Saishu - All Up in Her Grill

Description: An incredible meeting of foreheads and fighting spirits, wherein Xiangfei learns the true meaning of Saishu Tactics, which is like the true meaning of Christmas... only BETTER!

"Oh... oh god... ohhhh..."
The foodstand proprieter covers his face with his hands and leans over his empty stall, shoulders beginning to shake. There's a crowd of people around, mainly Chinese, and even a few staring out the windows of their inner Chinatown apartments at this scene of chaos. Dirty plates are everywhere on the stall's counter, a few shattered ones lying on the sidewalk. Bones with even the marrow sucked out and used kebab sticks litter the area in a short radius. Even stools are overturned -- all except one. The one that is occupied, the user facing the ruined businessman.
Saishu Kusanagi crosses his arms behind his head, leans back on his stool, and lets out a loud belch.
And then he grins. Hugely.
"Ha ha! Delicious!"
"Oh god," weeps the salesman. "Forgive me, I'll never do an all-you-can-eat sale again, I swear, just give me back my store, please, oh god..."
Apparently unheeding, the aged champion of Kusanagi-ryuu gets off his stool gingerly, with a little 'umph', and begins to stretch himself, wincing occasionally.
The crowd remains stunned and appalled.

Being a local resident of Chinatown, or rather, having her sources here and there, one could -bet- that the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey of Southtown had caught word of an 'eating machine' hanging around at one of her favorite carts. At first of course, she laughed it off, because the description most certainly didn't match Kensou, but then there was genuine concern as people started asking her for help.
... That doesn't happen too often nowadays in Chinatown, so that was a shocker! Well the girl had no choice but to suit up and check it out, and if she were lucky, she'd get free food as a reward, and that's never a bad thing!
Enter Li Xiangfei, strutting her way down the sidewalk all dressed up for a winter day of thuggin' and buggin', baggy pants over her timberlands, and a heavy-looking, bright red SeanJohn hoodie as her top. But the bells, yeah, you gotta have the bells! She makes her way through the small gathering with a bit of a puzzled expression, until she finally makes her way to the stand and slaps her hands on the counter. It doesn't take her long to realize then that the rumors.. Were true. And it was horrible, quite a horrible nightmare, "N.. N.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" she wails, her fists raised in the air, tears streaming down her cheeks, "This cannot be!! Who?? Who is responsible for this travesty!" the chinese girl cries.. No.. She DEMANDS! Their punishment would be swift and brutal!

And then somebody's screaming!? This startles Saishu out of his stretching. This startles him so much, in fact, that he screams himself. "AAAAAHHHHHH!" he shouts, eyes wide, in perfect harmony with Xiangfei's own cry of despair. Though, strangely, he recovers immediately, and just stares calmly at her for a moment, eyes narrowing slightly as he reaches up to scratch at his pointy beard, dark eyes thoughtful. Until he hears her intention!
He grins. Hugely.
And steps for. "It is I!" he roars, eyebrows waggling menacingly. Er, sort of menacingly, maybe. "I have pillaged this food stand, for no man can stand against me and my incredible eating powers! Who are you, little Chinese girl?" Suddenly, his eyes snap wide, and gleam in the sunlight. Okay, so that's a little scary. "Do you dare to defy /me/!?"
Actually, this guy *is* kind of intimidating, if for no other reason than that he seems supremely confident. Just in general. Also, behind all this ridiculousness, there's a deeply analytical core to those bright eyes and a inscrutible nature to that wolfish grin...
It's quite possible that he does, in fact, remember Xiangfei...

