Saishu - When Vices Attack

Description: In a complete and bizarre coincedence, it looks like one of Rugal's secretaries wants to take on Saishu too! This fight was... fast and brutal. How appropriate!

Ah, such a lovely day in Downtown Southtown, the sun is high in the clear blue sky, and people are going about their business, children are licking ice cream cones and playing and... doing other things that children do, like scream for attention and bawl and suchlike. All completely unaware of the doom and pain that lurks in wait... like... uh... like an evil lurking thing, lurking in the shadows!
Because Vice, in her car with the blacked out windows, is waiting, and watching, and has been for a long time now. She is waiting, because she thinks that her target is going to be here soon, and she has enough distance between where she thinks he will be and where she is that she will be able to mow him down like the dirty dog he is...
Because today is the day that Vice will finally get revenge upon her most hated foe, the day that she will finally, once and for all put the nail in the coffin of that beloved fighter and family man...
Saishu Kusanagi...

Ah, such a lovely day in Downtown Southtown, with children eating ice cream and laughing and playing and shouting and screaming and a strange man in a green kimono chasing them around on the street--
--the hell?
"Ahahahaha!" cackles Saishu Kusanagi, waggling his eyebrows and grinning wolfishly as he prances around the street with arms outstretched, fingers wiggling at the screaming and laughing and fleeing kids. "Come to Saishu! I'll light you on fire! Ha ha! It'll be fun!"
After several minutes of this, the elder Kusanagi, patriarch of the ancient and fabled Kusanagi lineage, lets the kids go with their ice cream and stands in the middle of the street, crossing his arms in the sleeves of his kimono and grinning to himself, eyes twinkling in the light.
It's a perfect day to be random.

Vice growls... there, there is the target!
Her foot slams down on the accelerator of the car, uncaring for the safety of any of the little kids who might get in the way as the car hurtles forwards with a loud screech.
Quite suddenly, it seems, the elder Kusanagi would have to deal with a large car shooting right at him, a crazed red headed Orochi woman at the wheel, usually she would try and be a little bit more... personal but this, this was Saishu... and there was only one way to deal with that man...
Quickly and brutally, and with as many innocent bystanders taken out along with him as possible.

COMBATSYS: Vice has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vice             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Saishu has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vice             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Saishu

COMBATSYS: Saishu fails to interrupt Random Weapon from Vice with Strong Throw.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Vice             0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0           Saishu

Only one last child remains, watching with awe in her eyes as Saishu stands there, until the sound of the car picking up speed reaches her ears--
And Saishu Kusanagi, eyes gleaming and face suddenly totally serious, ever so gently pushes her out of the way. The young child looks up at him, startled, and the old man smiles gently down at her, eyes warm--
Until a car hits him and sends him sprawling.
The people around stop and stare, aghast.
And then he rolls to his feet, and they look even more surprised.
Yet no one else appears to be hurt.
"Ha ha, watch where you're going!" Saishu Kusanagi barks cheerfully the vehicle, and then he pauses, and his eyes narrow slightly as he focuses in on who's driving it. He pauses. And then, he smiles slightly, grimly. "I see," he murmurs. "So it's come to this already."

Vice growls deeply... she had hit the old geezer with a frickin' CAR and he was still standing?! Damn it, what did it take to -kill- this man?
With a scream born of pure fury, she leaps forwards, the seat belt rips out, the windscreen explodes in a shower of glass... and her hands are reaching out for the old mans neck...
To the poor little girl, it is like a demon from the very depths of hell has suddenly appeared on the scene to claim this mans life, Vice's face, so consumed by hatred, is contorted in rage, her roar nothing less than terrifying, already people are fleeing the scene, scared for their own lives...
And if Vice can grab Saishu's neck, she'll wrench him up and -SLAM- him into the ground, mere inches from the poor, terrified little girl.

COMBATSYS: Saishu blocks Vice's Mithan's Robe.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Vice             0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0           Saishu

The girl and the people around are completely terrified as Vice emerges from the shattered windshield like a shrieking demon, but Saishu just smiles softly and reaises his hand.
"Enough," he mururs, before slapping her grab aside negligently. "You'll scare the children--"
And then he reverses into a powerful uppercut, suddenly twisting as flames explode around his right hand and he leaps up into the air to blast Vice away and aside, suddenly grinning hugely, his eyes blazing with merriment.

COMBATSYS: Vice interrupts Oniyaki from Saishu with Gore Fest.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Vice             0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Saishu

Vice screams, the impact of the punch starts to throw her into the air, but she grabs Saishu's arm, "Scare the children?!" She shrieks, "If they don't start running, I'll kill them too!"
She wrenches Saishu up over her head, wrapping her arms around his waist, "Now shut up and _die_" She screams, before ploughing him head-first into the hood of the car...
Vice isn't playing about here, this isn't some fight with the idiot Shingo or the little girl Xiangfei, this is the real deal, this is Saishu, she _must_ destroy this man, every fibre of her being is focused on his utter destruction...
She will not let herself slow down until he is flattened into the ground.

