Kim - May Lee: Lesson 2!!

Description: A second lesson for May Lee, Wonder Hero!! Will her skills prove true in the terrain of a vast and terrible forest?! How much has her justice grown?? WILL SHE CRIT HIT COUNTER?! ... Yes. Yes, she will.

Southtown's forests have always been a peaceful place. --Relatively speaking of course. In comparison to the trouble that seems to occur in Southtown itself on a daily basis, this place is a haven for all those seeking to hide themselves away in some little nook and cranny of nature... and simply relax.
Alternatively, it serves as a wonderful ground for training in 'real life' scenarios!
The truth is, in a town like this, hardly ANYONE comes to this forest in order to simply relax! No, no. Even if it was originally their intention, usually some evil overlord gets in their way and they start some sort of epic battle or another. And while the Kim Dojo was good every now and then for sparring lessons and improving technique, one can't really get a good /grasp/ of fighting until they've done it in a more diverse terrain like this.
Which is why, deeper into the forest, towards the very heart of it, is one Kim Kaphwan, stretching out his legs and doing a lengthy, complicated series of warm up exercises while he waits for his student. He's heard that May Lee has entered the League, after all, so he is intent to train her up a little more so that she's more prepared for any other upcoming fights she starts! For now, once he finishes his exercises? He crouches, smiles, and waits.

The footsteps. Can you hear the rushing footsteps? Charging, crushing leaves underfoot and making way with a youthfulness and vigor only found with a true Servant of Justice?! Bursting out from between trees, the girl leaps a wide skipping step, clutching a paper-wrapped box with a small rope tied around it and a little bow on top. It would look cute, if it wasn't brown paper wrapping and twine, no doubt.

"Ahhhhhhh~!" May Lee lands with a crish-crash of leaves underfoot, dressed a little informally for the occasion-- though she does have her gym bag slung over her shoulder, if that counts? "Forgive my tardiness, Kim-sensei! I had to make a most important stop at the post office to pick up a very important package!!" Please, don't mind the label from a resin kit manufacturer, it most certainly couldn't be something so trivial as--

"The new figure I ordered had just come in. It was backordered for so long!"

Well, it is. May Lee drops her bag to the ground while carefully setting the parcel down beside it, dusting off her pants and knocking her bangs out of her eyes. Her breath caught, her hands ball up into fists. "Ah! Just look at that beautiful sky." Without skipping a beat, she starts stretching out her legs with a large dopey grin.

Hm?! Kim hears footsteps coming from just in front of him. Coming fast. Though he stays crouched, his legs tense, ready to pounce at a moment's notice. If it's an enemy, after all, he can't allow them to take him by surprise!! After Kim and May Lee's fateful encounter with Vega, he has to be prepared, for anything! The defender of Justice's eyes narrow a bit, head tilting curiously, and then it comes!!!
... A late student! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!
Well. That was hardly unexpected at all. Kim subtly relaxes as May Lee charges in, taking a glance at the bag she holds. ... She was late because of an action figure?? Kim just sort of blinks as he peers at the bag, then back at May Lee, then at the bag again... and he laughs. It's good-natured, of course, not meant to at all mock the Tae Kwon Do student. "I suppose that's okay! Just make sure to be on time next round of training!" He offers a friendly grin, his teeth practically /shining/ despite the thick cover the trees provide.
"Or else you'll have to run two hundred laps, alright?" It'll be good training!!
Still, Kim straightens up into a standing position, rolling his head and relaxing the muscles there. As soon as May Lee is done stretching, he falls into his fighting stance, hands held up and eyes bright. "This is going to be a lesson to get you more used to fighting outside of dojos and arenas. A lot of League Matches aren't in standardized arenas, so you'll need to be prepared!" He lifts a hand, and beckons. Let's do this! "Alright, May Lee! Whenever you're ready, come at me with all you've got!"