Xiangfei, to an extent, recognizes Saishu as well, it's a wonder that she didn't pick him out sooner, maybe it was the shock of.. Well ZERO percent food that threw her into a moment of utter stupor! But yes, she recognizes him, in fact, he has inspired her to change her style just a -tiiiiny- bit, which today is known as 'Saishu Tactics'. BUT ANYWAY, Xiangfei? Only -slightly- intimidated, after all, a man who completely bricks against Chun-Li ain't no thing! "Do I dare... Defy?" she asks, this of course long after the simultanous yelling and calming a bit, "Wh.. H.. -Yeah- I defy you!" she cries, sort of holding up her arms and puffing up to try and look a little more intimidating... Fact is though, she's quite small, "You have some nerve! You come up in here and leave absolutly nothing for me, are you some sort of.. Of -glutton-?? And on top of that you come here not knowing who I am, I'm the Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey of Southtown, believe that! You're looking at the woman who's going to be the next 'Strongest Woman in the World' and you don't know who I am??" she hmphs, and points to the vendor, "Who am I!"
"Li Xiangfei!"
Xiangfei turns around and points to another random spectator, "I am?"
"Li Xiangfei!"
Another nod of her head, "That's right! You, Mister Kusanagi, have performed a very very big wrong! And as such, it's up to me to make it right, by making you witness my fury!" a pause, a good long pause, and then she crosses her arms, nose in the air, ".. Oh, and for the record, I could out-eat you any day of the week. It's true."

Saishu is scratching his beard again now, eyes sparkling warmly again as his grin just keeps widening. How does he *do* that? "Interesting," he says coolly, once she announces her defiance to the crowd -- but his grin ain't nothin' until she starts making the audience call out her name. His eyebrows shoot up dramatically.
"Now that," he murmurs to himself, "is what I like to see."
Shifting his feet slightly, the Kusanagi elder -- not much taller than Xiangfei, for the record -- straightens to his full height and raises a hand, cupping it slightly in the air. "Oho," he says with a smirk. "Next strongest woman..." But his composure appears suddenly blasted away by Xiangfei's final comment! His jaw drops and his hand balls mightly into a fist. "Whaat!?" he cries, now apparently furious. "No one can outeat Saishu Kusanagi!" Huh, so she *does* recognize him. Ain't that nice. Used to be young girls would recognize him all the time -- but that's another story. "But if you're hungry..."
His fist ignites, and again, he grins.
"...prepare to taste the delicious wrath of Kusanagi-ryuu Kobojutsu!"

COMBATSYS: Saishu has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Saishu           0/-------/-------|

Xiangfei jumps.. She seriously jumps, and almost leaps right out of her boots in the literal sense to Saishus mountain-shaking yell, "Woah!" well the imprtant thing was that at one fleeting moment, Saishu seemed to have been impressed. But Xiangfei is always looking to make a lasting impression, it's good publicity, which will one day equal good business! Now, she's not exactly sure why, but when Saishu boasts to be able to consume more food, that on top of pigging out at one of her favorite carts just annoys the waitress a liiiittle more, "LIES!" she cries, "You're dillusional! In todays day and age, it is youth that surpasses age, -especially- when it involves the munchies! But if you insist on on treating me to Kusanagi-ryuu, perhaps I shall interest you with!"
BOOM! Oh check out Li Xiangfei, clapping her hands togeather and making a couple of very quick hand signals that suddenly sends her chi roaring quite visably to life, a golden pillar of chi swirling, twirling, and sweeping about her form that makes the dangly material of the cart blow from the backwind, "I'll give you an all-you-can-eat, knock you out to lunch special! OOH!"

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Saishu           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0         Xiangfei

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Saishu           0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0         Xiangfei

"Heh heh..."
Saishu fist, still clenched, rises slightly higher.
"Heh heh heh..."
His eyes narrow.
"Heh heh heh... AHAHAHAHA!"
And eyes suddenly snapping wide, Saishu lunges forward crackling, his entire right arm suddenly engulfed in the red flames of the immortal Kusanagi spirit, leaping forward with startling spryness to throw himself bodily at the pillar of golden chi before lashing out with his arms in a windmilling motion and launching a powerful wave of that deadly fire at the smaller girl close-range, some of the impromptu audience forced to back away shielding their faces from the power of the heat.
"Thanks," he cries brightly, eyes still wide, "but I've already eaten!"
And then he twists, and unleashes a *second* wave of flame, equally badass to the first. Ohhh snap.

