It's a little-known fact that Iori Yagami is on the NESTS payroll as a contractor of sorts. By and large, it's a mutually beneficial arrangement for both parties: NESTS gets a talent scout and trainer, and Iori doesn't beat the crap out of their operatives for snooping around.
Today, Iori is out and about. A small fight has broken out near one of the alleyways, apparently centered on a woman cowering in fear while two other young men fight it out for her affections. Iori -was- just walking by, but when he'd come along the scene, he'd stopped to watch -- much like two or three other individuals who have plenty of time to waste on this perfectly dismal Saturday afternoon. It's pretty obvious Iori's paying a bit closer attention to the fighters than the others, though.
The eyes of Iori aren't the only ones taking in the fight. Above the alleway, looming over the edge like a crazed, psychotic gargoyle, is the leader of Shadaloo, Vega. In much the same way that Iori scouts talent, Vega's organization does as well. In this case, others in the terrorist group scout, report back - each time, a futher level weeds out the undesirabl candidates, and eventually the Elites and Vega himself make final decisions.
Vega's Dolls are currently undercover, his Elite.. away, performing true duty for Vega. This brings him here, searching and scouting. And finding, this time, a motherlode. Potential fighters - that he instantly dismisses as nothing compared to the other man that stands aside.
This leads him to his decision - an opportunity to offer a position to the red-haired psychotic. He leaps from the roof, directly twoards the combatants, landing between them in a blaze of dark purple energy. One hand out to either side, and balls of pure psychopower blast out at either man - knocking them against opposite walls of the alleyway. His eyes? Only on Iori. His voice, ragged, dark. ".. I've been looking for you."
... Talk about an entrance. Yagami's eyes widen at the scene as it unfolds -- yes, he'd been able to sense Vega instants before he'd leapt into view, from his shadow and all the other telltale signs -- but interrupting the fight in such a violent fashion just jars him. Iori hates violence, don't'cha know.
"... there are more direct ways of reaching me," he notes in a calm, level voice. He's wearing a black leather trenchcoat, black pants, and a long, untucked white dress shirt... not exactly the best choice, but he was lazy. Hands in his pockets, he swivels to face Vega directly. Staring back at Vega's hollow eyes, Iori's voice echoes loudly in the near-vacant alleyway. "Anything in particular?"
The other bystanders flee for their lives - they've got nothin' to do with this! The combatants, rendered instantly unconcscious, are slumped against their respective walls, and their female companion... well, she goes to the side of one of them.
"Other ways, for lesser men. Lord Vega prefers to speak to the people he is preared to offer .. opportnities to directly." With that, he takes a step towards the man, dismissing the unconcious fighters and their distracted paramour. Until he's within the span of two arms distance, and then drawing himself to his full height. Those empty eyes blaze with energy as he regards Iori, narrowing as he tries to gauge the man simply from a glance. The reports indicated a power that most would kill to control - but where can it be?
"I offer you a place in my organization - one that has been whispered with fear, one tht will soon step into the light and take it's rightful place in history." He cocks his head to the side, then adds. ".. The offer does not last forever, however."
Iori's keeping his power levels dialed down for the moment. His heartbeat may be accelerating from the sheer nature of Vega's sudden arrival, the Orochi madness spreading intoxicating delight throughout his veins at the prospect of a potential fight... but the tall halfblood has been spending the past year or so learning how to better keep that madness at bay. To exercise control over himself in situations much like this... where one wrong move can start him down a path he really doesn't want to be travelling upon.
As such... there's no outward indication of his increasing anxiety aside from shallowed breathing and slightly dilated pupils -- his jaw remains set, his stance unassuming, almost casual. And yet the words coming from his mouth are so markedly different. He's aware of the shadowy organizations existence. And he's aware of who this man is. He just doesn't care, all that much. "You'd hardly be the first to make such a bold claim."
There's a brief pause, as his gaze flickers about, attempting to assess the effect of his words. He's not psychic, after all.
"... So I presume I'd be answering to you. Directly. ... What would I get out of this arrangement that I don't already have now?" He withdraws a hand from his pocket, gesturing casually to the street. "I walk where I want, I do what I want, and if I want to punch someone in the face, I do it on my own prerogative." A faint smirk creeps across his face. "So I ask you, Mr. Vega... what's there to sweeten the pot?"
