Description: Sneaking into the Masters Stadium at night, Vega challenges Rugal to a fair match. And then that MASTERS GUY BUSTS IN AND TRIES TO GANK THE WINNER. (Winner: Vega)
White Arena
Though the inner arena is the smaller of the two, the White Arena is no less impressive than its brother the Red Arena, meant more for smaller, more traditional fights. Spectator seating ranges around the oval fighting arena, stretching up to top box seats which are built into the ceiling, giving those that want to pay extra a rare bird's-eye view of the fighting. The lower seating doesn't suffer though, the architecture carefully designed so that no seat is too far away. (If you've ever been in an IMAX theater, this is much the same.)
The fighting arena itself is completely bare of any obstacles or marking, the floor sanded wood to resemble a dojo and to give fighters proper traction. As Ken Masters is quite familiar with the power many fighters can exhibit, the arena is separated from the seating with glass coated to reduce glare, affording the spectators an excellent yet safe view. At the far ends of the arena, doors which look like part of the wall when closed allow the fighters to enter.
[Exits : <Out> Out to Lobby ]
Rugal enters the arena.
Rugal has arrived.
Yes, yes they've done it. Vega's broken into the Master's Stadium - why? Because he can. Because he wants to. Because he is... Vega! He stands on he arena floor, walking along it, pacing along its outskirts. He turns towards the darkness, his voice almost wistful, pleased.
"I have rarely the pleasure of stepping into a ring such as this for a battle, Rugal - wherever you are." With that, he takes two steps into the ring, and waits - after all, the man seems to know when and where to show up. It's almost uncanny! But will he show this evening? Will he join in this battle in the dark? [:Vega:]
Ken enters the arena.
Ken has arrived.
COMBATSYS: Vega has started a fight here.
The Masters Stadium. He has been here many times before, you know; in exhibition matches. But never broke in. Such things were beneath Bernstein. But... if there is a request to be made, by a man like Vega? Rugal surely will not deny it. So that, is why he is here today. If for no other reason than to offer himself some small measure of amusement at another chance to test Vega's power.
He is here, in the stands. Sitting amongst them, in fact, so that when Vega arrives... he stands up a bit more, shoves his hands into his pockets. "Then, this should be quite the enjoyable battle for you, don't you think?" And that is when Rugal leaps, flying right TOWARDS Vega with one hand outstretched -- to strike him rather viciously across the jaw. [:Rugal:]
COMBATSYS: Rugal has joined the fight here.
COMBATSYS: Vega interrupts Fierce Punch from Rugal with Psycho Vanish.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Vega
"Enjoyable INDEED!" Vega grins wide as the taller man leaps towards him, that fist outstretched. But today, it will not hit. As the leaping man comes in, Vega puts on a display of speed that is second to none - and simply seems to fade out into dark purple energy. As he does, he reappears behind the launched Rugal, and slams his fist into the man's back, with a surprisingly meaty THUD. "Hah!" [:Vega:]
Well -- that certainly wasn't expected. That Psycho Power plows into Rugal. It is more that than anything else about what Vega does that injures him so. Eyes narrow, as he goes crashing to the ground. But when he falls, he falls hands first, flipping across the arena some distance away from Vega. "Excellent! As always, your Psycho Power is amazing!" And then? Rugal /rushes/ forward, intent to slam an elbow into Vega's throat, before following up with a rather vicious uppercut. [:Rugal:]
COMBATSYS: Vega endures Rugal's Medium Punch.
"It is what people remember of me, Rugal." Vega's grin is almost feral as he braces for the rushed attack - and then steps _into_ it, taking the hits square on the throat, and then having his head rocked backwards by the fierce uppercut. Quickly - quicker than thought possible, he recovers, grinning madly. "Hnn.. Good, as always - your strength is remarkable, Rugal..!" And wih that compliment paid, Vega steps in against the man's side, and attempts to launch the taller man up over his hip, towards the ground. [:Vega:]
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Vega's Medium Throw.
