as it could?! Nothing, of course! And what's the best method of effectively dealing with a projectile heading your way???
Which is /exactly/ what Kim does this time around. As that projectile comes flying towards him, Kim simply thrusts out a foot in a kick that slams /right/ into the blue chi. "Not Dong Hwan's either!!" And in that one, glorious moment... all that chi is dispersed! Stings his leg a little, but he follows it up nicely by lifting a that foot high into the air. He doesn't even provide any clues as to the mystery car before he /slams his foot down/, creating those tell-tale, vicious shockwaves!
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Xiangfei with Haki Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Kim 1/-------/=======|=======\=======\1 Xiangfei
Er, uh-oh. Xiangfei knows what move is zooming her way and she's not really sure how to go about defending against it.. So what does she do? She tries jumping! Anticipation is the key as she leaps up and cries, "HAH!" but then when she lands, she's all shook up, thrown right off her feet and crashes right onto the ground anyway, "WAUGH!" It's kind of embarassing really, but there's time for that later! Xiangfei kip-ups to her feet quickly enough, favoring her side a bit and then with a grunt races toward Kim once more, "Man, that sucked," she mumbles, and once she's close enough, she goes for a diagonal chop across Kims chest. this is followed up with a step forward and a palm-strike afterward, "Wow! So then it's JaeHoons!!?" she cries excitedly, suddenly a bright smile on her face as she attacks!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Kim with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Kim 1/------=/=======|=======\=======\1 Xiangfei
It's pretty hard to dodge that attack! Of course, Yuri managed to just before Xiangfei got here, but that's not the point! The point is, that the woman is still not /quite/ fast enough to dodge his assault and lands on the ground anyway. Similarly, though, Kim's not fast enough to get out of the way of Xiangfei's diagonal chop and palm strike, which send him staggering back a few feet. But he's quick to respond in kind, lunging forward with a similarly fast move -- except this particular one is a /kick/. "ORYA!!" His foot lashes forward to strike against Xiangfei once, twice, three times in the side, "Not Jae Hoon's either!!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Kim's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Kim 1/------=/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Xiangfei is starting to think shes in some sort of special edition of.. Like.. Twenty Questions or something.. Though, the amusing thing is, Xiangfei isn't put off at all, no, she's actually really into it- Though she's very disappointed that it isn't Jaehoons.. He's really cute. :(
Anyway, Xiangfei takes on the light-kick like woah, deflecting the kicks while stepping back with quick chops to deflect each kick, martial arts style! "Hah hah hah! Geez, you're kidding me!" she cries, thinking a moment, "That justice girl, the one with that weird looking belt," she says, making a quick hand motion and busts out with a killer chi-roar again, a deeper golden color this time and the backwind blows her hair up a bit. Ahh, what a refreshing feeling! "Is she one of your students?"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Kim 1/------=/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Whoa! Xiangfei manages to deflect his kicks, but Kim? He don't mind a bit! In fact, he's just about to follow it up -- when Xiangfei begins to charge up all that chi once more. Kim blinks once, leaping away, even as he cants his head to the side. May Lee? "She's my student..." His legs spread out.
"But it's not her car!"
And that's when Kim rushes forward, brown eyes burning with determination. A single hand thrusts forward, open-palm, to thrust into Xiangfei's sternum with all due strength the Korean man can muster. What will really hurt, however, is the spinning kick that heads her way shortly afterwards -- infused with glorious Korean JUSTICE!! "OOOOOORYYAAAAAAAAA!!!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei fails to interrupt Strong Punch from Kim with Chou Pai-Long.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Kim 1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1 Xiangfei
"What??" Xiangfei cries, not because she learns the girl is indeed in FACT Kims student, but that it turns out it's not her car either! That's.. That's crazy talk! If it's not -anyone's- whos the heck could it be?? The chinese girl tries to think, but she has to deal with Kims 1337 combination of strikes. Well there's a tell-tale burst of dust that would signal she was up to SOMETHING no good, but Kims power of justice overpowers it, reigning supreme! She doubles over and then the furious kick that follows sends her spinning in the air, "WAUGH!" and she crashes to the ground, landing face down with a groan, "..... Ooogh.. Oh man," she groans, struggling a bit to get to one knee, ".. Didn't hurt.. W.. Where was I..."
