Description: What happens when Vega returns to the scene of a crime? What happens when the leader of the Vigilantes knows about this scene, and shows up to investigate? Read on!
Most people would consider a return to a former locale insane. Most people would never think that a villain would return to a place where he had been faced down by not one, but two extremely gifted fighters.
Most people - are not Vega. After all, the lord of Shadaloo does what he wishes, when he wishes - and damned be the consequence. So here he is, on the plains of Siberia, frost and ground crushed under his feet just like the second-in-command of the Vigilantes was. Well, that might be exaggerating a bit, but none of the Shadaloo warriors about and around the psychotic dictator would bring that to his attention.
The former reason to approach was to deal with Rugal, to get arms for his soldiers, and to speak of when to move on the Syndicate - a meeting long since interrupted. But today, Vega returns to the scene, to wait and see if Rugal will do the same.
They say lightning never strikes twice. But Charlie never believed that, and he never overestimates anyone. It would be just like Vega and Rugal to simply return to the 'scene of the crime'--and so, the same area's been observed, ever since Chun reported her fight with the Shadaloo dictator. Charlie won't have the benefit of having Rose on his side, for this.. but then, Rugal won't be there either. As Charlie flies in, in his personal jet, he ponders this... that he's about to confront the Lord of Shadaloo. Is he nervous? You bet. Will he let that get in his way? Not at all.
Charlie's arrival is heralded not by the shriek of jet engines splitting the air, but by a bullhorn--and Charlie's voice, coming from that bullhorn.
"Vega! Leader of Shadaloo! We have you surrounded. Surrender peacefully!" There are no other alternatives given. To boast that he would beat the man is just too much even for Charlie--he knows Vega will be the toughest fight he's ever had.
Vega's not afraid of simple men with guns - his own men are nearby, and in the carnage he could certainly make an escape. Were he to even consider losing a war like this with the rag-tag bunch of would-be heroes such as Charlie's group is. But really - he does not fear, either. In the end, Vega stands supreme over all. Unshaken, unmoving save for a glance towards the man and his bullhorn. And then, his grin grows wide, a challenge.
"Very well! You can take my surrender personally, Charlie - why don't you come closer, and we'll discuss 'terms'. Such as YOUR DESTRUCTION!"
COMBATSYS: Vega has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Vega takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
Ragtag? The Vigilantes? They're one of the best military groups out there, second to none. Well, perhaps the Ikari. But anyways. Charlie motions for his men to stay back; if Vega's soldiers move, they will move, like countering pieces on a chessboard. But Charlie knows, just like Vega, that they're just pawns. The real players are walking out onto the field now.
"Come out here, then, Vega! Come out here and face me!" Charlie stands, defiant, surrounded only by his soldiers, clearly ready to fight.
COMBATSYS: Charlie has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Charlie
Pfah! Unable to taunt Charlie into coming to the ground that Vega has claimed as his own is an annoyance - but nothing more than that. Vega growls under his breath, then sweeps his arm outwards towards his men. "Engage when the Vigilantes do - but this fight is mine until otherwise. Do I make myself clear?!" With a rushed nod, his men move into a 'ready' stance, simply waiting. Much as Charlie would assert himself - the only thing that matters is the two combatants who stand in a face-off. Were the Siberian plain able, a tumbleweed might roll by as a reminder of how very much like a Western Showdown this would be.. But in this fight, the good guys wear Camo. And whilst Vega may be both the Bad and the Ugly - he still plans on winning.
Without another second's hesitation, he leaps in towards Charlie, drawing his left hand back and then taking a sweeping swing from the side, a haymaker aimed directly at the man's chest, the purple aura surrounding his knuckles flaring up directly before the moment that should indicate impact. "Today, YOU LOSE!"
COMBATSYS: Charlie blocks Vega's Medium Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Charlie
Charlie has his arms up to intercept the punch, twisting with the impact, ignoring the sting of Psycho Power.
"You may use Psycho Power," retorts the man, as he pushes the Shadaloo arm away, "But you don't know how this'll end yet!" he cries as he spins towards his block, bringing his left hand around in a vicious backfist attack.
"HI-YAH!" Probably it telegraphs the attack, but he's trying to psyche himself up.
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Charlie's Spin Back Knuckle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Charlie
"I don't need power to see the outcome of this, Charlie. The outcome is inevitable - trust me on this..!"
Vega's grin grows wide as the back-fist comes in. Vega's hand comes up, a thick slapping sound of flesh on flesh as he blocks with the palm of his hand - and then tries to grasp the wrist, spinning his back to Charlie. From there, he attempts to pull the man's elbow over his shoulder, to toss him away, to discard him - like the trash that Vega believes he is.
COMBATSYS: Charlie fails to interrupt Quick Throw from Vega with Step Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Charlie
"HNG!" Charlie exclaims as he's thrown away; he saw the move, thought he was ready for it, but alas. But he's far from out yet; after the first bounce on the turf, he's up again, moving to block Vega's vision.