Vega does indeed launch Rugal, but as he falls, he once more braces with his arms, absorbing the brunt of the damage. "Oh, you enjoy my strength, hm? Well then! I wouldn't want to disappoint you by not letting you taste freely of /more/ of it, Vega." And with a single push, Rugal flies off the ground, his foot jut out to smash /securely/ into Vega's chin and send him flying. And if he does... Rugal twists through the air, to slam the point of his shoe into the other man's chest, sending him slamming to the ground below. [:Rugal:]
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Rugal's Medium Kick.
"More, then! Show me more!" Vega's certainly getting into this, and braces as that kick comes in. He actually steps _into_ the attack, to remove most of it's force, and then just laughs it off. "Excellent..Excellent! This is a battle I have long relished!" With Rugal moving through the air in an effor to finish up the attack, Vega attempts another grab and throw - this time, fueled by the full brunt of his psycho power, and the dark, evil energy that it represents. [:Vega:]
COMBATSYS: Rugal fails to reflect Psycho Fall from Vega with Dark Barrier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////.... ]
Rugal 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Vega
Throws, again. Rugal is getting rather perturbed. He juts a hand forward, intent on intercepting the attack, absorbing the energy and then rechanneling it, but it seems that Vega is just a touch to fast for him. The Psycho Power sends Rugal flying through the air, crashing into the ground. Slowly, he stands, brushing himself off. "Hmm." Is all he offers, before his legs spread, and he lifts a hand. "Good, good! Let's continue." [:Rugal:]
Continue? Continue! Rugal moving through the air is a beautiful thing - one of the few times that Vega seems to have had any wonderful luck with this. And so, he ponders simply tossing the man about and around again. But instead, he nods his head in mute understanding.. And then advances quickly on Rugal, bringing a knee in, aimed directly at Rugal's kidneys. No more throws. At least, for now.. [:Vega:]
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Vega's Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////.... ]
Rugal 1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0 Vega
That knee? Intercepted by both Rugal's hands. It stings thanks to that extra oomph of Psycho Power, to be sure, but the man manages well enough. Eyes narrowed, he shoves the knee aside, before plowing /inward/, intent on striking Vega once more with his fists. One punch aimed for the gut, and then another -- a backhand -- aimed to bring the man /crashing/ into the nearby walls without a moment's hesitation. [:Rugal:]
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Vega with Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////.......... ]
Rugal 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1 Vega
"Hnng!" Vega's finally taken a very, very solid hit from Rugal's fists, and seems to be knocked about! He grins widely, though, the crushing punch only making him more eager for this fight, more willing to challenge the man from R. He kneels down, and pushes away from the wall, leaping into action - hes perfectly willing to try and toast the other man, the thick waves of Psychopower that flare along his arms simply growing each time he takes a swing at Rugal. And swing he does, another wide, arcing hook, directly at Rugal's temple - perhaps a psi-infused concussion will keep the other man down. [:Vega:]
COMBATSYS: Rugal fails to counter Fierce Punch from Vega with Omega Destruction.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////////.......... ]
Rugal 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Vega
Apparently, for whatever reason, Vega simply moves faster than Rugal was anticipating, and whatever he was planning goes awry. That swing strikes Rugal right in the side of the head and sends him flying once more, crashing into the side of the wall. He still doesn't show any signs of pain, however. He still stands, shaking his head, and frowning. His fastest technique, brushed aside by something that was moving so slow? That's something he can't accept. Still, his head is woozy, and so it will take him a little while to recover once more. [:Rugal:]
"Your techniques are flawless, Rugal. Truly remarkable. But I have been training as well. Perhaps this time, I will show you something new." With that, no quarter is given. Vega moves to swing at Rugal again, this time a much faster blow aimed squarely for the man's other temple. To bring him to his knees - and hopefully, out of this battle. [:Vega:]
COMBATSYS: Rugal counters Jab Punch from Vega with Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////............ ]
Rugal 0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1 Vega
"Show me something new...? Well then." Rugal's head finally clears, and in one, smooth motion, he stops Vega's fist with but a single hand. Grinning widely. "Perhaps you should not try to hit me with such weak attacks!" And then, Rugal clocks Vega right in the head with his left hand, to send him staggering back at the very least. Out of the battle? ... Not quite yet. [:Rugal:]
Augh! Slow himself! Vega curses his attack and the interruption of Rugal with that punch that catches him. "Ngh! Fair enough, Rugal! You are not down yet, indeed! And in this case - you will be much sooner than you expect!" With that, he recovers from his staggering motion, and then leaps, both feet out first, aimed at Rugal's leading leg - after all, if he can take the man down that way - it may be all he needs to _keep_ him down! [:Vega:]
COMBATSYS: Rugal fails to interrupt Medium Kick from Vega with Genocide Cutter.