"You would be one of the few that report directly to me. You would be an extension of my organization, and of my reach. I offer a higher cause than simpl 'doing what you wish' - I offer a chance to lead the world, or to crush it between your finges." Well, Vega's fingers, actually - but hey, if Iori was an extension of him, it's almost the same thing!
"Your own perogative is limited to your power, Yagami. With Shadaloo behind you, your influence and abilities will grow to a level you could not possibly comprehend." It's true, too - there's nothing shabby about what Shadaloo offers. Armies,flying planes,psychotic dictators.. And really, what's wrong with that..?
"If the pot is not sweet enough, then.. consider your survival another benefit. As of yet, you have not interfered with my business - eventually, however.. You will. This offer ends in one minute. And if you choose not to join.. You end shortly after." With that, Vega folds his arms over his chest, and the purple energy that floats around his hands coaleasce, rushing up his arms and just burning as he prepares. In the end, he expects to be turned down. That is, after all, what's happened every other time.
COMBATSYS: Vega has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Vega focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
Iori listens, coldly assessing the offers delivered to him. Nodding, here and there, he's certainly paying attention, giving both the benefits and the disadvantages equal consideration. Disadvantages being the threat to his life, naturally.
It's safe to assume Iori won't need the full minute, however. Especially not with the borderline hostile stance that he's taken. Or the fact that Iori's blood has simmered to a full =boil= by the advent of purple flames across Vega's personage. Suffice to say, the power Vega may have sought earlier is plain as day by this point, Yagami's dark aura tainting his form like a cloud to those with such senses. That is -- not Iori.
The tall Orochi halfbreed doesn't mince words. "... Here's what I think of your 'offer.'" The hand that was in such a casual gesture before lights with purple flame -- a much more bloody hue than Vega's. And due to the narrow distance, Iori dispenses with the pleasantries, whipping his hand overhead, then leaping to bring it crashing down into the dictator's ugly mug. "HWOOOOOO!"
COMBATSYS: Iori has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Iori 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
COMBATSYS: Vega interrupts Tsumagushi from Iori with Psycho Vanish.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Vega
"Fair enough, Yagami." Vega's voice is placid, accepting the knowledge that he's lost a chance at an amazingly powerful warrior in his organization. With that knowledge, he simply shifts tactics - from the desire to have the man join,to the desire to crush the man beneath his heel.
The incoming fist is met on the way down by Vega's own upraised hand. His, however, is flairing brighter, the dark energy that he uses for his own power growing as the fight starts, to ut him on almost an equal level with the crazed man. When the impact occurs, Vega flares the aura around him until it's dark as night, and then seemingly vanishes to the side, an elbow into Iori's side, to brush off Yagami's own attack. He turns, and grins coldly - extending his hand to the man.
Iori staggers off to the side with a vicious snarl, one hand cradling his side. He pants lightly, breathing shallow already from the sudden pain shooting throughout his veins. That... was uncomfortable.
Snarling once more, the enraged man lunges forward, slapping Vega's hand out of this way if he can. It's an insult to his personal pride to be considered the 'student' to Vega's mastery, and this... well, he's just a bit tweaked.
"I SAID--" In a fit of rage, the Orochi halfblood roars forward, left hand wrenching from his pocket and slamming down bolt of flame -- this one at the ground before Vega. The flame explodes into a riotous explosion -- but it doesn't seem Iori himself seems to mind. "GO!!" He follows with another step, closing in while smacking down another blaze of flame, making the fiery conflagration even hotter. "TO!" And then he reels both hands over his head, literally =leaping= forward to unleash his full fury in the form of both fists pounding down onto the ground, the pavement splitting beneath his feet as a gigantic column of purple flame erupts from below. "HELL!" bellows the Orochi halfblood, as the tilted spire threatens to engulf even the Shadaloo overlord whole.
COMBATSYS: Vega fails to interrupt Yami Sugi from Iori with Head Press.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Vega
"Hah! Hell waits for you, Yagami!"
Vega launches himself into the air, his leap prodigious, intent on completely crushing Iori beneath his heavy, stompy boots. His psychopower flares up, to engulf and protect him from the wave of flame that comes at him.