COMBATSYS: Kim has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kim              0/-------/-------|

One, two, one, two! It's all in rhythm, and knowing oneself! Fortunately, she isn't in trouble for her tardiness-- and as for her punishment if she's late one more time like this? She ... smilse?! Nobody ever said she wasn't a little weird, despite her enthusiasm. May Lee tugs on her gloves a little and wiggles her fingers, twists at the waist, and then pulls off a nice little in-place backflip before throwing her arms out to the side. "Ready!"

As for her opening assault, she knows to take things a little easy-- though against an opponent like Kim, it needs to be easy, powerful, and right up in his face! Hopping once or twice, she sprints at the man with all the vigor of a young lass in the springtime of her youth! Opening high would leave her far too open for a counterattack, and going for something silly and unexpected like a punch or forearm strike would probably get her a more taunting smack. So once she's in range, she spins, lashing out her leg with a fierce kick. "Here I come!"

COMBATSYS: MayLee has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
MayLee           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Kim

[OOC] May Lee forgot to swap Hero Mode out again. XD;;

[OOC] Kim laughs. XD

COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits Kim with Medium Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
MayLee           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0              Kim

There she goes, charging at him. Her confirmation is given with a nod and a grin, "Then let's give it all we've got!!" And it seems that May Lee is prepared to do so! That kick comes flying and Kim is just /slightly/ too slow to get out of the way of it. He moves, to skirt /just/ out of the way of the assault, but May Lee's leg still knocks fairly hard into the man's side, sending him stumbling just a little. Still, he flashes a bright grin and a nod, giving the thumbs up.
And then he's off his feet, in a leap that sends him /high/ into the air. His destination is pretty obvious, though -- he's landing /straight towards/ May Lee, legs bending at the knees. "OOORYAA!!" And when he gets close enough, he releases a lightning-fast series of bicycle kicks, intent on knocking the girl's upper body and sending her crashing to the ground!

COMBATSYS: MayLee counters Hishou Kyaku from Kim with Self Rebellion.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
MayLee           0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0              Kim

Off to a great start, it seems! May Lee pauses momentarily with the impact of her first kick, getting a good feel for landing a solid attack like that, right off the bat. The young superhero in training falls back a step-- especially as her master throws himself into the air and begins his ever-famous Hishou Kyaku. She's felt it's might once before, and knows that at this range, it may as well be certain death! Coiling up her arm and leg, the first strike smacks against the side of her arm. Pushing the initial kick aside, she steps right in with a forward, powerful kick that shoots right beyond the second of the rain of kicks and smacks him right back and away. "HAA! Once more, with feeling!"

That wasn't exactly /expected/. But it does hurt, quite a bit! Kim's eyes snap wide for a brief moment as May Lee smacks that kick into him, going flying back and away. He lands solidly on the ground some distance away -- but he still lands on his feet, with a wide grin. Man, that hurt a little! May Lee is starting to improve, he can see! "That's great!! Good job, May Lee!" Really, she put some extra 'oomph' into that one, didn't she! But he's not standing still for long. Rather, he's charging right at her once more, leaping into the air in a swift spinning kick meant to smash into her right shoulder when he is close enough. "HUAH!!"

COMBATSYS: MayLee dodges Kim's Light Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
MayLee           0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0              Kim

One could say it's an improvement on her skills, that she worked her patoot off in order to come as far as she has in such a short time. Mostly, it's a response to her frequent losses as of late-- in a strange sense, getting beat on makes her only meaner, tougher, harder to shut down than ever before! May Lee demonstrates this once more by making a swift twist to her right, her right shoulder ducking back and away from Kim's kick.

Taking this one step further, the girl bends at the knees and spins hard to her right and continues this built momentum. Given that Kim's speed and the lack of striking her body carries him out further than what would be a perfect foot sweep range, she jumps out of the crouch in a manner much akin to a frog, lunging out at Kim and attempting to strike -him- with a flying kick!

COMBATSYS: Kim just-defends MayLee's Light Kick!