Not May Lee's, not Kim's, none of Kim's family member's... whose could it be?! "Well, Ms. Sakazaki came over today. Actually, you came in right when I was done sparing with her! Maybe it's hers!" He gives good-natured laughter at this even as Xiangfei goes flying through the air. His hands tense and clench into fists before he gives Xiangfei a single, enthusiastic nod! "Good! Don't give up for a second!!" And it's with that having been said that Kim rushes forward towards the woman again, with every intention of striking her with a leaping jump kick straight to the head! "KYAAAAAAAAA!!" No giving up now, after all! Fight, LiX!!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei fails to interrupt Heavy Kick from Kim with Tenpou Zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Kim 1/----===/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Kim 1/----===/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Xiangfei
Man, Kim was practically -giving- Xiangfei an opening there and she completely flubs it! Unable to resist, when Kim comes flying at her, she has every intention of knocking Kim CLEAR out the sky but justice, that DARN JUSTICE completely says otherwise, "WATAAAH!" she cries as she flies up, and then POW! she rather comically twirls in the air and crashes onto the ground again. Uh.. Dang, that sucked. She crashes to the floor, folds over, and looks like she's down for the count. "... Yuri..."
That is until she KIP-UPS to her feet with life anew, and guts burning brightly in her.. Uh.. Gut! "YURI SAKAZAKI?!" she cries, panting a bit and feeling.. Man, it's been crazy, she's been feeling a lot better lately when she manages to force herself to keep going! Unfortunatly the scales still aren't fully tipped in her favor, "Wh.. WHAT? Why didn't you say so in the first place?? Now I'm going to beat you up, Kaphwan!"
Any opening in that justice kick is merely /perceived./ A trick of the eye, an illusion if you will! Which is clearly evidenced as Xiangfei once more goes flying through the air and crashes into the ground... only to hop up into the air again. Kim is prepared to attack again, except... "Wait, you know Ms. Sakazaki??" And why does that merit his getting beaten up?! But he doesn't let it stop him, oh noes! In fact --
Kim Kaphwan is on the attack once more!! "HUUUAAAAAAAAH!!" He leaps through the air, intent on smacking two snap kicks against either of Xiangfei's shoulders, before using /that/ as leverage for him to push off of, flip through the air, and land some distance behind her!!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Kim's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Kim 1/---====/=======|=======\===----\1 Xiangfei
Xiangfei's defense is a little unorthodox, while Kim doesn't actually break through her guard, she a bit clumsily goes stumbling forward and falls onto the mat again anyway, used as a springboard, BUT she does cross her arms in such a way she manages a last second defense, "Oof!" but with one hand she handsprings to her feet, and nods her head, "That's an understatement of the year! She's my best friend!" she cries, "But.. I didn't see her leaving when I got here! A mystery indeed!" Xiangfei strikes right back, though she does a bit of a chancy combination, leaping after Kim with a snap kick, but as she lands there's a quick jab toward his thigh. It's not a low blow! She stands, with a palm strike toward the gut, the leaps and spins with a heel kick to complete the quick combination, "You look pretty good for someone who lost against a member of Strongest! How do you do it??"
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Xiangfei's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Kim 1/--=====/=======|=======\====---\1 Xiangfei
Chris has arrived.
Best friend? "Oh, then I'll be glad to tell her that you're here when we're done--" Whups, there comes those attacks! Kim blocks that snap kick -- with his own leg, in fact, offering a bright smile even as he uses his two arms to block the palm strike and the heel kick in two smooth, graceful motions, "--and maybe the two of you can have supper here, if you'd like! Ms. Sakazaki is still recovering from our sparring match, I think!" That's why she didn't see Yuri leave, and also clear evidence... that Kim lost to NO ONE! As soon as Xiangfei's combo is done, though, Kim ducks in, with an open-palm thrust aimed for her gut, "HUUUAAAH!!" And if it succeeds, it's followed by a quick leaping kick to knock her thoroughly into the ground.
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei interrupts Quick Punch from Kim with Tenpou Zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Kim 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\=======\1 Xiangfei
That Kim, such a good host! The offering of something to eat brings a big smile to Xiangfeis face, "Awesome!" is her initial response, though.. She's a little off her game at this point. Sort of. Kim striking once more, the strike to her gut strikes true, her eyes widening a little, but some sort of momentum sends her bursting forward again! The old saying goes 'third time's a charm' right? Her shoulder slams right into Kim, carring him upward (viewer agree that's not nearly as cool as blasting someone out of the sky, but they digress!) and then kicks him away so she twists and lands on her feet with a light crouch. Yet.. She feels an impending doom-cloud floating over her head. "...... Uh.. So.. You give up now, right?" she asks with a nervous chuckle.