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Saishu's Homura Gasane.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Saishu           0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1         Xiangfei

If Xiangfei could see what her player just say, well.. She would very well crap her pants right then and there. It'd be disgusting, sure, but it's the only way to properly describe just how much BADASS Saishu just exhuded on her, and she managed to hold her guard!
Now, first off, the chinese girl is very confused about Saishus laughter, it didn't seem joyous, it was kinda of more on the weird side. On the other hand, it's rather contageous,
Xiang just can't help but grin as well, and she takes the glames dead on! With the assistance of her blazing chi of course, which aids in battling off that hardcore, dangerous Kusanagi flame, lurching back a little with a grunt, "NNggh!"
The crowd most certainly gets the heck back, and Xiangfei even is forced to backflip away as well before the fire breaks through her guard, "Whew, bbq special," and then, anger! "Yeah, I -noticed-!" she cries, "You left nothing, -nothing-!" Xiangfei dashes forward again, then leaps into the air with a twirl, looking to smack her heel into the old mans chest and hopefully make him stumble back a bit, "You ate the dumplings! You ate the lao main! You ate the rangoon! And the beef and broccoli!" she cries, about to cry again.

COMBATSYS: Saishu interrupts Light Kick from Xiangfei with Fierce Punch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Saishu           0/-------/-----==|=======\=====--\1         Xiangfei

"Ha ha! That's right!" laughs Saishu as Xiangfei flips away from his flames and then leaps forward aggressively, eyes bright with laughter and yet also keening watching the way she moves in preparation for attack. "I ate everything, and there's nothing you can do about it--"
And he calmly, neatly, catches her leg in the middle of her kick.
And pulls her in close.
That's right. Forehead against forehead.
And he sends her flying.
And he's *okay*.
Holy crap, Saishu.
"Ha ha!" the elder Kusanagi laughs, crossing his arms into his kimono sleeves and kinda leering at her. "You're pretty hard-headed, girl -- but no one's more hardheaded than Saishu Kusanagi!"

And there's a collective gasp. Sure, perhaps it's only common sense that the older of the two would have a more hellacious headbutt, but Chinatown knows the legend all too well! This girl busted through an X-Box!!
Quick recap: Xiangfei has a very 'no way!!' look on her face when Saishu catches her kick. Blows are traded, Xiangfei gets the shorter end of the stick and she surely enough is sent flying again, then crashes onto the cold floor, sliding along her back until she flips onto her stomach. There's a small moment of silence, and then the girl gets up, holding her head, "... No way.." she groans, is.. Is that a sign of a headache she feels? Impossible!
And dag nabbit if it doesn't make her angrier, "Yooou!" she cries in fury, and she flips out, flailing her arms as she sprints at her elder once more, "I dare you to try that again now that I'm -ready-! Ancient Chinese Secret Techique: FURIOUS XIANGFEI!" and she reaches to grab the man by his gi collar.. And is she's so lucky, she reels back and slams her forehead not once, not twice, but THRICE! "You're heartless! The spicy soup! The meat buns! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

COMBATSYS: Saishu interrupts Strong Punch EX from Xiangfei with Fierce Punch.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Saishu           0/-------/---====|=======\=====--\1         Xiangfei

[OOC] Saishu XD XD XD

[OOC] Xiangfei says, "CURSES!"

If the girl weren't so pissed off, maybe something would tip her off a little: the way Saishu just spreads his stance slightly, grins hugely, and just spreads his arms as though preparing to accept a big hug. Then again, maybe it wouldn't. Saishu does this sort of thing all the time. It's what he's famous for.
So he doesn't resist as she grabs him by the collar and furiously rears back, preparing to break his face with hers--
--and then he bashes his head right against hers, in the middle of her own headbutt. "Ha ha!" the elder Kusanagi cries out, and then "Ha! HA!" as he meets *each* of her headbutts with a furious headbutt of his own, the final one sending Xiangfei stumbling back *again*. "Yes..."
And then he lunges -- and finishes the combination with a /fourth/, and final, powerful headbutt.