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
MayLee           0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0              Kim


She's improved immensely since their last sparring match. It seems getting out and getting the chance to fight other people have given her the experiences she needed in order to improve herself! Which is good, because it means she can only improve even more from this point on! That's why, even as she evades his attack, Kim smiles wide and nods happily. Good! She's coming at him with a flying kick of her own? Even better! Kim's reflexes are razor sharp, so even as May Lee flies at him, he snaps a single leg forward... and strikes it heel-first at her own. The power of the strike is enough to simply completely /cancel/ the force she exerted behind her own strike, leaving the girl to fall to the ground --
Where Kim is waiting with one leg raised in the air.
That leg crashes to the ground, with such intensity that the very earth beneath them shakes, intent on driving May Lee right off her feet from the vicious, fast-moving shockwave.

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits MayLee with Haki Kyaku.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
MayLee           0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0              Kim

CRASH! Oh, if only one was there to take a photograph, to see those strikes so beautifully and gracefully nullified against each other. One could almost see lightning emerge from that collision of Taekwondo titans! May Lee brings both legs down swift and true, landing on the balls of her feet-- just as that foot slams against the ground. How does one guard against a shockwave? They don't, per se-- though the girl brings her hands down to steady her legs and press one hand to the ground to give herself better footing. She rocks back and lands on her bottom with a 'oof!' and rolls onto her side, though she is not to be deterred!

Standing up once more, the mighty heroine makes a rather sudden and surprising leap at Kim, looking as if she were to pounce right on him. Instead, her hands grasp at his collar as her entire body makes a sudden, powerful -rock- over his head. If her grasp is successful and her mid-air leap to progress, a dropkick will be planted at the center of his back, with room for her to spring away to the land of safety!

COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits Kim with Swan Cycle.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
MayLee           0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1              Kim

Well... Kim /sees/ the attack coming, but apparantly he's not quite fast enough to put up a decent guard in time. Thus May Lee succesfully grasps onto his collar, eyes wide as she leaps and sends him flying with her... just in time to slam that foot into his back. Oof! Down Kim goes, sailing to the ground, landing in a harsh crash that sends him rolling across the ground. But, if anything -- Kim Kaphwan is quick to recover, leaping back onto his feet with the greatest of ease and offering a bright smile at May Lee.
"Great! But remember -- keep a good eye on your environment!" And, too demonstrate... Kim kicks a single, small rock into the air, before leaping, spinning gracefully to knock the chunk of hardened earth with a spinning kick, sending it flying for May Lee - to smack right between her eyes. "KYAAA!!" It's not incredibly large, but still moves speedily with the strength of Kim's kick behind it!

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits MayLee with Thrown Object.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
MayLee           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1              Kim

Fly, froggie! Fly free! Fly to the endless blue yonder! Soon coming back down to earth, May Lee lands flat on her feet. Turning around, May Lee has just enough time to contemplate the physics of a chunk of earth moving with such forces, and the level of care one must take to not scatter the dirt everywhere on that first shot. Realizing just how fast it's coming at her, she turns to dodge, though it still glances across her forehead and spins her off-balance. Stumbling a few steps and holding a hand to her head, it takes her a few seconds to work through the sting. "A-Owwww!" Holding off for a moment, she rubs the dirt out of her eyes and turns back to her teacher with a rather intense gaze. Oh, now he's gonna get such a -hurt-!

COMBATSYS: MayLee focuses on her next action.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
MayLee           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1              Kim

Considering her teacher, May Lee shouldn't really be contemplating the physics of /anything/ other than how to get out of the way. Which she doesn't, inevitably leading her to this point. Kim waits for her to begin her assault again, but when she doesn't, he blinks. "You must remember to not give up your assault, even for a second! Stopping at the wrong time could prove fatal!" And to emphasize, Kim moves forward just a little bit... and then knocks another rock into the air. This one /considerably/ larger, one that he sends flying at May Lee again with another powerful kick. "HYAAA!!" Well, he's going to keep chucking rocks at her until she moves. This much should be readily apparant!!