"It isn't that easy, Vega! I don't go down that quickly!" exclaims the Vigilante, raising his fists once again.
Vega's gloating smile is wide, the Shadaloo Dictator taking a perverse pleasure in tossing Charlie about and away from him. As Charlie returns to his feet, Vega tosses his head back and laughs, the dictator then rushing Charlie again - this time, however, he isn't willing to simply stick to simple, easy things - no, this time, his eyes blaze white, and the hand that comes for Charlie's head is wreathed in dark energy, the product of all the excess disgust and hate that Vega has for Charlie and his militia. This, then - will be the true showing of power, the last hurrah for their band.
"Cry for mercy, Charlie - and perhaps you will still walk away from this!"
COMBATSYS: Charlie endures Vega's Psycho Vanish.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Charlie
That's fast. It's horribly fast--Charlie doesn't even try and get away, he just braces himself for pain. And even as he's hit, he doesn't cry out; the full force of the Psycho Power and the hit impact. Charlie doesn't reel, however... he GRINS, despite the pain, and merely lashes out with a series of hard jabs, liberally seasoning--that is, peppering--Vega's area with the left and right-handed blows.
COMBATSYS: Charlie successfully hits Vega with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Charlie
"Hah! You can't defeat me, Charlie. You're weak!" Vega manages to get this out, even as fists hit his face, his chest, splitting his lip and making the Shadaloo man all the angrier. After all, that's a good thing for him. The angrier he gets, the more of that evil, nasty psychopower he has to work with! Vega growls under his breath, and then rushes into Charlie's reach again - he's determined to make the man pay for daring to touch his face!
With a cry of rage, he sweeps his hand over his head, bringing it down directly in front of Charlie - and as he does, a arc of bright purple psychopower appears, aimed right at the Vigilante's body!
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Charlie with Psycho Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Charlie
Owned. The psycho power -blows- Charlie back, and away, his body looking like it's burning with purple flames; at that, even at his most stoic, Charlie lets out a hiss of pain. He lands, shoulder first, retaining enough of his wits to bury his shoulder and stop the movement. He rolls to his feet, bowed, but no broken yet, his eyes narrowed at Vega's form... his soldiers are worried but Charlie is -not- out yet...
COMBATSYS: Charlie focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Charlie
There's a sweep of his hand as Vega starts back towards Charlie, slow and deliberate. He motions to his men, to still them, to keep their nervousness at a minimum. "This is _my_ battle - Lieutenant, do you understand!?" With that, the soldiers on his side relax as much as they can - after all, interfereing with Vega's fights has been deadly, before.
When he gets close to Charlie, he grins again, and then simply rushes the man, an attempt to get past his obvious guard - he knows what the man will do, and this time, he'll be ready for it! With a grasping motion, he attempts to snag Charlie's hair - if he gets it.. well, there will be some more throwing!
COMBATSYS: Charlie fails to interrupt Medium Throw from Vega with Somersault Shell.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Vega 0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1 Charlie
From the hair to the ground, Vega's attack is definite, eager and ruthless. Brutal, truth be told. A definitive slam into the harsh ground of the Russian soil. Vega's fully gloating now, desiring nothing more than a complete, and utter domination of the Blonde-Haired Militia Man. "Weak. Pathetic. You are nothing more than a stripling youth, _boy_." His grin grows more feral as he lets go the tell-tale lock of hair, and gathers energy in the palm of his hand. A slow buildup, until the ball is the size of Vega's (chin) head.. And then he turns his palm towards Charlie, and lets the shot fly.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Charlie with Psycho Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Vega 0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1 Charlie
Apparently, Charlie is just as Vega said--a stripling youth. Though he brings his arms up to try and block the mass of psycho power, it breaks his defenses immediately and crushes him. Charlie gnnnnghs, staying on his feet through pure willpower, despite everything, lunging for Vega. "VEEEEEGAAAAA..." growls the man, through clenched teeth... and in a supreme act of will he forces his battered body into a reverse flip, kicking up and out with his heels, slashing the air with feet and chi; once, twice, three times he goes--and hit or miss he's falling to the ground, already unconscious.
COMBATSYS: Charlie can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Charlie's Somersault Justice.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/=======|
Vega's body fades out, even as Charlie's final attack goes into the air - The Shadaloo man already having his back turned, walking away from the fight. He's not afraid of the Vigilante - this battle nothing more than an exercise in preperation for a true battle. And with nothing more than a '.. Goodbye, Charlie.', he heads away. Not even worth destroying him and his men, now - they'll be allowed to leave without dying, even as Vega makes his way to his VTOL.
And knowledge that there will be another challenge from the man, again someday - and on that day, he will again prove himself supreme. As is right.
Log created by Vega, and last modified on 10:23:35 01/16/2006.