And the chinese girl is at a loss. She just... Suddenly wakes up on the ground, staring up at the cold, blue sky, and she for amoment can't even remember -why- she's there. But then she remembers all too quickly..
Yes, it wasn't even just ten seconds ago that she was taking on Saishu, head on, to a head-to-head battle, unleashing an attack that many of her opponents fear. And Saishu.. That laughin' old man took it like a pro, and not only that, sent her again reeling back. Comically enough, in the exact same path and tumble she had taken previously; granted she didn't flop onto her stomach. She touches her forehead and winces, ".. rgh.." she can't see it, but she can feel the bruise there. For the first time in a while, Xiangfei was getting completely worn out in her own game! She sits up, one eye closed, the other eyeing Saishu, "Ooooh.. Th.. This isn't over yet old man!" she cries, pushing herself up to her feet, slaps her cheeks, and starts to prepare for some serious, fury, digging deep into her reserves to find that hidden power. One that will make her a GOD, "You will RUE this day, Mister Kusanagi!!!!" ...........
"... Just uh.. give me a second here.." and she starts to teeter left and right.

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei focuses on her next action.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Saishu           0/-------/---====|=======\=====--\1         Xiangfei

Saishu turns around, already having walked away a few paces, as though already finished! "Still not finished? Hmmm..." The elder Kusanagi quirks one eyebrow slightly, and crosses his arms into his kimono again, grinning quietly as he eyes Xiangfei up and down thoughtfully for a few moments... and then his grin widens as his eyebrows shoot up. "Very well!"
And he leaps over to where the ex-stall owner stands shocked and appalled, and lifts up the entire stall -- really just a flimsy wooden construction, couldn't possibly have taken long to build at all, couldn't be worth much really -- and hurls the entire freaking thing at Xiangfei, sending dirty plates flying everywhere.
"Eat this, hungry girl!"

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei fails to interrupt Large Thrown Object from Saishu with Strong Punch.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2         Xiangfei

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has reached second wind!

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2         Xiangfei

[OOC] Saishu says, "Faito!"

Xiangfei teeters... And totters.. But..
It was a feint!! Saishu shows great skill and deftly handling the stall so well, but Xiangfei plans to save the day, the night, -and- the girl too! Her arms are thrown to the side, in front, almost sentai-ish, "WaatAAAAH!!!" and she storms forward, using speed never seen before as she races at the cart and leaps to try and catch it. "OOOF!" Well.. Uh, it would have been cool if it worked. There's too much velocity there, and there's just a loud explosion of things breaking, crashing and shattering, pieces of wood flying everywhere, and heck it even causes a few shrieks! Ladies and gentleman, LI XIANGFEI is DEAD!

Oh ho, or so you would like to think, her hand raises up from the carnage, you know, like Super Shredder, and then her small form stands up, panting, wheezing, and now certainly looking like she's been in a heck of a fight, "C.. crap! I messed up.. B.. But, don't you worry, I still got a little somethin' somethin', *huff* left for you, you can believe that!"

Saishu's eyes snap wide.
"Gadzooks," he exclaims, "I killed her!"
But he looks relieved once she bursts free from the wreckage, and just pauses for a moment, looking thoughtful. "Ah, she's okay," he murmurs to himself -- before he grins.
"Guess I'd better fix that..."
But he doesn't do anything just yet, just watches her quietly, eyes glinting as the old man considers the girl before him, apparently quite content to just wait Xiangfei out.
"Really?" he says, with an unusual calm, clear tone. "Because it's quite alright if you just give up now, you know."
The scene is offset slightly by the vendor collapsing onto his knees behind Saishu, and beginning to wail in despair. Saishu appears not to notice.

COMBATSYS: Saishu focuses on his next action.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2         Xiangfei

".........." Xiangfei stares at Saishu for a moment, then yells, flailing her arms exasperatedly, "Don't -yell- about something like that!! That's just common sense!" Xiangfei takes a calm breath, rolls her shoulders, and then POINTS to Saishu, other and on her hips, "Give up??" she says, almost as if she were being insulted, "No sir, I am -determined- to bring you to your knees! You've only made a bad situation worse and as such, you will recognize my power!" there's a dramatic pause, but then she rubs the back of her head, ".. Uh, actually, I wanted to try that oooone more time. Statistically, I should have softened you up, for my finishing blow!" she steps out of the rubble, crouches slightly and curls her fingertips like claws, concentrating, concentrating, and then BOOM!
Chinatown citizens, or at least a good number of them, recognize this set-up, as a huge cloud of dust bursts behind her, and she suddenly blasts forward like a bullet. No more Mrs Nice Xiang here, now she's combining speed with power, traveling a totally SWEET 1337 MPH toward Saishu, her head extended rather than her shoulder and.. Well you know what's up. This is it.
The one headbutt.
The ultimate headbutt.
The TRUE headbutt.