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits MayLee with Large Thrown Object.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
MayLee           1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1              Kim

It seems that her focused stare, her powerful intent ... was -too- powerful. May Lee once again prepares to move, though this time the rock swats her right between the eyes, the girl dazed as she pitches backwards and lands once again flat on her backside. "Ghh--Ow!" she declares, rubbing her face and eyes welled up with tears. Hitting the nose is a sensitive point, you know! "Q-Quit that!" the girl shouts in reply, standing up and rubbing the tears out of her eyes.

Surging forward, just as he said to, May Lee ignores the dramatic thin trickle of blood that runs down the sides of her nose from the tiny cut on her face. Plunging herself into the depths of combat once more, she brings her leg up for a swift kick to the kidney, followed by a more powerful blow meant to knock him right upside the noggin. "HYAAA!"

COMBATSYS: Kim blocks MayLee's Lightning Needle.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
MayLee           1/----===/=======|=======\=------\1              Kim

There we are! The fight can finally continue now! Kim smiles a little and shakes his head as May Lee speaks. "You can't expect your opponents in the league to give you any mercy, May Lee! They'll use any advantage they have -- even if it's you stopping for a second when they are fully prepared!" But his reprimand, if it can even be called that, is hardly harsh. And when May Lee rushes at him, he is prepared to intercept her once more, using one hand to block that kidney-shot, while the other snaps up to keep her from smacking him in the head. "Better!" He nods approvingly, and then... goes in to strike!
His move is rather simple. An open-palm thrust, meant to slam into her shoulder. It won't exactly hurt, but the force should be enough to throw her off balance, and set her up for a very sudden slam of his knee into her stomach, meant to send her tumbling back! "HUAH!!"

COMBATSYS: MayLee interrupts Quick Punch from Kim with Rougetsu Kourin.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
MayLee           0/-------/----===|=======\====---\1              Kim

Perhaps it's just a flaw of her character to be set off like that, but -- but he kept throwing -rocks-! That so wasn't -fair-! May Lee grunts as her kicks are blocked in sequence-- and then the strike to the shoulder. It's odd, but she keeps right on her balance-- moreover, instead of falling back, her foot hooks up to cover the range of Kim's knee driving forward. Moreover, she plants her own foot right into his stomach with an incredibly fierce -stomp-. With barely a moment's hesitation, she spins around quite mightily, foot trailing the sparkling glittering light of JUSTICE!! as it crashes so severely into Kim's body, propelling him off to the side. Do not underestimate her skills!!

The stomp was a bit of a surprise, sending Kim staggering back a little. But May Lee forgets!! Kim has a +50 bonus against Justice attacks! So it is that, when she comes flying at him, he can't do much about him, sent propelling through the air by the might of the blow. But when he lands, he lands on a TREE, feet first, a wide grin gleaming with JUSTICE and brown eyes full of /determination/. One solid push is all he needs to rocket off, coming flying like a madman at May Lee with elbow and knee outstretched, intent on slamming her with both simultaneously. "HUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"

COMBATSYS: MayLee dodges Kim's Strong Punch.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
MayLee           0/-------/----===|=======\====---\1              Kim

A plus +50 bonus against Justice?! Madness!! Madness, she says!! No man could ever have such great power! However, May Lee will not deny the fact that she is left in awe as Kim turns the attack around and lands upon a tree, the very bark beneath his feet splintering and cracking from the great forces that empower them. However, her anticipation is mighty-- and with that very anticipation, she makes a rather swift cartwheel manuver off to one side, the might and speed enough to drive her into a slide on her feet across the earthen ground as he zips beyond.

"Amazing!" she compliments him with bright and starry eyes, before remembering herself and her training at hand. No! This is not the time to stand in awe of your legendary teacher's ability! May Lee slaps her cheeks and shakes her head, lips pouting out and brow furrowed. Charging ahead, May Lee runs after the mid-flight Kim and gives him just enough time to get his bearings before her leg whips around with a stern and powerful assault, one meant to unsteady his footing and grant her the room to attack further!