Impending doom cloud?
Kim is struck, both times, with something of a wince as he flies downwards to the ground. But when he lands...?
He lands FEET FIRST.
"Now's not the time for GIVING UP!!!" Nope. Behold, LiX, a grin that sparkles with INCREDIBLE MAGNIFICENCE. Behold... TOP GRIN!!
The very second that Kim lands on the ground, he's launching off it again, right towards Xiangfei. Like a madman, his speed phenomenal as his legs tense underneath him, curling up as he comes closer, and closer, and "HUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Unleashes a /flurry/ of bicycle kicks upon the girl, all one after the other with no sign of stopping, assaulting head, chest and shoulders before he PUSHES off once more, landing some distance away. "LET'S KEEP GOING!!"
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei interrupts Hishou Kyaku from Kim with Majinga.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Kim 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=====--\-------\0 Xiangfei
HMmnn.. Your TOP GRIN is only so-so, good sir! Though holy cow is that smile brilliant, Xiangfei could swear that for one fleeting moment, she may have been blind! But there's that inspiration, Kim is such an INSPIRING soul, and that inspiration is turned against him! "YES! Lets keep FIGHTING!" she yells, her guts, her spirit, her feelings of being in an awesome match flowing from her voice. The TKD master just blazes foward with TOP fury, and Xiangfei really doesn't have any choice, the bicycle kick, she leans backard, slapping her palms against the first four kicks, and then suddenly POW! She leaps in and slams her fingertips into his sternum in such a way that he's momentarily paralyzed, "The Li Family technique!" she cries, lowering the man to the ground, windmills her opposite hand and all that chi she had been charging up meets said hand. They both press to his chest and she releases blast after blast after blast of chi into him, machine-gunning him hardcore until the final would send him reeling backward, breaking her unorthodox hold, "HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"
Editors note: Xiang is also suprised she's still alive.
Well... that hurt. A little bit. But if Xiangfei thinks it's going to stop Kim Kaphwan...? Well, she's /unfortunately/ very incorrect about that! Even as blast after blast of surprising amounts of chi wail into Kim Kaphwan as he remains frozen in mid-air? Even as he goes FLYING...?
He's not on his feet NEARLY that long once more before he's LEAPING at Xiangfei again. He's become a mere blurr of speed at this point, hardly even Kim so much as he is RAGING KOREAN SPEED WITH FLYING FEET OF FURY!! In fact, if Xiangfei is watching... she might notice... he's flying at her /upside down./
With every intention of slamming a single foot into the back of her head!!
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Xiangfei with Hou'ou Tenbu Kyaku EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Kim 0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1 Xiangfei
Yep, that there be the sound of Xiangfei's skull being cracked upon by the MIGHTY FOOT OF JUSTICE, YO.
Being thrust downward as she is, Xiangfei is being perfectly set up for a straight vertical jump-kick meant to knock her straight into the air. That's not the last of it, though. Kim begins to assault her with straight vertical jump kick after jump kick, launching her higher and higher into the air as the number of kicks begin to reach the double digits. And then, finally... he leaps into the air, twists around, and /slams/ a single foot into Xiangfei's gut, to send her crashing into the ground, Kim soon to follow in a crouch.
Mimiru has arrived.
A little bit? You big lying liar! That hurt a lot! That was her FAMILY TECHNIQUE!!! Anyway, Xiangfeis shocked expression when he strikes back, is almost comedic, as her eyes widen and her jaw drops, "... ohno.." She was totally cool with whatever he had planned, right? But that was until he was flying UPSIDE DOWN, "OH NO!!!" she shrieks, she tries to gather up some courage to help her out but-
"Ulk," her eyes cross, and what follows isn't fun. Those nasty jump-kicks that would put even Maximum Spider to shame, the girl twirls and spins like a ragdoll, twisting and turning with each strike. Oh -man-. The final blow WHAM! sends her crashing to the floor, and there'sa loud crack. It's not her back though, in fact, she's suprised she didn't bust through it! Gasping and wheezing, she struggles to sit up, but no need; her body is already moving before she even thinks about it!