Protip: Hold on to your butts. C_C

COMBATSYS: Saishu fails to interrupt Dai Tetsujin EX from Xiangfei with Fierce Punch.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Saishu           0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0         Xiangfei

Saishu's eyes widen as Xiangfei totally powers up.
"Im... impossible!" he declares dramatically.
And then Xiangfei totally headbutt bashes him in the face, and the Kusanagi master goes sprawling on the ground, rolling several times before rising to his feet. He brushes his nose with his thumb, and frowns slightly.
"Hmm," he murmurs darkly, "I underestimated your fighting spirit, girl." Though his eyes, admittedly, sparkle with inner mirth and enjoyment. "Truly, when you draw upon your true power, your headbutt potential is incredible." Then he straightens, and his eyes gleam with the Kusanagi flames within him as he stares piercingly at Xiangfei. "But!" he suddenly declares. "To defeat me, you must first understand... the art of Saishu Tactics!"

[OOC] Vega says, "Wasn't that a Squaresoft game?"

[OOC] Xiangfei falls over. XD

[OOC] Saishu demonstrates by opening a large book titled The Art of Saishu Tactics, admiring all the noseless people.

[OOC] Xiangfei ahahahahaah XD

Xiangfei did it! She did! At last!
Though lets be real, the fight is far from over, and she just exherted waaay too much to finally land that super attack, that BY THE WAY would have killed a lesser man! The neat thing is after contact, Xiang just stops in mid-air and drops to her feet, the bruise finally breaking and trickling blood down her face. And man, that's nasty. "Zero calories, atkins friendly, and kosher." she notes.
Xiangfei can't help but smile to Saishus recognition though, even if she is shocked that he's still standing. She's not sure how much she's got left in her! But no, the -real- floorer is when Saishu preaches to her, and she looks taken aback, "S.. Saishu Tactics? I... I understand those tactics! It's a flawed style that I was foolish to try to duplicate!" she cries, shaking a fist, and then runs once more to Saishu, and barrages him with a kung-fu combo, two palm strikes, followed by a snap kick to the side, "I don't want to follow your flawed style anymore! I represent my disappointment with this combination of attacks!"

COMBATSYS: Saishu endures Xiangfei's Quick Punch.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Saishu           0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0         Xiangfei

Now /this/ is a new one:
Saishu looks sad.
"You really don't like them?" he murmurs softly, looking a bit crestfallen. "Hmm..." But then she comes attack him, quite clearly announcing the symbolism inherent in her strikes, and slowly, that grin returns--
--and he lunges, crashing right through her attacks and completely ignoring them, fist igniting as he punches out directly at her face!!
"You," he barks loudly, eyes blazing, "understand /nothing/!"

[OOC] Xiangfei hulks up, and busts out with Chun-tactics!

COMBATSYS: Saishu successfully hits Xiangfei with Kamu Kakari.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Saishu           1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0         Xiangfei

[OOC] Saishu says, "This clearly demonstrates whose tactics are better."

"Ha ha!" adds Saishu, for emphasis.

Kung-Fu, they say, is a lot like mathematics. It's.. You know, got numbers.. And.. You know, you gotta manipulate them. And stuff. Anyway, Xiangfeis attempt to swerve from Saishus blow is a complete failure, and she howls in pain, oh the Kasanagi Flames! Oh how they burn so! MOMMA!
She's knocked flat on her back, but you know what? She totally just kip-ups back to her feet, wiping the blood trickling from her nose now with the back of her hand, "Oh -yeah-??" she cries, "-I- know what Saishu Tactics are! And I must say; if -I- has fire like that, I could brag all about it too! Tactics are something -anyone- can use or adapt in one form or another! Your Saishu Tactics are CRAP, good sir!" she makes a fist, "Now Guts! Guts is universal!" and then she takes a page from Kims book, raising her foot high in the air and then STOMPS, attempting to knock Saishu right off his feet! It's simply a manipulation of chi, m i rite?? "HYAAAAAAAAH!! FURY!"