COMBATSYS: Kim dodges MayLee's Medium Kick.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
MayLee           0/-------/----===|=======\====---\1              Kim

May Lee is moving fast today! Kim is impressed as she manages to get out of the way of his assault, nodding once to her as he straightens. "You're doing great! Your reflexes have gotten a lot better!" Well, they've always been good, but -- he's sure she knows what he means! Legs slide out, and relax in preparation. No need to be tense, after all... he just needs to be alert! So, when May Lee rushes at him, he flashes a smile, tenses his legs and--
Is no longer there when the girl's kick slides in, the blow slamming nothing but air. And where is Kim?
Flipping through the air DIRECTLY above her!
His legs have spread from side to side as he flips towards May Lee, having every intention of not only slamming her with /one/ foot, but the other as well as he finishes the flip, to send her crashing to the ground -- and allow him to land in splits, eyes alight!

COMBATSYS: Kim successfully hits MayLee with Hangetsu Zan.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
MayLee           0/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1              Kim

May Lee twists! May Lee turns! May Lee-- turns totally the wrong way. A failed attempt at a dodge, no doubt, the first foot slamming home and the second soon after knocking her flat on her face. She could've planned that better, surely. Are her reflexes truly becoming better, or was this the result of poor planning? Opting to catch her breath while she's down, she re-evaluates her position and strategy. Perhaps she should try harder to reach the point of victory?

Hands slapping the ground and pushing up to a squat, the girl's eyes have the sparkle of resolve. Before Kim can fully recover from his split, while he's still low to the ground, she again makes a hop-- though not so much to plow him over the head or tackle him to the ground. Both legs lash forward in a dramatic thrust, looking to drop-kick him square in the chest.

COMBATSYS: Kim dodges MayLee's Strong Kick.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
MayLee           0/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1              Kim

Trying to take advantage of Kim's current, dramatic split position?! How clever! May Lee gets points for that, at least, but unfortunately -- she's not quite fast enough. Kim sees the attack coming for him as it flies free, and in that very moment, he does something that might seem awkward or unnaturally for some, but works rather well for him. The second those legs is about to thrust into his chest? Kim just collapses to the ground, flat against his back, legs spinning to curl inward into his chest. The kick flies harmlessly past him, but he doesn't give a second's hesitation.
The moment he sees May Lee flying over him, he takes advantage. Using his hands as leverage, he PUSHES off them to slam a single foot into May Lee's back. And if it connects? That's when he unleashes with a series of rapid-fire bicycle kicks to launch May further and further into the air, a final one to kick her /away/ from him. Reverse Hishou Kyaku, anyone?!

COMBATSYS: MayLee blocks Kim's Hishou Kyaku EX.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
MayLee           1/-------/=======|=======\======-\1              Kim

It's an awkward, physics-defying position that she's stuck in right now. Her eyes widen as he flattens himself to the ground, but he has the ability and foresight to counter right out of the horrible position with a brilliantly modified version of one of his most well-known attacks! Powerful legs snap outward in a spiral, adding a spin to her abandoned dropkick-- and allowing her to get her arms out to defend herself. Her elbows bent slightly, it allows for her to take the series of kicks across the forearms and palms, using that last devistating kick to not only be kicked away, but to -push off- from the assault. The landing is a little haphazard and not all that great, but-- just-- -ow-. Her forearms red with welts, she shakes out her hands to work out the unsteadiness and burn from the attack.

She's tired, to say the least of it. The attacks are relentless and powerful, and leave little room for her to properly navigate. But if she goes on the offensive, he might start kicking -rocks- again...! Cringing, she hops on the balls of her feet and makes a running charge forward. Though she brings her leg up to kick, it proves to be a feint as her leg draws back swiftly, instead lashing out with a lunging haymaker elbow meant to swat him across the chin!