COMBATSYS: Rugal can no longer fight.
Well, whatever Rugal was planning -- it all goes slightly awry, as Vega manages to strike him solidly in the leg. Rugal collapses to his feet, in his fair share of pain, panting slightly as he shakes his head. "Hmmmp... It seems the win goes to you today, Vega." One would imagine, at least. It's quite clear, however, that Rugal can no longer fight, and thusly simply stays on his knees, catching his breath. [:Rugal:]
There is a bit of clapping from the side of the arena before the lights turn on there, revealing Ken Masters who is... in his fighting gi. Leaned back with his bare foot on a seat, he seems honestly amused. "Hey, nice fight," Ken starts as he slowly stands and makes his way down, still speaking as he does. "So, Vega... Rugal... While I think it's GREAT you both are able to do your thing and fight out like true gentlemen, but... Well, you might want to ASK before you screw around with my Arena. Now, while I could just ask you to leave, that would just be wrong." He leaps into the ring at last. "Now... Time for you to run like a coward, Vega, or I'll beat you worse than you did Rugal. I mean, seriously... Ever HEAR of asking?" With that, he just cracks his knuckles and get into his fighter's stance. [:Ken:]
COMBATSYS: Ken has joined the fight here.
"Thank you for the true challenge, Rugal. It was an honor to fight someone of your caliber." Vega's eyes are bright with the enjoyment of the battle, and he nods his head in response to the man's comments - it is nice to even the scales again. And then, his head whips to the side, that grin growing wide as Ken Masters steps into the arena. "Interesting, Masters. Back again, so soon? Ready to nip at the heels of your betters like a jackal bites at the prey of lions?" He turns fully to face the new challenger, and slams his feet into the stadium floor, bracing himself strongly. "Come, then - show me what you are made of, Masters - I will be glad to prove myself again this eve." And as he says this, his aura flares brightly, eager and ready for the attack. [:Vega:]
COMBATSYS: Vega focuses on his next action.