Kablamm! The car's tires actually burst from the sheer force of the blow as Saishu's face is slammed into the hood of the poor vehicle -- and yet the old man emerges less damaged than the car, snapping his head up immediately and shoving Vice away, still grinning, though now his eyes are narrowed dangerously. "No you won't," he says darkly. "You're just a child yourself."
And then he lunges, hands igniting and eyes gleaming.
"I bet you don't even remember what happened between us."
Twisting on his heels, he rotates and emits two fierce and spinning gouts of the fabled Kusanagi fire at Vice, the huge explosions ripping through the air at her with concussive force... "Hou! HYA!"

COMBATSYS: Vice endures Saishu's Homura Gasane.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Vice             1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1           Saishu

Vice just keeps charging, the fire crackles over her clothing, burns into her body, but she just keeps ploughing on through, not letting it slow her down, not _allowing_ it to keep her down, she isn't done with him yet, how dare he try and keep her from him, how /dare/ he?!
"DON'T REMEMBER?!" She screams, "I'll show you what I don't remember!"
And then she is on him, body already trying to let her know she is in hideous amounts of pain, but she isn't listening to that, her eyes are truly wild with fury as she seeks out the mans shoulders...
If she can grab his shoulders, she'll wrench him into the air, and then -smash- him into the ground, packing enough force behind that blow to shatter the concrete as though it were nothing...

COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Saishu with Black End.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Vice             1/---====/=======|=======\==-----\1           Saishu

The street shatters as Saishu hits it face first, but again he rises, even though he appears to be bleeding heavily now. He's /still/ grinning, though it looks more dangerous than cheerful, now. "You show me nothing," he mutters, reaching out with his hand and lunging. "Just a mask of rage -- but you still haven't learned anything else, have you?"
And he attempts to grab hold of Vice's throat...

COMBATSYS: Saishu successfully hits Vice with Koto Moon Infinity.

[                          \\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Vice             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Saishu

...and lifts her up into the air, slams her face first onto the ground, lifts her up again -- and lights her on fire, before causing the air between them to explode in a shower of flame, sending her flying back.
"Go tell your master," he says quietly, eyes gleaming in the dying light of his own flames. "That I accept his invitation."
He closes his eyes, ignoring his own bleeding, and sighs.
"...and get a hobby or something..."

Vice screams in pain... the assault finally batters through her defenses and -forces- her to heel... she looks up at Saishu, and snarls.
"What invitation?" She asks... not that it matters, she is on fire... and bleeding, and quite seriously hurt, in fact... she was more than just pissed that she wasn't going to get to kill Saishu right now... she was also angry that her body was going to let her go down so _easily_ she isn't done yet! She still needs to -kill- this guy...
And then she is surging forwards, going for one last, desperate attack, packing every ounce of frustration and rage and fury into one last attempt to take him down with her... hand reaching out to grab his arm...

COMBATSYS: Vice can no longer fight.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Saishu           0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Saishu endures Vice's Negative Gain.

[                         \\\\\  <
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|

Saishu grins, and spreads his arms wide.

Vice grabs Saishu's arm and starts swinging him around, smashing him into the car, and then the ground, before grabbing his throat and charging at a blind run at the closest wall, smashing his skull against it with as much force as she possibly can, before finally just picking him up and hurling him at the ground.
For a moment it looks like she might still be standing, and then a little bit of blood trickles from the corner of her mouth, she spits the blood onto Saishu's face,
"Die already." She hisses... and then starts to fall, without any semblance of elegance, into a burnt, bloody, smouldering heap.
And hell, she'd even trashed her car... now she would have to _walk_ home!

Saishu, well, bounces off the wall. CONK. Then he staggers, somehow bouncing off the wall on his head *onto his feet*, and staggers around in a few circles, grinning dazedly, before collapsing.
The little girl walks up to him slowly, eyes wide.
"Mr. Saishu... are you okay?"
Saishu's eyes open a crack, and leaning up ever-so-slightly, he gives the little girl a blood-encrusted smile.

COMBATSYS: Saishu takes no action.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Saishu has reached second wind!

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Saishu           0/-------/--=====|

"--of course!"
And he leaps to his feet!
"Saishu always okay!" he shouts loudly, pumping his fist in the air.

COMBATSYS: Saishu has ended the fight here.

Log created by Saishu, and last modified on 02:15:21 01/14/2006.