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Saishu           1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0         Xiangfei

"As I said!" Saishu shouts in response, his voice cutting into Xiangfei's kiai and the sheer power of his words clearly also negating her attack. "You understand nothing of Saishu Tactics! If they had anything to do with flames, why, people would..." Then he pauses, scratches his beard for a moment, and then grins and shrugs. "Well, they'd probably call them Kyo Tactics, not knowing any better. The point is!" he continues abruptly, "The Kusanagi flames have nothing to do with it! The Kusanagi spirit, perhaps -- but the Kusanagi spirit is /embodied/ by Saishu Tactics!"
He takes a step forward, eyes blazing.
"When you have no fear of pain or defeat, placing no value on pleasure or pride!"
He steps forward again.
"When your overwhelming momentum is like an awe-inspiring, unstoppable avalanche!"
He steps forward, almost in Xiangfei's face now.
"When you drive yourself past your limits -- and do the same for your opponents!" And now he really *is* in Xiangfei's face, and his eyes are gleaming with more purpose than ever. "When you value the fight for the fight's own sake!"
He reaches out, and points at her, almost close enough to tap her nose.
"Then you will understand Saishu Tactics, little girl!"

COMBATSYS: Saishu takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Saishu           1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0         Xiangfei

..... Huh, that's weird, why didn't that work? Was is Saishus raging battle aura that completely negated it? Did she do something wrong? She doesn't have long to think about it though, because Saishu lay upon her the speech of all speeches, that she is forced to hear because you can't rapidly press the 'x' button to skip the dialogue.

She's forced to learn the truth, to understand! And holy cow if it isn't the most awe inspiring thing she has ever heard, possibly in her entire fighting career! Xiangfeis brown eyes widen to the size of saucers (sort of), leaning back as the old man gets up in her grill and makes sure each word is nailed into her spirited mind, "W... W.. Wh..." she sputters at last, and then she's totally fired up, "WOAH!! I.. I misunderstood the entire time! I've never heard of something so wreckless, yet so brave! I.. I.. I feel like I'm going to burst!" she crouches a bit, and yells at the top of her lungs, arms thrown out to the sides, "Aaaaaaaaaaah!! The knowledge!! It's overloading my body! Mister Kusanagi! Let's finish this battle before it's too late!" suddenly, the fight has a new purpose, and what that is uh.. Well.. The important thing is she bursts diagonally upward, a ring of smoke billowing below her feet as she attempts to slam her shoulder into Saishus chest, a newly lit fire in her eyes!

COMBATSYS: Saishu endures Xiangfei's Tenpou Zan.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Saishu           1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1         Xiangfei

And Saishu grins as he's never grinned before.
"Yes!" he cries mightily. "Yes! Yes!" He shakes his fists powerfully, eyes gleaming. "You understand! The true nature of Saishu Tactics! AhhhhhHHHHHHHH--!"
The Kusanagi elder sets his feet and takes the powerful shoulder slam like a man -- in fact, like a SAISHU MAN. The slam actually bounces *off* of him, causing the concrete street behind his feet to splinter and crack from the sheer force transferred directly into it. Saishu Kusanagi himself does not even flinch. His grin continues unabated.
He just tries to grab Xiangfei fiercely by the collar--

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei endures Saishu's Koto Moon Infinity.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Saishu           0/-------/-----==|=======\===----\1         Xiangfei

[OOC] Saishu says, "...Xiangfei."

[OOC] Saishu says, "You used DM/Alertness, and Resolve. For an /endure/."

[OOC] Saishu hands Xiangfei the official Saishu Tactics Expert award, and nods his head solemnly in recognition.

[OOC] Xiangfei XD

--and lifts her up in the air, and headbutts her.
Let's see that one again.
Saishu lifts her up in the air, and headbutts her.
Or rather, she's ignited by Kusanagi flames all over her entire body, and the heat is so sudden that it triggers combustion and the air all around her explodes -- but it's basically the same thing, because she totally goes flying omg.

[OOC] Vega says, "'Goes flying omg.'"

[OOC] Vega says, "I am dead from laughter. I just want you both to know."