However - there is more than one wave. The second builds the wave higher, the third explosion that blasts forwards higher than Vega can leap. It knocks him back - not to the ground - but into the second wave - and from there, to the first. Were that the only end to it, he would be lucky. However - all three waves still travel forwards, and blast along his body _again_. Vega returns to his feet - but it's slower, this time. Much more so. Clothes smoking, he simply grins, and wipes at the blood trickling from his mouth.
"Hell still hasn't claimed me yet, Yagami.."
Scowling as his rapid expenditure of energy worked even -better- than planned, Iori whips his hand back through his hair. "Hell is too good for you, monster..." he rumbles, shaking his head. And what, exactly, would he follow up the preceding rounds of attack with? More of the accursed Orochi flames?
No. He just dashes into a brief run to cover the distance, swinging his right palm overhead before bringing it down like a guillotine at the back of Vega's neck. He's still running at this point, though -- and if he gets a moment, he'd continue charging into a shoulder tackle with the same side. "Arrogant =scum!="
COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Vega with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Vega
There's a thick sound of bone one bone as Iori rushes past Vega - the Shadaloo man holding still as if preparing to protect himself from the attack. And missing. Or letting the attack occur. The drive-by by Yagami catches him full, and almost drops Vega to one knee. However, he recovers, simply in time for the shoulder tackle to take him into one of those concrete walls. The building crumbles around the impact - and there's a grunt of pain escaping Vega's chest. But still, that wide grin holds onto his face - the blood is more pronounced, his gums deep red now, white teeth stained with the dripping fluid.
"Arrogance is reaching beyond your grasp. I do not do such." With that, he reaches for Iori's jacket with his psi-wreathed grip, scrabbling for a good handhold - should he get it, Iori will get his turn against the concrete wall, with not only the force of Vega's might - but also the wave of psychic power that follows.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Iori with Psycho Fall.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Vega
Words fail. Buildings crumble. The ground opens wide. Light beams from Vega's hand rush out to Iori's jacket, snaring him completely, and Iori gets to feel what it's like to be on the receiving end of an entirely-too-quick trip to the concrete wall. Chalky dustclouds fill the sky in the wake of his collision, his tall frame shuddering, but through it all... Iori's still in one piece. That might not last long, though.
At least he's done spouting 'meaningful' phrases. Damn emo goth doesn't know the right time to share his angsty diatribes against the dictator's madness... but he =does= know how to throw his fists out. His left hand arcs overhead, cutting a clear path through the dustclouds en route to Vega's hideous visage -- but when Iori steps forward -this- time, the follothrough involves raking his talons across the overlord's ribcage. More blood for everyone! "GURAAAAAAOH!"
COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Iori's Yumebiki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Vega
The lack of having someone to talk to is a sad thing. Witty threats and banter is always a good thing for the Shadaloo leader. He's always loved the ability to match wit with those that he considers equals. And in this case, he truly believes he's found someone worthy. After all, this fight has been brutal, violent and at a blurred speed that so few could follow. All that Vega could hope for.. except perhaps with just a little more pain than he expected.
Vega braces as Iori yells and screams, ready for the man's new assault - in fact, perhaps more ready than the other man can know. As the hand comes in, Vega's own grip moves to catch at his wrist, to slow his attack, the raking along his stomach only opening small wounds - certainly nothing compared to the damage before. Vega's grin grows wider, now. Close to the other man, near enough to touch - what better time to take the man on a trip?! "SLOW!!" Vega yells, and as he does, he falls forwards, the psi that envelops his hands blazing into life and engulfing him completely - the man lauches himself, as if trying to push himself into and _through_ Iori. If Vega connects, they're probably going to end up _inside_ the building - or else something between Vega's fists and the concrete is going to break.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Iori with Psycho Crusher'.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Iori 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Vega
This... might sting.
Iori does, to his credit, know how to take a beating properly. Once Vega catches his wrist, he knows he's screwed, and braces accordingly. Not that it's going to do much for being plowed through a concrete wall, but hope springs eternal. The wall crumbles, the building teeters, and anyone outside the battle is probably going to have a really tough time seeing into the lawyer's office from all the dust and debris churned up. Iori himself? ... Well, just give him a moment to peel himself out of the desk.
Of course, when he does, the man's going to come out punching. The red-haired man takes one wild swing through the darkness, before following up with a crushing knee aimed at smashing the overlord in the groin. His life's been threatened, after all... he really sees no reason to hold back. "HWOOOOOOOOAH!"
COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Vega with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Iori 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
Through the dust and debris, Vega steps forwards. Iori's close, he can still sense that energy - that fighting spirit that has been smashed down. And through that, Vega approaches - boots crunching through the crumbled plaster and over the files of criminal cases that were completed or closed. Pushing the dented remains of a filing cabinet out of the way, he growls. "Get up, Yagami! This is not over yet!"
And in that, he's given an answer - as Iori blasts through the smoke and dust, Vega is prepared again. The overhand smash is smoothly dodged - the tips of Iori's knuckles breezing along Vega's chin. As he leans back, however - his stance widens to compensate. And with that - an opening for Iori - almost literally. Vega will eventualy learn to protect himself in such a vital area. At the moment, however, he's unable to block or deflect the blow, and it doubles him up, over to his knees. He hisses out a growl of pain, and the emotions simply feed his power - letting him pull on the untappd reserve he has not yet touched. "Hnn.. Hnn.. Is that all you have, Yagami? Is that all you can bring to this fight?" he braces, and the psychic power around him reaches a fever pitch, engulfing him again. And again.. he beckons, hand outstretched. ".. Prove me I was right in offering you this position, Yagami."
COMBATSYS: Vega focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Iori 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
"Haven't I already?" intones Yagami in reply, fingertips spread like wary claws as his boots crush little bits of plaster and smashed wood throughout the office. Sucks to be the janitor here, seriously. Scowling, he strides towards Vega, alternately releasing and balling his hand into a fist. Blackness threatening the edges of his vision, the red-haired man steps towards Vega, cornering him in... and then howling with rage, "Don't start what you can't finish!" Stepping in with an overhand strike to the overlord's head, he follows up by reversing into a backhand, fully intending to leave a Vega-shaped dent in the plaster wall. Iori's pissed... but still aiming to assert his role in the fight here. "GURAAAAAAOH!"
COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Vega with Yumebiki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Iori 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Vega
"I always finish what I start, Yagami!"
With that, Vega steps into the attacks, offering himself up to Iori's assault. Today, he will show the man what true might is. What the leader of Shadaloo is capable of. And today, he will show the law firm what a phenomenal cost it is to work in Metro City. The hits that Iori throws are beautifully executed, crushing into Vega's cheek, and then sending him into the wall, head-first. Vega's hands catch himself, push him out of the wall - the structual support bent, almost broken. The roof above buckles and groans as he pulls himself away from it to face Iori, that grin, that crazed, psychotic smile not leaving his face. Not at all. Instead, he throws his head back, and laughs - his voice distorted with the blood that collects in his throat. It's spat aside, bright red fluid coating one of the grey pieces of rubble.. and then he pushes his foot against the pillar.
Breaking it.
As the roof buckles, Vega launches himself forwards again, the buildin coming down behind him, leaving a trail of destruction behind the purple-wreathed warrior, a burning blaze of power, anger and destruction. All for Iori!
COMBATSYS: Vega can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Iori 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Iori dodges Vega's Psycho Crusher'.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Iori 0/-------/=======|
Growling in anger, Iori backs away from Vega. Any time someone laughs like that, it's probably not a good sign. A glance is spared upwards to the impending catastrophic loss of structural integrity. =In= this building is =probably= not a good place to be, after all. Iori -- perhaps wisely -- backs for the nice big hole he'd left in the wall.
And the walls come tumblin' down... by the time he reaches the fissure, Vega's already barrelling down on top of him. A last-ditch dive to the right is enough to carry himself out of the way as Vega rockets on past. It'd be... fairly easy for Vega to escape, Iori realizes upon climbing to his feet.
That's why he grabs an overturned file cabinet and chucks it after Vega, hoping to blast him out of his flight. "I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET, VERMIN!"
COMBATSYS: Iori takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Iori 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Iori has ended the fight here.
Somwhere, down the street. *filecabinet*. Thud. At least Vega manages to get to his VTOL before he collapses. Oof.
And Iori dashes on out before the remnants of the building can totally collapse on top of him. Only... he doesn't get to see the fruits of his labor. Curses.
Log created by Iori, and last modified on 12:11:31 01/15/2006.