COMBATSYS: Kim blocks MayLee's Medium Punch.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
MayLee           1/-------/=======|=======\======-\1              Kim

She's reacting pretty well! The awkward position she manages to take in order to block the attack makes Kim blink a little, but still! She manages to block it in time, good for her! And even though May Lee seems to still be able to keep going, she's beginning to tire down. Still, her resolve almost brings a tear to his eye. She's lasting much longer than she did in their last sparring match, that's for sure! But he can still see the feint for what it is, and as that haymaker is flung at him, a single hand lifts to block it. He doesn't budge in the slightest, but... almost immediately after, he leaps far and away from May Lee, landing steadily on his feet.
"Alright!! May Lee, you've been giving this your all, I can tell. So I... will give it my all too!"
And that's about when he leaps at her. Flying towards her...
... upside-down.
A single foot slams downward, to knock her in the back of the head. And, if he strikes true...

COMBATSYS: MayLee fails to counter Hou'ou Tenbu Kyaku from Kim with Self Rebellion.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kim              0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: MayLee can no longer fight.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kim              0/-------/--=====|

Kim's foot slams down into the back of May Lee's skull, to send her crashing towards the ground. But before she can, a straight vertical kick SLAMS into her jaw, sending her flying upwards into the air. It doesn't end there. Kim leaps up further, and kicks May Lee again, higher. As soon as he hits the ground, he is up in the air again, kicking her even /higher/ than before. And he doesn't /stop/ this rather brutal process for the longest time, until the numbers reach the tens. On the final kick, however, Kim knocks his student to the ground with two, vicious spinning kicks, both slamming into her side with incredible force.
Hoo! Maybe he overdid it a little.

For a moment, it enters her mind to try to deflect this-- to turn it around and see if it can be countered in her favor. But ... alas, no. His kick and his timing are much too great. Her head goes down-- then up-- then into the sky! Bouncing from kick to kick like so much a rag doll, May Lee seems to be in a bit of a bad way. Back, forth, and all around, May Lee recieves the crushing blow to the side last, sprawling and rolling along the ground on her side before skipping off her gym bag like an odd ramp from the velocity, arcing up and swatting into a tree. She falls, rolling off her head and shoulders in a backwards way, laid out on her back and cuddled up next to her parcel and her gym bag.

Stunned? Well, yes, I would think so.

Wow. May Lee went bouncing around an awful lot. Kim almost feels bad -- but it could have been worse. Despite what he said, he didn't go /quite/ all out on her, knowing she was so exhausted. So, as he lands, Kim gives a concerned glance towards May Lee as she curls up next to her baggage, crouching down a little so he can get a good look at her. "... Are you alright?" Hopefully so! Because as soon as she recovers, she'll have to do her regular training of tae kwon do. Though, on second thought... perhaps they should have done that first. Regardless, for now Kim will simply flop to the ground in a sitting position, hands settling neatly in his lap as he exhales a deep breath. "You're getting a lot better, May Lee! You should be proud!"

COMBATSYS: Kim takes no action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kim              0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Kim has ended the fight here.

It takes a few seconds for her eyes to uncross and the deep pain in her stomach to settle. Thank god she didn't go for a meal before heading out! Arms curling around her stomach, she continues to lay on her side and look dazed-- even as she blinks rapidly and seems to be coming out of her stupor. "Unnnnnnnnh..." is the reply to his question, sounding more and more like a teenager who doesn't want to get out of bed. May Lee grins, albeit a little on the lazy side-- hey, she's earned the right!! Unlike a certain -someone- who shirkes his chores, his training, and the proper ideals of Justice! "Thank you, sensei! Your kicks haven't lost their strength at all, either..." she says, waiting for her breath to catch up with the rest of her body. Maybe she better put that model together tomorrow-- she's going to be a little sore tonight...

Log created by Kim, and last modified on 21:27:25 02/22/2006.