[OOC] Saishu XD

[OOC] Xiangfei XD

Xiangfei understands all right, and she has to say, there is definatly a great joy in this.. in this Saishu Tactics. It's opened up a world of fighting that she had never experienced before, and it was good. It was great! She lands on her feet, and then is easily grabbed by the collar, "Do your wors- Fvewoih ioh oighoih"
Instant replay!
"Do your wors- Fvewoih ioh oighoih"
That's probably the only appropriate thing to say when you're suddenly bursting into flames, and are introduced to pain you have never, ever, ever felt before. I mean geez! Up into the air she flies, swirly eyed, lifeless... Or not so much lifeless, "OH SNAP!" her eyes widen, "I'm not dead!!" she flips into the air, another cloud bursts behind her (in the air!) sending Xiangfei ricochetting back at Saishu with super Kung-fu. She hits him with a very powerful kick, drops to her feet and single palm strikes toward the gut. It's followed by a double palm strike, and to finish it off? Not a shoulder rush, but a headbutt that'd make even Ralf proud to send the old man flying back.
Now.. hit or miss, the girl's just exheted too much energy, and she pauses.. Pauses.. Pauses.. after her technique, "... Uh oh."

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has reached third wind!

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Saishu           0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0         Xiangfei

COMBATSYS: Saishu endures Xiangfei's Chou Pai-Long.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Saishu           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0         Xiangfei

"... No no, I'm good!" :D

Kapow! Pow pow, kablamm! WHAPOW!
But if that's not descriptive enough:
Saishu gets hit by the kick, and by the palm strikes and crap, *and* by the super headbutt, dust bursting around him with every strike and the road beneath him taking more and more ridiculous amounts of damage as the Kusanagi elder literally just stands there and takes every hit. In fact, he even leans forward to *meet* the headbutt, the two fighters' heads going *crack* against each other.
There is an awed silence, from, like, everyone.
Then Saishu crosses his arms calmly, and nods once, solemnly.
"Truly," he says gravely, "you understand."
And he pulls out a medal from his pocket, which appears to be one of those toy fake sheriff's badges, and just tosses it at Xiangfei.
Well, at her face.

COMBATSYS: Saishu successfully hits Xiangfei with Thrown Object.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0         Xiangfei

Xiangfei just.. Whew, man.. Just.. Whew. This style is definatly taking it's toll on the girl, she's not sure how much longer she can keep going even if she does fend off the next assault! Which.. Sort of isn't an assault? .. Kinda? Anyway, her hand reaches out to try and grasp the medal and it instead smacks her right between the eyes, staggering back and nearly falls over, balancing on one foot...
And regains her footing! The medal falls into her palm, a nice red circle on her already red face, and she pockets the coin, "Aaaaaaaaaaah ha ha ha haa!!" she cries, walking over to Saishu then and gives him a good hard WHACK on the back. Oh heck, why not a slug to the arm as well, "You ain't as bad as I thought, Old man, you aren't bad at all!"

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei can no longer fight.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Saishu endures Xiangfei's Quick Punch.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|

Xiangfei rubs her chin lightly, seeming to be deep in thought, and then looks to Saishu with a raised finger, ".. Excuse me a moment." and she collapses face first to the floor.

"You're not so bad yourself," Saishu says cheerfully enough, grinning as he takes the whack on the back without flinching -- the stones beneath his feet crack a little more, the poor bastards -- and the slug to the arm. And then just watches as Xiangfei falls over on his face.
There's a long pause.
Then he nods approvingly, turns, and walks over to the still weeping ex-vendor, on his knees, tears streaming down his face, and the Kusanagi elder promptly reaches into his kimono sleeve and pulls out a surprisingly large wad of bills, which he tosses to the man. Surprisingly large. And then turns to walk away, past the fallen Xiangfei.
The man looks at the money, *really* looks at it, and looks up, totally gobsmacked, as though it were a winning lottery ticket fallen from the sky.
And Saishu glances over his shoulder as he walks -- and grins.
"Keep the change!" he barks loudly. "Ha ha!"
And then he's gone, as though he were never there.
Except for, you know, all the crap all over the place.

COMBATSYS: Saishu has ended the fight here.

Log created by Saishu, and last modified on 02:21:50 01/14/2006.