BOOM!! (again)
Xiangfei comes zooming right back up, -another- cloud of dust bursting behind her and with wide eyes, "EGYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" she attempts another shoulder rush, the mother of shoulder rushes, if she can slam into him it'd pin him right back up into the celing where he belong!! Or.. Something. And boy would that be embarassing if she misses!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has reached third wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Kim 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Xiangfei
COMBATSYS: Kim blocks Xiangfei's Chou Pai-Long.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Kim 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Xiangfei
Xiangfei is -still- going! It's sick! It's crazy! "I'm not done yet! Lets fight to the bitter end, Kaphwan!!" Xiangfei cries, while her body screams for some rest. The Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey overexherts herself AGAIN. But that's why we love her.
Well -- hey. She's still up. There's a brief look of surprise on Kim's face as she manages to get up yet /again/, and it seems she's planning for something big... except that Kim can't quite allow that today, unfortunately!! So what does Kim do, as she shoulder-rushes him?
Shoulder rushes RIGHT BACK!
It doesn't exactly to any harm to her in the end, and stings /Kim/ quite a bit, but it manages to stop that rush with his own amazing Korean powaa. His shoulder is numb, but that /doesn't matter/! The fight is still going on, after all. So, Kim lifts one leg into the air. "GOOD!! Then let's..."
And SLAMS it down again.
And that's when that violent mini-justice-earthquake overtakes the ground once more, intent on smacking right into Xiangfei!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Kim's Haki Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\ < > / ]
Kim 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Xiangfei
Whoever writes these two scripts must be making a FORTUNE. It's classic, classic! Huffing a bit, she clenches her hands into fists, and.. Well, at this state even -she'd- have trouble attempting such a fast technique, especially after landing on the ground again on her back, throwing her arms out to lessen the impact, "Nngh!" so.. Now what? Well she just clings with her VERY LIFE to the floor, only bouncing a few times and grunts weakly, and finaly she sprints backward and makes a flurry of hand-signs, ending with a clap of her hands, "YAAAAH!" she cries, her golden aura-y goodness blazing! As Tim Allen would say.. MORE POWER!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\ < > // ]
Kim 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Xiangfei
Once more, that golden pillar chi erupts around Xiangfei. Kim leaps back, but really... he's not there for long, as per usual. He just never stops. This time, he lunges forward again. MORE POWER?! He'll show Xiangfei more power! The power of Korean Justice and Kim Determination that BURNS IN HIS EYES as he releases a mighty kiai!! "HUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" And then, lunges at LiX, intent on grabbing her by shoulder and leg... and /tossing/ her right into a nearby wall with incredible force!
COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits Xiangfei with Sakkyaku Nage.
[ \\\\\\ < > ]
Kim 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Xiangfei
Man, some actions are just not liking the Hip-Hop Honey today. Well, what's done is done, in her locked position there aren't many options for her to retort with, and those cries are sounding pretty dangerous! Teeth lightly grit, she toughens up for the throw, and just can't quite make it so she gets an advantage.. CURSES! the girl goes flying back into the wall and CRASHES against it- But perhaps he already knows what's to follow, because that large cloud of dusts bursts behind the girl again, "RRRR!!" she growls, flying at Kim once more!! And.. then falls flat on her face with a THUD screeching to a halt in front of his feet. It would seem that's all the Hip-Hop Honey has left!
And hopefully Kim is fooled too, because at that very moment, "WATAAAH!" Xiangfei handsprings upward, attempting to slam her heel into his chin as her final attack! Classic drunken-style trickery!
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\ <
Kim 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Kim with Esaka.
[ \\\ <
Kim 0/-------/-======|
Well, fooled Kim she did! He lifts up his guard, only to see the woman collapse right in front of him. "..." Blink. "..." Blink. "Uh..." He starts to peer down at Xiangfei curiously and more than a little bit concerned, starting to crouch low--
Except his trustworthiness has been betrayed!!
... Et tu, Xiangfei...?!
Damn it, that gets him /every time/. At first he's almost certain it's ghost!Xiang come to haunt him, just like last time. Except the heel to his chin feels somewhat reeeeaal--nope nope, it feels /very/ real. "OW!"
And there goes Kim, blasting off again. He lands with a meaty thud some distance away from LiX. All is silent, for the longest time. Did she succeed...? Was she victorious?
"Hoo boy, that was exhilerating!!" Nope. Nope, she pretty much failed.
At this point, Kim hops onto his feet, panting but grinning widely enough even as he catches his breath. "You put up a good fight, Ms. Xiangfei!!" ... Is she still conscious?
COMBATSYS: Kim takes no action.
[ \\\ <
Kim 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Kim has ended the fight here.
Log created by Yuri, and last modified on 08:42:00 01/30/2006.