"Hey, it was either THIS or fight BOTH of you at the same time. As much fun as losing is, I chose the second. Yeah, I'm bad man for being logical. But speaking of logic, clearly you don't have any if you think you can take me on like that!" With that, Ken charges for Vega, merely deciding to move in for speed, offering a swift punch right for Vega's face. Ken has some pride... Which will likely make it that much worse when Vega serves up some crow for him to eat. [:Ken:]
COMBATSYS: Vega endures Ken's Jab Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////............... ]
Ken 0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1 Vega
"Pfah! I expected more from you, Masters! Has your gi run cold with yellow, now? Show me this power that I've destroyed before - and will again!" Ken's punch isn't blocked, not in the least. Vega takes it on the nose with a crack of bone splintering, and blood flowing down sluggishly from the hit. But Vega simply laughs.. Laughs, and laughs. And then explodes in purple flame. He reaches out for Ken - and if he gets the man in his grip, he's going to blast him across the ring in a wave of dark psi, propelled by the man himself. "Challenge all you wish! I will win!" [:Vega:]
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Ken with Psycho Crusher'.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////.............. ]
Ken 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Vega
The attack is faster than Ken's ever seen anything, and before he can really think what he should do, he is hit with the insanely powerful psycho attack. Dropping to the ground, Ken is battered all over with one attack. "You (@*@(*#!" he shouts before flipping to his feet. That just about equalized the fight. Of course, Ken has still a lot of fighting left in him. Running for Vega once again, he tries to get close and if he does, his foot will go straight up for that massive target known as Vega's chin before coming down toward his shoulder. "...Keep talking, Vega. I'll tell you when I start CARING!" [:Ken:]
COMBATSYS: Ken successfully hits Vega with Inazuma Kakato Wari.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///.................. ]
Ken 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
"Caring isn't neccessary, Ken. Tonight, You'll just be bleeding..!" Vega's taunt is slow, much like the way that his block is - the powerful kick coming right through his guard and sending him to his knee. Vega stays there for a moment, and then grabs for Ken's leg, trying to toss the limb that so recently hit him to the side - away from him, to give him some seconds to recover."You cannot win. No matter what, this evening is mine, Masters. No matter how much posturing you do - this is the way it ends." [:Vega:]
COMBATSYS: Ken blocks Vega's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///.................. ]
Ken 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
Ken blinks as his leg is grabbed, but as he is thrown, he lands on his feet through a skillful recovery in mid-air, a loud thump resounding in the smaller arena due to the force of the throw. While not Vega's best, it is still nothing short of impressive. "Perhaps, perhaps not, Vega. The important thing is that I hit you. And you PAIN. You screw with me and you suffer. BOTTOM LINE!" He doesn't do anything yet, but his fist clench with angry, but not the usual rage from him. Instead, it is something that seems to cause everything to settle in place. It is not a blind rage, but one that causes his thought to remain on the fight. It's the kinda rage that Vega might need to worry about. Might.
COMBATSYS: Ken focuses on his next action.
"You hit me, yes. You hit me after someone of a much higher caliber had proved himself to me. You are nothing, Masters - You fail on enough levels to be beneath my worth." With that, Vega aims to end the fight. One more hit, one more attempt to take down the Masters man - Vega knows he will not win this fight - instead, he simply aims to take Ken down with him as he does. In the end, it would be enough of a victory.. Enough of proving himself to do this. And so he rushes Ken again, and leaps up - again, the same move that Ken saw before, the same attempt to rush and destroy him with a blazing burst of dark, evil energy swarming around the man. [:Vega:]
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///.... ]
Ken 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
COMBATSYS: Ken fails to interrupt Psycho Crusher' from Vega with Tsukami Nage.
COMBATSYS: Ken can no longer fight.
Ken has his plan, where he just moves in fast and BOOM.
In a second, it's over. Ken has been plowed into the ground yet again, yet this time he doesn't bother trying to get up as he lays out sprawled on his back. What the hell? He did better the LAST time. At least in terms of beating up Vega. Either way, he can't do much now other than dwell on this and just wonder if Ryu would have creamed Vega in the same situation. If the answer would be yes, Ken might just get very mad. At who? Who knows, either way, Eliza and his business partners are going to be dealing with a POed Ken for a few days, that's for sure.
Landing on the other side of the arena, Vega doesn.t even turn to face Ken Masters. He knows the man has fallen, as certain as the sun sets in the west. He looks to Rugal, the other man he's beaten tonight, and then sweeps his hand towards the exit. A demonstration for the man, a show of his power - to be certain, a violent and brutal one. As he steps from the arena floor, he calls over his shoulder.
"Thank you for the use of your arena, Mister Masters - we will be sure to speak to you beforehand, the next time." And with a mocking laugh - he is gone. Tall, and proud. [:Vega:]
COMBATSYS: Vega has ended the fight here.
Log created by Vega, and last modified on 12:46:16 01/18/2006.